IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Congratulations Killer007
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-11 18:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Yeah but Im glad that I can at least hurry up and wait now lol! Thanks for sharing the good luck with me Dave and Kinnari I know that had something to do with it :thumbs:

I will be looking forward to hearing how everyone is progressing!!!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-11 18:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE HAVE BEEN APPROVED!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: I am so excited! Called and woke the hubby up to tell him too!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-11 16:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Wow you have been waiting on that for a while. I really want to be through NVC by the end of the month also. Im ready to start planning my next overseas adventure! Im so glad we did our honeymoon a few weeks ago. A week long visit then another 2 month wait.. The never ending story of our lives lol
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-09 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Well after a crazy past few days I officially have my RFE completed. By the time I got the email from our adjusator it was already past 8pm in my hubby's country so I had to wait until the next morning when the photo places opened again. (Which was midnight my time ;-)) Thursday I had them printed and overnighted them with early morning delivery and they arrived yesterday at 10:23am.... Next stop.. Approval land!!! Woo hoo!!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-09 09:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
I do believe he is! He is sooo helpful... I cant believe he emailed me the RFE instead of just regular mailing it! And then to continue emailing me giving me overnight addresses and things blew my mind lol. He deserves a raise! lol
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-06 16:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
:crying: I just received an email from the USCIS officer that is handling my expedited case. Somehow our passport photos became separated from our paperwork and they are requesting to send new ones. I had mine retaken today but must wait until the hubby can email me new ones of him around midnight tonight my time. The letter states that the pics must be from within 30days so we are just doing new ones. The nice thing is that the adjucator sent me a direct address to send them to him quickest... It was a po box so I replied asking for a physical street address so I can overnight them.. and WALLAH he responded with a physical address! I honestly cant believe how helpful the officer has been! Once all is said and done I will be sending USCIS a letter complimenting the exceptional customer service that Officer Arshad has provided!

Tata for now.. hopefully an approval on Friday!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-06 13:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
lol thanks for taking some blame Dave! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-05 17:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
OK so the anxiety is killing me so I decided to take a trip to case status number town... The cases a few before mine were approved on 7/1! In additon there are a sequence of 3 approved in a row.. and then one pending... three approved, one pending. Looks like maybe the adjucator just didnt finish their last case before leaving??? Maybe?? At this point its how I am going to put a smile on my face for the next few hours lol. Dear God please let me stop stressing and send me an approval!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-05 17:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

I hope you get NOA2 this week!

I am hoping to get an NVC and IIN number this week. Hopefully our file has gotten there over this long weekend!

Yes it seems like just after memorial day things really started being processed quickly. Another holiday possibly means the adjucators got some rest and are ready to APPROVE!!!! :whistle:
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-05 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Dave and Kinnari... Can you please please please send some of that good luck over to Hilliard? My timeling today says

Based on timeline data, your I130 may be adjudicated between July 14, 2011 and July 23, 2011*.

I gotta be close!!!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-03 12:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Walidetmouna... Who are you talking to? I dont think that there is anyone in this thread that hasnt received a NOA1. We are all starting to receive NOA2's at this point I do believe???
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-01 13:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Good Morning Everyone,

I decided to call USCIS on Wednesday to inquire about the status of my case (even though it is way early and I expected to be completely blown off). The guy who answered was super nice and since their computers were having some issues we sat and talked on the phone about my marriage and such. He looked up my case and gave me tons of info as to the fact that the background checks and everything were all completed and now just in the massive pile waiting for my turn. I explained to him that my husband is not working as of 2 weeks ago and he suggested that I file an expedite request. SO I DID.. and within 2 hours I had an email from an adjucator requesting me to fax a copy of my receipt, recent pic together, and a letter requesting and expedite. I sent it over right away and last night I received an email back that my expedite has been APPROVED and it will be finalized within 1-5 days!!! WOO HOO!!!!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-07-01 08:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
I was checking the uscis site from my mobile phone while I was in Turkey and just praying to see the words "APPROVED" while I was there with my hubby. Spending the week with him was so wonderful. It will help me to get by for the next two months or so now :thumbs: It would have been so awesome to have celebrated with him but I would be just as ecstatic to see it today ;)
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-06-29 09:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Hey guys!!!

I just returned from my honeymoon in Istanbul and WOW WOW WOW what an AMAZING place! I am so amazed at the history and culture there. Unfortunately I had to leave my husband behind for a little while longer.

I just logged in and we have APRIL APPROVALS??? WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!

Dave and Kinnari... I have not received mine yet but seeing yours came has butterflies soaring around in my stomach. Congratulations to all that have received theirs and I sooo hope to see mine soon!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-06-29 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
WOO HOO!!! Another week down and a new one started!!!

Per the Immigration Timelines tab the CSC is processing March 1st!!! Which I personally feel that means somewhere around the 15th (as some are earlier and some are later and still waiting or already approved... the never ending inconsistencies lol).

And today my estimate says...

Based on timeline data, your I130 may be adjudicated between July 21, 2011 and August 3, 2011*.

Just keeps getting closer and closer!!!

I leave tomorrow morning to meet my hubby in Turkey. After all of the planning he decided to take a bus to turkey so that he could see all the sights along the way. Well... a big storm came through and caused a landslide on a mountain. His bus path is now blocked. :wacko: He went this morning and purchased one of the very few air tickets left and got a refund on the bus ticket. Holding my breath that everything goes smoothly now! I will now need to take a bus from my airport and meet him in k. ptak square??? I dont even know how to ask for a bus in Turkish lol. This could be humerous or disasterous! Im hoping for the humor :rofl:

Anyone who knows some basic Turkish phrases please help!!! hahaha
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-06-20 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

Thank You! 2.5 Weeks of break! Well not really, I have a ton of things to do around the house painting, touching up some things, cleaning etc. This is far less stressful than reading about nursing interventions! lol

Have a safe trip! Be sure to check in here from time to time to let us know if you have recived your NOA2!

I hope it comes within the next couple of weeks. I really want my wife to be here for Thanksgiving. It's a nice first American Holiday for my wife to experience in the US.

It would be funny though if her first holiday was Halloween. hahaha. lol

LOL I know... My husband that the whole halloween thing was was really weird. I explained to him how we were shopping for our costumes and all about trick-or-treat and he was laughing so hard!!! He said he wants a Hulk costume that shoots green spit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I will be checking in daily looking for updates! Hope we all get some good news!!!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-06-16 14:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

Well the exams went VERY well! I had such a bad migraine on the drive back home going all out on my pharmacology exam I BARELY made it home. Feeling much better now. Nursing school is TOUGH! lol

I am also glad to report there have been two early March Filers that have recived approvals today. One at 92 days and the other at 90 days! Looks like CSC is still working! :)

Congratulations on your exams Dave!!! Thats awesome! Plenty of medical jobs here for you too!!!

A few March filers with priority dates only a week or two before ours are getting approved. I leave to meet my hubby in Turkey on Tuesday and I sooo hope I get an approval while I am there with him. I have my family checking my mail every day for me while I am gone just in case I dont get an email update.

My timeline changed by a week over the past two days also...
Based on timeline data, your I130 may be adjudicated between July 25, 2011 and August 10, 2011*.

But it's gonna be sooner than that I can just feeeeeel it!!!

And only 41,925 applications until mine lol lol lol
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-06-16 09:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Hey Everyone!!!

I'm so excited... My estimated approval date has now moved to July!!! We are all getting sooo close now!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Based on timeline data, your I130 may be adjudicated between July 29, 2011 and August 13, 2011*.
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-06-06 11:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
YAY!!! Me too! I bet in another week our timelines will update to a July date! And when it does I am going to do the hapy :dance: !!!! This is getting sooo exciting!!!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-06-01 10:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Hey Guys! I looked through the site today and some people who mailed their documents early February are getting approvals! All that I saw were processed out of CSC (YAY). The latest priority date I saw approved so far was Feb 11th. WOO HOO!!! We are getting closer!

On an even better note I am going to travel to see my hubby in just a few weeks. The wait was killing us both so we are taking a honeymoon to Turkey! I'm so excited! I have never been there before so this is going to be awesome!!!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-05-17 17:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers


Very cool! I am in Westerville exactly.

I am in Hilliard so we are very close! Good luck in your process and I hope to see some updates for us both very soon! My hubby and I are getting so anxious. Trying to plan a honeymoon trip to Turkey around the time of our interview but I must wait to plan until we know some dates! Come on USCIS I neeeeed a vacation with my hubby! lol
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-05-12 09:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

this is my whole e-mail. I called and checked online and they said i was approved. I didn't know they can send out two different NOA1s wow that is just messing with someones hope. I ;m sorry this is my the copy of my e-mail below. Thank you so much for the info it made me double and triple check wow thank you!
The last processing action taken on your case Receipt Number: WACxxxxxxxxx
Your Case Status: Post Decision activity
On May 9, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.
For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283. *Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check Processing Times. Please do not respond to this e-mail message.The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Wow! That is awesome! Congratulations on getting the US to approve your case so fast!!! I hope that you have a wonderful transition into the US and that God continues to bless you with opportunity!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-05-12 09:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

I have not received a touch or anything as of today 11:16 PM EST.

No RFE's yet either.

It will be one month at USICS May 6th.

@ Dave and Kinnari,

My priority date is April 3rd and I am also in Columbus, Ohio! We should be able to rely on each other quite a bit throughout this process! Yay!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-05-10 12:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

Hi everyone earlier today I received my NOA 2 email wow I am so shocked I never imagined it would happen so fast! It's still not over yet since I didn't prepare for it to happen so fast now I have to get on my reading for NVC processes I know how hard it is to not be with our spouses I can vouch that there is a happy ending to this process God Speed

Hi Papunmanmu,

Don't get too excited because most lilkely this is not your NOA2... It is your NOA1.

The first NOA1 you would have received would have been a receipt just showing that they have cashed your check and show the amount that you paid. The second NOA1 that you received is the more detailed receipt that describes in detail how the process works.

Check where it says "Notice Type" on your I-797C and beside that you will see that they say "Receipt" and "Receipt Notice". The second paragraph at the bottom of your 2nd receipt you received will say "This notice does not grant and immigration status or benefit. It is not even evidence that this case is still pending. It only shows that the application or petition was filed on the date shown." I also received two and it threw me off a bit.

Basically your case has been received and paid for and now the 5 month wait begins. :-(
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-05-10 12:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Happy May Everyone! One full month down and I can barely stand the excitement! No updates or touches for me since April 7th so I am assuming all of my paperwork was correct and complete. Anyone out there received an RFE or anything yet?
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-05-04 10:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Hello everyone!

I mailed my husbands I-130 and G325-A paperwork on 03/31/2011 so I will be an April filer! My husband is still in his home country and I am a USC since birth. So far my case has moved pretty fast so I hope you all have the same luck! My NOA1 says that mine has been sent to the California Processing Center!
~Hot Mama~FemaleGeorgia2011-04-16 09:16:00
PhilippinesVisa Approved!
So nice to hear!
It makes this waiting to the interview time so much easier when we see reports and good news. Congratulations I wish you and your family great happiness now breathe deep!! relax
Dan & JuanMaleChina2009-07-21 10:44:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?
I am not sure why there is so much pressure to immediately sync together in harmony.
God it's hard enough to adjust with out adding pressure. I don't know how many times the bags were packed and fighting and emotions kicked in at first.
We were married and apart for over a year, and weeks after approval I had a heart attack, she had family member severe illness to deal with, and then suddenly move to a foreign country on top of her marrying a lifelong bachelor who really didn't know what to expect and who really didn't have a clue.

Welcome to America now be happy dammit.

Point is there HAS to be time to adjust and a plan and a vision. It is not about being happy in 2 weeks it is about a future vision and goals and baby steps along the way.

Real measurable goals that can give a feeling of independence and time getting to know each other all over again. Everyone needs space and understanding and patience.

I am in Columbus and this is the 15th largest city in the USA. There are networks and support and social circles for most people. No there is not a huge Asian concentrated community where one stop happiness stores line the tree lined boulevards.

I don't know every simple answer to tell you about being happy, I do know goals and results. She has a driver's license and her own car. She completed 32 hours community college ESL classes with 3.68 GPA, She has started prerequisites for masters degree and teaching certificate, she has worked a service job for a year after being a teacher for 8 years which in theory is a slap to anyone's face. But that leads to another better position, independence, sense of worth and contribution to society and not feeling trapped in a prison.

In the first 2 weeks I would have given us less than 50% odds to succeed but it's not about instant gratification it is about communication and support and just getting used to each other without the weight of the world on your head.

She sacrificed her whole life to be with you, but she is not shut off from her family and friends, if she can just find the way to try, it might be easier every day.
Dan & JuanMaleChina2011-10-27 05:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2014 Filers

Adding my name!

Sent the package today.



California Service Center (7 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved


EVE OCEAN.............10/14/14......--/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--






Vermont Service Center (2 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved


Edited by Frenchican, 17 October 2014 - 08:53 PM.

FrenchicanFemaleMexico2014-10-17 20:53:00
Philippinesmoving to cebu
QUOTE (Tsup2 @ Jan 17 2009, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I didn't read anywhere in your plan on how you are going to support yourself in Cebu. is a good site for info on Cebu.

Yeah I was also thinking of moving to Cebu. Love it there! But how do you plan to support yourself?
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-01-17 14:09:00
PhilippinesWhen Filipino and American Culture's Clash
Well my fiancé and I have a lot of fun debates regarding the clash… It’s entertaining to have read through all your thoughts… yes I agree on the mere fact that we grew up in the PI with high regard to our parents and all our aunts and uncles… even though they’re 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree… and even to all their friends… and we call them Tito (male) and Tita female.) So just expect that when you are with your Filipino wife/husband (for a very few) you will be address as Tito/Tita + (Your Name.) In the US when I visited to spend the Holidays with his family it was kind of awkward to me to hear him address his aunt through her first name. I realized though that it’s not because they don’t respect their elders but it’s because in American families addressing someone through their first names is special and very personal. So we Filipinos must not misconstrue the nice side of it. Food. Oh there is quite a big gap here… we grew up with a variety of food meat mostly poultry, pork, and a little beef and these are usually cooked as soup or sautéed with vegetables and fried. Funny thing is other than plain meat… there are the innards that we also usually opt for appetizers (sorry if I made somebody sick from this comment.) Oh there’s our famous daing/bulad in other words dried fish, squid, shrimp or anything dried. Most people can’t appreciate the smell. But some say there are just some things that really smell… but are damn good… So dried stuff goes under this category… You dip then in our very own strong and spicy vinegar and match it up with rice and you’ll never stop eating. But in general, Filipino food is savory and pretty tasty too! On the other side, American food as my fiancé would point out is a good ‘ol American burger. Whenever he’s in the PI he always says that our burger taste different. I can understand though that it should be because most of ‘em are made from a low quality beef patty. Oh he comments about our cooking oil too… saying it has a distinct taste to it… hehehehehe! But when it comes to food, we don’t have any problem as we’re both food lovers. So on to technology… yep big difference too. Although we know about dish washers, washing machines, answering machines and GPRS’ most of Filipino middle class families can’t afford to buy these things so we really haven’t had our fair share of using it. However, we can afford to pay up house help who does the cooking, laundry, dishes and cleans the house which is pretty cheap compared to the electricity and water that we’d pay if we had the machines. We didn’t need to have an answering machine as our helpers are taught to answer the home phone for us as they are in the house all day. This is the reason why we are fine with just test messaging through our cell phones or we call and if no one answers we just leave them a text message instead. We are not used to having answering machines that’s the reason why we are not used to leaving voice messages… Makes sense?... think this is enough… I might’ve bored you with my rambling… oh well… when I think of other stuff then I’ll add up!... so I must stop myself and end here… or I might just not stop… that’s how I am when I write… so… hope you all don’t mind… -Joyce
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-02-24 09:41:00
PhilippinesColumbus, Ohio?
QUOTE (mybabylove @ Mar 1 2009, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Joyce/Jeremy @ Mar 1 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey ALL!

Thanks for the advice.. Im surprised to hear there are so many Filipinos in Columbus. But then again Columbus is pretty diverse. I look up the Asain Festival and it looks like a really good time.

hello everyone I was happy to know that there are members of vj from Ohio. Ill be going there this 15th of march I also have a friend that live in Columbus but my destination is Dayton.

Well have in Dayton just wish you could see Ohio in the spring its a lot better. The cold weather mixed with gray clouds can really make this look depressing at times. On a side note though Ill be going to Cebu on the 15th a much needed break from all this cold!
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-03-02 19:34:00
PhilippinesColumbus, Ohio?
Hey ALL!

Thanks for the advice.. Im surprised to hear there are so many Filipinos in Columbus. But then again Columbus is pretty diverse. I look up the Asain Festival and it looks like a really good time.
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-03-01 19:41:00
PhilippinesColumbus, Ohio?
I was just wondering if there were any Filipino's living in Columbus? I really doubt it do to our crappy weather for half the year but I thought I would give it a shot due to Joyce will be moving here with me. Any way if you do I would like to hear some of your thoughts about it or some of the things you do around town and how you have adapted to it. Thanks!

Edited by Joyce/Jeremy, 28 February 2009 - 12:04 PM.

Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-02-28 12:02:00
Philippinesco sponsor in Manila
Dont understand? Co-sponser for what part exactly?
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-03-18 01:56:00
PhilippinesMagic Jack, Anyone?

Ive found this thread very interesting because Ive been looking into MJ. Right now we use skype which at first gave us a lot of droped calls but now with its newest version we dont see that problem plus we can use the video calls to see each other and its free. But Ive been looking into what would be the best option for us once she moves here and wants to stay in touch with her family in the PI. So I was wondering is it worth switching from skype and if so why? Also Ive read reviews that the software that you instal for MJ can lead to problems on you computer is this true?
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-03-28 10:49:00
PhilippinesNEED YOUR 2 CENTS (maybe more)
QUOTE (nervouswreck @ Apr 9 2009, 06:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that is SO enlightening! my fiance is in the military too... a few days ago i was so upset that I came up with the conclusion that all guys are I must admit, I can be very jealous sometimes, I have trust issues and I can be a I'm not perfect but I try. I could only wish I can have a mature relationship with my fiance like you have... maybe we have to work hard on it. I really appreciate your input, I am convinced more than ever that we should meet once we both get to Minnesota! Thank you!

Well yeah that should be a good plan... pray for it dear every relationship grows... yours will too! smile.gif
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-04-09 09:39:00
PhilippinesNEED YOUR 2 CENTS (maybe more)
QUOTE (childress_london @ Apr 8 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm a very private person and I have nothing to "hide", but I don't feel like giving my passwords to my husband and I don't expect him to give me his. I think privacy should be respected and I like being trusted. However, if you feel that inappropriate behavior is going on, then don't be afraid to ask questions. It might just look like something it's not. Communication is key.

I would agree on what childress_london has tried to emphasize here "Communication is the key."
I'm really sorry... you must be stressed out about this but give it some thought and think of an approach that would likely lead you both into this without much argument. But its never healthy for you to be feeling this way while the entire petition is on going... I hope you will get to a resolution to this the soonest. Hang on in there.
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-04-08 14:02:00
PhilippinesNEED YOUR 2 CENTS (maybe more)
QUOTE (Joyce/Jeremy @ Apr 8 2009, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nervouswreck @ Apr 8 2009, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

my fiance has ALL my passwords but i dont have any of his... red flag much? lol

he's a bit of a control freak, i would say. probably bcuz he's still young.

Next question is... have you asked for all his passwords? or you didn't mind because your trust then was intact?...
Can you be open with him on this?... or are you scared that he might get angry?...
I'm sorry about the many questions, didn't mean to be digging into it... I hope I'm not making it difficult...
Just worried...

Oh ... how did you know he's chatting with someone from the opposite sex if he's not by your side?
Just popped out of my head when I looked through your timeline...
Joyce/JeremyMalePhilippines2009-04-08 13:48:00