USCIS Service CentersTimeline
hello my felow vjr's simple question i guess, the question is about our timeline on here,while i know already its just a helpful indicator of when our petitions would be approved,which we have a pd of july 5 2012 cr-1,while it might indicate some good news possable,what would be the reason ,as ours has move all the from between dec28-jan29th to jump back to dec6-jan15th when our petitions might be ajudicated? can someone help please explain this? thk you all n thks in advance godbless all our journeys
louiepMalePhilippines2012-11-23 17:42:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Vermont Service Center - Speed and Priority Date

*** Thread moved from CR-1 Case Progress subforum to USCIS Service Centers forum -- topic indeed involves multiple visa types. ***

i know you think ur doing what you think is right but my questions pertain to both topics as it involves the progression of the cr-1 process and the service center so in that way i couldve gotton info from both forums as it has pertaining questions to both i would appreciate it if you put it back also where i had it in the cr-1 progress forum as it pertains n should be there also
louiepMalePhilippines2012-11-26 06:02:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Vermont Service Center - Speed and Priority Date

*** Thread moved from CR-1 Case Progress subforum to USCIS Service Centers forum -- topic indeed involves multiple visa types. ***

actually their the same its just the uscis calls them cr-2's when its children involved as part of the cr-1
louiepMalePhilippines2012-11-26 05:54:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Vermont Service Center - Speed and Priority Date
hello fellow vjr's, does anyone know in any way that the vermont service center has speeded up or at least started to pick up the pace for all petitions but especially for CR1 petitions? Also what is the very or best educated guess of the current state of process there to have our CR-1 and our two CR-2 petitions approved by the begining of dec sometime? we have a priority date of july 5 2012 thks as always in advance godbless louie :)
louiepMalePhilippines2012-11-26 01:04:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Vermont Service Center - Speed and Priority Date
hello fellow vjr's, does anyone know in any way that the vermont service center has speeded up or at least started to pick up the pace for all petitions but especially for CR1 petitions? Also what is the very or best educated guess of the current state of process there to have our CR-1 and our two CR-2 petitions approved by the begining of dec sometime? we have a priority date of july 5 2012 thks as always in advance godbless louie :)
louiepMalePhilippines2012-11-25 23:17:00
USCIS Service Centersthe uscis
in this process of immigration i know one thing for sure that the uscis has the idea that we work for them that they have the mistaken idea that they dont work for us we are the us citzens and customers of this federal agency and we are being treated like we are the employees when a fedral agency such as the uscis has become so large and bueracratic as they have n conduct themselfs as entities to themselfs where even a us congressman or us senator many times cant get a specific n vivid explation for us customers n citzens,assuming that our represenitives are also being honest ,who are also supposed to serve us the people,then we might as well send our petitions to the moon insted of the lock boxes let them sit there till they get done playing politics with our lives n our familys .approve all the petitions for all the people who are not supposed to be here,deferred deportation,people who over stay knowing that they do n then try to adjust so they can,n we should not get upset at the uscis n the dos when they give a visa to the former head spokeman for the taliban from afganistan n then let him teach classes at yale university in new haven,ct no we just sit back n enjoy all of this? this so called dream act n exeutive order of the president has turned our place in line as us citzens to retreive our familys into somewhat of a nightmare!!!!! this year alone the uscis have recieved approx 71,000 of these applications which a certain number have been approved in 30days or less because of the election,just wait my friends in here ,next year the uscis estimates approximately 1,500,000 who are undocumented and are illegally will be eliledgable to apply for the I-821D for deferred deportation and for this the uscis is in the process right now of trying to hire and train 500 more officers to handle the influx also to open local offices that were closed before as a small part of trying to balance the federal budget!and you have to believe that some part of the very money we send in as fees will go towards getting this done! i dont know how many more years almighty god will permit me to live on this earth but i would like to spend some quality years n time with my wife and two young n small stepdaughters n not have my family caught up in the political whims of others!!!!!!!!!! like many others in here i would like to be able to kiss my wife n hug my children soon n not feel like i have to kiss the butts of of a federal agency or a politician for that to take place!almighty god would want all of our familys to be together in a moment for the love we would share to each other,not to be in some political buerucratic black hole 6 7 8 mths n sometimes years for the sake of WHATTTTTTTTTT thks for letting me vent some feeling but also truth
louiepMalePhilippines2012-11-26 07:28:00
USCIS Service Centersmy wife and step daughters petitions
please jesus i ask you and though you to almighty god our father,to touch someones heart in this vermont service center and approve our petitions, please accept me as i am a sinner,and to bring my wife belle n my stepdaughters larriz and diana back together soon we love each other from the very place where you live in our hearts n only wish to be reunited godbless everyone in here jesus and may their visa journeys also conclude in the happiness n security of being reunited amen the paduano family :thumbs: :)
louiepMalePhilippines2012-12-01 00:02:00
USCIS Service Centersvermont service center
do any july filers in here see any hope at all of getting a noa-2 at least sometime this month or maybe by the middle of january? appreciate all responses thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2012-12-09 20:53:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont Service Center
its very simple the vermont service center sucks straightup i even had a conversation with a staff member from my senators office here in ct and i explained to her even im happy for so many other people that they have had their petitions approved,why is it and how is it fair that they transfered so many aug,sept,oct,and nov filers from the vermont service center to the national benefit center in missourri and that a number of these cr-1 petitions have already been approved and in that way many of us cr-1's from vermont such as june n july especially are now left to wait even further i asked this lady from my senators office here in ct why is it that people who are filing the i-821d for deferred action which are really for people who are here ilegaly are asked to present some of the same kind of evidence and are security checked supposedly and their applications are processed in 60 to 90 days some even faster,but us cr-1's who are doing everything legaly and are american citazens wait 5 6 7 8 mths and beyond her resonse was shocking to say the least that could i prove any of this by giving to her recit numbers for people who filed in sept n oct who were transferred from the vsc to the nbc and were already approved!!!!! its shocking for her to ask me for other peoples personal info i had in my mind that since she worked for a us senator she could contact vermont and the nbc n inquire n investigate this on a concerned constituents behalf hmmmm i thought the senator worked for me i didnt know i worked for him the uscis and the us goverment in general just gets away with playing human shuffle board with so many of us in here!!!!! i say when ever there is any more elections of any kind dont even go bother to vote they do want they want anyway n when they get into difficulties they pass it on to people like us.AWWWWB WHAT GOOD IS IT NO ONE CARES NO ONE STICKS TOGETHER THAT I CAN SEE MYSELF IF I COULD I WOULD GO BACK TO THE PHIL TO LIVE WITH MY WIFE AND STEPDAUGHTERS GIVE UP THEIR PETITIONS AS LONG AS THE USCIS WAS MADE TO BE TOTALLY TRANSPARENT N ANSEWR EVERY QUESTION TOTALY HONEST N SPECIFIC EVERYTIME ONE OF US CALLED THE CUSTOMER SERVICE FOR USCIS OR GOT SOME KIND OF SPECIFIC HONEST AND CONTRITE HELP FROM OUR OFFICALS LIKE I SAID YOU SUCK VERMONT
louiepMalePhilippines2012-12-18 05:16:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont Service Center
First i would say to my fellow vjr's that hoping those of you behind our priority date of July 5 2012 Cr-1 at the vermont service center are approved before us,as it should be,i relize theres different circumstanses in our cases,but be that as it may,our fellow vjr's behind us should come first,but also our fellow vjr's who are dealing with Vermont(VSC)who filed after us and were etheir directly or from Vermont transfered to the NBC(National Benefit Center)or to their local offices,and had their cases approved ahead of us and in some cases in a much shorter time than normal(if there is such a thing at the VSC?)that well,Godbless all of you and your familys that it happened for you in that way!!!!!! I have two questions to ask of all the very knowledgeable and experienced people here of my fellow VJR'S 1:Is there any legimate chance that our petitions,of which are for my wife_cr-1 and my two stepdaughters which are CR-2 could be approved anytime soon??????? I might add that all the proper documentation that was needed for our petitions and the way it was prepared was follwed to exactly to what was needed and then some!!!!!! My second question is please all of my fellow VJR'S pray for Us that our approval comes soon.It is only that the four of us myself my wife belle my stepdaughters larriz-5 and diana-3 that we have such an strong,unending,unconditional love for each other as a family,that Jesus please bring us back together soon! :crying: even my stepdaughters are trying so hard just to learn english because they love their Daddy! godbless people
louiepMalePhilippines2013-01-13 17:17:00
USCIS Service Centersjuly cr-1 filers
is there any ANY good news at all from or about the vermont service center for us? torture is supposed to be against the law in the united states (vermont service center) enough said!!!!!! the company i work for makes the cables n connectors that go into the most powerful fighter jet we have,one of the cables is for its computer system which can handle 60gigabytes of info in 9seconds,i wish we could make a cable n connectors for the USCIS and THE VERMONT SERVICE CENTER maybe they would start to adjudicate petitions in a more decent amount of time for everyone,insted of torturing us all!!when all we all wanna do is be with the partners of our hearts!!!! just waiting and praying for us and also everyone else!!!!! :(
louiepMalePhilippines2013-01-20 07:43:00
USCIS Service Centersvermont service center

We just got our NOA2! Your's should be coming any day now! thk you ainsn we got our noa-2 on this past monday and congradulations on getting yours godbless :thumbs:

louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-09 14:30:00
USCIS Service Centersvermont service center
does anyone here or know of any of us who filed at the vermont service center as july cr-1 filers if any of us have been approved and received their noa2?also anyone in here have any specific or concrete news about VSC when we might expect approvals or whats really going on there? especially we have priority dates in a month where americans celebrate the declaration of our independence,why cant the VSC see this,and give us our independence from the service center,so we may make the declaration to our fiances,spouses and familys,that we will be back together as family,and in that way,ansewering our prayers and having our small slice of the american dream together as a family!!!!!!!!!!! VSC do not defer to polictical pandering,defer VSC to the will of Almighty God through his son Jesus Christ!!!!!! merry christmas
louiepMalePhilippines2012-12-22 14:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)needed documents
hello fellow vjrs,would like to enlist some knowledgeable help please im please asking these things for help the ds-3032 would we send one each for myself,my wife n one each for my stepdaughters who are 5yrs n 3yrs old? what specific documents would we send or they might ask for the NVC? thk you for any help you can provide!! godbless louie :help:
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-10 19:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)forms
hello my fellow vjrs i would like to ask besides all the payments and documents i will evently send are the ds-3032 and ds-230 part-1 are these the only ones i will need from her that will be signed by her?reason im asking is this friday im having her send me a fed ex envelope with everything else i could think of and maybe these are the last two to include? thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-12 00:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ds-3032 and ds-230

can someone tell me if i am correct in assuming that for the ds-3032 i will fill one out as will my wife and since we have two small children we will fill one out for the both of them correct? and the ds-230 will be filled out by my wife and the children have no need of this because my wife will put them on here ds-230 would that be correct? thk you for any help

someone please help with this thks
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-13 03:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ds-3032 and ds-230
can someone tell me if i am correct in assuming that for the ds-3032 i will fill one out as will my wife and since we have two small children we will fill one out for the both of them correct? and the ds-230 will be filled out by my wife and the children have no need of this because my wife will put them on here ds-230 would that be correct? thk you for any help
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-12 06:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)interview date
does anyone in our same sitution have any good idea or good educated guesses,of how long it would be from case closed at the nvc to my wife n stepdaughters going to their interview? thk you for any help or idea!
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-31 19:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV Immigrant Visa Bill
just wondering im about to send in my i-864 with everything and theve received n accepted the ds-3032's already,aos shows as paid,just wondering at what point do they generate the iv bill n email it to me with the bar code cover sheet? is it after i send my i-864?or should the iv bill already have been sent? thk you for any help!!!!!!!!111
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-05 13:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)i-864

U can check out on sample document forms on VJ. That's what I did, guide you over.

i appreciate ur response beth but the sample doc i-864 doesnt show or ansewer my questions in a specific way as not to make mistakes and get an rfe
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-06 04:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)i-864
i know i have to fill out a sperate i-864 one each for my wife and two stepdaughters,what im getting alittle confused on is part 3 question 8 and question 9 and this below it?can any please tell exactly how i would fill out these parts on each of their i-864's one for mywife and one each for my two stepdaughters? please please help thk you :help:
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-06 03:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)aos payment n ds-3032
hello my friends i mailed our aos payment withe invoice barcode cover sheet to nvc payment center in Mo it arrived today n was signed for how will i know its been n will show its paid?and what will happen next in what length of time please? also the ds-3032's arrived n were signed for at the visa center in new hampshire today also,when will i know when theve been accepted and then what happens next? please any info or any help with any of this information is very very much appreciated!!!!! godbless you all :help:
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-02 04:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)good news
good news my wife n two step daughters had their ds 3032's added to their cases today and the visa center also told me they would now generate and send me the IV bill within the next seven days all very good news also have their ds-230's already signed and filled with all the documents that are nesscary!!! just wanted to ask anyone who might have a good educated guess at least if we could possably see a case closed by the end of this month? thk you very much :thumbs:
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-12 03:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)choice of agent ds-3032

Don't worry, a few more days and you should get the email. I mailed my wife's in and it took 12 days, but I emailed my step-son's in and it only took 2 days to get his IV bill email. I mailed his in also just in case, I didn't know if they would accept an email from me for his 3032 but they did. Sending in the final packet next week as soon as I get his passport copy from my wife, by DHL express.

I bet you get it Tuesday the 16th.

WOW got the IV bill and invoices yesterday(all three) while i was at work :dance: going to pay them later today!!!once i pay them anyone know when they would send me the iv instruction package?i should say im the chice of agent! i called the NVC today even before i got home,thats how i found out they already emailed me the iv bills n invioces.i informed the nvc i already have the three ds-230's for my wife and two stepdaughters already filled out and signed by my wife on all three,just not dated yet!also all three i informed the NVC have all the needed documents for all three!i asked the NVC if i could also send these in now also or do i have to wait till our payments show paid?and when i send the ds-230's will i have to wait for a seperate cover sheet just for them? i got so excited about receiving the iv bills n invoices i completely forget what she said :help: can anyone help with some input about the timing of the ds-230's when and how? thk you in advance!!!!!!!! godbless
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-13 01:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)choice of agent ds-3032
i was told by the nvc how many times since they let me know that on april second they received the choice of agent forms in our three cases that they would be added to our cases and it would be about 10days for this ok were at our 7th day n still hasnt been done should i worry? they aleady know that i will be the agent myself for my wife and stepdaughters this is the only thing holding us up at the moment,i think,because i already have sent in the affidavit of support documents for each of them showing i make 5times the level needed to support a family of four,that was recived by them on monday! things are moving along im not really complaining only wondering why the choice of agent seems to be slowing us down?all paperwork and documents are all meticuously filled out n dated everything is there and then some just wondering whats going on?hoping to almighty god to try n get this case closed by the end of this month pleae lord jesus i miss my family :(
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-11 04:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV PAYMENT

No problem. Why didn't you pay online?

dont have new bank account yet,wana wait till my new wife and stepdaughters get here,so me and my new wife can open it together,ill need for her to have a ss number which shell get alittle while after she gets here!thks for your quick response pushbrk i truly feel much better now!
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-13 19:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV PAYMENT

on the pay to order line i put US Department of State insted of just Department of State,anyone think that'll be a problem? thk you :help:

louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-13 18:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV PAYMENT
on the pay to order line i put US Department of State insted of just Department of State,anyone think that'll be a problem? thk you :help:
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-13 13:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)interview date
does anyone and this is for the manila embassy,does anyone have a good idea,if we have our case closed from the nvc at least by the end of april or before,that we would get not only an interview date from the nvc?but also would we get an interview date to actually have an interview scheduled to attend around 30days after case is closed?im praying for this,but any input would be appreciated!!! :help: thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-13 22:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)letter from nvc
a quick question here if someone can help me at least speculate till i can further contact my wife! since the nvc knows that im the choice of agent and everything goes through me as it has been,and knowing as you can see in our timeline were about to have case completed at the nvc,at this point what would the nvc possably be sending my wife? one good thing about this is it tells me everything i did so far is correct,no rfe's and all documents are correct and i already know of course for awhile that all fees are paid,so im just wondering again what they might be sending her?could this possably be the instruction letter to my wife telling her about her interview appointment and the need for a medical exams for her n my stepdaughters and are about to notify me by email of the same? any ideas from anyone would be appreciated even gud educated guesses just so much excited :thumbs: thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-22 05:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)checklist from NVC

hi ,don't worry  it will probley delay it a bit maybe around 10 days like that,but send another ds-230 exactly filled out like you did before,just making absolutely sure you ansewer question 30 this time and everything will be fine!!send it express mail so you can track it also! don't worry to much,as it might take less then ten days or especially if it takes a few more then ten days  it will be ok!just send them exactly what their asking,which is probley another ds-230 just making sure to answer question 30smile.png   I know how you feel as me n my wife n step daughters are kinda of in the same thing,n we miss our loved ones a great deal,but what is 10 or 15 days more compared to all the time that has passed since we first applied n were both very close to making it out of the NVC and on to our interviews !  gud luck on the rest of your journey n godblesssmile.png

louiepMalePhilippines2013-05-17 02:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC

hello my fellow vjr's, I found out from the NVC on May 23 of this month,that our three cases,my wife and two step daughters were complete!dancin5hr.gif smile.png  Of course we are very very happy for this!!! Thk God!!! Two n half weeks ago I had to respone to a checklist from the NVC,that wanted originals for our marriage certificate and their birth certificates,which by my mistake,sent them copies of the originals,so my dear wife went to the NSO and got two more originals of everything,as she had one set already for herself! She sent me these may 7th by dhl and I received them on may 10th,which I immediately sent to the NVC the same day by overnite us post office express mail! T he NVC received the package 8:10am that Monday morning on may 13th! Being me I didn't expect any response to this ryt away of course,but being me I started calling the NVC the next day! and everyday after that,and also checked for any email responses! Of course I was by some very nice people there always given the usual standard ansewers of 10 to 20 business days for a review n response to the checklist items I sent! but I kept calling just the same!!! When I called on may 22 of course the same thing,but this nice gentlemen at the nvc told me,that he can see that haven't reviewed it yet,just alittle moer time is needed! I said to him thk you very much,i know its close cause its been 7days at that point,n maybe by the tenth day we will hear something! Wow to my much joyful n wonderful surprise when I called the next day,in all three of our cases,that just that day that was calling,they had reviewed our checklist things we sent in response,and completed all three cases!!!!!!smile.png kicking.gif  This very nice women at the NVC also informed me that ,yes we will now be put in line for an interview date n interview,for the embassy in Manila,because of the young ages of my step daughters,among other things,they would try and make for as soon as possible! I can see myself ,that yes on the embassy website,it can be from one to three months till the actual interview,but I can see on here that the average is about 30days,some less some alittle more!!!  My one question ryt now,as we are very thkful already is,does any of my fellow vjr's especially ones from the Phil,have any idea or input when our interview may happen and when we might be informed by the NVC of our interview date???? thk u very very much for any help!!!! godbless everyones journeygood.gif

louiepMalePhilippines2013-05-27 19:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)interview date

thk almighty god n through his son jesus  my wife and two stepdaughters now have an interview date at the USEM for july 11 2013 6:15am   May Almighty God through his son jesus be there for all the rest of my fellow VJERS   godbless everyonesmile.png

louiepMalePhilippines2013-06-05 01:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)usps tried to deliver IV package on SATurday but office closed

Darnell's ryt  don't worry  same thing happened to me,they will automatically redeliver Monday morning,probley around 8:00am   no worriessmile.png

louiepMalePhilippines2013-06-16 19:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How many business days did it take for NVC to review and accept your AOS & IV package?

the nvc will tell you  10 to 20 business days  but it averages about 8 to 10   hope that helps  from the 6th day on I would call them everyday to check

louiepMalePhilippines2013-07-26 01:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f k-3 Vermont Sevice Center
Does anyone have any news or know why they are holding up the i-129f for k-3 at the vermont service center?When i got hold of an officer at the center,she informed they are approving the i-130s fast and leaveing the i-129fs in the case pending wormhole,so that can get get rid of some of the backlog ,thus forcing us to pursue andbe classified as cr1 or cr2 not giving us the oppurtunity to pursue a k-3 she informed me also that it doesnt matter,because the i-130 cr1s are going as just as fast,i know thats a lie!We know the plus and minuses of both,but We werent given the oppurtunity to pursue the k-3 under the life act as i informed the officer of this,that under the life act it is the petitioners right which to pursue,not the uscis thats the law,didnt seem to matter to this officer that law is the law!please if anyone can shed light pleae do so!thank you
louiepMalePhilippines2008-05-19 00:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNSo number
emotion please read my post in the philippine sub forum,titled mr pjay sanchez at the nso! i just delt wtih them today
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-22 03:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionINTERVIEW Date

hello my fellow vjr's, I found out from the NVC on May 23 of this month,that our three cases,my wife and two step daughters were complete!dancin5hr.gif smile.png  Of course we are very very happy for this!!! Thk God!!! Two n half weeks ago I had to respone to a checklist from the NVC,that wanted originals for our marriage certificate and their birth certificates,which by my mistake,sent them copies of the originals,so my dear wife went to the NSO and got two more originals of everything,as she had one set already for herself! She sent me these may 7th by dhl and I received them on may 10th,which I immediately sent to the NVC the same day by overnite us post office express mail! T he NVC received the package 8:10am that Monday morning on may 13th! Being me I didn't expect any response to this ryt away of course,but being me I started calling the NVC the next day! and everyday after that,and also checked for any email responses! Of course I was by some very nice people there always given the usual standard ansewers of 10 to 20 business days for a review n response to the checklist items I sent! but I kept calling just the same!!! When I called on may 22 of course the same thing,but this nice gentlemen at the nvc told me,that he can see that haven't reviewed it yet,just alittle moer time is needed! I said to him thk you very much,i know its close cause its been 7days at that point,n maybe by the tenth day we will hear something! Wow to my much joyful n wonderful surprise when I called the next day,in all three of our cases,that just that day that was calling,they had reviewed our checklist things we sent in response,and completed all three cases!!!!!!smile.png kicking.gif  This very nice women at the NVC also informed me that ,yes we will now be put in line for an interview date n interview,for the embassy in Manila,because of the young ages of my step daughters,among other things,they would try and make for as soon as possible! I can see myself ,that yes on the embassy website,it can be from one to three months till the actual interview,but I can see on here that the average is about 30days,some less some alittle more!!!  My one question ryt now,as we are very thkful already is,does any of my fellow vjr's especially ones from the Phil,have any idea or input when our interview may happen and when we might be informed by the NVC of our interview date???? thk u very very much for any help!!!! godbless everyones journeygood.gif


louiepMalePhilippines2013-05-29 02:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJUNE 2010 FILERS
Hello fellow vjers,we would like to ask all of who are knowledgeable about our sitution.We are removing the conditions!We sent our package to VSC and they received on 7/26/2010 they cashed the check on 7/28/2010 and the same day we received noa 1-797C in the mail.We would like to ask 2 questions and appreciate any helpful responses! What would be a realistic time frame with no problems from now til receiving her 10yr greencard?Also how come when we accurately put in our receipt number on the uscis site to check the case status,how many times!it right now says case cannot be found at this time?What might be the possiable reasons for this?Any help from our fellow vjers would be very much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!! Godbless Louie n Bel
louiepMalePhilippines2010-08-10 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013
hi saylin wanted to ask you this ok? i know my wife is going to fill out her ds-230 and only sign part -1 what im asking specifically is does it mean she fills out both part-1 and part-2 but only signs part -1 am i correct in all of this? thks saylin
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-19 01:15:00