IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate

I checked and no way will they expidite. Really starting to think What else can go wrong ~shakes head~ They said if I was born after 1967 they could do so. But since I wasnt they have to hand search older files. Which is why the delay

Nothing is going to go wrong, we are are going to get through this and be together, our love is strong and I am not going to let a birth certificate beat us, You will see my Love, we will get there... Hugs
Mrs ZuyaFemaleAustralia2013-04-19 07:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate

Well, if they literally asked for something, it's better to give them the thing they asked for, I suppose. Yes, we can use the passport and in fact I did!

Actualy He hasn't got a passport, He tried applying for His passport using the birth certificate He had but they told Him He has to get another birth certificate to get the passport so He is going to have to get the birth certificate and a passport :( and it will take 30 days to receive the birth certificate, which means we will have to wait for that before everything is mailed off to the USCIS
Mrs ZuyaFemaleAustralia2013-04-18 04:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate

Ok thanks folks just sent a online order to my birth state for the full cert.

Does a happy dance, good news now crosses fingers it doesn't take ages to get it
Mrs ZuyaFemaleAustralia2013-04-17 04:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate

Ok thanks folks just sent a online order to my birth state for the full cert.

Does a happy dance, good news now crosses fingers it doesn't take ages to get it
Mrs ZuyaFemaleAustralia2013-04-17 04:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2


Aunque sea mucho papeleo hay razones para hacerlo. Si una persona llega con visa de prometido, entonces le toca aplicar por la residencia permanente para poder estar legalmente en este país. Por eso tiene más lógica entrar con visa CR y no K1 para no tener que aplicar por el ajuste. 


Hace muchos años otorgaban la residencia permanente válida por 10 años al aplicar por el ajuste migratorio. Como hubo tanto fraude debido a que muchas personas se divorciaban tan pronto recibían la tarjeta de residencia, el USCIS impuso la condición de estar casados 2 años para poder recibir la tarjeta de 10 años. Así los obligan a estar casados por lo menos 2 años y evitan un número tan alto de matrimonios falsos. 


Para la naturalización hicieron lo mismo, para evitar tanto fraude la condición es que el beneficiario permanezca casado con el ciudadano americano por lo menos 3 años. Si no siguen casados pueden aplicar por la ciudadanía 5 años después de haber recibido la residencia permanente. 


O sea que por culpa de las personas que solo se casaron por negocio pagamos todos y es por eso que tenemos que remover condiciones a los 2 años y esperar como mínimo 3 años antes de aplicar por la ciudadanía.





KaritoBurgessNot TellingColombia2014-01-15 17:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2


KaritoBurgessNot TellingColombia2014-01-14 22:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

si es mejor sacarlo cuando tengas tu permiso de trabajo  es lo mas recomendable. cuando lo hagas solo te tarde 8 dias (fue mi caso) y lo q mas puede tardar son 15 dias para q recibas tu # SS


2. lo q pasa es q eso es para el anterior documento I-94 q traia escrito de los 2 lados pero en los nuevos como el de nosotras que empezo a partir de abril del 2013 es sola 1 hoja q descargas x internet.


3. Si se te expira no tienes q llenar mas formas. solo envias la q tienes asi vencida, con el mismo numero


KaritoBurgessNot TellingColombia2014-01-13 23:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Hola Karito es totalmente cierto lo que te escribio atenea................ yo saque mi Social Security con mi I-94 vigente y llevas tu pasaporte, diligencias un formato q lo puedes descargar x la pagina o alla en la oficina te lo entregan y ahi mismo lo diligencias bien rapidito. es super sencillo y 8 dias te entregan tu # de SS. Pero como dice atenea si lo haces antes del ajuste te toca regresar para cambiar tu status a residente.


en mi experiencia lo saque antes de casarme pero porque necesitaba aprender a manejar urgent y en DMV me pedian este numero para poder hacerme mi examen escrito y mi examen practico..... aprobe el examen pero solo la dicha me duro hasta q se me vencio la I-94 crying.gif crying.gif ahora para mi licencia igual necesito hacer mi ajuste.


la ventaja de hacerlo antes es q cuando me llegue mi GC solo me acerco a DMV a actualizar mi status para q me entreguen mi licencia, DMV me da 1 ano para actualizarla sin tener q repetir examenes ni escritos ni practicos. (yo estoy en california pero no se como funciona para otros estados). y la desventaja es q hay q regresar a las oficinas otra vez hacer las vueltas....... igual el procedimiento es sencillo... todo depende del tiempo q tengas disponible.


Asi q espero q escojas la mejor decision. dancin5hr.gif


KaritoBurgessNot TellingColombia2014-01-13 23:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2



Para sacar el Social Security Card tienes que ir a las oficinas del Social Security, es un trámite que se hace en persona. Lo puedes sacar con el I-94 siempre y cuando este sea válido por 2 semanas o más, o lo puedes sacar con el Permiso de trabajo o con la Greencard.


Si lo sacas con el I-94 tienes que volver cuando recibas la Greencard para cambiar tu Status a Residente good.gif


KaritoBurgessNot TellingColombia2014-01-13 21:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Hola Karito es totalmente cierto lo que te escribio atenea................ yo saque mi Social Security con mi I-94 vigente y llevas tu pasaporte, diligencias un formato q lo puedes descargar x la pagina o alla en la oficina te lo entregan y ahi mismo lo diligencias bien rapidito. es super sencillo y 8 dias te entregan tu # de SS. Pero como dice atenea si lo haces antes del ajuste te toca regresar para cambiar tu status a residente.


en mi experiencia lo saque antes de casarme pero porque necesitaba aprender a manejar urgent y en DMV me pedian este numero para poder hacerme mi examen escrito y mi examen practico..... aprobe el examen pero solo la dicha me duro hasta q se me vencio la I-94 crying.gif crying.gif ahora para mi licencia igual necesito hacer mi ajuste.


la ventaja de hacerlo antes es q cuando me llegue mi GC solo me acerco a DMV a actualizar mi status para q me entreguen mi licencia, DMV me da 1 ano para actualizarla sin tener q repetir examenes ni escritos ni practicos. (yo estoy en california pero no se como funciona para otros estados). y la desventaja es q hay q regresar a las oficinas otra vez hacer las vueltas....... igual el procedimiento es sencillo... todo depende del tiempo q tengas disponible.


Asi q espero q escojas la mejor decision. dancin5hr.gif


KaritoBurgessNot TellingColombia2014-01-13 21:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Hola a todasss, una pregunta, como se saca el social security, con el i-94??? o cuando yo mando los papeles ahi va incluido el SS o despues ke me llegue el permiso de trabajo, lo saco por aparte??? Dianita hola! gracias! Feliz ano 2014 a todas!!

KaritoBurgessNot TellingColombia2014-01-13 00:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWill it help?
Thanks very much. That is my concern that I don't want the money and time I have spent to go wasted. my question why wouldn't the embassy allow me inside since I am the petioner?

Your choice, however I would be present at the interview, even if they do not allow you inside the embassy. I was present for ours and very happy I was there. I was also interviewed this day, which helped in obtaining visa that very same day and to counter any concerns the IO might have. My decision to go was based on the fact, that there was no way I was going to allow for the visa to be refused after the amount of time and moeny spent through this process....

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-01-29 17:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWill it help?
I am waiting decision on my K-1 application. I believe I have enough evidence to prove the existance of relationship. Been to Ghana twice since we met, communications,money transfers, pictures, bank statements showing that she was using my american bank card for over year in Ghana until I stopped it. But I want to fly to Ghana to attend the interview with her because I am not happy with some of her answers to possible questions and that scares me sometimes. She thinks since I have filed for her, AO will just call her to come fpr the visa. Also she is been there once for student visa but was refused. Do you think my presence with her improve her chances of getting the visa? I will be devasted if this visa doesn't work because I have waited long enough.
kari81Not TellingGhana2013-01-29 12:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAdvice for K1 Interview in Ghana

I also believe male beneficiaries have tougher time during K-1 interview than I-130 or marriage. Two people who came before my fiancee were all males and all of them were told to come back with more evidence. So you can imagine how my fiancee was feeling but I told her to relax because everything would be fine for us.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-11-13 14:16:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAdvice for K1 Interview in Ghana

How can we we make this information readily available to Ghana folks?


I had the opportunity to advice three folks who came to pick their interview dates and directed them to this site too. What I also realized was that folks back home think once the petition is approved by USCIS the visa is 100% guaranteed so they don't really prepared well for the interview. For example I asked one lady who interview is next month if she is asked " How her fiance proposed to her" how would she answer it ? She could answer the question to my satisfaction but this is one of the most asked question in Accra. I helped her register for this site.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-11-13 13:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAdvice for K1 Interview in Ghana

Tosh Love you are very very right about giving all the evidence in the first place. I just returned from Ghana to give my fiancee moral support on her interview. From what I saw there are four steps during the interview. First you are called to submit all the documents you brought with you. Second is to pay the visa fee, third is the figure print and finally the interview. So don't hold on to any document until the interview, the final step. Everything should be given during the first step. The CO only rely on the documents you give when to the first person.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-11-13 10:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRequest for More Evidence - K1 Visa Accra

Hello VJ Members,


I have been quietly following this site for sometime while my fiancé and I prepared for our K1. I wanted to spring up a surprise on how helpful you have been, but as usual, every one who goes to the embassy in Accra is considered fraudulent. Just a summary of our journey below.


We have been together since 2009 (he was separated at the time). He has visited Ghana in 2009, 2010, 2012 and he's currently here. in 2011 when I was denied a B2 visa, His sister invited to London on vacation - where he proposed.


We filed in November 2012, got an RFE in June and was approved in July. Our interview in Accra was on October 30, and my fiancé came with me. At window 1, our documents were collected by a nice gentleman who kind of conducted his own version of an interview. He was so nice that, I really got relaxed before getting to the CO.


However, the CO was so rude (my opinion), I couldn't here most of his questions very well - so it later seemed I was contradicting myself. He seemed to have made up his mind before I got there, and after about 10mins, he said "I don't believe your relationship is genuine. Bring back more evidence on November 21st". I had three people go for K1 visa's before me, and they were all asked to come back with further evidence.

Some of the questions he asked were;

  • How did you meet (with counter questions. I wasn't able to finish answering before he asked another).
  • When did he immigrate to the US?
  • Who invited him (I wasn't too sure of this at the time).
  • Have you ever applied for a US visa? (yes)
  • Who invited you? (a family friend)
  • Has your fiancé been married before? (Yes).
  • Does he have a child? (Yes)
  • don't you have any other form of communication apart from phone? (No, we are always talking on phone).


Possible Red Flags:

  • I have been denied a B2 visa twice in one year
  • My fiancé is 16 years older than me (he doesn't look it though, and I don't care).

Documents we took along;

  • A ton of Call Records since 2009
  • Copies of boarding passes and passport stamps.
  • A few pictures ( am no a fan of pics, and most of those we have greyed out)
  • Affidavits from my mother and his cousin through whom we met

My fiancé has changed his travel plans to stay and go back with me for the second interview. We are both confused as to what more evidence they need. Maybe my nervousness killed it, but isn't it normal? I can't forge any documents, what I have is what I took to them. Should I take the same things back, and maybe more pics of us now that he is here? They held on to our pictures, but gave the other evidence back. When the CO asked for our London pics, he took them to the back for a while before returning. It was also evident that he was talking to some one behind the pillar every few mins - what does it mean.


What are our chances of being approved at the second interview? Your usual great advise will be appreciated. I am so tired.




I am sorry to hear that you were hit with RFE. I just returned from Ghana on the 10th of November and I was there mostly to take my fiancee to K-1 to the  interview.  She had been refused B2 visa twice and both of us had been "married" before but during the interview none of the questions concerned her previous B2 refusals or our previous marriages. It never came up. The interview took less than 20 minutes and I sincerely believed it had to do with the tones of documents I submitted and the fact that I took charge of the process. Anytime she was called, I was in front unless I was told they only needed her. When she was first called to submit all the documents she brought, I handed them over. I overwhelmed the lady with so many documents that she gave us back some of those I thought they would need during the interview including my tax returns for the past four years, employment letter, my properties here and in Ghana and even the telephone bills. Her reason was that these documents had only my name but I immediately interjected that it was because we were yet to be married. She looked at my face and started to laugh. This was a Ghanaian lady. When she was called again to go and pay her visa fee, I was at the cashier's window paying it. During the figure print, I was there with her and finally at the interview window. During the interview, the CO asked me if I was the petitioner and I said yes and she politely told me to return to my seat and she would call me later. My fiancee was asked only four questions and when I was called to join her, I was also asked two simple questions like how we met and what are our plans in the US. 

The long story short is that since your fiance is in Ghana, let him take charge of the process and overwhelmed them with documents especially personal and intimate ones. No document is irrelevant. Let them make that decision as to which is relevant and which is not.  I had over 300 pages of skype conversations, about 100 pages of whatsup, several emails and greeting cards and public display of affection pictures. Feel relax during the interview and answer the questions with ease. Don't make it look as rehearsed.

Bear in mind that you can't produce any evidence after your first interview. Good luck

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-11-13 10:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionghana consulate interview. is this normal??

well i was asked abt six questions. . . .  

1.who petitioned for u? did u meet?  3.when?   4.when did she arrive in Ghana   5. How long did she stay? did the relationship start?  That was it! Then she asked me when my fiancee arrived  this time and when she would be leaving  then gave me a paper saying we should come back with more evidence  cuz she  doesn't  believe we have a romantic  relationship(with attitude n rudness). I don't have a problem if additional  evidence is needed but the fact that she was very rude and had an attitude got my fiancee  upset so she made a complaint  to a supervisor the next day.


Well your fiancee getting upset with the CO is no no. I think you should have expected to be asked these questions you were asked but that is beside the point now. I just wonder why you were asked who petitioned for you when your fiancee was with you. Didn't she go with you to the window when you were called? If she didn't, she should do that during your second interview and she should be respectful instead of getting upset. Remember that visa interview is not different from job interview and since you can't get upset with the interviewer during job interview so does visa interview. Follow Akua44 posting thread who had almost similar experience and hopefully you sail through the second time. Good luck



Edited by kari81, 13 December 2013 - 09:45 AM.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-12-13 09:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionghana consulate interview. is this normal??

Once you are issued a form 221G - request for additional evidence, your case status will read "Administrative Processing". It will remain like this until a decision is made at your next interview.
I can understand how you feel concerning the rude CO. I had a similar experience in Accra in October. However, just ensure you take back all the documents you provided and any old ones you find.
Additionally, try to remember the questions you were asked, something might stand out. Mine had to do with my Previous B2 visa denials. The person who invited me lived in the same city as my fiancé, and the CO wanted know if they knew each other. It was also the main theme in my second interview.
I was also advised to go with my fiancé to the window, which I believe made a great impact.

I wish you all the best.


With these mounting evidence, the CO may not have been satisfied with the answers so the dreaded RFE that is why he has to tell us the questions he was asked. Being able to submit documentary evidence is one thing and being able to answer the CO questions to his/her satisfaction is another. I think he may have failed the latter so giving us the questions may help us to give him better response going forward.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-12-12 12:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionghana consulate interview. is this normal??

What types of questions were you asked? Is this fiance or marriage visa?

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-12-11 10:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship denial
You need to get an experienced immigration lawyer because it will difficult to get another green card even through your second wife. You should have written USCIS that your first marriage had ended and therefore your application. Your even lucky that they didn't give you to ICE during your attempted naturalization. Also don't try to travel outside the US because your chances for re-entry is very slim. To USCIS,you're now an illegal immigrant. Good luck

Ok, here is my case in short:
In 2003 I filed for green card based on marriage. After I had my first interview I was waiting on the decision for more than 2 years. In meantime I did divorced my wife at the time but did not inform USCIS. I know my obligation was to inform them, but I was waiting for them to call me on the second interview and they would find out. However they screw my alien number and at one point I had two alien numbers and was going for fingerprints every 6 months for almost 3 years. After almost 3 years, they send me the permanent green card (the one on 10 years) without even calling me on the second interview. After 5 years I decide to file for citizenship. They ask me why I did not inform them and my answer was that I was waiting on another interview when my GC arrived in mail. After that I continued my life here as normal thinking everything is ok. They held the interview for citizenship and I passed but officer couldn’t decide right away. So they gave me the letter stating that I passed the interview but decision cannot be made yet and that they have 120 days to inform me of their decision. If they failed to inform me I can file a complaint on district court. So after 120 days I decide to call and ask what happened. Within a week they send me a letter stating that they need 60 more days to decide. After 60 days the decision came that my citizenship application was denied because I did not inform them I was divorced so technically my green card is not valid. I have 30 days to appeal the decision. I understand that I failed to inform them of my divorce but they also failed to call me on second interview. If they would have called me on second interview they would of find out about my status. Technically I did not lie since they never asked if I was divorced or not before they sent me the green card. And it is my fault that I did not tell that my status has changed, but it is also their fault that they sent me green card without asking about my status. If the process went as it should, I would of have the interview and they would find out that I was divorced. Instead they made a mistake, and it took them so long to fix it that they did not even bother calling me on second interview and just giving me the permanent green card. Now they said that I did not obtain the GC lawfully and it is not good and based on that they denied my application. So now I have been in this country for 10 years, I have paid taxes since day one in this country, I have bought a house here and have a new family with a child who is born here. In this 10 years I haven’t travel anywhere outside US waiting to become a citizen first.
My question is, is it worth to appeal this and if I appeal, how far should I go ( should I go to district court if they come back with same decision)?

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-01-24 15:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDisheartening Boston Cititzenship Interview
You really have to start filing jointly to avoid trouble during naturalization especially if your sposuse is going to apply for naturalization based on having been to a permanent residdent for three years and married to USC. You have to know that it is very rare for an USC to still live with his/her parents even after 18years. Unless you show that the other things you have jointly far outweigh not filing together. Also you have to know that even though your parents can claim you on their tax, you and your spouse can stil file jointly so filing seperate is not an excuse.

Is filing married but separate a problem? I'm only 21 and my parents claimed me in 2011 because I was still living with them most of the time and they get a tax break for claiming me, plus my husband got here in Dec 2011.... and in my AOS interview, the interviewer acted the same way as the OP's interviewer for her citizenship. If it is, I have to make sure we file "jointly" this time...

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-01-28 21:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDisheartening Boston Cititzenship Interview
Did you file based on three or five year of permanent residency? The fact that you didn't file your taxes together was the problem. Now the officers are very suspicious about that because they think you just got married to get your green card. I had almost the same problem and it took three years and different state to be able to get my citizenship even though I had a child with my ex-wife and paying child support. I suggest you wait and hopefully they give the benefit of doubts and approve you. My bet is that they will send you a letter doubting your marriage. Anyway good luck

wow, that seems quite unprofessional. I'm sorry about your experience. I am sure everything will work out fine at the end.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-01-28 15:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSame day swearing in
Yes they do. I did mine there last year
kari81Not TellingGhana2013-02-06 10:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Pending

Pray that you get a good officer because you be questioned on how you got the green card in the first place.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-04-30 09:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionImmediate Help.. Oath Ceremony Next week and Marital Status change

Before the oath ceremony, you will be giving a form to complete. It asks you if there has been any changes in situation after your naturalization interview and one of the question is whether you've been married since the interview?So if you are worried, just check yes on that form and you will be fine. Congrat

Edited by kari81, 01 May 2013 - 01:25 PM.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-05-01 13:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOut of State Driver's Licence at Interview

OK, so I don't actually file the N-400 for quite a while yet, but looking ahead, I had a question that I wondered if anyone can help me with.


When I first moved to the U.S. I settled in Illinois. I now live in Missouri, and will do come filing time. Thing is, I haven't changed my IL licence for a MO one, and I've no intention of doing so if I can possibly avoid  it (I have my reasons, don't need to bore anyone with them). Now the N-400 guidelines provided by USCIS state that you have to have lived in the state from which you're applying for naturalization for a least 3 months prior to doing so. No problem there - I'll have lived in MO for 2 years come filing time. What I'm wondering is this: is the interviewing officer gonna have an issue with the fact that I will be presenting an out-of-state licence, despite the fact that I've lived in MO for much longer than I should have done without swapping it over? Or is he/she really not gonna give a rat's ####### as long as it's valid, because he/she doesn't work for the DMV?


Just curious - thanks in advance!


Well I had the same issue as yours. What I did was to get state ID and I was approved the same day. But I think it all depends on the officer you meet. Good luck

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-08-07 08:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization delay for more than a year.

Do you have any questionable past? How did you obtain your green card? 

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-12-16 11:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiondo you need a lawyer?
Are you still married to your spouse? Do you the following together; Joint tax returns for the last two years, Joint bank account, life insurance, a child, lease agreement where both of you are on it?
if you do, just forget th lawyer rediculous fee of $3200

Do you need a lawyer for Removing Conditions?
I just spoke with and they asking $3200, i thought it was just ridicules. I understand that it depends of the case...How difficult it is,,, but

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-02-05 23:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTrouble getting tax account transcripts from IRS
Why dont you go to the local IRS office in your area? With just a proof of your ID, you can get your tax transcript within a few minutes.
kari81Not TellingGhana2013-04-02 19:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont Service Center Wait Time
Christina, unfortunately you can't cut infront of the line so just be patient. We all understand your frustration but it is what it is. In the mean time, you can visit if you miss him.

So I just received my NOA1 today and visajourney has projected an early August NOA2 date for the Vermont Service Center. I'm sure I'm just being impatient...but this wait is going to kill me. How correct are these projection dates, and is there anything at all that one can do to speed it up? Probably a hopeless case, but I'm just wondering. If anyone has any stories about their Vermont Service Center experience, I'd greatly appreciate it.


kari81Not TellingGhana2013-01-25 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLet's Get Married!!!!
What kinds of evidence dod you submit? Has ever applied for any form of US visa? mine is also in Ghana


Glory be to God!!!! :innocent: :dance: Our K1 visa was approved today. Thanks to all for your support and good luck to those of you who are still waiting. If there is anything I can do to help you along the way please let me know. Remember, the MORE evidence you have the more likely you are to be APPROVED. God bless you all!!! :thumbs: :) :D :dance:

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-01-31 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 NOA2 APPROVED, VSC AUGUST FILER!
That is very fast for you. Congratutlation and I wish you a happy new beginning

God is good and Jesus Rocks. A few minutes ago I just checked my case status online on the USCIS website and it states:

Post Decision Activity

On January 31, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

My fiance has to call and confirm from USCIS, 29TH Aug 2012 is my NOA1 date, been waiting exactly 5months and two days. Should i start doing the twist :dance: :dance: :dance:

Anyone, who knows what's the next step after this? I pray that y'all July/Aug Filers get a speedy approval! Be Blessed

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-02-01 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC says they are on October 1

I think we all have to put pressure on them to speed things up. No one asked them to say the processing time is 5months, so until they change the processing time, those who are beyond the 5momths processing time should keep calling them. I will be calling them first thing Monday because my NOA-1 was december 17, 2012. It is very annoying

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-05-16 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC filers - Vermont now at processing time of October 15th. Contact your representatives now!

may be this will give you a little comfort




kari81Not TellingGhana2013-05-21 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSlow vsc .. An email response from the center

No encouraging but why don't they transfer some of the cases to other service centers that have less caseload? Also there four Service centers but it looks like only CSC and VSC process I-129F cases. Can't TSC too process this type of case?

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-05-22 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThread for folks who's k1 got transferred to another office on may 24th

My guess is that we will start getting NOA-2 or RFE early next month. If not then there was no need to transfer them to another jurisdiction.

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-05-25 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDec 129 f file moved to another office what ones this mean

December filer I just got the same text message and email.


On May 24, 2013, we transferred this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) to another office for processing because they now have jurisdiction over the case. We sent you a notice of this transfer. Please follow any instructions on this notice. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.


kari81Not TellingGhana2013-05-24 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa - December Filer "Case transferred to another office"

I just got the same text message and email. My NOA-1 was also 12/17/2012


On May 24, 2013, we transferred this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) to another office for processing because they now have jurisdiction over the case. We sent you a notice of this transfer. Please follow any instructions on this notice. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.


kari81Not TellingGhana2013-05-24 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE for Dec filer(Vermont)

Did your case get transferred too?

kari81Not TellingGhana2013-05-29 08:43:00