K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor questions.

On the co-sponsor issue, I have a couple questions. Is the co-sponsor liable for insurance claims


or hospitalization costs?

Possibly, never seen a case where it has happened.

Let's say the immigrant gets in a car accident. (God forbid) Can the co-sponsor be sued?

Not in the context I presume you mean.

Just where and how far lie the responsibilities of the co-sponsor?

Read this:
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-07 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIronically Approved today!
So nothing at all to do with a K3.

You need to either do a lot more reading so your are gfamiliar with the terms and processes or get a Lawyer or both.
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-09 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIronically Approved today!
Sounds like he is in the US, they are going to marry and he is going to adjust here.

Nothing to do with K3.

But I may be wrong.
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-09 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of 'Singleness' VS proof of divorce---??

One of the bureaucrats told her she neede a certificate provin that she was single and that many a girl had been forced (upon arrival) in the country of her intended had been asked for this paper and been rejected because of not having it------ (she did not mention the USA as one of the rejecting countries--it was Spain, Germany. etc)----this sounds fishy to me (paper costs $30)----I've heard that you need proof of DIVORCE if you have previous marriage(s)---but proof of singlehood if you've never been married?
Is this legit?


Normal in the Phillipines, never heard of it elsewhere.
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-11 01:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my I-129F (K1 and K2s) be rejected
[quote name='Kathryn41' date='Aug 7 2006, 05:01 PM' post='362990']
[quote name='DeathKnell' date='Aug 7 2006, 06:38 PM' post='362951']
what does this mean?

Only thing "ongoing" here is a contact in Singapore.

I would ignore this comment. I have no intention of 'speaking for' Martindart, but it seems to me that he/she is implying that you maintained contact with your friend in Singapore even while you were married to your wife because you had the eventual intent of bringing that person to the US, that your marriage to the US citizen wasn't sincere because you maintained an attachment to this person. The implication is snarky and mean-spirited. If I have mis-interpreted Martindart's comment, I apologize, but I suspect that I have not. As I said at first, the wisest course of action would be to ignore it - and Martindart. Marriages do break down and there are lots of cases of 'childhood' or 'colege' sweethearts meeting up years later and resuming a relationship interrupted by sincere marriages to other people. Good luck in whatever course of action you choose to pursue.

Months later

And he seems to have filed for her anyway

According to his other post.

A troll me thinks.
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-12 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed help
The medical eveidence and circumstances would need to be very compelling.

I have seen this posted a few times, but never one that succeded.

Which of course does not mean they do not happen. Just very rarely.

May stand a better chance if the last time you met was just over 2 years ago and there are very compelling reasons why you have not been able to meet since.
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-19 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa

Alright, let's get things straight. I assumed the OP would file for K1 while his/her fiance was in the U.S. and that the fiance would then fly back to the U.K. I also assumed the fiance is not currently in the U.S. But, yeah, too many assumptions and I see now that the information I provided totally sucked. Sorry about that. :blush:

Actually your assumptions seem fine.

As does your answer.
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-22 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa

According to what I've in another thread, you could get married and adjust her status while she is here because your intent was not to get married when she applied for the visa. This will allow you to skip over a lot of the drama the majority of folks here are facing. Of course that's if you wanted too or are ready to do that. However, I'm just writting what I read and you would have to check on whether that would be an option for you. As you may know, you will not have any problems going through the K1 process and obtaining a visa through the Embassy in England, despite of the chaos with the Service Centers. Good luck...

Proof of the phrase that a little knowledge is dangerous.

For a start she does not need a Visa to enter the US, she is English.

Goes downhill from there.
BoilerMaleWales2006-08-22 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer?
I understand why they do it, but really they could use more tact. In reality we are treated like criminals, and for what? The officer that did it to me was clearly taking things to far. She asked me more than once about an xray I said I would consent but that is as far as it went. I saw no reason to keep me there for that long when I was more than willing to cooperate with her.

we do still have rights dont we?
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-05 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer?
I have to agree with what you say 'Z' Most people including my own family gave me xtreme hell because he is Nigerian. Nigerians are famous worldwide for many scams. Just because he is Nigerian does not mean he is that way. Its hard to break the assumptions people have in their heads about what they have come to believe as true. Therefor I too saw potential delays. I have been delayed coming back into the country from Nigeria, becasue they figure, single, white woman traveling alone from "high risk country" (thier words not mine) must be a drug mule. I could not believe. I was detained while they went through all of my belonings, very throughly, the officer looked at every picture in my digital camera. I was asked many questions, over and over and over... I was even asked if I would alow them to xray me. She even went out to see if my mother and my 3 children were really who had come to pick me up from the airport. I cooperated with her but I told her I thought that the whole thing was ludacris.
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-05 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer?
Our lawyer has indeed caught mistakes in our paperwork. I am Divorced, and we can not provide a birth cerifiate for Justice, it was lost many years ago and his parents are dead, all we have is a court affidavit saying that he is hwo he says he is. I have to be honest our lawyer has helped us and it does make me feel better knowing that there is someone who knows the ins and outs of this process. Our case does seem to have the possiblity of complications. I do double check his work that he send us for review, and I stay in contact with him, to keep on top of things.
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-04 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer?
We have hired a lawyer to make sure that all of the papers are correct. Has anyone else used a lawyer? I was a bit shocked to see how fast we got our reciept. I was thinkning it would take longer. I am wondering if it has something to do with the lawyer? Anywho.. opinions or experience using lawyers?
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-03 23:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Style Photo
my fiancee sent his from Nigeria and it had a pale blue background, our lawyer asked him to have them retaken on a white background
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-05 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with my unique situation
Our lawyer told me that we should in no way exchange vows, or have ANY type of ceremony before our process was all finished and he was here. He said that he has seen people have ceremonys that they do not think are any big deal, for the family or whatever and then find out later that it was more legal than they thought and they have to start over with a K3
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-05 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?
well I may be missunderstanding but I thought the current has been wanting a divorce for a long time...
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-12 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?

I asked them to call me if they have questions, and we can go over this with them. I dont see why they will refuse to trust me...

Lets not shoot the messenger and hasten to get my I-129Fs still counting on the impressionable letter I sent the USCIS officer who will have the honor to process my application, asking them to process the divorce decree requirement with some trust that as a USC, I will do what I promise.

Theres no reason for them not to trust that I will do so, as its hard enough having one lady..2 would kill me, hence the name I chose (if you must know!).

Death, USCIS will deny the petition on the grounds that your marriage is still in effect. Clear cut, unobjectional denial, I don't care how well or what you wrote in the letter! It will more than likely be tossed aside in the garbage.

USCIS is not a wholesome, family values government agency, they are there to enforce immigration LAW of the USA... and being married and trying to petition for a fiancé is NOT in accordance with US immigration LAW.

What part of that don't you understand? I guess you'll just have to wait for the rejection letter yourself.

OMG they are the US Government...they dont TRUST ANYONE!! :wacko:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-12 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?

Jesus!!! I can't believe I sat here and read this whole thread!!! it was just too funny!!! If there is any truth to this?? all I can say is.... it's amazing how many people jump into something without any research.

Considering the ID he chose 'Death Knell' along with this whole scenario.....I seriously doubt it. If there is truth there is definately an omen in his choice of ID as this is the end/death of his petition.

death· knell
1. A stroke or tolling of a bell, announcing a death; a knell{1}.

2. Hence: (figuratively) A sign or harbinger of the end, death, or passing away of anything.

ewww why would you want an ID like depressing
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-12 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?
hey maybe he is on to something...maybe we should all call and ask what the hold up is...I am sure they would love to hear from all of us... :D
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-12 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?

Peace out...I will tell you when I get a call from them, if they dont agree with my application.

But I doubt they want to delay a citizen being with their fiancee, just because of a simple paper..maybe they will be kind enough to waive me sending them the decree because citizens can always be trusted to keep their word when they say they will do smthng like divorce.

OK... OK... OK not be surprised if you get the same reaction you got here...only amplified...
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-12 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?

Am dead serious. I know they will understand my situation or call me with questions. I gave my phone number on there.

I dont think they can hold the whole application just because of one paper! thats not only because am an American, but am also paying them to process the papers. Its not afavor they are doing me.

Oh boy, DK.... if you are serious (and as you can see, most of us are seriously questioning that), you are seriously mistaken about the way the federal government works. You indicated that your citizenship is new, so some of your comments 'could be' excused. I have no idea how they do things like this in Singapore, but you are in for a rude awakening if that is your expectation for US processing.

for real!!!! :lol: do you really think we would all be here waiting...and posting our woes if it was just that easy to call them up and tell them to get on it. Even if you are a new citizen you had to have dealt with our government to get citizenship...plenty of hoop jumping there...plenty more to come...
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-12 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?

Am dead serious. I know they will understand my situation or call me with questions. I gave my phone number on there.

I dont think they can hold the whole application just because of one paper!

wow have you read ANYTHING about how this process works??????????????
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-12 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?
what?????? is this for real???? :blink: :hehe: :lol:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-12 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot the darn VISA
lucky!!!!! cheers!!!! :dance: :dance: :D
karlehoneyFemalePhilippines2006-03-06 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Experience
Now that was funny!!! it was a goodthing that your POE experience wasn't hard as mine. Congrats!!!!! :dance: :lol:
karlehoneyFemalePhilippines2006-03-06 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs an age a factor when applying?
Age is not an issue both of you are on the legal age. Goodluck!!!! :dance: :dance: :thumbs:
karlehoneyFemalePhilippines2006-08-02 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot APPROVED TODAY!!!!!
That was easy!!! Congrats!!! :thumbs: :yes: :yes: :yes:
karlehoneyFemalePhilippines2006-08-02 17:15:00

AM Presently residing in UK and is now engaged to a green card holder of the USA i would like advise on how to go about obtaining the required documents to make this move possible. I WANT to move to the USA with him :help:

You need to have your fiance file form I-129f for you. You should deff check out the guides that are provided on this forum. Go to the "guides" tab and then click on the fiance (K1) guide and the process is layed out step by step for you.

ClaraxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-03 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrenup...?
My fiance and I are going with a prenup. It does not have to be looked at in a bad way. It is going to kind of go hand in hand with a will. If I die my fiance will get the house and enough money to not have to worry about the bills for a long time if ever and my child from a previous marriage will be taken care of as well. But if my fiance has an affair they "aint gettin nuttin". In my opinion if you have children from a previous marriage and any assets at all you should maybe consider a prenup and a will. Why would you want the state to make these decisions for you ??? its your money and your child (children) And in the event of your untimley passing I'm sure you would want all involved to be treated fairly and trust me you can not count on the state to do that. In fact I believe in the state I live in if you die without a will the spouse gets everything! Can you imagine if you were married for only a year or two and passed away and your child (children) got nothing. (This is of course assuming your children are grown and do not live with you). Besides that if you have a child from a previous marriage then you allready know that unfortunatley things dont always work out.
samiamMalePeru2006-01-29 23:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs debt a problem?
Hello to all
I would like to start by saying how much I appreciate everyone here at V.J. what a great recourse this site is.

My foreign fiance recently told me about some debt they have not made any payments on for about the last two years. It seems they had a good paying job at the time and used bad judgment and got in over their heads with credit cards . They have since not been able to find a good paying job as they live in a fairly impoverished country with high rates of unemployment and under employment and realistically have little if any chance of ever being able to pay this off and I currently do not have the funds to take care of this for them. The debt is somewhere in the neighborhood of the equivalent of nine thousand U.S. dollars.

My fiance said they had not told me about this because they were embarrassed and ashamed of having done this and they did not think it would have any impact on the visa process. However they recently spoke to a friend that was denied a tourist visa to the U.S. because of unpaid debt. The friend said that the U.S. embassy has a computer to keep track of debts like this.

I know a tourist visa is not the same thing as a K-1 and I have read here on V.J. that for the most part only crimes of moral turpitude are a concern. And unpaid debt though wrong is not a crime.

My question is this: has anyone heard of someone being denied a K-1 visa due to unpaid debt?
I am really concerned that we may be doomed before we ever start and I now have the application ready to submit but am going to wait to send it in until I know what to expect.

Thank you for reading my post and for any advice you might have.
samiamMalePeru2006-02-27 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing for the interview
Hello DIDIER and OLY

I can't offer any advice on assembling and organizing things for the interview but I wanted to wish you both the very best and that every thing goes smoothly at the entrevista. I have been lurking on this forum for quit a while and have read your posts and I know you have been helpful very supportive of others here at V.J.
I just mailed my Form I-129f today and my Fiance lives in Lima also. She is already getting nervous thinking about the Interview so maybe sometime after the interview Oly could call her and give her some tips.

again best wishes to you both


Edited by samiam, 03 March 2006 - 08:03 PM.

samiamMalePeru2006-03-03 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe Got The Visa!!!
Congratulations and best wishes to you both.
samiamMalePeru2006-03-03 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got The visa!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo
Way to go you guys did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What fantastic news I wish you both the very best and thank you for for sharing your experience with us. :dance: :D
samiamMalePeru2006-03-09 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLease Help
Thank you for your reply's

I have one more question Regarding the letter of intent.

I just typed my letter and started my letter with my address as the example shows but it looks funny to me without my name before the address.
Should my letter of intent start with my name and adress or just the address?

Sorry for the stupid question but I am nervous and want to do everything right the first time
thanks once again for your help.
samiamMalePeru2006-01-29 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLease Help
[font=Arial] Hello to all

I just asked this same question recently but can't for the life of me remember the answer and now due to the server problem I can not search to see what answers I recieved last time I asked.

My fiance is trying to write a letter of intent today and had this question for me.

According to the example letter here on V.J. the first thing on the letter of intent is the petitioner's address do we each put our own address on our letters or should my address be on both letters. ( I am the U. S. citizen)

Also I read on another thread today here at V. J. that the letter of intent sent in with the I-129F, should have the address of the service center rather than the address of the foreign embassy as the example letter shows. Can anyone confirm this for me. Otherwise we will both put the address of the embassy as the example letter states because I have not seen this issue come up before and am guessing no one has had a problem doing it this way.

Thank you in advance for your help!
samiamMalePeru2006-01-29 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to withdraw application
Hello to all

Can anyone tell me how to go about cancelling a K1 application that has not yet been approved?

The NOA1 was in March but no NOA2 yet.

Does a person have to describe the situation or is it as simple as an email or phone call?

thank you in advance for any advice you may have.

Best Regards
samiamMalePeru2006-07-11 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanother I-129F quick question
If one does add a number and they were born in the US will it make a difference?
Smitty91Not TellingPhilippines2006-08-05 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEWBIE QUESTIONS!!

You can also expect that your case will be transferred to California. Nebraska is no longer processing K-visas but the paperwork still says that they should be sent there....

Why is this???
Smitty91Not TellingPhilippines2006-08-06 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 18 of the I-129F Form
Thanks everyone.
Smitty91Not TellingPhilippines2006-08-19 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 18 of the I-129F Form
In the form-fillable version of this form, how does one enter multiple lines for Question 18? If one types in more text than the box is wide, the text does not wrap around to the next line but keeps on going into space which you cannot see. The only way one knows that additional text is there is with "+" in the bottom right hand corner. Will I have to provide an additional sheet or is there some way to fit four or five sentences in this box via some sort of carriage return? (Hitting enter doesn't work as this)

Many thanks.
Smitty91Not TellingPhilippines2006-08-19 14:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresB1/B2 Visa to IR1 or CR1
Have a look at DCF Australia, out of touch but it used to be it was a very easy and quick route.

When she came back in December was it just to visit? That is the issue. I am assuming that as it is now March the answer is yes.

She needs all the documentation etc so if she needs to leave within the next say 4 months she will need to go through Australia - DCF/K1/K3 as appropriate.
BoilerMaleWales2007-03-23 15:10:00