Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)advice I am under administrative processing for 5 months
The problem here isnt the tourist visa, the problem is that you put a son that you dont have.
You traid to get a visa using as son of other person.
You say that he is like your son, but your intention at the moment looking for the tourist visa was show to the co a reason to come back to your country.
For them that is a big thing.
If he isnt your legal son , you cant put him in any document as your son, now they need to be sure that in the inmigrant process you havent put others false informations.

Edited by Ilovemyman, 19 July 2014 - 02:06 PM.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-19 14:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing
Congratulations in your issuance of visa.
Good trip and happy life atvthe usa :)

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-30 09:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing
Dont woorry, nothing you can do.
My interview was good , I was approved , no 221g was given , but I was put on ap and no visa yet.
My interview was on march 18, and put on ap on march 24.
I e-mail them but they dont say why the ap.
All we can doa in this noment is just wait.
Good luck and hipe our visas be issue soon.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-26 07:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)(F1 visa) What can be done besides just waiting administrative processing to be completed

Do you mean that the last day they worked on my case was the interview day!!?? This is insane!! It means that I am missing the semester!!

Another way that they update the date is when they answer e-mail, in my case they have updated my case almost 8 or 9 times but it is because they answer e-mails, when they answer e-mail the case is updated automatically, so really they havent worked on my case from my intervoew on march.
This is black hole, I hope that in your case doesnt take longer.
Maybe they issue the visa soon, I am sure of one thing, e-mails, calls or letters dont work and dont help to end the ap, I have done all that, now I am no going to e-mail them anymore. I am just waiting that someone wanted take a dessicion.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-06 07:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)(F1 visa) What can be done besides just waiting administrative processing to be completed

Well, at least someone can explain why the last Status Updated Date is the same day as the interview after 9 weeks!

Because that was the last day that they touch your case, ever times they touch your case theyvupdate the date.
About ap it is nothing you can do.
I was aporoved mu k1 on march 18, on march 24 I was put in,ap, it is 4 months now, and they dont say why.
Nothing we can do just wait,

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-05 21:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After 7 weeks of AP, CEAC Status say READY!!!
Congratulations I am so glad that your torture finished.
God bless you in your life.
This ap is big torture for people.
Congratulations I am so glad that your torture finished.
God bless you in your life.
This ap is big torture for people.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-14 20:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)VISA ISSUED!!!!
Congratulations, best wishes for you.
Thanks God your pain finish ans it wasnt long.
I am in ap for 4 months now soon it will be 5 :(

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-14 15:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative processing

Ah! if i call no answer! my husband called and was told i had another application they are investigating! this cannot be true

Sorry I feel your pain, I am in ap for 4 months now, next 24 it will be 5 months.
And the worse thing is that we dont knowvthw reson.
In my case no police problem, no arrested, no drugs, no old visa application, nothing, I dont understand why they do that to people.
They are destroying my life, now my relationship isnt good with my fiance cause this ap.
It is terrible when make plans and for someone dessicion they come down.
All the time that we call or e-mail them we get the same answer : case is under ap you need to wait :(
Nothing we can do just wait

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-12 17:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP G221
Ok, so be patient and wait that they ask for her passport, as I said before nothing you can do, just wait
My fiance has called to embassy and nothing.
All we can do is wait.
Be patient, you will go need it

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-18 11:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP G221
What did they tell to her ?
In my case they told me visa approved and no 221g paper was given, they put me in ap without give paper.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-18 04:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP G221
Read about others people in ap from paskitan, I have red a lot story here in ap from muslin country overall.
But ap doesnt mean that we are denied, that mean they need do a security check
A security check that can take weeks, months, or years!!!!!!! Yes, years I have red peopke here that are in ap for years.
In my I am no from a muslin country, and I was approved in my interview on march 18, on march 24 they put me in ap next week it will be 5 months, they have my passport from the day of my interview.
Getting marry and starting over isnt going to save you from another ap, they put in ap to marry people too.
All you can do is wait, you can call and e-mail them but you arent going to get answer, all they are going to tell you is wait.
Some people dont take long in ap, another yes.
So be patient and wait.
In my case this ap for almost 5 months is destroying my life and my relationship, I hope you and your fiancee be strong if your ap take longer.
I wish your ap end soon., I have seen people here that their ap only take severals weeks.
While you wait, read here diferents cases in ap, when you read the story from other you can have an ideal about ap in deferent country, but specifilly in your country

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-18 04:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months

They will tell U to bring the PP back after AP
best wishes

Thanks for your wishes, but I dont know, I am no going to be waiting years, like there are people here.
I think that is better cancel the petition

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-29 15:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months

I'm so sad to hear that news. Continue to pray and trust in God. I know that seems like easier said than done, but remember God is greater than all of us and he can make ANYTHING happen according to his will and there is nothing MAN can do about it. If God is on your side, Nothing or No one can stand against you!!! You continue to be in my prayers.

Thanks I apreciate your words. Very kind
I waiting that my fiance send to me his records to see if there is someting wrong on it.
there is a lot of things in my mind, I dont know the mean of DCP, I e-mail the consulate asking what that mean, and they answer me that the issue isnt with me the problem has to do with my fiance

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-29 12:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months
I got my pasdport back today after 5 months in ap, I got also a letter where they say that my case is under ap, they say that ap doesnt have a timeline to end.
You can belive that?
After 5 months in ap , they send a letter to say that the case is under ap., for me that doesnt have sense.
I was waiting a letter where they explain what the problem is, but no only a letter saying case under ap be patient.
I know that I am in ap, I know that since 5 months now.
I dont know what to do because they dont explain how to fix the problem.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-28 18:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months
Thanks to everybody,
Today I received a call from delivery service passport that they will send my passport and a letter to my house tomorrow. They havent denied me yet, I check my status and is in ap yet.
So I will see what they say, I hope that rhey explain me what is the problem.
I hope so

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-27 17:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months
Rhanks for take your time to help, I go to the page and diferents page I have tried but they ask for money to let me see and others pages says that are only able at USA

Could mean Delaware County Prison.

Child Protective Services (CPS) / Department of Children and Families (DCF) / Department of Children Protective Services (DCPS) would still be considered a criminal offense, and that is very much a reason for a denial. However USCIS should've caught this prior to the embassy stage. The only way to know what part of his criminal record they're referring to is to get the criminal record. It may have been something which was cleared later, is very recent, or was done years ago, which should've "fallen off" his criminal record.

If it's a violent offense, an offense against a child, fraud, theft, or otherwise displays that your fiance has a history and reoccurring past of violence, abuse, or crime -- they will likely hold fast to their denial.
You can have your fiance request his criminal record here:
You may also be able to do a search for his name and/or date of birth on the state judicial website. You MAY be able to look up any prior convictions and cases which were brought to trial. This varies from State to State, and every state I've lived in allows this, but I cannot speak for Pennsylvania.

Good Luck.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-27 12:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months

Is it the US Citizen (USC) or the Beneficiary who has the record? That makes a huge difference on what DCP means, also if it is the USC, what state are they in?

It is the usc, and he lives in pensylvania.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-27 11:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months

OP did U already interview, they ask
about bankruptcy, child support & so
forth at ....but don't U speak to him often?
have him explain it all to you and the
way the both of you will have to overcome
any issues

My interview was ok, they approved me without problem.
They didnt ask about debts, child support or bankcrupcy.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-27 05:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months

Adam Walsh law maybe, speak to your fiancé, get all info
from him about his background & past arrests, he must
disclose everything to U even if he pays child support
????DCP??? Dept of Child protection

I went to the sex offender wed site from USA, I didnt find any record from my fiance, so I dont think that the record is by the Adam waslh law.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-26 19:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months

thanks to everybody who try to help me

one perso says that maybe is


Department of Public Credit

Likely a defaulted loan or Credit Fraud.


i hope that be that.

my fiance signed bankruptcy i dont remember when but was long time ago.


IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-26 16:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months

Thanks for your answers, very suportative.

Just found some information and I don't know if it is correct but it seems DCP has to do with child protective services and that someone had in some way harmed a child. That's all my friend was able to tell me. Please contact your fiancee. Maybe he can shed some light on the matter. My prayers are with you and I pray that my information is incorrect, but it did come from a reliable source in the court system. I'm sorry, if I'm right and pray that I am wrong. Prayers to you.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-26 11:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DCP criminal record, ap for 5 months
I am in ap for 5 months just today :(
Today I got an e-mail from consulate, and they made a mistake , they didnt withdraw an information provided to them from usa.
The information provided to them about my case was one line that say : the case has criminal record ( DCP).
That is all, I tried to find what DCP mean but I couldnt find nothing.
I am confuse because never I had criminal record, or I have made nothing wrong.
Maybe someone here know what DCP mean.
I dont know if my fiance can have any record.
I am sure that I am no.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-25 20:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Returning the case to the USCIS

Sorry to hear that, I dont know how they work, in my case they sent back my passport after 5 months in ap and a letter saying that the case is on ap, that is all.
They didnt say that the case was sent back to uscis or denied, only that is in ap.
i dont know why the deparment of state do that to people.

After, 4 months of administrative processing I got a call from the consulate and they told me that they are returning my petition to the department of home land security's United States Citizen and Immigration Service (USCIS) for a review.
I'm so sad that I can't be with my other half. Can anybody tell me what we should do? please and thank you.  

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-29 13:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 visa in AP for 5 months ! Need Help !

Hello all....thz for helping & replying... I juz arrived to US 5ds ago !!!!

Congratulationssssss ,

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-29 13:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 visa in AP for 5 months ! Need Help !

I'm sorry to hear that. I would have called already and see what's up.

everybody that is in ap for more than one month, e-mail or call the thing is that they dont explain you why you are in ap.
They only answer that you need to wait.
They dont tell you nothing

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-02 15:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 visa in AP for 5 months ! Need Help !

AP is a serious torturing for both of us. We are engaged coz we wanna to live together . I m from Myanmar . A 26year old lady doctor . They suspect me for terrorism ????????? Definitely not ! They are Juz pending it coz they want to. But it is in God's hands & their hands . Me & my fiancé cannot do nothing . I was Juz hoping " one day "...

I agree with you, they put many people in ap without reason.
I am a math teacher, never I havent had problem with the justice or something like that, and I am in ap from march 24.
They do that because they want torture people.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-02 10:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)congressman recieved email fom embassy
Ohhhhh my God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4YEARS WAITING?
That suck.
I dont understand why they torture people long time.
Why they take do long to investigate something, look like they are stupid or like a third world country doing an investigation.
Today usa has a lot tecnologies to know everything in one second, so why wait so long?
That dont talk well about usa investigation.


IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-09-12 17:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative procedure
I am 5 months in ap.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-09-15 17:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ap


I understand you, i am in ap by 6 months now and yes my relationship isnt the same.
People at the dos dont have soul, they thing that they are working with robot no wwith people

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-10-05 18:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ap
Omg, put peopke in ap for years is inhuman thing
I dont understand how usa with all tecnologies that they have to do investigation , why they take so long to investigate cases?
They only show their incapacity to investigate and take a decision.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-10-05 18:25:00
United KingdomWhat exactly to send with the affidavit of support for K1?
Well, tax transcrit and w2, employer letter , bank letter and last 3 months payment stub.
Almost all consulate ask for that

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-01 10:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNeed Venezuelan Birth Certificate Corrected
Why no your boyfriend go to the venezuelan embassy at DR to see what they can do?
Maybe they can help.
Dominican embassy help to dominican abroad the get bc.
Maybe venezuelan embassy can help to its citizen to get bc at DR.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-24 16:54:00
ChinaSF express,,help everybody..cant sleep no more

thank ilovemyman,anymore suggestions peeps?but the delivery option i chose was to be pick up in it possible i change that ?and besides will they allow me to enter the us embassy i dont have any appointment.i laso cant be away for so long,i have work in macau.

Well then try to call to the consulate and ask for someone that can recieve your passport, ask for some name, tgen call to the mail and give them the name, mybe the can delivery the passport to the consulate.
I hope you can find a solution, I wish you best of luck

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-10 19:05:00
ChinaSF express,,help everybody..cant sleep no more
Ask to mail send to you your passport.
Then go back to the consulate, and stay at the city until they give you back the passport.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-10 11:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)When get case number, petitioner has to pay fee to nvc
Thanks to answer,i am apply for a visa k1.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-10-30 21:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)When get case number, petitioner has to pay fee to nvc
When get case number, petitioner has to pay something to the nvc?
I dont undrestand.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-10-30 20:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Process After NOA2
You need to see at uscis page an update saying that the case was shiped to nvc.
After that in 10 or 12 days you are going to get your case number.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-11-18 19:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CEAC Update - Any Ideas
If you case is in transit that mean that nvc sent your petition to the foreing country.when your petition arrive to the consulate it will change to ready.
Mine changed to ready after 2 days be in transit.
Good luck

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-04 19:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)same sex petition....Dominican Republic...Post here!
I ask , what about God?
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-12 20:47:00

Texas Service Center
Received NOA2 on November 21, 2013.
Today I received email and text message stating,
"On December 13, 2013, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State.  For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations."
Starting to feel better now!

Give them 8 or 10 bussines day, and after that call nvc to get your case number.
after that message I got my case number by phone , i waited 10 bussines day to call,and when my fiance called they gave him my case number

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-14 00:46:00