Middle East and North AfricaTo all US girls in the forum please read my story

LOL, I think they might be two different people or they can be one in the same just posting under other names and diferent marriages/culture. But Unique Love and this other sbjl whatever, is the same person.

Hahahaha now that you mention it, it sure does remind me of ....

Posted Image

:lol: :lol: :lol:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2007-07-20 19:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaWondering what other sites he/she is on??
Mine was clean too, curiosity is a scary thing.......
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2008-05-31 23:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaGonna book the flight to Maroc!!!!!

So far, the best flights I have found are through (make sure you click on North Africa, then there will be a brown square in the center that says "Search Flights", if you use any other flight finder on this site, it will just give you the best of 3 links).

My son and I went via Spain last time, then took a ferry to Ceuta. It was a long trip, saved about $400 per ticket.....but it was hard on him (he is 5).

Also, I found that booking after Eid Ul-Adha (the flight went up about $1000.00), is probably cheaper.

Good Luck.....I should be there around the same time, in Fes.

Take Care!!

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2007-12-23 19:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaSomething has been on my mind...what do you all think?
See Ladies....this is what I am talking about!

In my original post, I asked for us to unite FOR one another...WITH one another; to let our voices be heard.

Look at how much passion and conviction was used in these responses.....we can and should do it in other venues.

For awhile it seemed like so many were getting truly upset with each other or even the prospect of doing this....I am sorry for that! That was not my intent at all.

I realize our process is in AP - I was not comparing ours....I am, of course, outraged at the process as a whole, but lately, when reviewing the posts and timelines, it just seems like there is one horror story after just continues on...and on! How can there be NOTHING that can be done?

The process and steps are what they are! You have to do what you must. However, just like we have to complete the necessary steps in PROVING or VALIDATING our relationships...those people who are reviewing, assessing and making life-altering decisions in an entire families lives, should also have guidelines that they must follow also. There are so many who abuse the system for their own gain and/or selfish and personal reasons...why do we have to accept that?

You cannot tell me that these two women in Casablanca should be allowed to ask such a perverted question as they did to mariniolive's husband? Seriously! Why did he not look for a MAN compared to meeting his U.S. wife??? Come on!!! When I asked an immigration attorney that I have been consulting with, why they are not allowed a translator, he stated they are and that it is not legal for them to be withheld one. He stated the same thing that I was wondering, what if they understand a question to have two possible answers? That can mean the difference of a visa or no visa. I was sooo thankful that my husband speaks English so well; but what of those that do not?? That should be taken into consideration; just because the interviewer does not understand them perfectly, does NOT mean the two IN the relationship do not communicate perfectly with one another.

Anyway, these are only a couple instances, and there are SOOO many more.

Would it hurt to try this? We are here as a sounding board for one another anyway, why not be a voice also?

Just a thought....

Have a wonderful night! Yvette
SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-15 21:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaSomething has been on my mind...what do you all think?
Rajaa...I agree....a petition and/or additional measure is definitely necessary. In any other government agency there IS a person who is higher...has more authority. Why is it not in this case? How do these two women continue to get away with this? It is so obvious that they have a personal criteria also.

I really think if we all start doing person start a thread, give the contact information to THEIR senator, then we copy our's, as well, we will start something. person sends an email to their senator...then a bunch of us back it up, with our support and familiar story. Someone....Somewhere should notice this.

Martiniolive, whatever you want me to do, let me know....forward your senator's contact information to me, and I will send them an email on your behalf, as well.

I have only (did I really just say ONLY) been through this for one I cannot imagine what those of you, who have been dealing with this for years feels right now. However, I think this is all of our fight...if we read the stories...look in the mirror...we see one heart ache....and we all have cried the same tears.

We have done nothing wrong - only fell in love with someone from another country...we should not be punished for this.

~Proud to be Mrs. Said El Moujahid

QUOTE (martiniolive @ Oct 14 2008, 11:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I swear I thought this yesterday too. In my desperation I told my husband maybe we should put our petition number on VJ and tell everyone to help haha or everyone fax the congress and senators with complaints about the poor and flawed system at the consulate levels. I mean they should have to have a degree in psychology (sp?) or some set rules of what they want from us exactly. I mean if they want notorised papers from witnesses or family..tell us so we do it the first time. Or if they only want a petition after we are together 2+ years...tell us that so we don't even exhaust ourselves! Just tell us what the bleep you want so we do it. They make it so vague on what proof of relationship like it's a cat and mouse game.

I know they want to wead out the faulse petitions but with modern technology why not just use a lie detector? And I think both spouses should be at bthe interview....than they can both be questioned even if seperately.... You knoe they even asked my husband why he did not look for a girl in france or spain or a boy even? What the heck is the point of that? It's about us not his or my choice in a spouse and if he's muslim and I am not what is it to them? If we are cool with it thats all that should matter......It's humiliating.

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 14 2008, 09:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be honost I don't feel this consulate is being held to any sorts of standards and then by whom??? I want to know who is in charge of these consulates and what these "Standards are" I've been just steamed over all of this and being there myself tryng to get answers as an American citizen in front of them I am still treated less than American.

I was in the service and worked with governement agencies i am amazed or just don't see what the protocal and SOP are.. it appears each consulate is ran on their own SOPs I even tried contacting my pals at DOD these consualtes are the "golden goose" if you will of job placements and yet noone knows anyone in them. Strange

What can we do??? how about getting the person that overseas this consualte and create a petition of those who question their practices and sign it pleading that a oversight counsel be established and an investiagtion done???

Just a name and email is all that's needed.

ok sorry Yvette i am with you girl.

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 14 2008, 09:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be honost I don't feel this consulate is being held to any sorts of standards and then by whom??? I want to know who is in charge of these consulates and what these "Standards are" I've been just steamed over all of this and being there myself tryng to get answers as an American citizen in front of them I am still treated less than American.

I was in the service and worked with governement agencies i am amazed or just don't see what the protocal and SOP are.. it appears each consulate is ran on their own SOPs I even tried contacting my pals at DOD these consualtes are the "golden goose" if you will of job placements and yet noone knows anyone in them. Strange

What can we do??? how about getting the person that overseas this consualte and create a petition of those who question their practices and sign it pleading that a oversight counsel be established and an investiagtion done???

Just a name and email is all that's needed.

ok sorry Yvette i am with you girl.

I jokingly told my husband tonight that if I have to go live in morocco I will apply for a job at the consulate.....Can you imagine LOL I am like monica on friends...I could get some stuff done! good.gif

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-15 00:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaSomething has been on my mind...what do you all think?
Hi All! I have not posted on this forum before...only in general.

There has been something on my mind and heart for about three weeks now....and instead of trying to work it out myself...thought I would talk to you all about it.

Something has become abundantly clear...each time I have spoke to anyone regarding our case - they have NO idea we have this site...this place where we go to be counseled, instructed, comforted, encouraged and so on. I always mention it, because I want the "powers that be" to know that there are other situations other cases out there that are not being handled in the manner in which they insist is happening.

When I spoke to my Senator's aide, and again the immigration attorney and again the many times speaking to the USCIS and NVC personnel...they had no clue what I was referring to.

So this is the idea that has been forming in my head..the idea I cannot seem to let go of:

Many times I have seen advice given to others to contact their local political officer; lately it even seems as though many family members, fellow employees, employers and friends are doing it on their behalf.

Why not do it for one another also? When we see something happen that needs additional help, lets back each other we do here. We can back up the petitioner's request with one also...not only to their senator, but copy ours, as well.

We have a voice, we have a right to discuss the injustices that are taking place.

Look at martiniolive, brnidokiegurl, toreecabral and all the many others......

We may not be able to march together to each Capital's steps together, but we CAN do it via this site, out commitment to the same cause (being reunited with our loved ones), and for one another!

I do not have it all worked out in my mind, but I would love to hear what some of you think!

Okay....stepping off my soap box now! whistling.gif

Thanks for listening to the ventings of a wife who has been apart from her husband for too long now (see my interview review of the Casa Consulate) and to someone who is just totally saddened by everyone's similar circumstances!

Have a great day everyone!
SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-14 20:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaRecieved this email from casa
OMG Martini.......I will also be praying for you! Let us know if you need anything....

Yvette good.gif
SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-15 22:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
biggrin.gif wub.gif biggrin.gif


Rajaa....Amal...Martiniolive...Nawal...Sereia...brnidokiegurl (did I forget one?? If I did - my deepest apologies!!),

I cannot thank you all enough for cheering me up tonight. I laughed...what a concept!! sister! What more do I need to say?? Seriously, are you the only VJ'er who can get chat-napped?

Amal....OMG definitely need to swap "American bathroom" stories (HEE-larious)...think COOKBOOK!

Martiniolive...we are right there Ms. Martini...let me know if you need a shoulder, a sounding board or ANYTHING!

Nawal...always the supporter - hug those babies for me! BTW: maybe Nour is telling you she IS ready for solid food (the pic ...eating her brothers ear...sure sign!)

Sereia...MYtube...need I say more? I will laugh at myself for that one for days!

brnidokiegurl...I think we will be having one of these chat sessions for you soon...Insh'allah!

Again....thank you all soooo much!

I will post tomorrow what happened in his interview.


SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-20 23:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
Hey You!

I am there now....just got Lil "simo" to bed for the night.....

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 20 2008, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i was in the chat room but noone was there???

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-20 21:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
Let's see ...

Had nightmares last night...but still got up for work
Have not ate today...AS IF I can't afford to lose a meal or 100!!
Took me twice as long to reconcile the office payroll...up-side, everyone left me alone
Cried alone...up-side, everyone left me alone

I have already spoke to Simo today, he called me at work, and we visited online right when I got home. I will do the exact same thing as last time...count down each hour until I hear something.

Thank you all for being here......Yvette

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 20 2008, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yvette how how you doing today???

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-20 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
LOL Rajaa.....hey didn't I say I was going to bed! As if!

You are always full of hope! After our talk tonight...I feel better. What ever happens Tuesday...will happen no matter how much I cry or scream or fret! Either my habibi is with me in a few weeks (Insh'allah)...OR Little "Simo", Rajaa and I go on a one-way adventure to Spain to be with our husbands! Seems to be a win-win situation! cool.gif

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 18 2008, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Rajaa means Hope!! really so come on ladies I am full of it tonight smile.gif

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-19 00:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
Lisa....saw on a different post that you are having a bad day....

I may not be right there with you, but know if you turn around, I am there...doing this.... good.gif, I totally feel that too right now!

We have to believe...because without hope, we would not be here doing all this!

Take care of YOU! Yvette

QUOTE (Y_habibitk @ Oct 18 2008, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All of your family is in my prayers tonight and on Monday

Good luck


SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-19 00:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
HERE-HERE S and S!!!

Geez Rajaa...sound familiar?! Seems we were talking about the same thing tonight!


Guess I will attempt that thing I have heard about.....something called SLEEP! Anyone remember what that is truly like?? huh.gif

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 18 2008, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Oct 18 2008, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have noticed Iraqi women get here so easily and those of us with Iraqi men wait forever. Why do they assume if it is a woman immigrant than the marriage must be real, but if it is a male immigrant than it isn't? (especially from the middle east)

For those of us waiting, I hope we all eventually get the good news we desperately need. Everyone deserves a chance at happiness regardless of other's opinions.


SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-19 00:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
You know it is odd that you say that too...the attorney that my daughter has hired said basically the same exact thing. He changed the area of law he practices to strictly Immigration for this reason. He has a friend (female) who went over seas and met a man...from the Middle East. She and he began a long distance relationship, and she traveled there to see him several times prior to becoming engaged. Once this happened, filed for a K1....with NO luck. She spoke to him about it, and he decided to represent her. He was soooo upset, because during this, and while networking it, he found a man who met and fell in love with a woman from Russia. They met online, he sent her presents.....this lasted for a long time. He then asked her to marry him, she agreed...and the first time they actually met, was when he went there to pick her up!! He had hired a very expensive attorney, and she was here within 6 months. Toree's attorney compared the information...and found NO difference, OTHER than she was a female from Russia and he was a man from the Middle East. It took his friend 2 years before her husband's visa was approved. mad.gif blink.gif mad.gif

No rhyme....No reason!

QUOTE (cindishah @ Oct 18 2008, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry yvetter it just burns me when they put hard working tax paying american women through this so easily ..and they let the americqn men roam free country to country getting visas for foreign girls.. Keep fighting the fight. sounds like son and daughter need the good role models you and hubby provide..bless you

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-18 18:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
THANK YOU ALL!!! Your encouragement is sooo incredibly helpful.

I spoke to Simo again today....he will take all the paperwork again, including the most up-to-date call history, and letters that our family and friends are writing.

Last night I walked in on our son praying...he was so intent, and when he saw me, he told me he thought if he prayed real hard four more times, then daddy would be home soon. Oh My Gosh I hope so!

Anyway, we are hoping for the best...and praying that she will open her mind, heart and eyes and see this for what it truly is...a family separated.

I will be up Monday night....on if you too cannot sleep..say HI - and as long as I am not in a fetal position on the living room floor, I will be here to talk!

Thanks again everyone!
SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-18 18:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling MENA....need your prayers and encouragement
Oh Rajaa....

You have NO idea how much better our talks always make me feel!

As you know, I am a planner.....and have had this back-up plan in my mind; so YES, that is a very big possibility at this time; we can just meet in NY or D.C., and fly out together. Hopefully that is not the case (Insh'allah).

I have already prepared my family, but have NO idea how to leave my daughter Amber! This is really not fair...more than Simo and I are affected by whatever decision is given on Tuesday.

YES!!!! I will definitely need to talk Monday, we can have bi-state slumber party over the phone or computer (LOL).

As always Rajaa.....Shoukran!

Love You! Yvette

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 18 2008, 06:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

you know i am just a phone call away.... i expect a call monday night we can just sit together if you like or i can call you whatever works.

I know your situation and i know you are both strong people. Simo has been so strong for you but he needs you now to be the strong one (which i know you are).

You and your family have been in my duah's since the first interview...and you will continue to be.

FYI, also planning a trip to spain in Jan hummmmmmmm perhaps you and me and little "simo?"??????

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-18 09:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to check on your case when it reaches Cairo?
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QUOTE (Hot Guy @ Sep 15 2008, 03:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lara and Mohamed @ Sep 15 2008, 04:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

QUOTE (linda&usama @ Sep 13 2008, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Saturday Mena,

Our case left NVC on 9/11 and is on its way to Cairo. I was wondering if anyone could give suggestions on how to find out when it has arrived and then how to monitor the progress (or lack of) once it is there...

The web site in Cairo isn't that helpful, and there is more than one email option.

I would love to hear from anyone that has done this or is currently doing this. Who are you contacting? What email address are you using? Know any tricks to help things move quickly?

Thanks for your help everyone!!

I think they talking about the USA embassy in Cairo website . so you can go there and checkthe interview date .
Interview Schedule

Lara and MohamedFemaleEgypt2008-09-29 18:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to check on your case when it reaches Cairo?

QUOTE (linda&usama @ Sep 13 2008, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Saturday Mena,

Our case left NVC on 9/11 and is on its way to Cairo. I was wondering if anyone could give suggestions on how to find out when it has arrived and then how to monitor the progress (or lack of) once it is there...

The web site in Cairo isn't that helpful, and there is more than one email option.

I would love to hear from anyone that has done this or is currently doing this. Who are you contacting? What email address are you using? Know any tricks to help things move quickly?

Thanks for your help everyone!!

Lara and MohamedFemaleEgypt2008-09-15 04:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to check on your case when it reaches Cairo?

QUOTE (linda&usama @ Sep 13 2008, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Saturday Mena,

Our case left NVC on 9/11 and is on its way to Cairo. I was wondering if anyone could give suggestions on how to find out when it has arrived and then how to monitor the progress (or lack of) once it is there...

The web site in Cairo isn't that helpful, and there is more than one email option.

I would love to hear from anyone that has done this or is currently doing this. Who are you contacting? What email address are you using? Know any tricks to help things move quickly?

Thanks for your help everyone!!

Lara and MohamedFemaleEgypt2008-09-15 04:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

So I starting to look into the AOS phase for when my fiance gets up here and came across an interesting issue....

I never actually received a hard copy of my NOA2 in the mail from the USCIS but it was never an issue for getting the K-1 visa.

Anyway, looking into the AOS steps I see we need to include a copy of the NOA2 in our application. I called up the USCIS to ask for another copy (that they lost the first time!) and they said I would need to send in a I-824 Application for Duplicate Notice. Oh...and it costs $405!!

Just wondering if anyone else had this happen? There is no way I'm paying $400 for something that isn't my fault.

Maybe time to go to my congressman?

Well since no one knew the answer to my question I went to figure it out myself (I'm self sufficient like that :))!

Just had an Infopass Meeting with an immigration officer and although Visa Journey states it should be included, the NOA2 is NOT necessary for the AOS filing process.

I brought in a copy of my NOA1 to the appointment and he showed me that he can simply scan the barcode on that letter and up pops our case showing that the application was approved!

Just thought I would pass this on in case someone never received/lost their NOA2 hardcopy, it will save you the $409 replacement letter fee!!

Jon is boarding his plane to the U.S. tonight!! :D Good day all in all!
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-04-05 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?
So I starting to look into the AOS phase for when my fiance gets up here and came across an interesting issue....

I never actually received a hard copy of my NOA2 in the mail from the USCIS but it was never an issue for getting the K-1 visa.

Anyway, looking into the AOS steps I see we need to include a copy of the NOA2 in our application. I called up the USCIS to ask for another copy (that they lost the first time!) and they said I would need to send in a I-824 Application for Duplicate Notice. Oh...and it costs $405!!

Just wondering if anyone else had this happen? There is no way I'm paying $400 for something that isn't my fault.

Maybe time to go to my congressman?
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-03-21 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

I can't believe Ahmed's interview is in 21 hours and 14 mintues. Sometimes we felt like this day would never get here. Please keep us in your prayers. We are postive he weill get the visa.

I'm sure he'll be approved as long as the paperwork is in order. Good Luck!!

And Congrats to Sabine&Mike! What a great month for August filers!

Jon just picked up his Visa today, off to buy the plane ticket :D

Edited by Kay&Jon, 21 March 2012 - 12:14 PM.

Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-03-21 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

me too :D

congratulations to you both :dance:

this has been a mighty fine week for August filers :D

You too!! It really has been a great week!!
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-03-15 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?
Approved!! :D

Onto the next steps!!

Thanks so much to all you VJers that have given support and advice, I don't know what I would have done without it!
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-03-14 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

Approved :) :dance:

Hooray!!!! Congrats Britt&Marco and awkwardsoul!
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-03-13 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?
Congrats to everyone that's been approved so far! Our interview is coming up in a few days and we're getting excited/nervous!

Just to confirm, the DS Forms that can be signed before the interview are...the DS230 Part 1 and the DS156, right?

Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-03-12 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

interview on the 14th March :D

That's our interview date as well. Goooood luck!! :)
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-03-02 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

congrats ysabelle!

Good Luck on Monday!! We'll have our medical that day. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both!
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-02-25 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

it's getting so close for us!!
medical thursday, interview on the 27th! i am so excited :)

happy valentines day to all! hope everyone's cases are moving on nicely (F) :thumbs:

Brit if you and Marco wouldn't mind sharing the process of the medical exam we'd all appreciate it I'm sure :)

My fiance has his medical on the 27th and doesn't really know what to expect. He's not sure what they mean by "medical history review". For anyone that does know maybe it is just a questionnaire you fill out? Also, what is the blood test for?

Good luck on your interview!
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-02-14 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

I just did a research on VJ, and there's a lot of topics about this problem. It looks like it's an error. Some people left it blank, some wrote "fiance". In all cases they had no problem with it at the interview. :)


I received this email today from the Santiago Embassy. I had two questions, one was my concern that I hadn't received the hard copy of the NOA-2 yet and if my fiance needed the interview, the second was what to do with that darn blank space on the I-134! Here's the answer:

Thank you for your email. Once the NVC has assisgned a case number to the approved petition, the case will be forwarded to Santiago, Chile and we will contact your fiancée directly. It would not be necessary from your fiancée to present the notification of the approval notice.

In the oath and affirmation you should leave the space blank.


Immigrant Visa Unit

Santiago, Chile

So there you go!

Ok here's my next question. Is everyone putting "N/A" for question #11 in the I-134? I know it says that on the example form but don't we have to explain that we'll be supporting our fiance initially or is it just implied? You guys are great thanks for all the help so far!
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-01-25 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

when i hover my cursor over that box it say "enter relationship" so im guessing you might have to put fiance maybe

I saw that too and said great! But after reading the paragraph putting "Fiance" in there makes no sense! I may just send an email to the embassy and see what they say.
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-01-23 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?

There's an example here on VJ?

Ok I do see that now thanks. But second part of question still holds if anyone knows what I'm talking about, I guess just leave it blank?
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-01-23 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?
Question on the I-134 Sponsor form...Has anyone found a good sample form to work off of? The only completed ones I've been able to pull up on the internet aren't for K-1 Visas.

Also, if anyone has filled theirs out already, do you notice on the Oath and Affirmation section at the bottom, there is a blank space within the body of the oath (aside from Signature and date). Does anyone know what you are supposed to say here?
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-01-23 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?
A little late but WooHoo! Finally my NOA2 was approved on Jan 12th! Now how long do I wait before calling the NVC?
Kay&JonFemaleChile2012-01-17 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?
It would be nice to hear if someone had SOMETHING approved at the CSC this week. Otherwise I'm worried they've shut down and gone home for the Holidays!
Kay&JonFemaleChile2011-12-13 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny August filers?
I am not seeing all of these mid July/early August approvals that people mention in Igor's list..where are you looking?
Kay&JonFemaleChile2011-12-01 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa k1

I agree with Samantha. Try to recall. did you send intend to marry letter along the i129f package some would ask more evidence of meeting just like what happened to us. An RFE is a good sign just wait for the hard copy and comply right away then after that you'll get post decision.  Good luck.

terannMalePhilippines2013-09-12 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQuestion about RECORD of IBIS Query

Youre welcome! :)

terannMalePhilippines2013-09-26 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQuestion about RECORD of IBIS Query

Thanks David & Zoila! Yes maybe he put my nickname as i didnt see the copy of the i129f he sent before..

Thnks again and God bless

terannMalePhilippines2013-09-26 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQuestion about RECORD of IBIS Query

I am worried that it might be a problem during the interview! so far it has no matched in all the name under it but just worried ..

terannMalePhilippines2013-09-26 14:29:00