IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013
hi saylin wanted to ask you this ok? i know my wife is going to fill out her ds-230 and only sign part -1 what im asking specifically is does it mean she fills out both part-1 and part-2 but only signs part -1 am i correct in all of this? thks saylin
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-19 01:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013
hi saylin our approved petitions were sent to the nvc as of march 4 so its been a week,and as you suggested to start calling after this time im going to do that today,i have the number you provided n how to speak to an operator all of that is no problem for sure! the thing i wanna ask you is when i speak to the operator how would i go about asking them if my petitions are there and if so how do i go about asking for the case number or in my sitution case numbers?thks saylin
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-11 13:25:00
Philippinesdid i miss something for my interview?
Hi Pink,for all the help you gave Me and Bel,and others!We praying for you and your Husband that your interview goes smoothly and soon youll be hearing that song Leaveing on a Jetplane!Dont be to nervous Pink,God is with You and Your husband on this journey,no need for worry!! Your Friends Louie n Bel good.gif star_smile.gif
louiepMalePhilippines2008-08-24 03:09:00
PhilippinesI GOT PINK! I GOT PINK! OHH I love PINK!!!
Congadulations Pink!!!!!! Pink,You and Your Husband,while going through your visa journey together,have done nothing but,promote love care and understanding ,to many others in here,including Me and Bel of course!Thinking of others many times even before yourselfs!Me and Bel wish the same things back to You and Your Husband!!!Peace,Joy and Great Life Together! Godbless Louie n Bel
louiepMalePhilippines2008-08-27 03:09:00
Congradulations Pink good.gif Me and Bel wish many of God's blessings for You and your husband Pink,also please tell your husband,thank you for waking up to give us the way to correctly dial all the numbers,it helped so much!Have a good trip,and great life together! Godbless You Both!! good.gif Louie and Bel
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-02 23:55:00
PhilippinesBel's Interview
Thanks Again Rickie and Eva!!! Does anyone have any idea or approximatly when after looking at my post,when the embassy approx might release Bel's Visa?Godbless Louie
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-20 23:50:00
PhilippinesBel's Interview
Thks so much Ricky n Eva!But did you mean 3days for embassy to release it?Or about 3days for delbros to deliver it?Can please elabarate on your ansewer and give more of your opinion on everything,that i post,i would really appreciate it!!!!!!!! Godbless Louie
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-20 23:00:00
PhilippinesBel's Interview
My Bel's interview was oringinally scheduled for sept 23 but through 2 congressional urgent inquirys Bel had her interview on sept 5 Everything went well with both the prescreener and american co!The Co told Bel all the documents and papers were fine,except the CO said one my w2s is not there!So i called Grace at the embassy and she was kind enough to tell me to hold she will check the file,and sure enough the w2 was missing,so Grace told that me or Bel could fax this directly to the embassy,which i had Bel do that afternoon,i called Grace back and she said yes they got it but it is not clear!So i told Grace after i had talked to Bel and looked at exactly what the CO gave her,A pink slip for delivery attached to her appointment letter and white paper for addittional document,which to my surprize included her passport?I called Grace back and she told me after she checked that it was a mistake that they should have not given Bel's passport back and to bring that on monday when Bel is going to turn in the addittional document!I told Grace that Bel will be turning in on monday a crystel clear noterized copy of the tax transscript of the missing W2 along with Bel's passport!Which she did!!!Also Bel was told on that monday,to go over to Delbros to pay for the visa delivery,which she did!Afterwards Bel text me that everything was done,so i called Grace back a little later,to let her know,Grace told me that everything is ok ,and that the only concern was dv wasnt done yet,she put me on hold for a couple of mins to go over to DELBROS to check on it,when she came back,she told me that the NSO recieved it on sept 1 2008,but because of my Moms terminal condition,which they have all the documention for,Grace told me that because of that special condition the Embassy put an expediate rush on Bel's dv!Thats why at first i thought it was weird that when i checked Delbros online,it first said shipment in process date 9/1/2008 and after talking to Grace it changed to 9/8/2008! I think i understand now,because after calling the NSO they confirmed for me,that they know of the expediated rush on Bel's dv,and are trying to get it done asap!So in between in a very polite manner,i was calling the NSO everyother day,which after appoligizing for they tell me its ok they completely understand because of my Mom!I called the NSO on thursday and they happily informed me that Bels docs were verified and hoping to release to the embassy that friday!So after praying so hard,Me and Bel both,i called the NSO back on friday and yippie!!!!! They confirmed for me,that Bel's doc verification was released back to the embassy that morning,yippie!!!!!!im going to call the embassy tomorrow for sure!I dont know if they will allow Bel a visa pickup,because as Grace told me,even at her suggestion,which we already did,give to the embassy,a letter from Bel stating the reason for visa pickup,same from me and also one from my Dad,along with more copys of all my Moms medical docs,because in the end for that its up to the CO!But if not,now that everything is done,crystel clear noterized tax transcript w2 and Bel's passport,doc ver all done and at the embassy,my big question to all my vj friends is,any idea when the embassy will or might release My Bel's visa for delivery?And if they do?Bel is from Bocaue,Bulacan,how long would it take for Delbros to deliver!Godbless to everyone in here and their journeys!!!!!!!! Louie
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-20 21:29:00
PhilippinesMr Pjay Sanchez at the NSO
Dont rely on this person,to give you any kind of truth weather your Document Verification is done and has been forwarded to the USEM!!!!!!!!!!!! I spoke with this gentleman at the NSO Monday of last week to find out if Bel's verification was done and sent to the embassy,he informed it was not,so i pleaded with him and the person who might actually be handling Bel's case and because of my Moms condition,which they already knew about,because of the expediated rush put on it by the embassy,to please with a christen heart to please try to have it done for friday the 19th,when next all results would be sent to the embassy!He informed me that he would personally involve himself in this matter! I called back to him that thursday afternoon phil time,and at that time he informed that Bel;s verification was done and to keep my fingers crossed that the NSO would release that friday!I called that friday afternoon phil time the next day,and Pjay informed me that Bel's results did in fact go back to the embassy and told me that they were received by a person named Emily!He three times said yes i am confirming this!!!It was to late to call the embassy after that to confirm that Bel's verification was receieved! So i spoke with Lorraine at the embassy today,to confirm that they have Bel's results,and to my big and unfortunte surprize they did not!She double checked the list from friday and confirmed that Bel was not on it!I told Lorraine that MR Pjay Sanchez three times confirmed for me that in fact Bel was on the list picked up by Emily,so Lorraine informed that she will ask this of Emily when she is back from the hospital seeing about a friend,and to call back after lunch.I called back after lunch,and talked to Grace,who knew of the circumstances of this problem already!Grace Politley told me that no Bel was defintuely not on fridays list,and how come i was told anything by someone at the NSO, and in fact that Mr Pjay Sanchez at the NSO is giving this info just to get rid of callers!I told Grace,my God im shocked that the NSO would allow an employee to outright lie in this manner,especially knowing the circumstances of our case(my Moms terminally ill)!!!!!!!to let a an employee of a wonderful and beautiful christen country,to permit that employee to outright lie,to people who are seeking the truth,is an abomination!!! I told Grace in the most polite and diplomatic way that i could muster,as employees of the USEM who actually are supposed to work for me and not me for them,that in fact because of these practices to be unchecked and allowed,that no one willing at the USEM,DELBROS and THE NSO to facilitate a truthful expediate rush on Bel's verification,causing Bel not to be here in time to meet my Mom and causing my Mom to pass away with even a partial saddness,I told Grace that I will send to Ambass:Keenney,The Director of the NSO,the CEO of Delbros and the head counsler of the immigrant visa unit Dr Lawerance a certified noterized copy of my Moms death certificate!I slightly apoligized to Grace,but only said in the end of our talk,hope sooner than later for Moms sake!!!!!!!!!!!! mad.gif Im seeking the lord to touch hearts there for everyone!!!!!
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-22 03:03:00
PhilippinesNSo number
Emotion i would strongly suggest u call grace or lorraine to find out the status of your case,and if in fact your dv results are in fact there!Reason being i went through the same thing,was told that my bel's papers were at the embassy and they are in fact not there yet! I to put my bel's number into delbros tracking system,it says the exact same thing shipment in process,since sept 1 I strongly urge you to call the USEM and talk to Grace or Lorraine 301-2000 ext 5184 0r ext 5185 when you get to where the ansewering machine is talking just keep pressing 0 till u get ringing and keep trying till they ansewer ,please do this and youll know for sure,please dont rely on the NSO,isay this because in fact i just got off the phone with Lorraine and she informed that because of my being mislead by the NSO that the Embassy called there yesterday and wanted to know why this was allowed to happen even though there is terminal illness involved in our sitution,so please call the embassy,my heart will rest easier,Godbless Louie and Bel
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-23 04:03:00
PhilippinesThe Second Chance for Truth
Thanks to Almighty God it was the TRUTH!I just got off the phone with Mis Lorraine,and she happily informed me,that Bel's verification is there at the Embassy,and the results are done and perfect,yippie!!!!!!!!She told me that she will inform the CO today,even as We end our talk and remind the CO the urgency of our case,and told me to call her back as soon as Wednsday,to confirm The CO has released it for delivery!!!!!!Thank God,Thank Jesus and a very heartfelt Thank You to all of You,My Good friends!!!And if its ok,a special thanks to Pink and her Husband for making sure I knew the entire process of Delbros,the correct numbers to dial,special thanks to Pink's Husband for waking out of his sleep,to make sure how to dial them correctly,not mention the courging words and to Filiricans to her very encourging replys,Me and Bel very very much appreciate ALL the prayers and ecourgement from all of you!!!!I think We should all send Jeqo Ryu a special thanks,because of her doing the Lord's work,even before her own prayers are ansewered,by starting the Bible Verses of The Day!What greater sacrifice can you do,than tending to the feelings of others before yourself!!From Me and Bel,thank you Jeqo Ryu,may the Lord be upon your journey,and ansewer your prayers!!To All!! Ill update more in the very near future,but im always here if i can help someone else!!! Godbless Louie and Bell good.gif star_smile.gif
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-28 21:35:00
PhilippinesThe Second Chance for Truth
After hashing things over in my mind,of our recent experiences with Mr Pjay Sanchez and Numerous phone calls to the USEM(Grace n Lorraine) and with Our trust in God and all the encouraging posts,and messages from Our fellow VJ's. I decided to try to call the NSO again! I again talked to Mr Sanchez,I again was explainng who I was and what was my wifes name is and case number,when he very politely interruppted our conversation,by telling me its ok,that he remember who I was and my wifes name,which he said himself,and begun to appoligize to me,that he was very sorry to me for telling me that Bel's doc verification,had been released last friday,as he really thought that it had!He apoligized again and again said very sorry for that Mr Paduano!He told me ,that what had actually happened,is that yes Bel's docs were verified and done,as of last friday,but actually it wasnt ready for release in time when Mis Emily from the USEM came to pick up that weeks results,as she came earlier than usual,and I can confirm that after talking to Grace,so I know thats true!After Further conversation with Mr Sanchez,he informed me that Bel's doc results are to be released that day ,when Mis Emily comes to pickup all the results!He assured me that he would personally make sure,that Mis Emily would have Bel's results to bring back to the USEM,as she did not arrive at the NSO yet!It was about 2:00pm Phil time when we were having our conversation!Mr Sanchez,told me to call back around 4:00pm (Phil time)as he tought she would be there already,by that time!So I called back at 4:00pm,and Mr Sanchez,told me,he was sorry but,Mis Emily still had not come from the USEM to pick up the results,but assured me again that Bel's were there,released and ready for pickup by Mis Emily!I told Mr Sanchez,thank You very much,that I will call Lorraine and Grace at the USEM to find out!Mr Sanchez told me he was sorry again,and that if I wish to call back on Monday its ok!Now by the time,I was able to get hold of Grace or Lorraine at the USEM,it was very close to 4:15pm!I was lucky enough to reach Lorraine,before they left for the day!She was very attentive to me,even though it was just about her time to leave!I informed Mis Lorraine of my full conversation with Mr Sanchez,Mis Lorraine,said to me that it was good that Mr Sanchez told me this,(about the releasing of Bel's doc results),it was now 4:25pm,that she had to leave.But she did go and check and even at that time,Mis Emily had not returned to the USEM yet!I think this time there is evidence of truth of what,they both said,because as Mr Sanchez said she did not arrive as of 4:00pm at the NSO and as of 4
;25pm she still hadnt arrived back at the USEM!Also knowing of rush hour traffic there at that time,seems truthful and logical to me!Before We ended our talk,Mis Lorraine,informed me that day,they did receive a third congressional inquiry(marked urgent)voicing strong concerns,(Especially because of My Mom)why hadnt Bel been issued her visa yet?Mis Lorraine told me not only to call back on monday,but told me to call her at 7:30am as that is the time she first arrives at the USEM!Before We ended our talk,I asked to her,what would happen monday if Bel's doc results were there,as that is the only thing needed now before issuence of Bel's visa!Mis Lorraine told me if if everything is ok on monday,that she and also Grace will strongly remind the case worker,who is part of team 2 to get it to the CO and also remind what ever CO handles it the very special circumstances of our case!!!Mis Lorraine,told me anytime after that,we might be informed for a visa pickup or release to delbros for delivery!Please,Please Pray for Me and Bel for this and Especially for My Mom!!! Godbless to All in their Journey's!!! Louie and Bel star_smile.gif crying.gif good.gif
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-28 15:34:00
PhilippinesPurchasing Tickets for My WIFE
In the next couple of weeks im going to be purchasing an airline ticket,for my wife Bel,from Manila to JFK Newyork,though my favorite travel agency Globe.What i want to ask of my fellow vj's and my friends in here is Bel going to have any problems if i purchsae the ticket with my debit card?Will she have to show anything at check in other than her passport and visa ?godbless Louie and Bel
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-29 01:34:00