K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
Well i wish you best....i hope and pray for you get thru too....Thats all we are in this site for,To help and be help by others as refrence to our own personal experience....But be realistic for a more healthy relstionship......Thank you :ot: bye
Oscar12MaleNigeria2011-11-16 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
Look up for statistics of family related immigrant homes that survive here in the US within 4 to 5 years ........You would be able to answer your questions.......and we arent in no fight.....What i was given was suggestions and advice.....Believe it or not,it happens in our everyday life....Even my research here in VJ,most memeber have complains of cheat and break up for one reason or the other....and which boiled down on not knowing or understanding your partner eough better befor dealing with immigration process.....Some still believe within 90 days k-1 period that i had on my arrival would give me that opportunity to understand my relationship better but how many of such have survived after some years....American culture is far different from most cultures around the world and in such way,it affacts both people from difefernt country trying to understanding each other more and mind you dating is not is a two differnt fight.....i married a US citizen from Nigerian parents here in the US and what is helping me today is that she still have some sort of Nigerian upbringing in some little ways becouse her parents was able to teach her little of the Nigerian culture....What if maybe i married a pure american citizen that i have meet and barely spend only 10 days phycially with and move here with our different cultural background.....How much do you think this marriage would last for us....Lets face it.....It works for some though but how many people out there dose it work for and for how long ,am not saying becouse if that people should get discourage but all am saying is for people to understand and let the evidence they brought forward for the application be just what the relationship was able to offer them.........

Why i said so about me, Was that in Nigerian culture,you the man is always seen as the head of the family and as such make most decision personally,even if your wife have to say something,it has to be a suggestion for you to consider, Not that she will have 50 50 say in the decision making in a family......................But here in the US,Trust me,unless mine is different....Most american woman alsways makes like %80 decisions in there marital relationship and even if is 50 50 in some,the wife has the right to do waht ever she wants any point in time which is totally different from my own culture back what if this woman am married to dosent have that thought all his life,how much can i chnage this on my arrival here and how much would she be able to endure or bend his decision to suit me and for how long...............That is just a simple question........So well i may not be so right but this are all just findings i made and i believe it applies to some many other immigrant here in the for peace of mind and a strong marital relationship among immigrant,understand your partner very well befor dealing with immigration and lead the relationship lead you guys........Even in some tribe today in Nigeria and so in some other country, a man is legallly able to marry more than one wife and here in US ,is never possible and could never be possible.....what if incase if there was not a better understanding between such people in differnt country......befor getting married and moving here ...what happens...................

Hope i was able to clarified myself a bit better..........

Oscar12MaleNigeria2011-11-16 11:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
Believe it or not,Uscis knows that cases are different and such, Evidence will differ from each case.....But i admire people that already have advice perior on going to visit there fiance maybe on the firstt visit,probably they would use such opportunities to make up evidence of been together,taking pictures and doing alot of things together but lets face it,How many Americans out there know he or she will be filling k-1 visa for such person perior of his or her first visit to see his or her friend ( intending fiance or fiancee to be).......That would probably be like %10 of people on here,Most Americans that visit there fiancee abroad soley do so becus they knew or might have tried getting a visiting visa for the person in question and realize it was hard and Hence choose to visit the person and in most case,they visit will soley be base on getting to know each other and realizing if this is truly what they want......Most times evidence are not built on such visit becus is always a first and a short visit.....

But so to say,Making up evidence dosent really help relationship rather it backfires at the long run,is stressful and sometimes i feel within me that when maybe posing to take pictures soley in other to use it for immigration dosent really help the relationship in question...Becouse somehow you arent taking those picture just to remaind you of the good times you had,is just for something else which is immigration but not truly for the feelings and the joy of looking at the time you spend together with your fiance when you went back and Trust me, it is not healhy for a true relationship....True relationship automatically brings up what is needed for whatever such relationship will face in terms of immigration and family related issue.....why do i say this...Most times people are just there bulding up evidence just to bring in someone as soon as they can without taking time to realize how much this union would last, Thereby making so many immigrant familys to break up within 2 to 4 years of been together.......All am saying is people to take time and listen to there heart and just be real ,lets things flow and that way,you would be sure what you guys are in to was love,not just infactuation which most times beneficiary dosent care but just to find a way to get in to US......So people should just take time and study there relationship and let the relationship lead them step by step in other to have the best of marriage when the finally be together........This are the challenges people face and that would reduce the rate divorce among immigrants that get to US through marriage related visa and thus help others that are true to get faster approval becous they more the rate of divorce is decrease among the family related immigrant,the more people out there with such issues get faster approval.......

I hope this helps alittle.......................
Oscar12MaleNigeria2011-11-16 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
i would have love to edit some of my wordings but is not giving me the option but i hope people understand me better and get picture of what am trying to get accross to the memebers.....God bless....
Oscar12MaleNigeria2011-11-16 03:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance Visa? DO THIS
My only advice is when dealing with family related visa or any kind of visa,Just turn in the evidence you have,dont ever fabricate issues or make up letters or anything just to add up to your evidence to your relationship,Most cases takes long to approve becouse there is alot of papers works and evidence that was submitted during initial filling and this pose for questioning and claifications from USCIS....Just submit what you have and trust me,if your relationship is strong enough with just one visit,You will get approved without stress nor worries...

Though some cases get faster approval ,why is it so...First reason is that when the Petitioner and Beneficiary have both never been married and also no gap in the age differencece and no FBI name hit,Sure,such case will be approved with first to three months of filling regardless of which ever the country the intending immigrant is from....its open and a decided case.....Mine was a good example of that,Reason why i said so was that i am a Nigerian and i was approved within 30 days of my fiancee submiting my K-1 visa application to USCIS and my embassy interview lasted just with 2 to 5 mins interval in Lagos Consulate between me and the CO and so as so many other Nigerians in this site and so many others that i know that is not registered on the site and Still they said that Nigerian has the most fraudlunt visa cases.... i dont believe that and so as Uscis....every relationship out there is given equal opportunity and what is left is just for the both parties to prove it,They will be approved....United States is make up of people round the world and so as it is till today...

Reason why i brought up my own case and the fact of where i am from was just to let love ones struggling to be in the arms of there family,,Me and my fiance which is today my wife got this approval with just submitting the evidence we had,With just believe that we believe in us,in our relationship and it work for us..............Why not you.......Then( Just a simple question) in our case ,we dont even have postel letters like every other people out there, but we somehow have few cards becus we send cards back and fort during periods like Valentine,Christmas or birthdays and what so ever which was done thru postel means becus using internet made everything easier for us,why then posting and waiting whereas we could just send that thru internet and the other person in the other ends gets it.................and On earth,when we started our relationship,who even knows that one day we will need this postel letters or email print out whatever,so trust me,we didnt have up to 5 cards in our application when we were filling becus thats all we could get reach of at that point in time.....but we did submit alot of of chat records and emails as much as we can get with dates on it as it was printed from yahoo messenger archives,phone records printed with my fiancee name and the company she uses and the bills as she pays listed every month on the print out page,and of course pictures as much as we can get,was not even dated at all,she visted me twice and in both visit,she only spend like 5 night on each of the visit ,making it 10days maximum we spend together perior to filling our k-1 application,and that was just it.....Thats what we submitted becouse thats what we have and we believe in ourself that we had a good relationship and that we will be approved with in 5 months of approved time but we end up been approved i think was 28 days from my Noa1.We thank God for it knowing somehow we were blessed becouse we knew already what people out there have been going thruough just to get approved......But is all about honesty and just following instrusctions as stipulated.....You can only get delayed if there is FBI name or somewhat or that fiance or fiancee has prevoiously been married or crinimal background in the past....Thats the only things that delayed cases but mind you,flooding applications with alot of evidence and records and things that was not requested only pose suspecisions in the eyes of USCIS,most times we feel it helps but trust me,it only bring questioning in the mind of people that deal on our cases...

And for people that use immigration lawyers,,,I can only say is good when you are too busy with life and cant deal with filling and checking your application yourself becus with what i believe and know,People that basically use lawyers are people that have worries on things maybe that have misuse the immigration benefit somewhat in there life been you the petitioner(US citizen) or the beneficiary (why) Any beneficiary that has been previouly tried to enter the US thruogh other means been marriage or which ever way and USCIS have your name in the system,trust me you need a lawyer to overcome your situation.....or petitioner that maybe have previously been married and have kids now (legaly diverced) needs a strong evidence of proving that this other marriage that he or she is about to enter would solely be for love and hopefully wont end up like there first marriage( thats on the embassy level though) and also that he or she could be able to support the person both financially regardless whatsoever here in the US or maybe petitiners that have violent history and or any related crime that they believe will affact there immigraion benefit are people that truly need a lawyer but if your case is exemptional and clean or such didnt apply to you....Then what is the need of using a lawyer

Why do i say this...

Most times with my understanding i believe USCIS examine and srutinze case that were filed up by an immigration officer to know why the petitioner choose to use a lawyer without filling by him or herself....what could be the possible reason.....Is it that he is very busy with life like work maybe you are in military or anything related to that and has no time for it ....the biographical form will show that and trust will be properly examine and scrutize,they are trained professional to ascertain the best result in such my advice for people that truly believe they are in here on the site as a VJ family and work for the interest of love and nothing else....This are my findings and i believe if truly you and your fiancee or fiance truly have a good intent of been together as a family,no matter how long it takes,no matter how much you both fails on this journey of life, be it immigration or life happens or whatever,Just believe Its gonna be alright and it will happen at the right time becouse failure is not our options but somehow it is the test of our love for each other and it works for peoiple that truly believe on the word Love.......i am a good testimony of that becouse me and my fiancee been my wife today didnt only fought immigration to be together,we also had family related issues we both deal with and we kept strong and made it clear that unless God dosent us to be together,Then it wont but if truly we were meant to be,Nothing,i mean nothing was gonna stop us from fighting and nothing ever did.......Today,Both my family and her family are all happy and wish they could have done more to be and supported us when we needed them most.........Is all well,

Now in US,sometimes am home sick,wish i would visit Nigeria soon but that have to wait till our first child which we are expecting by July 2012....and there is no joy then been where truly your heart belongs,which is where i am today,In the arms of my baby.......Bset of luck .....
Oscar12MaleNigeria2011-11-16 03:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 or DS-156K for Rio de Janeiro?

I think she needs both. At least that's what it says on the State Department's website. I know the Netherlands requires both.  Here is the website that lists all the forms needed: http://travel.state....pes_2994.html#6


jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-05-26 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC has my case, when and how do we know when the interview/medical is?

The NVC will forward the petition to the consulate in the beneficiary's country.  The consulate will send packet # 3 to the beneficiary. The beneficiary has to return the packet to the embassy with all the requested information, which I understand can vary from consulate to consulate. After that, the consulate sends packet #4 to the beneficiary with the interview information.  At least that's how it works for the Netherlands.  I understand some consulates do things a bit differently, but I think the basic steps are the same.  Feel free to join this thread in the NVC section of the board with the rest of us May approvals. :) http://www.visajourn...2013-k1-filers/

jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-05-28 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast minute checklist before departure tomorrow!

Ok, sorry to post 2 similar posts back to back but, my fiancee comes TOMORROW (woohoo!), so if there ever was a time to make sure we have everything straight, it's now right?


So we are planning on a pretty normal departure from her city (Madrid)...


-she'll show her passport and visa at time of check-in, and make sure they are aware that she is entering the U.S. using the K-1 visa. 


-she will inform security as well as she passes through security


-she'll arrive at her POE (JFK airport) and go to the immigration line at which time she'll show her passport and sealed envelope (medical envelope too??)


-they'll escort her to a interview room where she'll fill out the I-94...or give it to her? Or some blue piece of paper I've read about? I'm obviously not entirely sure about this part of the process. 


-then she'll go collect her baggage and go through security and customs


-then drop off her baggage with Delta to put on her connecting flight (it's that way in Atlanta at least, but do all airports make you collect baggage and then re-submit it even when you have a connecting flight?)


-hurries to the next terminal to make her connection and all is good!



Is this more or less correct? Can anyone clarify some of the areas that I wasn't sure about? Thanks so much for input!!


The customs area at JFK is atrocious!! I lucked out when I had a connection through there last year and my connection was less than 3 hours.  I was given a "fast pass" and got to use the line for the diplomats. I was in and out in 20 minutes. Since your fiancee's layover is less than 3 hours she should be able to do the same thing. They announced the fast pass option on my flight and there was someone standing in the terminal as we got off the plane handing out the passes.  All I had to do was show my ticket.  If there's not someone there in the terminal, have her walk over to the diplomat area, it's right in the middle.  There should be someone holding a sign that says "Fast Pass" or something like that.  A few people who weren't given the pass, but showed their ticket and short connecting time were able to get in the line.  Congratulations! :)

jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-05-28 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy case, need help

Like others have posted, the back child support and not filing taxes for 3 years is going to be a big problem. He will need to pay his taxes and at least start paying on the back child support.  If he can't be bothered to support his own child and hasn't paid taxes for 3 years that's a big red flag, imo. 

Edited by jen_vb, 28 May 2013 - 06:43 PM.

jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-05-28 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Form DS-156

Ah, it sounds like they just want you to fill it out online then print it out.  That's what we did as well.  I thought you were saying that you were going to submit it online.  For the multiple visits, I would just attach another piece of paper with your visits listed.  

jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-05-29 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Form DS-156

For a K1 visa you can't use the online one. It specifically says this on their site.  



Edited by jen_vb, 29 May 2013 - 10:44 AM.

jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-05-29 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate fee vs Visa fee

i have the same question my fiance just asked me the same thing... did we pay that fee when we filed our application ?


That was only to file the petition. The $240 is for the visa. 

jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-06-01 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 supporting documentation for co-sponsor

Ok, so I'm not working, I'm going to have to use a co-sponsor. a close friend has agreed to do this for me.


So far I have a copy of his tax return, the 2012 1040 (total income 60k) but he didnt send the w2's and all that, 4 weekly pay stubs from april showing 7k YTD, a statement from his employer saying he makes 200$ a week plus commission as a full time salesman.

 on the I-134 he didnt fill out the annual income line, life insurance of 250k with 0 cash value, real estate of 190k with mortgage encumbrance of 150k.


Household consists of him and he has a partially dependant daughter who doesnt live with him.


Is this going to be enough?


Oh i also have a copy of the bio page of his passport. 


Your friend makes more than enough to co-sponsor.  The only problem I can see is that he didn't list his income on the form.  If you can get him to correct that, you should be fine.  I don't believe you need W2's with the I134.  The copy of the tax return should suffice, as well as the pay stubs.  It sounds like you have everything in order.  Good luck. :)

jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-06-23 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 - How to fill out form for Petitioner of insufficient income?

Hello fellow Netherlands VJer!


Am I correct that you only just sent off your I-129F at the end of June?  I'd advise against assembling the entire I-134 too soon, as it's likely that your fiance's interview will be next year, and the consulate will want to see more recent information.  Is it possible that by that point you'd have sufficient income?  Because that would also change things quite a bit in filling out the form. 


Ditto.  It's way too early to be filling that out.  You won't want to start filling out that information until you get your NOA2.  The average time between NOA2 and interview date for the Netherlands is about 2 months so you'll have plenty of time to mail the forms to your fiance.  One thing that you can do ahead of time is to request your tax transcript for the past 3 years.  Some say you need it, some say you don't, but it wouldn't hurt to have it just in case.  Unfortunately in this stage there's really not much to do but wait. 

jen_vbFemaleNetherlands2013-07-02 20:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do after arrival in U.S.A.

what visa do u have ?

Edited by Alisha78, 18 November 2013 - 08:35 AM.

Alisha78Not TellingFrance2013-11-18 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAP at NVC
So my case was approved on the 8th of february at uscis and got to nvc on the 15th, i called a wk later and was told my case is in AP. What exactly are they looking for even though uscis has already done their checks before the case was approved. I thought things were going to move faster at this stage.How long is it going to be here and what exactly are they looking for. Should i be worried about anything?
Aa&CeeNot TellingItaly2013-03-05 03:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen will embassy contact me
the embassy will contact u at their own convenience,they are known for dragging their feet.My advice will be to email them,they do well with that...just try and be patient or u will go crazy....wish u all the best
Aa&CeeNot TellingItaly2013-03-25 06:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Pakistani interview in UK for USA K-1
My fiancée is doing the same in Naples Italy,she is only schooling there .u are ok,so far as she is there legally
Aa&CeeNot TellingItaly2013-04-01 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfee payment after visa issued

K1 visa is a non immigrant visa.

here is the link:


The $165.00 fee is for immigrant visa's and has to be paid before the greencard can be issued. that is the only time it is needed.
example: IR1/CR1 visas
New USCIS Immigrant Fee: Effective February 1, 2013, all individuals (with several exceptions, please see the website for more information) issued immigrant visas overseas must pay a $165.00 USCIS Immigrant Fee before traveling to the United States. Please visit the following websites for more details on the new fee, including contact information for USCIS, if there are further questions:

oook thanks everyone, thats $165 saved....
Aa&CeeNot TellingItaly2013-04-10 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfee payment after visa issued

The new immigrant visa fee of $165?

K1 visa holders are not required to pay because K visas are NON-IMMIGRANT visas. The fee is for immigrant visa holders only.

I read somewhere there is a fee to be paid afer the visa is issued,am pretty positive about that, and K1 is immigrant visa.
Aa&CeeNot TellingItaly2013-04-10 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfee payment after visa issued
Ok guys, anyone has the link to where i can pay for the additional fees after your visa is been issued by the embassy?
Aa&CeeNot TellingItaly2013-04-10 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInitial Review straight to Post Decision Activity


Thanks soo much for your fast response.I can't believe what i am seeing.


My application was processed at California Service Center

colo20Not TellingFinland2013-11-26 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInitial Review straight to Post Decision Activity

You were approved. Congrats!


Thanks soo much for your fast response.I can't believe what i am seeing.

colo20Not TellingFinland2013-11-26 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInitial Review straight to Post Decision Activity

Hello Every one.We mailde our I-129F application at the end of october and it was recieved and Routed to CSC on 4th of November.

On the 13th on November i got a status update that my allien Number has been Changed.Today i got a surprise message as follows


Post Decision Activity

On November 25, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.


Please has anybody experienced this situation before.Is it that the Petition has been appproved or it is system error.


colo20Not TellingFinland2013-11-26 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI lived in the UK till I was 16 and 6 months. Do I need a UK police certificate?

I emailed them a 2nd time asking for a specific answer. They replied:


Thank you for your recent inquiry.


If you are a British citizen and resided in the UK for 6 months or more since reaching the age of 16, then you will require a UK police certificate.


Thank you


U.S. Consulate General, Sydney

Immigrant Visa Unit




So there you go - 6 months over 16 is the magic cut off. The instructions on the Australian embassy website is not clear on this at all. I have now ordered the Police Check, but this will set us back.


(If anyone has tips on whether you can speed up the British police check, beyond paying for their 'premium' service which I've done, let me know)


*C&C*FemaleAustralia2013-06-14 05:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI lived in the UK till I was 16 and 6 months. Do I need a UK police certificate?

Does anyone know the answer to this?

I grew up in the UK and left for Australia when I was 16 years and 6 months old. 



This table from the Australian embassy doesn't seem to say one way or the other  (http://canberra.usem...e_niv_appl.html).  


If the applicant? And? Then the applicant needs a police certificate from? is living in their country of nationality at their current residence for more than 6 months is 16 years old or older the police authorities of that locality. lived in a different part of their country of nationality for more than 6 months was 16 years or older at that time the police authorities of that locality. lived in a different country for more than 12 months was 16 years or older at that time the police authorities of that locality. was arrested for any reason, regardless of how long they lived there was any age at that time the police authorities of that locality.

You see, I lived in the UK for more than 12 months, but I was only 16 years or older there for 6 months. 


When I asked the Sydney consulate they just sent a generic 'we'll tell you if we need more documents when we give you an interview date'. But I'm so pushed for time with my visa that I want to know now if I have to order a UK police certificate as well. 


Anyone got experience with this issue? 




*C&C*FemaleAustralia2013-06-12 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview tomorrow but I can't work out how to pay the $240 fee!

ok, looks like the credit card option is going to be impossible. I did find the right deposit slip link on the USdocs site eventually. I'll go to the post office on Martin Place and pay in the morning

*C&C*FemaleAustralia2013-06-24 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview tomorrow but I can't work out how to pay the $240 fee!

Please could someone help - I've got my interview tomorrow at the Sydney Consulate, for my K-1 visa. But I still haven't done one of the interview checklist instructions - bring a receipt showing you've paid the $240 fee. The instructions send me to the USdocs website, and I'm meant to register a profile, and either pay the fee using a credit card or pint out the bill to pay at the post office. But the only visa I can select is a B1/B2 one, and the fee is $160. What do I do? Do I just pay it, but then I still owe them money, and the instructions say you can't pay on the day of the interview. 


I'll be checking this forum all night in the hope someone helps me out of this !  :-)  Thanks

*C&C*FemaleAustralia2013-06-24 04:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Visa Problem... Help!!!

Your story is inspiring. I hope to marry my American fiancee on August 9th (my consulate interview is tomorrow). I want to be the kind of husband to her that your fiance already is to you -  full of self-sacrificial commitment. Thank you for sharing your story. And may God straighten the pathway for you both to be together soon.


And I hope you can get the help and advice you need from others here. 

*C&C*FemaleAustralia2013-06-24 02:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding venue booked - need visa within 10 weeks of NOA2. Help!

Here's the latest - NVC have received our file, and given it a case number. And with that number, the Sydney medical centre let me book an appointment. 

I've also got the police check ordered, and my fiancee is about to post me the affidavit of support. 


Now from what you've all said, what do you think of this tactic:


at the US end - my fiancee calls the NVC and says "URGENT, please send this case number on as soon as you possibly can". 

at the Sydney end- I call the Sydney Consulate and say "URGENT. PLEASE can you (a) send me a provisional packet 3 now, and (b) schedule an interview for me, in anticipation of this case number arriving in the mail". 



*C&C*FemaleAustralia2013-05-24 04:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding venue booked - need visa within 10 weeks of NOA2. Help!

Thank you everyone, this is all so helpful. We're now thinking through everyone's comments. 


As of today, the NVC says it has not received our petition from the USCIS, so we don't have a case number yet. I've ordered the police check. When we get the case number, I'll book the medical. My fiancee is posting the affidavit of support tomorrow. And I've begun filling out the online versions of the Packet 3 forms in advance. 


We'd like to get really clear about

1) where the delays are likely to be from here, and how we can speed them up

2) what might go wrong, and how we can help make sure it won't


We know there's a chance we'll have to postpone the wedding. But if we know the key hurdles, then as we clear the big ones we can at least update my Australian family on the 'probability' of it happening on Aug 9th, as the weeks progress. 


Hope this thread will be helpful to others too. 

*C&C*FemaleAustralia2013-05-22 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding venue booked - need visa within 10 weeks of NOA2. Help!

Kind VisaJourney friends, here's our situation:  


If at all possible, we want to get married in Columbus, Ohio on August 9th. (The venue's booked; all the key people from both families can be there for that date; some have already booked tickets; we've been praying for that date for a long time). 


We received our NOA 2 on 15th May


If we can get the visa granted by the end of July, it would be a dream come true. 


Mainly we want to know: 

How can we maximise our chances of making this happen in time?? 


Also, is this so risky, that we should cancel this wedding date right now? 



Thank you everyone :-)


Christian and Cammy

(Sydney & Columbus)

*C&C*FemaleAustralia2013-05-21 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long should I wait to file a K-1 again (after divorce)

I filed a K-1 with my then fiance in 2009 and we got married in 2010, but since separated at the beginning of this year and are getting divorced because the marriage didn't work out. I've come to the understanding that when I am single I will be able to file a K-1 any time with my new fiance...but how long after the divorce should I really wait? The immigration officer I spoke to recommended 3 months, my fiance seems to think we should wait 6, does it really matter how long to wait? Hmm..

themadpoet1Not Telling02013-11-18 00:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelocating K1 interview to different consulate

Hi! We had just received our NOA1 lat April 30 but I'm planning to transfer our case from Dubai (where I lived now) to Philippines. We're looking forward to receive our NOA2 by October or November latest. By December I want to resign from my work, go home and stay with my family while we are on the Interview process. Advantage also in the Phil is you will book your own appointment while in UAE, Embassy schedule it 2-3 months. Should we inform CSC by this time or we need to wait till we get our NOA2 approved?. Thanks for the help!

quetz21Not TellingPhilippines2013-05-16 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotification/Address Change

We filed all the papers with her address in Dubai. We are plan to complete the process in the Philippines, but we are worried that we will not be able to transfer to the embassy there. I have contacted USCIS and they said to contact NVC. I called NVC, but they said they could not do anything until they receive the papers from USCIS. Just wondering if anyone else went through or is going through this same experience and what they did about it .



Ragerding you case transfer, you can follow up with NVC to send your case to USEM Manila. Otherwise, if the case has been sent to USEM Abu Dhabi, you can write an email to the embassy or call to transfer your case to Manila. Don't worry, transfer of your case would be possible as long as there is proper communication. I'm from UAE  and we're planning to transfer our case to Phil. also. Btw, we were approved the same date as yours! :) Good luck!

quetz21Not TellingPhilippines2013-08-03 01:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProbability of Getting a Co - Sponsor???

I know it's the same old question again. I've read a lot of forums about getting a co sponsor but I still have doubts. Well I am the beneficiary who lives in Dubai. My USC fiance lives here before since 2010 and he just came back to US May 2012. He started working in a bank July 2012. Now the problem is, when we got his 2012 - W2 the salary stated only $16,000 since he started work half of the year. But the actual total salary he receives for a year is about $24,000. We don't think we need a co sponsor for this. We just plan to bring his bank statements and pay stubs to prove that he receives that actual amount of money. I know the embassy wants to see the amount in W2 to be above poverty line but will it be possible if we will just support it with employee letter, bank statements and pay stubs?. Our interview is coming soon and I don't want to encounter any problem when that time comes due to lack of supporting documents of I134. Will we be safer if we just get a co sponsor for this? I'd be so grateful for the help!

quetz21Not TellingPhilippines2013-08-18 02:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 & K-3 VIsa
AWESOME thanks for all the info!!! At least now I know we were working on the right plan of action!
ZandraOFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-10 18:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 & K-3 VIsa
We had asked a lawyer and he said that people who file the adjustment take a 50/50 shot of being kicked out of the country and since we only asked for the advice and can't really afford a lawyer we are having to go by what we read. What I read on the site was dated June 8th of this year so I thought it would have been pretty current but glad I asked before I went to the trouble of it.

Since he can come back on the VWP could we then file the adjustment of status form once the I-130 is already sent in and pending?
ZandraOFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-10 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 & K-3 VIsa
First off I love this site. Just joined but I have read so much on the forums for the past 9 months and now I need some REAL knowledge rather than what I get from the government website.

My husband and I were married Nov. 16, 2012 here in Ohio where I live. The end of the month (his planned trip) he went back to England.

We have complied all our STUFF for our I-130 and are mailing it to Chicago this weekend. The idea that (from what we have read) 6-12 months to get all the way through the process is sickening. We hate it but when you are in love you do what you have to do. While on the gov site today double checking everything I read this...

"Can My Spouse Come to the United States to Live While the Visa Petition Is Pending?

If you are a U.S. citizen, once you file Form I-130, your spouse is eligible to apply for a nonimmigrant K-3 visa. This will entitle him or her to come to the United States to live and work while the visa petition is pending. To petition for this benefit, file Form I-129F. Note that you are not required to file Form I-129F. Your spouse may wait abroad for immigrant visa processing. However, seeking a K-3 visa can be an additional method for him or her to come to the United States. For more information, see the “K-3/K-4 Nonimmigrant Visas” page.

If you are a permanent resident and you have filed Form I-130 for your spouse and/or minor children on or before December 21, 2000, your spouse and/or children may be eligible for the V visa classification if more than three years have passed since the I-130 was filed. For more information on V visas, see the “V Nonimmigrant Visas” page.

For more information on “Adjustment of Status” within the United States and “Consular Processing” overseas, see the corresponding link to the right."

So my question is would this be a good option to attempt to get my husband here sooner? Between me and my 4 children (who he thinks of as his own) we are heartbroken to go back to Skype convos but are trying to do everything we can to respect the process and do this all by the book. However from the above is sounds like the K-3 would allow him to work here and BE HERE while we wait on the I-130 (and all that come after). Has anyone else done this? I would love to know success or failure stories to try and choose that if once we get confirmation of receipt of the I-130 to file the K-3 or to just suffer through and wait it out apart.

Thanks in advance for any tips or advice!
ZandraOFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-10 18:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLocating Processing times
When I go here the MSC doesn't list I-130, that's where I was getting stuck. Silly things, thanks for trying to help everyone!
ZandraOFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-18 11:39:00