ChinaCR1 success rates at GUZ if US citizen can't make the interview
I'm curious about you seeing your wife last month. Didn't you know last month you would be interviewing soon?
I just think it is prudent to plan our lives around the visa process, because this is the single most important thing to worry about period. With that said you cannot change the past so brings to the next question, "does it matter if the spouse is present or not"

In my case I know it weighed in very very heavily. I had married on my first visit after knowing wife only 8 months. Did not visit again another 9 months then 3rd visit for interview. That meant that if I was not there for days together with wife going over every conceivable question and scenario, bringing a suitcase full of evidence, I probably would not have succeeded.

To say you cannot " get off work" is too convenient. If you used up all vacation already on visits can't you take even a brief leave, no one said you had to stay in Guangzhou for weeks just go and come right back. My wife had a major operation and I took a few days off work but had a very short visit but still she is my life and that trumps anything else going on.

My personal experience and gut says go be there for her, and stack the deck on the interview give her confidence and show the CO you really mean your love and bona fide relationship. If your supervisor won't allow you to take off, what kind of job do you have? If you were sick do they want you going to work with your appendix hanging out? Cant you work remotely a few days? I had great internet in the apartment we rented in Guangzhou and I was able to do an awful lot of work related stuff and keep in contact.

It is your choice, don't give other people power over you, there is always a way!
Dan & JuanMaleChina2011-12-18 07:38:00
ChinaTaxes Update for ITIN W-7 with China
Just chiming in on being rejected for ITIN from IRS because they would not accept foreign notaries. After awhile the IRS changed my filing to single and I decided to wait until wife was here and got SSN immediately and filed amended return, which if you are patient, seems to be the way to go. My refund difference was about 600$ so it didn't really bust me to wait it out.
Dan & JuanMaleChina2011-10-22 07:41:00
ChinaPOE Experience
Congratulations on this humungous step in your journey!!
We had so much trouble because even though she verified address AT POE, I had proof of address correction going back to the beginning even with emails FROM the consulate stating they knew of the address change, would you believe even after all that they still sent the original green card to the wrong address?

The SS card never came, we ended up going to SSA office and kick starting the card and that came quickly.

I don't know what the difference is between proactive planning and covering all your bases and blind luck, but I am happy to hear of a smooth process for anyone!
Dan & JuanMaleChina2012-03-30 15:38:00
ChinaChinese D Visa
SO the only way I can live with my wife in China later is if I learn how to fish the briny deep? arghhhhhhhhh
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Dan & JuanMaleChina2012-03-30 15:27:00
ChinaHow You Met Your Chinese Wife/Husband/Fiance and Where Are You From?
I have been internet savvy since the beginning of the non-mil internet. I was using email and bbs in the early 80's and then bitnet on the university systems also tied in to internet, such as it was. I always did what is now called social networking, meet and greets, culture exchange etc. Everything from Disney and soap opera usenet groups to bitnet relay meets.

I also have been employed in university settings for 25 years or so, including student work, and thanks to a lot of natural intelligence, and the dedication of some hard core catholic nun teachers, I was really good in grammar and writing and editing. I always would help students with papers, resumes projects etc.

Fast forward through internet explosion and the ability to communicate with people in almost any country and city in the world!

I quickly became a very popular target for people around the world looking for native english speakers willing to help with conversation and writing or some process. I met up with every age and gender and nationality and at one time was literally juggling hundreds of people most casual chats, others working hard to help with term papers or explaining whole line by line tv shows jokes, context etc. I made a lot of really good friends and acquaintances all over the world, many students who later would find success and still keep in touch. Funny thing is hundreds of people and never intention of romance or foreign hanky panky. Seriously, it was a genuine hobby and labor of kindness, not a scam to hit on cuties. I'm not saying there werent golddiggers trolling the internets looking for a sucker to latch on to, but genuinely I had a lot of good honest experiences with sincere people. Then one innocent "hello" changed everything.

School teacher in Guiyang looking to improve english skills while on holiday from school during winter break. I don't know how many people she tried to engage in english, but since this was common for 10 plus people to say hi to me every day, I was not looking for anything that happened to lead up to being married now for 3 years and really still blown away on how this could happen. I never thought it could happen like on tv where you fall in love like almost immediately, and especially difficult online on skype!

I still cant believe how lucky I am and really thank (insert preferred deity here) every day and now do believe in miracles, with more to come (L) (L) (L) (L) (L)
Dan & JuanMaleChina2011-08-16 01:02:00

I have similar problem. I want to get it down at US. I am currently live at San Diego, California. Can someone tell me how to get it done easiest way?

If you want to see the exact process I used I would be happy to send you my actual scanned docs and how exactly I did it if you reply provately or email me poolman802 at
Dan & JuanMaleChina2011-09-27 23:22:00
ChinaChinese computer language Fairy
I got discounted win7 ultimate from working at university. I set up 2 accounts so I can do admin type stuff and 2 languages works well, just like any 2 accounts. With win8 out maybe win 7 will be cheaper but if you have a choice buy multiple computers that is the best.
Dan & JuanMaleChina2012-10-31 18:11:00
ChinaMy Fiancee Has a Serious Health Issue
I was married in China then filed the CR-1 4 years ago when there was no electronic filing and it took all of 9 months to have the visa in hand. As soon as I got back from my trip getting married I researched coverage for my wife on our benefit plans as a "life event aka married" and was told the second she was here she would be covered. With that said I will stress what others have said. It takes a long time and effort to go through the immigration process and is horribly stressful even when you both are physically and mentally well. If you think you can get through with the added worries (when you did your internet search about liver problems with limited information and panicked immediately, think of that exact moment and that stress will be multiplied)
The most important thing is finding out facts and not letting worry and imagination run away. I have to be blunt.. You say you care deeply for her but define that you don't want to have to pay an arm or a leg for treatments. I guess I have to ask.. Does money really matter when it comes to health? I mean is that even worth considering for the person you want to marry to be well? Money is only money health is the only thing that matters.
I really think positive thoughts your way please please take care of her and find out what is going on. You are in the place to be for medical treatment. Good luck and we all are with you hoping the best!
Dan & JuanMaleChina2012-11-02 22:04:00
ChinaThinking about K1 for Chinese girlfriend

Just to balance the excellent advice already given I hired a lawyer even though I did 80% of the work (my choice) because I thought a few hundred dollars was not a big amount to assure i had a "fresh set of eyes" from someone who had done hundreds of these applications when I was a babe in the woods.

My lawyer said not to front load anything just give them exactly what was asked for, thus minimizing any chance of a red flag.  The petition was approved and I agree with the minimize up front but spend the time in between building your proof of your bonafide because the wait was so long to get to GUZ when I applied.

I had a lot of possible trip hazards. I am 13 years older, only knew my wife 4 months when I made my first trip, where we were married.

But I knew what our situation was, and it was not hard to prove our relationship even thoughit seemed on the surface as really hard to prove. 

My wife's interview was about a minute long but our documents were extensive.

I always hate to say good luck, because with proper planning and scouring these forums, success is very reachable if you do the work

Dan & JuanMaleChina2014-02-14 08:42:00
Caribbeanuna pregunta???

no hay problema

FrenchicanFemaleMexico2014-06-24 20:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHispanos haciendo AOS?
Aqui, mexicana en EU con visa F1. Me case durante OPT, e iniciando AOS?
alguien mas con situacion similar?
FrenchicanFemaleMexico2012-08-24 10:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Bon je recommence, suis dans mon lit j'tape avec des mouffles...

antipolio, antidiphterie, antitetanique >>> Vaccins-Dose ------> DT coq ???? polio sobin
Vaccin Diphétrie Tetanos Coqueluche Polio Sabin (c'était un vaccin oral, je crois que c'est plus utilisé)
Si ca date de plus de 10 ans, faut que tu le refasses.

Pour le antituberculinique, ca doit etre simplement être timbre négatif. C'est une méthode de test.
Première ligne, je pense que idem c'est juste un test et non un vaccin.

Le seul truc réellement important dans l'histoire c'est la date et la preuve du vaccin rougeole, rubéole oreillons car a mon avis il va te falloir de toute maniere le rappel pour le DT coqueluche Polio.
Ne traduis pas mot à mot mais juste le type de vaccin ou de test et la date et voila.
Y a pas les etiquettes des vaccins dans le carnet ?

merci! non, pas de timbres. ce serais plus facile.
après quelque recherche, il semble que la seule que j'ai pas c'est varicelle. Ils n'ont commence a la mettre en France que des fin des années 80.

Pour les personnes qui sont en train de prouver les vaccins, c'est 2 doses MMRV (rougeole, roubeole, oreillons, varicelle) tuberculose, et tetanique 1 dans les dernieres 10 annees. Et de toutes facons, le civil surgeon va faire test de syphilis et tuberculose si vous en avez pas reçu un dans la dernière année.

Pour prévoir les prix, a l’hôpital de l’université, sans assurance, c'est minimum $157*, +vaccins:
- Immigration PE: $100*
- Venipuncture (blood sample): $15*
- RPR (syphilis test): $25*
- TB Test: $17* (résultats en 2-3 jours, si le résultat n'est pas conclusif Chest X-Ray $80)
vaccins + admin fees ($30):
- MMR $98 (individuels: rubella (rubeole) $46, Rubeola (rougeole) $58, Mumps (oreillons) $58)
- Varicella $85
- Tetanus $75
FrenchicanFemaleMexico2012-08-08 10:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Bonjour tout le monde!


donc, ma situation (juste pour me présenter! :D ) Je suis francaise mexicaine, a ohio, mariée il y a 3 mois, encore sous visa d?étudiante avec carte de travail (EAD) d'un an post-études. la carte est valide jusqu?à septembre 19, donc J?étais pas trop pressée a faire ma docu de adjustment of status, et j'ai pris mon temps a remplir et comprendre tout les papiers du package. Je suis en train de faire tout sans avocat.
Mais maintenant ma carte de travail d'un an expire dans 6 semaines, et je donne des cours a l'univ, donc je peux commencer le semestre avec ma carte valide, mais des qu?elle expire j'ai besoin d'avoir la nouvelle, donc j?espère que la carte de travail prendra pas trop de temps après envoyer le paquet, j?espère envoyer vendredi.

Est-ce quelqu'un peut m'aider au sujet du carnet de santé. Je suis allé au rendez vous aujourd'hui, ils acceptent les photocopies de mon carnet de sante, ils ont juste demandé de traduire ce qui est écrit. L?écriture du médecin est incompréhensible!! :blink: (juste au-dessus de "écrivez clair et lisiblement!" J'ai rdvz vendredi pour mes résultats et ramener la traduction.

MA QUESTION: SVP! PEUT-ÊTRE CA M'AIDE A DÉCHIFFRER! et éviter payer 300 dollars en plus des $150 d'aujourd'hui!

Les personnes qui ont le carnet de sante (vaccins fin années 70, début 80), pouvais-vous me dire ce qu'il y a écrit sous

  • antituberculeuse >>> Methode ---(ce que je pense que je lis:)---> brut duit !???
  • anti-variolique >>> lot du vaccin ------> menese??
  • antipolio, antidiphterie, antitetanique >>> Vaccins-Dose ------> DT coq ???? polio sobin
  • antirougeole, antirubeole, antityphoide >>> Vaccins-Dose ------> rauvds???
  • test antituberculiniques >>> tests et résultats ------> ID o 1 ou négatif, tumbre?? négatif

MERCI pour prendre 5 min a me dire ce que vos carnets de santé disent!

Edited by florence_g, 06 August 2012 - 09:11 PM.

FrenchicanFemaleMexico2012-08-06 21:10:00
USCIS Service CentersLeft Behind at CSC
QUOTE (SAVM @ Mar 27 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would say most likely you're being penalized (alright, at least unintentionally) for not having met your fiancee online and/or through a dating agency and/or within a couple months of proposing. Sadly, it seems our numbers are few.

Well I didnt meet my fiance "online and/or through a dating agency and/or within a couple months of proposing" Ive known her for years and have been to her country many times and we were approved in 30 days. Unfortunately I think the CSC is just not doing things in order right now. Ive had talks with my fiance about this and we both feel guilty in a way for being approved so quick. It really has taken some of the enjoyment out of our approval hearing so may upset about this and It dose seem very unfair. The only conclusion we could come up with is maybe the CSC is clearing out the I-129's that have the least red flags to make room for the VSC to send over some of their backlog. We can only hope! I hope that you all will see your NOA2's soon.

Edited by Joyce/Jeremy, 27 March 2009 - 06:19 PM.

Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-03-27 18:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Interview
Thank you! we're really excited.

Congratulations and good luck on the interview.

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-06-19 13:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Interview
Thanks for the support everyone. I know that I was led to this website too, because I would've cracked long ago if I hadn't been scouring these pages lol


Edited by Iyawo, 16 June 2007 - 10:00 AM.

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-06-16 10:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Interview
To God be the glory!!!! After being separated from my husband for 1 year and 4 months, he has finally been scheduled for an interview at the embassy in Lagos, Nigeria. I really thank God, and give him all the praise, honor and glory. From reading timelines of other VJ'ers going through Lagos with the CR-1 without the K3 added, the process has been twice as long as mine. I filed exactly one year ago June 2006, and it took 5 months from case completion before the interview was scheduled. I'm sooooooooooooooo excited people, and I want to say y'all have no idea, but I know all of you know excatly how I feel :dance: I'll let you all know how the interview goes, but I'm thanking God for it right now, because we've already claimed it :thumbs:

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-06-16 00:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIT'S CONFIRMED
I'm praying you have a blessed and safe trip. I know you will have a great time!
IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-06-22 15:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview at Lagos US Consulate
My husband's interview is scheduled for the 16th of July, and we have received packet 4. It gives you all of the information you should have with you when you go. It basically asks for proof of relationship, affidavit of support, and some other things that I can't remember off the top of my head. I believe that K3 applicants can go to the embassy and ask for packet 4.


Hello VJners,

My K3 visa interview is scheduled on the 11th of july 2007 please good people tell me what documents will be required and what question will i come accross.


IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-06-23 15:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMedical Exam
Thanks for the help! How long did it take your SO to complete the entire process?

The physical is a series of atleast two appointments.

  • 1st time you get xrays and give blood it cost N10,000
  • 2nd you have the actual exam and the fee is N5,000
They are a little slow and not always accurate, they did not take enough blood to run the antibody test to clear my SO's immunnizations, my SO had the yeolow immunization card first time, but dince that was not the day for the physical no one looked at it. So, my SO was required to come back a third time for immunization. I guess they did not trust the yellow card or because it was almost time to re-take or get a booster for some of the shots.

Maybe they were just trying to perform an accurate assessment. :lol:

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-06-24 17:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMedical Exam
Hi everyone....I received packet 4 will all of the info for my husbands interview. The information for the medical exam is there but there is no price listed for the exam. I need to know how much this exam is. If anyone has recently paid for the exam in Lagos, please let me know. Thanks.


Edited by Iyawo, 24 June 2007 - 11:27 AM.

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-06-24 11:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Embassy
My husband's interview is scheduled for July 16th, and I haven't heard anything about it being changed. When did your friend receive her call?

This morning I received an e-mail from a member of VJ who informed me that their interview date was being changed. That they got a call from the Lagos Embassy that all people with interview dates for July are being changed. As a matter of fact their interview was scheduled for July 3, 2007 and has now been moved back to August 21, 2007. I thought about it and decided that if this is true then it has to have something to do with the strike that the banks are going through. This VJ member said that the embassy said it is because of lack of employees. My question is has anyone elses interview been changed because of this reason? Has other members whose interview is in July and will be having interviews at the Lagos Embassy interview changed to a later or earlier date?

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-06-23 15:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisit number 2
Hi all!

I'm going back to Lagos tomorrow to see my husband! It's been a year and 5 months since we've last seen each other and I'm too excited. :dance: His interview is on the 16th so I'll be there for that. Keep us lifted up in prayer. I'll keep everyone posted.

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-07-06 10:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos embassy
If God is for you, who can be against you? I really thank God for the success of this visa journey. My husband's visa was approved today, and he will return on Tuesday the 31st to pick it up. This process has been trying, and stressful to say the least, but I thank God for keeping Fola and me sane! Thanks for all the prayers, and I will continue to keep you all in mine! :dance: :dance: :dance:
IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-07-27 14:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMailing important papers to SO
I would suggest using FedEx or DHL when sending to Nigeria. I've sent things through regular postal mail, and either my husband didn't get it, or it just took too long to get there. Since then we've always used FedEx.
IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-08-12 12:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNVC office
I received different answers from the NVC operators all of the time. They only consistent answers I received from them were "No, you don't have an interview scheduled" and "Stop calling everyday" If you don't hear anything from them this week, they should definitely be done by Monday.

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-08-14 22:14:00
IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-08-24 00:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHelp!!!
I was able to go to the link as well. It seems like the NVC is trying to cut back on paper work. I went through all of the sections, and that link is your packet 4. You need to print all of the information out for your husbands interview.

IyawoFemaleNigeria2007-08-25 08:52:00
Asia: East and PacificBalikbayan Box from Columbus, OH
Yes, there is a Filipino grocery on Mcnaughten Rd, south of E. Main st that ships Balikbayan boxes.
tsr1501MalePhilippines2012-11-17 21:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Frankfurt Hotel Across from the American Consulate

do you know if it is still possible to get this special offer? I could not find it. Thank you! smile.gif
surpriseFemaleGermany2009-04-29 13:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Eveline: Zum Gluck, hatte ich keine blauen Flecken, obwohl sie mir gleich zwei Impfungen gemacht haben.

@Manuela: Oh, das ist ja peinlich! ohmy.gif

Edited by surprise, 13 May 2009 - 11:46 AM.

surpriseFemaleGermany2009-05-13 11:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Maiandra Ich hab das Medical auch 2 Wochen vor dem Interview gemacht (in Hamburg), obwohl in meiner Einladung dasselbe stand, wie in deiner, dass das Medical um 00.00 Uhr ist. Ich glaube man kann damit ein bisschen Zeit sparen.

to all: Danke allen, die mir geantwortet haben. Ich hatte schon mein Medical in Hamburg, war in Ordnung. Die haben mir eine Kopie von "Vaccination Documentation Worksheet" per Post zugeschickt. Ich glaube, sie haben es nähmlich vergessen, mir eine Kopie mitzugeben.
surpriseFemaleGermany2009-05-13 11:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hat jemand von euch eine medical in Hamburg schon gemacht? War in Ordnung? Soll man etwas beachten?
Danke und viel Glück! smile.gif
surpriseFemaleGermany2009-05-04 10:24:00