Middle East and North AfricaNeed clarification on something, regarding...PORK!
Thank You! You answered exactly what I was asking.....

I have always known he was not going to ever eat pork....NO problem.
All of my family is aware, that for family gatherings...NO pork and again...NO problem.
The original agreement was, I would prepare two different things, if one of the items contained pork (different pans, the whole thing)...again, NO problem.

I think his issue is he has been thinking about it now.....and it is making him have anxiety, he has never been around it, and thinks possibly, I have it daily (not even close).

Yes! I have found a halal market, did that one months ago. I will be shopping there.

Thank you MrsAmera! Spot on! good.gif

QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Oct 24 2008, 07:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are numerous things that contain pork products - you really have to read everything. This was something my husband and I were very clear on but more importantly my family was clear with. I too grew up eating lots and lots of pork and my family still does, but they understand that we do not and now for the most part respect that. This is especially important with what they do or do not give to our children. My oldest know knows that he shouldn't eat pork but of course the 2 yr has no clue. As for how you deal with it, well you just do. There are plenty of substitutes for most things, be it chicken, turkey or beef or tofu. I agree that not all of it tastes the same as the real thing but I guess that's just a sacrifice. (P.S. Trader Joe's has tofu chorizo that is pretty spot on - except is the crumbly kind). You may also want to find out if your husband will require to eat only halal meat (i.e. not your run of the mill meat products) because this can also be a big issue if you don't live near any halal stores.

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-24 09:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed clarification on something, regarding...PORK!
WOW! Let's not go there!

1. This is MY husband you are speaking do not know him, so back it up a bit.
2. He has asked very little of ME, compared to what he is sacrificing, in order to have a life with me.

Let's stay on topic.....I asked for details on what the taboo is on pork, so I can understand it determine what decision I should make that is best for OUR marriage.

QUOTE (Hoomsfuturewife @ Oct 24 2008, 02:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any meat, not just pork can contain parasites, fat, etc. So can vegetables or anything else for that matter.

I think it's kind of silly to follow every little thing in a book written by men 1000yrs ago.

My SO and all his Iranian friends like pork. As soon as they get out of Iran the first things they want to do is whatever is forbidden in Iran. So whenever they visit I have to stock up on booze and pork and make sure we go bar hopping and to rock concerts.

Me personally, I'm not and never will be muslim but I still don't like the taste of pork. It's ok in sausage but pork chops make me want to gag. I think the look/texture of pork resembles people flesh too much. tongue.gif

And I don't think you should have to give up anything just because of your husband. Is he an insecure child? He's choosing to marry an American and move to the states so it is his responsibility to adapt to a new country and culture. If you start giving up one, two or three things you like now, then he will expect you to give up 20 things and before you know it your whole identity/personality is gone. If it's a muslim from his own country he wanted then that's what he should have married. I will never understand these girls that sacrifice their whole identity for a controlling little fraction of a man.

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-24 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed clarification on something, regarding...PORK!
OMG cindishah!!!!! rofl.gif rofl.gif

I Love laughing like that!!!!!

parasites...tumors...cysts...fibroids.....and man boobies ~ WELL!! you did it..I am actually speechless!

If it weren't for the MENA group...I would NEVER laugh!

QUOTE (cindishah @ Oct 23 2008, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pork has parasites in the meat. the excess hormones in pork will contributes to tumors, cysts, fibroids and man boobies

Edited by SimoAndYvette, 24 October 2008 - 12:59 AM.

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-24 00:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed clarification on something, regarding...PORK!
You do know me Rajaa....I even got the "Habibi..this is not an order" ** deep penetrating sincerity...basically the "you-will-only-break-my-heart-if-you-do" look** sad.gif

Have you ever had a really good bowl of Green Chili? The kind that just gets better after being in the 'fridge a day or two...smothered over Rellenos....eggs....a burrito...just about anything??? UGGHH....this is tough!

Really?? He had to mention the I feel "far" from you?? Someone please take the knife out of my chest!!

Seriously need some details....then I can look at this subjectively not objectively (as she pushes her glasses up on her nose ~ quite librarian-like)

What to do..what to do...what to do???

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 23 2008, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hehe mashallah... you always know how to phrase things that make me smile. It is in the Quran don't do it... I don't smile.gif for me some things i take the "do as I say" just fine but i do know you and i know others out there that will have more information than i will. Take care and remember I to am Spainish and i haven't had pork in over a year, should've seen my face when i realized no more Hawaiian style pizzas.

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-24 00:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed clarification on something, regarding...PORK!
blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif

Sorry...the topic is probably making you feel like that smiley!! it is about 55 minutes until Friday....and thought I would begin a topic of conversation about ... PORK!

Yes, that is correct:

This little piggy went to market.....
There once were 3 little pigs.....

So tonight my husband asked something of me. Keep in mind, he has only asked 2 other things...both being very important to him: 1) I not drink alcoholic beverages (so now I just smell them..LOL) and 2) I do not swim in a public pool where men would be at.

Now #3...please do not eat pork anymore, or at the VERY least do not cook it in the house. I asked for an explanation and this is what I got:

1. It is in the Qoran
2. It is against his culture
3. Pigs eat bad things
4. When he thinks of me and the kids eating it, it makes him feel "far" from us

Okay, so I somewhat understand it, but my brain works like this....I NEED DETAIL; I do not do well with vague.

In the last year, I have already cut our pork consumption down by 80%... I have been substituting turkey for SOOO many things (turkey bacon, turkey ham, etc....). OH did I mention I am half Spanish?? I was basically raised teething on a Pork Chop bone! Seriously! We use pork as our main meat. By 7 I was making tortillas, Green Chili and Beans! I can quite honestly have no problem with not cooking it anymore...but giving up Green Chili ( I tried using beef...not even close!)?? I just do not know guys!

This is silly right?? That I am even asking this?? question is this: Why is Pork such taboo in Islam and as a person from Arabic descent? Again, NEED details ... in order to get it around my brain. wacko.gif

Thank You!!

Edited by SimoAndYvette, 24 October 2008 - 12:21 AM.

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-24 00:19:00
Middle East and North Africaarabic bread anyone?
OOPSS...for the Melwi whistling.gif

QUOTE (SimoAndYvette @ Oct 17 2008, 02:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay....I was reading all the posts...but never saw the recipe. Can someone forward to me pleeeaaassseee!!

Thank You!

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-17 16:16:00
Middle East and North Africaarabic bread anyone?
Okay....I was reading all the posts...but never saw the recipe. Can someone forward to me pleeeaaassseee!!

Thank You!
SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-17 16:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe MENA Sultan's Kitchen Cookbook
Totally love this idea!!! I like Nawal's suggestion: A Journey thru Sultan's Kitchen.

I will send you the recipe for my MIL's Moroccan chicken (unless you want me to post on the thred...let me know!!)

$20.00 is really fair!

Let me know if you need any help.....D-vette (LOL)

QUOTE (amal @ Oct 21 2008, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The recipes are coming along well. I am not sure who did and who didn't post a copyrighted recipe. What I've done so far is post EXACTLY what was posted in the pinned thread, edit spelling errors (a couple I wasn't sure so I left them exactly as they were), put quotes on some items that the poster originally stated, put the date the recipe was originally posted, and leave the name of the book/chef the recipe was taken from. I think that should be ok, don't you all think?
So far it is only something I'm doing for the MENA forum but I am including all the recipes that were submitted...coz they are recipes that the MENA girls have tried, used, and recommended. I think they might be interesting gifts for relatives and/or co-workers who are interested in MENA recipes and/or other tried and true recipes from ur friends. I've got about 50 or so recipes copied down so far and have only gotten to page 30 of Sultan's Kitchen.

In this thread, I'm looking for ideas for names for the cookbook. I'd like to keep it VJ related coz this is where it began. So far, I've thought about...
Sultan's Kitchen
VJ's MENA Cookbook - Direct from the Sultan's Kitchen
Sultan's Kitchen - A taste of ME/NA
Sultan's Pocket Recipes

These are just some ideas. Please help me out to find the most fun name for our MENA cookbook.

I'd also like to add that I will be adding recipes up until about the 1st week of November so if you have a recipe you want to add, please do so ASAP so I can get it into the book. Whatever recipes you all use a lot in ur homes will be accepted. ME/NA type recipes are, of course, preferred since it IS a MENA cookbook (for the most part)

If you want to quote a recipe from somewhere, please leave the information on who/what/where you got the recipe so credit can be given where credit is due.

I will be using the VJ screen name of the person that posted the recipe AND the date of which it was posted. If you do not want your VJ name used, please let me know so I can change ur name to "unknown".

If you know some ppl that used to play in MENA and are not regular posters anymore, feel free to contact them and see if they'd be interested in a copy as well. I will be needing addresses too but not right now. I'll wait until I'm a bit further with the project before I take that information.

What price would you all feel is fair? $25? $20? 15?

Ok, that is enough from me for now. leave any feedback here and I'll do my best to consider every recommendation.

Thanks everyone!
rose.gif amal rose.gif

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2008-10-21 23:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaWent home for visit...and
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif two have made me laugh sooooo hard tonight!!! I have had the most horrendous two weeks, and am up late...(why go to sleep when I need to wake up to make breakfast early for Ramadan?

I am still in the Morocco this and Morocco that glad to see it WILL even out one day!

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-23 03:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe would like to bring my MIL from Morocco for a visit
It was SO easy, we kept thinking we were doing something wrong! blink.gif

Just complete the DS156, then it gives you the option to schedule an appointment right then!! An immigration process that is user-friendly?!?! Who'da thought!!

QUOTE (Kenza @ Aug 23 2009, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SimoAndYvette @ Aug 23 2009, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good.gif good.gif

We completed the DS156 today on the online application process.....her appointment is Sept 16th...wish us luck!! blink.gif

Wow, quick! and online, that's good to know. Inshallah the rest is a piece a cake too!

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-25 16:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe would like to bring my MIL from Morocco for a visit
good.gif good.gif

We completed the DS156 today on the online application process.....her appointment is Sept 16th...wish us luck!! blink.gif

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-23 23:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe would like to bring my MIL from Morocco for a visit

We will be looking into it today, so that hopefully she will be able to come soon...Insh'allah!

Take care....

SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-19 11:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe would like to bring my MIL from Morocco for a visit
Hello All!

I hope this finds you all very well.

Well....we have a quick question. We would like to bring my Mother-In-Law for a 3 week visit.

Any ideas where to start....went to to, but could not find anything.

Thanks All!!!
SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-18 23:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone know a really good Immigration Attorney??
My daughter Toree and her husband Rachid have had the WORST time with immigration!

They filed for a K1 visa and it was sent back to USCIS, where it expired (02/09).

She went to Morocco again in Dec 08 and they were married Jan. 09. She returned and they filed for the CR1....all the processing went smoothly. He was given an interview on 08/05, where it went smoothly until the interviewer (the male this time), noticed that my husband and Rachid are brother's. They then brought in a Moroccan gentleman who repeatedly told Rachid is was not halal to marry the daughter of his brother. Rachid tried in vain to explain that she is not, that there is only an 8 year difference in age between Toree and Said...but he said he could not make a decision, and would need to consult the Consular. All of our family and friends then sent emails and letters to the consulate and to the Governor of Colorado, the senator and our congressmen/women. They called him back on Tuesday where they told him:
    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-20 09:25:00
    Middle East and North AfricaAnyone know a really good Immigration Attorney??
    Thank YOU!!

    QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Aug 18 2009, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hey, World Relief helped us, I dont see where there is one in Colorado though, but if you contact them maybe they would know. They help alot of people with various situations and they did a fantastic job helping me filing papers for Adam for only $200 max... immigration attorneys wanted $1,800- $3k

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-18 23:24:00
    Middle East and North AfricaAnyone know a really good Immigration Attorney??
    Good evening everyone!!

    My daughter and son-in-law are in need of a REALLY GOOD immigration attorney. We live in Colorado; but do not care if we need to work with one in another state.

    Please send us ANY contact information you might have.

    We appreciate it more than you can imagine!

    Thank You!

    blink.gif crying.gif blink.gif

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-18 23:06:00
    Middle East and North AfricaI Miss My MENA Sister's!
    Man Olive....I felt like you were just writing about me and Simo!!!! The other night when we were going to bed he commented on how things are so much better now. The one thing that continuously comes up for me is this, COMMUNICATION is key!! You will mean something one way, and will be understood as something TOTALLY different. blink.gif I learned quick to explain in a way he would understood. Each month he got it a little more, and now he doesn't automatically assume the wrong thing, he steps back and verifies it. good.gif Even though are still issues and the rollercoaster takes an additional ride every so often, all the "family" things we have created with our son make up for it. We love spending the afternoon in the mountains, or at the park playing soccer. THOSE days make it ALL worth it!!!!

    QUOTE (Olive? @ Aug 24 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    OK is your emergency survival adjustment prep list: most of the journey will of course be blissful kicking.gif but for those other times here you go 1. A garden or simular area to retreat to full of flowers and pretty things (a blow off steam area if you will innocent.gif ) 2. Some form of sleep aide that knocks you out when you won't let up on an issue and he just can't seem to get your point mad.gif . 3. A really high stack of pillows or matresses...just something to pound on instead of him good.gif . 4. If you don't already know how..learn to meditate or be able to clear your mind. 5. (maybe this should be #1) Make a promise to yourself that no matter what happens, no matter how bad an issue might seem, you will not think of quiting during the first 12 mos. Because i am positive that by the 12th month you will level out like most of us. Sorry if I make this look rough to some people reading this but.....I have seen this rollercoaster happen...and it's usually worth it if you ride it out LOL.....

    QUOTE (?J+I? @ Aug 24 2009, 07:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hi! Good to see you posting again.

    My rollercoaster is just coasting, starting that uphill climb (cant ya hear the rails clickin? ) up up up and in December ~~~ my ride starts. I'm ready for the ups and downs the spins and swirls. Bring it on! tongue.gif

    Jackie rose.gif

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-28 23:13:00
    Middle East and North AfricaI Miss My MENA Sister's!
    Jackie....make sure your seat is in the upright position and your seat belt SECURELY fastened! LoL loL!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

    QUOTE (?J+I? @ Aug 24 2009, 05:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hi! Good to see you posting again.

    My rollercoaster is just coasting, starting that uphill climb (cant ya hear the rails clickin? ) up up up and in December ~~~ my ride starts. I'm ready for the ups and downs the spins and swirls. Bring it on! tongue.gif

    Jackie rose.gif

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-25 16:38:00
    Middle East and North AfricaI Miss My MENA Sister's!
    GOSH! I am so happy to hear from you all!

    Martiniolive I am so happy everything worked out ... and your hubby is with you!

    I need to send you an email and update you on my daughter Toree and Rachid's visa crying.gif

    Anyway...I will definitely be more present!

    Also, if anyone is on Facebook...look me up (Yvette El Moujahid). Rajaa and I belong to a link regarding being married to a FOB (LOL LOL)

    Talk to you all soon!
    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-20 09:09:00
    Middle East and North AfricaI Miss My MENA Sister's!
    unsure.gif unsure.gif unsure.gif

    Hello Ladies!

    I am SO sorry it has been so long! I miss all of our talks! I feel like it has been 100 years since I was on!

    Okay, I do not remember who it was who "forewarned" me about the 1st year after Said would get here....but YES! You were right! I feel like I was on a rollercoaster! blink.gif

    Thank God, it is leveling out finally! kicking.gif

    I need updates...tell me how you all are!



    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-19 12:48:00
    Middle East and North AfricaFinally, A Houston mini-Meet-UP SEPT 4,5,6
    Saw the news on FB....and then realized it is in two weeks. crying.gif

    Wish I could come! Let me know the next time though, because my daughter lives in Spring.

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-08-27 13:12:00
    Middle East and North AfricaMIL got her Traveling Visa!!!!!!!
    Her visa is for 10 originally was for 3 month intervals, but when she went through customs in Denver, they made it for 6 months!!

    It is a very simple process online...

    QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 23 2009, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Congrats!!! How long is the visa good for? My husband and I were discussing this the other day though we may wait for his family to come until they get Australian citizenship and can come on the waiver program.

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-09-26 01:41:00
    Middle East and North AfricaMIL got her Traveling Visa!!!!!!!
    kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

    Well we applied on August....her interview was last week....she was approved and had her visa the next day!!

    She will be here this Thursday for 1 month!!

    We could NOT be more happy!!

    kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-09-21 19:07:00
    Middle East and North AfricaHusband wants to continue degree...any advice?
    Thank You sooo much!!! good.gif

    QUOTE (Meriem_DZ @ Sep 28 2009, 04:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    QUOTE (SimoAndYvette @ Sep 28 2009, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hello All!

    Hope this Monday finds each and everyone of you VERY well!

    I have a question (to add to my many many blush.gif ):

    My husband has his degree in Information Technology Management (basically he is a computer geek.. whistling.gif ).

    When he first arrived last November, we thought "No Problem"...apply and he will get something; that was totally NOT the case. One year later he is working in Property Management with me and at a restaurant.

    He wants to go back to school, to add an additional IT degree, but we are not sure where to start.

    Are there any government programs that will help him with school?

    Do we complete the FAFSA, and then if so, what do we use for previous year's income, it was only 1 month's worth?

    Any suggestions or advice is GREATLY always!


    If your husband has his GC then he can qualify for Pell Grant and student loans. When you fill out the FAFSA you will include both your incomes from the previous yr. My husband has a 3 yr technical certificate in computer science in Algeria and is in his second year studying computer networking here in the US. He qualified for full pell grant that has paid for everything including books. Ask the college your husband wants to go to, what evaluation service they require you to use. He will have to get his university transcript evaluated before they will let him attend. We used World Education Services(WES) because that is what Hachemi's college told us they accepted. If I remember correctly, Pell grant is for undergraduate programs. If his degree evaluates into a bachelors degree he may not can qualify. You wont know until his degree is evaluated. I think he can still get student loans either way.
    Good luck.
    Meriem rose.gif

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-09-28 18:28:00
    Middle East and North AfricaHusband wants to continue degree...any advice?
    Hello All!

    Hope this Monday finds each and everyone of you VERY well!

    I have a question (to add to my many many blush.gif ):

    My husband has his degree in Information Technology Management (basically he is a computer geek.. whistling.gif ).

    When he first arrived last November, we thought "No Problem"...apply and he will get something; that was totally NOT the case. One year later he is working in Property Management with me and at a restaurant.

    He wants to go back to school, to add an additional IT degree, but we are not sure where to start.

    Are there any government programs that will help him with school?

    Do we complete the FAFSA, and then if so, what do we use for previous year's income, it was only 1 month's worth?

    Any suggestions or advice is GREATLY always!

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-09-28 15:35:00
    Middle East and North AfricaMENA Slumber Party October 12th
    I don't think so either...I was just there but no one else was....10/12 right?? blink.gif

    QUOTE (Henna Rose @ Oct 12 2009, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    QUOTE (R and F @ Oct 11 2009, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hey is the slumber party still on for Oct 12 in the evening, please let me know.

    I don't think so unsure.gif

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-10-12 23:19:00
    Middle East and North AfricaInternational calling cards

    We bought the MagicJack for our family in Morocco and it works great! Wish I would have thought about it when my husband was there!! wacko.gif

    As long as he has a PC, you set up the Magic Jack here, assign the phone number and send it to him...very user friendly!

    Good Luck!!

    QUOTE (norielorie @ Oct 11 2009, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Me py question is very off subject, but being my fiance is in Morocco, you guys would be the ones to answer me. I am looking for a international card for my fiance, not me. The telephone rates there are so bad. If he gets my voice mail on my phone that is it, his money on his phone is gone. And becasue he is not working at this point in time he can not even call me, just can not afford the 15 dirhams a minute. And recently the phone comp has not been running any deals. So I was wondering if you guys know of any international calling cards they can use in morocco to help be able to call out of morocco and not cost so much. I have looked but not been able to find what i am looking for, besides a AT&t calling card. What do your fiances and husbands do while waiting to come to the US and call you???? Should i just get a magic jack, i know that is a choice.

    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-10-12 23:14:00
    Middle East and North AfricaThe First Year...
    Thank you everyone for your responses.... biggrin.gif

    You know one other all this, I had some pretty horrible things happen this year with my family: I had an uncle diagnosed with terminal cancer, and while dealing with his cancer his wife my beloved aunt passed away. It was devastating to us all!! My husband totally stepped in and took care of everything for us here at home and helped with funeral arrangements, made sure my cousins and uncle were okay....when it was all over, I was sitting home one night and I suddenly realized for the first time ever, I wasn't alone! Everything wasn't up to me to fix or get through alone...I turn around, and there he is! THAT has been the most amazing part of this year, no matter what I turn around and Said is there!

    Hope to hear from more of you!

    Take care all!
    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-10-12 23:01:00
    Middle East and North AfricaThe First Year...
    Hello All!

    It is Sunday night...almost the start of a new week, and I was wondering about everyone's first year actually living with one more computers, no more webcams, no more Skype, International long distance calls...just husband and wife ACTUALLY living together: The Good (hope it is mostly this), the Bad and the Ugly - you know NORMAL married life!

    We are coming up on one year Nov. 7th, and was just wondering how it is/was for everyone.

    We had a pretty harsh 1st three months, especially the first month until my husband found work (think really big roller coaster ride...lots of ups and downs - that was definitely US! blink.gif ) We knew the cultural and religious differences would be hard to adjust to, but did not KNOW how hard they would be. After that is was just getting to know what it is like to live with someone, and their quirks and "must haves" and "Do not do's"... that kind of thing. At one point at about the third month, I was actually MISSING the nights on the computer, when it was still the "Honeymoon phase" - I know you all remember that time!

    Teaching him about how things are done here was actually fun - he did not resist it soo much, and since he is pretty independent he ventured out quite a bit. The first time I had to go find him after he got lost on the bus was funny....I asked him where he was and he gave me the name of a credit union and that was it....I had to look it up; there he was sitting on a planter waiting for me like it was the most natural thing! He had his driver's license and car within 2 months of getting here, so the bus thing did not last very long, but that is not to say the getting lost thing didn't!

    I knew my husband was ULTRA responsible, but I had no idea the extreme it went to. If he knows anyone has an issue or problem, he immediately tries to fix it for them. It is one of the many things I love about him, yet I worry about him too. He tends to always put himself last. He goes silent on me (drives me CRAZY wacko.gif )...he doesn't yell or argue, and I do not need like to fight, but I definitely need to settle things quick. I do not sit on issues and let them fester, and I get over things quick...he is totally the opposite. He can go days and days without saying a word!

    Now, we just have this ordinary married life, saving to buy a house and hopefully send our son to Morocco with my mother-in-law when she returns there in a few weeks. we are about to end our first year together in Colorado and am looking forward to each day (other than the silent ones! whistling.gif )

    So tell me about yours.....can't wait to hear from you all!


    SimoAndYvetteNot TellingMorocco2009-10-11 22:17:00
    Middle East and North AfricaFor those who have MENA spouses already in the USA.
    I myself lost weight when im getting those documents for my K1 Fiance petition. I cant eat well thinking about those documents, your fiance abroad, and the forthcoming interview from the US Embassy in the Philippines, theres a lot of pressure, and my fiance even booked me a ticket when im not even interviewed yet, that creates a lot of stress to me specially hearing about Filipina's being denied during the interview. But now im here in the US, its a diffrent story... i gained that weight i've lost and gained even more.. hahahhahaha. I guess my mind is at ease now knowing my husband is beside me, even though were still on the process of filing my permanent status here, i take it lightly now knowing i everything will be fine as long as you follow all the instructions needed on filing papers. Take care and best wishes to both of you and your husband.
    Filipina66FemalePhilippines2009-06-25 01:10:00
    Middle East and North AfricaWhats going on at the USA embassy in Cairo
    AT NVC?

    QUOTE (Hot Guy @ Mar 17 2009, 06:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Good morning everyone
    It seems like the USA embassy in Cairo gives problem to Egyptian guys lately and they don't give anyone visa .
    they put so many people in AP . yesterday it was Amanda -Amr interview and the CO was kinda mean and he put the in AP.the other day it was Christie-Samir interview and the CO was kinda mean too and he put them in AP ......
    even people who had their interview in Jan are still waiting .....
    It really scares me so much and I'm so worried . blink.gif blink.gif
    I know that every case is different then the other . and what happened to someone maybe it wont happen to me .
    I was checking the DHL site earlier and it seems like the embassy sent me the interview letter and maybe i will get it morrow.
    I hope that everything will work out good for me and for my fiancee .
    I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off and trying to get ready for the interview as much as i can .
    Pray for us guys .
    Good luck and my best wishes for everyone who is waiting to hear good news .

    Lara and MohamedFemaleEgypt2009-03-19 02:02:00
    Middle East and North AfricaMENA women question for you.
    dear Cleanliness "down there" is so so important . it is an important part for praying as well.
    Go and purchase a long hose attachment from the shower, that is what I did.
    Or You can purchase a toilet like they have in the middle east with the sprayer.
    Its called a "Bidet" ...pronounced "Bu-day" they are rather costly here.
    They are used for cleansing genitalia, inner buttocks, and #######. Don't be embarrassed!!
    we are all human!!

    QUOTE (Jennie-Ammar @ May 27 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hi Ladies,
    as we all know in the middle east most ppl dont use toilet paper they use water to clean them selfs after using the bathroom. how did your husbands handle that when they got here. mine says he is going to hook something up in the bathroom when he gets here.
    dont mean to gross anyone out, just still learning.

    Lara and MohamedFemaleEgypt2009-05-27 19:24:00
    K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPlease help! Can i apply for a tourist visa and visit him?
    So how did all those people checking in with Nigerian Airlines when they used to be next to UA do it?
    BoilerMaleWales2012-12-26 23:30:00
    K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC your a disgrace!
    One of the reasons I assume they are so rare.
    BoilerMaleWales2013-03-12 20:16:00
    K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC your a disgrace!
    I can not say I have seen many financial hardship waivers. Let us know how it goes.
    BoilerMaleWales2013-03-12 19:48:00
    K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC your a disgrace!
    What is the reason for the expedite?
    BoilerMaleWales2013-03-12 12:20:00
    K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Visa Denied at Lagos Embassy For Immigration Purpose
    Presumably he is a working man with a career?
    BoilerMaleWales2012-02-22 11:32:00
    K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Visa Denied at Lagos Embassy For Immigration Purpose
    The obvious solution is that she cancel her return ticket.
    BoilerMaleWales2012-02-22 09:39:00
    K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStupidest RFE in immigration history!

    There is no limit to the number of RFE's.

    BoilerMaleWales2013-04-28 02:04:00
    K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 visa rejected.. feeling awful :-(


    BoilerMaleWales2013-08-20 12:15:00