K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

If it were something I could afford to do, I totally would've gone to Portugal to stay with Tess and worked on an I-130 instead - but the economy's even more in the pits here in Nevada than the rest of the country, so dropping my job like that wasn't really an option. Plus, that would mean leaving the pugs behind, and we both adore the pugs. (Plus I wouldn't be placing my set of geocaches for how much I miss her, if I had, which has apparently gotten the attention of the local reviewer.)

No pug should be left behind!

now the bolded.. please explain what this means. :unsure:
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-05 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Thank you. I was starting to feel like my fiancee and I were the only ones who aren't religious on here...

ha, not at all, I was wondering the same thing really.

Aww I know, and I would never ever complain about people getting approved from CVC, I'm genuinely happy for everyone who gets this stage out of the way! It's the inconsistency between the two service centers that I'm annoyed about and I know it can't be helped or explained and we're all just waiting and waiting, but it sure is frustrating. I'm sorry though, I know everyone here understands, I just felt the need to have a small rant. I'm glad that apparently VSC seems to have picked up a bit this week at least :)

Congrats to the people who have got their NOA2s in the past few days, can just imagine the happiness you felt! x

Perfectly fine, feel free to rant! VSC can't stay like this forever, they have to have a burst of processing sooner or later, I think it makes it worse that CSC have over done things. It seems they are operating entirely independently. This whole process is a nightmare. Its part of why 2 friends of mine decided to go the other way, he.. the USC, moved to New Zealand instead, took all of 30 days.
I try to do an exercise, where I can think about a time, that was not that long ago or a time that is equal to my estimated processing time, and consider how 'not that long ago' it feels, like Christmas, it really feels as though it wasn't that long ago right?.. but its been 8 months, then I think.. well its going to be less time than that, till I am with my fiance and don't have to leave again. I don't know, it helps me anyway.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-05 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
I just saw someone (CSC) who got NOA1 on 10 May got approved. Not to alarm anyone prior to 10 May, because you shouldn't take that as being 'missed', its pure luck, and the likelihood that your petition is on someones desk, is pretty high. if anything, be excited that it could be any day now.

Congratulations Kokoninicko!! I know you are feeling amazing at the moment! :dance:

and for more great news..I had a job interview today and have landed the job, Thank God! And as an extra blessing it is fulltime :thumbs: , so I am Stoked! :D Now the time will pass by a little quicker for me. Thanks for all the prayers! :thumbs: God is GREAT! :dance:

I don't believe in God or anything, but Congratulations, that must be a huge weight off your shoulders! Everything is going to be ok. :thumbs:
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-04 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Wow! congratulations Kokoninicko! they are coming in fast!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-04 02:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
CSC are currently working on petitions from Feb, March, April and May. There appears to be little rhyme or reason that is understood outside of the service centres about what they are working on, when and why. Its luck of the draw really. hang in there, they will get to yours, who knows, VSC might decide to speed up this month on I129f's.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-03 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Oh my congratulations!! how exciting!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-03 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Well, it's good to hear he realized he was being an idiot now, rather than years from now. Tell him that I, as another guy, am telling him to not listen to the people who ###### about their marriages - either they bought into the Hollywood fairy-tale romance, or they got into the relationship based on sex and looks, which are not the foundation of a good relationship. Any relationship is going to take work - doing things together, spending time together, spending time apart with your own hobbies so you have alone time, weathering the arguments that inevitably crop up from two people with fully developed personalities and opinions having a difference of opinion on a topic. Entirely too many people go into marriage either expecting a fairy tale, an excuse to get laid constantly, or with the belief that they can 'fix (him/her) up' into what they think they want, instead of accepting that their partner is a real person with quirks, perks, and flaws that make them real. As long as you're both willing to put in the effort, you'll be fine.

that was why he told me, to admit to me that he shouldn't be listening to people jaded about their marriages. hopefully this won't happen again. hes agreed to communicate better with me and not to have such knee jerk reactions.

No need to be embarrassed! Thank you for coming back to update us. I'm sure it wasn't easy.

It sounds like he had a severe case of pre-wedding jitters, but he does need to be slapped around a bit (verbally) for putting you through that. :bonk: X 10 !

I know my guy was nervous at the beginning about getting married. Same fears, that I will completely change once we get married. I told him "Yeah, I'll gain 200 pounds and become a rightous nag" haha. He's finally gotten past that (hopefully!) You add the stress of this process plus the distance and things can get crazy. Let's hope that is all it was and the guy you know and love is back.

Like others have said, we're here for you!

ha, pre wedding jitters, just a little bit!! he was nervous about it in the beginning too, so I let him lead that conversation and allowed him to make that choice, I'm not one for pushing a decision, I needed him to be sure and to do it in his own time. I know its alot to do with the distance, we have always been so good at talking about our fears, which is why I was so shocked and took it seriously. I actually have a very good friend here, who married her American husband, they made the decision for him to move here, to NZ instead. once they got married, he took a month to get his things together, move down here and filed for resident status, took 30 days and voila, all approved.

hey on the bright side, it gave us all something to talk about other than the waiting right? :blush:
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-01 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
*sigh* so... everyone deserves at least one chance right? <_< I'm really embarrassed that I announced this, I didn't think someone would say stuff like this unless they meant it. It was an unprovoked decision by him, it came out of the blue, I thought we were really happy, I wasn't disillusioned. He did go through a nasty divorce with his ex-wife and one of the guys at his work, who is bitter and unhappy in his own marriage got in his ear, saying that I might be wonderful now, but as soon as we are married, I'll change. he started thinking I was too good to be true. The distance doesn't help I suppose. it was a complete ####### move.. trust me.. I even told him that.

I don't do the 'on again, off again' thing. I thought he was serious, he tells me he feels foolish, realised he went too far when I just started talking logistics for my cat and belongings (emotional hysteria is not my thing either). I'm a little wary, but think he deserves at least one chance based on being a complete idiot. finally.. a reason to use this... :bonk:

I'd also like to say.. its nice to know that you guys are fully supportive. I wasn't going to come back here I was so embarrassed, but its not like you've seen my face. :P
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-08-01 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Well, my cat arrived on in Hawaii on Friday, I booked my ticket to Hawaii on Friday after my fiance pushed me to do both and soon. I've sold all my things. but it seems that the distance has taken a toll and made the heart grow weaker in a matter of days. I never thought this would happen to us. This is the end of the road. May you all stand the test of time, stay in love. (F)
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-31 05:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
looks like we could have our first genuine May approval! they have listed Texas service center, but they filed May 4, I'm assuming CSC, since there is no I129-f adjudications at TSC. :unsure:
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-30 16:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Hi everyone, im a may filler, i got a rfe and i send it 7/16...... on 7/18 they change the status to rfe response review but its been 9 days without an update :( so frustrated. Any of you on the same situation?

Hi Zailyn, welcome to the thread.
I doubt any of us in May have an RFE yet, no one has mentioned one, its mostly too soon for us, USCIS states an estimate 5 months to process our files, if they are processed earlier than that, its considered a bonus. However, I have seen some Cuban filers get an automatic expedite, which it seems you MAY have, this could have triggered the RFE so early in the process, don't worry yet, from what I've seen while reading Jan/Feb/March K1 threads, it can vary in timing to get a response, a few days to a few months, I suspect you won't be waiting for too long. The part you should be pleased about, is that they are reviewing it. Sit back and relax, it will come before you know it. :)

ETA: meanwhile, update your timeline. :thumbs:

Edited by SweetDelish, 27 July 2012 - 04:46 PM.

SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-27 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
woohoo.. my kitty is an Aloha kitty now. Dave is giving me a minute by minute account of how hes settling in. the latest message was 'he peed' haha. I think this man is excited to have his cat friend in Hawaii. AND I just booked another trip to go and see him, which I guess is actually 'them' now ... them, only 5 weeks to wait!

Edited by SweetDelish, 26 July 2012 - 10:44 PM.

SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-26 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Lucky cat! What visa did it come over on?? teehee

I wish I could put my finace in a crate and have him shipped to me.

Sorry, it's getting late in the afternoon and I'm getting punchy. :blush:

I totally understood what you meant, no worries. There is always a little part of me that gets jealous of the ones who get expidited or just approved early for no reason other than luck. But it also gives me hope that I might be one of the lucky ones.

haha.. he doesn't have a visa. :unsure: seriously, it was easy to ship him early, but I couldn't send my boxes of "stuff", so they are in storage in Sydney, apparently you have to have a visa and be in the US to receive them, this applies to 'Household goods' I'm sure I could send over a small package of something if I really wanted, but its easier to just wait.. and I couldn't even send them to Dave. not to worry, my company is paying for storage as part of my expat agreement.

I understand, and there are a few who sneak through and get approved early for no reason, who knows why, that would be like winning the lottery.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-25 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Oh, I missed that it was a military expidite. I'm still exctited and happy for them!

I'm completely excited for them, 100%. I just mean in relation to getting closer to our approvals.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-25 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
me too, very excited about the mid April approvals, not so much on the expedites, they don't really reflect where things are at. Its been 2 months since filing for us, and I'm even starting to have my own processing theories.

Theory - (obviously for CSC): There are not as many March petitions, so all the boxes of March petitions, were picked up off the shelf already, so when agents went to pick up a new box to work through, there were no more March ones left, so they picked up the next in line, which happened to be an April box, I also think that considering they are processing mid April already, there are not that many April petitions either.

I think the theory about none of the previous months boxes left on the shelf applies to VSC, there are February petitions leaking through before some of the Jan filers have been approved. its not that they are out of line, its just an agent worked through their box, went to get another and picked up a Feb as there were no more Jan left, they are already on the desks of other agents.

I've got way too much time on my hands at the moment. :lol:

in other news. My Cat is moving to Hawaii tomorrow. :D

Edited by SweetDelish, 25 July 2012 - 02:46 AM.

SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-07-25 02:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

We got approved!!!! yyayyyyyyyyyyy :dance:

Congrats!! when is POE?

Last day in work today. Very bittersweet! This time next week I'll be with my love for good :-)

woo hoo! just a few days left!

And it looks like our interview date is February 28, so now we have that and I can start planning to fly there.

finally!!! not much longer now. :)
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-28 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers


This might be helpful if you haven't already found it...


yep, I figured it out and have a copy now, of the DS-3025. still waiting on the hubby to complete the support paperwork. we should have everything together at the end of this week to finally send it off.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-28 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Interview is Feb 8. :dance:

wow thats really soon!! congratulations!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-18 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Yes I am beneficiary My fiancée was with me .....they asked many questions co was very friendly ....then he was like plz have a seat and took our engagement album after some time he called and gave back then said every thing is fine... But we want some additional processing ..with blue sheet .. It takes
Upto two months may b less may b more ...he . Didn't even ask us for affidavite of support i-134 or any other supporting documents I don't knw what should I do ....

did they keep your passport? I don't know, as I said earlier, you should talk to others in the same situation, go to this part of the forum here:

you will find more information about your situation here, from what I've read Omer, this is not uncommon for middle eastern males to be placed on AP after interview, it can take weeks or months, but it is not unusual, I don't understand it much myself, so best to talk to those that do.

best of luck.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-18 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Sure does, $1070
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-17 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Did you get a DS 3025 (Vaccination Record) when you had your medical? You do not need to have another medical since you just had it for the K1. You are not required to submit the I-693 but it's a good idea to submit the DS 3025.

yes, but I think its the other way around, the vaccination is the I-693.. anyway, I had it, but Honolulu POE requested my x-rays, apparently they do this and the immigration officer was annoyed that I was not aware that I needed to hand it over, so the problem was, I had put my copy of the vaccination record in the x-ray envelope and totally forgot, so now its lost in the vortex of immigration land and it could be forever to get it back if I tried that path, rather than risking just telling them 'you already have it, check the x-ray envelope' I requested another copy from the doctor in Sydney. the bit i'm confused about, is the civil surgeon thing...

so I now have everything except the vaccination record, the i-864, when hubby works 14 hour days, its hard to nag him about these things. He will get on to it though, and my photos. got everything else, copied, and ready... oh, haven't signed as I'm still figuring out what my new signature is going to be. haha. :P

v.cute photo Patty. :wub:
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-17 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks. Please follow any instructions provided by the Consular Officer at the time of your interview. If further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved, it will be processed and mailed/available within two business days. Under the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act, Immigrant Visas for "Diversity Visas" cannot be issued after September 30th of the year in which you were selected to apply for a Diversity Visa. For example, entrants into the Diversity Visa Program in Fall of 2011 were selected for Diversity Visa 2012 Program, and selectees MUST apply and receive their visa prior to September 30, 2012 otherwise they lose eligibility to receive a Diversity Immigrant Visa, regardless of additional administrative processing. In addition, please note that some immigrant visas may not be able to be issued if the annual numerical limit for that category has been reached.

Omer, you are the beneficiary correct? It is very common in middle eastern countries for males to undergo additional administrative processing. From what I understand you can do nothing but wait, I would check out your regional portal on this forum, and discuss with others in similar situations, I think there might be a section about administrative processing.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-17 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Where did you find information about the AOS package at? Where do you download it from?

heres the VJ link to the guides, but download the forms from USCIS
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-17 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Thanks! It was a wonderful day. I could not have been happier with the way everything turned out. The wedding was outside in a park so we were very concerned about the weather but we woke up to a beautiful clear sunny day. Whew! About 60 people attended. Everyone was so happy for us, knowing what we went through to get to this moment. It was so hard not to cry as I walked down the isle, seeing all our family and friends and seeing the big smile on his face.

I'm looking forward to relaxing and enjoying time together. Not looking forward to starting on the AOS package. lol

thats fantastic, glad it was sunny for you. I knew you would have cried, hehe, ahhh relax now, you deserved it for a few weeks.
I'm not being very good at getting the AOS package sorted out, it seems so painful, especially the medical part of it, which is confusing the heck out of me. I'm procrastinating.

First of all, congrats Patti!! What a relief to finally be married! :D So happy for you!

Sorry that I haven't been around at all lately but I went to visit my fiance for Christmas and New Years and couldn't log in for some weird reason. I'm back now, and finding it absolutely miserable without him. Somehow it's a lot harder to cope this time than it was in June when we knew we'd be apart for even longer :( Anyway, I'm now getting the last bits together before sending package 3 back to the London embassy, also need to book my medical this week. Hearing some depressing things about how long the London embassy takes to issue an interview date though so not feeling good at the moment. I really hope this won't drag on past March you guys :( I'm in need of a pep talk...

it is hard, harder the closer you get (IMO), but you are so close, and like Patty said, once you are there, you forget about the time it took and the distance and separation. c'mon Lucy, the quicker you get your package 3 together, the quicker you will get an interview.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-15 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Happy Wedding day for yesterday Patty!! I look forward to hearing the details when you come up for air! :star:
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-13 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

He actually just bought his plane ticket today in advance, he will be flying in the 26th =)) Do a lot of people do that? We are a little worried but hopefully it will all work out.

haha, I did that, I was worried too, but it worked out, worse case - you have to pay change fees, I calculated the risk and decided it was worth it, though of course its never recommended. ;)

We parted ways again - for the last time, we hope - as of roughly 10:00 this morning.

it will be the last time, :) glad you got to spend some time together, hopefully it will be just a few weeks.

That seems to be the case! Finally got processed yesterday, just before the 6 week mark, so just waiting on an interview date now. Was told It could take up to 3 weeks to schedule an interview date(?!) surely it's just a case of clicking a button on the calendar when they've processed the paperwork? this has to be the least efficient system ever!

London seems typically slow, with any luck, it won't take that long, at least its down hill now, though in my opinion, its the most agonising waiting period.

3 days before my big day! I've waited so long for this and now I'm a stress case trying to get everything done before Saturday. It's a fun stress tho, not like going thru this crazy process. This is his first time so he is in shock over how much it takes to put a wedding and reception together. He's hanging in there. His family arrives from Canada tonight, 8 of them. :D

OMG!! soooo close! how exciting, relax lady, things will be fine, it won't matter if its not perfect, you will forget about it once the day arrives. photos, license, groom and celebrant/minister, the rest .. doesn't matter. hehe. look forward to your after wedding excitement post!!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-09 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Omer... I thought you were the USC?? either way, good to hear the medical is over!!! not long now!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-08 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

5 weeks since I sent the forms off now.

Come on, guys!

big slowdown around the festive period I assume, any news??

Next Tuesday, my fiancee is flying back to Portugal with the copy of Packet 3 that landed here (seriously, ####### is this?), so hopefully within a month or so I'll be flying there to join her so we can go to her interview together - and, hopefully, fly back together for good.

hmmm packet 3 to the US citizen isn't unusual, that happened in our case, however by email, snail mail is a bit stranger, but never mind, its there, and you shouldn't see anything as odd in your case :lol: just keep chasing the White rabbit. so has she gone home yet??

yayy! :) I know that must have been the worst 24 hours of your life! I am so happy you are approved! Our interview date is the 22nd so I am getting nervous, excited nervous. :)

ohhh just a couple of weeks away now? any thoughts on a POE date yet?
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-07 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
wow, still waiting!!!! I hope it gets sorted out soon, there seems to be a handful left hanging in every month, I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the service centers to see how things really work, or don't work for that matter.

AnnaLouise, glad to hear your visa arrived!! I think we talk ourselves into the agony of something will go wrong when you want something so much, that the slightest hint of it makes assume the worst. I went through a bit of that when it took a bit longer for them to send my visa out too. now you just need to enjoy your final days and say your farewells, which is so bittersweet.

Thanks Vicomi for the well wishes, life is moving along nicely, I finally managed to order our marriage certificate, which should arrive next week, which will then kick off a flurry of paperwork and appointments, for the military and AOS.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-07 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
AnnaLouise, this is one case I remember, when searching for the guy I found this too, I hope it puts your mind at ease a little bit:


SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-03 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
from what I've read, administrative processing happens at all consulates, its not the same as the dreaded AP for several years many middle eastern men are subjected to. it should be just a few weeks, I've seen several from the UK over the months I've been on and it never lasts longer than a few weeks. it will be ok AnnaLouise. :) this last part is probably the most stressful, even though its the shortest wait. When you touch down in the USA, you will forget allllll about it.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-03 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
HI everyone! I hope you all had a Merry christmas and a Happy New Year, I've now been here in the USA for 4 weeks and married for 13 days. Our wedding in las vegas was fun, Elvis was a hoot, and David surprised me with a 'wedding carriage' of a yellow lamborghini that he rented for the day, I met the entire family in Illinois not long after with (almost) everyone turning out for Christmas day, now its back to reality and AOS packet shall shortly commence, along with all the other paperwork we need to start living like a normal person.

I look forward to many happy updates over the next few months with lagging NOA2's, interviews, POE and weddings. Best wishes to you all.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2013-01-02 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers



Relshamy!!! Congratulations!! I hope all the stress has melted away now, the longest wait is over. Very Happy for you!

I just receives packet 4! My interview is this Wednesday the 18th of December! Early Christmas present!

yay thats nice and close!! are you going to try and make it over for Christmas? or even New Years?
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-12-13 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Finally NOA2!!!! Just when I was starting to lose hope finally some good news :-)
Early Christmas present and definitely the best one!

yay! Congratulations!!

Which island are you on sweetdelish? I'm riddled with jealousy of your relocation!

Packet 3 has been and gone. I am not an organised in my personal life even though I'm a manager of a restaurant But work and this visa journey has compelled me into the great unknown world of being on topof everything!!! Hoping to hear back about the interview before Christmas though its Ireland and administration is slow in this country.

Kassil, I hope you get your packet ASAP!!!!

I'm on O'ahu, haha.. its an idyllic place, for sure, not sure if I could live here permanently, a few years would be nice though. Good to hear you sent off the packet 3, bring on the interview date!!

So, she says there's no sign of Packet 3 yet; she's emailed the Paris embassy about it (again, I believe). Whether or not she gets it soon, she's got her plane tickets for visiting for the holidays booked - a week from next Tuesday, she'll be here for just under three weeks. Entirely too short a time - and something we might not have to do, if the USCIS had been able to get their act together and send things promptly to the correct address in the first place.

Still - soon enough, I hope.

ahh well that buys a bit of time and relaxation, having the holidays coming up. I hope the packet 3 gets there soon enough, thats a bit strange.

Just an update. My fiancee waited for me to get back from work and we beleive we got to the bottom of this.

Before we called USCIS I called the NVC to see if they have out case. They do not. Therefore, USCIS must still have it.

My faincee then called them, spoke to another agent who said they will be sending the NOA2 notification next week. As you can probably understand our frustrastion and lies, we did not beleive any of this, so we asked the agent if we can speak to the supervisor.


Well, at least this story kinda makes sense. Not the good news we were expecting, but hey at least we know where we stand if this story doesn't turn out to be yet another lie. So just have to continue playing the waiting game.

In other news got some more bad news. The chemothrapy fluid in her brain has not gone down enough for the doctors to aloow her to fly over. My family are giving me the emotional blackmail of spending the last xmas with my family (and my sister is gonna give birth to another child on Christmas Day), so really torn on flying over there. I think I will in the end, they have to realise that I have my responsbilities now. She is my family too. Besides I have not seen her for 7 months now, and she will probably need surgery to remove this fluid.

sorry to hear about the bad news, but at least its only not allowing her to fly, doctor knows best. I wouldn't blame you for going, actually, thats exactly what I would do.

wow USCIS really did mess you around alot!! thats a shocker! and taking money from her for a police check? thats just weird, I hope that it comes through sooner or later, but as mentioned before, this is the best case scenario out of the recent events. back to the waiting game!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-12-10 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Thanks guys, I hope the rest of the May filers are calling to find out where NOA2 is!! they started on June already, which is good news for Brock... well.. it would have been if things hadn't got so weird.

Brock have you managed to make any sense out of what they told you? If you had a NOA2, your fiance would have received a notice in the mail, and then another one to say that your petition had been forwarded to the UK, and not sure about UK, might pay to check, we both got emails from the embassy with packet 3 instructions. Honestly, I think it would be good news if you haven't actually been approved yet, considering your NOA1 date, you might get your approval shortly, so in a way, I kind of hope you didn't get an approval yet, just because its made things so complicated.

Relshamy, as long as you submitted enough evidence, and completed your petition, you shouldn't have any issues getting an approval, things just might be a little slow, if there was an issue, I'm sure an RFE would have been submitted by now. you should be able to call and speak to a tier 2 and ask them if there is a reason for a delay? I don't know, I've never dealt with them before.

Kassil&Tierce... packet 3 arrived yet???

Everyone else, progress updates?? AnnaLouise, you sent your packet 3 back right? waiting on interview date?

it hasn't really sunk in yet for me that I'm here. I woke up this morning, and David had already gone to work, I just lay there grinning.. pinch me - is it real??
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-12-07 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
I hope that it just means that all the May files are being processed, on someones desk. it can't be too far away.

well I'm here, in Hawaii now. POE was fairly smooth, except Hawaii requires your x-rays at POE, so I had to get escorted to my bag and bring it back up again, luckily I had it in my front pocket, although I've realised just this second that my immunisation worksheet was in the envelope. gahhhhh!!! that seriously sucks. Hopefully I can get it back somehow.

anyway, small things. my fiance was very excited, I came out into the pick up area at the airport and he had a big sign saying, 'welcome home Shannon' and he had the NZ flag and USA flag on it too. so cute! we went and picked up some lunch and headed home, he showed me a photo slide he made to music of the two of us and he had bought a bottle of champagne too. so fantastic experience. all the waiting forgotten in an instant.

once you get to your loved one, or they get to you, its all worth it. I hope everyone makes it soon.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-12-06 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Brock - that all sounds a bit weird, since when did they send the NOA2 to the beneficiary, and why would they have given you a CSC (WAC) number when it was at VSC (EAC), you could try using EAC and enter the numbers - see if that works for you. Its possible they did something different to usual, but I suggest you get in touch with the embassy in the UK ASAP to find out if your interview is really in December.

I leave on my flight in less than 8 hours!! so in around 18 hours, I'll be in Hawaii, and depending on how long POE actually takes, in his arms shortly after. feeling realllllly overwhelmed, but so ready to go. need to finish packing and have time to sit and breathe for a bit.

here we go!
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-12-04 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

:star: On to the next phase in your life. Now I will know more people in Hawaii.

Yes you will. :) how is your wedding plans going?

Woohoo sweetdelish, the end is near!

I'm jut sending my packet 3 into the embassy. I'm sick of waiting! Can't wait for this to be over

just one more day before I get on a plane.

its nearly over, the longest wait is done, this next phase is just frustrating. :lol: but you will get there soon.

Sweetdelish is sooo close now!

Ah yes, calling the NVC....they must train them to be that grumpy and rude. I had the same experience every time I called.

Jordan said they were grumpy and somewhat rude at his POE, but it didn't matter. His flight was delayed almost an hour so I was going crazy on Saturday. But our moment finally came. We made quite a scene at the airport when he ran down the escalator and into my arms. Pinkrlion, you are right, it is the greatest feeling.

It was so hard to go to work this morning....hurry up Friday!

haha.. going home every night must be such a great feeling though, your airport scene sounds so sweet! I don't think I'll be able to run into his arms, not with my trolley full of bags. haha. I can't wait, just 1 more sleep till I go.

I handed back my computer to my office yesterday, did my exit interview, they've told me I need to convince him to move out here so they can have me back. which is nice, I know they like me, and I know I'll always get re-hired if I come back.

todays adventure, a touch up on my tattoo. ;)
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-12-03 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Thoughts are with you all still waiting, I check the timelines every day in hope the rest of you can at least get an NOA2. the only comfort though small, is that it is taking a long time, but alas, its coming, Brock - at least when you get yours, you can be nicely rushing around to get everything else sorted in time for your intended POE, once you have your visa, waiting will be hard.

Relshamy/Pathotoko - nothing I can say will give you comfort at all, except, it gets better, and the wait you are enduring, is worth it in the end.

congrats to Packet 3 and 4 receivers, so close you can smell it now. :)

Patty - just moments away from no more long goodbyes. so excited for you right now.

as for me.. ahem.. my visa arrived at my office in Sydney on Friday, I finished up my job on Friday also, left NZ yesterday, mildly emotional, felt guilty I wasn't more so, I love my country, but nothing feels as good as being with my fiance, I'm now in Sydney, sorting out my bags, closing bank accounts, saying goodbye, trying to not drink every day! everyone wants a farewell drink. in 3 more sleeps.. I'll be flying to Hawaii at last, I'm glad its a night flight and hopefully I will drop to sleep, its going to be the longest 10 hours, but with the sweetest reward at the other end.

I'll check in here again later. I look forward to more good news from you all. (F)
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-12-01 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

haha... I can't wait to be detached from my phone and computer, and not panic or stress or worry or just in general hate being the non-single single one.

ohhh well at least thats only a few days to wait. I don't know, I think it gets harder when you get sooooo close! you can see it, you can smell it, but its juuuuust out of reach.
SweetDelishFemaleAustralia2012-11-29 00:56:00