Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Irish people here?
Can't help you there I'm afraid as I live in the south and the swealtering heat! Although it's cooler today at only 24C, but for the past few weeks it's been anything up to 40C (with a feels like temp of 43C). But as with anything in life, you get used to it. Of course having the a/c on in the apartment and the car and the mall and everywhere else helps!!

On the job front, I work in computers also, but had a job lined up with an Irish company before I got here so I have no idea how easy or difficult it is to get a job with a US company. I guess the only thing is prior to moving to the US, send out your CV/resume to any positions in companies that look interesting that are located anywhere except the south and start networking via LinkinIn and FaceBook, and keep an eye on Craig's List.

Also bear in mind that while you won't have swealtering heat up north (at least not for too long), prepare to live under 50 foot of snow for 4 months and having to dig your car out every morning wacko.gif
J&DMaleIreland2007-08-27 08:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
A tough one for sure. I think you've covered a lot of reasons why you cannot go to Ireland but maybe you'll need to think of a few for Theo since he is the one being deported.

From what I can see half the people on this thread are either gone back to Ireland, going back, or thinking about going back. Including me.....but only to finish my degree then come back to the US.
J&DMaleIreland2007-09-12 15:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Oh well, after waving my goodbyes to friends and family just 4 weeks ago and telling people I'd see them again in a few years whenever I got back to Ireland, I have to go back again next week on business and will see everyone again.....doh!
J&DMaleIreland2007-06-21 16:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Welcome to the Irish group Rhiannon & Michael and Annette and Alan!!

Best of luck during the visa process!
J&DMaleIreland2007-06-11 09:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Sherry and Niall,
Congrats!!! Very very happy to hear the great news about the visa!! Looking forward to meeting up whenever Niall gets to the US. I'm in New Hampshire on a business trip til Friday then I'm back in Charlotte for a day then off to Ireland for a week then have friends visiting....busy, busy, busy but let me know when Niall is settled and we'll organize something.

I did read somewhere on the website for Budget about a EUR25 fee for picking up at Cork Airport which annoyed me also, especially since I have no choice but to collect at the airport as they do not have an office in Cork city but I'll be so tired after all the flights to to Cork from Charlotte then at that stage I'd probably pay double that just to get the friggin' car and get outta the airport and get home for some rest. I rented from Budget in Manchester, NH airport yesterday and they gave me a very bright orange Chevrolet Cobalt. I think you can see it from the shuttle. Hopefully the car I get from Budget in Cork airport will be less visible from space.
J&DMaleIreland2007-05-08 23:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Sinéad is a beaut Mand!! Well done to you and Rob! How's Cork treating you? I'll be over in May for a few days to see my family in Cork City and while it will be good to see everyone as I'll be here for almost a year then, I have zero wish to move back to be honest because the cost of living has gotten stupid as you said.

For the same amount that the house you're in costs in US$, you can get stuff like this in Charlotte:

The other thing is I am lucky in that I find myself in the opposite situation to Aiden and Donal, at least for now, where I used to commute for 2-3 hours a day from Kildare to Dublin and as Donal pointed out, it is mad there, but I am working from home in Charlotte (for an Irish company) so the pace of life is much much slower now that I am in the US. Long may that last!! :)
J&DMaleIreland2007-03-15 19:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Best of luck to both with your businesses! I just closed mine (website design) before I moved to the US but I still dabble on the odd site (latest creation at so when you all have your businesses set up back in the old country, give me a shout if you need any websites created. :)

Congrats Donal to you and your wife!
J&DMaleIreland2007-03-14 22:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
I'll be going back in May for a week. Have to do an exam but will see family for a few days. I am looking forward to the trip but not looking forward to driving on the other side with a too used to driving on the right hand side with an automatic now. Hope I don't get killed driving out of the car rental lot at Shannon...that would be embarressing...

Why are you heading back? Do you have to give up the greencard?
J&DMaleIreland2007-03-13 22:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Decided to turn down the NYC offer and stay in Charlotte. Have started school in the evenings here and want to see the course thru to the end, plus I like my apartment and don't want a cubicle in NYC for twice the price. But am sad about the job, it would have been a good one....sniff sniff, but I am sure there will be others...

Let us know if you hear back on an interview date. Fingers crossed they will see Niall soon.
J&DMaleIreland2007-02-16 12:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Hey Sherry,

We were in Florida for the past week. It was 88F there!! I really liked the Keys, Miami and St. Augustine and we stopped off in Savannah, GA on the way back which I liked a lot too. Anyways, back to the point...when I got home, there was a voicemail waiting for me and the company in NYC has offered me the what do I do??? Heeeelllppp......!

I think I'll take it as it would be very good for career but I'll miss Charlotte a lot. Neither Denise nor I had ever been to Charlotte before we came to the US, but it turned out to be a great place and the people in NC are the nicest on the planet. We also really love our new apartment and I'm reluctant to move so soon again, especially since we'd probably get something half the size for twice the cost in NYC. Bummer....

Denise and I will be in NC for another two months or so, assuming I do end up taking the job, but I'll make a final decision on Monday (my brain is fried after all the driving from Florida so I'm not even gonna think about it right now!), but regardless of decision and how long we are going to be in NC, hopefully we'll all get to meet up at some stage in the future.

Any news from your end?
J&DMaleIreland2007-01-27 21:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Congrats Colleen!!! Very happy for you two!! :dance: Get those pics online this week!! Or we'll send the Murphia after ya.

Denise and I moved into a new apartment a few days back and we love it here. It's right next to where Denise works which lessens her commute from an hour each way to 4 minutes each way (at rush hour!), but now I have an interview in Manhattan on Friday which I applied for in December and which seemed like a great idea prior to the move to the new apartment but now I'm not so sure....

I'm almost afraid in case I'm offered the job as it would be a better job, excellent for career, far more $$$$ + better benefits, but do I want to be the one commuting for an hour or more each way every leaving a really nice apartment, plus leaving Charlotte which I like a lot, plus playing far more rent for a much smaller place in winters of snow and wind and rain when it's 70F down south......

If I did get it, it would be dilemma time.... :blink:
J&DMaleIreland2007-01-14 00:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Fair play Donal!! Hope the new job goes well!!

Make sure you watch 'The Firm' on the night of Jan 1st. It'll make you paranoid on your first day at work :)
J&DMaleIreland2006-12-18 19:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Congrats Rob and Mand!!!!!! :dance:

Excellent news indeed! Bet Sinéad already has a Cork accent!
J&DMaleIreland2006-12-07 12:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Hey Sherry,

All is well in Charlotte. Denise and I are moving to a new apartment close to the airport on Jan 5th so we're looking forward to that. Denise got a new job this week so she's happy, especially since the new apartment will be a 5 minute drive from where she is working (as oppossed to her hour commute each way now).

Speaking of driving, I bought a new Toyota Camry 2.4L two weeks back (which also means I finally have a good credit history in the US!!) , so I have just been driving about 24/7! We took the new car to Charleston, SC for Thanksgiving and loved it there. I have friends visiting at the start of Feb, so I'll bring them there and probably into the mountains too. My mom was here in Oct and we drove the Blue Ridge Parkway as the leaves were turning, which was incredible, so I may bring my friends there as well (although I am sure the trees will be a little barer in Feb than they were in Oct!).

As you said, the winter is here, but it is still not too bad. I went to get our mail today in t-shirt and shorts, but have been getting mails from friends in Ireland for weeks now about how cold and wet and generally yucky the weather is there, so I think I can live with a few cold nights in NC!

No word from Mand at all....hope she gives us an update soon. What news with you?
J&DMaleIreland2006-12-07 01:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Excellent news!!!! :D

What are the plans for next week? No...I don't want ALL the details.....! :P
J&DMaleIreland2006-11-02 13:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
All is fine in NC. How goes the job? All set for 50 feet of snow for the next 4 months up in NH? :P
J&DMaleIreland2006-10-23 20:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Congrats on buying the house!!! When's the house warming? Are you going to invite all the Irish in the US? I hope so!! :P

When you go to Belgium, try to visit Bruges. It's a great place and well worth a visit. It's only about 40 minutes out of Brussels so not difficult to get to. Brussels itself, other than La Grand Place is not great though.

When in Cork, try to visit Cobh and Kinsale. Cork City is nice too and small enough to walk around when shopping (no need to drive 5 miles that way for one store and 7 miles the other way like any city I have seen so far in NC!).

My mom's here in a week and a half. That'll be fun. She's like Crocodile Dundee (the type of person that would chat with a stranger in a city of 12 million people and as she leaves tell them she will see them around). I think she was outside of Cork City once...she might have went to Dublin for the day a few years back. In Cork terms, that's a world traveller! :D

When my mom met with and spoke with my wife (obviously my gf at the time) for the first time a few years ago my wife said she did not understand mom doesn't even speak Irish!! My wife did not believe that my mom was speaking English!

Oh, such fun we will have in Charlotte in a week and a bit..... :yes:
J&DMaleIreland2006-09-26 11:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Some really nice shots there!
J&DMaleIreland2006-09-08 07:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Sounds good Sherry! Let us know when Niall is back and we'll all meet up for sure.
J&DMaleIreland2006-08-15 20:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Mand, why did you go back to Ireland? Will staying there long term affect your PR status in the US? Carragaline is a nice spot and close to some great spots as you said. My sis is actually telling everyone in Ireland that I moved to North Carrigalina in America (she's not great at geography!).

Sherry/Niall, lets meet up at some stage. We live on Route 51 between Pineville and Matthews in South Charlotte so we're reasonably close to I-77 and that would take us to Lake Norman area in a half hour or so. Not too sure how email/PMs work on this thing but feel free to PM at any stage and we'll make some plans. Denise and I have been to Lake Norman once and it's a really nice area.
J&DMaleIreland2006-08-14 09:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Yep, there is a Castle on the banks of the Lee at Blackrock. I actually worked there as a barman when I was 17 but you are right, it was closed a few years ago for renovations and the last time I passed by it was still closed (about 10 years on!).

But my last visit was quite a while back as I lived in Kildare and Dublin for the past few years rarely went to Blackrock except to visit my sis but very very rarely passed the castle (crappy windy potholed mucky road!).

On to Irish food...there is a place close to me called World Market and they tend to sell everything and it's mother from plenty of places, Ireland included. I didn't get anything though. Call me a cheapskate, but I'd prefer to get a 5 million bag box of Liptons teabags at BJ's for $2 than a 40 bag box of Barry's tea from Cork for $10 (or whatever it costs....).

To be honest, so far in the morning at breakfast I can't find anything wrong with American tea, American bacon, American frieds eggs, American waffles, American sausages....doesn't have to be Irish at all....

Josh waits for the backlash from the Irish community... :)
J&DMaleIreland2006-08-14 02:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
I am from Blackrock in Cork City which is on the opposite side to Bishopstown. Bantry and West Cork as a whole are great!! My brother lived down there (Schull) for a while so I visited as much as possible.

All is going well in the US. I really like it here. My wife is from Boston, but rather than go there we decided to just throw a dart at a map of the US. It landed in Charlotte, NC so we moved here. Neither of us had been here before, so it was a big risk, but as it turns out, we both love it. :)
J&DMaleIreland2006-08-12 00:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
I'm doing the oppossite and avoiding Irish food, so I don't miss it. But I like American food a lot, so that's an a big deal....not to mention Indian food, Chinese food, Mexican food and anything that slow down enough to catch.

My mothers visiting in Oct, and I know she will bring plenty of Irish food with her, even if I tell her not to, so after that I'll probably will miss it and will be ordering from that site too....!

If Mand or someone else is still maintaining that Irish list, may as well add us to it:

Name..............County ............ Name........State..........................VJ
Josh................Cork................ Denise.......MA.............................J&D (We're living in Charlotte, NC)
J&DMaleIreland2006-08-11 16:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionletter to embassy
I did the oppossite in that I asked for dates NOT to be interviewed on as I had to go to Budapest for a week and a half and didn't want to wait to send in my notice of readiness until I got back, nor did I want to be scheduled for an interview while I was away (even though it would have been unlikely to have gotten an interview so quickly but I didn't want to take that chance) so I included a note with my notice of readiness & DS-230 Part I which I sent to the US Embassy in Dublin two weeks ago to say I would be out of the country and mentioned that I would be available for interview from April 18th onwards. That (in theory) would give them time to process my application while I was away.

Back in-country now and nothing received from the Embassy while I was away (which while disappointing is still better than getting an interview date and not turning up cos I wasn't here) so I'm just watching the post now for a letter with my interview date.....

J&DMaleIreland2006-04-14 15:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical results to Dublin Embasy
Thx guys!

Good idea Mand....I added my interview experience to the Dublin Embassy reviews as you suggested.
J&DMaleIreland2006-05-03 15:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical results to Dublin Embasy
I pestered the embassy and they moved the interview from June 6th to May 2nd (due to a cancellation), but didn't have to break any of their windows afterall. :P

I was number 3 in line yesterday and watched 2 people being told they did not have the correct documentation (one has a baptismal cert, not a birth cert and another did not have their spouses 2005 taxes filed). But the staff were nice and explained exactly which documents were missing and told the folks before me to contact the Embassy again for another interview when they had the missing documents ready.

Needless to say while watching all this, I started having doubts about my own documents, even though I checked them 1,245,784 times the night before. Pretty nerve-wracking, but when it was my turn all was in order, raised my right hand in the air and swore that all info in the docs was true, paid my $380 and my passport was stamped with a I-551 permanent resident visa and I received the mysterious brown envelope. :D

I was in the Embassy for 3 hours, but only about 15 minutes total at any of the windows (doc collection, interview with consular officer, cashier, passport/visa collection). My wife (who currently has no fingernails left after waiting nervously in a cafe across from the Embassy for 3 hours) and I booked our flights last night, we are heading to Charlotte, NC on June 14 and will start my job as planned on July 3. :yes:
J&DMaleIreland2006-05-03 07:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical results to Dublin Embasy
I was looking at the cost of flights too (going up every day!) and hoped to travel on/around June 15 as I start a job in the US on July 3 (and want to go 2/3 weeks in advance in order to have an SSN on time), but I got a letter from the Embassy last week with a date of June 6 which was a lot later than I thought, so hopefully Gav will do better than me and get an earlier date.

June 6th means I have 9 days to get stuff sold/shipped to the US before leaving, which is a pain, so I called the Embassy I told them I'd throw rocks at their windows every weekend til they gave me an earlier date, so we'll see what happens....
J&DMaleIreland2006-04-27 09:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical results to Dublin Embasy
As far as I know, Gav will have to collect the results himself and then bring it with him to the Embassy on interview day.

I did my medical at Blackrock Clinic and was asked to come back a week later to collect the results. I think Mand mentioned that she did the medical in Cork and collected the results same day.

Either way, it should not take more than a few days to get the results.
J&DMaleIreland2006-04-27 07:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if I'm away the day of my interview????
I agree, talk to the Vancouver consualte and see what they say. When I was ready to send my documents to the Dublin Embassy, I was going to be out of the country for 2 weeks soon after and wanted to be scheduled soon for the interview, but obviously not while I was away.

So I called the Embassy and asked what I should do and they said to send everything in so they could process the application and schedule the interview and to just mention in an additional memo with the application the dates that I would not be available.

Soon after I got back from vacation, I had my interview date which as promised by the Embassy did not coincide with the dates I was not available.
J&DMaleIreland2006-05-29 08:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalled Dublin embassy
I agree with Aussie.

The Embassy won't remember all applicants for visas by name so you were asked a standard question, the fact that you were asked right after mentioning Gavin's name doesn't mean anything.

Let us know how he gets on but I am 100% sure it'll be just fine.
J&DMaleIreland2006-06-01 17:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview date in Dublin-WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brilliant! (about the interview date, not your collar bone!)

I am sure it will all go well at the Dublin Embassy. The staff are pretty cool there.

Hope your collar bone heals up soon and is not too painful.

On my side of things, I arrived in Charlotte as planned on June 14 and really like it here. Although it can get a little hot, but having plenty of fans going and the aircon on full blast helps lots. My biggest fear was driving on the 'wrong' side but those fears were unfounded. I have been driving all over Charlotte and NC in general for 3 weeks now without any little old ladies splashed across my windscreen...always a good sign.

Let us know how the interview goes (and get well soon!).
J&DMaleIreland2006-07-08 23:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNo visa in Dublin-the journey continues

Agreed with gym, it is easy to rectify. Can he get the court transcipt and just fax it in I wonder (assuming it's not 457 pages)? The Dublin Embassy is cool with that with certain docs and if they have everything he can approved and just go along then to get his passport stamped. But I'm sure it is just a little formality and once he gets that and shows the Consular Officer that it's no biggie, then he'll get the visa no problem.

Hope your collar bone is healing up.
J&DMaleIreland2006-07-14 18:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDublin Interview tomorrow!!!!!
No harm in him going along and see what they want. Best case scenario he gets the visa, worst case it means another trip when he gets the court records. If he gets the visa, you be careful!! We don't want you breaking more bones while celebrating!

Best of luck to Gav!
J&DMaleIreland2006-08-03 12:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHe got it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done Colleen and Gavin!!!

Have a drink on me, but don't forget...celebrate far far far away from the stairs.

When's he coming over to join us?
J&DMaleIreland2006-08-04 11:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDublin Embassy
Fingers crossed for Gav this time....let us know how he gets on.
J&DMaleIreland2006-07-28 16:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDublin Embassy
After I sent in my notice of readiness, I was scheduled in for an interview 8 weeks later, which was longer than my letter to the embassy with the docs they required, I did ask them to delay the interview til i was back in-country as I was going on holidays a few days after sending the letter. I did send them a date when I'd be back and hoped to have an interview soon after, but it was still scheduled for 6 weeks after I had returned (8 weeks from sending in my docs/notice of readiness).

My letter to ask them to hold off for 2 weeks or so might have delayed things but I still didn't expect to have to wait for 2 months to get an interview. I did manage to get an interview sooner though..... :D

I'd say do what Colleen said and give them a call. They are pretty helpful.
J&DMaleIreland2006-07-22 22:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGalway, Ireland Police Certificate
I received my Garda Cert within 2 weeks, but applied thru Kildare not Galway.

I think Donal is right. He'll have to go along himself in person. But a phone call to the main garda station in galway would answer that.
J&DMaleIreland2006-08-30 10:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long are you going to wait before you apply for citizenship...
I'll apply on the first day of eligibility. Plenty of reasons to become a citizen, very few (if any) not to.
J&DMaleIreland2007-04-27 17:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen exactly does the 90 days for N-400 started?
I'm not applying til March next, but Warlord's idea is a good one...
J&DMaleIreland2008-12-05 17:21:00
QUOTE (Goran @ Feb 16 2009, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Feb 16 2009, 08:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Take a look at the immigration timelines link at the top of the page, the stats may be helpful

...and if you'd like more numbers....

Some statistics for September, October, November, December and January filers as of 8:40AM, Monday, February 16:

Days between application sent and NOA:
September filers....3.........23................9...........8 (n=19)
October filers........4.........62...............15..........14 (n=20)
November filers.....4.........22...............10..........10 (n=23)
December filers.....4.........26...............12..........12 (n=26)
January filers........5.........16...............11..........11 (n=17)

Days between application sent and Biometrics appointment:
September filers...24.........51..............32..........31 (n=21)
October filers.......19.........84..............40..........37 (n=17)
November filers....23.........43..............31..........30 (n=19)
December filers....25.........71..............37..........34 (n=21)
January filers.......27.........36..............31..........32 (n=12)

Days between application sent and Interview appointment:
September filers...75........152............119.......121 (n=17)
October filers.......76........164............119.......115 (n=17)
November filers....92.......138............116........111 (n=17)
December filers....83.......121............101..........97 (n=9)
January filers.......70.........70.............70..........70 (n=1)

Days between application sent and Oath appointment (COMPLETION):
September filers..120........187............160.......160 (n=8)
October filers......115........154............129.......125 (n=5)
November filers...117.......117............117........117 (n=1)
December filers...XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)
January filers......XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)

I'll be applying for naturalization in about 4 weeks or so and my DO is Tampa, so this info is great to have. Thanks Goran!
J&DMaleIreland2009-02-22 21:04:00