IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmails for Bonafide Evidence - I130

long as they are both to the same person at the same email you were sending to

Good Luck

Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-12-18 03:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmails for Bonafide Evidence - I130
Hi, and thanks for all your helps!

I used a email when the relation started, but after a while I changed the emails address, can i show both of email addresses for evidence?
Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-12-18 02:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOriginal documents with I-130

Do not send original to the USCIS they only require photocopies. Because you will require to submit the original at he NVC.

Do not Send original to the USCIS

thanks you very muchh!!! :D
Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-12-31 01:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOriginal documents with I-130

We should send original marriage certificate or certificate copy?, because USCIS requets one and NVC too, what we need to send?, because obviously we only have one original.
Thanks a lot!
Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-12-31 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´ll change my name, ¿how long must my fiancee wait to send the I-129F form?

The only problem that I can see is the possibility that someone at the Registradura Nacional makes an error on your new cedula and you have a petition with one version of your new name and a national identity document with a different version of your name. While not an insurmountable problem, you would need to sort it out prior to your interview. How long would it take to issue a revised cedula?

to change my new name in cedula is aprox. 6 month, i did change it as 2 month ago, and... in 2 months we`ll send the i130 form.
i think this time is good, no?

Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-11-15 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´ll change my name, ¿how long must my fiancee wait to send the I-129F form?

I agree with Ginger. If it isn't absolutely necessary to change your name now, I would definitely wait until after you've done the K-1. If it makes you feel any better you can have your friends and family start calling you by your new name but still use your old one on official documents until after you're married. That is what I would do.

Best of luck!

but i did change mi name, mi question is: how long must my fiance wait to send the form?, sorry for my english! i thing that was a mistake when i wrote

but i did change mi name, mi question is: how long must my fiance wait to send the form?, sorry for my english! i thing that was a mistake when i wrote
Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-11-15 04:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´ll change my name, ¿how long must my fiancee wait to send the I-129F form?
ill change my first name by my own desire for religious reasons.
Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-09-05 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´ll change my name, ¿how long must my fiancee wait to send the I-129F form?

I'm a bit confused by your post but since no one else has answered I'll try and see if I can help. So are you changing your first name or last? If it's your last name and you're still not married (which I would assume you're not based on the rest of you info) then most people do this after they are married. In fact unless it's a tradition to do this prior to the marriage in your country then it may concern the consulate and they might think you're already married. If this is about changing your first name then I would recommend waiting until you change your last name and do it all at once to say you the hassle.

ill change my first name only, but i need to know if it is good to wait some time or we can send the I-129F form anyway?, however... isnt a prior en my country change the last name, it is just my own desire for religious reasons.
Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-09-05 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´ll change my name, ¿how long must my fiancee wait to send the I-129F form?

This monday i´ll change my name in my country, first of all i need change documents, like: passport, id, drivers license, etc.
For more information to my question:
to change it i need first go to a notary, change the name on the register, and then allows me the new ID, all this in just 2 days, but the new id document takes about three months, before they give me a document that says that the new ID is being processed.

Is it necessary to wait some time?.... or my fiancee can send the documents with my new name, and while approving the form I-129F, is this time an advantage for me?, i dont know, please help me.

Thanks a lot!
Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2010-09-05 03:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures6 months still waiting for NOA2

My case is already ONPT, the big problem I have here is that we have a three year old that keeps asking when is his dad is going to be here, why is he in Spain? why we can just go to the airport and visit him, this is why this whole process is so hard for me, I can't stand seeing my kid crying at night, at Christmas he said he didn't have Santa to come, he didn't want any toys all he wanted is to see his dad.

We are not the same, some people are more patience the others, some people have different scenarios, I'm not trying to compare myself with anybody is just it will be nice if they tell you something, give you some kind of hope that's all

I know is a bite late to respond, but your history, wow... amazing, thats really sad.. Thanks God ur husband is now with you, i whish you all the best. I found your topic because we have 4 months waiting for NOA2, is very frustrating, but God will help us!

Sam&KathleenMaleColombia2011-08-29 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAAAAAAAAA!!!,2011-12-02 17:41:000 TellingK-1 VisaMan u guys from June and July still waiting got me kind of concerned because I got my NOA1 in mid August. Hopefully I will be lucky and get NOA2 early!!
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbring my brother with me
Hello. I have a question, Can i bring my little brother with me wiht my K1 ,ON THE PACK 3 i ahve to submit information of any kid i intent to brign with me, can i do it? .I had to name him on the first forms we sent before get NOA2. or I can just do the paper work for him and bring himw ith me,plssssssssss answer...thanks.... :thumbs: :blush: :help:
billy&leslyFemaleColombia2007-06-01 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot our interview date in Bogota!!!!
Hi everyone,

I called and confirm that we have our K1 interview in Bogota on Sept 3 !!!! :dance:

I want to thank everyone for thier help, We started in June and are now trying to get our minds wrapped around the fact that we are sooo close, the last 5 months have just flew by!!!! :wow:

We want to thank everyone and will keep you posted on the outcome.
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-08-05 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBank letter question for Interview
Hello Everyone!

I have a question regarding the bank letter needed for our interview. I called Bank of America and I got a letter with my name and the following and they indicate this the information below is for the past 12 months:

Type of account
Account number
Current balance
Averge balance
Date opened

I wanted to confirm if that is what needed, the letter is addressed to me and not "To whom it may concern". I have also read that there is a charge but there was not none when I asked for this. Can someone please assist? :help:

Thank you
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-08-11 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsINTERVIEW TODAY..AND APPROVED!!!
Congratulations!!! :D
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2011-02-28 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! Question - K1 Evidence
Thank you all for your replies! we are still trying to get all the papers together.
I believe we'll be sending the papers by the end of this month! :D
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-04-02 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! Question - K1 Evidence
[font="Verdana"]Hi everyone! We would like to get some help since we are about to fill out petition.

After 1 year & 6 monhts of relationship we got engaged 11 days ago :D . We are trying to gather all necesary evidence and information to fill out the papers and make sure we dont leave anything out.
We have been reading a lot in other topics and have found advice on what kind of evidence would be relevant. like:
[*]Passports stamps
[*]Boarding passes
[*]Hotel receipts
[*]ATM receipts
[*]receipts of other expenses in the foreign country
[*]Photos (labeled)
[*]vaccination supplement and medical copies

We also have records of the times he has sent me money and of course tons of pictures.
We met during a visit he made to the company I work for for some training. He was here for 21 days that time and after that he has come back to visit me 3 more times. Since the company he works for is our business client a friend from work that has lived in the states and kind of went thru the same thing advised me to get a letter from my boss stating that I've been working there for x years and that we have business with the company he works for as our client.
Do you think this may be useful? What other information do we need?

Thank you all :help:

>VJ has been really helpful< :)
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-03-30 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone Bills for K1 first package
Thank you all!! this has been a great help. The thing is that I've read all guides and even the embassy's page in bogota and it can be confusing. From personal experience here its better to cover our backs, unfortunately our political and social situation does not help for this kind of processes. We definitvely do not want to leave any kind of information behind but we do not want to send out more than necesary that it may look bad on us either.

I am also still not clear on the next step to follow. After he sends everything i know it will be send to Bogota and after that is when it gets confusing.

I read on the EMbassy's web page that they will send me a letter notifying on which form to send and with which papers then after that I send that in to Bogota they will send another letter (NOA) advising on the date for the physichal exam and the interview. Is that the way it goes or there is any additional information I need to send in??

Thanks! :)
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-04-29 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone Bills for K1 first package
Hi Everyone,

My fiance has been taking a look at his cell phone phone bills and we are getting ready to send all the information in. We were wondering if it is better to highlight all calls we have ever made to each other or to black out the ones that are not from us and leave the ones we want the same.

Thank you!!!!

if you can send me tips on what we should have, out of the regular info, that would be great!!! Thanks!!!!
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-04-28 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG 325A Questions
Hey, Im going thru the G325 A form filling it out to send it to my fiance that will be submitting the papers and I find myself with question:

Applicant's last address outside the United states for more than one year

and according to the Form example I found here in VJ I am suposed to put my current address now the questions is. Which end date should I put in it? Is it going to look like I am moving if I put a month ahead? Should I just put 05/2010 which is the month we are sending the papers in?

Another question, my fiance is filling out his form. He is a naturalized citizen, should he include his "A number" or does he need to leave that blank?

Thank you all! :D
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-05-12 22:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures for I 129f package
Quick question. Sending pictures kissing is forbidden? or would it look bad?! what kind of pictures should we include?

GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-05-24 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCashing the check
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to know how long it takes for the check to be cashed, my fiance sent the data for I-129F on 5/27/10 and they still have not cashed the check...
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-06-04 23:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 processing time. How long?!
Thank you all!!!! and Jay-KAy we did receive the receipt and there is our case number there, so you say that's the NOA1? and the NOA 2? how long it takes for that?!

@ Dodi: I hope your case comes out really fast! I'm gonna take your advise to kill some time!!!!

GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-06-20 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 processing time. How long?!
Hello everyone

I would like to know how long it takes to receive the first NOA. We submitted the papers on the final days of may and they received them on June 3rd. I found this link here that says the time line is from 2 to 3 weeks. We did receive a receipt advising the got the check and collected the money.

How long do we have to wait to receive the NOA1? My fiance is pretty confident and patient but im going crazy =P is it normal that is taking so long?

GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-06-19 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!
Hi Everyone!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that we were approved !! :D We are going out to party but I will update everyone with more information by Monday.

I wanted to really thank everyone and VJ!!!
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-09-03 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security & Work permission with a K1
Thank you KAthryn :D
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-11-04 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security & Work permission with a K1
Thanks matt & Eliane :)
one more question what are the boimetrics? im new in this part of the process
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-11-02 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security & Work permission with a K1
HEllo friends from VJ. Long time without talking to you. Im here now to ask you a couple of things. Our Visa was approved :dance: YAY! thanks to all by the way. Without you this would have been 100 times harder.


I am planing on leaving next year and i was wondering how long in takes for me to get a permission to work. I know that it has to be after we submit the residency papers but how long does it take, is it as soon as they receive it and start studying the case or it takes longer?

Thanks all :luv:
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2010-11-02 19:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview question, please help
Where I am from (Colombia) this means She wasn't denied or approved they just need all the papers to be correct for them to make a decision. If this is about her having her interview to receive her K1 Visa she would have to get the correct translation of the police record and go back to the embassy for another interview. What she needs to find out is that if she needs to schedule another appointment or if she can just come back when the paper is ready and take all the papers they gave her back with her just in case. Maybe there is a Customer service line for the US embassy in her country that she can contact and get more info from ;)
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2011-03-16 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisa i have to be present?...
My now husband went with me to my interview. He didn't need to hand passport as a matter of fact when they review your papers at one of the windows before the actual interview they WILL ask her if the petitioner (you, her fiancé) is there with her and on my case when I said yes they put a sticker on my folder... So I am almost sure it counts a lot that you are there for her. I wouldn't have been able to go thru with it if he wouldn't have been there for me. ;D
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2011-07-14 01:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould a Cruise Wedding violate our Visa?
Don't even think about leaving the US not even Hawaii or puerto Rico! That was the first thing the immigration officer told me and my husband when I got here to the US. he said you can wait until you have your residency or your AP it won't be as long as it would be to be denied entry and start all over again. I got my green card in 3 months. The wait is not that long and is not worth the risk.

Good luck!
GG.GutierrezFemaleColombia2011-08-08 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 QUESTION!!!
My husband is a USC and is filling out an I-130. He almost has everything filled out except question Number ©#16:
"Has Your Relative Ever Been Under Immigration Proceedings? "
Choices are Removal, Exclusion/Deportation, Rescission, Judicial Proceedings.

I filed for Asylum and was denied. I was given Voluntary Departure and left on time. My question is, is that an "Immigration Proceeding"?
If it is, which box should I choose?

thank you!
sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-08-05 23:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230, DS-3032 Forms. Question About Minor
QUOTE (sachinky @ Oct 21 2009, 04:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let the 12 year old sign. I signed for my own passport when I was 8.

Thank you!
sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-10-21 17:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230, DS-3032 Forms. Question About Minor
Hi everyone,
I have a question about forms DS-230 and DS-3032. Does my son, who is 12 years old, sign the DS-230 and DS-3032, or should I sign for him?
My husband filed an I-130 for him.

Thank you for your help. smile.gif

Edited by sandramor1, 20 October 2009 - 10:56 PM.

sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-10-20 22:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about the NVC Shorcuts!
I want to thank everyone for all your help and suggestions. Today we received the NOA 2 approval letter (Hard Copy). My husband called NVC and they have not received anything from USCIS. We will keep calling until we have a case number.
We will keep you all informed as things come up.

Again, thanks to everyone for all the advise!!!!
sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-10-19 16:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about the NVC Shorcuts!
Hi everyone!! On October 13th we received an email stating that our I-130 was approved, we are very happy! I've been reading a lot abouth the NVC shorcuts, but I'm unclear about something, Do I, the beneficiary fill out the Form DS-3032 or does my husband, the petitioner fill it out.
Right now I'm in Colombia, should we wait to get the INVOICE ID NUMBER and send the application by email, or should we send the papers by regular mail?
Thank you all for your help and God bless!!!
sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-10-18 02:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 To IR-1?
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 31 2009, 02:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I remember reading somewhere that the date is based on the date that the visa is if your visa hasn't been issued and you passed the 2 year mark, it would automatically convert to IR-1. Double check NVC to make sure...if all else, it'll say it on your visa once you get approved...

Thank You
sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-10-31 01:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 To IR-1?
QUOTE (Darnell @ Oct 30 2009, 11:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
IMO - it's done at either the interview or the POE, depending.

Good Luck @NVC !

Thank you, that is what I'm thinking too
sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-10-30 23:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 To IR-1?
Hello everyone! I have a couple questions about CR-1 and IR-1.
I've been married two years (Today!). Does my application automatically turn to IR-1 or do I have to submit something to change it? Or is this done at the interview and when they give you the Visa?

Thank you
sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-10-30 21:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS & IV Bill Question
Thank you all!!
sandramor1FemaleColombia2009-11-07 12:14:00