Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

yeah, i am just a worthless nut :P


I! O! :dance: :lol:
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-30 14:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Someone remember my doubts about getting married in Peru :) ( religious ceremony )...Well I made couples calls here and there(Peru) and I find out that We have to start our marriage file here in America and after a while They or We can send those papers to Peru, to any church We choose for our ceremony.
My husband is not catholic but I am, It doesnt matter its possible a wedding like that.
So maybe in february of 2007, We will marry in Lima, Peru :dance:

thanx for the link. :) just spent a little more money today :)

Nice Avatar!!! buckeye :D :thumbs:
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-30 14:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
:) Hi
I wanna share a peruvian website, it was really helpful for me.
few days ago I needed to send a gift to my mom for her b-day so one of my friends from Peru gave to me this link
It's a supermarket, I like it because You can order online any item (+ shippin ) and they will delivery to any district in Lima. I also like the method of payment. The price is in Soles
You should try, if you need send something to someone in Peru.
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-24 08:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Delia's CR-1 interview was successful last week and we should be together again here in the US December 30 :D

V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-16 10:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
si. el consulado hizo 1 visita consular a Minneapolis, MN en setiembre
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-11 13:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Me parece que es recomendable hacerlo(inscrbir el matrimonio en la municipalidad), estuve leyendo varias paginas http://www.abogadosp...=internciv.html
e incluso pude encontrar mi municipalidad en el TUPA. Es simple y gratuito.

Aunque parece demasiado tedioso viajar desde el estado que vives hasta otro solo para inscribir tu matrimonio en mi caso desde Ohio hasta Chicago,IL que esta como a 5hrs de distancia via auto :D segun yahoo maps :crying:

Edited by veroka64, 11 October 2006 - 10:46 AM.

V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-11 10:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
You can find more about Peru from different sources. Some channels have online shows
It's nice to see some peruvian shows, commercials,etc.
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-10 21:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hola Ardilla :)
Sabes si es obligatoria inscribir el matrimonio civil que se llevo acabo en el extranjero, En el municipio en la cual residia?
Supuestamente eso seria luego de inscribirlo en el ministerio de relaciones exteriores.
estoy en lo correcto?
en el #19 del documento pdf del RREE esta el certificado expedido por consulados peruanos costo S/21.19
no encontre nada acerca de ello en el distrito q vivia pero si para san isidro
alli especifica los pasos a seguir y no se si es lo mismo en todos los distritos.
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-10 18:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Regalos para Peru
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-10 11:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
[quote name='ardilla' date='Oct 6 2006, 11:29 PM' post='493913']
Hola Veroka64,

Nosotr@s tambien nos casamos por civil aqui en USA. Luego fuimos al consulado de Chicago para inscribir el matrimonio. Ya que estan casados por civil aca, no es necesario hacerlo en el Peru (ni recomendable, pues ya no son "solteros", verdad?)

Es muy sencillo, el tramite en total toma unos 15 minutos. Con respecto a tu pregunta, hay que hacer la legalizacion aqui en EEUU para que sea valido tu matrimonio en el Peru. Luego el consulado supuestamente lo manda a inscribir en Lima, pero se supone (?) que para facilitar ese paso tu tambien lo puedes inscribir en el ministerio de relaciones exteriores, una vez que este documento haya legalizado por el consulado. Ese documento es lo que muestras a la iglesia para demonstrar que estan casados por civil.

Pasos a seguir:

1. Se envia una copia del certificado a la "Secretary of State" del estado donde se realizo la boda civil para pedir una "apostille" o el equivalente. Normalmente ellos cobran $5 o algo asi para realizar el tramite.

2. Una vez que lluegue el certicado con la apostilla, se traduce al castellano tanto el certificado como la apostilla, anexando una nota del traductor jurando que es una copia exacta (no hay traductores oficiales en EEUU asi que si lo puedes hacer tu, ahorras $$).

3. Llevas el certificado, la apostilla, la traduccion, tu DNI, y tu esposo y su pasaporte, al consulado. El tramite es personal.


Hola Ardilla
Gracias por los pasos a seguir aqui en estados unidos para inscribir mi matrimonio al consulado peruano.tengo la idea de lo que debo de hacer. Lo bueno de todo esto es que solo toma 15 minutos.

Luego Puedo YO misma llevar mi documento al PERU para inscribirlo en el ministerio de relaciones?
Si es asi, YO lo puedo hacer y seria mas breve el proceso de espera.

Ahora el otro punto es mi matrimonio religioso, Que es la causa por el cual queremos hacer todos estos tramites!!!
Al casarnos en Peu en una boda religiosa, como requisito de la iglesia es la partida de bautizo de ambos, pero mi esposo NO ES CATOLICO :devil: :innocent: entonces ahi va mi pregunta, El tramite es el mismo que de parejas ambas catolicas???
No lo se, estoy tratando de averiguar eso, por que la iglesia catolica como que es mas rigida en peru, con respecto a los requirimientos para la boda. :(

Bueno, te agradezco por el dato
si sabes algo de esto me haces saber. :)
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-07 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

I'll be in Lima in just 17 days to attend the K-3 interview with my husband.....I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

I'll be dieting for the next 2 weeks so that I won't feel guilty eating all I want while I'm there :D

Please keep Luis and me in your thoughts and prayers. Our interview is on the 26th. We're really hoping to fly back to Austin together on the 31st.

Thanks to all!!! (L)

:thumbs: Everything will be fine!!!
Dont worry :D :yes:

anyway I wish u Good Luck :P
and enjoy being there :crying: lucky you :)

and tell us what happened when u back
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-07 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I'll share this peruvian website where you can find cds from different genres.


:thumbs: Feliz dia de la cancion criolla!!! ( por adelantado )
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-10-06 13:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Somebody have got marry in Peru but being already married here in USA?
I was looking online what to do, I think that I dont need a civil marriage in Peru because I already had one here but I dont know if I have to subscribe my marriage here( in the peruvian consulate) or wait till be in Lima,Peru.


Inscripción de Matrimonios
La inscripción en los Registros de Estado Civil, Sección Matrimonios de las oficinas consulares, confiere todas las obligaciones de un matrimonio, como si este acto se hubiere realizado dentro del territorio nacional. No existe fecha límite para esta inscripción
Presencia obligatoria de los cónyuges. Uno de ellos, debe ser peruano.
Partida de matrimonio original. Se queda en el archivo del Consulado.
Documentos de identidad originales de ambos cónyuges (DNI / Pasaporte)
Presencia de dos testigos, debidamente identificados.
La Inscripción y la primera Partida son gratuitas.
Cancelar los derechos Consulares de US $ 6.00 (seis con 00/100 dólares), por cualquier copia literal adicional
Este trámite es con CITA. Llamar a consulado para la informacion.
a.- Los matrimonios; y en las mismas actas y como observaciones se registran:
La declaración de nulidad por resolución judicial firme que determina la invalidez del matrimonio.
El divorcio.
La separación de cuerpos.
La reconciliación.
Los acuerdos de separación de patrimonios y su sustitución.
La separación de patrimonios no convencional.
b.- Las medidas de seguridad correspondientes y su cesación.
El connacional que desee inscribir su matrimonio en el Perú, habiéndose casado en el extranjero deberá:
Legalizar su partida de matrimonio en el consulado correspondiente y en el Perú deberá hacerlo luego ante el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, para que surta efectos en el país.
Si la partida está en idioma extranjero, esta deberá ser traducida al castellano por los Traductores Públicos Juramentados, reconocidos por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
El plazo para realizar la inscripción del matrimonio en el municipio de su residencia es de 90 días, desde la fecha de ingreso al país del ciudadano peruano, que se demuestra con el sello de ingreso en el pasaporte.
En caso no poder cumplir este trámite dentro de los noventa (90) días deberán seguir un proceso judicial no contencioso ante la Municipalidad de su residencia.

I want a religious ceremony so I read an oficial webiste from the catholic church in Lima
this article from someone else who wants to do the same

- Actualmente me encuentro en los Estados Unidos y estoy casada por lo civil con un americano. Nuestro deseo es ir a casarnos al Perú el próximo año, pues somos católicos. ¿Qué debemos hacer?
La felicitamos a Ud. y a su esposo por la decisión de contraer matrimonio religioso.
Para que se puedan casar en Lima, deben tener presente básicamente lo siguiente: Iniciar el expediente matrimonial en la parroquia donde Uds. residen, esto es, en los Estados Unidos. Iniciado y completado el expediente matrimonial, éste debe ser trasladado a la parroquia que Uds. han escogido en Lima. El expediente puede ser enviado a Lima a través de otra persona. Cuando lo recibe la parroquia, lo hace visar en el Arzobispado de Lima. Estos trámites hay que hacerlos con tiempo; normalmente unos dos o tres meses antes de la fecha escogida.
Deben reunir los siguientes requisitos: partida actualizada de Bautismo, de Confirmación, haber hecho la Primera Comunión, la partida del matrimonio civil y las charlas prematrimoniales. Las charlas prematrimoniales son importantes porque su finalidad es ayudar a profundizar el sentido del matrimonio católico. En el caso de ustedes sería conveniente que lo hagan en la parroquia donde residen.
En Lima, la ceremonia del Matrimonio la puede presidir un sacerdote norteamericano, de los muchos que trabajan en nuestra Arquidiócesis.
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-09-13 16:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

you found these foods in columbus? Dona Isabel and Provenzal I can find at the local mercado i go to at times.

I made myself lomo saltado monday night. I have found frozen aji and they are decent too cook with

yes I could buy those products in 2 peruvian stores.
Have you heard about the ceviche deshidratado(dehydrated)?
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-09-13 11:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

i just got back from Lima on Sunday afternoon and am going back in 3 weeks for Kathe's visa interview. I can barely eat american food right now.... what I wouldn't give for some decent fresh aji right now

I have found some peruvian brand names
like carapulcra (Dona isabel), arroz con pollo (Provenzal), Olluco (Peru Food)

here a website
but Its from Miami, Fl. I could find them in Ohio in some peruvian stores.
anyway they are good I already cooked those products, i like them :)

:D if you have the change to buy them in your state, i recommend them
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-09-12 16:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
[quote name='MandR' date='Sep 11 2006, 06:04 PM' post='438905']
Hi I'm from LIma Peru and I was back for a short visit to my family...It was really great to come back after 8 months but it was very sad to find my country like a really mess...the traffic is terrible...I can't believe it...but our food...still the best one of this world!!!!

I wanna back to peru in jan or feb... i cant wait to eat our food, meet my family and friends, watch the ocean, prob go to the SOUTH :) i have a long list w/ the things I wanna do there.
everytime i think going back to peru my heart is happy :D

V&J2005FemalePeru2006-09-11 19:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru :P :dance: :yes: :thumbs: :lol:

for the ones who love the band libido :whistle:
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-09-07 17:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Does anyone watch "Primer Edicion" or "America Notcias" on Dish Network's SUR channel? There was "Teatro de Teatro" last night and this morning and no notcias. I hope we get them back soon. I am keeping track of how many people die at polladas :D just kidding.

Maybe because Its holiday today in Peru, august 30th We celabrate Santa rosa (F) de lima day :yes:
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-08-30 16:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Peru On The Web

here are some interesting web sites


I also made it to Sabor Peruano on the north side of Cincinnati over the weekend. They had a lot of dishes to choose from.

I had the lomo saltado, and since I didn't know when I'd be able to get back, I had choclo con queso for desert :P

:lol: choclo con queso??? .. im looking ur link just now
try these websites
they have some news from peru and more
check the videos of nazca lines


Edited by veroka64, 22 August 2006 - 07:55 PM.

V&J2005FemalePeru2006-08-22 19:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Peruvian recipes :D (in english and spanish)
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-08-19 12:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hola mi nombre es Maylene y soy nueva aquí, vivo en Lima - Perú, mi novio es de Bath, Maine y envió la petición para la visa K1, si usted puede orientarme sobre los documentos que se necesitan, es necesario que la partida de nacimiento sea traducida al inglés y qué tipo de traducción debe ser: certificada u oficial? y ese documento lo necesito para la entrevista ó para el matrimonio alla? Gracias de antemano por la ayuda y muchos exitos para todos

La partida de nacimento puedes traducirla pero no la necesitaras en Peru para tu entrevista de la embajada sino mas tarde para tu entrevista aqui en USA una vez que hayas ingresado a este pais como 4 meses despues.
Los documentos que piden en la embajada para la entrevista no requieren la tradccion al ingles. puedes encontrar una lista de los ducumentos que piden en Embassy info(el link de arriba).
Para casarte aqui solo necesitaras tu partida ancimiento traducida al inlges con la copia original que esta en español + tu SSN que lo sacaras aqui antes de casarte + tu passaporte con tu visa K!

espero haberte ayudado
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-08-14 18:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-08-09 13:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
How people will celebrate your July 28th in yours cities? :dance:
Here in columbus, We'll have a meeting in a restaurant, It's my 1st time I'm going to these events that peruvians in Ohio have organized ;)
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-07-15 12:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

fui al restaurante peruana hoy. fue muy riquisimo :) el ceviche es perfecto....
la dueña es de chosica. :)

Te envidio
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-07-14 11:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

International Travel
A Permanent Resident of the United States can travel freely outside of the US. A passport from the country of citizenship is normally all that is needed. To reenter the US a Permanent Resident normally needs to present the green card (Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551) for readmission. A reentry permit is needed for reentry for trips greater than one year but less than two years in duration.

You can find more information about travel documents from "How Do I Get a Travel Document?"
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-07-06 11:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Returning Resident Alien

A permanent resident alien returning to the United States from a visit abroad of less than a year may apply for readmission by presenting an Alien Registration Receipt Card ("green card") to the immigration authorities at a port of entry...

...Travel documents required for entry into foreign countries come within the jurisdiction of the government concerned; information on such matters should be requested from the representatives of those countries in the United States. A Reentry Permit contains space for visas issued by consular representatives of other countries...
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-07-06 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Many people say that everything is fine as long as you have your greencard and your marriage certificate with you when you re-enter the United States... I think as long as your passport is not expired you are fine.

I think most of the consulates provide this service, except for Seattle...

One more thing, if you are registered in the consulate, you can renew your passport by mail...

I'm not registered in the consulate but maybe I could renew my passport in Peru when I back there, I have time till may 2007 when it expires.
So when I leave US, could I use my peruvian passport? and do the same when I re-enter to US?
or I have to use my green card for re-enter only?

V&J2005FemalePeru2006-07-06 08:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Gracias , si pues me quedan solo unos meses mas, exactamente no se cuanto pero supongo q son 5 o 6. Mi novio es de Ohio, Cleveland. Estamos tramitando la visa de novia ya vamos 3 meses con todo el papeleo. una amiga de Japón nos presentó, lo conoci en setiembre 2005. vino en feb 2006 y en abril me pidio q me casara con el. wow! y me lo dijo en español, el no habla mucho español , realmente es el mejor hombre del mundo. es lo maximo! asi q debo aprovechar el tiempo con mi familia y en degustar la riquisima comida q tenemos en el peru. ARRIBA PERU!!! ;)

Seremos vecinas, yo vivo en Ohio tambien pero en Columbus. :thumbs:
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-07-05 15:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

hey everybody wow! i didnt imagine o find a lot of peruvian people. q lindo!!! i'm from chaclacayo, one hour from lima. lo maximo!!! i really love this forum, there are people from arequipa ( they have the best food) trujillo lima everywhere. sorry in spanish. :P
realmente este sitio es increible. y ahora estoy aprovechando mucho el tiempo q me queda en peru. 5 meses. el tiempo pasa muy rapido. se supone q debo bajar de peso para el matri jajaja pero la comida aqui es tan rica q es muy dificil dejar de comer. sinceramente no hay nada como peru. el clima, la gente, las fiestas, la comida ceviche, anticuchos, aji de gallina, papa a la huancaina y INKA KOLA!!!
saludos chicos. llegarà el dìa en q estarè tan lejos como ustedes de mi país :crying:

Hola kathy
disfruta tu estancia en Peru al maximo porque depende a donde vayas a US pueda que no encuentras peruanos :)
keep in touch


It's been so refreshing to read all these replies from Peruvians and their spouses. My husband would appreciate it, that's for sure. I only spent 8 days in Lima and I absolutely fell in love....(with the city -- I was already in love with my husband :) )

We had our wedding there in March and our reception was held at El Jade. And then we spent 2 incredible days at the Melia Lima hotel. Of course, we "toured" the Mira Flores district., with all its lovely parks and cafes. I almost felt authentic with my beautiful Esposo Peruano as my guide....but I am too American sometimes, so I'm sure I stood out a little.

The thing that surprised me most was how incredible the food was. I am not an adventurous eater, but I could not get enough. Especially the choclo (big white corn). My wonderful suegra made sure I had all I wanted while I was there.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this regional discussion. No soy Peruana, pero mi esposo es mi alma gemela. Therefore, I am Peruvian by default! :yes:

(I apologize for my poor Spanish skills....I'm trying, though)

Take care everyone (Cuidate) and I look forward to reading more.

Welcome tracy :thumbs:

Quick question...

For those married here in USA and peruvians... has anybody changed their DNI? What about their passports? Did anybody register the marriage in the consulate?

I have a trip coming on September to Los Cabos in Mexico, and my passport expires this august... therefore, I need to change it... which brings a bunch of other things to the table... Register the marriage in the consulate, change name in DNI, change address in DNI, get new passport with new name... and of course pay the fines for not voting in the last elections...

To make things worse... I have to fly to San Francisco to do it, because the consulate in Seattle wont be able to complete all the paperwork... do I have to say that the Consulate is only open M - F: 9am - 2pm????

OMG!!!! :wacko:
Its too much.. what do we need to travel?
I have my peruvian passport but it has my maiden name and also I'm planning back to Peru next year. What should I have to do? I though you only need your green card in order to travel.
my passport expires in may 2007 and I'd like be in Lima jan or feb 2007.
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-07-05 15:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

veroka64 -

is there a place in columbus to pick up pisco? i have tried multiple places here in cleveland and everybody gives me a dumb look all the time. I was hoping I could locate it here in the states nearby. Or if anybody else knows someplace in the midwest, I may have to reroute one of my road trips ;)

:no: No, Im sorry Gtigiant. I don't know any place where you can buy pisco in Columbus. :unsure:
as i said before there're a small percent of peruvians here :( but in Garcias restaurant , they told me that there's some studying in OSU.
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-28 09:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

I need to go to that restaruant in Columbus (lived there up until this last february, now in cleveland). I miss ceviche and anticuchos, and I am the USC!!! :P

I too am interested in the process for a USC moving to peru and becoming a resident alien or citizen. It is something we are seriously considering in the 6 to 10 year time frame. First to get the K1 of course.... this IMBRA things is a royal pain in the yahoo....

Everytime I went to that rest. it was a sat or sun usually at 10pm so I didnt try their food only the drinks :lol:
I haven't been there for a while after they told me that It was going to be renovate for a month.
It was more than a month ago :blush:
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-26 18:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

K & J


Could you please give me the address or directions to Garcias restaurant in Columbus. Did they change the name or management yet? I'm going to be in Columbus next month and I want to try it out.

Hi madu
this is the address
2573 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43202

and the website

I havent been there for a while, I dont know if they are the same owners but if not they are prob the same family that was the impression I had the last time I was there.
maybe I could try go there this weekend.. if I go I'll let you know.
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-22 20:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

VISA WAS APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will write more about our experience later! We are going to celebrate now!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My baby and I can be together forever!!!!!!!! :dance: :P :dance: :P :dance:

I wanna be the 1st to tell you

Congratulations!! to you guys... :D

tell us your experience

Edited by veroka64, 22 June 2006 - 06:03 PM.

V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-22 18:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

HI! My fiance is from Moyobamba, Peru. He lives in Trujillo right now. I am flying down there tomorrow for our interview at the embassy on June 22nd! We are hoping that all goes well.

He will be coming up here on August 24th, if all goes well, and I know that he will miss home, but he has been here before and really enjoyed it.


To soteshperu
I hope everything was fine w/ the interview in Lima embassy :)
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-22 16:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi people

someone asked how to get the 3 certificates(certificado de la policia, certi de antecendetes penales del poder judicial, cert de antec, judiciales)for the interview in the Lima embassy :help:

the question was

..."My fiance lives in Cusco right now, where would he go about getting
these 3 DIFFERENT cert's, since the addresses listed all seem to be for
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-22 10:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

The best place to eat ceviche??? Uhmmmmm I'll say "El Muellecito" in San Borja (Rosa Toro Av.), I live in NYC and there are plenty of peruvian restaurants and peruvian bodegas (*Queens & Portchester) we try to go there once a month to eat some good ceviche,tallarines verdes,anticuchos,trucha frita, etc and after that we go to visit the bodegas to buy some Inca Kola,sublimes,sorrento,cuacua,triangulo (yes, Sil loves peruvian chocolates) we are looking everywhere for Pisco but can't find it so each and everytime somebody from Peru comes to visit us my mom sends some bottles (Vargas and Biondi, no, we are not alcoholic, but who can resist a good Pisco Sour???)
I try to cook peruvian food almost everyday, I got this book "Que cocinare hoy??? from Nicolini and helps me ALOT. Even Sil is cooking now, I taught him how to make Papa a la Huancaina and our addiction : CANCHITA!!!!! we have canchita all the time and his family love it too.
I miss to have a maid too ( I miss you Delia!!!) I wish I can hire own but maids are really expensive here (they make about $500 a week) maybe when I win the lottery.

As all of you I miss my family, my friends, my doggy, the cheap taxis, the combis, the noise, and I'm counting the days to go back to Peru for Christmas (Just 180 more days!!!!!!!!)

Well people I hope all of you have a wonderful day!!!!!!

Saludos to everybody....


Veroka: Please send me you e.mail again
Oly: How's everything?????????

Hola Vi
yes I used to go to el muellecito in rosa toros, they have a dish call the same as the restaurant el muellecito.. its good :) I don't think You can be able to cook Ceviche here Its better wait till back to Peru, I know there hight percent of peruvian in NY my sister lives in NJ and She somtimes goes to NY in order to buy things from Peru she even told me that peruvians celebrate the independe day JULY 28, same way people celebrate in Peru w/parades in the streets.I'd like see that


Edited by veroka64, 22 June 2006 - 09:27 AM.

V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-22 09:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

What i know about living in Peru and staying there legally is that you guys would have to become peruvians and get and DNI, its like the AOS here, fisrt you have the right to stay 3 months without problems and then you need to become a resident unless you get a work permit though a company. My cousin married a swiss girl and she had to become a peruvian citizen so she could stay in Peru, of course when she travels, she uses her swiss passport :P so she doesnt need to get a visa for any country. There are some countries that allow dual citizenship like Spain, but US is not in the list :( I hope that information helps.




Inscripción de hijos de peruanos nacidos en el extranjero
Inscripción de hijos de extranjeros nacidos en el extranjero que residen en el Perú desde los cinco años de edad que al llegar a la mayoría de edad manifiestan su voluntad de ser peruanos
Peruanos por matrimonio
Adquisición de la naturalización
Adquisición de la doble nacionalidad
Título de recuperación de la nacionalidad peruana
Hijos de peruanos nacidos en el extranjero que a su mayoría de edad adopten por la nacionalidad peruana
Renuncia a la nacionalidad peruana
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-21 18:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Does anyone know what happens if a USC wants to move to Peru? Right now we plan to live here in the US and then in about 15 years move to Peru.

I guess if the US does not allow dual citizenship she would not want to give up her Peruvian citizenship right?

Anyways if you guys have any thought let us know.


I'd love do that :yes: ... I miss Peru a lot and I was thiking the same way w/my husband maybe in some years we could live in Peru, He loves Peru too :P but I don't know enoguh about this topic.
I think what Oly said is truth once just for being curious I asked and they tell me that after married in Peru you could have a peruvian ID.
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-21 17:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Dont worry about the xpiration date (at least not for the citizenship process). The green card (conditional or without conditions) says: "resident since xx/yy/200z. You have to start counting your 3 years from that date. It doesnt matter that is a conditional residency.

Now, it is very likely that your conditional green card expires before you can file for citizenship. You have to file for the "lifting of conditions". One thing has nothing to do with the other (of course if you lose your residency you can not apply for citizenship). As long as you are still a resident (with or without conditions) you can apply for citizenship.

Thank you
I was reading about it...
what I understand now I have to apply for lift of condition 9 months before my green card expire so I will get a new green card according what I read a new green card of 10 years... but if you decided to become a citizen you need to apply for the citizenship 3 years after approval of your AOS so I have to apply the I-751 (lifting of conditions) because you can be deportable or You won't be able work.
Anyway I still have enough time for that :dance: and I wanna enjoy it because we already spent so much time apart (L) :D ;) when I was in Peru and He was waiting for me here. (L)
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-20 15:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

If you get your green card though marriage, you can apply for citizenship 3 years after you received permanent residency (the rest of the people have to wait 5 years). Actually, you can submit your application for citizenship 90 days before those 3 years (check the date in you green card).

Personally, I dont want to apply for citizenship. Even though I like it here Peru is my homeland, the country that raised me and made me who I am. I like the US but I dont love it as my country. I feel that it would be like trading your birth parents (maybe poor and small but the ones that support you your whole life) for a new rich foster parent you just met (maybe cool and powerful but you just met). If the US accepted dual citizenship like most countries do, the story may be different. I dont like that part i the oath were you agree to "renunce to any foreign alliance bla, bla, bla". My husband wants me too though. He is a federal officer and he feels it is "safer" for me to be US citizen. As a citizen you have the absolute garanty that you wont be deported. Green Card holders can still be deported. I have known many people who think like me but became citizens after having children, because of the fear that something may happen to them and their families might end up beign separated (they crossed their fingers during the "I renunce to Peru part". :whistle: )

I can understand that but You will have a family here, w /a husband , kids so You have a new life in this country it doesnt mean You trade your country ...
talking about the green card on the welcome letter it said that "It will expire in 2 years and several months before it expired I should apply to remove my conditional status"... so in 1 year and some months I should apply for my citizenship... is that right?
V&J2005FemalePeru2006-06-20 09:40:00