CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Delicia @ Nov 4 2007, 05:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am bored. Seriously bored. I can only talk on the phone with my Canadians for so long....

I am busy downloading music and loading up my Zune. Anyone got any good new music I should check out? I like lots of different stuff from classical to alternative. I tend to stay away from country and jazz and stuff that will put me to sleep (you know, that background type of music). Fire away your suggestions!

I don't know if you like dance/club music or not. Or any jungle music.(stuff played in raves lol)
I got a few favs:
Aphrodite(all time fav of his is the Superman Theme song)
DJ Tiesto
DJ Hype

Gawd I forgot the rest lol. I have them on my desktop and I'm on my laptop. If you like these, I got more. My fiance probably has the biggest collection of music. Everything from 80's , country, tv theme songs to remixes of everything.


Edited by PfcsBaby, 04 November 2007 - 07:54 PM.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-04 19:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Beautiful dress liz! You look great in it.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-15 11:31:00
CanadaThe Vent
Well so far this is a crappy start to the week. My husband just called me and told me the company he works for is folding at the end of the week. He works for a grading company and has been there over 2 years. He's been in this line of business for 17 years now. He has a company truck, guaranteed 30 hours and I just got on his insurance. Now it's going to be hard for him to find a job because the housing market here in Georgia is really bad. The company has struggled to find work the past few months, but they have been getting by. Between the gas prices skyrocketing and no one building homes, theres no work. They've even gone out of state for work, but theres nothing now. I still need to see a doctor for this pregnancy and between that and the bills, I don't know what we're going to do.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-05-12 06:43:00
CanadaThe Vent
Gawd it has been so long since I posted on the vent. I think the last time I did, it was on page 60 lol. Anyways, I needed to vent to someone, I think everyone here in my house is tried of me venting on them lol. I went to the SSA office for the 4th time this morning. I still cant get a SSN. My son can though. How ironic is that? My EAD card is still "pending" on their computers. Went for an InfoPass appt yesterday and they can't understand why I cant get a SSN. My EAD was obviously approved, because they sent me a card, so they gave me a form to give to the SSA office. I wasn't going to do that. SSA has to fill it out, mail it to Washington and I have to wait up to 8 weeks just for them to say, "oh yes, her card is valid". I called DHS again this afternoon and had a really nice guy on the phone. He said my card is valid and that there must be a problem with SSA's programs. I think there is a problem with the staff as well. I told the DHS officer that I'm pregnant, I need to be on my husband insurance before the end of the month and it takes up to 2 weeks to get the damn SS cards in the mail. How in the world am I going to pull this off? I'm going back to the SSA again Thursday and I figured if my son's EAD card was valid today, that maybe mine will be good tomorrow. If that makes any sense.It's frustrating and this is stress that I don't need to have while being pregnant.

Ok, I think I got it all out lol.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-04-15 17:51:00
CanadaThe Vent
I just got off the phone with this lady and she said the whole reason for all this ####### is cause of the "personal items" listed inside the box. If it wasn't listed as personal items, then theres no problem. I asked if this is a new policy and she said no. It started shortly after 9/11. She said if I don't feel comfortable sending her the information, that I can fax it over to US Customs, but that it'll take longer for the pkg to get here. She assured me that whatever info I send her, will be uploaded into their customs computer and there is nothing on the outside or inside of the box that has any of my personal info. Everything is in a bar code on the outside of the box that customs scans, then the box goes on its way to me. The last 3 days have been really crappy and this just tops it all off. Hopefully things will get better and I wont be so stressed by the time Christmas gets here.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-12-13 12:28:00
CanadaThe Vent
Well I emailed the woman at UPS and heard back from her. She said she only needs a copy of the stamp that Homeland Security put on our visas, plus a copy of our Canadian passports. She said they need it to validate that I'm living here in the USA. That still doesn't make sense to me. She doesnt want a copy of our AMERICAN visas, just the stamp. Sounds fishy to me. She left a 905 long distance # to call her. I'm not spending money to talk to her. My mom paid them already and they have the pkg. She also said in her email that if my mom didn't put "personal items" on the customs form, then we wouldnt be having this problem. Well why not just send the pkg back to my mom, give a refund, let her take out the personal items, then re-send it? Makes more sense that way. My mom already paid them over $100 for a 54 lb box. What more do they want?

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-12-13 07:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ok, I haven't posted on here in awhile and I've got more to vent about. My mom is trying to send me a pkg from Canada here through UPS. Well we're having a hell of a time getting this pkg to just leave Canada. All of a sudden, UPS and apparently other courier companies are required by US Customs to get proof that the person your sending the things too lives in the USA. This includes xmas gifts, even if they are valued under $100 and not having to pay any duty fees.

#######?? I sent my mom a copy of my marriage license and now 3 days after she sends it, they also want copies of mine and my sons visas and our passports. I dont feel comfortable just giving someone my personal info. Its supposed to only be seen by their customs dept, but yet, they need to attach my personal info into the outside of the box. This makes me really uncomfortable and I dont know what else to do with these people. I tried calling them and asking them about all this and they try telling me they've never heard of this policy.

My mom went right to the UPS store, so its not like she just went to some store to ship it. Has anyone heard of this? I called Purolator as well and they are the only one that has heard of this new policy with US Customs. Its stupid if you ask me.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-12-12 15:23:00
CanadaThe Vent
Well I needed to vent again, so here goes...

I'm leaving Friday with just mine and my son's clothes. Well most of them anyways. After all the trips I made down to Georgia and bringing some clothes here and there, I cannot believe how much clothes I have lol. But thats not the issue. I had asked my mom if sometime within the next year or so if she could rent a mini van(she doesnt own a vehicle) and bring the rest of my things down. That way I can get the rest of my stuff, along with her coming to visit us. I told her we would pay for 1/2, she pays the other 1/2. She said she'd think about it. Now, she comes to me asking me when my fiancee and his mother will come all the way up here to pick up my stuff. #######?? I told her I cant leave the country for awhile, plus shes never been to Georgia and shes always wanted to go to Savannah. I told her its not possible for Brian to take time off work and his mother cant make the 2000 mile trip. Shes in her 60's and cant sit for too long. It would take them both 3 times longer than the trip should take. I just told her to throw my stuff out if its that important for her to get it out of her house. Shes basically telling me she won't ever be coming to visit us. I don't know what to say to her anymore. I understand shes pretty much loosing her only child and grandchild, but I'm not putting my life on hold just cause she doesnt want us to leave and thats pretty much what it comes down too. Shes also not even going to come with me and my son to the airport to see us off. I'm doing everything possible not to gloat about us leaving Friday, yet shes just being negative in every way she can. Ok, I think I got it all out lol. I feel a bit better.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-14 15:51:00
CanadaThe Vent
LOL. Thank gawd my son never did anything like that. Only thing hes ever done with the toilet was put wayyyy too much toilet paper in there when he did a #2. He used the whole roll lol. That never happened again. Its my sink that clogged. I've used everything I could think of and nothing works, so I guess I just need to take it apart and find out whats in there. I do know theres no toys down the drain. This sink is really old and the hole is tiny. Ok, this is starting to sound perverted, or its just me, so I'm done lol.


Edited by PfcsBaby, 08 November 2007 - 09:11 PM.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-08 21:10:00
CanadaThe Vent
I totally agree. A BBF is supposed to be there no matter what. Other things can wait. Don't ever start letting people walk all over you(so to speak) cause they'll continue to do it. I learned the hard way with that one.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-08 14:08:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 8 2007, 12:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PfcsBaby @ Nov 8 2007, 11:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HAHA. I think I need to start washing walls. Maybe that'll help pass some time. I've been cleaning and finding anything to do to pass the time, but I'm done with everything and I'm bored. Anyone got any suggestions?


Yes. Sign up for Online Services with Custom House. You'll need it for taking care of any banking transactions between Canada and the US. Unless you plan on closing your Canadian account, then never mind. lol

Now I was looking at that last night and went to the site and tried to find some info on there. Do I actually have to go into their store, or whatever it is in my city to do all this? Also, how does it even work, cause if you need a credit card, then forget it, I don't own one lol. I'm keeping my Canadian bank account open for at least the next year or so. I was just going to deposit some money into my account, then transfer that money to my Palpal account, then transfer it again to Brian's Paypal account, that way he can put the money in his account. Ok, that might sound confusing, but it really isn't lol. It also saves me a lot of money doing it that way, instead of doing a wire transfer from my bank account to his. I need to figure something out at least by Tuesday or Wednesday.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-08 13:04:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Nov 8 2007, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My dad is so stupid sometimes!

our kitchen sink is clogged and so last night I went and got which specifically says do NOT put more than a tablespoon per application and do a max of two applications in total.
So I did that last night (two applications) cuz it wouldn't budge

well, I go down this morning to see if I can play with it some more and find that my Drano can is EMPTY!!!

My dad put the WHOLE CAN DOWN THE SINK so now, not only is there whatever was clogging it in the first place, there's WHOLE CAN of drano adding to the clog

Ok I have this problem too Liz. My sink has been clogged for months in the bathroom. I have even taken an old toothbrush of my son's(cause its tiny) and triedshoving it down there to get whatever it is out. Well it dont work, so don't ever anyone try this. I didnt get it stuck there. I haven tried all kinda of drain cleaners and nothing works. Anyone know of anything else? I bought 1 of those toilet snake thingys, but its a bathroom sink thats clogged and the snake doesnt fit down there.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-08 11:51:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 8 2007, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Nov 8 2007, 08:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hate packing!!

Is it bad that I haven't really started yet aside from a heap of clothes I have "sorted" on the floor?


Packing is bad, actually moving the stuff is bad. I have a rule that I don't actually 'move' anything, I will pack, I will clean, just don't ask me to pick up a box.

Our case hasn't cleared NVC yet but I have already been thinking about the move for months. So I am watching the shopping channel a few weeks ago and wooo hooo the showstopper is space bags! So I pick up a big set.

Well they have been sitting in the spare room in their box for weeks so the day before yesterday I decide to try them. I put some curtains, pillows etc etc in the X-Large bag. Get out the vacuum, voila'! it is squished in to a nice pile.

I put a quilt in another, but by then the novelty factor has worn off, so the quilt hasn't been deflated yet, just sitting on the bed in the spare room.

Oh and my first bag - went and looked at it that night and the suction didn't hold - probably didn't put the seal on right or something.

Ok that's a ramble, but I do know what you mean. I have even started washing walls.

HAHA. I think I need to start washing walls. Maybe that'll help pass some time. I've been cleaning and finding anything to do to pass the time, but I'm done with everything and I'm bored. Anyone got any suggestions?


Edited by PfcsBaby, 08 November 2007 - 11:52 AM.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-08 11:49:00
CanadaThe Vent
Whether or not we have an answer to anything, we'll always have an open ear here, so let your frustrations go.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-06 17:46:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 2 2007, 12:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PfcsBaby @ Nov 2 2007, 08:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ouch, I know how you feel when it comes to breaking a tooth. I had the same problem about 6 months ago. It was a rotting molar that split in 1/2 and I had to wait about 3 weeks to get it fixed. Advil was my best friend back then lol.

While I'm in the venting forum, I might as well express my frustration towards my mother. Now see, I still live at home with her with my son. She's known about this whole visa process for a long time now. Hell, shes known about my fiancee ever since we started dating. So shes had a good 4 years to let all this sink in. Well, shes expressed her "feelings" towards me leaving. She wants me to leave after Christmas, that way we can have 1 last Christmas together. I understand all that BUT, I wanted to move before Thanksgiving. That way I can get my son into school the start of the new year. He'll have to take a school bus, so that will take some time getting a spot on the bus. I also want to be able to get a job before all the highschool and college kids get out for the summer. Granted I get my EAD before then. I've let her know all this, but she still doesn't understand it. She tried saying to me that we didn't spend last Christmas together, but shes forgot that we did, we just had it 2 weeks early. Theres no reason why she can't come down to see us for the holidays, or afterwards. I'd like for her to be at our wedding, but I don't see it happening. My mom is married to this awful guy who doesn't help her with the bills at all, even though he has a pretty good paying job. He just drinks his pay checks away. When I talked to my MIL about all this, she thinks that my mom is just being selfish and wants me to stay, that way she doesnt have to deal with my stepdad about the money issue. They've been married for 16 years and I don't ever see my mother putting her foot down with my stepdad after all this time. My mom has tried to make me out to be the bad guy with all this and make me look like the selfish one.

Why should I put my life on hold because she has a deadbeat husband? It just frustrates me that shes acting like this. Shes known for so long I was eventually going to leave, but she just can't grasp the concept that we'll be gone in 2 weeks.

Has anyone else had to go through this with their family?


I haven't had to deal with your exact situation, but I lived with my mother too along with my son.
She too had about the same amount of time to let it all sink in. But when it came time for the actual process to really begin she didn't deal with it well. She even went so far as to throw out important mail from the consulate and everything. Which is my process took longer than normal.

It really isn't your problem, this is your new life and you do need to get on with it like you said. They never do grasp it I dont think...until you're actually gone then it sinks in.

Sorry you had to go through all that with your mother. I'm glad my mom didn't go that far. To me, it seems like she probably thought this relationship I have was never going to work out because we live so far away from eachother. She needs to get with the times lol. Whoever came up with the whole quote that women fall in love with men who are like their fathers was completely wrong. Also, that we're like our mothers? WAYYY WRONG lol.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-02 13:20:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ouch, I know how you feel when it comes to breaking a tooth. I had the same problem about 6 months ago. It was a rotting molar that split in 1/2 and I had to wait about 3 weeks to get it fixed. Advil was my best friend back then lol.

While I'm in the venting forum, I might as well express my frustration towards my mother. Now see, I still live at home with her with my son. She's known about this whole visa process for a long time now. Hell, shes known about my fiancee ever since we started dating. So shes had a good 4 years to let all this sink in. Well, shes expressed her "feelings" towards me leaving. She wants me to leave after Christmas, that way we can have 1 last Christmas together. I understand all that BUT, I wanted to move before Thanksgiving. That way I can get my son into school the start of the new year. He'll have to take a school bus, so that will take some time getting a spot on the bus. I also want to be able to get a job before all the highschool and college kids get out for the summer. Granted I get my EAD before then. I've let her know all this, but she still doesn't understand it. She tried saying to me that we didn't spend last Christmas together, but shes forgot that we did, we just had it 2 weeks early. Theres no reason why she can't come down to see us for the holidays, or afterwards. I'd like for her to be at our wedding, but I don't see it happening. My mom is married to this awful guy who doesn't help her with the bills at all, even though he has a pretty good paying job. He just drinks his pay checks away. When I talked to my MIL about all this, she thinks that my mom is just being selfish and wants me to stay, that way she doesnt have to deal with my stepdad about the money issue. They've been married for 16 years and I don't ever see my mother putting her foot down with my stepdad after all this time. My mom has tried to make me out to be the bad guy with all this and make me look like the selfish one.

Why should I put my life on hold because she has a deadbeat husband? It just frustrates me that shes acting like this. Shes known for so long I was eventually going to leave, but she just can't grasp the concept that we'll be gone in 2 weeks.

Has anyone else had to go through this with their family?

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-02 07:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ohhhhh Nini...

I just went on the UPS website and found something. I can't sopy & paste, so I'll quote it.....
"In connection with a damaged Shipment, the Shipper must retain the original packaging until an inspection can be completed by UPS or its agent"

Theres a whole bunch to read on that. Heres a link and go to page 16. Hope this helps, if any.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-22 17:32:00
CanadaThe Vent
Thats weird. I always thought that "damage" was included with the insurance. Once you hand over your belongings to UPS to ship and you pay for insurance, you'd think that it is their responsibility to ship the item with care. Guess I better ask them when it comes time for me to use them to ship some of my stuff.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-22 17:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
Did you have insurance with UPS? If so, I'd make them pay for the damages. At least its still working.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-22 17:16:00
CanadaThe Vent
I know how you feel. I look at the spreadsheet Liz made and there's people who filed months after me and they already have interview dates! Its frustrating and drives me crazy. Makes me wish I filed later and maybe I wouldn't be so stressed, but I'm glad I have my interview next week. Hopefully you'll hear from them soon Brad.

Nini, I feel your pain. I'm also at home with the flu. Hopefully your feeling better for your big day!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-18 19:00:00
CanadaMTL and POE review (port huron, MI)
Congrats and welcome to your new home. Now to the next part in your journey.
BTW: love the pics and as someone else said, it does look a lot better in MTL with no snow lol.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-06-21 12:42:00
CanadaGrocery Items Unavailable in the US
QUOTE (trailmix @ May 13 2008, 09:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We went to Walgreen's today, they had ketchup chips and shreddies - I don't generally eat either of those things, but good to see anyway!

I'm so going to Walgreens tomorrow. With this pregnancy, I've been craving everything I haven't had in a long time and those 2 are on my list of "have to eat items" lol.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-05-14 06:45:00
CanadaGrocery Items Unavailable in the US
Thanks everyone. I have an Aldi's just down the road from me and I like shopping there as much as I can. It is way more cheaper than the other grocery stores. Looks like I started a whole new thread on HFCS lol. At 1st I was like..."what the hell is HFCS?... until I kept reading lol. I think I was having a brain fart or something lol.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-04-30 20:57:00
CanadaGrocery Items Unavailable in the US
Took me forever to find this thread, but I cant find Shreddies cereal in any grocery store here in Georgia. Is Shreddies cereal a Canadian thing? I'm really craving them badly. I'd ask my mom to ship me some down from Canada, but she's in a crabby mood cause she found out I was pregnant and I won't be "there with her" for everything. Anyone know where I can get me some? unsure.gif

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-04-30 14:46:00
CanadaGrocery Items Unavailable in the US
QUOTE (warlord @ Feb 13 2008, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MarilynP @ Feb 13 2008, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PfcsBaby @ Feb 13 2008, 05:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know if this is already on the list, but what about perogies? It's next to impossible to find them here in Georgia and when I have found them, theres about a dozen in the box and they cost almost $5. Whats up with that?


yeah, I have found perogies hard to come by too... I have found them but they are few and far between...

and hubby didn't even know what they were until he met me...

I had never heard of them either until I was introduced by my then girlfriend in college in Canada. She had Ukranian ancestory so her grandmother would make them all the time. Only people (even in Canada) I that I ever found that knew about them were Ukranian blooded people...

I'm Ukranian blooded and I'm craving them badly lol. I've been to several grocery stores in my area and I can't even find them. My niece tried making them, but I wasn't able to try hers. I guess I'm going to have to learn how to make them myself lol.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-02-13 12:57:00
CanadaGrocery Items Unavailable in the US
QUOTE (MarilynP @ Feb 13 2008, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PfcsBaby @ Feb 13 2008, 05:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know if this is already on the list, but what about perogies? It's next to impossible to find them here in Georgia and when I have found them, theres about a dozen in the box and they cost almost $5. Whats up with that?


yeah, I have found perogies hard to come by too... I have found them but they are few and far between...

and hubby didn't even know what they were until he met me...

LOL my husband was the same way, plus he didn't even like them, but he likes dumplings. Go figure lol.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-02-13 08:26:00
CanadaGrocery Items Unavailable in the US
I don't know if this is already on the list, but what about perogies? It's next to impossible to find them here in Georgia and when I have found them, theres about a dozen in the box and they cost almost $5. Whats up with that?

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-02-13 08:19:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
We're going to the Golden Corral tonight. An all you can eat buffet. It's my nephews 12th birthday and that boy can eat, so its a good place to take him. I think I'll spend more time with the desserts than anything else.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-05-14 09:55:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
The roast last night was great. It just melted in your mouth!

Anyways, I was thinking of grilling some chicken this weekend. I haven't used a grill in awhile, but been craving grilled chicken lol. Anyways, does anyone have a good recipe for a merinade for chicken? I got a lot of fussy eaters in the house and was looking for a merinade that wasn't too strong. Nothing too salty, sweet or sour. Just something light. I know none of them would go for a lemon, orange, or any kind of fruity chicken. Any suggestions would be great.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-05-08 06:27:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
We're having a beef roast that I've had sitting in the crock pot since 9am. It'll be really tender. Also, mashed potatoes, gravy, pinto beans, rolls and corn bread. I can't wait lol.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-05-07 15:37:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
QUOTE (MissStacey @ May 2 2008, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tonight will be simple and easy- hot dogs and a can of baked beans.

lol I'm pretty much having the same thing. Only we're adding chilli on the hot dogs for the adults.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-05-02 15:36:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
We're having hamburger helper for the kids(hubby too cause hes picky) stuffed green peppers, country fried chicken, mashed potatoes, black eyed peas, green beans and corn bread.


Edited by PfcsBaby, 30 April 2008 - 02:55 PM.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-04-30 14:55:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
We're having chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, english peas, dinner rolls and corn bread. Yummy!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-01-23 07:29:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
Wow it's been a long time since I posted on here and now I'm overwhelmed. I was looking at removing conditions thread because I'll be going through that process here in a few months and I wanted to get a head start. I already have so many questions, so I'm just jotting them down so I know what to ask and when and where lol. I guess thats all for now. Congrats for all who got approved.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2009-12-02 16:12:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
I didn't see this, so I'm adding it to the list. My husband(American) says Canadians say "aboot" and not "about". I might have said it once for him to tease me about it in the past. Do Canadians really say "aboot"?

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-02-21 07:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Fees for me and child
I just want to make sure that I have the correct fees for this form. I'm getting my taxes back next week, which is a big help and I want to make sure I keep the right amount in the bank for immigration.

I checked out this whole site and found a few helpful things, but it's hard staying on the pc for awhile when I have a demanding 14 month old. So my time is limited.

I came here on a K-1 visa, with a K-2 child. The fees should be $545 for me and an additional $80 for the K-2 child right?

Thanks in advance for any help!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2010-02-05 09:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMarriage Certificate
Ok thanks!!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2010-03-11 10:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMarriage Certificate
I'm getting all my papers together to send out with my I-751 forms and I wanted to know......
Do I need to give them a certified copy of our marriage certificate, or can I just photo copy it?
I have both, so it's no big deal. I made sure I got 2 certified copies when I sent everything out for my AOS 2 years ago. Better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.
Thanks for any responses.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2010-03-11 09:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEnough Evidence?
I'm getting all my papers together for my ROC and I just want to make sure I have enough evidence. So here is what I got:

-Cover letter
-Payment($545 + $80 K-2 child)
-Form I-751
-Copy of mine and son's GC front and back
-Copy of mine, son's and husbands SSN
-Copy of mine and husbands driver's license's
-Copy of rental agreement
-Copy of joint credit cards
-Letter from Capital One and Chase credit card company stating who is on the account
-Letter from bank stating me and my husband have a joint checking account
-Letter from bank stating my husband and son have a joint minor's saving account
-Copies of a few bank statements(joint checking account)
-Tax transcripts from 08 and 09(married filed jointly)
-Copy of auto insurance change in policy(with me added and new car added)
-Copy of auto insurance policy card(mine and husbands name on policy card)
-Copy of birth certificate of our son born November 08
-Original affidavits from 2 friends(signed, stamped from notary)
-Original affidavit from mother in law
-Copy of receipt from hotel from when we went to Savannah for our honeymoon
-Numerous pictures from Nov 07 to March 10

I hope this is enough. We live with my mother in law and she owns the house. All the bills(utilities) are in her name. There are a few bills in my husbands name(cell phone, land line phone, car insurance) but she gets them paid and then throws the bills out after they are paid. I have in her affidavit though that all the bills are in her name. My husband has lived at this same address his entire life, so I hope I don't get no RFE for not enough evidence. I was wondering though if I should send in a copy of my son's immunization from the health dept. He needed to get more vaccinations to be enrolled in school and I have a letter stamped and signed from the health dept. Do I need it? Also I have a letter from Kaiser when I got pregnant stating I was pregnant. It is also signed and dated. We don't have any health insurance anymore because my husband lost his job, so I don't have anything for that. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2010-03-13 07:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhere To Place Check(fee) In Pkg
Ok I have looked everywhere and cannot find what I'm looking for. I'm assembling my package to send out Tuesday and I wanted to know where do I place the check(payment) in the pkg? Can I just put the check in a separate envelope marked "payment" and use a paper clip to attach it to the front of my pkg or attach the envelope to the ACCO fastener on top? Thanks for any help!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2010-03-17 16:53:00