K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi,pregnant women!
"Not sure", but a friend of mine once mentioned her friend got expedited cos she is pregnant I couldn't believe how that could be possible so I asked her again why and she said it's because pregnancy is a crucial time for a woman to be alone specially when she is having a problem with along the stage of her pregnancy, she even mentioned a K1 can ask for expedite even though she lost the baby, cos that's the time she badly needs to be with her husband to be for emotional and moral support. My friend who told me about this is also pregnant, she only mentioned it to me after she's done telling me the story about a friend she knows. Anyway, this friend of mine she is under CR1 and got expedited, but unfortunately wasn't able to use it cos she already gave birth by the time they got expedited. She used the same reason when they applied for expedite, because she is pregnant, not sure thought if this still applies cos CSC is really really slow right now.

Good luck, I hope this helpsPosted Image you can try if you want, there's no harm trying anyway. If you get expedite then that's great, if not then it's okay, at least you tried. You won't lose anything, but let's still hope for the best and expect for the worst. Cheer upPosted Image

- I am the beneficiary

Edited by Brandon and Sugar, 06 April 2013 - 05:43 AM.

Brandon and SugarMalePhilippines2013-04-06 05:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference

Some people (I think it is very rare) actually like to wake up with an old man.  Some people have fetishes for older people, etc.  It's entirely possible for someone to fall in love with someone of any age, with no ulterior motives -- it's just very rare.


Other people (I think this is more common) don't like waking up with an old man, but love waking up to a full wallet and the ability to live a lavish lifestyle in a first-world country.  They are willing to pretend to like waking up next to an old man for this.  I don't mean to be disrespectful, but this is essentially a form of prostitution.  With that said, this is how it used to be in the world.  A man would sell his daughter to the man who could provide the best life for her.


Personally, I think we should open the borders more.  Let the people who want to live in the U.S. do it without having to pretend to fall in love with an American.  If we were to make it easy to live in the U.S. for people from the various countries famous for fraud, there would be no reason for them to defraud AmericYes



Well, you know the saying "Happiness is a Choice" and "Money is the root of evil". smile.png

Brandon and SugarMalePhilippines2013-05-23 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference


Age is a state of mind.  As for waking up with an "old man" - don't knock it til you've tried it.  There are plenty of us old guys who can run circles around guys half our age.  With age come experience, wisdom, tolerance, patience, perspective, understanding, and a richness and depth of love uncommon in most younger people.  For some people these qualities are more important than youth.  I guess you're simply not one of those people.


To each one's own.  I hope you and your fiancée have a relationship as rich and lasting as that which you have found in your own family.  I had 27 years with my ex-wife - many of them good.  We raised 3 wonderful children, and have many fond memories.  But, somewhere along the way the passion fell out of our marriage - eroded over time like bare soil on a mountain after many seasons of rain.  Over the last several years of our marriage we led parallel lives.  There was still care and respect - but we were not in love.  We had fallen out of love - the foundation of our marriage had crumbled, and there was no chance to rebuild it. 


I was not willing to accept a life of passionless co-habitation.  My heart, though old, is still strong and full of love.  Like the smoldering embers of a fire left long untended, my heart waited and longed for someone to stir it back to flame.  Thanks to my fiancée, love and passion burn brightly in my heart again.  I love her more deeply than I have ever loved anyone before, and she gives me more love and joy than I have ever had.  I have found my soul-mate.


So curse me if you will for still wanting love and passion in my life, and for finding it in a woman much younger than I.  Meanwhile, she and I will treasure each moment we have in our lives together.

I believe I owe you an apology, I was too harsh on my previous statements. I'm sorry, please have a happy life, no one in this earth deserves a sad and lonely life.

Brandon and SugarMalePhilippines2013-05-23 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference


Spoiled and selfish - your words, not mine.  But it seems to me that you hit the nail on the head based on the rest of your post - though I would hardly call being spoiled and selfish natural.  Apparently you can think of your father's actions only from the perspective of how they might affect you, or how they might make you appear to other people - with complete disregard for how his actions affect him.  Guess what - fathers are people too.  Not everything they do has to be for their kids - especially kids who are grown up (perhaps that doesn't apply to you - at least not in an emotional sense).  Sometimes they do things for themselves.  Their intention is not to hurt or humiliate their kids.  Their intention is to have a meaningful and fulfilling romantic relationship with someone they love.  To he** with everyone who doesn't approve of it.


My father loves me sooooooo much and my mom too, he respects his children and his wife. I guess we have a perfect family that's why I don't understand a guy like you marrying a young woman. No offense but I would never ever marry a guy whose age is like my father, worse my grandfather. I can't imagine waking up in the morning with an old man. It's just disgusting.

Brandon and SugarMalePhilippines2013-05-05 01:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference

I might be dubious, but I would at least give it a chance and hope for the best. As I say to my kids, I don't always agree with every lifestyle choice you make, but I leave it to you to decide what's best for you. I am much more of a live-and-let-live person than my kids are - they are more judgmental - a trait passed on from their mother's side of the family (haha!). :P

I just hope everything goes smoothly with the I-129F and the interview. I'm not sure yet whether I will be able to attend - not much vacation time left (I'm going to visit my fiancee for 2 weeks at the end of May), and I also need to save some time to travel back to Philippines to accompany my fiancee and her two kids on their trip to the US once they have their visas.

Oh your kids are not judgemental. If my father is like you, I would definitely ###### slap the girl and hate on my dad. Yea..I am spoiled and selfish like that and it's natural. CERTIFIED DADDY'S GIRL HERE!!
I thank God my father is a very wonderful man, he never cheated or put us in a hurtful situation like humiliating me and my family by him getting another woman, specially woman who is at my age, worse younger than me. I love my dad sooooooooooo much, he's the best and most awesome dad ever!!! Posted Image
Brandon and SugarMalePhilippines2013-04-26 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in non-home country?
Good to know, thank you!
Brandon - Nur F.MaleIndonesia2010-12-22 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in non-home country?
Dear VJ members,

My fiancée is currently working in a country other than her home country and could possibly still be working in that country when it comes time for her interview. I am wondering, would she be able to do the interview in that country rather than having to fly to her home country for the interview? If so, what would be required for that (aside from the obvious work permit/visa) and what differences might be expected?

I appreciate your time to respond to my question, thank you!
Brandon - Nur F.MaleIndonesia2010-12-22 00:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding form G-325a
Thank you all for the input. :}

We're just going to put the Indonesian address since we are not sure if her work visa will be extended or not.

Edited by Nur&Brandon, 11 January 2011 - 07:36 AM.

Brandon - Nur F.MaleIndonesia2011-01-11 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding form G-325a
Dear all,

My fiance is filling out the G-325a form at the moment and is confused on which address to put as the 'Outside of United States for more than 1 year' address. She is originally from Indonesia but has been working in Malaysia for nearly 1 full year now. It will be one full year next month, should she go ahead and place this address there now or use the Indonesia address as it is not yet a full year at the time of filling out the form?

Thank you all for the help.

Edited by Nur&Brandon, 08 January 2011 - 11:34 AM.

Brandon - Nur F.MaleIndonesia2011-01-08 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVermont does it again!
Hopefully there will be another approval comes from Vermont since ours sent to Vermont. And from California too, of course.


Brandon - Nur F.MaleIndonesia2011-03-02 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Slowing down again ????
If you look at Igor's list it isn't just VSC is slowing down but CSC as well because the last time CSC approved the petition was on June 16. Probably they are enjoying summer break... :whistle:
Brandon - Nur F.MaleIndonesia2011-06-22 01:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Application CR1

You able to prove up you were in USA, visiting with him? (sorry if I seem dense) - but what's that paper trail look like?

Hi Darnell,

Yes, I have hotel receipts and gas receipts from when I drove and airline ticket stubs from when I flew. We have telephone records for 6 years as well as email and text messages. We have tons of photos before, during, and after our wedding. I was just worried that because he's never been up here yet, it may look strange.

Thanks everybody for your help!
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2011-12-07 20:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Application CR1

Not an issue, we had the same thing. I was always going from Canada to the US to see him because military was a B---- lol to get vacation time from. Specially since they considered Canada " over seas " travel.

You don't have to worry! Posted Image

Thank you Inky!
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2011-12-07 18:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Application CR1
I'm a lurker on these forums so hello to everybody.

My husband and I have been long distance since 2005 and we were just married May 28 this year in Colorado. We are planning on filing our application in 2 weeks when I fly down for Christmas. (Me-Alberta Him-Colorado Springs).

I have always been the one to travel to see him and he has not yet been to Canada. Not because he never wanted to but because of employer vacation issues. (It's easier for me to get time off than for him to get time off.)

My question is - is this going to be an issue or a red flag when we file or further in the application? We can fulfill all the other requirements for proof of a bonafide marriage and relationship. He's met my parents when they flew down for the wedding and we have telephone records, a joint bank account, photos, etc.

Thank you!
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2011-12-07 18:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs expediting due to pregnancy possible?

Do you really want me to answer that..? It's not likely to be answered in your favor so i'll let it sit. It is still the same all that could have been avoided... Prove otherwise.. If you can't then why did u even talk ...? The post is old, answers received and recorded.. You didnt even have an answer to give. What are you trying to accomplish...? No answer needed for this but you may choose to direct any other messages or announcements to the poster.

Yes - pregnancy can be avoided by abstinence. Even the pill is only 99% effective. I think posting your statement where somebody is asking for help (and you didn't answer her question either btw) was unnecessary.

Think before you speak or edit what you type.
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2011-12-13 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs expediting due to pregnancy possible?

Posted ImagePosted Image and pregnancy could have been avoided.

I think that's an unnecessary statement; why post that?
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2011-12-08 17:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPkg sent to wrong lockbox
Okay - it says it was delivered yesterday at 2:30pm. My fingers are still crossed they forward it!
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2012-02-25 16:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPkg sent to wrong lockbox
Maybe we'll luck out then and Chicago will redirect to Phoenix. ::fingers crossed::
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2012-02-22 23:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPkg sent to wrong lockbox
Nevermind. I really should have searched past threads first and I apologize for that. I see that they will return it to us so we can send it where it should go.

Hopefully this is the only bump we run into!
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2012-02-22 19:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPkg sent to wrong lockbox
I am having a panic attack. We sent our i-130 application today to the Chicago lockbox instead of Phoenix. The petitioner is in Colorado so we should have sent it to the Phoenix lockbox.

What happens now? Will they return it?
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2012-02-22 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBANK ACCOUNT WITHOUT A SSN
My husband and I opened a joint account at Wells Fargo. It was easy - they took a copy of my passport and my driver's license. And I just recently had my last name changed because we were married and that was easy too.

I set up to transfer funds through Custom House (now Western Union)and had no trouble at all with that either.

I would greatly recommend Wells Fargo.

Edited by Residentangel, 16 March 2012 - 01:44 PM.

ResidentangelFemaleCanada2012-03-16 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Immunizations
You can get your vaccinations at any doctor, just make sure you have an updated record for your medical.
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2012-06-12 08:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWrong stamp at POE

officer was wrong, at CBP.  This particular thing is worth actually going INTO secondary and talking with a shift supervisor at the POE, but you not do that. 


IMO, the best and fastest way to correct this, is to get into yet another CBP office, talk with the shift supervisor, and ask the shift supervisor to update the SAVE record and give you a different stamp. 


No appointment needed, no need to telephone for confirmation - just pick up and go, taking passport and marriage certificate. 


You can choose an office at a POE at an airport, or get into 'deferred inspection' office also.  



IMO, Infopass with USCIS won't correct this, at all.  


face to face at CBP office, will correct this. 



 Unfortunately, the CBP officer who did my paperwork was the supervisor.  I will try going into the POE office at the airport.


Thank you for the advice!

ResidentangelFemaleCanada2013-06-10 11:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWrong stamp at POE

I've searched the forums and found some information but wanted to clarify.

At the time my visa was issued, I was married less than 2 years; at the time of POE, I was married more than 2 years.

The officer told me they had to comply with whatever the visa was listed as - in my case, CR-1; and that they didn't make the decision about whether we qualified for a 10 year greencard or not - that was USCIS's decision.  So, my visa is stamped with a CR-1.


I haven't received my greencard yet.  Will USCIS automatically correct this?  Or will I need to file the I-90 for a correction?  And am I understanding correctly that since this would be their error, there shouldn't be any fee charged?



ResidentangelFemaleCanada2013-06-09 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 and working
QUOTE (*Len* @ Oct 27 2009, 03:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ Oct 27 2009, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes one of the MAJOR benefits of getting the CR1 - can work day 1! The stamp in your passport is your proof of being allowed to work.

That and your brand new Social Security Number smile.gif

That is awesome. That's one of the deciding factors for me! I guess we'll go the CR1 route then. (Even though it's only Montreal that processes them.) What's a few more months compared to the rest of our lives together?

Thank you so much for your help! kicking.gif
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2009-10-27 16:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 and working
I apologize if this is in here, I couldn't find it. The CR1 allows you to work immediately after crossing the border. Do you receive a work authorization or green card to prove this? With the K3, you apply for AOS and EAD at the same time.

Thank you everybody!
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2009-10-27 16:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNasty Surprises?!?!?!
I already ordered my long form birth certificate and I have the immunization record. I need one vaccination and it seems I'm updated. We decided to go this route because of being authorized to work almost immediately after entry.

My soon to be hubby is coming up this summer to finally meet my side of the family and then we'll be married this fall. I can't wait!
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2010-03-11 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMaybe a stupid question...
Thank you all for the quick replies! That really helps and I can now plan ahead. smile.gif
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2009-08-24 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMaybe a stupid question...
I'm very new to the forums. I've read everything on the K1 forums and it is a wonderful site! My fiance and I are planning to file next year for I-129F.

My question may be stupid but I didn't see anything in the guides. When the application is approved and forwarded to a Canadian embassy, are you able to choose which embassy you prefer? Or is it decided by the service centre?

I'd just like to know because it's a lot farther to Vancouver than to Calgary for me for example.

ResidentangelFemaleCanada2009-08-24 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have a question...
Well, I hope they're not suspicious of me! devil.gif I just know I've seen them take it inside their little booth and then bring it back. I don't have it front of me currently, but you can be sure I'm gonna check it when I get home!

ResidentangelFemaleCanada2009-08-24 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have a question...
QUOTE (kba0717 @ Aug 24 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Aug 24 2009, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"Visitor" would be appropriate - am not 100% certain about Canadian crossings as to whether or not there is an I-94 or similar Arrival/Departure stamp in his passport though.

When he drives for some reason they dont stamp his passport. He's flown twice and had it stamped both times, but not when he drives.

That's really strange. I guess it's just based on where you cross at and how firm they are?
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2009-08-24 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have a question...
QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Aug 24 2009, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"Visitor" would be appropriate - am not 100% certain about Canadian crossings as to whether or not there is an I-94 or similar Arrival/Departure stamp in his passport though.

They do stamp the passport when you cross the border, via vehicle or plane. I'm from Canada and have travelled many many times to Colorado in the past 4 years. I don't have my passport in front of me at the moment so I can't check what exactly they stamp in it.
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2009-08-24 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have a question...
QUOTE (kba0717 @ Aug 24 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thepizzadude @ Aug 24 2009, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kba0717 @ Aug 24 2009, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've read the guides and looked at this application about 12 billion times but I'm a little worried about how to answer this question.

On the I-129F, question 11 asks if my fiance has ever been in the U.S.(he's been here to visit me 4 times since last November, so I checked the yes box), but then question 12 asks if he's currently in the U.S, and what he arrived as. He's here with me now, he drove down on August 9th and will be here until September 6th. He doesn't have a tourist visa or anything, he just drove down. He's never had a visa of any kind before. I know that since he's here and will be here still when we send off the packet that I should answer this question, but I'm not sure HOW to answer it. I assume that if I put "visitor" that it has to do with that I-94 right?

I know the answer is going to be simple as can be, but I'm just trying to do this right. Any help will be appreciated. blush.gif

What exactly are you asking. Citizens of Canada are not required to have any visa to enter the US so just answer YES hes here, he came to visit, no big deal.

The question is what to put in that little box that says "He or she last arrived as a:(visitor, student, exchange alien,
crewman, stowaway, temporary worker, without inspection, etc.)". My initial reaction is to just put visitor in there, but I wanted to get a general census from everyone if thats what I should do. Dont want to mess up or anything on a simple question like that. I realize I'm overthinking it.

I haven't done the application myself yet but I think that's what I would put. Even though Canadians aren't required to have a visa to visit, he's still a visitor.
ResidentangelFemaleCanada2009-08-24 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPetition missing from NVC to Consulate? HELP!

I am having a similar problem with my petition that was also sent from NVC the week of May 14th.  My petition was sent to the embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I was unable to get a response by email from the embassy and have been emailing them constantly trying to find out the status of my petition. I have called the embassy several times but they will not allow me to make an inquiry by phone. This week my fiance went to the embassy to find out the status and was told that the physical petition had not been received and that they did not show anything in their system regarding our case #.  I finally received a returned email message from the embassy after he went there. The embassy still insisted that they had not received the petition.


I contacted NVC today and was told that the embassy will sometimes receive the petition but are not ready to schedule an appointment so they will say they have not received it yet!?

Today I was able to email a supervisor at NVC requesting tracking of my petition. Still waiting to hear back.This is so frustrating!!

SistersisterFemaleEthiopia2013-06-11 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Visa Status is "Ready' Can anyone explain it please

You are welcome! Best of luck on your journey! Also if you click on the link on that CEAC website where you check the status, you can find a lot of the information that will be included in the Packet 3. Information on the medical requirements as well as the Embassy specific interview guidelines. It is useful if you want to start preparing for the interview early.

SistersisterFemaleEthiopia2013-07-17 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Visa Status is "Ready' Can anyone explain it please

This is the status update that you have right before they send out packet 3 from the embassy Addis. At least that is what happened with my case You should get packet 3 in the mail in the next few days. 

SistersisterFemaleEthiopia2013-07-17 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Visa Status is "Ready' Can anyone explain it please


Okay brother and sister around the world. My Case is now in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. And even though they already got my case about a month and half ago, but still didn't get the interview letter or even packet 3. I always check my visa Status and it says below, but they always change the Statues  updated date, it was June 8, and then July 3, and know july 16th, and still my status says ready only date changes.
I've send couple email to the embassy and they've never email me back. So what do you guys think? Did they already send me the letter, or they're going to, or should my fiane in addis ababa go to the embassy directly, or what I should do? Thanks for your Advice. 

Immigrant Visa Case Number: ABB421134288 04 ABB (this is not my correct case number.... Case Creation Date: 20-May-2013 Status Updated Date: 16-Jul-2013    


Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment



SistersisterFemaleEthiopia2013-07-17 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa approved 10 months

Congrats!! Please tell us about your interview experience in Addis.

Edited by Sistersister, 13 August 2013 - 09:33 AM.

SistersisterFemaleEthiopia2013-08-13 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThank you Jesus!!

Thank you all! I hope everyone has good results soon.

SistersisterFemaleEthiopia2013-08-15 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThank you Jesus!!

Visa approved today!! :)

SistersisterFemaleEthiopia2013-08-15 09:30:00