IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


yes, im just waiting for that day to come.


yes, i think it depends on the embassy for each country.


once my case get completed at NVC,i will look into medical,since my brain doesn't work :(

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-10 03:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


I called the medical office and asked "How far in advance I can take the medical before interview"

For Germany they said close to one year in advance, maybe it was 6 month. (I can't remember)

After I was done they send the medical to the embassy, and this is where it will be pulled when my interview day is.


so its advice-able to do medical exam before case get completed in NVC? or its differ from each country?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-10 00:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


After they see what is missed, you still can have it done with the regular doctor. Get it done before visa medical.

It only delays your interview if you don't pass the medical.


As I recall. Usually all vaccinations are done by the time we're 14 years. This is how I remember with my children.

Teenage girls have the HPV shoots done....Well...this of course didn't apply to me anymore.


How did you do the medical before you get interview date?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-09 08:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


I lost my papers ones in the states. What I did to proof I was vaccinated against...

I went to see the doctor and had my blood drawn...he simply checked through blood testing what I was vaccinated against.

(this test shows everything you ever been vaccinated against since childhood)

He then given me a new record on my vaccination.

The only thing I up-date is my tetanus shoot every ten years.

I hope this helps.



I have missed few vaccination when i was teenage smile.png , will they advice me to have those missed vaccination before i go for interview or it will delay my visa?  

Edited by neto123, 09 June 2013 - 08:24 AM.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-09 08:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


The medical isn't a big deal. When I did mine...

I peed in a cup (guess drug testing)

Blood pressure (don't drink to much coffee before) hahah..

They took some blood (checked for sexual diseases) So I was told.

Bring your vaccination records (show your up- to date with all)

X-ray of the lung

Than a doctor checked my eye sight and overall health.

1 picture

I was done within one hour.

Check with your embassy how far in advance you can take it and call the medical office with the same question (just for good measure)

Mine is good for one year, and my medical records are now with the embassy until my interview.


Forgot: I filled out regular questionairy. Health history.


OMG i dnt have any vacination record so far :( what am i going to do?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-09 08:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?

yes, that's what i said... in my case, 7 days before the interview... actually at least... some would even have their medical exam even if their case hasnt been closed yet in NVC.. coz they worry much about that x-ray test... and i am worried too.. coz if i wont pass, another 2 months delay... or maybe more.. :'(. but i know i will... (thinking positive)


why your worried so much about x-ray test?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-09 00:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


here in Phil, the applicants can decide when to do the medical exam as long as it should be 7 days before the interview. NVC was the one who set our interview appointment.


But NVC official site says we have to do the medical exam before their scheduled interview dates, check the link below




neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-09 00:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?

hello everyone. i already have an interview date and just waiting for the days to come for my medical exam. i still lack one supporting document but they said i just have to bring it on the interview. please pray for me that i will pass the medical exam. the waiting gave me so much stress that i feel sick, emotionally, physically and i think mentally too. LOL. may God be with us always.


Who will set date for medical exam?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-09 00:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


case closed... then the x-ray is the one some are worried...



neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-09 00:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Your AOS is all set from what I understand and now only waiting on DS230, plus they received on the 5th. I don't see why your case shouldn't be closed before the end of this month, that if everything goes smooth of course.  For interview schedule, you need to check with the local US Embassy, while you are waiting for case complete, write an email to local US Embassy ask them about time frame for immigration interview and see what they tell you. This will give you a head up on how long you need to wait after CC at NVC.


Have you try to contact US Embassy at Frankfurt for non-immigration interview window?.


I know a person who is working local embassy, i thought to contact him once the case got completed at NVC.By the way what does CC means.

What they will check in medical exam?What i have to pass in medical exam?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-08 23:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


There is nothing else but interview date after 230 dancin5hr.gif smile


I don't know how quick they assign interview. I wait for mine, but its been only 2 days since I wait.rofl.gif


Hope for best,there is nothing for you,just only waiting for final step (interview date)  goofy.gif

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-08 12:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


There is nothing else but interview date after 230 dancin5hr.gif smile


rofl.gif  then my case will get completed this month

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-08 11:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


They received your 230 on the 5th....I say by the 19th your through the process.


We all did good hanging in matter how insane at times (still do)we felt.


Wish everyone a peaceful weekend.


yes sonjat they received on 5th, hoping to call on 19th.Are you saying my case will get completed mid of this month?And by next month i may get interview date?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-08 09:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Well may be when I was younger when heart.gif  is all it matter yes.....I would call embassy every other hours laughing.gif .   Now a day that I already passed that stage of heart.gif .......nah......she can wait. laughing.giflaughing.gif


No my MIL haven't got schedule for an interview yet......but she can wait too.  laughing.giflaughing.giflaughing.gif


Even you pass your younger age,the love still there and it has been stronger, any way your mother-in-law got interview date :)

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-07 23:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?

Ah...ha.!!!......I just got off the phone with NVC and they have scheduled for MIL interview of July 11 8AM.  The PROS & CONS are coming very near. laughing.gif


your mother-in-law have waited long for this interview, good luck to her.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-07 23:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


You can call for your 864 anytime and ask if there is an RFE.

Your 230 you at least give them 10 working days.


I dare to say:....hahaha... Readerchoice mother in-law is waiting for interview date.

                                        Readerchoice himself isn't waiting.....rofl.gif


If readerchoice wife wait for interview, he would have call several times embassy for interview goofy.gif

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-06 09:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


I use chocolate as a speech. When I say I need to eat chocolate...people know I feel stressed.


Its my opinion your 864 is done. You can always call and ask operator if they have RFE in computer. (I did)


You just wait for 230....yeahhhhhh


Lets see next week possible to call.


I use chocolate as a speech. When I say I need to eat chocolate...people know I feel stressed.


Its my opinion your 864 is done. You can always call and ask operator if they have RFE in computer. (I did)


You just wait for 230....yeahhhhhh


what happen to readerchoice did he got interview date?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-06 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


This is so funny. I sure talk about real chocolate. haha...Every time I lost patience or felt stressed from waiting...I ate chocolate.goofy.gif

This meant I needed to exercise more.


My local embassy has 10 days to 1 month time after NVC to give me interview date. (But this is silly writing) Doesn't say if they have this time frame to set date for after. Or time frame to set date within this time. It doesn't seem busy according to the doctor at the medical office.


864 and 230 are two different departments.

You are done with your 864. They operator only tells you what the see in their computer. And when your 864 is in the computer this means you are done with it. My opinion.

Your 230 might be done in 10 working days from the date they received it. dancin5hr.gif


Ho real chocolate.


So your opinion says there is no REF for 864??? once they enter to the system???

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-06 04:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Thank you. Very soon its your turn. But your know I'm a "CRAB" I worry until I truly have my passport with stamp in my hand.

Only than I believe it. Reading from ZAMAR on here spookes me how things still can change.dry.png

But I'm sure to hear something next week. Date and time means the end is here.



Better you can get information about local embassy how busy they are at the moment,so if they are not that busy u can expect interview date soon.Am i correct?


My turn hope i have to wait sometime.exactly how long your gap between i-864 (not exact form :) ) and DS230 from the case closed days?

Yeah Readerchoice...The officer will much chocolate did you eat??

Sonja can say..."I given it up" ...I'm broke now and can't afford it.

I used the time wisely, I let go of my children hahaha...I did got great exercise out of my wait. I'm jogging close to every night since January 1st.


I need assurance...The officer isn't going to deny me in the final interview?? This spooks me now.

My fathers one year death anniversary is next week. This spooks me too.rolleyes.gif



guys ru talking about real chocolate???

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-06 04:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?

YEAH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>case completed.dancin5hr.gifrofl.gif  They're scheduling interview at embassy. I will be notified my email.





wow congrates to you,very happy to hear this.  dancin5hr.gif

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-05 22:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Sorry, they constant time difference.

YESdancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gif its in their system.  Now breath. rofl.gif


They can only say "received" when its in their computer and they see it

goofy.gif Its done.



Lets see,i just want to switch off my mind for few weeks.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-05 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Don't lose it. rofl.gif

Now you know they got 864 and 230 in their house....This is good news.

Give the 230 10 working days before calling.

Are you saying that you expressed mailed your 864 on May 16th???

This means they got it around the the 20th.

Did you ask if its in the computer. I assume it is...otherwise they couldn't have told you.

This means 864 is done...just my opinion.


864 express mail 16th may from NY,so it just a day to reach NVC,but they have said 28th we received.I dnt no weather its in the system.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-05 00:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


If your doing consulate filing...You do Form  I-130 first with supporting documents.

After I-130 approval the  I-864 the financial part, plus DS-230.


Called NVC they said we received your i-864 on 28th May,but we express mail it on 16th may.I dnt no what's the hell is this?I got notification from aramex express they delivered DS 230 on 5th June,it was today.I am fedup b this process.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-04 20:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


This is nifty. smile.png  I call NVC on Wednesday again. This week brings conclusion.


I got told they have to set interview date within a 4 week range for Germany. But I don't hold my breath.


I told NVC that once they computerize the last document, I am interview ready. (Got us laughing)





If your case got closed at NVC this week and if your interview date is within 4 weeks you can stay probably smile.png


Edited by neto123, 03 June 2013 - 10:45 PM.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-03 22:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


July 7



my hubby is July 8th :)

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-03 10:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Might be tomorrow or Wednesday for them to get your docs. Looks like we both run into middle of June.


I hope to get home before my birthday. Would be a nice goal of the mind.


Always finding something to hang on to. rofl.gif


When is your birthday? My hubby birthday coming july,it would be great if i go at that time

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-03 10:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?

My marriage termination hasn't been reviewed yet.


But I was told this to be the only thing before interview date is assigned.


The ending is the longest stretch.. content.gif


keep on calling them.


My documents is forwarded to New York Office,United States (Aramex express).Stil NVC dnt received yet.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-06-03 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


good.gif Good...I call on Tuesday myself.

Now that everything is send on your side, get ready for interview. Just check what your consulate requires for you to have.

Organize all you documents and keep busy.


who is "consulate", normally what documents they ask for? is this documents for interview or before interview???

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-31 09:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


We just had a holiday last Monday. Which one is this weekend???


i mean saturday and sunday.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-31 06:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


At least they work on it. Call again in 2 days or so. When they tell you its done, make sure to ask if their is an RFE attached to it. Just saying.

Their computer can tell you in advance, and you don't have to wait for their writing. But you are not going to have an RFE. goofy.gif


My 864w was quick. I assume because it only entailed one paper for me to sign.


hoping to call coming tuesday,its weekend now so they may be in holiday.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-31 05:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


This 20 days is just their standard response to keep me from calling.


Pretty much ten days (2 weeks) or less. With an RFE they don't go through all the papers anymore.


Meaning. My case is complete inside their computer, they just want to add my correct divorce papers with seal to transfer everything to my consulate.


So I hope someone will be quick to enter the 'last' in their computer.


hopefully everything will be comple soon for you, my hubby has call NVC to know about i-864 process,they have replied still in process call us next week,according to my calculation 11 working days over.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-31 05:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


I just called NVC. Documents from my checklist (RFE) are not computerized yet. Same story...wait 20 days.


Another 20 days for RFE?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-30 23:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


dancin5hr.gif must feel exhausted now. You can start calling them around the 12th.


Happy for you.


yes its big relief, after tuesday i want to count the days :)

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-30 11:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


You are already blessed.

Now just do the work.goofy.gif It will run smooth.


i send my DS230 by Aramex express,they said they will reach in 3-4 working days,today is Thursday NVC will receive on Tuesday hopefully :)

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-30 10:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?





Bless me everything should go smoothtly

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-29 22:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Yes...fill out second part and do not sign. But send.


No stapling. Use clips. Write case number on all documents upper right corner, name and birthday. Use pencil. Write the same on back of picture with pencil. use clip.



yes sonjat, when i ask my hubby he said clip it, for AOS we have to stapler it and in ur case use paper clip.Just one clip all the documents together will be fine right?

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-29 21:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Well...than start filling it out. Sign the first part only. Attach your supporting papers and send it on its way.goofy.gif


yes sonjat i did sign only part one not the part two, by the way shal i stapler whole documents with the photos? because if i use paper clip i am scared i may loose the documents.i feel good if i stapler whole document together.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-29 20:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Well...than start filling it out. Sign the first part only. Attach your supporting papers and send it on its way.goofy.gif


What about second part?? i fill the second part but dnt sign it.i am going to send the document today in a few hours.

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-29 20:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


The whole DS230 is about the beneficiary (which is you)

# 1-9 ..  all your information

#10-11  USA address you will be living

#12-13  again about YOU, where you are right now

# 14-18  all about YOUR petitioner (your hubby)

#19 -23  all about YOUR father

# 24-28  all about YOUR mother



DS2001 was for my country. Really nothing important.


I hope this helps.



Yes its helps me alot, this is what i said my hubby but he said if you think its about ur parents go ahead :) he got so angry the way i said him dancin5hr.gif

neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-29 10:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2012 I-130 Filers?


Okay. It didn't work out yesterday. mad.gif  But the goal is Friday. good.gif Hang in there one step after the next.



yes, there is a small doubt in filling DS230 form, they have asked 


1.father family name,first name and middle name,DOB,place of birth, current address ect

2.mother's family name,first name and middle name,DOB,place of birth, current address ect



my question is above information is my husband's parents details or my parent's detail

I said my husband its my parents details because this is the form i have to send,but my husband saying its my parents details because above this question they have asked for "date and place of birth of spouse"



can you please tell me whose's parents details i need to give?mine or my husband's parent's details??


please check number 19 in the below link



yes, there is a small doubt in filling DS230 form, they have asked 


1.father family name,first name and middle name,DOB,place of birth, current address ect

2.mother's family name,first name and middle name,DOB,place of birth, current address ect



my question is above information is my husband's parents details or my parent's detail

I said my husband its my parents details because this is the form i have to send,but my husband saying its my parents details because above this question they have asked for "date and place of birth of spouse"



can you please tell me whose's parents details i need to give?mine or my husband's parent's details??


please check number 19 in the below link

 sorry i dnt give the link on above comments


neto123Not TellingSri Lanka2013-05-29 09:35:00