US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-230 Address List mistake! Oh no!

Yeah, they email me back saying that DS-230 is no longer needed. There are still so many incorrect informations all over the internet and forums and I've send it seeing others doing so :P So yeah, they only require DS-160 now.

RoelNot TellingPoland2014-03-28 09:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-230 Address List mistake! Oh no!

Since my interview is getting closer and closer, I've been checking the papers over and over again. And today I had to slap myself. Question 30 asking about list of all places you lived for at least six months. I put my old address in UK - but I've never been there "full" 6 months. Been just going there for 2 -3 month and coming back home when my employeers didn't need me.


Now what to do. I never technically lived there 6 months without coming back home, beside going there now and then. Should I just .. Fill the new DS-230 form and send it to the Embassy with the explanation? o.o Or take the form I filled before and draw the line over the UK address?


Oh, that panic when the interview is coming closer...

RoelNot TellingPoland2014-03-18 13:18:00
Australia and New ZealandThis forum helped so much
Agreed! I'm just starting this process. If I hadn't found this forum, we would have been wasting a whole lot of time with submitting a half baked application.

Hopefully we will be sending the beautifully completed first part of the K1 application early next week.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-05-08 00:31:00
Australia and New ZealandApproved!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-05-15 04:15:00
Australia and New ZealandHis dad opened the Do Not Open envelope....
Good to hear things worked out and hes on his way in a few days.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-05-24 17:27:00
Australia and New ZealandKiwi in Sydney, waiting on K1, moving to NZ.
By the looks of things, having the medical done without case number depends on the doctor you go to.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-13 18:49:00
Australia and New ZealandKiwi in Sydney, waiting on K1, moving to NZ.
Thanks Vanessa, the more I thought about it, the more I was coming to that conclusion myself. I return on 1 December to Sydney, I'm already in NZ now.

I was just concerned that with not currently living in Australia, that it would change things, I do have a trip booked to Sydney in late September to see Madame Butterfly at Sydney Opera House (I'm making my company pay for that trip as I already had tickets!), so I figured I could do the police check then, and I was just about to search to see if I could get my medical done then too. then I don't need to fluff about with that when I get back. If not, then I can just as easily book the medical for my first day back in Sydney.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-13 18:38:00
Australia and New ZealandKiwi in Sydney, waiting on K1, moving to NZ.
not sure if this is an issue or not.

I'm a NZ citizen, and have been living in Australia for the last 12.5 years. We filed I29f in May, and I found out a few weeks ago that my work is sending me on assignment to NZ for 5 months from Tuesday. so I'll be resident for tax purposes in Australia (my company looks after all my needs from Sydney; pay, expenses, tax etc) we don't have an NZ office, but my client is based in NZ, I'll be living in serviced apartment in Auckland, paid for by the client, and will be able to come back to Sydney when I need to, my household items are here in storage. I've put in a mail redirection to my friends house in Sydney, of which I'll stay at her house when I return from my assignment until I go to Hawaii.

I'm not sure if its even an issue, or I should check with the embassy, if I should be switching countries for my interview. its no problem for me to fly back to Sydney to do my medical and interview. if it makes no difference, I'll leave it as is.

but does anyone have any insight?
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-08 00:38:00
Australia and New ZealandHow to get police certificate from New Zealand?
From what I have read, only the embassy can request the police certificate from NZ for you, but that could be Australia specific. Best to ask your embassy what the requirements are so you don't waste the time getting the wrong one.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-21 19:08:00
Australia and New ZealandConfused about Medical

I've just booked in for my medical on 27 Sept with Dr Waks - (FYI - Rappaport is not available till early October - earliest appointment was 3 Oct.) couple of questions.

I've received the email as per above and the girl told me to send it back within the next 3 days, I told her on the phone I'll have it before my appointment and she was ok with it, as I mentioned I'm back and forth from NZ at the moment and I'm limited with my availability, so needed to book as soon as possible to line up with my trips back to Sydney - she was fine with it.

1. I don't yet have my case number, should have it next week I expect, so is writing TBA ok?

2. the question - immigrant or non immigrant. I've put 'K1 non-immigrant', is that correct?

3. I also haven't yet been in contact with the Sydney consulate, but I expect I will be, is this just because they want to know which consulate to refer to?

SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-29 23:57:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions
Well thats a good amount of time, D wants to retire at 20, I know its partly because he doesn't like his current assignment, so I'm sure he will rethink things later, if he gets an assignment he likes, he might feel he can stay in longer, he likes being able to go to S.Korea as he knows he can handpick his next move as it will be setting up for retirement, but he hasn't decided where to retire yet, he changes his mind alot. hes also mentioned he would like to move to Australia or NZ at some point. I wouldn't mind.

Thats why D doesn't want to, he said he is in the army, he doesn't want every waking moment to be the army. and yes.. haha.. the bitchy wives that I've been warned about. and being sick of restaurants and takeaway - I just went through that here in NZ, I've been moved here for a 4 month assignment for work, I had to live in a hotel - granted, 5 star, and I had a decent allowance, but I was over room service and takeaway, I even opted to move out of the hotel into a serviced apartment earlier than I had to. so I get it!!

well the business sounds like more trouble than I thought! but I'll still consider it. I had thought about a small catering business canapes more than anything. not sure yet though. sounds like they really restrict you in what you can do. I might look at the cake decorating classes, I'm aware of the Wilton brand, I have the planet cake book, really wanted to do that course but never got around to it.

33 is a good age, I'd rather be a bit younger so I didn't have so much pressure, ideally I'd rather have a few years with D before starting a family, but no time unfortunately, we've already decided we'd adopt if we had complications, I'm not worried, I'd like my own, but just as happily adopt.

well I've studied Japanese before, it would have been so much easier for me to pick up again since I had the basics down, except the written, I hated the written and thats why I flunked in the end. I'm not really interested in studying Korean either, haha. I guess I'll learn a few words though.

well tomorrow.. I go to Hawaii for 10 days. I'm looking forward to it alot.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-30 14:04:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions
My fiance is a mental health counselor, so deployment isn't the same process for him I guess. 20 years is a long time, has he decided how long hes going to stay in for? How much longer are you in Japan for?

I'm not sure what the process would be for living on or off base in Sth Korea, he doesn't live on base in Hawaii, I know he prefers not to, but it will depend what is included. so many things I don't know, and I'm banned from watching 'Army Wives' <_< I never watched but now I'm curious, every now and then I catch an episode and feel so guilty watching it. :lol:

I'm not surprised really that D put his hand up for the assignment when they told him it was a possibility. He likes the idea of different cultures and being able to travel around Asia. I'm kind of proud of him about that. He has mentioned the MAC flights, that would be great. I hope I like it too, I'm sure I will after this initial shock has wound down and I get through the visa process. I'm fairly adaptable anyway, always make the most of a situation, I have no doubt I'll find the good things about being there.

your business makes me laugh.. because thats the kind of thing I would love to do! I love baking. when I spent a month in Hawaii I was getting requests from the guys in D's office for cookies. haha. they keep asking him when I'm coming back. it would be alot easier to have a small business like that in a foreign country, something different. hmm I might have to look at something like that too. I considered just having babies instead. I'm 37, so my window is closing, if we want them naturally, we can't waste any time. Teaching English seems like the obvious choice. I"m sure there are plenty of options. maybe I can learn how to speak Korean.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-30 05:51:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions

Sweet! Sounds like you'll have plenty of time then :)

Haha! That's funny he watched The Proposal and is thinking about what to say at the interview. I didn't get an interview for AOS or removing conditions, maybe you won't either and your fiance will have spent all that time preparing and practicing his lines :D

Being together and then separated is a part of military life. It really makes you appreciate the time that you do have to spend together. Part of the reason we chose to come back to Japan was the deployments are usually shorter than ships that are stateside and it's much closer for me to go home when my husband is deployed. Are you looking forward to moving to South Korea?

yes, I'm more relaxed about the process now that I've digested it.

I'm completely going to make him practice his lines, purely for my amusement. :lol: he likes a little bit of romantic comedy from time to time.

I can handle a bit of separation, I'm doing ok at the moment, the end is in sight. Hes only ever had one deployment before, to Iraq in his 13 years of being in the army, so hes been lucky.
South Korea? not yet. I would have loved Japan if he had that! I've been there a few times and studied Japanese through high school and university. Though randomly, as I was at the hairdressers last night, the lovely girl washing my hair was from Seoul, so that put my mind at ease a little, we had a chat. I have been there before, just for 1 day, its much dirtier than I would like, and they smoke everywhere. my SO is in for a big culture shock, other than Iraq, hes only ever been to Australia and NZ. He has no idea. I do look forward to seeing his reactions to all the differences.

so do you work in Japan at all?
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-29 15:11:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions
Thanks. Thats helpful anyway, I ask him questions and I understand what he tells me, but the immigration part he doesn't quite get, hes been asking some of his co workers who have immigrant wives, but thats about the extent of his research, that and hes watched the Sandra Bullock movie 'the proposal' and keeps asking me "when do we have our interview together?" and "we should probably practice to make sure we have the same story". <_< :lol:

Well he found out today that hes definitely being assigned South Korea, orders should come down in March, he has to report there by July 31. I'll be moving to Hawaii early December and we'll get married within the first couple of weeks. Hes already looking in to what he needs to do to get me on his orders and command sponsored, and what to do if I'm not sponsored, and hes not too worried about it. I'm going to see him this weekend for 10 days, so he said he'll explain everything then. I hate the idea of finally being together and then being separated again.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-28 02:36:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions

I had a copy of my fiances LES, TSP and a letter from the bank. We didn't get a letter from his command.

Sorry, I just noticed that you are now based in Japan. Can you tell me when that happened? as in, what stage in your visa process? I'm asking as my fiance is pending assignment instructions to Sth Korea, for mid 2013. I'm trying not to think too far ahead as he might not get moved there, but I'm aware this could add some complications to AOS if he does. If you have any tips or anything about your experience that you could share, that would be great.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-27 05:11:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions

I had a copy of my fiances LES, TSP and a letter from the bank. We didn't get a letter from his command.


Thats too easy.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-27 04:55:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions
Thanks guys, should be easy enough for him, I'll just tell him to get all those bits together, and I'll take it all.

I just figured since military is slightly different to regular employment, poverty levels are lower, that the requirements might differ slightly too.

I did get the quotes from a thread on the military forum, but then I was reading that Australian requirements are also slightly different, so I thought it might not hurt to check if someone had a definitive answer.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-23 21:55:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions


he can figure it out then. can't be all that hard.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-23 19:37:00
Australia and New Zealand(K1) Military through Sydney? I-134 questions
We got our NOA2 yesterday and I'm visiting my fiance in 10 days so getting him working on gathering the I-134 supporting evidence. I've been trawling through all the forums on here to ascertain what he needs to get prepared.

I've also seen a comment that Australia does not require tax returns.

Hes way above poverty requirements as hes active duty military (army).

This is the statements I've found that I'm sending to him, they were from a thread in June 2011 in the military section:

His LES will show the number of years he has been in, his pay grade and his income for month as well as the year. I would also include his LES last year. You can also get him to print off a Statement of Service, it is the same form needed for a VA loan and shows his length of service. Tell him he can print it right from AKO you can get the ERB or LES or even the W2. You dont need to list assets if he makes the 100% since hes military. just annual income.

If he lists assets, then he needs to provide the documents proving those assets. If he doesn't need them, and doesn't want to bother getting the documents for them, then leave them off.

Can anyone who is military K1 - preferably Australia - confirm that this is suitable and relevant information for supporting I-134 docs? or add anything further?
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-21 23:14:00
Australia and New ZealandTranslation Please
I thought 'proper get on it' would mean.. and 'and we'll drink lots of alcohol until we can no longer stand up' :unsure:
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-09-18 02:57:00
Australia and New ZealandFew questions about K-1 embassy stage...
I booked my medical as soon as I got my NOA2 and told them I had been approved and was waiting on my case number, they were ok with booking as long as I could provide my case number prior to my medical. but I'm doing my medical in Sydney.

GP may have vaccinations if you have been with the same GP your whole life. but a serology test is enough aswell, any GP can order these for you via blood test. I got my serology test done on Monday and the results are ready for collection already. I hadm y serology test done in Auckland, NZ coincidentally by one of the doctors that do medicals for US visas in NZ. she told me that unless you had a tetanus vaccine in the last 10 years, you will need a booster anyway. The doctor doing your medical will do that for you.

The fee you pay for the visa, is a new fee. I believe those instructions come with packet 4 as I haven't received them yet. I'm choosing to do things as I'm instructed to the next step, so I don't get confused. :lol:
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-09-18 15:16:00
Australia and New Zealandx-ray for the interview
I had my medical today, doctor told me to put the x-rays in the bottom of my suitcase for when I move to the USA. He said I don't need to do anything else with them.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-09-27 06:30:00
Australia and New ZealandPolice Check before NVC?

Oh no!! How long have you been waiting for you police clearance? My fiance just got his done on Tuesday in Campbeltown and the NVC said our case just left yesterday. Posted Image

Balmain police station messed it up and send the fingerprint sheet to my house instead of Parramatta, 8 days after taking my fingerprints, in my supplied express post envelope :wacko: . so its taken almost 3 weeks, I'll have it in my hands Monday or Tuesday though. I'm hoping desperately I'll get a November interview, I don't care when in November, just as long as its November.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-13 15:56:00
Australia and New ZealandPolice Check before NVC?
I wish I had done mine earlier, its the one thing holding up sending back my packet 3.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-12 15:30:00
Australia and New ZealandNSW Police check - so difficult!
I'm trying not to worry! :)
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-13 15:57:00
Australia and New ZealandNSW Police check - so difficult!
Finally in the mail room this morning!! Should get it Tuesday at the latest, hopefully send off the full packet 3 Wednesday morning, getting super anxious about landing a November interview.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-11 20:43:00
Australia and New ZealandNSW Police check - so difficult!
ugh! I knew this would happen, the police station sent the fingerprint sheet to my house. :angry: unbelievable. Parramatta criminal records said I can send it straight to them though.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-04 18:32:00
Australia and New ZealandNSW Police check - so difficult!

?? hi :o) haha i was extremely fidgety too at that stage! When i called Parramatta, i gave my name and document ID (I think you get that when you register online). I can't remember fully, but there is also the receipt No on the receipt, however i don't think i used it. Phone number: 8835 7888.

hehe yes eHarmony, we were talking about sending our story to them when were at the engagement stage :star: but we haven't done anything yet, too busy with paperwork and everything. Early next year maybe we'll send in our story.

ok, I'll have it with me just in case, its at home, so that will force me to wait another day before calling! Thanks for that.

haha.. I'm trying to get him to slow it down a little, at least wait till he tells his parents before the rest of the world!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-03 18:48:00
Australia and New ZealandNSW Police check - so difficult!
Hi Athena,

I'm hoping you can answer my question, I'm waiting on my police certificate, I had my fingerprint check done last week on Wednesday at Balmain, the fingerprints were done the old fashioned messy way with ink, but I registered online. Its the last thing I'm waiting on before I can send in my packet 3, so I'm getting a little antsy about it (I wish I'd done it several months ago!) - even though they say that it takes a minimum of 15 days, I'm hoping I'll be lucky. When you called Parramatta, did you just give them your name? or did you need your case/receipt number? I don't want to call unnecessarily, but I do want to check on the progress, peace of mind kind of thing.

I know I'm probably fussing, but I'm at the pointy end and starting to get more fidgety.

p.s - I met my guy on eharmony too, yours isn't trying to send in a 'success story' too is he? :lol:

Edited by SweetDelish, 03 October 2012 - 04:32 PM.

SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-03 16:32:00
Australia and New ZealandWhat if NOA2 comes just before end of year?

It seems that way :/ I was hoping to be over in the US by the end of October but someone else got their packet 4 thursday and interview the first week of November. I think mine will be about the same when I receive it next week... ugh!

I'm about to send mine and watching/stalking your profile for what date you get, don't care what Tuesday in November, as long its .. November. I'm hoping to head over early December. Good luck!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-13 20:41:00
Australia and New ZealandDS2301
I just got my packet 4, it seems that for my list of residencies since age of 16, I typed 1998 instead of 1988 on my DS230, they have asked me to supply info from 1991 - 1998 at time of interview. So no big deal..

I swear I triple checked. :oops:

Edited by SweetDelish, 21 October 2012 - 07:51 PM.

SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-21 19:50:00
Australia and New ZealandHow long after receiving NOA2 for packet 3 to arrive?

Did my medical in Melbourne on August 31. I really want to see my fiancé and our estimated approval keeps getting pushed out as CSC has slowed down. I know the closer it gets to Christmas the longer it's probably going to take. I'm thinking I'll just book and take the risk that NOA2 is still 2-3 weeks away. I'm planning on being away from November 9-27

oh wow.. didn't know that Melbourne allowed the medical to be done without a case number.

I left my forms with my friend in Sydney in the envelope, ready to send as soon as my police clearance arrived, I put the date on it that I signed the 'ready for interview' form. She copied it, slotted it in, sealed and sent it for me.

you should be ok with your dates, if it comes early, you could just delay sending the packet off to a week or two prior to your return. Thats what I would do.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-22 23:09:00
Australia and New ZealandHow long after receiving NOA2 for packet 3 to arrive?

What sort of time frame is there between sending packet 3 and receiving packet 4?

It depends, I'm not sure on what, mine only took 6 days - but for some reason they scheduled me on 27 November.

What about your medical? you haven't done it yet have you?

Edited by SweetDelish, 22 October 2012 - 10:22 PM.

SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-22 22:22:00
Australia and New ZealandHow long after receiving NOA2 for packet 3 to arrive?
about 2.5 weeks..
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-22 21:08:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical

Guys I've never had a print out of my record from a doctor of test results.

I went to the doctor about something unrelated and got a test slip for clinipath to check my immunity for MMR and varicella.

When that comes back as being immune (which I know it will) - what do I need to ask the doctor for? What will the physician need?


just a copy of the diagnostic results. the doctor can easily print it out for you.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-21 01:08:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical
The Sydney panel doctor told me that one of the immunisations came under medicare - might have been flu injection - but you could only claim around $5.

The NZ panel doctor I inadvertently saw to get my blood test to check for immunity said that chicken pox scars are ok as proof, but they would need to be on the trunk or legs, face are not accepted as they could easily be acne.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-17 12:43:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical
I took the other route, I got a test for immunization prior to going to my medical, I just took the letter the visa medical sent me, and my doctor sent me to pathology, luckily for me, I went to one of the panel doctors for New Zealand, which was very helpful. I was told, that if I hadn't had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years, I'd get a booster anyway, so don't ask for the blood test if that was the case. so IF you choose to get a blood test prior, they will only need to test for MMR and Varicella (chickenpox).
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-16 00:53:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian federal police check!?
Have it sent to yourself, take a copy and mail it in with your packet 3.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-29 23:19:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian federal police check!?
use the one that links to the QLD police website, there are a few other QLD K1 filers who have got theirs recently, you can ask them for further info - username 'Tas006' is one of them.

or just go into a QLD police station, as long as you get the one with fingerprints...

Edited by SweetDelish, 25 October 2012 - 06:26 PM.

SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-10-25 18:26:00
Australia and New ZealandHow Long After Your Interview Did You Have Your Visa In Hand?

We are outside of the next-day network (Corindi Beach NSW)

So would there be any point in getting a Platinum?

The lady at the post office said with us being out of the network, there wouldn't be a difference in delivery time so we just got the standard express post 3kg satchel

platinum = signature on delivery, and you can track the package.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-09-27 23:03:00