K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa 3 month start timing and travelling with a K1 Visa
AP price could have increased by the time they file.

And if she leaves after they marry it would not be a K1 she would need to apply for.
BoilerMaleWales2007-02-04 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa 3 month start timing and travelling with a K1 Visa
Assume she will not be able to travel for at least 3 months after you get married and file, she will need Advanced Parole to get back in.
BoilerMaleWales2007-02-04 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport to expire this Sept.
You do not mention applying for AP?

When do you want to travel.

How long does your Embassy take to renew a passport.
BoilerMaleWales2007-02-05 23:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRussian daughter for visit

I am not sure where this post belongs so i put it here. My wife would like to bring her russiaqn daughter, 25, and her boyfriend here for a 2 week visit sometime this summer. They own an apartment in Russia, he has a business, she a job, own two vehicles, money in the bank. What are their chances of being able to come? do they need an invitation from me like when i went to Russia?

I would appeciat any helpon this matter.

They would apply for a B2 Visa at the local Consulate.

Usually one of the "Bringing" Forums.

They do not need an invitation, but no harm in dropping them a note.

The main issue is that it is Russia, everything else looks OK. Take evidence of their ties and need to return.
BoilerMaleWales2007-02-12 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Please: Bringing children over under K1 within 1 year of issuance
Tring to work out what the sale of land has to do with any of this.

None that I can think of. An asset does not need to be realised to count as far as an Affadavit is concerned.
BoilerMaleWales2007-02-20 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinace's parents at the wedding in US

Ok, I have a question in this area .. How long does it take to get a visa for the family members? We have to be married in the first 90 days so at what point should the visa application be filed?

Apply asap.

Depending on the country some visitors require visa's, some do not.

And then there is the issue that some countries citizens for obvious reasons have difficulty getting visitors visa's.

So once you have a date, they should apply.
BoilerMaleWales2007-02-22 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa...can you just marry anyone?

ok - just to mix it up a bit - how about some COMPASSION

if you love someone - you want them to be happy right?
so he found out about her illness and decided his kids would be affected, and that the kids take priority. that doesnt change the love. havent you ever felt happy, because someone that you love was happy? he just wants her to be happy, even if it cant be with him.

and for those of you who are NOT writing from a 3rd world country - you cant compare your experiences. cancelling a K1 for a person in 3rd world country is very hard. especially if you yourself lived in the country and experienced the conditions first hand. because you know that leaving them will be leaving them in those conditions. hard to do to someone you love.

is the intent to commit fraud? maybe - maybe not.
however i think the beating this person is getting for simply asking for guidance - in a forum where its expected to ask for guidance - is utterly unVJ. for all those that offered no helpful advice but simply rude and insulting comments, your VJ membership should be revoked. we are here to share information and experiences in order to make the process easier for all of us.

if you cant help someone with thier question - dont respond.
i couldnt believe the comments posted on this message.
im still in shock ..........


K1 requires both parties to state that they intend marrying, by the OP's own admission he had no such intention. So no maybe not.

And as others have pointed out the whole system would be a lot simpler if there was not such fraud going on, especially those going through Manilla.

How about some compassion for them?

Edited by Boiler, 09 March 2007 - 11:20 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2007-03-09 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngaged to a Canadian - what are the options?


My fiance is a Canadian. We plan to get married in April here in the US. After that we'll be spending time in both countries but would like the option of being able to work in both countries. We will be doing quite a bit of traveling both in the US and Canada. Any advice is appreciated but I am very confused as to whether or not to bother to get the finance visa or just wait till we're married and then apply for a green card. It doesn't look like we'll have enough time to get the visa before April. In the time up to April he will be visiting me and making trips back to Canada. This is all very confusing.

Thanks for any replies,

Well if you want just apply for a Green Card you will have a lot of lying ahead of you.

Nothing to stop you getting married in the US and then leaving, bring plenty of evidence of non immigrant intent and return to Canada in case quizzed. You would then need to apply for a K3/CR1.

As far as freedom to travel, live and work in both the 2 countries you both need to be Citizens of both Countries. Otherwise you need to decide which has priority.
BoilerMaleWales2007-01-09 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmergency visa?

I know of no specific visa for this purpose.
BoilerMaleWales2007-04-02 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmergency visa?

I can't answer your specific question but it seems that wait time for a visa in Buenos Aires is 24 hours?
It's not clear whether 24 hours is the time needed to get an appointment or to get the visa (assuming it is not delivered at the same time as the appointment). You might wanna ask them directly?

The link actually says, looks like 3 or 4 days total.

Basically you do not need an emergency appointment, Consulates that have long waiting times do have a procedure for this sort of situation.

Usual requirements apply for any Visitors Visa.
BoilerMaleWales2007-04-02 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family

The reason I didn't post too many details is becasue I thought it might be general "yes/no, but..." type answer.

and it was.
BoilerMaleWales2007-04-04 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family
Having relatives illegally in the US may suggest that someone coming here has intent to stay also, so a major issue for those applying for Visitor Visa's.

But this is for an Immigrant Visa. So whats the problem?
BoilerMaleWales2007-04-04 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family
I will go with Andy,


My girlfriend has relatives here in the US that are on expired tourist visas.
They are actually immediate family that came on tourist visas a couple of years ago, and never went back.
They are Colombian and I am American. Interestingly enough, this may sound like a red flag,
but given all that I know about her, I am completely comfortable with it. (Except of course the legalities)

Anyway, would this affect a K1 for us? (or K3)



Does the OP have other issues, no idea and anyway if he has all he has to do is post.

There must be some Consulates where not having relatives illegally present in the US would be unusual.
BoilerMaleWales2007-04-04 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family
Agree, except I have never heard of any relative being deported as a result.

I have seen Visa's refused for lying on the application.

Edited by Boiler, 04 April 2007 - 02:34 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2007-04-04 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long do I have to wait ?


1. How long does it take to let me get a K-1 visa ?

2. Is there any possiblity that I can finish the whole process by the end of April since I still have SSN# and bank account in States. Our case is much easier that we live together for 1 years in States and I have been to states over 10 times before.

3. Can I use B1/B2 visa to enter States and to plan my wedding after filing I-129 as a benificiary ? Will they prevent me to enter ?

1. 6 to 9 months, see Immigration Timelines for better guidance on your particular situation.

2. None of the information you mention is relevant to Visa processing.

3. Yes, they might, you should come with plenty of evidence substantiating you current non immigrant intent.

You would be better of posting in the K1 forum, lots of people there in a similar situation.
BoilerMaleWales2007-03-21 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?
Judging from the many threads on this subject I have seen, I believe it does not make any difference, I thought it should but am being too logical.

I often wondered if they do have that data, another question that has been asked, never seen it answered. I am inclined to think they do not, but would not want to risk relying on that.

Edited by Boiler, 22 March 2007 - 04:22 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2007-03-22 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?

If my Mexican fiance has a tourist visa for the United States, is she still permitted to come and visit me in the United States while our K-1 is processing?

Does she automatically surrender her Tourist Visa when we apply for a K-1?

Is something noted in the Immigration system when she enters the US on the tourist visa that she is also in process for a K-1?

I'm trying to understand if I always have to be the one to fly down or can she also fly up to visit me.

Any insight would be helpful! Thanks!

Here is a quote from VJ guide to answer your question:;page=k1visit

In other words, it's best if your fiance can prove she will return.
I am in the same or almost the same boat. Filed for K-3 want to go visit my US hubby on tourist visa, but worried about the consequences...

Perfect! VJ has the answers for us once again. We may not like the answer, but it seems if your fiance decides to visit the US at any point during the process there is a risk of being turned away. :crying:

Not quite:

We may not like the answer, but it seems if your fiance decides to visit the US there is a risk of being turned away.

Is more accurate.

I visited. many do without issue.
BoilerMaleWales2007-03-22 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance visa advice
They have a waiver available anyway, and by the sound of it getting the waiver should not be that hard, he seemed to be bitching most about the time it takes, welcome to the USA.
BoilerMaleWales2007-04-25 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance visa advice
You will also see horror stories on here from people who have used incompetent lawyers. That may be unfair as for these cases most if not all of the work would be done by an assistant.

I believe the majority of those on visajourney did it themselves. Some came here after lawyer issues.

But for some people a Lawyer is essential. On the face of it this does not seem one of them.
BoilerMaleWales2007-04-25 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance visa advice
Marry now and adjust.

No waiting time.

You will need Advanced Parole to travel, that could take 3 months.

The link whilst interesting has not a lot to do with this issue.

With fiance visa in hand, she entered the United States already married to Keith - an error in judgment the U.S. government has labeled fraud but the Campbells argue was an honest mistake.

For the life of me I am hard pressed on how they got so confused as to whether or not they were married.
BoilerMaleWales2007-04-24 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Run!
I would be prepared to be flying back from Canada.

Chances, difficult to say, sen it done but all a question of how lucky you feel.
BoilerMaleWales2007-05-30 00:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot yet married, now confuse!

Sorry about the caps, thanks for the info by the way

So I-130 is different from IR-1? Whats the difference? Is the span of time of process is the same between the two? I just cant live without my family sorry for being inquisitive.

thank you god bless you all

The first is a form you fill in, the second is the Visa you get, probably the one you got when you moved to the US.
BoilerMaleWales2007-06-05 23:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot yet married, now confuse!






1. Marry

2. Petition now as a LPR

3. If you are still waiting when you have naturalised you can upgrade your petition.

4. I-130. See guides, you just have to wait for a visa number otherwise it is pretty much the same as a IR-1.

There is the possibility that any Immigration Reform sic could do away with the wait, not something to bet on.

PS Caps = shouting
BoilerMaleWales2007-06-05 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot yet married, now confuse!


And a V visa is only possible if the I-130 was filed prior to December 21, 2000.


OK then Immigrant visa (F2A) Still will be quicker than waiting until 2011 to file for a K-1 and then 9 months beyond that.

Typically LPR Spouse visa takes 2-3 years for a visa number to come up, then a few months after that for the visa interview, less time than waiting the 4+ years for citizenship and K-1.

CSC is processing I-130 s for spouse of LPR from Jan 05, so just over 2 years to get a visa number at this point.

Re read Post 8 above, you must be getting confused with something else.

I would only ad that if the OP does get married, it would be worthwhile filing as a LPR in case Citizenship is delayed, the petition can always be upgraded.
BoilerMaleWales2007-06-05 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Divorce need to be final before applying? + other question
The quickest route would be for you to move to Morrocco.

You can be together before deciding if you want to take the matter further, and if you do wait there for the visa.
BoilerMaleWales2007-06-07 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Divorce need to be final before applying? + other question

A "fiance" can enter on a tourist visa, marry and "stay" as long as the visa allows, but must return to their home country for a visa interview (K3 or CR1). Once the visa is issued, they may come to the USA and obtain permanent resident status.

A "fiance" by definition, cannot legally marry and stay in the USA and adjust status after coming to the USA on a tourist visa. Only when the decision to marry occurs after entry can a (now) spouse who entered without intention to marry, can the "spouse" stay and adjust status.

Please use the "Guides" link at the top of the page and then come back with any questions after your study.

This info conflicts with other info on this page, saying it is too risky to do this. What are the facts? It seems to me, with this advice, since we have not started any finacee filing, that it would work.

Number 1 fact - does he have a US B2 Visitors Visa.
BoilerMaleWales2007-06-07 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUPDATED Approval Statistics for All CSC ( March/July)
ahh number crunchers are sooo wonderfull :D

Thanks so much :thumbs:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-10 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor those who havent yet filed
yeah sorry my lawyer is in Rhode Island and I had to file CSC...nice try though
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-11 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToday was a very good day at the CSC!!

I second the congratulations all around!

:dance: :dance: Congradulations to everyone!!! I am now thinking that we will be approved much faster than I thought :D Keep it up CSC :yes:

Your NOA1 date, 7/31, is the same as mine. Your VJ estimate is 12/31. I think that is MUCH too conservative. I suspect you and I will get our NOA2's in late October/early November. And if CSC keeps up this higher production rate, it might even be mid-October! Good luck to us both.


That would be so great... :thumbs:
I wonder what happened that got things moving, whatever it was :dance: YAY!!! :dance:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-12 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToday was a very good day at the CSC!!
:dance: :dance: Congradulations to everyone!!! I am now thinking that we will be approved much faster than I thought :D Keep it up CSC :yes:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-12 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC on pace to finish March, April, May this month
I have not had touches either...that does not stop me from looking everyday...
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-17 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestouches mean nothing
where I come from being "touched" means you are crazy :hehe: ...touched in the head :lol:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-08-31 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 in just under 2 months! Holy cow!
oh I am so happy for you!!!! :dance:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-19 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew CSC/NSC/TSC timelines
YAY :dance: I can see it. Thanks Gary you truly are FABULOUS :thumbs:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-16 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew CSC/NSC/TSC timelines
ok confused :huh: Should I be seeing Sept 15? Because I only see Sept I broken? :huh: I dont want to be broken... :unsure: I wanna see the updates I wait all week for them :yes: Aw help I broken???

Thanks for all of the time and effort you put into the updates, the visual is a big help :yes:
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-16 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe New CSC/NSC/TSC timelines are posted
thanks Gary all your work is very much appreciated (F)
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-23 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDavid's visa was approved!!
that is lovely !!! Congrats (F)
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-25 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs a lawyer necessary?
We have a lawyer, we discussed it together and decided that is what was best for us. Not that we had the money for one, we needed the piece of mind. I am so far not sorry, our lawyer caught mistakes that could have cost us more time. To us the time is worth more than the money.
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-26 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJuly NOA1's and Touches this week
no touches no emails no nothing, still praying...
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-30 06:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe New CSC/NSC/TSC timelines are posted
Thanks for all your hard work Gary :yes: Hope to see my NOA 2 soon
PerseveranceFemaleNigeria2006-09-30 06:46:00