CanadaDoes anyone who when visa are sent out in the mail?
I was thinking so too. I dont plan on moving until at least November 13th, but I just like knowing that I won't have any delays. I'm sure that it'll get here no later than next week, but I can't help being paranoid lol.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-25 10:44:00
CanadaDoes anyone who when visa are sent out in the mail?
Ok, so I was hoping that my visa would have been sent out by now. I checked Canada Post website to track it and this is what it shows me...

Unfortunately we could not find your tracking number in our system.
The information may not be available if your item was mailed recently. Our systems are updated daily.
Please make sure you enter your tracking number exactly as it appears on your envelope, label, or receipt.
Request Delivery Updates by email.

So...Does anyone know when MTL mails them out? I looked on VJ and saw other members saying that their visas were mailed out the next morning. I wanted to buy plane tickets today and was hoping to see that my visas were already on their way here. Should I wait till later today to check? I wanted to get the plane tickets 1st thing this morning so that I could get a better price for them, but this pkg is driving me crazy.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-25 09:47:00
CanadaSo Canadians - tell us about yourselves
I met my fiancee in an online chat room about 8 years ago and his nic on there was PrinceFknCharmin. I think it had a few #'s in there, but thats besides the point. Well thats where the "PFC" comes from in my nic. He always calls me "baby", so I figured PfcsBaby would just suit me. So thats how I came about my name for VJ. As far as my story, as I said we met online. At the time we both were in seperate relationships. I had a son in 2003 (the father never in the picture from the start) and about 6 months later, we started talking more and we both decided in December of 2004 we'd meet in person. Things were great. With his job, he couldnt take much time off, so I'd always go down to Georgia to see him. I was going at least once a month by myself for about 6 months. After that, I was bringing my son down with me too. My son calls him daddy. He is the only father he has ever known. In July of 2006 (my bday to be exact) he proposed. We both couldnt be happier. After that, we started the visa process. It has been a real long process so far. I've seen many on here that started the process after us and already been approved. I've always been worried about the interview and wondering what if they deny us, but after reading others stories about their interviews, I have more hope. I dont see any reason for them denying me, but it'll always be in the back of my head until I hear them at MTL say "your approved". But anyways, I'll end this now before I go on and on LOL. It's great to read what others have to say on here and thank a bunch with all the help I've gotten so far!!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-04 16:13:00
CanadaMy MTL Experience
Hi Mary. Glad you made it home safe and again, CONGRATS!!!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 05:26:00
CanadaMy MTL Experience
Thanks everyone. I did get some sleep last night. My body still feels weird from lack of sleep, but I guess I'll get over it soon enough.

The bus only cost me $43 for 2 round-trip tickets. To get that price, you need to buy them online using a credit card, or in my case, I used my moms credit card. I bought them online 3 weeks ago and got them for $10 a piece each way plus tax. I thought I was getting a bargain until I realized I wasn't going to sleep lol.

I'm hoping to get plane tickets today and we'll be leaving either November 13th or the 15th. I want to get there before Thanksgiving. I have to go up to the airport for those. Again, no credit card, so I can't get them online, but I usually get a good price when I buy directly from the airline.


Edited by PfcsBaby, 25 October 2007 - 05:36 AM.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-25 05:35:00
CanadaMy MTL Experience
Hey y'all,

Here's my MTL experience and review(sorry if it's kinda long)....

My journey started in Toronto Tuesday night. I had a friend come with me and we got on the Coach Canada bus at 9pm headed for Montreal. We stopped in Kingston at midnight for 30 minutes. We arrived in Montreal at 3:45am. It was cold and kinda spooky at that time of the morning. I didn't know north from south, even though I had a map. A taxi driver stopped and asked me where I was going. He spoke very good english, so I said I needed to go to the US Consualte. The taxi only cost $7, but I gave him $10 for being so helpful.

The Consulate is on a side street, that looks like a semi dark alley and you need to look up to see the street number on the building, along with the Consulate emblem. There is no American flag. At 4am I decided we needed to find a coffee shop to stay warm and figure out what we were going to do until it was time to line up. We did not sleep at all on the bus. So for anyone wanting to take the bus to Montreal, I hope you can get some sleep.

There is a Tim Hortons just 1 block south of the Consulate at the corner of Rene-Levesque and Du Frere Andre. You can see it right at the corner and they are open at 4am! The employees there do understand english a bit, but don't speak it too well.

There is nothing open at that time of the morning, so we walked around a bit to kill some time. At 6:45am I decided it would be a good time to get back to the Consualte to line up. I was 1st in line! Within 5 minutes piosenka(Mary and Arthur) showed up in a taxi and went to the coffee shop thats in the same building as the Consulate around the corner. I think that it opens up at 7am, but Mary said not to go there. The coffee sucks LOL. They were 2nd in line. Both Mary and Arthur are really nice people. I had a chance to speak with them pretty much the entire time.

The doors opened up at 7:30am. I showed my interview letter and proceeded to go to the x-ray machines. After clearning security, I was given a card with the letter "B" and was told to go down the stairs to sit on the chairs by the elevator until security was ready to escort us all upstairs. After reaching the 19th floor, we all proceeded to window #9 to give our interview letter and xpress envelope to the person at the window. We then had to wait to be called back to give all our papers and was told to wait at window #14 to pay the visa fee. This by the way doesn't open up till 8:30am. I paid the fee and returned the reciept to window #11. I sat down and waited to be called again for fingerprints. Sat down again to be called for the interview.

At 8:55am I was called and I went to door #9 and it is a closet LOL. The lady I spoke with is in her 40's, short straight brown hair. Very nice lady. She had to take another fingerprint of my left middle finger. I guess it didn't turn out too well the 1st time. So I almost flipped her off LOL. She asked me where did I meet my fiancee, which I told her online and a short story about that. Then she flipped through my file. She then asked me to swear an oath that everything I was about to tell her, along with everything in the file was to be true, etc etc. I said yes, I do! She then asked me where do I plan on moving too, when do we plan on getting married and also what do I do for a living. I told her I'm not employed right now, but that I'm going to school. Then she explained about the visa and that I have 6 months to enter the USA, then 90 days to get married. Now at this point, I was exhausted and I think I heard her say, "your visa will be approved today, we'll send it out tomorrow, you might get it Friday or Monday", or she said, "your visa is approved, etc etc" LOL. She gave me a paper explaining about the visa. I then asked her if I was done and if I could go, she said yes. I left the building at 9:10am.

Mary and Arthur were done at the same time, so we took the elevator down together. I congratulated them on their approval and we went our seperate ways.

We walked towards the bus terminal, which is about a 30 minute walk. Found McDonalds, used the bathroom and bought muffins. We were not supposed to leave until 5:30pm, but found that we could get on the 11:30am departure back to Toronto, so we did that. We didn't sleep at all again, but got back into the city at 6:20pm.

So thats my story. Hope it's helpful to those who will be going there soon for their interviews.


Edited by PfcsBaby, 24 October 2007 - 07:44 PM.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-24 19:42:00
CanadaBest of luck
Your welcome wink.gif

I know how you feel. Its hard when your away from your fiancee to go through everything, but having them with you makes it that much more easier. I can't wait until I can finally say..."Honey I'm home!" lol.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 13:23:00
CanadaBest of luck
You wont need an updated one. I had also visited my fiancee inbetween 1st filing and getting the interview 2 times, so no need to worry!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 13:01:00
CanadaLiz's list of stuff for the Mtl Interview
Oh yeah, one more thing to remember....

While your sitting upstairs waiting for your name to be called, sit in the front row of seats near the black screen on the ceiling, Not because you need to see that screen, but because the voice on the speakers is so low, it can be hard to hear anything. Especially when that place starts to pack up and everyone else who is there tends to have a big mouth.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 13:04:00
CanadaLiz's list of stuff for the Mtl Interview
I brought my x-ray with me in a tube. Didnt need it, but glad I had it, just in case. It sounds like your all set to go. Oh, bring some Advil or Tylenol with you. Especially if your taking a bus lol.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 05:23:00
CanadaVisa Expiration Date
Hi Mary.

I just looked at my visas and they both expire April 23rd, 2008. I think you better contact them and find out why they only gave you 4 months.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 15:37:00
CanadaGood luck to Will Star and Liz
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Oct 31 2007, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll be sure to post the decision and my review here Friday Afternoon / Evening!

We will be waiting Liz. Be sure to be careful and good luck again! wink.gif

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 16:35:00
CanadaGood luck to Will Star and Liz
Good luck to all. Cant wait to read the reviews!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 12:01:00
Canadawedding 1 down....
Great pics and congrats! Love the ears btw lol.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 21:02:00
CanadaK-2 Minor attending interview
I'm pretty sure she doesnt have to attend. I think if they are over 14 or 16, then they have to go. MTL cannot ask a 7 year old questions.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-01 14:55:00
CanadaPassport for Visa Interview
QUOTE (MandE @ Nov 1 2007, 12:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I am starting to get bogged down with copy after copy of every document I am bringing to the interview.

Can someone please remind me if I am required to photocopy every page of my passport for the K1-Visa interview?


I had only 1 stamp in my passport and I copied that, along with the pic in the front of the passport, but I didnt even need it for the interview. But, everyone is different when it comes to their interviews, so if theres any stamps in your passport, just go ahead and copy them just to be sure. Better to have it and not need it, then to not have it and need it!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-01 14:16:00
CanadaDo most USC attend Consulate interviews with their fiances/spouses?
Nope, they are not required to be there, but if possible, have them come along(if you can afford it). I wish I had mine there. He could have eased my tension in soooo many ways LOL. I'm just kidding. Wait, no I'm not! blush.gif

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 16:33:00
CanadaOff topic: comic releif
LOL thats a good one.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-01 20:03:00
CanadaMarrying on the same day as entry
If everything is all set, with nothing stopping you, then I say go for it! and Congrats!!!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-01 18:16:00
CanadaWishing everyone with Mtl interviews tomorrow GOOD LUCK : )
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Oct 31 2007, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

what happened?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I sure hope someone from the interviews scheduled today gets back to us soon about what happened or Liz is going to go stir crazy lol. We still love ya Liz! tongue.gif
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-31 16:29:00
CanadaWishing everyone with Mtl interviews tomorrow GOOD LUCK : )
LOL wouldnt that be something if someone showed up for their interview in a costume. Maybe someone will dress up as a zombie, cause MTL seems to move that slow anyways lol.

Best of luck to all with interviews tomorrow!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-30 11:08:00
CanadaIt's in!!!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYY CONGRATS!! kicking.gif I bet your glad that wait is over. Now you can get things going!
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-10-26 10:44:00
CanadaWhere the FFF is LIZ????
LOL. I was just going to add that shes already gone to MTL, but after reading on I see you got ahold of her! laughing.gif

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-01 18:18:00
CanadaNews from Soon-To-Be Mrs. Ol....
YAYYY!! Cingrats Liz!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-02 11:00:00
CanadaOkay you have your marriage certificate so what's next?
As far as I know, it'll be $1010 for you and $600 for your son if they are under 14 yrs old. Its something I'm not looking forward to paying either. Trying to save money for Christmas, a wedding and then having to pay out $1600 really sucks.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-03 14:04:00
CanadaCrazy Question
QUOTE (BH45 @ Nov 3 2007, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm working at getting my stuff together for the "infamous" interview. Do I need anything from my fiance to take with me to the interview? If and when it happens laughing.gif

I got a bank letter, stating how much money is in his account and when the account was open.(he had a hard time getting this letter, cause the bank teller was stupid lol)
I got the last 3 years of income tax statements.
A letter from his employer, stating how much he made, his position, hrs a week, and when he was 1st employed.
A letter of intent.(saying hes still free and willing to marry me)

Remember to make copies of everything. Give them the originals from the bank, employer and letter of intent. They are happy with a copy of the income tax, as long as you have the original, or copy of the original.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-03 20:11:00
CanadaLIZ is living proof that Montreal
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Nov 2 2007, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now we have definite proof that Montreal doesn’t visit VJ, if they did they wouldn’t have let Liz get her visa we need her here BIGTIME now and forever.

Liz you have as you can very well see been missed for the short time you were away, Oliver is one hell of a lucky guy and I hope you will be able to come back here to see us and how things are going for the others here. I also hope you have been training someone on excel so we have someone as good as you are to continue with the up dates though I think it will be very hard to fill your shoes soon.

I know that your not gone yet but before I disappear again I do want to thank you very much for everything you have done for everyone and for Sharon and I personally, I will miss you keeping us informed of changes through your e-mails.

kicking.gif kicking.gif Congratulations good.gif good.gif to rose.gif heart.gif you and Oliver heart.gif rose.gif , I hope you are both together very soon and all the best to you both for the future you will be sharing as one.


Well said Ron. I totally agree. Could you just imagine if MTL came here to read what all of us had to say about them? Or shall I say, bash about them lol.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-03 14:11:00
Canada4 couples in Montreal Nov 5th!!
Good Luck everyone!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-04 06:24:00
CanadaHi I'm new - Just wanted to say hello
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Nov 4 2007, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks everyone! I'm ready to tell them how we really met, but we've been telling customs for 4 years now that we "met through a friend" - So, should I keep going with that? or change it to "we met online" now? I'm not concerned about the "we met online" part - I'm more concerned that we haven't been saying that all along....

It won't be a problem. I don't know how you see eachother, whether you fly or drive, but I've always flown down to Georgia. I sometimes said my boyfriend and sometime said my fiancee. Theres been a few customs officers who thought they could use their authority against me and took me for secondary questioning. I answered all their questions truthfully and let them know we met online. Only one time I had a customs officer joke around with me about it all. Theres not many like that, but as I said, just be yourself.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-04 19:48:00
CanadaHi I'm new - Just wanted to say hello
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Nov 4 2007, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone, I'm really glad I came across this message board, because this whole visa thing has been stressing me out!

Right now, my bf and I have been dating for 4 years long distance, we met online 9 years ago when we were 15, met in person when we were 19 and have been dating every since. We are still not quite ready to be married, and will continue to date long distance for a bit. We are hoping to start the visa process next sping/summer. I live in Toronto and he lives in NYC.

After reading some of the guides and the boards, I'm thinking that we will go for the K1. I just have a few questions that I can't find the answer to... do we need a lawyer? I was under the impression that it was necessary before coming here, and now I'm thinking that we can probably do this on our own?

Is there is a place or site where I can find how much everything costs? We are ready to spend lots of money on this, but would love to get an estimate.

Why doesn't the Toronto consulate do interviews? I'm kinda annoyed that I have to go to either Montreal or Vancouver! Also, do we choose which office we go to, or is that automatic?

One last thing - we have been telling the customs officers that we met 'through a frend' instead of that me met online. Will we have issues now if we say we met online? At the time, I just didn't want to say we met online ( we found it slightly embaressing) and now I don't care too much? Hmm what should we do??

Thanks for all your help and I look forward to learning more!

Hi and welcome to VJ!

Here you'll find pretty much all the answers to any questions you have. Most people dont get a lawyer to go through the visa process. I myself didnt get a lawyer. I met my fiancee online, just like most have here on VJ, so dont ever feel embarassed. You'll have some customs officers at the border question your meeting online, but not all do. At the consulate for your interview, I believe close to 90% of the people have met online. I dont know how much it'll cost for a lawyer, but from what I've read on here, most lawyers dont know the whole process and your better off just asking questions here. I also live in Toronto and am very annoyed that the consulate here doesnt do the interviews, but you will have your interview in Montreal. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask us here.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-04 18:55:00
CanadaOur moving story
Glad you made it safe.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-05 14:01:00
CanadaWhy does a flight that cost me 544.00 cost me 1800.00 a week later?
From what I've noticed, the prices go up and down throughout the day. They tend to be more expensive between Thursday through till Tuesday. I always try and buy my tickets Tuesday or Wednesday. Also remember that as the days get closer to the day you want to leave, they will go up. So if you can buy way in advanced, then do so. I have found that buying directly from the airlines and not some travel site saves you money. Also, try looking at Air Canada if your flying from BC to UT. I used to fly Delta from Toronto to Atlanta, but I noticed Air Canada had cheaper rates and still do.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-03 14:09:00
QUOTE (LonaD @ Nov 5 2007, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

my babe was with me we waited in line starting at around 7 met stacey there they let her in with the e mail she had ( since she never got the interview letter ) but dont know if she got aproved too we left before she was done sure hope she did too ,
they opend the door at 7;45 yeah was pretty nerve racking the waite , but once we enterd it was a smooth ride they checkd us trough the security ,
then guided us to the 19 floor , went to window 9 had a grumpy lookin elderly lady who askd for the letter and identification then send us to the waiting room , my name was calld back to window 9 this time had a very nice lady who smiled a lot wich made me feel comftable ,
she askd for the identification , I 134 , with effidance, my original and copy of birthcertificate , divorce certificate , police records , letter of intend , took fingerprints , and express envelope , send me to window 14 to pay the 100 $ back to window 9 made me sign the forms send me to waite in waiting room , ( the waiting was longer then the actuael interview ) then we heard the voice that sounded like a gameshow host callin my name to room 7 , a very nice officer made us sware the oth then askd how we met, when we met , what the kids think of my babe , what was the highlight since we met , when we got engaded , then said congratulations you are aproved , I was like dumbfounded couldnt even talk for a sec was like wow realy wow ty wow oh my god , ( lol ) my babe was so calm he thankd the officer in a proper way we hugged eachother with happyness gatherd the documents , and said good bye ,
Oh they did keep my original birth certificate and police certificates and gave a quick refresh on the next step for aos before we left , but I didnt realy catch all this was to much in a wow , we had a grin from ear to ear when we left YEAHHHHHHHHHH WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO

YAYYYYYY Congrats!! kicking.gif
Its weird though that they kept your original birth certificate. I just gave them a copy of mine and my sons.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-05 11:56:00
CanadaCanadians Facing Delays in Renewal of Passports by Mail
It seems like the government finds every way to make you keep paying money for something even when its not necessary.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-04 20:49:00
CanadaCanadians Facing Delays in Renewal of Passports by Mail
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 4 2007, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PfcsBaby @ Nov 4 2007, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, this is new info to me. So, with me moving to the US, I still have to renew my Canadian passport? I'm totally confused here. I think my passport expires 2011.


Don't worry, Mary. You have a few years yet before you need to renew.

lol ok thanks Krikit.
PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-04 14:54:00
CanadaCanadians Facing Delays in Renewal of Passports by Mail
Ok, this is new info to me. So, with me moving to the US, I still have to renew my Canadian passport? I'm totally confused here. I think my passport expires 2011.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-04 14:40:00
Canada3 more couples going to Montreal, Nov 7th Interviews
Good luck and we'll be here waitin for those reviews!

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-05 16:03:00
CanadaSent an Email to Montreal today
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Nov 5 2007, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man.... from "it sux" to "it sux BIG TIME". Are they just avoiding doing their job or what????????????????? mad.gif

It seems like that huh? Makes you wonder if some of us are in the wrong profession lol. Must be nice to sit at work all day, don't answer phones, or reply to emails and have the ability to determine ones fate.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-05 14:04:00
CanadaStacy Daymon and Neekas review
Congrats on the approval! I hope your feeling better.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-06 06:21:00
Canadawhen does visa arrive ?
I had my interview on a Wedensday and it was here by Tuesday. So, 4 business days.

PfcsBabyFemaleCanada2007-11-06 12:14:00