K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
:thumbs: :dance: AWESOME KISK! CONGRATULATIONS! :thumbs: :dance:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-24 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

You can always just make Drue figure it out :innocent: . Just remind him that if you go to somewhere that's not the US, they might not let his lovely wifey back into the States!
I totally just found the place where I want to have our honeymoon:
I'm SO excited I finally get to start thinking about all this stuff for real!

That's an awesome choice for your honeymoon! If you're at all a party animal the keys are awesome! You definitely need to visit all the shops in Key West. They have some amazing festivals down there too. Note that there is a huge gay community down there so expect to see some bizzare happenings. One of the biggest fesitvals is Fantasy Fest. Its a lot like Mardi Gras in New Orleans but with a lot more nudity and it is definitely where the freaks come out at night. It's fun because it's more bizzare than most people see in a lifetime. If you have a problem with transvestites and public nudity I'd suggest avoiding it lol. Here's a video:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-23 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
ooops double post :whistle:

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 20 March 2010 - 11:53 PM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-20 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
PUUUUUPPPYY DOOOOOOGS! :D Wow too cool! I cannot wait until Leidy gets here we plan to get a puppy too. Hopefully I can talk her into an Akita, I'm kind of partial to them. Oh how fun! They're both beautiful dogs!

Hey thanks everyone for the congratz on the job, I almost feel like I can fly right now...Such a weight has been lifted.

To those of you still waiting I am sorry to hear it. It'll be soon and you'll want to fly too. Hang in there just a little longer....

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-20 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

wooooooo gratz :dance::dance::dance::dance:

I'll be living in South Carolina too. What city will u bee in?

Thank you! It's a huuuuuuuuuuge relief! I never imagined being unemployed for so damn long!We'll be living in Charleston. Boeing is building a new 787 production facility there so it seems to be a good time to be going. I'll be working in the current facility for now but once the big plant opens there'll be a huge influx of people etc. so maybe we can make some money in real estate too :-).

Where it it you guys will be?

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 20 March 2010 - 01:52 PM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-20 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

For those of you who heard me being so stressed and depressed about having been unemployed for so long.....................I GOT A JOB!! :dance: I'll be working for Boeing (again) on the 787. Now I'm not so stressed about bringing my baby here! :thumbs: We'll have to live in South Carolina instead of Florida but Ohh Well eh? Thank You God! I got a jooooob I got joooob :P
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-20 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Excellent find...I've been looking everywhere for a savable version of DS-230. Thank you so much!!! :thumbs:

Here's a pretty slick site that might help.....

" is a website where you upload your PDF form and link to it so other people can fill it out and sign it online. No software is needed. Any PDF form can be used, even if it's not "interactive", so you can get started right away. You can even invite a group to fill out your forms and track the results. Anyone that collects signatures or filled out forms will find to be a valuable time-saving resource".
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-15 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hey guys how's everyone doing? Congrats to those few of you who have been lucky enough to get VSC to approve you lately. VSC........Posted Image

Anyway..... What's your guys thoughts on printing out the DS-156 and/or the DS-156K with the barcode, running down to the bank the embassy requires and paying the $131 before it changes to $350 and not setting our interview appointment in bogota until early June? You think they'll have any problems with the 2 months in between? I hate to sound so cheap but I'm hopefully a few weeks from becoming un-unemployed (Boeing interview :thumbs:). After almost 6 months being unemployed I'm scratching for every cent. June looks to be the soonest we can get all our ducks in a row so I can attend the interview and fly with my sweetheart and all. Any thoughts?

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-12 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
I'd sure appreciate being bumped off Igors list the last 15 approved list.... Let's get it together there VSC! MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 09 March 2010 - 06:03 PM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-09 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
I'm still rooting for all you folks still waiting. Have faith! They're comin'......

Come on VSC, no slackin' because it's Friday, Damnit!
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-05 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

GRATZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks everyone for all the help with coping to this point. It's been a stressful endeavor....

I'm rooting on those of you who are still waiting! You'll get 'em soon!

Come on VSC let's see 8-10 more today!!!!!

Get it in gear!
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-04 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

:dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance:


Approved! No RFE!

Whooo Hoooo!

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-04 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
I just checked my staus and it said "Hey dummy you just checked 2 minutes ago....What'd you expect? :whistle: "

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 26 February 2010 - 04:33 PM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-26 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Excellent advice ThatGirl thanks
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-26 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Hi - I know only 1 of the answers. The IRS question - the payment plan is crucial so yes, you must send it. I only know this cos I read it yesterday on VJ, posted by one of the clever, trusted sources people. I've tried to find the link, but can't. Will keep looking for you, but basically they said as long as you have the payment plan in place, it shouldn't be a problem, but it is absolutely crucial.

Wow I love you guys.... I can get anwers before even refreshing the page....

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-26 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hello everyone,
Again Congratz to all those who have gotten their NOA2s

With all this activity here lately my fiancee is getting very excited. While for me I am getting somewhat stressed. I hate to throw some down trodden information into all this joy of late but I lost my job of 6 years last October. I filed for the K-1 in November thinking I'd have plenty of time to find work. I earned around $60K. Now I earn $536.00 every two weeks. It's hell!

Anyway.... I have had my father offer to be a co-sponsor. The thing is I am sure he's a bit private about his finances and I will suggest to him that he provide me with a sealed envelope if he so chooses.

I have a couple of questions about this.

#1 Even if I get a job here in the next few weeks I will still need a co-sponsor correct?

#2 If he wants to keep his finances private when it comes to me I can submit a sealed envelpoe with his information and I won't need to answer questions in regards to it, correct?

#3 #4 and #5 My understanding is that I should submit two I-134s one his and one mine. Does the fact that I owe back taxes to the tune of $10,000 have a serious negetive affect over and above the fact that I am an unemployed looser? I have a payment plan with the IRS. should I include this information? I heard that it might be possible to have him be the soul sponsor and I just bring my I-134 and info in case it is requested... Is this a fact?

We will be dealing with the embassy in Bogota Colombia.....

Anyones help would be greatly appreciated.......

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-26 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Whooo Hooo to everyone who has got their notices! This is awesome! Congratz!

:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-25 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hey Mike, Congrats brother! I wish you two a long and happy life together....... :dance:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-18 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

VSC is moving along for the K1 visas. YAYAYA I just got NOA2 right now. NOA1 to NOA2= 3 mths, 7 days.

Wow! Hey Congrats! :dance: I hope the rest of the process is easy sailing!!!!!!

I did November 18th. I am happy to put in..just gimme rights...or below is the same format...

Wow thanks for doing the 18th! That's me :thumbs: I'll eventually find that at this link yes?


Congrats and thanks! You guys are awesome!
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-10 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

This is starting to drive me completely insane. Why December 15th......why why why just a random freaking day. Almost 50% petitions looked at #######.

I have a feeling that they just sit there, put down all the days on a piece of paper, shuffle them in a hat and then pull them out. Someone lost a bet and has to do the whole Dec 15th day this month I guess....

Whatever, I am not even coherent anymore, just a raging psycho

Realistically, I tend to believe it's a numbers game and their methodologies play into to some sort of averages scenario. There was the Christmas holiday and after that there were some pretty severe storms up there. I'd assume some boss felt charitable over the holidays and ok'd too many extended vacations. Then during the storms there were too many "Snow Days". So to doctor the numbers and maintain their averages they had to show some activity in December. To me working around Government entities such as NASA this doesn't seem too farfetched. I've seen them do some pretty creative and ludicrous things to make themselves look good numbers wise. It's just my take on things, I could be totally off base............ Bottom line is............... My fiancé and I should be next...................... If you take into account the fact that Tuesday frequently falls just after the third Monday of every month that begins with a letter J in odd years, and the fact that beer nuts are most often around $1.49 while deer nuts are always under a buck, then I would have to say that it is only logical. Show me the flaw in my logic and I'll concede............ Don't get me wrong, I'm also thinking of all of you who have taken the time to figure all of this out. I believe you should see your work pan out in a very positive way. I mean really....Wouldn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy if we, who filed in later half of November, slide in front of you and take the brunt of the worries of November filers getting neglected away? :whistle:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-05 04:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Deleted post.....ooops

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 03 February 2010 - 08:00 PM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-03 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I'm confused...the link I am using for Igors list is http://cse.ssl.berke...vjdata/vsc.aspx and I dont see any estimated dates, is this the wrong one?

You can see your estimated date by clicking on your own timeline link in your profile. Your timeline currently states the following:

Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between February 20, 2010 and March 13, 2010

Note that it could very well change as more approvals are updated.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-01-21 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Oh hey I also wanted to wish all of you folks a Merry Christmas and may the New Year be the beginning of a wonderful future together. Hopefully all of our Fiance's will by our sides for good come Memorial Day....Good luck and God Bless...
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2009-12-21 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif blink.gif Patiently waiting.....

Hey....I happen to be visiting my love and her family for the holidays. Any suggestions on what forms or information we could be preparing or gathering while I'm here in Bogota?......When we get to the interview stage, her birth certificate will need translation or no? Any suggestions are appreciated....

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2009-12-21 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hey Folks,
I figured I'd join the fray.... I sent the pettition on the 13th. it was received yesterday the 19th. I sent a cashiers check so I cannot see when they cash the check so I'll be checking my mail 12 times a day over the next week or so I am sure. Oh and I just realized that I didn't write the names dates and locations on the back of the "proof of meeting" photos. I hope that doesn't create a problem....Do ya think it will? Please say no.... Ok so now I start to stress on the I-134 issue. I just became unemployed on October 1st. I have been gainfully employed for 6 years but suddenly I find myself in a pickle. Hey will owing the IRS a bit of funds negate this from ever really happening? AHHHHHHH somone tell me it'll all be ok?

Tony blink.gif
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2009-11-19 23:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWithdraw
Jim won.... :whistle:

Way to keep your cool guys.... good job

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 01 April 2010 - 12:26 AM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-01 00:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
Thanks for your help Becky,

I received the NO1 today so at least the process is under way. I'll deal with the speedbumps as they come. Main focus now is finding another well paying job in this economic climate....
I'm gald you made it here and again, it's really nice to get some help and reassurance thanks!

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2009-11-24 23:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
Hello Everyone,
Hey thanks for all the help with this stuff. It's a Godsend to have a place to get all this information.
Ok I just realized that when I sent my I-129F pettition last week that I didn't put names, dates and locations
ont the back of the many photos I sent of our meetings. Is this a huge issue? Will I receive a RFE or whatever? Is this the kind of thing that causes delays? Oh and finanaces.... I recently became unemployed after six years. I am confident I'll find work but I am financially retarded and I owe a bit to the IRS and my credit pretty much sucks. I'm used to earning about 60k a year but for now I am reduced to unemployment until I find more work. Can someone reassure me that when it comes to the I-134 I'll be ok? blink.gif

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2009-11-19 11:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Air France from Moscow to San Francisco
you can make it in one hour with one condition - if the plane doesnt have any delays.....we made it in one hour from 2C to 2E with smoking a cig, carrying heavy luggage and a cat smile.gif , but our plane didnt have any delays...
Good Luck !
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-08-24 06:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)waiting..
eu am primit pachetul cam intr-o saptamana, deci poti sa incepi sa e pregatesti. de acum lucrurile vor merge f repede, cel putin asa a fost in cazul cand ne-au anuntat ca pachetul merge spre ambasada si pana cand am ajuns in state au trecut cam 3 sapt-1 luna....
ti-ai faut examenul medical?? ti-l poti programa cu o zi inainte de interviu, daca nu esti din buc. ca sa poti sta acolo2 nu fii nevoit sa faci 10 drumuri...
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-12-18 09:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)EURO 2008
mai oameni buni...tot ce pot sa spun e am vazut meci mai prost si mai aranjat ca asta de schimbe ala toata echipa, nu stiu cate ratari din partea portocalilor....numa nu si-au dat olandezii autogol, si tu sa nu bagi un gol amarat....mare rusine.....
gabby4everFemaleRomania2008-06-17 17:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)EURO 2008
gabby4everFemaleRomania2008-06-17 11:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)EURO 2008
pumnii stransi pt maineeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAI ROMANIAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif good.gif
gabby4everFemaleRomania2008-06-12 17:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
mai sunt romani pe aici ? smile.gif
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-12-03 21:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
:D :D :D
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-08-01 12:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
bine te-am regasit!!! n-am mai vb de un car de ani :lol: :lol: :lol:
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-08-01 12:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
mai ar trebui s-o lasam mai moale cu vj :lol:
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-08-01 12:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
me me meeeeeeee :)
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-05-19 14:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
nu ai yahoo messenger?? nu vrei sa vb acolo ca e mai usor:) id ul meu e little_angel2225 daca vrei sa vb.
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-05-10 09:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
cum va pregatiti pt weekend??? :)
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-05-10 08:42:00