CanadaCalling Len

Even if I don't personally know a lot of the posters, I do care about them also. Like if something were to happen to anyone I talked to on here, I would be upset. I am not going to deny that.

Yup. I keep in touch with one person on VJ who has showed me more support than anybody else IRL (It's not that my friends suck, they just cant relate all that much)

She actually just emailed me that she and her fiancé got approved in London and I felt relief. I was starting to worry.
I never participated in a forum before and never thought I would care so much about what happened to people Ive never even met!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-05 16:00:00
CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch
Congratulations Wyatt!

Awesome! :dance:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-05 11:03:00
CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch

No wonder their milkshake had no personality but still cost a fortune! :P

HA! there you go! :lol:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-04 22:19:00
CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch

Alrighty...I sourced out the Consulate, which is delightfully close (I knew it was from the map, but walking the route is always more rewarding!). And then I had a poutine at a place called Nickels...and I have a feeling I should have kept looking. It was okay...but not great. I should have double-checked the poutine links people have sent me first, but I kinda like just wandering around and being spontaneous sometimes. :)

It`s a shame I won`t get to see more of Montreal. The consulation is that, provided I pass tomorrow, I`ll get to see a whole lot more of D.C. very soon. :D

Nickels is a Quebec landmark... It used to be owned by Celine Dion! :lol:

Btw, the seedier looking restaurants sometimes have the best poutine.

Enjoy your time in Montreal!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-04 21:22:00
CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch
Good luck Wyatt! :thumbs:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-04 11:40:00
Canadatodays youngins / govt etc.

Yes, it's really the same old thing with teens.

As for being a feminist - well I surely am. I do think a common misconception is that feminism is about militant women storming the boardrooms in their grey suits - it's not. Feminism is about having the opportunity to do what you would like to do. Whether that means being a CEO or being at home with your children (men or women), both are equally important to the individual and both are equally important in feminism.

I absolutely agree with you. It's about having the choice.

I agree with people who say there are bad eggs in all generations. I look at my fiancé's brothers (one younger in his late 20s, one older in his mid-30s) and they both have this unbelievable sense of entitlement, and I dont know where it comes from because they are lazy arses. My fiancé is the total opposite, but their mom assures me they were all raised the same way. lol

I do think that there are variations between generations though, because there are fads in the way kids are brought up.
I have to say I get so annoyed when I see parents who give their kids too many options and let them chose what they want all the time. I dont think it's what kids really want or need, deep down, and it is a disservice in the long run. Life isnt all about what you want. Sometimes as a parent, you have to say "Because I said so". Sometimes life sucks. Get over it. Anyway... I guess that's my rant! lol
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-07 16:41:00
CanadaHappy Women's Day

Lol I tell my wife all the time that if she gets a job that makes enough where I don't need to work anymore I'll raise the kids and become a trophy husband for her, working out about 3 hours a day hahaha

lol Im going to start calling him a trophy husband... he'll love it! ;)
He really will actually.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-08 12:35:00
CanadaHappy Women's Day

lol ironically there are a few newpaper articles stating that 75% think women should be in the kitchen still. :P i noticed that today in chicago and windsor..that poll.

My fiance jokes that he wants to be a stay-at-home dad when we have kids. Since Im self-employed and work from home, he says I'll have to go work outside the house and "they'll just watch movies and #######". I get the feeling I wouldnt be coming home to a clean house with dinner on the table.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-08 12:26:00
CanadaHappy Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day ladies! (F)

I tend to take for granted the more or less equal rights we have here, but it's a good occasion to remember that our mothers and grandmothers fought for those for us, and that there are still areas in the world where women do not have the rights and liberties we have in countries like Canada and the US.

... and there is still work to be done even here.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-08 10:46:00
CanadaBring it on Montreal...
Oh congratulations!! he is so adorable!!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-07 17:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?
Perhaps it should be added to the guides?
BoilerMaleWales2014-03-05 10:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?
It was stated that he entered the US at the age of 6 as a USC. Both parents were aware.
BoilerMaleWales2014-03-05 09:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

This is what seems to have happened allegedly:


US War Hero goes to Guatemala meets someone and gets her pregnant.


He goes home, she contacts him to tell him she is pregnant, he goes back and marries her.


He presumably goes back again for the birth and has his name on birth certificate.


Then there is a 6 year gap, he is in the US, they are not. No mention of why.


At this point woman and son get on a bus to go to the US, Seems they have no Passports/Visa's etc. Just the Marriage and Birth Certificate.


They get to the US Border and it is stated they are both admitted. The Son because he is a USC and presumably the Mother is Paroled in. Mother is told she needs to adjust status. No mention of how the PoE determined son was a USC, only document mentioned is his non US Birth Certificate, 


After arriving at some point they go and see a Notario who files for both to adjust status. Now to adjust you need to have been inspected, this is where I assume the Mother was paroled in otherwise how could she. The son however was not, he is a USC after all, so would have nothing to show he was inspected?


Son leads an exemplary life, living the American dream, but through some unfortunate happenstance is in the wrong place at the wrong time and ends up with a jail sentence and is subsequently deported. Presumably he showed his somehow obtained GC as evidence of legal status, forgetting he was a USC, also his Father and Mother forgot he was a USC.


For reasons unclear the son is now in hiding after receiving death threats. Presumably from people he upset before leaving at the age of 6.



BoilerMaleWales2014-03-04 22:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

There is no way a Honduran Birth Certificate would provide evidence of US Citizenship.

BoilerMaleWales2014-03-04 16:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

This story makes zero sense and i have my doubts on the veracity of the information. I'm out.


And his mother was admitted it seems without a visa. And she has no claims to US Citizenship.


Perhaps they walked in?


All a Notary does it witness signatures, probably a notario.

BoilerMaleWales2014-03-04 16:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

It is however alleged that he was filed for, an I 130, with all the details relevant to his Parents.

BoilerMaleWales2014-03-04 16:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?


No matter how suspicious they are the fact is that if he is USC by birth his citizenship cannot be removed.

It can and has been, pretty unusual.


Misread, by naturalisation.

Edited by Boiler, 04 March 2014 - 03:51 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2014-03-04 15:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

He represented himself as a LPR. 


Sometime jail sentences are cut short due to deportation.

BoilerMaleWales2014-03-04 15:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

I really would not want to do anything to help a gang banger, hopefully others will take the same view.

Edited by Boiler, 04 March 2014 - 01:59 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2014-03-04 13:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionEligible for Naturalization ?

Why sis he so bothered about US Citizenship, seems she does not spend much time in the US.


The Naturisation guide has the answers, no point duplicating.

BoilerMaleWales2014-05-18 14:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship denial?

And this is at an Embassy?

BoilerMaleWales2014-06-24 20:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionApplication Denied a day before Oath Ceremony. No notices received.

He could show that he did go through one of the usual routes to register, it was an administrative issue.


Most Post Offices do have posters about the need to register.


Always wondered there has not been a court case, clear discrimination based on gender.

BoilerMaleWales2014-07-17 11:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 filing help please....

You do not know your Mothers birthday or Citizenship?


Were you adopted?

BoilerMaleWales2014-07-17 17:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLPR based on marriage

What is the current approval time once you apply?


The above requirements will not be met until Nov 2016 :-(



If you look on the Greencard it has the date, where I am seems to take about 6 months and has been like that for a long time. YMMV. So say 39 months after your GC date.

BoilerMaleWales2014-07-27 18:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAlmost reached the 2.5 year of phisical prsence but have to go back to europe

Suggest you read the requirements to naturalse.


How do propose to maintain the US as your permanent residency if you intend to visit infrequently?

BoilerMaleWales2014-08-01 11:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFiling for a I-130 petition

Your Mum just needs a visitor visa.


You can petition your Brother.

BoilerMaleWales2014-08-08 11:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship, but I am kinda leaving soon

When did you get your GC?

BoilerMaleWales2014-08-09 17:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOne of the questions on the N-400: have you ever been detained?

NSA knows all.

BoilerMaleWales2014-08-10 17:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOne of the questions on the N-400: have you ever been detained?

Call me old fashioned, but how would you be handcuffed and not detained?


Pretty difficult to go about you business cuffed?

BoilerMaleWales2014-08-09 11:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTime outside the United States

I have not heard of a request form, do you have a link?

BoilerMaleWales2014-08-24 19:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSelective Service issue

Just to add...ALL males in the USA between the ages of 18-26 MUST register with Selective Service regardless of immigration status. Yes, even undocumented aliens must register.

I know the OP is an LPR but a friend of mine trying to get student financial aid discovered that even undocumented aliens must register.

This was the bit that they were saying is untrue, you changed it later.

BoilerMaleWales2014-07-17 11:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow to enter country for naturalization under 319(b) after having been abroad for more than 6 months?
I have seen this route mentioned but perhaps not more than once in many years.
BoilerMaleWales2014-10-07 11:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Citizenship Claim from Deceased Parent

You would need to know what the rules were back then for passing on Citizenship. I know what they are now but no doubt they have changed since then.


I remember a long time ago somebody mentioned a Lawyer who was the expert on such matter, but I forget the details.


Probably the cheapest solution is to apply for a Passport. If that does not work then you have a more expensive investigation.

BoilerMaleWales2014-10-20 14:27:00
CanadaDon't want to be hassled at the airport
What have you got that shows yopu need to return to Canada?



Other commitments?

Nothing is proof absolute, you just have to show a reasonable case.
BoilerMaleWales2006-04-14 23:28:00
CanadaCan a USC work in the USA and live in Canada with a Canadian citizen?
You need to check on the Canadian Immigration requirements.

Also Canadian tax law, worst case would be having to pay Canadian tax rates and take a credit against the US paid element.
BoilerMaleWales2006-07-18 23:13:00
CanadaCanada & Fiancee visas
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-11 01:04:00
CanadaA messy situation (potentially?)
Not may area, but do not TN's work both ways?
BoilerMaleWales2007-01-13 17:27:00
CanadaA messy situation (potentially?)
What is she intending to do to maintain the US as her permanent residency?.

Technically you can lose your residency in a day, sell up in the US and move, and its gone.

Pracically if you come back fairly soon you probably will not have an issue.

Bear in mind that Canadian Immigration does not move very fast either.
BoilerMaleWales2007-01-13 17:16:00
CanadaHealth Insurance?

well for what it's worth, if you're involved in an accident involving a motor vehicle, the insurance carried on that vehicle will cover your medical bills.........

couple of case points here;

***I have a friend who was pushed while exiting a bus we chartered for a bar hopping excursion. She fell into a ditch and damaged her Achilles tendon , requiring surgery and an extended recovery time, resulting in work loss etc. Because the injury occurred on a motor vehicle , her auto insurance covered the expenses.

*** I know another person who injured himself while doing work on their car. At the hospital, upon finding the injury was obtained in relation to an automobile, the clerk requested auto insurance info saying it would be covered under that policy instead. She went on to say that even an accident such as a slip and fall wherein you reach out and touch a vehicle, say to break your fall, the vehicles auto insurance would be liable.

I could cite a few other incidents but I think you get the point. Now all of this could be a Michigan Auto insurance thing but I think it's worth a look-see into your own policy or potential policy.

I think it is important to have coverage for catastrophic events and emergency treatment. At one time my 1st husband and I only carried hospitalization. I recall it being very pricey for a family plan although I don't recall the details of the policy price.

Motor Insurance can provide some cover, but the limits are very low.

Can be used to cover deductables/co-pays or to avoid a possible liability action.

Tokenistic at best.
BoilerMaleWales2007-01-22 18:51:00
CanadaHealth Insurance?
I was on my wifes Student coverage. Certainly a lot less than $400, she was doing her Masters at the time. For us not a bad deal as she was a mature student and they did not age relate the costs.

I have also had catastrophe cover, in my case $5,000 out of my pocket, should be $100 or so a month. Fortunately I have never had a ny medical costs, I do know that it costs with or without Insurance.

Probably pay you to get and prescriptions from Canada. We stocked up for a friend in Mexico, 10% of the US cost.
BoilerMaleWales2007-01-22 00:30:00