CanadaIt's here!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-12-13 07:57:00
CanadaPassport Photos
LOL, any passport pics that I have gotten done just look terrible. Thanks for the info though Kathryn. I dont even know if there is a Wolfe's/Blitzer's here, but at least I know its a possible place to go when the time comes.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-12-13 12:31:00
CanadaThe in-laws from heck
I cant say I have any problems with my future in-laws. They've both welcomed me with open arms. My future mother-in-law already told me that if I didn't marry her son, she was going to legally adpot me as her daughter yes.gif Yep, I'm loved wink.gif

As for my fiancees brothers, well I don't care for them at all. His oldest brother has a family of his own, yet he expects his mother to take his kids to school everyday, cause he doesnt want them taking the school bus, help him with his bills every Friday and gawd, the list goes on. Basically takes advantage of his mother in every way he can. Then theres the other brother. Hes in and out of jail every month and he has a 10 year old son who he barely cares for until it comes time for defax to come take him away.

Well I could go on and on about those 2. I'm just glad I fell in love with the best son.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-01 18:12:00
CanadaSo Sad
I know how you feel. I did it for almost 3 years and it doesn't get any easier. Just remember that once this whole thing is over and your finally together for good, you'll never have to do it again. It's like a weight being lifted off your shoulders.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-01-03 07:43:00
CanadaAOS Papers For K-1 Visa
Hey y'all,

I've been getting all my papers together and filled out for my AOS. I just wanted to make sure I had all the necessary forms, along with other info needed to send with them, so I have a bunch of questions that I need help with.

Here's my list:
G-352A(me only)
I-864(does my husband need a new letter from his employer and does anything need to be notarized?)
6 recent pay stubs(husbands)
last 3 years of tax transcripts(husbands--still waiting for them to come in the mail)
copy of husbands birth certificate
I-94(copy of both)
2 color passport photos taken within 30 days of me and my son
fiance approval notice
certified copy of marriage license or certificate--is there a difference?
copy of both passports
copy of both long form birth certificates plus copy of short form as well?
vaccination supplement(all I have is a paper from Dr.Siedens showing what vaccinations we both have had)
a check for $1610

Ok, do I need to fill out the same forms for my son as well? Hes 4 by the way. I also haven't gotten my SSN yet. I've been waiting for my husband to have a day off work to take me. Will this be a problem if I don't have it when I send these papers out? What is an "A #"? On form I-485 on the 2nd page part B it says to "list your present husband/wife of all youe sons & daughters", do I just put my husbands name? Hes not my sons real father. As far as the approval notice, all I could find that my husband had was 2 papers. One is a "I-797, Notice of Action" and the 2nd is just a plain paper saying "the petition will be forwarded to the appropraite visa-issuing post where your visa interview will take place" and it has a case #. Should I just copy both and send them?

Well I think thats all. Hopefully I didn't leave anything out. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Do I need to send along
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-01-08 16:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionafidavid of support
No you wont have to. All you'll need when it comes time for your interview is a letter from the US citizen stating that he/she is still willing to marry.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2008-05-01 06:38:00
CanadaWait time for MTL interview, plus a few extra questions
Ok, I guess I'm waiting a bit longer before I start harassing them LOL. I cant get the timeline to download. I kept getting an error of some sort. I tried doing my own timeline with some link on here the other day and apparently it didnt work. Guess I need some baby steps on how to do this LOL. If anyone can help me with that, that would be great. Or email it to me. Dont know how that works either LOL. Thanks to everyone for your responses.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-05-30 18:37:00
CanadaWait time for MTL interview, plus a few extra questions

I was wondering how long of a wait it is to hear back from MTL about an interview date for a K1 visa. I have read on a few things here that MTL is pretty backed up right now and a lot of the time they send you an interview letter less than a week before your interview date! I sent out my packet 3 on May 1st 2007 and they recieved it the next day. Is there a wait period as far as when I should start emailing/calling them about a date? Also, I have read that I'll need some sort of letter from my American fiance as far as still wanting to marry me. What exactly does this letter need to say and can I get this from him now before I get anything from MTL? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-05-28 18:26:00
CanadaRealistic wait time for MTL Interview(K-1 Visas)
Just 1 more question before I leave for Atlanta tomorrow. I've read before on here that people said they were visiting their boyfriend/girlfriend instead of saying their fiancee, that way they didn't have any problems going through US Customs at the airport. What should I tell them? With the last time being stuck in secondary, I dont want to have to go through that again, which is why I'll be there at 9am even though my flight doesn't leave until 2pm. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-08-14 18:24:00
CanadaRealistic wait time for MTL Interview(K-1 Visas)
Well I'll be praying that they dont take me again for secondary questioning for a 3rd time. I'm always honest with them and never hesitate with my answers. I guess its just power tripping officers that get their kicks outta watching people squirm. It wouldn't be so bad if I didnt have my 4 year old son with me. But anyways, to mwinburn, my fiancee lives In Conyers. I love it there. I don't really like the big city, even though I've lived in Toronto most of my life LOL, but its a bit more quiet there. If I don't get back on here before I'll go, I'll let y'all know if I made it through or not after August 15th.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-07-25 19:25:00
CanadaRealistic wait time for MTL Interview(K-1 Visas)
Well I bought our tickets and we're headed down to Atlanta Georgia on August 15th!! and returning September 2nd. I'm so excited, but also nervous with US Customs at the airport. The last experience with them was horrible and it wasn't the first time. About a year and a half ago I had to go through secondary questioning. The guy there was pretty nice. Took my picture, fingerprints and explained to me that I was not allowed to get married down there, blah blah. What I dont understand is why I had to go there again that last time. Clearly it states on their computer that I've returned every single time I've gone down there. I've always carried the proper papers showing I have ties to Canada and that I'll be returning. Maybe its just me, but those officers really like using their authority to the fullest. Anyways, still nothing from MTL and I guess it will be around October or Novemeber until I hear from them. I'll keep things updated as I find out.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-07-23 18:57:00
CanadaRealistic wait time for MTL Interview(K-1 Visas)

Just wondering how long of a wait it is to hear from MTL for an interview (K-1 Visa). I called MTL today about any interview and this is what was said to me:
ME:(gave my case #)
MTL: "It is a 4-6 month wait from May 2nd to hear from us."
ME: "Ok, that is why I was calling. I just wanted to know if I was still on a waiting list, or have an interview scheduled."
MTL: "It is a 4-6 month wait from May 2nd to hear from us."
ME: "So I'm still on a waiting list?"
MTL: "It is a 4-6 month wait from May 2nd to hear from us."
ME: "Thank you. Bye."

Ok, is it just me, or are they trained there to sound like a robot? I just asked a simple question and got the same answer 3 times from this woman. She wasn't rude in any way, just didn't give me a straight answer. I understand they get thousands of calls in just the 2 hour period their lines are open, but this is just ridicilous. I've been home for over 6 months and I'm wanting to plan a visit to see my fiance at the end of August for 2 weeks, which is why I called MTL to see where things were at for the visa. Has anyone went to the USA for a visit while waiting for the visa? I checked a few threads on here from awhile ago about visiting, but I just wanted to know if there was anyone that has gone recently. I know that I'd have to bring any ties I have to Canada, so they know I'm coming back. Has anyone been refused at the border when flying down, even though they had every possible piece of evidence that they're returning? I'm just worried that I'm going to spend $1200 for 2 plane tickets for me and my son, then have Immigration at the airport refuse me for some reason. Last time I visited my fiance in December, they made me go for secondary questioning. Had me sit there over 4 hours with my 3 year old son, then gave me 10 minutes to go through security and to my gate. I almost missed my flight. There was no reason for that at all. I had everything I could possibly have as far as me returning. I've always come home from my visits. Any in-put would really help me here. Thanks in advanced for your comments!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-07-16 18:24:00
CanadaUS Customs at Toronto airport
Only thing I have from my sons father is a letter he sent me back in October 2003 from the South Dakota state pen LOL. Hes not on the birth certificate and I never had any problems with that before going though customs. I'm bringing everything I can possibly think of, including all my plane tickets from past visits there. I think the only reason why they sent me for secondary was because of the visit before last which was last summer. I was there for 2 months before I came back. Had to stay there because my future mother in law was ill and was looking to have surgey done. Thankfully she didn't. It was after we found out no surgey I got tickets to come home. I'm prepared for the hot weather. As I type this, my fiance is getting his A/C fixed up to where its pumping out 35'F cold air LOL. Hes got a little Celica with 4 vents in the front and with this better air, my son wont get hot in the back.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-08-14 19:48:00
CanadaUS Customs at Toronto airport

I posted this same question in my other thread, but I figured I'd get a quicker response with a new topic. I'll be leaving for Atlanta Georgia tomorrow and I'll be headed to the Toronto airport in the morning. I had a bad experience last time there and was sent for secondary questioning and was stuck there 3 hours. Then they approved me to go through and gave me 10 minutes to get to my gate. I have read on here that people said they were visiting thier boyfriend/girlfriend instead of their fiance. What exactly should I say to them? I don't want to get stuck there again. I'll be traveling with my 4 year old son and I'd hate for him to have to sit through that again. I have all the papers showing I have ties to Canada and will be coming back and I'm also going to bring the papers showing I'm waiting for a K-1 visa(just in case). Any help would be appreciated!!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-08-14 18:56:00
CanadaK-1 Packet 4 Question
Thanks for the link misa. I remember seeing that link somewhere on here but just couldnt find it.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-08-31 06:26:00
CanadaK-1 Packet 4 Question
Hey y'all,

I'm on vacation with my fiancee right now in Atlanta Georgia and I'm going home Sunday night. While being here, I got my pkt 4 in the mail along with my date with MTL. My mom emailed me to let me know I got it and she said that I need a "letter of intent" from my fiancee. My question is, what all does he need to say in it? Who should it be stated to? Is there any links on VJ with sample letters? I tried looking for something and couldnt find anything. I want to get this letter from him while I'm here and just have him date it a few weeks before my interview date. Any help would be appreciated!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-08-30 12:04:00
Canada*Medical tomorrow* I so screwed myself!!
Well best of luck to ya liz! I'll be near that doctors office tomorrow. I go to George Brown College. Just a word of advice. I dont know if anyone else who went to that doctor had this problem, but theres this 1 lady, kinda chubby a bit who takes your blood work, shes a bit nasty early in the mornings. I dont know if its just that she has to get up so early to be there, or if shes just naturally cranky LOL. Maybe she wont be there when your there.

Edited by PfcsBaby, 09 September 2007 - 06:41 PM.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-09 18:41:00
CanadaWell I moved today. :)
Congrats!! I'm glad everything went well for you.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-16 17:29:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
Ok, one less thing to worry about. I have a friend coming with me to Montreal. Just as added support. Plus, I found on the Coach Canada's website, that I can get a return ticket online for $22. Yes $22 LOL. So I asked her to come along with me and she said yes. Now I don't have to worry about putting my stuff in any locker or leaving it with some stranger. Now I need to find something else to stress over lol.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-18 16:18:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
Well that really sucks. I was hoping to be sitting outside the Consulate at like 6:45am to be first in line lol. I'm hoping that coffee shop, or whatever it is across the street has some way of holding my things, as people have said on here before. Does anyone know what time that place is open in the monrings?
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-17 14:44:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
Well I figured being there at 4am would give me enough time to do NOTHING LOL. Maybe find a coffee shop or something and pray they are open around 5am or so. I tried looking on google, yahoo and mapquest to see how far it is from the bus station to the Consulate and maybe just walk there, but I can't seem to get a correct address for the bus terminal, so I have no idea where I'm headed once I get there LOL. If anyone knows where the bus terminal is from the Consulate, could you let me know please. I'm hoping that I can get a few hours sleep on the bus on the way there and then I can sleep on the way back. I'm bringing plenty of Advil for the headache I'll have from lack of sleep.

Edited by PfcsBaby, 17 September 2007 - 10:42 AM.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-17 10:42:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
No, I didn't open that sealed envelope. There was a piece of paper inside the large envelope that my x-ray is in, so I looked at it. As far as the bus website, there was nothing there that said they had lockers at the Montreal location. I even emailed them asking and didnt get a straight answer. Just for me to call them.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-17 07:28:00
CanadaMontreal Interview

My interview itsn't until Oct 24th, but I always need to plan ahead for EVERYTHING LOL! Anyways, I'm going to be taking the bus from Toronto to Montreal and I already decided I'm riding with Coach Canada and will get the 9pm departure and arriving in Montreal at 3:45am wacko.gif . Theres another bus that arrives at 7:05am, but I want to be the 1st one in line at the Consulate LOL. Are there any lockers at the bus terminal to put my stuff in? I could probably call the bus terminal in Montreal and ask them, but talking to someone on the phone, is always like trying to pull teeth. No one ever has a straight answer and with my luck, I'll have someone answer the phone who has a thick accent and I wouldnt even be able to understand them anyways LOL. I've tried looking around on VJ for anyone who's taken the bus, but couldn't find anything. I'm on a budget, which is why I'm taking the bus. I would rather be staying at a hotel and have a better way of getting to my interview, but thats not an option. Also, I have read pretty much everywhere on here that no one was ever asked for their x-ray. Is there any point in bringing it? I already read the paper thats inside and theres nothing abnormal about the x-ray. If I should bring it, do I just roll it and put an elastic band around it, or is it just better to get one of those tube thingys to put it in? I think thats all the questions I have for now. Thanks in advance for any info!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-17 05:58:00
CanadaWhat happens if we're denied?
I'm just like you with worrying about everything. My interview is coming up and I'm trying not to worry about it all, but it just somehow happens lol. Better to be prepared, than not. Hope for the best, but always be prepared for the worst is what I always say. I'm sure you'll be fine, and I'll be fine too LOL. The best of luck to you!!!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-18 16:09:00
CanadaK3 approved and Montreal interview behind us yippee
Congrats!! Its nice to hear things went smoothly! kicking.gif
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-20 16:29:00
CanadaDoes Anyone Need an Informal Wedding Dress?
Its a beautiful dress and I'm in need of one LOL. I have no idea what size I'am though.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-20 15:22:00
CanadaChecklist for MTL Interview
Oh yeah, that would really suck if I forgot the envelope for them to mail the visas, seeing I dont have a credit card LOL.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-21 15:02:00
CanadaChecklist for MTL Interview
Well, I got like a month left before my interview with MTL and I want to make sure I have everything I need. If I'm forgetting anything, I want to have enough time to get it before hand. So, here's my list....

-->interview letter
-->$100 USD (do I need $200 USD for me and my son?)
-->DS-156 (me and son) + 1 copy each
-->DS-230 + 1 copy
-->Police report - original + 1 copy
-->birth certificate(me and son) - originals + 1 copy each
-->letter of intent from Brian - original + 1 copy
-->I-134 Affidavit of Support - original + 1 copy
-->Brians tax info, last 3 years - originals + 1 copy each year
-->Letter from Brians bank - original + 1 copy
-->letter from Brians employer - original + 1 copy
-->mine and my sons passports (no stamps inside, so no need to copy)
-->sealed medical results envelope
-->passport style pictures(me and son)
-->original plane tickets(might not need them, always good to have)
-->photos of all of us together
-->sons updated vaccination card(dont know if I need this, but bringing anyways)
-->letter from sons school(just started in September, junior kindergarten)
-->letter from George Brown College(just stating I'm studying there)
-->I-129F - copy of original + 1 copy(to keep on hand)
-->G-325A - copy of original + 1 copy each(to keep on hand)
-->copy of first letters from me and Brian + 1 copy each(to keep on hand)

Ok thats a long a@@ list LOL. I hope I have everything I need. Oh yes, and I have to make sure I bring myself LOL. I have everything in an accordian style file, with post-it notes attached everywhere!! I don't want to have to fumble around looking for something when asked for it. I hope I'm prepared enough LOL. Please let me know if I forgot anything. Thanks!!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-21 12:52:00
CanadaIt's been awhile...
Congrats! Those are beautiful pictures. Love the dress!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-23 09:22:00
CanadaOff we go...
Good luck, be safe on your trip and let us all know the good news as soon as you can!!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-23 21:39:00
CanadaChanging mine and my sons last name??
LOL Tinker. My head wont stop spinning until all this waiting is over. Thanks for your support though. Thank you Reba. I'm going to let my fiancee know this tonight when I talk to him. Once we get down there we can look into all that for my son. Now thats 1 thing checked off my "stressed out to-do list" LOL. blink.gif

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-25 13:54:00
CanadaChanging mine and my sons last name??
Hey y'all,

I had a few questions about changing mine and my sons last name after me and my fiancee get married. I know I can have my name changed pretty much right away after we get married, but what about my son? My son is not my fiancees biological child, and his real father is not on the birth certificate. I know my fiancee has to adopt my son in order to change his last name to his, but how is this done? We'll be moving to Georgia if that makes any difference. We'll be getting married at the court house and when we have more money, we'll have a traditional ceremony in the future. Also, with changing our last names, does that effect the AOS? What I mean is, can we change our last names before we file that, or does our last names have the be the same as what they are now on the file? If we can both change our last names before we file the AOS, do we have to get new SS#'s before we file for it? Sorry I have so many questions and sound like a rambling idiot lol, I just want to know what I need to do before hand, that way we can be prepared. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-24 20:40:00
CanadaHopefully he got it put in the mail!
Welcome to VJ!!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-24 18:18:00
Canadaan update
Thats very good news! Hope y'all have fun at the party!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-24 18:16:00
CanadaTravel to the U.S.
Yeah bring all that. Anything you have that shows the visa and you returning to work.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-27 16:44:00
CanadaTravel to the U.S.
I wondered the same thing before I went to see my fiancee. Since we filed for the K-1 visa, I've gone down to see him 2 times. It would have been more, but thats a whole other story lol. Anyways, the 1st time I said I was seeing my boyfriend, they sent me to secondary questioning, even though I had all proof of tied of returning to Canada. The 2nd time I said the same thing, that I was going to see my fiancee. They said ok, sent me through and no problems. I think it all depends on the customs officer. As long as you have proof that your returning to Canada, I dont see why they would deny you. You never know though. Just be honest with them and say your going to see your husband, cause if you say "boyfriend"/"fiancee" and they send you to secondary and find otherwise, then they'll have reason to deny you for lying to them. I hope this helps.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-27 16:15:00
CanadaLen_and_Bren Happy Dance
YAYYYY!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! kicking.gif
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-26 15:58:00
CanadaAdditional info need to be added?
I think that's what I'll do and bring along the old one just in case. Thanks misa!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-29 15:14:00
CanadaAdditional info need to be added?
Hey y'all,

I was going through all my papers that I need to get copies of today and I saw on the DS-156 form on the 3rd page(with bar code) with additional visits to the USA. Now the last entry on there was Dec 2006, BUT I had been down there to see my fiancee since I had printed those papers out. I went in Aug 2007. Now the question I have is, do I need to re-type everything on the form and print it out again with the additional info of my last visit, or just leave it the way it is?

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-29 07:57:00
CanadaBack in the U.S.A.
Congrats and good luck!!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-09-30 14:24:00