Africa: Sub-Saharanyuo wan to hear something that angered me so much
QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Mar 12 2008, 12:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe your lawter was trying to say that you should get ready to maybe address those issues in the interview (if they come up)?

If that is what he was trying to say he didn't do a good job.

Im sure taht what he attended to say btu said wrong we already knwo it may come up.. We ready.. if they deny becauz of age they wrong in this.. we still married can not change our love.. Im thinking postive POSITVE
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-12 12:44:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanyuo wan to hear something that angered me so much
this tells you even Lawyers have no heart are need to watch what they say to clients.. My own lawyer said to me jusr yesterday.. When going to interview keep open mind because I have a few things against us.. I said why you did not say when or before you take our money.. It may be an issue.. Any I ask so what is issue... He said we ahve invisablie evidence?????????????????????? I ask explain..
He said I am white my husband Black???????????????????????????????What the _________ I looked at him with shock that as a lawyer he says this to me.. I told him Maybe he has issue with it but We do not we love each other very much and color is nver apart of it.. We both know diffrence Im white his Black.. And our age diffrence?????????????????????????? I said what part of age has anything to do with us lovin each other we are not kids which would be a diffrence.. Many americans mary older or younger...... Now I wondering to myself did he have bad day with someone before our appointment or what?? I am very disappointed to here him talk lie this.. when he suppose to be helping us and cheering us on>>
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-12 10:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSorry but i was blowing off
Maybe he was trying to say be prepared .. But when we go to lawyer he should be up front at beginning so we have all on table.. Not wait till 30 days before interview and say these things and took our money.. that's what im talking about.. We new going into our relationship was by our choice our love for each other.. and we feel we can answer any question ask honestly about our relationship.. I know he was trying to prepare for any ? ask of my husband.. I wish I could go in with him.. But told i may will not be able to, But i will sit in waiting area to give my support to my husband.. What ever out come we will be together.. let no man are woman part us Think Postive...
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-12 13:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNext Steps for Bassi and Zainab
Hey Lady,, Hope you doing good. My stomach hurts LOL nerves trying to get ready for this interview and trip.... Plz pray for us and im praying for you as well
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-13 04:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWe made it..
Thank you God I am crying right now I am so Happy for you, I know you own cloud nine girl.... Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Thank you ..Thank you I pray you have a happy life and with the heart you have you will be fine...
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-14 11:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHard road But worth it all
innocent.gif this journey is hard for both sides. Husband , wife Lovers, But onething for sure the ones that or hear ,, Stick it out and do what they have to to be with the one they love.. Sometimes embassy see's things we don't. and may bring a red flag up.. Yes its very upsetting becuz you already have waited seems a life time.. But we as humans have to look at there side as well.. They have a job.. They have to follow guide lines.. And the proof is ours to show.. SO when you are up for interview or before interview stay in contact with you other make sure he or she has done everything needed and has everything in hand all proof needed.. Sometimes communictaion can be issue of understanding each other.. Make it clear go over all documents.. Be convident when at interview and understanding.. I have read where some come out ready to fight becuz they was told to come back.. You do not want to do that it just pushes you to end of line again and can cancel you completely out to be with your love.. We all need to just pray alot that God is in our favor and the Embassey see's that you are truely in love.. Have your proof.. And sometimes a trip might not be so bad to give support at interview evn if you cna not be in on it they know you there to support your spouse.. Can't hurt.. As me and my husband approuch our upcoming interview. We going in with clear mind and heart open and know that what ever out come we will be together.. I do pray for evryone and we all here to help each other.. I am sorry for all disappointment's we some get as well.. But we have to know when going in to this it was not easy.. a long road.. and it don't end becuz he or she is on plane it just means more to tackel.... new part of journey.. Good luck to us all.. GOD Bless us all
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-20 06:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBeing forced to pay support?
QUOTE (chispas @ Jan 31 2008, 10:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought so too until I started reading the posts from the other thread. I am just curious to know if anyone had been obligated to abide by it yet

also if he remarries u can have him take off u i forgot name of it i thin infopass
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-21 08:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBEST WAY
Waht is best way to answer ths? how long you intend to stay in usa?? Life time, forever.. always please help
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-23 13:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAppling for Social. Security Card
Can we apply for our spouse Social Security card before they arrive to usa? or We have to wait ? And is there other things we can do before they arrive, How to do a Resume for our spouse since has not been in USA to help them get a good job.. once here? like if they never drove here ? Can we get a Id card at Drivers B.. For ID reason until they get other What they need to get lin. forms to take..?? I know about appling for work permit.. Already..
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-26 06:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLets all pray fro My angel husband today as he returns
Lets all say prayer for My angels husband today he goes back to embassy with more proof.. Shes waited long enough also pray for her her leg is paining her big time.. we want her to be able to walk to him>> not uses support.. Good luck my prayers are with you both today
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-02-22 06:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPray for us
Well , I will be leaving next week headed to see my Husband, and Give him support for Interview, Visit my Family. So I pray everyone will give us a prayer.. We all wait for this day to come... And hope that all goes well, Its hard not to be A little scared because our decission is in others hands. But We both love each other so much and God knows this because he chose us to be together.. Without him it would not be a you and I.. So we leave it all in his hands.. So pray for my Journey and all that are waiting for this day to come.. It want be long you will be writeing us all about you Journey.. Its not over it has only begun.. To my Husband Your are My Best friend, My lover . My Rock and for most My Husband and I love you with every breath I take. You are my heart that beats in me.. Love you Sweetie SOOOOOO much..
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-03-28 06:04:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanone last ?
QUOTE (one love @ Apr 4 2008, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does my husband need to show his bank statement at interview for his visa

thank you im on my way tomorrow pray for us
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-04 17:40:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanone last ?
Does my husband need to show his bank statement at interview for his visa
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-04 17:20:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanthanks for scarying me day before i leave
QUOTE (one love @ Apr 4 2008, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just what I needed!!!!!!!!!!! Well I am going to be with my husband, It is a dangerous world anymore, All over not just nigeria.. We have our own battles to deal with.. All we can do is pray alot and hope we will be safe.. And please keep us in your prayers as I journey tomorrow and dueing trip tat we all will be safe.. Thanks again for scare,,, but i do not scare easy, I try to leave it in Gods hands..

No it was not it was osi had wrote something happen day before i leave in lagos.. It was not something i wanted to hear evevn thou I know it happens alot there feel me.. And I was ot leave yesterday at 310pm and jet had problems so i missed my flight in atalnta I leave today at 1pm So paray we go this time.. Sorry about upset u did not mean too

QUOTE (Omoba @ Apr 5 2008, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought the warning is useful information to be careful and needed, better to be on guard than oblivious.
We just have to switch from initial fear to the heavenly father and faith. smile.gif

I took as that it was just not something I wanted to hear before leaveeing. I know it happens, Then flight problems yesterday so I leave today.. Wish me luck
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-06 03:40:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanthanks for scarying me day before i leave
QUOTE (monagoz @ Apr 4 2008, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Psalm 91 He will give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your feet against a stone. Go in peace and may the peace of God abide with you and your husband until you come back!

Thank you so much..
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-05 06:14:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanthanks for scarying me day before i leave
Just what I needed!!!!!!!!!!! Well I am going to be with my husband, It is a dangerous world anymore, All over not just nigeria.. We have our own battles to deal with.. All we can do is pray alot and hope we will be safe.. And please keep us in your prayers as I journey tomorrow and dueing trip tat we all will be safe.. Thanks again for scare,,, but i do not scare easy, I try to leave it in Gods hands..
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-04 18:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSTILL HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well left saturday to airport 2 hours beore flight... After 30 mins before we to leave they anouce need 7 people to go on later because of balance on plane ! headbonk.gif THen said we will leave in 10 mins. Well And hour later we still there 2 hours still there, Then anouce Have plane problems.. After 3 hours I know i have missed my flight in atlanta.. SO NOw i leave out at 1pm today and no starigh flight as before... Im so upset about that but hey its life.. SO im off and running again wish me luck
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-06 03:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPOE
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-13 06:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWE Approved
kicking.gif whistling.gif innocent.gif we was approved see interview
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-10 03:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAirport Experience in NIGERIA
Well, In short airport experence of tring to purchase my husbands ticket was beyond Stressfull, We went to get ticket. Cost 1584.00 ok So we go to bank get money return,, mad.gif SHe said sorry price went up 2400.00 with in a few hours.. I was so angery with her.. SO we left came back next morning with 2400.00 .. Price went up again 3100.00 And then said no seats left can not leave til 23rd.. wacko.gif MInd you we reserved it ok.. suppose to be held 3days.. SO We left again It takes about 8 hours of traveling due to traffic each time.. And heat.. So we go to hotel I am so upset I get sick, Because I know shes scamming us.. I went on line price had not changed it was still 1584.00 plenty of seats.. I called usa Delta explain what thye were doing there at airport.. Makin it hard to get a ticket.. She was super nice and said she will reserve his seat and ticke BLOCK it So they can not change price on us again.. So we went to down town Office and purchase ticket.. Because system was down we was told we can pick up ticket at airport.. LOL so we went to do this.. Got there Same lady pulls up we can tell shes doing everything to try to change his flight.. But its blocked lol She got mad said you will need to go back where u got ticket to get it I will not issue it here.. mad.gif headbonk.gif SO we left laughing because this time we got her.. WE went to delta down town sysytem up Got ticket THANK YOU GOD... SO What I am saying its best to purchase ticket down rown Lagos near Embassey Less stress.. Les cost..s
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-19 06:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThank you God
Just called Lagos.. My LOve is on his way to USA as I speak.....Flight took off on time.. So i will pick him up in Atlanta tonight... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Thank you God.. Pray for safe journey... I am So happy will be AHppier when i see his glowing FACE STARING back at me at airport
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-19 05:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanApproved Visa In Hand
Well. First I want to thank the one that made this possiable Our heaven Father. And then to all of support that i have received here on VJ... So many friends OI have made.. And My husband has enjoyed reading as well.. Our POE is Atlanta. I left Lagos Thursday.. Just got home at 1am this morning.. We had to take seprate flights.. Due to Lagos Airport issues.. Thats another story in its self.. But Thank God for everything..
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-18 06:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband was able to pick up his visa!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (DanielParul @ Apr 24 2008, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif

Im happy for you just remember port of entry takes about 1-2 hours wait before he comes out to you.. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-24 16:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVISA IN HAND
QUOTE (monagoz @ Apr 18 2008, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My brethren,

My wife picked up her visa yesterday with little fanfare at the embassy. They had an appointment for 100pm, but went in at 200pm. She received the visa about two hours later. Today she was able to buy the tickets for her and my daughter on North American Airlines.
I just want to thank every member on this forum for their prayers and support throught the first part of this journey. I praise God for His unflinching mercies and blessings to us. I know He will grant my family safe and happy journey to the USA in two weeks.
For those still waiting, do not be afraid no matter what you read or hear. God makes the impossibility become possible.
We'll continue to pray for everybody and offer our support in whatever way possible.
God bless everyone once again for their support.

I know its a little late but i called usa delta had them reserve price and date so i got for price i was told first time.. Thank god.. shes on her way My husband got visa same day as ur wife
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-26 13:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHis Home
QUOTE (Omoba @ Apr 26 2008, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Glad he is adjusting well.
The work permit is not $ 900 but included in the $ 1010 total for AOS.

Thanks becuz lawyer wants to charge seprate from that adjustment of staus
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-27 10:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHis Home
well fridays home.. hardest thing is adjusting his time.. It took a week Wow A week his been here now time decides to go fast for us.. For yesrs it went slowwwwwwww .. Now his on track.. He has already worked with my son in law a little to get soem experience under his belt.. so when he gets work permit he will be ready.. I thought our cost was almost over.. Boy did i get fooled now adjustment of status 1010.00 plus work permit about 900.00.. when will it stop.... All about money.. But his worth it all. He loves our food has not gotten sick from change yet.. He is adjusting well.. Just a little bored.. I have to go to work and he satys home .. Lucky I have enternet and he talks to his friends on line.. writes his songs.. I do wish all of you still waiting luck and patients... Its a long road and just because soem of our loved ones are here it does not mean we forget you that are still waiting.. We feel you..
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-04-26 14:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow long
Once you apply for adjustment of status how long is it on average before you can apply for social card and work permit .. for K3
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-05-02 16:51:00
Africa: Sub-Saharantracking ur papres on dhl
QUOTE (HakeemConstance @ Jan 12 2008, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi DJ,

You will need to type the way I typed it in the message, I tried it before I posted and it works.

EXP 11 JAN 2008A

This will work


ok i did but shows nothing and i thought before we did it by number not ref?? sorry is that what u got to so maybe they sent monday coming but said friday LOL they so nuts..does this mean hard copy sent.. or eletroncally sent
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-01-12 22:18:00
Africa: Sub-Saharantracking ur papres on dhl
QUOTE (one love @ Jan 11 2008, 11:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was told theres a way to track papers once left nvc

The following Tracking Number(s) are not valid:
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-01-12 08:52:00
Africa: Sub-Saharantracking ur papres on dhl
QUOTE (HakeemConstance @ Jan 12 2008, 08:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When you go to DHL website, track by reference type in: EXP 11 JAN 2008A then choose your date range.

If the package was mailed yesterday I would give it at least five days to be received by the US Consulate Lagos. I don’t think it would leave Portsmouth NH and be received in Lagos the next day. Once you see the results scroll down to see if a package has been received by the Consulate in Lagos. It’s a shot in the dark but all you can do is try.

i called them said it was being sent eletoncally today 01/11/08 mailed out will take about 5 days also received email thta it was sent out.. SO once its eletroncally in system can he go to get packet if it hard copy has not got there ye t i told him wait till next thursday why you not been on r u mad at me??
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-01-12 08:49:00
Africa: Sub-Saharantracking ur papres on dhl
I was told theres a way to track papers once left nvc
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-01-11 22:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfter appling for ead how long
My ? is When applied for adjustment of status.. How Long is it before you can apply for social security card.. will a letter come to notify us to apply that is question.. I ask.. is it like two months ???? i know all about other
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-05-03 08:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHello everyone
Friday and I are doing fine, We have started our EAD and now waiting again for reply.. I know most that was on our journey are with there Husband or wife by now some are still waiting... And we are still praying for the great news ..
Friday is adjusting very well I have been surprised that it has been so easy on him.. The food and wheather has not been to hard on him.. He is eager to learn new things and try some of our foods..
LOL he is trying to drive..
He knocked down a tree in the yard backing up LOL!! whistling.gif
We had a hail storm yesterday and it was his first time seeing it . actually my first time seeing it that bad.. It damaged both our cars.. Friday went out in hail to cover windows... We took pictures..Thank God know one was hurt.. We love each other so much and everyday we get stronger.. We both wish that everyone on visa journey finds the freindship and Love that we both share for each other.. It is a wonderful feeling.. Good speed
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-05-21 14:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJamaica
My brother has been talking to a Jamaicain lady has a 2 and half year old daughter.. He says she saiud her visa expired reason she can not come over.. ? Can Jamiacans just come over with visa like we can do to go to other country or they have to go throu paper work to as we done here to come to usa he says she wants to come i just do not wnat her playing him if you know what I mean any help you cna give me to advise him
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-05-24 21:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDirect Flights
[quote name='monagoz' date='Jun 13 2008, 06:32 PM' post='1927585']
Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters. My mother inlaw will be joining us here in August, by His grace. I don't know if there are still any direct flights out of Lagos to New York JFK? Thanks and God bless everyone.
[/quote yes
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-06-16 13:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSky Miles
QUOTE (stevi1123 @ Jun 23 2008, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you get no offers, and you still have them in a couple of months, give me a pm. I will be taking a trip across the pond in a little while. I have a nice amount of sky miles accumulated, and might just start buying them when I have extra money every now and again. I did a price comparison of an equivalent trip to visit my fiance using sky miles vs. cash and it was exactly half price. Really good deal right now with these exorbitant prices.

ok just keep my id check back
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-06-24 18:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSky Miles
I have 45,000 delta sky miles enough for a rt is 25,000 in USA.. fro 45,000 600.00 or best offer
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-06-23 16:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTravel Alone
QUOTE (forchika @ May 10 2008, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Niel&Femi @ May 9 2008, 06:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you all for your replies. good.gif I am heading to Lagos Nigeria in November, by God's grace.

Wishing you happy travels to Nigeria!!!!!! good.gif good.gif good.gif

I have went 2x's both very good trips straight flight best only 10-11 hours no stop earily to get flight better in april a good time to buy ticket not as high.. like 1600.00 rt. when you arrive you will go thru a check point .. when you get to luggage go get your own carrier for luggage are they will charge you.. everything about money specially being usa cit. learn to say no ... you will see alot of things you do not see here.. people begging on street no legs arms blind.. you have to learn to look past are u wil be broke... hotels are expense... I could not eat there foods it made me sick so my husband bought from restaaurant I lived off rice fries (Chips) drink bottled water.. or cokes... take plenty of antidih. med.. for upset stomach.. and beptmesmo. lol maybe your stomach can take things i can not.. we all diffrent... when lights go out its normal.. They take lights alot there.. If you do not have airconditioning take something to fan with... I got a yellow fever shot you need a month before you go.. its expensive 125.00 but worth it they try to get you to get all kinda shots medicine you do not need it... yellow fever shot is fine.. maybe some mosQuit repell take along.. they do not even check if you have it but safe to have it though to show you had shot... go visit the rock... Good look
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-06-30 12:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAd. of support
QUOTE (one love @ Jun 26 2008, 06:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Omoba @ Jun 24 2008, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What about bank statements showing regular deposits and a notarized bank letter summarizing all deposits made in the last year ?

Do you have equity in a home ?

Did all that had 45,000 but stated that my income tax did not show enought but I had over 27,000 nonw taxed as well to show.. But my lawyer said things changed you ahve to show enough taxable to support evedence but i think his wrong.. as long as you show all income taxed aree not taxed total should be good..

lawyer explain when we filed it was K3 now that his in states we have to show income tax that meets reQuiremewnt.. Its so stupid because half my salery is not taxed.. thats excuse he gave.. SO we got sponcer..
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-07-03 17:14:00
USCIS Service CentersThe CSC/TSC List!
[quote name='aussiewench' date='Jan 28 2006, 04:28 AM' post='159']
Below you will find the link to the original CSC/TSC thread which has been archived and can be viewed at any time. It is now a closed thread. Please continue to post in this thread.
Love hurts
When you live an ocean away
When you change your sleep schedule to catch a few more moments
When you really need to be held and you have to imagine whilst your partner describes it
When you constantly refresh the USCIS website to see if you're getting any closer
Love Loves
When it repays you with the love of your life
When God finally answered your biggest prayer
When you can live life again in the real world but still have that eternal connection
When you wake up for to the beginning of the rest of your life with the person you fought so hard for
When you love somebody that much
You'll do anything
one loveFemaleNigeria2008-01-05 08:58:00