CanadaAnyone applied for a new Canadian Passport from the USA?
Well, really, you don't have to be a Canadian citizen to visit Canada.

No clue how it all works, but back when I was an LPR (man... I hate reminding myself of that :crying: ) I went to visit family in Canada for Christmas and I just used my green card both ways. It seems silly now, but at the time it never crossed my mind to use my Canadian passport to enter Canada. I wonder, if Canada has similar rules to the US (that you have to enter the country as a citizen), then why would people have been successful in crossing the border with just the green card?

Edited to add: You know what? I just pulled out the good ol'green card. It states your country of birth right on it... so if you're a Canadian citizen by birth, maybe that's got something to do with it being accepted. *shrug*

Edited by Amy and Brian, 23 April 2006 - 07:40 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-23 19:39:00
CanadaTIM HORTON'S........???...WENDY'S???
This is why I'm lucky to be moving to Columbus, OH. Home of Wendy's headquarters! Thus there are almost as many Timmies in that city as there are in most Canadian cities (...though I do stress "almost").
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-07-10 13:46:00
CanadaMontreal Wait times.... where to look?
You're not dreaming. K1's aren't on that list. The reason? It's a list for Nonimmigrant Visas and, while K1 Visas are technically non-immigrant, Montreal doesn't treat them that way.

Basically there is no where on Montreal's site to track the wait times for interview dates. Your best resource is this forum... check out this thread: http://www.visajourn...showtopic=39547 where several memebers are keeping track of current Montreal interview date trends.

Edited by Amy and Brian, 23 January 2007 - 01:36 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-01-23 13:35:00
CanadaThat "Word" EVERYONE Thinks we all Say! ARGH!!!!!!!
When I was going to high school in Texas being Canadian became my entire identity. Can't say that I minded too much though :)

I was on yearbook staff and everyone there refered to me as "Canadian" or "the Canadian". They treated it more as a nickname than a stereotype though. Some of the other staff members even tried to send out the book copy with all my stories and photographs credited to "the Canadian". Amusing as it was, I am glad they didn't get away with it.

And amarceau, I too had a bit of an automated response when introduced the same way. It mostly consisted of spitting out the words "out, about, doubt, sorry" at top speed.

Right now, Brian's family and coworkers have taken to refering to me as a Mountie. I just don't get it ;)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-02-12 19:17:00
CanadaPacket3 contents and DS-156K Question
I just recieved my packet 3 recently as well (speaking of which, I better get it sent back soon :P).

The wording in the first section of the packet is confusing. It states exactly as follows:

"A. STEP ONE. Please complete and return immediately to this office the enclosed From DS-230 Part 1, Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration and the Form DS-156 in duplicate. All forms DS-156 are required to be completed in an electronically-completed format, available through the Internet. Hand written DS-156s will NOT be accepted. You can complete your forms DS-156 on line at in either French or English. Please print out two copies of the entire form, including the barcode on page 3, and send them in to this office. This new electronic format does not apply to Form DS-230. Complete the single copy of the Form DS-156K, Noimmigrant Fiance(e) Visa Application."

Please note the bolded sections. You are to send back the DS-230 Part 1 and the DS-156 ONLY (along with the checklist, of course). The DS-156K is NOT to be sent back at this time. It's really unfortunate that they decided to throw it in at the end of the paragraph rather than have it as a separate item. It just reads very poorly this way.

Edited by Amy and Brian, 25 February 2007 - 09:51 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-02-25 21:49:00
CanadaDS-156, can it be done again
You should be safe to fill out the form again. The barcode generated on the website isn't transmitted anywhere or saved in a database or anything, and you're right about Montreal just scanning the barcode from the paper itself. Basically the whole purpose of the barcode is to cut down on the amount of data entry required.

I think I filled out the form nearly five times before I was satisfied :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-01 18:56:00
Canada@ Dr. Seiden's in Toronto - photo question
Can't hurt to bring 3, can it? Worst that can happen is they make you keep the extra one :D

Still, it is rather annoying how inconsistant some information can be!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-01 19:00:00
CanadaRoll Up The Rim to Win
It's simple.. you just hold the rim of the cup in both hands on either side of the rolly spot... then kind of smush/pull it flat... and roll up the rim using your thumbs.

That makes no sense, I know. But Tim Horton's website has instructions as well.

For the record, I've won two coffees and a donut (which I substituted for a muffin) so far this year... I'm quite pleased :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-09 18:28:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..
I took a World History course in high school when I was living in Texas. It was by far one of the most amusing classes I ever had to sit through. The entire section on Canada was literally 1/4 of a page in the textbook. Meanwhile, nearly every major event in the history of the world was somehow caused by/associated with the US in some way or another. My teacher even managed to bring up US history when teaching us about Ancient China. It was bizarre.

I had friends who were taking World Geography at the same time who were all excitied when they got to the classes where they learned about Canada. One of them came to me one day and said "we learned about Canada today in class! We know all about your providences now!" To which I, naturally, replied "You mean provinces, right?" And they assured me that, no, Canada has providences. Just like the capitol of Rhode Island! Afterwards I thought perhaps the teacher had merely used Providence, RI as tool to help the students remember the word provinces... but after further investigation it turned out that she was actually teaching people that Canada has 10 providences.

I never did have the nerve to ask what happened to the territories.

Edited by Amy and Brian, 06 March 2007 - 10:31 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-06 22:30:00
CanadaIt was only Time------------------
Eeee... I want the kitty! :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-22 21:21:00
CanadaMontreal Interview April 5th at 8:30 (quick question)

However, if you are required to submit the DS 156 or DS 156k, then those MUST be filled out via the online forms. A new barcode is generated with each form filled.

One small correction on this: it is ONLY the DS-156 that needs be filled out online and printed with the barcode. The DS-156K is still filled out on a regular old paper form.

That is... unless Montreal has changed things AGAIN within the last couple weeks. Who knows these days?! If you're really unsure, the best thing to do would be to contact Montreal themselves.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-26 21:07:00
CanadaAlanis Morrissette's "My Humps" Video
I think I heard mention somewhere that it may have been an April Fools joke on her part. Though, not knowing when the video was actually released, I'm not sure how accurate that would be.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-04-08 13:27:00
CanadaAlanis Morrissette's "My Humps" Video
CutienPurg... it's a cover of a Black Eyed Peas song. She did a great job spoofing the video as well :D You can see the original here:
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-04-05 13:20:00
Canadarandom question about weddings in Canada
All of the weddings I've been to have been in Ontario and I can't say I've ever heard mention of a "gift opening party". Gifts were never opened at the reception and there was definitely never talk of gifts being opened the next day. I'm pretty sure it's not just my being "out of the loop" either, as some of the weddings were for very close friends or very close family :D I've always thought the bride & groom opened the gifts on their own at some point after the wedding and/or honeymoon.

Speaking of which, does no one go off straight on their honeymoon anymore? What's all this "getting together with family the next day" stuff, eh? I'll be newly married... I won't want to see my family again for at least a few days! :lol:
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-04-04 18:09:00
CanadaThere is no god!!!!

...and did someone's kitty "eated it"? :whistle:

Posted Image

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-04-22 18:08:00
CanadaChange of Address
It's been stated in another thread that right now Montreal has a new automated message that asks you to e-mail and to only stay on the line to speak to someone if it is an emergency.

So try e-mailing first. If you don't get a response within a week, give them a call :)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-02 23:41:00
CanadaChange of Address
Yep, a phone call or e-mail is all it takes! They didn't give me any trouble when I called to change my address right after our paperwork got to MTL from the NVC.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-02 18:09:00
CanadaCulture shock for Canadians in the US

Yeah my dad sent me a money order and put on it Cheque and I was like what is that ha ha. It was a money order or check, just never seen it written that way.

Also had to look on the postage date, and it is done differently rather then the usual month/day/year, they have it in a different order so it's confusing for me understanding Canadian. Of course for those comming here to the US now, it'll be a bit confusing for them too writting down things.

Another thing is when at a restraunt, my dad always asks for "the bill" rather then "the check". Don't know if this is a local thing or not, but not sure if it would make any differnce, I'm sure they can figure out what's what.

The whole month/day/year vs. day/month/year things is a bit of a pain. When I went to have my Ontario DL switched over to a Texas one years ago they just copied the info from the card rather than having me fill out anything. And, of course, they issued my Texas DL with a birthdate of August 11th when in reality I was born on November 8th.

I used to always tease my American friends/family about asking for the "check" at restaurants. It just didn't make any logical sense... a cheque is something you use to pay OUT money so if you owe the restaurant, why would THEY be giving the money to YOU? :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-02-10 16:57:00
Canadaform DS-156 (not 156K)
Montreal specifically requires the electronic version (with barcode) for the DS-156.

There is no barcoded version of the DS-156K.

Also, I think Montreal may be easing up on their "you must use OUR forms" thing, because a month or so ago I e-mailed them asking if Brian could download the I-134 from the USCIS website or if I he HAD to use the paper copy they sent me in Packet 3. Their answer? "Yes, the one from the website is acceptable."

Edited by Amy and Brian, 05 May 2007 - 01:07 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-05 13:07:00
CanadaBehaviors, manners and overall attitude

(I am a Texan, so maybe Texas gets a bit better education in overall geography)

Tell that to the World Geography teacher at my high school who was teaching kids that Canada has "Providences" :D Oh, Texas... every so often I actually miss it!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-02 18:03:00
CanadaBehaviors, manners and overall attitude
I always feel somewhat awkward whenever I visit a home in the US. I don't feel right leaving my shoes on, even if everyone else is doing it. But I often find that many homes don't have a proper place for people to put their shoes in the entryway, so I feel just as strange taking them off because I have no idea where to leave them!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-04-30 12:13:00
CanadaSo, Packet 3...
Tinker: Really? Neat! I didn't think I'd come across any other Oakville-types on here. I've lived here for about 5 years now, not a bad place really, though it does have it's boring moments :)

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-14 13:15:00
CanadaSo, Packet 3...
I'm not sure about Vancouver, but Montreal sends packet 3 in a big plain white envelope by regular mail. I'd think Vancouver would probably go the regular mail route as well, but hopefully someone else who dealt with them will come along to confirm that!

Paperwork gets transferred from the NVC to the Consulate via DHL, which may be what you're thinking of.

(Wow, I'm slow today! Two of you got in there before I hit post! :) )

Edited by Amy and Brian, 14 May 2007 - 01:03 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-14 13:02:00
CanadaCanadian Pizza Question
We had a Pizza Delight here in Oakville for a time... it was soooo tasty, but now they're gone :(

Both Pizza Huts closed down as well, so now there's not a single pizza "sit-down restaurant" in this city anymore. Just take out places like Toppers, Dominos, Ginos, etc.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-12 22:50:00
Montreal is slightly different than Vancouver. Don't forget to check out the Embassy Information section:;cty=Montreal.

It looks like you've got it correct though.

You send the following BACK right away: Checklist, DS-156 (TWO copies, filled out online), and the DS-230.

You KEEP the rest until the interview (that includes the DS-156K). The same goes for all the supporting documentation: bring the originals and copies of your evidence with you to the interview.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-18 13:43:00
CanadaIncorrect postal code
I doubt it's much of an 'ultimate goal' at this point. You have to remember that there are people *all* over the world applying for K-1 Visa's. Procedure varies GREATLY at all of the consulates/embassies in all the different countries. (Procedure is even different between Montreal and Vancouver). Not to mention how unreliable e-mail really is in comparison to actualy letter mail (for the most part! I know it's not always the case). There are issues of security and the like as well. And, as hard as it is to imagine, there are still many people who don't even have an e-mail address (or even a computer for that matter) :D

Still, congrats on getting the docs via e-mail! That's awesome!

Edited by Amy and Brian, 09 March 2007 - 09:47 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-09 21:46:00
CanadaIncorrect postal code
I would definitely second the suggestion to call up the consulate and ask them to update your address and send out another packet 3.

I moved back before our I-129F was even approved by the CSC and, despite all attempts to update my address at that stage, by the time it got to Montreal they still had my old address on the forms. Brian had contacted the NVC prior to Montreal receiving the file and we knew they had the wrong address still, so as soon as we knew Montreal had it, I called them and explained the situation. The lady I spoke to updated my address right that minute and told me they would send out a second packet 3 that same day.

So definitely call Vancouver and hopefully they can do the same for you!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-09 07:06:00
CanadaWhy no Tim's in the US...
Hurray for Columbus, OH! There's multiple Tims there thanks to it being home of Wendy's headquarters.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-30 06:58:00
CanadaWhy did you choose the US?
With Brian and I, there never really was any discussion as to who would move, it was rather instinctive. I'm still living the "college student" life here in Oakville (despite not being in college currently): renting an apartment with college student roommates, working at a music store (though, I also work an office job as well, but it's nothing speciall), so there's not much to tie me here. I've lived in the US before and have family still in Texas. Brian's just starting to establish himself in his chosen career and is MUCH closer to his family than I am to mine.

So, naturally, I'm making the move.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-30 22:16:00
CanadaCanadian Citizen entering on Green Card
I was previously a Green Card holder myself and am now going through the immigration process all over again because I returned to Canada without doing anything to ensure that I would maintain my status in the US. I would strongly recommend reading this page from the USCIS website. In particular the part I've copied below:

Maintaining Permanent Residence
You may lose your permanent residence status if you commit an act that makes you removable from the United States under the law in section 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If you commit such an act, you may be brought before the immigration courts to determine your right to remain a Permanent Resident.

You may be found to have abandoned your permanent resident status if you:

* Move to another country intending to live there permanently.

* Remain outside of the US for more than one year without obtaining a reentry permit or returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.

* Remain outside of the US for more than two years after issuance of a reentry permit without obtaining a returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.

* Fail to file income tax returns while living outside of the US for any period.

* Declare yourself a “nonimmigrant” on your tax returns.

Once you have been out of the country for more than a year it is, as previously stated by another, very unlikely that you will convince the the US Government that you never intended to abandon your residency. Your family living in Florida will not be enough to prove otherwise.

Also, it should be noted that the reentry permit is something that is meant to be obtained BEFORE you leave the US for an extended period of time. It is not something you can obtain while you are abroad.

If you don't mind my asking, what were the reasons for your staying in Canada for so long?
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-15 23:04:00
CanadaReason to panic???
I've previously e-mailed Montreal specifically about this and they assured me that using the I-134 form from the website is perfectly fine.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-14 00:27:00
CanadaOK, we all know about flames'sss obsession...
I was a Starbucks regular when I lived in Texas, but it was mostly because I had no other choice!

Second Cup is definitely better... but I must say, I really enjoy Timothy's as well!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-22 21:54:00
CanadaHow well do you Know Canada
This is driving me nuts... I can't remember what a Scribbler is! I *know* that I know the word. I KNOW that I had whatever it is when I was in school. But that's as far as I get.

Pleaaase... someone... save me from going completely insane over this? :)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-21 22:25:00
CanadaMontreal: Also to require fee payment in advance.

... i called MTL this afternoon, and was told NOT TO PAY THROUGH SCOTIABANK.... and that i need to carry the money with me, when i go for the interview....

:blink: :wacko:

Maybe they said this because it's not July yet? Montreal's website states that this all starts as of July 1st.

Or, you know, it's just the usual: they once again haven't a clue what they're talking about over there.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-26 22:03:00
CanadaMontreal: Also to require fee payment in advance.
The problem is, Montreal has made changes before that were not reflected on some people's Packet 3s. There were plenty of people who received their Packet 3 before the rules changed for the DS-156, so they received a paper copy of the form... but then the rules changed and all those people were still expected to fill out the form online and would have been turned away if they had provided a hand-written/barcode-less copy of the form.

So it is possible that this may be the same type of situation and that in the future the paperwork will reflect the new procedure, but those who received old paperwork are still expected to pay the fee in advance.

Also, nowhere does the wording imply that K-1 Visa's would be exempt from this change in procedure. Just because our Visa types are handled a bit differently from other non-immigrant Visas doesn't mean it's safe to assume changes do not apply to us unless "K-1" is specifically mentioned. It has already been confirmed that Vancouver will require the fee for K-1's to be paid in advance and the quote from the Montreal's website states "Individuals applying for U.S. visas at consulates in Canada". That's Canada as a whole, so I think it is likely that this procedure is going to affect everyone, not just visitor visas and the like.

Of course, I believe a call to Montreal will be in order for absolute confirmation, if anyone can get through these days. I've already sent an e-mail, so I'm hoping for a response next week sometime.

Edited by Amy and Brian, 23 June 2007 - 05:50 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-23 17:48:00
CanadaMontreal: Also to require fee payment in advance.
Seems Montreal is definitely going the way of Vancouver. The below quote is taken from this page at the Montreal Consulate website:

All non-immigrant visa applicants must pay a non-refundable 100 U.S. dollar application fee. Beginning July 1, 2007, this non-refundable fee MUST be paid at any branch of the Scotia Bank. It cannot be paid at the U.S. Consulate General. Individuals applying for U.S. visas at consulates in Canada will need to first deposit the fee at a Scotia Bank branch. The deposit slip (see instructions for obtaining deposit slips below) for your visa application fee consists of 3 pages. A separate set of deposit slips is required for each applicant. Take all three pages of the deposit slip(s) to any branch of the Scotia Bank and pay the non-refundable U.S. visa application fee of US$100.00. The bank teller will stamp all 3 copies of your deposit receipt and should return 2 copies to you. You must submit two validated deposit receipts with your visa application. Unfortunately, applications without these deposit receipts cannot be accepted.

The special pre-coded deposit slip can be downloaded from It can also be obtained by calling 1.900.451.2778, as part of the appointment process at, or in person at any U.S. consulate in Canada. Again, we cannot accept applications that do not contain two validated copies of your deposit receipt.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-23 13:51:00
CanadaThings not to do or say
Growing up in Canada, spending my last three teenage years in Texas, and then coming back to Canada have thoroughly confused my brain on the whole restroom/washroom/bathroom thing. I use them all interchangeably now and get odd looks no matter which country I'm in.

I think maybe one day I'll start calling it the loo and be done with it :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-29 22:27:00
CanadaNew Canadian Passport Rules
"On October 1, 2007, Passport Canada will introduce a simpler guarantor policy, which will allow most Canadian adult passport holders to act as guarantors for first time applicants."

Looks like those in the US will lose out in more ways than one.

Under the new system those eligible will only need a guarantor for their very first passport application, so they can use the new, easier, guarantor policy. But those of thus who end up in the US? Can't use the new "renewal" system and also can't use the new "easier" guarantor policy as we would not be considered "first time applicants".

Oh well, at least this is definitely a step in the right direction!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-09 23:18:00
CanadaI went to a bridal shower yesterday...
Most of the bridal showers I've been to have also been held in livingrooms. My mother's side of the family has also taken to holding showers at the annual family "picnic" (a summer reunion at one of the cousin's/aunt's farmhouse/farmland) if the timing is appropriate. They had a shower for me two weekends ago at this year's gathering, it was sweet :) No one had to sit through any gift opening though because the whole family decided on cash gifts to prevent me from having to lug anything extra over the border :D

Edited by Amy and Brian, 14 August 2007 - 02:30 AM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-08-14 02:29:00
CanadaGood Luck Amy and Brian
Haha, Tinker... I just got home! I didn't leave Montreal on the train until around 4:00. And, for the record, my interview appt. was 8:30, but I showed up outside the consulate doors at 7:30 and there were three people ahead of me. I was out just before 10.

Thanks again everyone! I'm seriously still kind of in shock. When I was talking to my dad on the phone after the interview (Brian got a call first though, naturally!) I think he sounded more excited than I did :D Tomorrow, after I've had some sleep, I will be ready to truly celebrate!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-08-15 21:01:00