Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDid I screw up?

I am planning our next trip and thought I was being brilliant flying Anna into Atlanta and meeting her there to fly together to Montego Bay. But then I just had a sinking she allowed to stop at a US airport? We would stay in the terminal. I guess I just assumed that the terminal is international ground like in The Terminal with Tom Hanks. Anybody got a solid answer on that? I've looked all over the internet but can't find an answer.

It depends on the passport she carries. The US no longer allows for TWOV - Transit Without Visa.

If her passport was issued by a country in the VWP list, all she needs is the ESTA, as if she were traveling to the US. If her passport was issued by a non-VWP country she may apply for a common B1/B2 visa, with which she can travel through the United States or a Transit Visa which will allow her to transit on American soil but not enter the country. The drawback about the transit VISA is that she will escorted to a holding area until she is ready to board her next flight. It is really not the most pleasant experience, as far as globetrotting goes...

Good luck!

Edited by Gegel, 18 February 2013 - 03:48 PM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2013-02-18 15:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruschild born ukraine

sveta just told me friday night she is now pregnant. our question is we have been planning another family visit to ukraine later this year or early next how hard or needs done to  bring baby back if while on visit she gives birth?  also I am uploading some photos of our visit of 2 weeks ago. as most knows I promised sveta,s family a wedding after she got ap/ead   




You will need to obtain a CRBA - link below - for your child will be an American citizen.  For good measure, ensure you have her medical records with you before you leave for the Ukraine as evidence that the baby is actually hers.  The US consulate will most likely ask for evidence of her pregnancy.  In addition you may need to get a Ukrainian passport for your child as well.



Edited by Gegel, 03 June 2013 - 08:46 AM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2013-06-03 08:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEXPERIENCE Renouncing Ukrainian Citizenship

Does anyone have actual experience renouncing Ukrainian citizenship after becoming a U.S. citizen? I have read many threads about the topic but no one has stated they have actually gone through this process. 


- Who did you contact?

- What forms and documents are required to complete the process?

- How much does it cost (if anything)?

- Did a legal firm in the U.S. or in Ukraine to help you with this?

- How long does it take?

- Did you complete the process before or after becoming a U.S. citizen?

- Were you able to complete the process within the U.S.? 

- Have you traveled to Ukraine since?


Thank you! 


It seems people are more concerned with their own views on this matter, than answering your question.


Drawing a parallel on how one would go about renouncing US citizenship abroad, I would bet that you should start by contacting the Ukrainian embassy in DC and asking for their guidance as to forms, costs and where you would need to send in your paperwork.  I am sure they deal with such requests on a daily basis.


Good luck!



JohnR!MaleMonaco2013-08-13 08:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian international passport

What's that..?

If it's a Russian province of some sort, the Russian embassy would be the only ones I could think of asking. The US doesn't recognize any country named Zagra..

In a nutshell, a 'Russian Intl passport' is a passport which is valid for travel outside Russia and it has all the biometric data encoded, very much like US passports. The bio page has become a security feature required by many countries, for admittance. It exists in juxtaposition with a 'domestic passport' which is a document used as a identity card. For most westerners the term 'International Passport' seems like a redundancy, but Russia today still live with a few elements left over from the Soviet era..
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-06-19 10:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine fears / family safety research begins

Poland and Canada are considering taking in refugees.  Keep this in mind if things get out of hand...




Hopefully the US will follow suit if it should come to that.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-02-21 13:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL Arriving in Five Weeks...

She's flying via Aeroflot from Moscow to New York, if it makes any difference in your thinking, and via Delta to Dallas.


The USCIS has translators available, on site, to help.  She should ask for one when she is called up to the immigration counter.  Asking for the service will not hinder her, other than timewise.   Having said that, once she is done with immigration she will have to collect her bags, clear immigration, recheck her bags to DFW, go through security all over again and find her departure gate. 


If you would allow me a suggestion:  If she is an elderly person, consider asking for a wheelchair for her upon arrival.  By doing so she will have someone pick her up a the jetway and wheel her all the way through to her departure gate for the DFW flight.  She can't and won't get lost in the process.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-01-20 12:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Russian "Show me your Papers" Law for Dual Citizens

The title of this thread should be:  Putin is a joke.  Obama to blame. :rofl: :rofl:

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-05-27 19:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Russian "Show me your Papers" Law for Dual Citizens


replace with:  

Since our country has acted in such a way as to create relations with Russia that are worse than at any point since the end of the Cold War



C'mon Baron, Let's at least save VJ as a place where we can escape the PC shield that the MSM uses to protect any negative analysis of anything the current administration has done.



That would be relevant if the law of which you speak applied only to Russian citizens who chose to become US citizens.  As it stands, the law applies to Russians who took citizenship in other countries as well. 


I think you are bashing the wrong country.  It was the workman's very own hero, comrade Putin who signed the law into effect, not Bush, Clinton, W or Obama.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-05-27 14:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Russian "Show me your Papers" Law for Dual Citizens



No and NO.  Nyet!! Nikak!  Nikogda!



If you know Russian, click on the Russian language link for this Wikipedia entry and you'll see that the Russian Federation only recognizes dual citizenship with countries with which it has treaties.  


It sounds like the issue is no biggie for most VJers on here because they and their spouses have no intention on maintaining relations with mother Russia.  But did your spouse formally renounce his/her Russian citizenship?  If not, this newly proposed law may apply to you.


And if maintaining Russian citizenship is not important to you, that's fine.  I only brought this issue up because I find it funny (in that Russian 'black humor' sort of way, that we all know all too well) that all the Russian-Americans we met made it sound like it's no big deal to travel on two passports, and then boom, this.


Since our country has somehow managed to re-open the Cold War, I just wonder how this new law may affect things in the future.  We know that the US exempts up to about $80K of income earned abroad from taxation, but will Russia allow the same exemption??


Please don't respond that I should chill out; this is just healthy discussion of newly proposed law that may affect RUBettes in a serious way, in the context of issues discussed here on


I understand your POV.  However, what is done is done and as you indicated, your wife has already become a US citizen.  At this point, at best she might be able to keep both and not have to worry about it.  At worst, she may have to renounce her Russian citizenship formally.  Perhaps there are several acceptable mediums in between.


IMHO it is not something you should discard, if that concerns you, but wait until you get more specifics on the new legislation and its actual implications.



JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-05-27 11:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Russian "Show me your Papers" Law for Dual Citizens

Dual citizenship is not outlawed in Russia. It's just that when you go to Russia or deal in any way with the Russian government, they treat you as a Russian citizen and do not care at all that you have some other citizenship. So you must use the Russian passport to enter and leave Russia, etc. Now they seem to care a bit more and want to know who has another citizenship. If it passes, just register like they require and then you won't have any problems.


They were recently discussing banning dual citizenships for members of the Duma, but this was never meant to affect regular people.





And that is true of any country that recognizes dual citizenship.  They will always treat you as their own, regardless of how many passports you carry.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-05-27 10:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Russian "Show me your Papers" Law for Dual Citizens

If this really comes to pass, she should register as a dual citizen as required; it's the law after all.  Optionally she could consider formally renouncing her Russian citizenship through a legal process at the consulate, the result being she could travel to Russia with her US passport and a visa.


IMHO this is just more posture from Putin.  What a joke.

Edited by Gegel, 23 May 2014 - 11:28 AM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-05-23 11:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview in El Salvador

Right, I understand that. But even if I am OVER the guidelines, can the embassy still say I need to have a co-sponsor..I read a few reviews that happened to a few people..

Not if you support the I-864 with your tax returns. they will not, most likely. Just because you don't have a 'job' does not mean you can't have an income. However, for it to be taken into consideration it must match that which is one your tax returns.
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-06-07 10:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview in El Salvador

1339005899[/url]' post='5424593']
Hi all

Quick question. My wife has her interview set for June 22, which is about 2.5 weeks away. From what I understand, there are two interviews, about a week apart.

My question is can the Salvadorian Embassy reject my wife, saying we need a co-sponsor? We cleared the U.S and were above the poverty guidelines, but I have read reviews on here saying that the wife was rejected because they said we needed a co-sponsor. We are about 5-6k over the poverty guidelines? Please advise asap!!!

Thanks so much!

Your income must match that which is required by the DHS vis a vis the size of your household.
Check out this link for the guidelines and figures:
Good luck!
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-06-06 13:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaS.O.S Social Secc & Job permission

hi! ... I am already at USA, since last week, when I asked the Immigration Official @ Houston, about the time to get my green card, he said it takes 6 months...
what about the Social Secc card? long does it takes?
...and on the other hand I would like to know if while I get the green card, can I work (using my passport only)? the stamp on my passport like a validation that I am here legally to be able to work? or do I need to wait to get my green card?
all your comments will be appreciated...thanks!

Your passport must have been stamped upon entry to the effect that you are eligible to work. You can go to the SSA and obtain a SSN and start working as soon as you can get a job.
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-07-23 14:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaevidencias a ser entregues apos a entrevista

I was told it is not necessary a new interview. Just send me an email confirming the liberation of the passport!

So you think with payslips this ok?!

Thanks, I'll post news as soon as you have.

The payslips were the missing link to prove his income is enough to sponsor you in the US. His income of $ 55K + should be more than enough to cover the required minimum. As soon as the consulate can confirm that his income is enough they should send you (liberar) your passport.

Manda noticias quando as tiver!!!
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-07-25 10:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaevidencias a ser entregues apos a entrevista
His past tax returns were needed just to ensure that he is current with his taxes.

For the I-864 the USCIS really wants to know how much money he is making, currently. With the paystubs he sent you, you should be OK, so much so they already approved your visa. Chances are the consulate in Rio is going to verify that the pay stub is not a forgery before calling it a day.

You are just fine!

Boa sorte e felicidades!!!
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-07-25 10:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americanow what i need to do?

I'm so happy! i had the visa on my hands!!! :thumbs:
but know I have a few questions about my plane ticket..
1. I found a flight from lima to los angeles but have one stop in miami its about 2 hours that I have to wait in miami after that I take a plane to los angeles.... my question is, if I gonna have any problem with that? the only 2 hours I have to wait for take another plane.??????
2.- I want to help my future husband(economically), but i dont know if i recive a the work authorization immediately I arrive to the states? what is better? wait and apply for a work authorization with the adjust to status?
3.- what i need to do in the aiport? any advice?
again i'm sorry about the english i'm trying my best :blush:


1 - Two hours in Miami may not be enough. Call the airline and see if they can move you to a later flight. If you are out of secondary quickly you can still try and catch the earlier flight. in any case, the airlines tend to be accommodating if you miss your connection because of immigration lines.
2 - after you get married, you will need to file for adjustment of status at which time you may obtain your EAD which is you authorization to work. You can't work until authorized by the USCIS, so you will not be able to work right away. Prepare yourself for a few weeks or months of waiting.
3 - Whenyou arrive at the immigration hall, seek an immigration officer, show him/her your paperwork and, ask if he/she can send you to secondary for processing, thus avoiding having to wait in line, only to be sent to secondary. Depending on their workload they may send you straight through to processing without the wait. You can always try.
Felicitaciones y buena suerte!!!

Edited by Gegel, 08 August 2012 - 08:30 PM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-08-08 20:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaSorry - can't sem to readily find the answer - (Brazil)

Does the embassy in Brasilia process K1 or is it only the embassy in Rio de J?




Embassies do not process visas.  In Brazil that task is performed by the Consulate in Rio.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2013-04-29 11:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americamarriage visa

Originally my fiance and I were going for a fiance visa. We have however decided to go ahead and get married while I go visit him the next time.
I am lost when it comes to this though. What will wr have to do in order to get married in brazil? I am american.


Here is a link to the information on how foreigners can get married in Brazil:




Good luck!

One think i know for sure, get married there. Then file  for a fiance visa(90 days visa) to come to the US. 
here is the link with all the information you need to know : http://www.visajourn...ess-procedures/


You can't file for a fiance/ee visa for your spouse.  Once you are married you must go the IR/CR route.


The K-1 visa only applies for those who are not yet married and whose intentions it is to marry stateside.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2013-07-15 09:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNeed help my Fiancee VISA expired before coming to states
If her visa is still valid - the visa itself as an expiration date - she can travel to the US, provided she gets a new passport. If her visa is indeed valid for 6 months (?) she may still have time to get a new passport and get here just in time...

Good luck!

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-02-06 18:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaattaching a picture to the ds 160

how do you upload and attach a picture to the ds 160 form? once you send it you can print the confirmation??


Check this link under 'Uploading a photo' halfway down the page.




Good luck!

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-02-21 12:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Need for European transit visa with k-1 visa?

Thank you for the explanation.
I read that Schengen visa is needed, even for a transit at the airport.
But that could be an exception, since she has K-1 visa to the US.
Sorry for confusion.

Thanks to all.

After doing some digging, I concluded the answer is that both statement to the effect that 'she needs a visa' and 'she doesn't need a visa' are correct.

Schengen regulations do require holders of Belarus passports to obtain a transit visa when traveling from a non-Schengen country to another non-Schnegen country.

However, there are exceptions to this rule and these vary depending on country, airline and flights booked. For instance, Germany offers TWOV - transit without visa - at certain airports, and under certain connecting circumstances.

Having said that, I believe chances are she will not need a visa, but the only way to be sure is to check with the airline she will be using, so they can give her precise information based on her actual itinerary.

Good luck!
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-10-05 08:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Need for European transit visa with k-1 visa?

Would my fiancee need to get a airport transit or Schengen visa once she gets her US k-1 visa if she has a flight and has to change plains in an European country? She is from Belarus but not sure if that even matters with a k-1 visa.

The need for visas is based on which passport she will be carrying, so she will still need a transit visa for Schengen, otherwise she will be denied boarding a plane towards western Europe.

On a positive note, that she has a visa for the US should make it easier for her to get a transit visa for the region.

Edited by Gegel, 04 October 2012 - 11:50 AM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-10-04 11:48:00
ChinaChild to follow ?

Does anyone know what the age limit is for a child traveling alone is?
The child is 14. Our first thoughts were for the child to follow after a month, but if she needs an escort the cost gets beyond my already strained capacity.
I plan on calling the airline today to find out if they offer any kind of child escort service, but thought I would throw it out here to all of you who have done it.


In most US airlines children 12 and above can travel alone without the need for an escort. You can opt to have an escort if the airline provides the service and you are willing to pay for the escort's fare.
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-07-05 09:38:00
China1040 vs. W2

Does anyone know if the 1040 tax forms are required for the interview? All I sent her was the W2's. This morning in a panic wanted the 1040's
:o :wacko: :unsure:
Anyway I sent them email. Now she has to find a place to download and print out.

IMHO tax transcripts, obtained from the IRS, are the best option. If you don't have time to order them, send her a copy of your 1040's as well.

Here is the link to the IRS where you can order your transcripts:,00.html

Good luck!

Edited by Gegel, 25 July 2012 - 07:35 AM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-07-25 07:35:00
ChinaFor those who plan to visit China


If the US is treating the chinese spouses of US citizens' with respects, do I even need to prepare a whole box of evidence to prove the marrital relationship?

Still, how is providing evidence of bona fide relationship disrespectful, when one is asking for the privilege to immigrate based on such relationship?
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-08-10 13:42:00
ChinaAirplane Tickets to HKG

1341692509[/url]' post='5509355']
Well,,, yall know i am already whining about the high prices from JFK to HKG with CX this fall. it is around $1200 for my ticket.

if i wait till august or september to purchase it, will it be cheaper?

I honestly doubt it. Fares have been on the $1k+ mark for most international long routes. In all honesty I think that fare on CX to HKG is a steal especially if you're talking non stop service. I've been looking for fares to LHR, CDG and MXP and they are just about the same as your fare.
Consider checking out with other airlines via Europe for they may have better fares with a longer flying time however.
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-07-07 15:36:00
ChinaPublic assistance for the in-law

Thanks, very informative, but my question is, what if the in-laws applied and received some benefits AFTER they arrived? Benefits including Medicaid, low-income (they will be no-income) housing, food stamp etc.

You are financially responsible for any benefits they receive for a period of 10 years or until they become US citizens themselves, whichever happens first.
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-12-11 13:04:00
ChinaIN Debt

I think is varies from country to country and the nature of the debt.


Having said that, leavng debt behind is never a good idea, so IMHO it would be best to pay off the debt before emigrating.

Edited by Gegel, 29 May 2013 - 07:51 AM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2013-05-29 07:50:00
ChinaEntering the US

She can accompany you in the US citizens' line, no problem.  Once she gets to the CBP officer she will be sent to secondary inspection for processing of her K-1 packet.  You can accompany her to secondary and wait while she is processed.  There is no need for her to take the visitors line.


Good luck!

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-02-21 10:59:00
ChinaVisa interviewer totally humiliated and insulted my wife. What to do?

I understand the tough questions but the dude had not done his homework. He started berating my wife before he had even looked at the extensive evidence of our relationship that I'd submitted. My wife said his tone changed dramatically only AFTER he took out the 70 or so pictures of us together and looked through them. My wife and I have been together for four years. This is what my wife says happened:The guy asked her something she didn't quite understand and her answer was hesitant. She admitted to being "nervous" and he came back with, "You SHOULD be nervous. You married a guy old enough to be your father." He wasn't joking. She was horrified and had no idea what to say. I did not know anyone at the consulate would talk like that or I would have prepared her for it. I prepared her for age difference questions but not to be scolded and lectured. We even practiced her response to questions about our age difference but I assumed the questions would at least be asked in a civil tone. 


She should have replied:  True, but he is hung like a horse.   (Just kidding... The devil made me do it)

Edited by Gegel, 06 March 2014 - 12:57 PM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-03-06 12:51:00
ChinaVisa interviewer totally humiliated and insulted my wife. What to do?

You can - and should - file a complaint with the Dept of State.  You can remain anonymous if you so wish.


Check out the link below:



JohnR!MaleMonaco2014-03-06 12:07:00
Asia: SouthCo-Sponsor Required Docs

1339071648[/url]' post='5427356']
Does anyone know if US embassyin Kabul accepts co-sponsor? If yes, what are the necessary documents that a copy sponsor needs to fill out? Thanks

The documents to be signed and produced as evidence are the same. The co-sponsor is just another sponsor whose purpose is to complement the required minimum income. There should be no reason why the consulate in Kabul would not accept a co-sponsor.
JohnR!MaleMonaco6/7/2012 7:36
Asia: SouthQuestion about flights...

Hi guys, My fiance went to the travel agency to book his flight and he wanted to book it thru american airline but the flight will stop in London and than from there to chicago, the agent is saying that London has made a new rule and all pakistani must have some sort of visa to enter in London, so he said he cant book that flight for us and told us to find out if he will need a visa for London before he can book it for us. I have never heard anything like this before, he will just connect his flight in london and go on his way to Chicago and than to me. Is this true or are the travel agents being dumb?.... thanks..

Your best bet is to double check with the British High Commission in Pakistan, so they can give you the correct information.

Edited by Gegel, 17 January 2013 - 12:35 PM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco1/17/2013 12:34
Asia: SouthI94

Fiance entered the Usa yesterday, but he was not given the I94. Can we fill this out online and mail it?


There are no more paper I-94 to fill out.  She can retrieve a copy of her electronic I-94 here --->  https://i94.cbp.dhs....hFTcQw24JHpJP2l!1203808417


Good luck!

Edited by Gegel, 22 April 2014 - 12:43 PM.

JohnR!MaleMonaco4/22/2014 12:42
Africa: Sub-SaharanOrganization of Documents
In addition to the above:


General Tips on Assembling Applications for Mailing
  • Mark both the envelope and the cover letter as to the nature of the submission. Example: ORIGINAL SUBMISSION - BRIEF FOR AN APPEAL - RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - etc.
  • Use the appropriate mailing address and mark both the envelope and the cover letter as to the form type. Example: I-129; I-130; I-690; I-698, etc.
  • Provide both the receipt notice number and the A-Number as an identifier, if they are available.
  • If the packet is being resubmitted in response to a REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE (RFE), please place the notice requesting the additional evidence/information on the top of the packet. Also, please use the special mailing envelope provided.
  • If evidence is being submitted in support of a previously filed appeal or motion, a cover letter stating "BRIEF FOR APPEAL", etc., should be placed on top of the packet.
  • In preparing your packet, please take note of the following:
    • Do not use binders or folders that cannot be easily disassembled.
    • Use ACCO fasteners to hold together thick or bulky applications or petitions. Two-hole punching the top of the material for easy placement in the file is appreciated.
    • The use of tabs assist in locating items listed as attachments. The tabs should be placed on the bottom and not the side for ease in filing.
    • Avoid using heavy-duty staples; instead use ACCO fasteners or heavy clips.
    • Avoid submitting originals unless specifically required. Avoid submitting oversized documentation when possible.
  • If you are sending more than one case in an envelope, clearly separate the cases by rubber band or clip fasteners.

JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-06-15 09:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPersonal bank account

I'm the beneficiary in this case.

In that case I don't believe you need a bank account. You need not prove ties with Ghana, for the purpose of your coming to America is to immigrate, in the end. The financial requirements will fall on the petitioner (your fiance/ee in the US) to show evidence he/she can support you when you get here.
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-09-07 10:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPersonal bank account

Wait. Are you the petitioner or the beneficiary? The way it was worded, I assumed you were the beneficiary and for some reason you are required to have a bank account. Posted Image

Just to be clear, my interpretation was that the poster was the applicant, i.e. the one who is filing the paperwork stateside.
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-09-06 08:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPersonal bank account

Hi all,
with the K-1 visa for ghana they require the applicant's own account statement. I would like to knw Wht to do if I don't hv a personal bank account.
Pls help out here. Cheers

My suggestion is that you open a bank account in which to have your salary deposited so you can show the required evidence to the effect that you can support your fiance/ee and future spouse upon arrival in America.
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-09-06 07:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGood News For Aviation Buffs

I flew the Dreamliner from Seattle to Narita. I have to say I was REALLY impressed. Don't know if it was just ME but it seemed very quiet and smooth. Have a safe trip and enjoy! :thumbs:

Roger that. She is beautiful, quiet and smooth!!!!
JohnR!MaleMonaco2012-11-27 10:32:00