K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiancee work concern
then id be a little extra careful if i were you.....
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-08-08 19:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiancee work concern
how old are you?? did you met while she was working???
gabby4everFemaleRomania2007-08-08 10:44:00

Raising any of the fees involving USCIS/Immigration merely shifts more of the cost of these operations away from the taxpayers and puts more of a burden on those who want these services.

You think that because the fees are higher that this agency will require less tax payer money to function? Are you kidding me? Please let me know when they agency budget requests and fund allocations diminish.

I am sure that the fee increases, whatever they will be, have been costed out carefully. They should probably be even higher, truth be told.

This is what baffles me.... People honestly believe that the government does these things with efficiency and careful scrutiny. Instead of working diligently to cut costs and streamline the process they throw more and more money at these things while contending that the costs have increased. In many cases, as with administrative type duties, as technology advances and information become more readily available and more easily accesed the process can be affected with fewer burdens. For example in the case of passport cost increases the government has stated that since there are more people requiring passports these days that the cost to process has increased. Anyone with good business sense would understand that the more a process is done the more efficiently is can be done. This is never the case with our government. I've worked with wasteful government entities and I say that if they were to better manage their systems they have in place that they could save gobs of money. Instead they ignore their wasteful practices and place the burden on the tax payer every time their highly inefficient methodology become too cumbersome and expensive. You honestly believe that they look at the system and said "Wow we could save a bunch of money if we do this that or the other thing."? Nooo they say "Wow look at's expensive to do this stuff. We had better charge the tax payer more money...... They'll have no choice in the matter." Where is the incentive to streamline and reduce costs when they can simply increase fees? Where else are you to go and get these services? :bonk:

Don't get me wrong, I am not anti government and wish for anarchy or anything. These government agencies and the services they provide are much envied in many countries around the world. I am thankful for their existence and services. I just don't like how much waste and inefficiency takes place and that the burden created by this is being shifted so readily to the shoulders those who utilize the system.
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-07 17:05:00

I took a moment to glance over this webpage, and the information was not immediately available. Where is the info on the increased passport pages, for example? This website is cumbersome to say the least.


So cumbersome that I have made a huge mistake.

Apparently I understood that these fee increases pertained to non-immigrant visas also. But it turns out that the particular proposal that covered non-immigrant fees had a comment submission period that ended on February 12th 2010 and are soon to be implemented.

The fees that are increasing in the current proposal with the comment submission period still open will still affect many of us. They however, pertain to such things as U.S. passport and passport card applications, immigrant visas, and other services provided to U.S. and foreign citizens.

I read this page: http://travel.state....press_4660.html

I read it wrong and somehow missed this statement: This proposed rule to change fees is distinct from the proposed rule to increase non-immigrant visa application fees published on December 14, 2009. The comment period on that proposed rule will end February 12, 2010

I admit the fact that I was not nearly as informed as I thought I was when I made this post. I do still feel begrudged and over burdened with fees though.

My bad!.... Damn I hate looking stupid but oh well.................

Here is a link to the proposal no longer open for comments and will soon be imposed.... The proposal I was actually referring to:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-07 13:15:00

Then by all means, exercise your right to make your thoughts and feelings known. I agree with many of them. However, it would be foolish, IMO to think you'll make a difference. I'd be budgeting for the new fees if I were you.

Oh I am budgeting.... and you are correct that for me to think I'll make a difference would be foolish but I can't just roll over and play dead. It's not in my nature.
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-06 22:06:00

Is there some reason you think the fee increases are not justified or should be delayed?

Yes I do believe they are not justified and should, in fact, not be implemented at all not only just delayed. The fact that our government is spending money hand over fist and growing exponentially is reason enough for me to object.
Below are some fun facts for you to ponder while you consider that I am unemployed right now do to the sole fact that in all of this spending and growth Obama has found it necessary to, due to lack of funds, nix our human space flight program and NASA has decided implement the shutting down of the Constellation Program prior the stipulated approval of congress. Not only this but the fact our government has already spent upwards of a trillion dollars to stimulate the economy and has in all sense of the word done so in a manner that has obviously been a complete failure. I also don't feel that I should have to pay for reckless government spending that has done little or nothing to reduce the numbers of illegal immigrants that are afforded privileges and benefits I pay for with my taxes. While at the same time, my being charged more of my hard earned money to obtain these privileges and benefits legally for my loved one. To raise the fees dealing with legal and proper immigration is a huge slap in the face.

Fun Facts:

Under President Bush the federal US government spent a total of $21 trillion in the 8 years from 2000 through 2008, this number is higher than the expenditures of all US governments combined during the 204 (!!) years from 1789 through 1993
Already, according to the Obama administration’s estimates, the federal government is planning to spend a total of $22 trillion only over the 6 years from 2009 through 2014, which would probably compute to about $30 trillion over the entire 8 year period, a number that would top all combined federal government expenses from 1789 through 1999.

Please tell my why I shouldn't feel justified to object, if in fact that is your opinion.

Care to be just a little more specific? What is your source? And just how did you think Obama's big spending would be paid for?

I posted the link to my source, which in turn is a link provided by the U.S. State Department.

I know this and other fee increases elsewhere are exactly how Obama and our wholly corrupt congress is intending to pay for their BS spending and I object whole heartedly.

I wasn't intending this to be a political discussion. I thought that those of you out there would clearly see that these increases are just another way to smother us with government and make us pay for it and treating us as bunch of clueless lemmings.

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 06 March 2010 - 09:35 PM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-06 21:33:00


Not everyone is aware that there is soon to be increases accross the board. Fees such as passport pages being added are going from free to $82 and DS-156 visa application fees (fee you pay to get interview) are to be increased by $219 to a total of $350.

When Will the Department of State
Implement This Proposed Rule?

The Department intends to implement
this proposed rule, and initiate
collection of the fees set forth herein, as
soon as practicable following the
expiration of the 30-day public
comment period following this
proposed rule’s publication in the
Federal Register, and after the
Department has had the opportunity to
fully consider any public comments

This 30 window closses on March 11th. The more comments they have to consider the longer the increase will take to implement. It's in your best interest to submit comments in opposition to these increases, many of which will affect all of us in some form or another.

Please take a moment to glance over the proposal and sumbit your comments here:


For them to impose these fee increases at a time when the US goverment is spending money like it grows on trees and our economy has people scrounging for every cent is ludicrous! Especially when the increases are so astromical. One fee in particular is increasing from $735.00 to $2,275.00 for God sakes!

Tell these people you would rather see them sell Pelosi's jet and use that money to pay for their BS.... Tell them something!

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-06 19:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion$130 or $350? Colombian Embassy

I paid the visa yesterday (US$131) and asked at the bank, still do not know when it will increase the fee
until you don´t have the interview date you can't pay the visa, because the bank requires it (the embassy send a letter specifying the BGTxxx case and the date for the interview). I suggest that as soon as possible send the package 3, it may be scheduled before the increase

Awesome, so it is the embassy jumping the gun. Great news! Heck that's the cost of my airfare so it'll help if we can make it in time.

Thanks for the info!

Oh and hey! Good Luck Monday! I bet you guys are excited!

Congratz on making it this far and enjoy the future.

Oh and if you're looking for a great steak and like here at home. Go to Taurus resturant around the corner from the Hard Rock Cafe..... Great Place! Romantic, Argentinian Beef etc. Check it out.

Thanks again!
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-06 08:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion$130 or $350? Colombian Embassy

My guess is that they anticipate your interview will be after the increase to $350.

Thanks for the guess..... :blush:

That is why I queried whether they had jumped the gun.
It had occured to me that this is possibly the case.....

I'm actually hoping someone who has been through there might have some factual knowledge about it having recently been through there or something.

It's un unsual for the embassy to change their fees prior to the Department of state making the change whehter it be in anticipation or not.

I do appreciate the input though.... Thanks
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-06 07:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion$130 or $350? Colombian Embassy

Ok.... Once our petition arrives at the Embassy in Colombia we will need to complete "THE INSTRUCTION PACKAGE FOR K VISA APPLICANTS"....ok all fine and dandy.

After this we will be scheduled for the interview and my fiance will need to complete the "THE K-VISA APPOINTMENT PACKAGE" correct?

Well the package provided at this link:


Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-06 06:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy email replay...!!!

any1 give idea????

From what it sounds like in your description of the interview.... You're all good.
I've heard of the administrative review being anything from a week or so to 6-8 weeks.
They kept your passport..... You're good. Hang in there.
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-06 08:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionco-sponsor

Why is it rare for them to accept co=sponsors with K visas? I am bit nervous because my boyfriend is trying to come from Ireland and my parents have to be co-sponsors since I am a student. A bit worried now.. :/

Breathe deep..... As my fiancé from Colombia says... Wooooooos Fraba.... Woooos Fraba :P

OK. When dealing with your K1 visa at time of interview you must prove the ability to financially support him because he is not legally able to work. You will do this using the I134 form and providing supporting documents. When filling out the I134 form, what the embassy is looking for is basically the same information that will be required at a later date after he is here and you are married.

At that later date after he is here and you and he are married you will need apply for adjustment of status (AOS). The form you will use for adjustment of status is the I864(I864A most likely in your case). This form is where you are giving solid binding evidence that your new husband will not be a mooch off society.

Since you are a student and do not have the level of income required to provide this assurance you must find someone who will.

It appears you will be using your Father as will I. Your father will need to provide first the I134 with supporting evidence for your interview and will (unless your income skyrockets soon) also need to provide the I864 document with supporting evidence when you apply for AOS. The I864 instructions should be used as a guide in conjunction with the I134 instructions to get the drift of what the embassy is looking for.

It is important that you also provide a form I134 with your personal financial situation (whatever it might be) if it is requested at the interview so have it prepared and ready to provide. With as much supporting evidence as you can.

Your father is promising that he will not allow his future son in-law receive benefits such as welfare etc. from the USA and is providing proof that he has the ability to back the promise up.

Barring extenuating circumstances it appears you have very little to worry about when it comes to this particular issue. As long as your father has enough income to support himself and all other dependents within his household to include your fiancé (meaning 125% of the poverty line levels noted in the I864 instructions)you should be good to go.

Don't freak out about someone saying that some embassies don't let you have a co-sponsor etc. Those are usually either high fraud countries or high volume countries. I am quite sure that Ireland has a low fraud to visa ratio (unsubstantiated opinion).

Keep in mind I am far from an expert on this and I am currently asking many of the same questions you are. I'm just passing on what has been handed to me.

It is in your best interest to read the wiki pages, guides and especially the tips and questions in the guide section.

Remember your K-1 visa is a hybrid visa of a sort. It is technically a non-immigrant visa but is in most ways looked upon as an immigrant visa (on embassy site etc). Be careful when you are gathering your facts as this tid bit might make for some confusion.

Here is the Dublin Embassy page: K1 Dublin

Good Luck, I hope this helps and God Bless!

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-29 18:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Fees - The $350 Question


I can tell you when it will go into effect. The new, higher fees will go into effect the day of my interview, whatever day that may be.

We're going to have the same interview date? :rofl:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-31 17:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes The DS-160 Form Apply To K-1?

The form is not needed for k1 visa filing.

Today my fiancé was told the DS160 was required, I called the bank from here and spoke to a somewhat English speaking individual who reiterated that fact. He's wrong..... Flat Wrong!

On this page:


The following statement resides;

"The new DS-160, Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application, is a fully integrated online application form that will be used to collect the necessary application information from persons seeking a nonimmigrant visa. The DS-160 will be submitted electronically to the Department of State via the Internet. Consular Officers will use the information entered on the DS-160 to process the visa application and, combined with a personal interview, will determine an applicant’s eligibility for a nonimmigrant visa.

U.S. Embassies and Consulates Requiring the Form DS-160

The U.S. Embassy and Consulates listed below require nonimmigrant visa applicants (excluding K-1/2 fiancée and E-1/2 Treaty Trader visa classes) to use the new Online DS-160. Review this important guidance:"

And further more the FAQ's linked to this page says the following;

"13. When I apply for a nonimmigrant visa using the online DS-160, are additional forms required?
No, with two exceptions. When applying at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate that is using the new DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, you will use only one (1) form. For Embassies and Consulates that have converted to this new process, the DS-160 has replaced all of the following forms: DS-156, DS-157, DS-158, and DS-3032, which are no longer necessary.NOTE: The exceptions are Fiancée Visas (K-1/2) which still require use of the forms DS-156 and DS-156K, and the Treaty Trader/Treaty Investor visa application, which is explained in #14 below."

The fools at the bank sent my fiancé on her marry way without accepting her payment. They also mentioned the the fact that her statement of being "unemployed" was incorrect and that she should enter "homemaker" or something similar. Who in the hell are they to concern themselves with this?

I'm pissed and I honestly don't know what steps to take to rectify this. My fiance will return to the bank next Tuesday (earliest opportunity)and plead her case to include any suggestions you folks might have. Bottom line is that the are asking for it and they shouldn't. I've read that submitting unnecessary documents can confuse the situation and should be avoided.

Other than bringing a printed/translated version of the above webpages with her I'm at a loss.


Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-05-20 00:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion****HELP CALLING US EMBASSY***


I have been trying for a week now to call and schedule the interview appointment...calling the USA 888 number it just tells me to enter a PIN? Nothing about how to buy the PINs...calling the 909 number when my gf dials it using a pldt BUDGET card...the operator comes online and asks the area code???

She is trying dialing the 1 909 101 7878 and tried dialing it 001 909 101 7878..

I am very frustrated as we are runnibg out of time...

Can I go to the US Emabassy.....I dont know what to do?

I called the number and have no clue about how to speak the language but through trial and error I found where to enter your 16 digit credit card number to purchase the pin. call the 1-888-877-9888 press 1 press 4 press 1 press 1. the automated system will ask for your visa or mastercard number.

This is as far as I went as I'm not buying one. I'm sure it will then ask for the expiration date, your zipcode and the 3 digit security number on the back after entering your 16 diget card number.

I found the following on the embassy site so before you call make sure you have the applicant’s Immigrant Case Number as given in the Embassy notification letter:

?Starting March 19, 2008, those applying for K-1, K-2, K-3 and K-4 visas who have been notified by the Embassy to prepare for their interview can call 1-909-101-7878 (within the Philippines) to schedule an interview appointment at the U.S. Embassy. The cost of the 909 service is U.S. $0.98 per minute; this amount will be charged to your telephone bill.
?Applicants, Agents or Petitioners calling from within the United States will also be able to use this service by calling 1-888-877-9888. The cost of the 888 service from the United States is a U.S. $18 PIN payable using a Visa or MasterCard once you have called into the service.
?Applicants or their representatives must have the applicant’s Immigrant Case Number as given in the Embassy notification letter available when they call to schedule an appointment.
?Callers can speak with an English or Tagalog speaking operator. The service is available to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, Manila local time.
?For more information on this service, please click here

Good luck.....Hope this helps

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-08 01:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Let me know if you get it today....This will be 5 buisness days because Monday the 14th. was a holiday in Colombia and nobody worked so that does not count as one of the 5 days...........

Hola Panama,

Finally! We just called DOMESA this morning and her visa is available!! Whoo Hooo! :dance: I'm here in Bogota and we fly out Thursday so I was getting pretty worried. Apparently although we were approved on June 10th her visa was not actually ISSUED until June 18th. ?? Yesterday just before my flight down here I called the DOS and they were able to tell me the issue date and that was it. Of course when we called the embassy they told us over and over to call between 2-4 on Wednesday.... No help at all :wacko: . So.... If you have not gotten yours yet you might want to check with DOS if it had actually been "ISSUED" and when????

Good Luck Mi Amigo

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-06-22 11:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Let me know if you get it today....This will be 5 buisness days because Monday the 14th. was a holiday in Colombia and nobody worked so that does not count as one of the 5 days...........

Ours was not available yesterday for one reason or another. I am concerned I will get some kind of "oh yeah we forgot to send yours out" scinario.... Monday? I sure Hope so! Our flight is Thursday :blink:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-06-19 06:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Yakad, Thank you so much as you and Diana have helped me so much in the last month getting ready for this second interview..I only hope that the Domesa delivers it to her by June 24 because I booked a flight 3 weeks ago for her to the USA for June 25th. They told her she CANNOT pick it up at the domesa office because she lives in Bogota....

Say Whaaa? Congratulations first of all!!!!!!!!!......but we were told it wasn't a problem to pick it up a DOMESA.... I hope we have not been misled!!! Leidy called Thursday morning and was told probably we'd get it Friday (Approval being the 10th)..... Oh man! Now I am paranoid! She never got packet 4 and I'm cluless to what her conversation to the DOMESA guy actually consisted of. Oh man oh man!!! STRESS!!! :o

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 18 June 2010 - 01:23 AM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-06-18 01:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I hope you are right..I will be in Bogota in 5 weeks.... As of now I am planning on the current fee.. but will be prepered for the $350.00 cost. whatever it takes at this point to get Maria here ASAP ! I want this to be over and done with .......Hope that Carol feels better and gets the missing info that you need for the DS-230.....Good luck with that... :thumbs:

With interview date in hand you can just go down and pay your $131 now, can you not? I can see them saying no, go back and pay another $219 on day of interview....... I wouldn't wait the 5 weeks...
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-04 08:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
It was followed by this:

"The Bogota Embassy has the DS-156 (.pdf) online for you to fill out and print. The form is in spanish and then has a built in translator which translates it into english before you print it. There is no option to print this out in Spanish.

The bank in Bogota will not accept a form DS-156 in English.

How do we get around this problem?"

if you are talking about the form which you take to the bank and then pay for the interview fee, and you are talking about the bank near the embassy where you pay the fee, then you are talking about the idiot tellers at the bank that do not know sh*t.

demand to speak to the manager.

that is what i did.

be firm, you are right, they are wrong.

POS jacklegs.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-03 03:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

we filled out both the spanish and the english version of the ds156, but when we went to the bank to pay for the visa they gave her the spanish form there. they would not let her use the one we got off line.

The partial quote Below might help....

The Bogota Embassy has the DS-156 (.pdf) online for you to fill out and print. The form is in spanish and then has a built in translator which translates it into english before you print it. There is no option to print this out in Spanish............................

I found it here:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-03 02:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

the DS-156 is available in both languages, the DS-156k I have never seen it in Spanish, is not so complicated to fill it in English, here in VJ you can find an example

Posted Image

Yeah I see it's not all that difficult. I was just hoping to have consistancy when it came to all her documents. It's all good I'll go ahead and do it in english. Thnks for the input.
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-02 10:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Maybe I'm just dense :bonk: but I can't find the DS-156K in spanish. I went to the embassy page and it has a link on the spanish page but the form is in english. I googled it etc. the only one I found was for guatamala embassy and it looked a bit shady and there was no header and form number. I could swear there was a link around here somewhere.... Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 02 April 2010 - 01:01 AM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-02 01:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Uh........ Lo Siento folks, apparently I was quite frustrated while searching for answers and when it came time to ask my question I neglected to read Ken y Leidys post above...... My bad! I read the Bogota, Colombia US Embassy / Consulate info page that was recommended and low and behold my question was answered.

Thanks for the info Ken y Leidys!

I guess y'all can disregard my previous post and chalk it up to FVPTSS or Fiancé Visa Processing Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

The twitching has subsided for the most part....
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-28 21:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hello Folks I'm hoping you can help me out here.

I have searched and searched and found many half answers in regards to packet 3 and the DS-230. To me, it seems simple enough, but I am hoping to get a clear and concise answer from those who have recently done it about how to request and interview in Bogota. The online packet three says the following:

FIRST: Obtain the documents on this list that apply to your case (list of documents attached), but DO NOT send them to this office. You must present them at the Consular Section on the day of your visa interview. You will be notified in writing of the date of your interview.

SECOND: As soon as you have obtained ALL documents required to process your case, you must complete and sign the attached Forms DS-2100 and DS-230 Part I (Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration – Biographic Data). One DS-2100 is required per petition. One DS-230 is required for each applicant.



I have read many places (especially in the wiki DS-230) where copies of these documents should accompany the DS230 and DS2100. Also some kind of cover letter should accompany the forms.

What is right what is wrong? I read it as fill out the friggin forms and send them in.... Simple, straight forward, to the point....easy.

I ask this because my fiance must finagle her work schedule to obtain some of the documents over the next month. I'd hate to have to wait until she has every single item then schedule the appointment if it is not required.

I know there are many people who wish to help with their speculation and opinions and I thank you for your willingness to help. I however, wish to hear from those who know the facts and can tell me of their expieriences etc.

Thanks again to those willing to help clear this up!

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-28 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 visa experience.

Can you guys please share your experience about k1 visa.
My fiancé got NOA1 on November 10, 2009 and we have no idea when we'll get NOA2. Today it's 3 months since we sent our papers (to Vermont USCIS) and we still have nothing. :( Any forecast?

Hello Anna, my fiance and I got our NOA1 on the 18th of November from VSC. Just about the time it seems that VSC (Vermont Service Center) started to work a whole lot slower. There is a whole bunch of folks at the link below that are trying to gather information that helps predict when we'll all get our NOA2s.

Come say hello...


Below is a link to a spreadsheet they have created and maintained that might give you some insight. It shows your specific date and what has happend on that day. (you'll need to scroll to your date at the bottom of that page). I wish I could take some credit for it but I'm just the messenger. Keep in mind we're a about half way through the process when you look at the over all averages. It shouldn't be any later than the end of May before you guys are together from what information I have seen.


Good luck, hang in there and all the information you could ever want is scattered around here somewhere in this website.....

Tech-Mo & Leidy
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-02-10 02:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 visa approved!!!!

I want to share with you my happiness, yesterday I had the interview in Bogotá, it was easy and smooth, just took 5 minutes and the CO asked me:
what is the job of your fiance?
how many times he has traveled to Colombia?
he has been married?
do you have lived in USA?
you have photos? I showed at least 15
and then told me your visa is approved!!!!! :dance: :dance:


I'm excited for you guys! I hope your move goes good and things go very well for you here! :dance:

How exciting!....I cannot wait! :dance: :thumbs:

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 09 March 2010 - 10:51 AM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-09 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExcited Fiancee Arriving on 3/31/2010

I have been using Spirit and as of my last trip I will never use them again.

Wow! I'd have been so ticked. I flew them on my first trip down. I swore I'd never do it again also. I was a bit more lucky but I think it was because it had to do with my second leg from Ft. Laud to Bogota they set me up on Avianca wich was great. But I got threatend with being kicked off Spirit for arguing with the loser Flight Attendant guy after he shoved my laptop in an overhead against my wishes and two minutes later opening the bin to have it fall out and almost break a guys arm. My getting livid (as maturely and respectfully as humanly possible) was enough to have him tell me if I didn't shut up I'd not fly and be escorted off the plane. I swallowed my tongue but I swear he's lucky I don't drink anymore lol.

As for Airies I cannot vouch for service yet...Only price.

Again...Good Luck my friend and Whoooooo Hooooo! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-29 01:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExcited Fiancee Arriving on 3/31/2010

Hello everyone, Just wanted to let everyone know that my fiance is arriving on wendsday March 31st. Im so excited and stressed. We have planned to do a civil Marriage on April 12, 2010 to follow by a Famil/ church ceremony in 2011. This visa process has gone by so fast for me, it seems like i just met her yesturday and petitioned for her today. Im worried about alot of things right now. She is so excited that she has made herself sick. I want to thank everyone that posts to this forum, I ask for your prayers and I will continue to pray for all that is going through this long Journey.
God Bless :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :luv: :luv: :yes: :yes: :D :D :D

Man I am so happy for you! That is so awesome we are a couple of months out from this all coming to fruition for us too. I can only imagine how you're feeling. I hope that the both of you have long and loving relationship and she enjoys it here in Florida. Congratulations and good luck to the both of you. Do you plan to return to Colombia next for the big one for her family and all? I think that is what we'll do. If so maybe we can give each other some insight along the way eh?

Ohh on a side note: I don't know if you're aware but I just learned about Aires Airline that flies real cheap flights out of Ft. Lauderdale to several cities down there. It's worth the drive down there if you're into saving $$$. It's worth a look if you didn't already know about it.

Anyway... Right On Man! Too Cool!

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-28 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Commin' to America...Today, Commin' to America...Today :dance:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-06-24 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: APPROVED! WHOO HOOO!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 10 June 2010 - 02:48 PM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-06-10 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
:thumbs: 6 1/2 Hours :o

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 10 June 2010 - 12:29 AM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-06-10 00:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hello again everyone! Congratulations to all of those who have gotten their visas, gotten married, just gotten here or are just happy to know their Interview dates. I'm truly happy for all of you. By the way...Naddy you look beautiful! I don't think I've posted since those sad days of my leaving Florida. I've been super busy trying to work every second I can to make up for those hellish six months of unemployment. I went to the beautiful state of Arkansas for about a week before having to come here to Pennsylvania :blink: to work on helicopters. It's all worth it though! I have the money to attend Leidy's interview next Thursday and to return to accompany her to her new home here in America a week later. Whooo Hooo! I so cannot wait to see my baby! I might even be able to pull off being her sole sponsor too! We'll fly into Florida so she can see where home should be and maybe one day will be. Then we'll move to South Carolina....I'm beginning to feel like some kind of immigrant myself :wacko:! We have tentative plans for a small beach wedding in September. All of this beginning Tuesday when I head to Bogotá and get out of this hotel in BFE Pennsylvania. As most of you already know the excitement level is incredible. Our new life together will actually really truly honestly be beginning soon......Wow!!!! :wow:. Hope all goes well at our interview..... Again, to all of you happy couples who have helped us through this.....May God and the love you have for each other always be with you.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-06-06 03:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Moving out of my little place 100ft from the beach in Folrida today.... Its off to Arakansas (of all places) for a few weeks then to South Carolina when my new job starts...Hopefully I can find a nice place on the beach there too :unsure:

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Hopefully I'll have a new damn address before Leidy's interview!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 04 April 2010 - 10:09 PM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-04 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

That is so great! You getting to start your job early,and also predicting great things for our fellow Nov filer.We are all going to pray and hope for you Crissie.Please,please hang in there.They owe you one for your amazing patience.
And hey Tech-MoLeidy,while you are at it,could you also predict something for me?Pretty please!
So I have been waiting ,more anxiously now,for the package that my fiancé sent me on the 16th of March containing all our paper-work copies that I am supposed to take in to the interview,and it has still not found its way to my home,its been more than 15 days!! I am starting to get nervous.I hope they do not get lost.It contains all our papers,and his orig birth certificate.
Stupid Indian postal system.

Any predictions?

Oh and everyone,I booked my medical for the 8th and 9th ,so looking forward to getting one more thing wrapped up.


Ok...Here goes: By Monday morning you will be on the ragged edge trying to figure out what in the heck you're gonna do. But then you'll remember my post and see that I gave you a name and number to call. That particular number might not be exactly who you need to call but when you call the number the sound of dismay in your voice will convince the person on the other end, who by the way is getting some right now and will be in a good mood monday, to become very interested in your plight. They will spend every bit of effort getting you the information you need and promise you an opportunity such as picking it up at an office somewhere etc. Probably Monday or Wednesday because you getting it Tuesday would send the whole #12 thing off kilter......

Person: Rajindra Kr. Kashyap
Direct Number: 23096087
EPABX (2303): 6433 <-----Whatever the heck that is
Residence: 95120-2511985
Job Title: DDG (Public Grievance & Quality Assurance)>>>>>>Listed under: Senior Administrative Grade
Officers (Deputy Directors General) India Post

Website: http://www.indiapost...rtimanual9.html

Sound Good?

I bet if I made a few more predictions I might even get one right eh?

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-03 03:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I asked the immigration guy at my congressman's office to make an enquiry. Sounds like he called VSC and all they could say is that it's in the initial review stage and could take 5-7 months. Since when is that normal? 5 maybe, but why do they keep telling me 7? He then told me not to call him back for another 30 days. I'm going to call USCIS again on the 12th and if I'm still not getting an answer, I'll contact my senator right away.

This sucks. :( My fiance is starting to question the process, and I can't say as I blame him.

Crissie, I prophesies that you are going to get your NOA2 on the 6th. 11 people told me of things that are going to happen on Tuesday April 6th today. Everything from a birthday to a guy closing on his house and even a c-section. I got one buddy who is getiing his toenail removed too.....eeeew! :blink: Anyway... I started to think about it and realized nothing ever happens by the 11's, its always by the 3's or by the dozen etc. So my dear you must be #12 you just gotta be! It so makes sense! It all adds up, you called your Congressman, Doghandler did the same and got hers a few days later, if not the next, and who has ever heard of things happining by the 11's? So when my buddy is in there screaming his bloddy head off getting his nail ripped off and the daddy is passing out cigars you, my dear, are going to be reading an email saying you are approved ;)I'm no Nostradamas or anything, but I'm thinkin'...yeah Tuesday...#12 NOA2......Crissie B-)

Oh and hey guys Leidy sent off her packet 3 in an email to the Bogota Embassy today :D We're are crossing our fingers for our day being one of the last few days of May. That and I got a letter today saying:
"Dear Anthony,
On behalf of The Boeing Company, I am very pleased to extend to you a contingent offer of employment for a non-union position of Quality Inspector -Product Acceptance Specialist......" :dance: The official offer whoo hoo! Barring any unforseen hiccups along the way it looks like I might get to start on or about the 26th of April...About 5 weeks earlier than expected. :thumbs: Damn... I might actually make for a good husband being all employed and all lol! Thank you Lord!

Hopefully while doing my background check they won't search the internet, find this post and think I'm a total nut job because I see my self as some prophesier or something. :rofl:

Tuesday Crissie....

Edited by Tech-MoLeidy, 03 April 2010 - 02:21 AM.

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-03 02:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Gratz Kisk! :thumbs:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-04-02 01:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers


After a loooonggggggg waiting we are APPROVED!!! Just got my NOA2!!!
Hope everything's fine with you all and I want to thank you for the support!!!
After celebrate it's time to get ready for the next step!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Cool Beans Justar!

:thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-30 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers


Jum is moving to America!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow Too Cool I am so happy for you guys!


Ohhh somehow I voted -1 on your post....???? Have no idea what that's about...Sorry, I clicked the wrong icon I guess. lol
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-28 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
:thumbs: :dance: AWESOME KISK! CONGRATULATIONS! :thumbs: :dance:
Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-24 07:34:00