IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview dates
I have been reading on here that interviews are scheduled on the second week of each month is that a correct statement does anyone know for sure?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-16 13:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSignin failed

when did you mail your forms? I mailed mine April 7th. NVC said they recieved them on April 13th.

Also, where did you get the "sign in fail" did you sign in where you paid the fees?

Mine was recieved on April 8th an entered in the system on the 12th and you get the sign in failed where you pay your fees
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 13:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSignin failed

Should update in 24-48 hours.

You've missed May scheduling but you should make it in time for June!

Congrats and good luck! :thumbs:

Thanks after all of this I need a drink it is stressful.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSignin failed

yes will be scheduled for an interview really soon...depending on your embassy's busyness...

I just spoke to an operator an she said it isn't complete it is in the final stages to be completed
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSignin failed
Ok so i tried to sign in and it said sign in failed does that mean my case is complete?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 13:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILLED OUT WRONG DS-230!!!!
Hey guys I used the one from 5/2009 and my case was completed yesterday.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 16:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILLED OUT WRONG DS-230!!!!

ARGHHHH!!! The one I sent my wife to sign was also 5/2009 edition!!! Well we're stuck at the choice of agent acceptance stage so there's not a whole of time lost. I will have her send me the 2/2010 edition.

Well I don't know but I just got a sign in failed and I sent the one for 5/2009
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILLED OUT WRONG DS-230!!!!

I called too and they said it would generate an RFE if I were to send mine in. :S

The thing that sucks is all they changed in the versions was the Security Privileges of the PDF file (you can no longer modify or add form boxes). They also added an auto complete feature (it now autofills 36-38 based off what you enter for 1-3). What pisses me off is even after these changes, they still have stupid spots where you can fill in the form where it says DO NOT FILL THIS PART IN. For example, on page 2 you can type in the "signature of the applicant" and even though 45 says Do not write below the line, a consular will help you... you still can fill it in!

I had my wife express mail me the new documents today.

Was yours from 5/2009 also
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 12:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILLED OUT WRONG DS-230!!!!
Well the version I have is 5/2009 and it has the email on there but I called this morning and they were nice at all and told me I just have to wait they cant tell me anything about the form.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 09:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILLED OUT WRONG DS-230!!!!
wow blessmeindeed mine was entered in the system on 4/12 and i call lastnight and it was still being process yours went fast
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-20 15:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILLED OUT WRONG DS-230!!!!
Ok so if my DS230was entered in the NVC system on the 12th how much long before I hear something anyone know?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-20 11:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFILLED OUT WRONG DS-230!!!!
I know the feeling I'm also hoping for a June interview and it seem like it is taking forever. My DS230 was entered in the system on 4/12 and it isn't complete yet I hope I hear something soon. If it was RFe do you think I would have heard something already?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-20 09:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDress Code For jamaican Embassy

No, you don't have anything to worry about. Be confident and be prepared. I would advise you to read over some of the past Embassy reviews and see what are some of the questions that they ask. Best wishes to you guys!

Thank You. I'm very prepared and can't wait.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-24 19:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDress Code For jamaican Embassy

our was quick and the only asked my fiance questions ..

Our interview was mondayNovember 30 th 2009 ..We got there about 5 minutes before because of traffic>we get ther the lady at thefront asked for the interview letter, passport photos 156,156k and the 157 we give them to her she says go inside and show us some things we missed. We go through to the desk get our number . we go inside and sit we are chatting and didnt noticve our number was on the screen ...We noticed after a moment the lady said you were right there and didnt come up right away she then said we need to pay attention.. So she asks for all the forms we give them to her she askes if he has ever been married he said no.. then she asks me i said no then she says so this would be your first marrige i said yes . Then she asked me again have i ever been married i said no .She aske him my name and he pronounced it wrong i was like OMG .Then she was looking through the forms and my co sponsor forgot
his tax return and she said they couldnt use him ...I started to get so nervous because I was sure i needed the co sponsor.. SHe tell us to si and watch for the number to be called then she clls me back and asks for his passportport wich was in my hand i was so nervous i didnt realize and started looking for it finally i realize it was in my hand she smiled and said it was in your hand wasnt it..I said yes maam she typed something from the passport and handed it back and told me to have a seat.. So as we are wating i see that one window seems to be doing the final interviews. As I am watching and listening i was so nervous Ricky was trying to calm my nerves . The interview guy was giving out blue slips left and right..Ricky was talking about our plans later in the day the week and for life and this helped me he made me laugh alot.. there was this guy walking around directing people and he walks up to me while we are waiting and asked me when i leave i said friday he said you know he wont get to go with you > he then say no travel plans till visa is in hand i said yes i know ...Ricky said to me when the guy left im so confident we could make plans . They call our number we go to the window we get sworn in .The man said to Ricky who is filing for you he Jessica Puckett.The man had him write my name and sign the paper below it then turns to me and says are you Jessica I said yes . He then asks me to sit down and tells Ricky to pick up the phone.
Question asked
How did we meet? He saisd va at the pool i worked
Did she work for the same company or did i live in the area? He said she lived in the area
where does she work? Walmart
what does she do at work ? Im not sure of the exact title but its in the customer service area
Has she met your family ? Most of them
how did you communicate? Email, letters amd telephone .

The CO asked for emails and telephone bills and picture we may have together
Ricky pull it all out and give him everything... next thing i hear go to window 26 for DHL do not make any travel plans until visa is in hand....

Thank you I'm nervous I wasn't going to go for his interview but we decided it would be best if I came. This process will give youa a nervous break down. He keeps telling me we have nothing to worry about but i will feel much better once we have that final ok.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-24 08:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDress Code For jamaican Embassy

i wore open shoes

How was the interview process in Kingston?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-23 19:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDress Code For jamaican Embassy
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-23 15:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDress Code For jamaican Embassy
Do you know if open toe shoes are acceptable.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-23 14:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDress Code For jamaican Embassy
Does anyone know what the dress code is for the Jamaican Embassy I was thinking of wearing some dress capris.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-23 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Complete
Does anyone know how long it takes after your case is complete tto be sent to the embassy?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-24 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDHL

YOU don't know you just ASSUME.

Ok thanks
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-27 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDHL
HELP does anyone know how this works?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-27 07:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDHL
How go I know which package sent to Kingston is mine their are no names on them? Do anyone know?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-26 23:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical

You have to pick up the results and carry them with you. According to your dates, you should get it in time.

Thanks I guess I'm justa big worrier
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical
Hi can any of my JA friends tell me how long it takes to get back the medical or will they mail it in. He got his appt for 5/31 and his interview is 6/14
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 12:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDigicel Jamaica

Bajankutie, I am saying this with a smile on my face, I have never seen anyone such as you who has made this visa process like having all of your teeth pulled in one day. :rofl:

Now, on to your question, he is not going to be able to get a copy of his phone records, because he is on a pay as you go system. If you are saying that he pays 20 US dollars for 16 hous of US calls. The only thing you'll can do is get your phone records to show the calls on the received end. This is why we would tell the USOP on VJ to get an account with Rebtel, or Ringyard, since they will register all out going calls to an international phone.

Now, when I went thru the process last year they did ask us for phone records, and I was able to show my Rebtel acct. log. But,If you don't have phone records because you'll are using phone cards, then you'll can explain it to them. Your passport entries would be enough to show that you are and had been maintaining a marriage. Everyone that goes this this process doesn't have all of the evidence that someone else may have been able to introduce to the CO regarding the maintaince of their relationship. What I am saying is not having phone records will not be a killer in your process.

You are planning on attending, so that in itself will be an added bonus to the interview. You need to CALM down or you will wear yourself out before you get to the interview. The interview itself is the easy part of this journey. It's all that comes after that will make you want to jump thru the window. Save all of that engery for that part of the journey, because as they say, it ain't over until the fat lady sings.

It's like the 3 month rule in a relationship...if you knows what I mean.

I'm sorry but i am a big worrier as you can see I'll try to calm myself down. Thanks.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 23:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDigicel Jamaica

If you are able to register his account online, he may be able to pull past bills that list the calls.

Good Luck

Well he has and international chip with digicel where he can make international calls for a got rate.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDigicel Jamaica
Well i spoke to them myself and he said I need something specific saying that is what we need it for. it is really stupid.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDigicel Jamaica
My husband went to digicel in Jamaica to get his phone records and they say i need to have a form from the embassy requesting it do anyone know anything about this.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 12:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTick Tok Tick Tok

I am the USC spouse =) So I should bug them? I've been told they schedule appointments the second week of the month. But, when I read time lines people are getting their dates all times of the month, most of them within a few days of the case closed. So call 2 times a day, until I get the apt?

The appts are set according to your embassy and you can get an appt anytime from the time your SIF until the second week of the month for the following month interview.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-05-06 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa

it took my husband 7 day but other have taken longer

bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-05-07 22:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa
Any of my JA friends do anyone know how long after the interview do you get back the visa.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-05-07 18:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical

No Bajan they tell you when to come back and pick it up and they do not tell you if anything is wrong. They give you a sealed envelope to take to the embassy. Please do not open it.

bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-05-10 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical
Can anyone tell me if you get the medical back the same day and if something is wrong do they tell you?
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-05-09 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa granted..

Wow--congratulations!! :)

How did you find out that your case left the NVC. I looked on DHL but it has no names.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-04-27 08:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor
As I said I was going to use my godmother's info but her and her husband files their taxes together. Would I have to included her husband on the I864 and then she would have to make enough income form 3 I'm so confused? HELP
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-06-22 09:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor

It does NOT have to be somebody from outside your household. If the sponsor qualifies on their own, have them complete an I-864 and simply explain the living arrangement, so they know it's two separate households at one address.

I emailed the embassy 1st they said no I need a new sponsor, 2nd time they said have my husband make his appointment it's ok, 3rd time they said he needs to bring in the info and the CO will determine if is enough. So I was confused as to what is the right answer.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-06-21 15:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor

anyone can be a sponsor. friends, family, etc.

a household member sponsor must live in the same residence as you and be a part of the same household. so if you live in the same house i assume that is enough!

read the I-864 A instructions to see if you qualify to use the I-864A sponsor form! if you don't qualify your dad can be a regular joint sponsor.

It has to be someone outside of my household, but we have to different household but the same nuber is on the home so it is 1433 but he lives upstairs and I live downstairs.
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-06-21 14:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor
Hi all well here is my issue my husband had his interview on 6/14/2010 and I was told that in JA they only use ur recent tax returns which was 2009 and I was laided off for most of 2009 so my tax return showed below the poverty level I was confused because I had called the NCV numerous times to see if that would be a problem and they said no because my income now is well over what is required I submitted 6 months paystubs, job letter, 2007,2008,2009 w-2's and tax reurns and my child support award letter. Well no I have to find a joint sponsor I was going to use my dad but now I realized that the house number is the same but he lives upstairs and I live downstairs. I call the NVC they say call the Embassy I called and they say they don't take phone calls, I emailed and got different answers 3 times. Does anyone one know anything about this and also does the joint sponsor have to be family and or live in the same state? Any help is appreciated. thanks
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-06-21 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864

1. Question 19: If your co-sponsor is a US citizen click the box next to it. All US citizens are US nationals but not all US nationals are US citizens (Kinda confusing terms). So find out if your co-sponsor has a US citizenship by simply asking him.

Here's link to learn more about US nationals that are not US citizens:

2. Question 25: Yes

Ok thanks she is a US citizen but born in Barbados
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-07-08 10:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864
My joint sponsor is filing out the I-864 but I have couple of questions o question #19 when it ask for status which one would they check U.S citizen or U.S. National and this states for joint sponsors only and then question 25 for tax returns if we are sending 2008 and 2009 then it would be box #2? Thanks in advance
bajankutieFemaleJamaica2010-07-07 11:49:00