Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Hello Everyone,
I'm from Canton, Ohio and my fiancee is from Lima, Peru.
I just returned two days ago from seeing her for the 3rd time in 2 years (4 times total since 2009)

We will be starting the visa soon. Here are a few questions I have:

1.) I will be using a close friend as a sponsor for financial support in our visa.
What information will he be required to provide?
Also, since he is my sponsor, do I need to include information on my employer and bank papers? What if I am currently collecting unemployment?

2.) I am looking into hiring a K-1 Visa Agency to help in the document assistance. Any recommendations?

3.) My fiancee, once she receives the visa in Peru, would like me to travel to Peru, marry her in a church and travel with her to the states to perform the legal wedding. Is this a possibility?

Thank you soooo much!!!

Scott - Ohio
Dina - Lima, Peru

hello ALPACAUSA and welcome to our forum
about your questions... I will suggest to go the home page of VJ and check the process , timeline, example of forms for you type of VISA, etc...
check the timeline by country so you have an idea how long will take you the whole process
I'm sorry I couldn't give you details and answer your questions but We go through this process 6 years ago :)

good luck
V&J2005FemalePeru2012-01-13 19:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Gracias por la info Veroka :star:

Mi esposo tiene que hacer esto, y le he dicho mil veces que averigue como hacerlo, pero está recontra relajado y nunca lo hace. Siempre me dice "mañana, ya?" :bonk:

Hola Susita
si es un dolor de cabeza pero se tiene que hacer estos tramites :)
cuielquier otro detalle lo publicare mas adelante
V&J2005FemalePeru2012-01-13 19:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Welcome Magnus! Good luck with everything.

Hola a todos los Peruanos de este foro... les deseo mucha suerte con sus tramites, que todo les vaya bien :)

hola susita :)
V&J2005FemalePeru2012-01-11 18:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
hola a todos
solo queria poner mi respuesta a mi propia pregunta, ya q Reniec me respondio acerca de la duda sobre renovacion de DNI en Peru que a expirado y cambiar mis datos como mi residencia en el extranjero y mi estado marital.
aqui les copio el correo de la RENIEC

Estimada ciudadana:

Reciba un cordial saludo y relación a la consulta le informamos lo siguiente:

Podrá realizar el trámite de DNI en el Servicio de Atenciones Especiales implementado por RENIEC para aquellos connacionales que radican en el extranjero y están de paso por el Perú, otorgando el DNI en dos (02) días hábiles (tiempo record). Para acceder a este beneficio sólo tiene que solicitar su trámite en la Oficina de Atenciones Especiales, ubicada en la Av. Javier Prado Este 2388 2do. Piso - San Borja (frente al Museo de la Nación). Los requisitos son los siguientes:

1. Original del Recibo de Pago de S/. 24.00 correspondiente a trámite por Renovación de DNI.
2. Una fotografía actualizada, tamaño pasaporte a colores y con fondo blanco.

3. Original y copia simple de pasaje aéreo de retorno al país residente.
4. Para cambio de domicilio en el extranjero será declarativo en el Ficha Registral, si desea la dirección en territorio nacional deberá presentar recibo de servicio público (agua, luz y teléfono) en original y copia con una antigüedad no mayor de 06 meses desde la fecha de emisión del recibo.
5. Si desea realizar alguna rectificación adicional en los datos de su DNI, deberá presentar el sustento correspondiente según lo establecido en el TUPA del Reniec.


Oficina de Registros en el Exterior

stimada ciudadana:

Si su matrimonio esta registrado en consulado peruano, también podrá adjuntar una declaración jurada de estado civil con su firma y huella índice derecho, asimismo indicando el nombre y apellidos de cónyuge, el consulado donde fue registrado el matrimonio y la fecha del matrimonio.


Oficina de Registros en el Exterior
V&J2005FemalePeru2012-01-11 18:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Holas, quisiera saber si puedo encontrar alguna experiencia de alguna persona peruana q viajo la 1ra. vez luego de haber recibido su permiso de viaje y green card, como es en los puertos de entrada y salida, especialmente en Peru, ya que en Lima Airport Partners son muy quisquillosos con pasaportes, DNIs y nombres. Mi Green Card salio con nombre de casada y quisiera saber si alguno tuvo algun problema ya q el unico pasaporte q tengo es el peruano y mi DNI ambos estan con nombre de soltera, tendre algun problema? Mil gracias por su ayuda.

hola mrbravod
AL ingresar a inmigraciones solo te piden tu pasaporte donde lo estampan tu ingreso al pais, para salir de Peru es donde te van a pedir tu green card + tu pasaporte, por lo general como otros miembros del forum antes han comentado, los apellidos no coinciden porq este cambio lo tienes q hacer en tu consulado q pertences, en fin algunos de los miembros sugieren q lleves tu partida de matrimonio pero todas las veces q he salido de Peru nunca me han pedido mostrar, asi q desde mi experiencia propia te sugiero q no te preocupes al respecto y solo lleva tu pasaporte y green card :)
V&J2005FemalePeru2012-01-11 18:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
hola a todos
alguien a tratado de renovar su DNI y /o pasporte en Peru?
que se necesita presentar para cambiar el apellido de soltera a el de soltera
V&J2005FemalePeru2012-01-06 00:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hello everyone :)
I haven't been here for a while, well we have been very busy lately with a new member of our family. Our baby girl is almost 10 months old.
we are a happy Peruvian american family :)
Thanks to VJ and the members who helped us and of course we gave back to other couples like us.
and Let's keep this forum alive :)

Hasta pronto
V&J2005FemalePeru2011-10-22 23:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Bienvenidos Vero y Jeff,

Yo soy Mexicano y mi novia es Peruana que vive en Lima. Le acabo de mandar la petición a la migra. Les doy a saber que en este web sitio hay personas que se prestan a ayudar o que brindan apoyo moral. No se desanimen. Les deseo lo mejor.

muchas gracias
me alegra que hayas empexado tus tramites
les deseo mucha suerte
mil besos
V&J2005FemalePeru2011-05-17 21:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
el link de hoy es http://photos.parent...photofaves_koty
recuerden que el link para que voten solo dura 24h por eso actualizare cada dia este link
porfa sigan votando por nuestra bebe
mil gracias
V&J2005FemalePeru2011-05-14 17:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
hello there
i got a diff link from the one i previously post
plz keep voting
mil besos
V&J2005FemalePeru2011-05-13 14:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
today's link
please vote for our daughter
thanks guys :)

today's link
please vote for our daughter
thanks guys :)

She is 78 position today
V&J2005FemalePeru2011-05-12 23:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hello Peruvian-American VJ members
We are asking for you help guys, we need your votes for our daughter in Parents magazine
the link below
the link change everyday, because the contest is for 2 weeks and we need your votes every day for this and next week, I'll update the link every day.

thanks a lot
Vero & Jeff
V&J2005FemalePeru2011-05-12 20:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Wow!!! :wow: Que alegria encontrar Peruanos por esta via. Tengo en USA ya casi 6 meses y aun me falta acostumbrarme a algunas cosas. Lo mas sorprendente es que mi esposo es original de OHIO pero vivimos en Florida.

Me da tanta alegria saber de ustedes!!! Les deseo lo mejor.


gusto en conocerte andrea
y a proposito cmo estuvo el festival Enita?
V&J2005FemalePeru2010-07-12 19:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Hi! I'm not from Peru but fiancee' is in Arequipa (we just got NOA 1 on May5). I live in south central PA. I've enjoyed reading your posts because I have been so worried about things he will miss from home once he is here. I've already found a wonderful Peruvian restaurant and market where we can find some Peruvian foods. I'm even practicing some cooking for him-ha. His favorite dessert is Tres Leche cake. I've been looking for a recipe for it but the ones I've come across dont seem like the ones I've seen in Peru. If anyone has or knows where I can get the recipe for this please let me know.
Thanks for letting me barge in on your posts!

hi susanita and enita

I was looking the videos some ppl download in youtube about the peruvian parade in NJ
here a link
V&J2005FemalePeru2010-06-23 16:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Hey Peruanos! Donde estan?

Just wondering if anyone is going to the festival in New Jersey in July...

Posted Image

Hi Susita
I wish I were in NJ :)
We don't have peruvian food neither festivals, there's a latino festival in august where a least I can find some items
we are a small % of peruvians in my city
We usually have to order peruvian food online from another states or drive south in order to buy some peruvian items or find a peruvian restaurant
but we cook peruvian recipes in this house and my husband has learned to eat spiocy food
Please post some pic of the festival if you go, ok??

thanks for the info
V&J2005FemalePeru2010-06-22 20:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
hello everyone!!!

I would like to welcome to the new Peruvian VJ's members and wish you a happy day tongue.gif
soon we'll celebrate El señor de los milagros (Lord of the miracles) far from home but still many celebrate our customs in the US.
We might not have our Turron de Doña pepa blush.gif which is my case sad.gif but I have the faith.

I share a link below

V&J2005FemalePeru2009-10-14 19:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (MandR @ Feb 26 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyone planning on a trip to Peru for the Christmas / New Year holidays this year.....

I've been looking at prices and WOW they are expensive.... Especially now that there are 3 tickets I have to get

From Miami Lan it"s almost $750.00 and American is over $1,000.00

I thought the airlines with this economy would lower prices to get people to fly not increase them

We are not planning to Travel this year but we are already looking for tickets on the next year
we found 2 tickets for less than $800 via Lan from JFK
V&J2005FemalePeru2009-02-26 20:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hey people
check out this link
to win a trip to Peru
V&J2005FemalePeru2009-02-21 17:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (susita83 @ Feb 17 2009, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They have a mobile consulate that moves around in NY, they'll be in our area next week. If you go to, you can find out when they will be in your area in Ohio.

We're going to take advantage & update Luis' estado civil on his DNI

Hi Susita
there's anything for Ohio but I sent them an email hopelly they'll let me know if they will be sometime in Ohio this year,thanks

V&J2005FemalePeru2009-02-17 18:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (waiting4u @ Feb 16 2009, 06:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the answer veroka good.gif my DNI is still in Peru, so I guess my mom has to send it to me first...I left her an authorization to pick it up.

Maye rose.gif

You welcome
I don't use my passport, Only to travel and in that case i need to bring my green card
All my information in Peru still the same
I have to update it sometime but I need to travel to Chicago where the Peruvian consulate is located.(4 Ohio)
I was lucky kicking.gif when the mobile consulate came to Columbus 2 years ago wacko.gif

V&J2005FemalePeru2009-02-16 20:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (waiting4u @ Feb 14 2009, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello guys, I have a question, how many of you have changed your Peruvian passports or Peruvian ID names? I mean, my passport and DNI (ID)is still with my single name, I went to Peru last year, but just changed my address, I didn't change my names because they asked for a lot of things, and didn't have enough time, passport expires in March of this year, so I want to renew it but should I changed my name to my married name? Is it necessary? what do you think? thanks in advance for your replies, by the way, Happy Valentines day!! heart.gif

Maye rose.gif

I haven't changed YET
but yes If you want to changed your Peruvian Id's info, the 1st one have to be you DNI, then your passport
you have to bring to the consulate your marriage certificate to proof you are marry here and also to subscribe your marriage in Peruvian consulate.

Anyway If you want, You can only renew your passport without changing any information
V&J2005FemalePeru2009-02-16 16:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (MandR @ Oct 20 2008, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (veroka64 @ Oct 20 2008, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello Guys cool.gif
I received my 10 years green card kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif biggrin.gif

Congratulations........ good.gif

Darn we filed 3 month before you guys and we're still waiting..... I guess Nebraska is alot faster than Vermont

I know ...Nebraska is faster kicking.gif
I realized since we started my visa
dont worry smile.gif It will come be a little patient wink.gif
V&J2005FemalePeru2008-10-21 18:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
hello Guys cool.gif
I received my 10 years green card kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif biggrin.gif
V&J2005FemalePeru2008-10-20 10:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hola peruanos aparte de los links q puse antes de RPP tambien pueden ver noticias o tv en vivo en TNP

what plans 4 halloween? devil.gif

Edited by veroka64, 14 October 2008 - 08:26 PM.

V&J2005FemalePeru2008-10-14 20:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (susita83 @ Sep 26 2008, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Vi Mazzella @ Sep 26 2008, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (veroka64 @ Sep 26 2008, 05:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi guys
anyone watch The TV Show Heroes??

well they are making a new one laughing.gif he is from Peru
ill show the link

You can vote for him so he will be in the show kicking.gif
so far he is doing good

see ya

Sil loves that show, we voted already...

I voted too, lol
Go Santiago!

yeah kicking.gif kicking.gif
V&J2005FemalePeru2008-09-27 08:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
hi guys
anyone watch The TV Show Heroes??

well they are making a new one laughing.gif he is from Peru
ill show the link

You can vote for him so he will be in the show kicking.gif
so far he is doing good

see ya
V&J2005FemalePeru2008-09-26 16:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (elyandmichael @ Jul 9 2008, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Veroka...

I am from Trujillo - Peru, still living here..LOL...welcome to VJ... star_smile.gif star_smile.gif


Hi Ely
Nice to know another Peruvian YEEEEHH kicking.gif
and thanks for the welcome tongue.gif
V&J2005FemalePeru2008-07-19 10:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (flomagy @ Mar 14 2008, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (veroka64 @ Jun 14 2006, 08:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola everybody biggrin.gif
I'm not new here but I'd like to find more VJs from Peru I know some but maybe there're new or any others that I havent talk to yet .... blush.gif Yeah missing Peru yes.gif

I hope hear about them good.gif


Yeahh kicking.gif another peruvian

Welcome Flomagy tongue.gif
V&J2005FemalePeru2008-03-15 18:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (MandR @ Mar 13 2008, 05:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Baby is doing GREAT, thanks for asking. Getting bigger every day. He will be 3 months this coming weekend.

We haven't been back to Peru since this time last year. Rosa did go in September for a quick 4 day trip to buy LOTS of baby clothes.

Rossy's Mom was here from Lima for 3 months to help out. She was an amazing help to us.

We are also planning a trip over Christmas / New Year to Peru.

You should definately wait on buying those tickets.

Hi guys
It makes me happy that there r more peruvian-american babies yes.gif laughing.gif
hopelly we will have our baby soon blush.gif

n good luck w/the tickes, Try to check online everyday ... on Tuesdays the tickes r less
V&J2005FemalePeru2008-03-13 22:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Here some pictures from our last trip to Peru
We stayed few days in the rainforest : Puerto maldonado and then we back to Lima.

I hope You like it


Just click the link

V&J2005FemalePeru2008-03-10 19:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi Guys smile.gif
I have a Question, Its about the Invitation letter, how does it work? I wanna invite my brother to visit us.
V&J2005FemalePeru2008-01-30 22:24:00