Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGreen Card Approved!
MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-04-25 08:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChurch wedding in Ukraine

Try here, this is what i read. Now that i read it again, looks like it may have been talking about marriage is registered 30 days after marriage registration application... but then they talk about expidite if pregnant...? again, i was going from memory and by the time i got this far, realized i was doing it in the USA... But this is all i have on the topic about the 30 days from my original post.

PS, if you do it or find out, let us know... may have to go for this if the K1 falls through...

Thanks for this.

I will gladly post whatever I find out.

I wish I could remeber where I read the posts about RAGS expediting if the foreign party had a short time line and had documentation to prove it (like a letter from the employer saying "if he isn't back at work by such and such date we will fire him" . As I recollect it has to be on comapny letter head and some other specifics.

More searching in my future
MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-03-28 08:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChurch wedding in Ukraine

Could you post a link to this information about the 30 day requirement? I have found no statement that 30 dyas is required before the wedding except for one site which inidcated it was for UK citizens (a UK requirement not Ukrainian)

MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-03-27 10:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChurch wedding in Ukraine

Ah, the apostille rings a bell with me for a real Ukraine wedding. (not quite totally relevant to specific post... but here is what i found). For American to marry in Ukraine (for real), they must first have all documents apostilled (prior divorce, birth, etc). Take these documents to American embassy for cirtification. Then take to Ukraine Federal building in Kiev for approval of American approval. Now take all these to local city for registration. You must then wait 30 days to marry (unless woman is visable pregnant then you can marry right away)... One of the parties must be current resident of Ukraine (maybe at least 6 months i cant remember)... Seemed like quite a process so we went for K1. But after marrage in USA, likely after 1 year we return to Ukraine for second wedding as you are all discussing. Thanks for all the info...

Could you post a link to this information about the 30 day requirement? I have found no statement that 30 dyas is required before the wedding except for one site which inidcated it was for UK citizens (a UK requirement not Ukrainian)
MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-03-27 10:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHello to All!!!
Greetings and best of wishes to you both!

If she has children PLEASE make sure you get all the appropriate permissions etc from the father!
We have been fighting that issue for over a year.


First questions - What are you favorite guns and pie?

Second questions - Where are you from, where's she from, is there an age gap, how'd you meet, how far along in the process are you, etc.

Do you have any questions?


You should start a thread just about "First Questions" :thumbs:
MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-06-27 13:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLooking for advice from the Veteran VJ RUB Couples

I don't know about that book, but the USCIS has a Welcome to America guide that you can download. It comes in various languages including Russian. I printed it out years ago and placed it in a three ring binder for my new wife. It is a great source and explains a lot of things about America.

Here is the link:

As you can see, it is in pdf form so you can download it to your computer and either print it out or save it and email as a pdf file.

Many Thanks! Every little bit helps and this is a big one!
MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-05-23 11:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLooking for advice from the Veteran VJ RUB Couples
Is anyone here familiar with this book? "Welcome to America: The Complete Guide for Immigrants. "
It is pricey ($69.95) and a long read BUT in is in both English and Russian on facing pages. What I have read thus far seems to be very well done. I wil be taking it to Zhenya on my next visit so we can use it as a reference and conversation starter.

Amazon carries it but it is currently our of stock. ( ) I am in no way affiliated with Amazon or the auhtors and publishers of this book 8^) I just thought it was a great resource.

Best of luck to all!

Misha (fingers crossed that Zhenya wil finally have custody of Krintina in June so we can actually start the paper work!)

Here is thier blurb about it:

This book fills the information void for people new to the US. Although it was written primarily for immigrants, we are sure that international students, businesspeople, and others who come to the US for extended periods of time will also find it useful because there are very few books on this subject and non of them covers all the issues important to new American residents in such details.
The book explains how to:

• rent an apartment
• buy a car
• open a bank account
• establish a credit history
• find a job
• pay taxes
• control your income and expenses
• get an education
• buy a home
• and much more

In addition to being an excellent reference source for newcomers in the US, Welcome to America also gives them an opportunity to practice reading and understanding English. Russian speakers will find the book's unique bilingual format especially valuable. It has English text and its Russian translation on opposite pages.
MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-05-23 08:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusToo Quiet, zzz man
Congratulations ONA!!!

The Baltimore schools can certainly use good people.
There used to be some great people in the Language Center at Johns Hopkins on the Homewood campus there might be some opportuniies there for you as well.

Best of luck!

MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-06-02 18:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussmall parcels to Ukraine

UPS definitely. You can also buy insurance on it, and track the package where it's at.

Best check to be sure that it is permitted to send jewelry into Ukraine. As I recall it is not permitted (or wasn't a couple of years ago) something to do with tarriffs.

Good Luck!
MishaMooseMaleUkraine2012-10-29 08:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed Advice - Fiancee in Crimea

I know she would prefer not to become Russian.  BUT her daughter is about to take exams and graduate from 5th form (a major milestone I am told)  so she will not do anything to upset that process. 


We have heard nothing more about when.  She and her mom were discussing their options Sunday but we have not spoken since Saturday.  Phones and internet are ?inconsistent?.


I will certainly post if I hear something.


MishaMooseMaleUkraine2014-03-25 10:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed Advice - Fiancee in Crimea

My In Laws are currently about 90 miles from where the troops are, and they are not letting anyone go to Crimea unless you have a Crimean passport and or Russian passport. Even with the Crimean passport, they want you to convert to Russian. And what ever she does, don't say anything about the referendum and that it's not legit etc. Look what happened to one of the Senators that spoke out and sent a few letters to Poland, Hungary, Romania etc. Not good.


You also mention you porposed in 2012. Have you been back there since so you are keeping current of your 2 year requirement?


That last is part of the pressure.  I have not been back since mid-April 2012. I was planning to go again in May. 


We need to get the paperwork done, since we had planned on me moving to Crimea at early retirement.  Now we are going to try the K1 route as neither of us wants to live in Russia or anyplace that might suddenly ?decide? to become Russian. 


Hopefully phones will be working when she is done with the current excursion she is leading. Then we can talk and exchange necessary information.  If we slide past the 2 year window we will have to arrange for me to go to Crimea or her to someplace in Ukraine, Russia etc.   


Many thanks to all for the responses!  I expect I wil have more questions as I try to sort this all out.

MishaMooseMaleUkraine2014-03-25 09:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed Advice - Fiancee in Crimea



Moscow if she decides/is forced to get Russian citizenship.  Kyiv is she is finally permitted to leave.


Time will show.

MishaMooseMaleUkraine2014-03-20 10:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed Advice - Fiancee in Crimea

Some background to the question.


My fiancée and I originally planned to do a K-1 until she ran into the road block of  the father of her child demanding a LOT of money to sign the paperwork. 


We decided when I was there in 2012 and proposed that we would wait for my chance for early retirement in 2016 and I would move there.


HOWEVER she is a Russian speaking Ukrainian citizen in Crimea and has very mixed emotions about becoming a Russian citizen.  She tried on 2 or 3 occasions to leave Crimea but was turned back by the Crimean border ?officials?


She has apparently resolved the issue of her daughter (who is 10) by legal means within the last few months.  Of course it may be moot as it was done under Ukrainian law.


My settling in Crimea is no longer an option and she does not want to stay in Ukraine now with the potential for long term issues with Russian intent.


I plan to start the K-1 process but am concerned by potential complications.


Advice, comments, etc much coveted.


Many thanks in advance!




MishaMooseMaleUkraine2014-03-20 09:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDS-3053 consent from foreign parent

Anyone fluent in both languages can do the translation to English. Confirm this by checking the USCIS web site. The guidelines are there. The " certification" is simply a statement by the translator indicating the ability to do the work. The English version could be done here & sent to him to sign at the time he signed the other one. Type translations in the search block here on V J to get more info.
The English version would have to signed by the father as well. I would think they would accept the notary from his country because he wouldnt have any other choice. It may be possible to use a notary from the American embassy but I am not sure about that.

My fiancee will have to have that permission BEFORE she can get her daughter's passport to leave Ukraine to come here. It would seem that the OP would have had to do this before they came here originally. Is this additional permission? or is it something that simplay has to be done again.

I feel a little like I am playing Zork -- "you are in a maze of twisty little passages all alike"

But, thankfully, I have several years beofre this is an issue for me ...
MishaMooseMaleUkraine2011-06-01 12:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long...
QUOTE (Bijad and Teresa @ Nov 6 2009, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How long does it typically take to get the letter from NVC to say that they have received your case? I got my NOA2 on Oct. 29th, 2009. Based on what I have seen, I thought I would have gotten it by now.

For me, it was a good 4 weeks!
Just Diane NowFemaleMorocco2009-11-07 19:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate IN Morocco K1 Visa APPROVED!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (alwayssmiling @ Nov 10 2009, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We were approved!!!! We were Approved!!! Please read my review or you can message me and I will answer anything you need to know about our experience. To summarize though, my fiance said that the interviewer was a real well, not a very nice man lol............ to put it nicely, but he did not crumble under the pressure and kept his composure and passed the interview. It lasted only 10 minutes, and he was approved. My fiance was very well organized and prepared with our chat logs neatly put into binders. A photo album of 150 pics of my 3 trips to morocco (the last one being for the interview) All of our forms and income proof in seperate folders, everything they needed was there and then some proof to back up our proof was even there. The interviewer looked at 2 pictures and looked at my plane ticket stubs, thats it. He told my fiance "Unfortunately, you are very organized and very well prepared, your visa is approved". He will be entering the US this Saturday. Thanks be to God!!!! I wanted to let everyone here at VJ know we passed and if anyone wants to ask me questions I will happily answer them to the best of my knowledge. Although I did not post much here, I did read daily on Visa Journey and I am so happy I did as alot of the things I read were helpful in our process. Thanks so much to everyone!!!!

Congratulations!!! good.gif I sure hope that Abder's goes as smoothly in January!!
Just Diane NowFemaleMorocco2009-11-11 20:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrustrated, waiting
Thanks everyone. I emailed the Consulate the morning of the 13th (China time) but never received a reply; however, my fiancee's visa was trackable via EMS the following afternoon and was delivered on the 17th. My fiancee is on her way to the airport now and is scheduled to arrive here late night on the 18th.

I have been using this website since very early in the process and have found it very helpful. Until the problems waiting for her visa after the interview everything else went very quick and smooth thanks to all the information I found on this site. Thanks to all those that take the time to help, and I am sure I am not done using this site for the information I need as I know there is still much more to the process yet to come.
WAFB1971MaleChina2012-12-17 18:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrustrated, waiting
My fiancee had her interview on November 8, 2012 and was told it was approved so they took her passport and told her the visa would be mailed to her. After waiting over 10 days the Consulate in Guangzhou calls her on Nov. 19 to tell her they forgot to have her sign a form. So they sent the form to her the same day using EMS with her original waybill (COD of course), but it does not arrive until Nov. 23. She signs the form and sends it right back the same day via EMS along with a new EMS waybill to ship her visa with. The Consulate received the form on Nov. 26 and we wait for the visa to arrive. On Dec. 6 the Consulate calls her again to tell her they lost her waybill and need to send her another one to fill out before they can send her visa. Fortunately she already had an extra one from when she paid the visa fee at the bank. So she sends the new one to them via EMS and it arrives the next day at the Consulate. Now three full days later I call the DoS to check the status and the Consulate has still not even mailed the visa, even though it is ready. Now I am not sure if I should continue to email the Consulate to find out why they have not mailed her visa yet, make sure they received the new EMS waybill, or just see if my fiancee can take the trip to Guangzhou now and just pick it up in person instead of waiting for the Consulate to screw it up again. Everything was going so quickly and smoothly with the whole process until after her interview too.
WAFB1971MaleChina2012-12-12 10:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out

Should have known :blush: duh me :blink:
Guess I have lost my sense of humor. :huh:
I am in a wad about all this, that's all-and I know I'm not alone :thumbs:
thx (F)

Not to worry, this situation has us all at our wits ends. With so many rumours and so-called "Facts" floating around, it's no wonder when we all end up in a panic over the wrong things.

I'm trying to remain optimistic and hoping that jpine's receiving the RFE is a good sign. It is possible that in their rush to get the documents out, CSC neglected to update their online system. Thus... most of us could very well have RFEs and never know it till they hit our door. The online system is not reliable. There have been many people who never had their case show up online in the first place.

Yes, there is the negative possibilities as well. Maybe the RFEs haven't gone out. Maybe CSC is completely backwards and screwed up at this point. But I choose not to dwell on those ideas. Too scary! :o

Edited by Amy and Brian, 28 June 2006 - 02:47 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-06-28 14:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out
I believe the "first 100 back" bit was a joke on jpine's part. :)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-06-28 14:31:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is this????
The only time I ever got that message was when I was attempting to repeatedly look up our status without having created an account. Once I created the account, I've not had any problems.

Did you add your case to your portfolio, or are you logging in but still using the case status page to input the receipt number everytime you look up your case?
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-10 14:02:00
USCIS Service Centersis Nebraska getting faster?
It's probably because someone still has a Jan 3rd petition sitting on their desk. Could be a case that was complicated, may still be dealing with RFEs, or maybe the officer took a very long nap :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-21 22:40:00
USCIS Service CentersANY news out of Nebraska?
We were touched, but it was just because of a fax we sent in to change my address. From the looks of it everything still seems to be at a standstill at all the service centres in terms of approvals. At least we know they're still actually showing up at the office though ;)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-05-29 10:32:00
USCIS Service CentersNew Processing Dates for CSC
It's been determined that NSC will no longer be processing I-129Fs. However, they have not completely stopped YET. There are still several VJers who's petitions are at NSC and were never transfered. So, as long as they still have petitions to work on, of course they're still going to list it on the status page and update processing times.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-06-22 12:11:00
USCIS Service CentersAnyone else have dates removed from message and still at Nebraska?
The processing timeframe was removed from our status page as well... but then the next day it changed again to state that we'd been transfered to CSC.

Chuckles, maybe it's possible that they've just forgotton to change your online status to reflect the petition's actual status?
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-06-02 12:20:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Only one approval to report, congrats to P.T.

Hope everyone is coping alright with all the current confusion. It's been driving me a bit nuts not to be able to check in with VJ every day. Hopefully we'll have internet where I am soon :D

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:


:dance: P.T......................02/16/06 :dance:
APPROVED 05/17/06

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior, Jim_and_Clara, scottseattle, songsparrow, benk1342, isil, indianalady06, misskiya, Linababe, P.T..
Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-05-21 17:13:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
LINA! :dance: Congrats!! That's wonderful news! Also a belated congrats to misskiya!

You guys may see Brian (yes, "Brian and Amy" is my Brian :blush: ) updating the list for a while since, as he said, I haven't got internet access at my new place yet. I'm managing to sneak on from a friends place right now. But we'll both be working to keep things up to date and congratulating you all, don't worry!

I'm starting to get a bit excited myself, at this rate Brian and I should be escaping the prison in about a month!

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:


:dance: Linababe.................03/02/06 :dance:
APPROVED 05/04/06

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior, Jim_and_Clara, scottseattle, songsparrow, benk1342, isil, indianalady06, misskiya, Linababe.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-05-05 21:46:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Congrats again indianalady06! Glad you finally have it all confirmed!

Also, just note to everyone. I might be a little on the slow side updating the list for the next little while as I'm moving tomorrow. But I will still pop in to update, so don't think I've disappeared :)

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:


:dance: indianalady06............02/10/06 :dance:
APPROVED 04/21/06

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior, Jim_and_Clara, scottseattle, songsparrow, benk1342, isil, indianalady06.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-30 22:27:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Yay! Congratulations isil! Wonderful news! And it's great to see Nebraska's running right through February.

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:


:dance: isil.....................02/23/06 :dance:
APPROVED 04/27/06

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior, Jim_and_Clara, scottseattle, songsparrow, benk1342, isil.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-28 01:58:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
That definitely fits better with the approvals we've been seeing here on VJ. Woo, go Nebraska! :)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-27 21:26:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
And it's approval time! Congrats to benk1342!

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:


:dance: benk1342.................02/06/06 :dance:
APPROVED 04/25/06

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior, Jim_and_Clara, scottseattle, songsparrow, benk1342.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-27 10:22:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Woo! You're on your way now, jen&darcy!

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior, Jim_and_Clara, scottseattle, songsparrow.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-27 10:12:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Can't see any reason why it'd go off to the NVC without being approved, so congrats! I'm sure you'll get that physical NOA2 in the mail shortly :) Definitely keep us updated!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-26 22:45:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Congratulations to songsparrow, who got their NOA2 just today! And belated congrats to both Jim_and_Clara and scottseattle!

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:

:dance: Jim_and_Clara............01/13/06 :dance:
APPROVED 03/14/06


:dance: scottseattle.............01/28/06 :dance:
APPROVED 03/28/06


:dance: songsparrow..............02/14/06 :dance:
APPROVED 04/24/06

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior, Jim_and_Clara, scottseattle, songsparrow.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-25 01:13:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Woo, another prisoner added to the bunch! hockeygal, here's hoping you (and the rest of us) escape quickly :)

Also, thanks for the info Gary. Jim_and_Clara's timeline isn't linked from their profile, so I've been waiting for them to fix that and/or update their signature with any NOA2 info. Will be back shortly with an update on the list after I do a quick run-through of everyone else.

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-25 00:45:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Woo, welcome to the journey, charlesandnessa (and nessaandcharles)! Oh boy, if your other-half posts often, we sure are going to be confused! :P (Shh... don't tell anyone, but Brian lurks around here under the name "Brian and Amy" :unsure: )

And, thanks Lina for posting a link here in the other forum! And yes, we'll definitely have to stay in touch, I'm sure that this whole process is going to leave us with lots of stories to share.

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-22 18:55:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
I'll be right in Columbus. Now, as to where exactly in Columbus, I couldn't really say. Despite having been there multiple times, I really don't know where Brian's place is in relation to anything else in the city :P
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-21 14:22:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Woo! Way to go on finally filing! Don't forget to let us know as soon as you get the NOA1.

I've pretty much limited myself to checking our case status once a day. Though I've justified checking more often recently based on the fact that half the time the darn site isn't working anyway. ;)

Edited by Amy and Brian, 21 April 2006 - 01:19 AM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-21 01:18:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Two more couples have escaped the prision! Big congrats to AndrewZweifel and airwarrior!

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:


:dance: AndrewZweifel............02/06/06 :dance:
APPROVED 04/12/06


:dance: airwarrior...............02/09/06 :dance:
APPROVED 04/20/06

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi, AndrewZweifel, airwarrior.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-20 22:15:00
USCIS Service CentersNaked Dancing 1
Timeline hunting produces two more approvals. Congrats to helga and laurenzi!

:protest: :clock: :dead: (L) THE 2005 PRISONERS (L) :dead: :cry: :ranting:


:protest: :clock: (L) THE 2006 PRISONERS (L) :cry: :ranting:


:dance: helga....................02/01/06 :dance:
APPROVED 04/13/06


:dance: laurenzi.................02/08/06 :dance:
APPROVED 04/10/06

Amy and Brian............03/29/06

The former 2005 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
Nimbus828, KTMguy, tooBig, planeobsessed, IrinaNMike, Lacyh, julmo76, Tomasenlawrence, CaptJack, allserene, Torpedo_Bob, Johnnynero, Becky, nadik, wherezdabearz, repete12747, pikzy_dust, scotty, Saxony, corey321, martinleach, Minfay, windchaser_4, eagle_Al, jeeleebee, Elissa, borninabarn, MrEdd, gregandgus, lizroxy24, goodhumanfood, lsmith15, ameriken, riaz_m_syed, MelissaKay, lanza_david, neveryours2keep, shekonto, fskrc1, giraffemd, Stina, Denise_Johnson, mellie, Scottsy, applepie, Nicola&Matthew, kate&eugine, Rosie420, Doreen & Bryan, J&J, forever&ever, marcus2, cmltdg, JnLMN, Wueste, arwensun1965, usuklove, goldnluvr, Nick'n'Nat, AmeraMouttaki, Aymerlu, aussie&princess, lostinlove228, techgirl, Yorkie, AubreyJ, James&Christy, robertlaird, TeresaChristina, jbeabout, ddurkin, lizaanne, waterlick, Kotae, Carol&Marc, Charly73, Anja_and_Henry, wilhulse, ktdaisy320, yzuniga, bly, Greenmind, daladae, kath&rob, themactoolman, jeffro796, Predictive, bridgesv_724, 1/2cuban, c_nikki, kath&rob, David&Neyla, NEDO, billc.

The former 2006 NSC Prisoners wish you luck!
mercuryroad, Baileyj96, n_cat, wildone_106, Laurahlover, centurion, gsmaclean, SteveT, esperando, Elunia28, STL_HCMC, rusty_ash, LizandGary, dandc3, Lottie, elwintro, Waiting in Vancouver, Molior, David and Karen, denali_1963, shins, jenbkenya, andyw71, 00engr, LostInIllinois, StellaR, Priscila and Christopher, soteshperu, helga, laurenzi.

Help your fellow Nebraskians out! Please remember to keep your timeline updated.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-17 22:42:00