PhilippinesNeed help with interview next week

Did they request an "Consent to Marry" signed by her parent(s) at the CFO?

When my wife was at the CFO, they sent a woman home and told her to come back with her mother. She wasn't from Luzon either, and was expecting to fly to the USA the next day. The CFO can be easy one day and a total pain the next. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Why not let her mother accompany her there, then you're sure not to run into the problem and your fiancée can enjoy some time with her mother. The entire process is stressful enough, its helpful if they have a little moral support on the ground with them. At a minimum I'd have that signed letter from the parents stating its OK for her to get married.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-04-30 16:16:00
PhilippinesMedical Examination

my wife went to the Medical Examination the questions is do them keep the passport and send it to the us embassy manila philippines my wife got interview may 10 but them did not keep her passport i read somewhere when u go for a Medical Examination them keep your passport and send it to the us embassy it that truth becoz them did not keep her passport.....

You should be posting in the Philippines section. St Luke's does not keep the passport now. She carries it with her to the embassy.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-04 13:04:00
PhilippinesVisa Approved!!!

I wish I'll have mine soon so i can make travel plans :(

I remember waiting for my now wife to get her visa delivered. It wasn't such a long time waiting really, but if felt like forever at the time. Almost like some one showing you a chocolate bar when you're starving, then taking it away and saying you can eat it when they give it to you later.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-04 11:18:00
PhilippinesVisa Approved!!!
Congrats, may everything move smoothing from here on out.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-04 08:11:00
PhilippinesGetting SSN for K1 before or after married?

why cant we get it while AOS or wait for EAD?

You can only get a SSN while you have a valid immigration status in the USA. The I-94 gives you valid status for 90 days, but if you apply too close to the end, it will not be issued because it takes time to check your status then give the ss number. They also have to issue the number before your status runs out. Once you apply for the AOS, you still do not have a valid immigration status. You're in the grey area of waiting to be issued a valid immigration status. That is why it is called Adjustment of Status, its taking you from no status to legal resident status.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-02 14:34:00
PhilippinesGetting SSN for K1 before or after married?
You might be cutting it close if you run into any issues getting your SSN. Get it before the wedding and do a name change for it after. Having the SSN is important in so many ways. If you fail to get it in time, you're really going to regret it while you wait to adjust status. There is really no rush to change the name on it afterwards either, just having the number is the important thing.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-02 09:29:00
PhilippinesNeed filipina Advice

How exactly should he "send her back"? Balikbayan Box? Are you able to be "sent back" at your spouse's discretion?

My wife is small enough to fit in one :whistle:
Don't think I'd survive trying to put her in the box though :no:
If its a K1 and they haven't married and/or adjusted status, then giving her a return ticket is an option. Would you rather he just boot her out of the house and left it up to her to find a way back? She can't legally stay without getting married and adjusting status, which she can't do without a sponsor. Sounds to me like she isn't adjusting well and has a lot of issues to work through yet. The husband can help or hinder that process. And if he can't be a help in the process, they may be doomed.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-04-24 16:22:00
PhilippinesIf you have doubt I suggest going to the interview with your fiancee
I would have loved to be there when my wife had her interview, money was partly an issue, time was the big issue. Had I gone to the interview, there would have been no vacation time left for me to spend with her on arrival.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-02 10:07:00
PhilippinesBig surprise for my wife and I
Congrats to both of you. Here's to hoping the process goes smooth and she's here before the airlines want to keep her on the ground.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-07 14:50:00
PhilippinesIncome Requirement

assessed value is not market value, market value is normally higher (I was a real estate broker for over 30 years)

With the housing market lately, I've seen many times where the market value is below assessed value. At least where I live, the home prices have dropped so fast that the assessed value is constantly lagging behind leaving it higher. My current home is like that now. The plan is already in place to drop the assessed value by 14,000 next year, which just might be close to current market value, but by then I'm expecting a little more market drop.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-06 09:09:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.

I'm trying to learn here.

So every female entity from Philipinpo that is married to a USC is at his mercy for a divorce? Even if said female entity is in the USA?

If that is true then I don't know why they would marry a USC at all. Seems like a one sided contract to me.

Marrying a foreigner is the only way a Filipino can have the option of divorce that is recognized in Philippines. They do not allow divorce at all inside the Philippines, or recognize their own citizens as having valid divorces if they file outside the country.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-04 13:59:00
PhilippinesFed Ex for shipping Gift box
I've heard good and bad about Fedex over there. A lot is going to depend on where its going in the country. Balikbayan boxes is about the only method of shipping that seems devoid of issues. Its slow, its cheap, its a big box, but they always seem to make it in tact and devoid of duties.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-11 11:19:00
PhilippinesGot Green Card

My wife received her EAD and AP on May 9th. We are still waiting on the Conditional Green Card. Probably end of May or June it will come. In the mean time work :whistle: relax :pop: and wait :clock: .

Good luck with that date for the green card. We've been waiting since our November filing. Those transfered to California are not getting them very fast, regardless of what the letter they send says.

OP congrats on getting the card. The one thing getting the green card will change in our house, is the worry of an RFE will go away. My wife did all that paperwork, and I just kind of glanced over it, so now she worries.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-11 09:16:00
Philippinesthis so bs this so so bad! ao upset what is going on

Cut off is 24 on Quezon website. Does not apply to 25 years and older, but the code does say 25? 25 it is for Davao too. Filipino laws sure can be confusing sometimes. :wacko:

The law applies to those under age 25. Its a national law, and no doubt is stricter or less strict depending on the location that is enforcing it. It is supposed to be obtained before a marriage license is given.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-10 16:07:00
PhilippinesBring them back with me!

I am very sure that Eve would agree with me that this has been a difficult process but rather than weakening our relationship, it has made us much more determined to be together, to stay together, and to love each other as long as the good Lord allows us a few more breaths of air. I thank God every day for helping us find each other because if I could have wrote up an order for the perfect woman for me, she is that and 1,000,000 things that I would have never even thought to list.


Could be a blessing in disguise as you start your future together here. You've faced adversity and came out stronger because of it. I'll be looking forward to reading your write up when it gets posted. I'm sure with you on voting the people we're voting into office. There seems to be fewer and fewer good ones in office all the time.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-10 10:03:00
PhilippinesCFO Orientation

I went to St. Mary and they didn't ask any documents from me. They interviewed me after their video seminar which was very outdated. I could still remember some of the questions like, how we met, my age and my husband's age, and his profession, took less than 5 minutes and then I paid for the certificate and sticker on other building. But I saw some women there that their interview took so long.

Just my opinion, if during the interview, you don't feel confident and you raised a red flag, I guess that's all the BS coming because they will ask for more documents.

My two cents about the CFO, it was really outdated and for me it serves no purpose. They gave you list of phone numbers and places to go in case something happen to you. But they failed to educate Filipino on what exactly they need to do if bad things happen. Like the moment they got here, as side from 911 and they need to know who to call in their specific area in case bad things happen. They need to have some money in their pocket that they can use to mobilize while looking for help. They need to let them know what steps in immigration they need to do to protect themselves.

During the CFO, they didn't even ask me what preparations I did if BS happens when I get, I was expecting they will ask me as part of their protocol. I am confident that I am marrying a great guy and I love him but it doesn't mean that I know everything about him. I still have 10% worry when I flew here in US. I brought some extra money with me to buy me a ticket going back home, just in case our relationship will not work (though, I doubt it, but still). But after few hours after I got here in US, and have the taste of great burger and onion rings with root beer, I must say that my 10% worries gone. :P :D :whistle:

My wife went to St Mary's for the CFO also, and didn't run into any special issues. She was very well prepared though with even more things than she took to the embassy. She'd heard all the gotcha questions and requests ahead of time. What confuses the heck out of me, is why they tell women to go the their local consulate. Why not tell the women to contact a woman's shelter in their area if they find they're being abused. Women's shelters are everywhere in the USA. My wife's local consulate is an eight hour drive away, and thats if she could drive! Its as if they think everything in the USA is like everything is located in Manila. Just hop the jeepney and run over to the consulate, yah thats going to work good in the USA. Heck a woman's shelter would probably help her get to the consulate if thats what she needed to do. But for most places in the USA to get there on their own is darn near impossible.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-15 14:14:00
PhilippinesMedicaid for Pregnant women

So, from what I've gathered, I've learned the following to be my options:

Simplified Eligibility for Pregnant Women (SEPW)- The "full coverage" pregnancy medicaid. Covers from prenatal care to labor and delivery costs, and even the health insurance of the child until he's/she's 2. Must be a US citizen to qualify!

Presumptively Eligible Pregnant Women (PEPW) - When you apply for SEPW, they give you this so you can get the care you need ASAP while waiting for the result. If you're approved of the SEPW based on the qualifications and requirements, then no more need of PEPW. But if it turns out that you're denied of SEPW because you didn't qualify, then the prenatal coverage of PEPW has to stop. So, this isn't really an option.

Emergency Medicaid- available for non-USC as emergency medical help. As far as pregnancy, it covers labor and delivery but not the prenatal care (hence the term emergency), although I think the delivery itself has to be a case of emergency(?). So this is the only other option to SEPW.

Given my financial situation, it would be nice to qualify for SEPW and get covered from prenatal to delivery because prenatal care itself costs thousands of $$. But as stated, one of the requirements is that the pregnant woman must be a USC. Like I've said, I'm not a USC (yet), although my naturalization is pending. Do you think I should at least try to apply for SEPW and risk getting denied? Or should I wait until my naturalization is completed and then apply?

There are clinics that will charge you based on income in many parts of the country. This might help you out on the prenatal care side of things, but you're going to have to search out your local clinics that do this. Between PEPW and low cost clinics, you should be able to get a handle the prenatal side of things. Start out with low cost clinics and later apply for PEPW? Emergency Medical Assistance should help cover the actual delivery. That is open to non citizens. Having a baby is going to be expensive, it is even if you have insurance.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-17 09:03:00
PhilippinesMedicaid for Pregnant women

This is very helpful. Thanks a lot for this info. What does 5 year residency exactly mean? Is it 5 years since arrival to the US or 5 years of being a greencard holder?

The green card legal residence date I'm sure.
There was someone on here a while back who worked for the government in an aid agency at one time and talked about going after those that sponsored the immigrant. They mentioned they rarely actually go after the sponsor, because generally the sponsor was on hard times to, like you and your spouse at this time. But even if they should come back and look for payment later, at least you can get the care you need now. Do what's right for the baby now, deal with the money later. Take those food stamps if you need them now to, make sure you eat a good diet for the baby. Its to everyone's benefit that babies come into the world healthy and get a good start.
I'm surprised you moved from Texas to Florida, I thought Florida had a horrible economy now, while Texas wasn't doing too badly. Good luck.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-15 20:03:00
PhilippinesMedicaid for Pregnant women
Just to make a correction in my posting, for pregnant women in Florida, you can get it without the five year residency.

Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women (PEPW) - PEPW provides temporary Medicaid to provide pregnant women immediate access to prenatal care. County Health Departments, Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Centers (RPICC), Federally Qualified Health Centers, Maternal and Infant Care Projects and Children’s Medical Services units all determine eligibility for PEPW and concurrently submit an application for Simplified Eligibility for Pregnant Women to DCF. All pregnant women with family income less than or equal to 185% of the Federal Poverty Level may be eligible for coverage. There is no asset limit and citizenship/alien status is not a factor of eligibility. The presumptive period begins with the date the eligibility determination is completed by the Qualified Designated Provider (QDP) and extends for an additional two months while DCF makes a determination of eligibility for ongoing Medicaid. PEPW covers outpatient prenatal care only
Simplified Eligibility for Pregnant Women (SEPW) - SEPW provides full Medicaid coverage for pregnant women. Eligibility is determined for the pregnant woman only and does not consider the potential eligibility of other household members or eligibility for other programs. All pregnant women with family income at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level may be eligible. There is no asset limit for coverage. The pregnancy must be verified. Coverage extends through delivery and two post-partum months. Pregnant women with income above 185% may be enrolled in Medically Needy with a share of cost

But that does not mean the sponsor is not liable for paying back the benefits received.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-15 15:08:00
PhilippinesMedicaid for Pregnant women
Medicaid is a need based federally funded benefit. Immigrants are limited in what they can obtain, I believe requiring 5 years of residency until they are eligible. The sponsor of the immigrant will responsible for repaying the government for any benefits received, until the immigrant has 40 quarters of work or becomes a citizen. This what the I-864 was used for, to make the sponsor responsible and not the tax payer.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-15 15:00:00
PhilippinesBalikbayan Boxes
We have both LBC and Forex in the area here, Minneapolis/St Paul. I think one of them sends the box for $90 and the other $110. As other have mentioned, its not the cost, its the fact you send something. I think Forex is better known in the Filipino community here, but you can ship cheaper through the store that sends via LBC. I only found out LBC was in the area when I noticed the small sign in the only Filipino grocery in town.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-17 10:01:00
Philippines10 Reasons To Marry A Filpina

I corrected it for you.

On that note, are there any young Filipinas left in the Philippines? I think they are all in the US already :lol:

There are pretty young ladies everywhere you look in the Philippines. Most don't want to leave their country. I ended up marrying one of those but it took a long time to convince her to come to the USA.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-19 08:46:00
Philippines10 Reasons To Marry A Filpina

Here in Illinois, Jena loves the change of seasons and prefers cooler weather. I guess she had enough hot humid weather growing up in N. Samar. We were there last May for 2 weeks with no aircon and the humidity was horrid. The air isn't on at our house yet, I'm too kuripot :D .

Just wait a day or so and maybe this 90's weather will hit Illinois, then maybe your wife will say honey ko please turn the aircon on lol. My wife was from Davao, when the temp dropped to 80 degrees they put on jackets down there. She has adjusted to 70's indoors now, but still prefers 80's. Which is rather easy in my place, I have lots of southern glass exposure in the house. Nice and bright, plus lots of solar energy. In the winter if I set the temp at 76 and its a sunny day it will jump up to 82 degrees inside as long as the outside temp isn't below 10 degrees. If it hits 84, I start opening windows and airing the place out a bit. I used to close the curtains and turn the heat way down during the day, but that changed once she got here.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-18 10:46:00
Philippines10 Reasons To Marry A Filpina

Gotta worry about guys from Minne-snow-da!

WE will be up that way later this summer, I am originally from there so have to go visit family.

My wife would prefer it if I lived in a warmer part of the country. But then would probably not enjoy AZ summers either. We're expecting 91 today and she's all excited. I myself broke down and turn on the air conditioning.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-18 07:37:00
Philippines10 Reasons To Marry A Filpina

Insult away!! I tend to agree.............. :lol:

So would my wife. But then she might think every Kano is like me :whistle:
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-17 15:38:00
Philippines10 Reasons To Marry A Filpina

Yes. It seems like you and I def found the right type of Filipina.
She was actually upset one time that she couldnt bring herself to ask me for help for her family. Her sister's tuition.

I guess she worried for two days before bringing up the extra money for a party for her younger siblings. We had already planned to send some money so gifts could be bought. Of course I had to pull that number out of a hat to :lol: I think part of it has to do with not fully understanding how much comes in and how much goes out. She sees all the numbers, but I don't think she really grasps where we're sitting economically. I think its just going to take time dealing with dollars and watching our budget until it is truly clear to her.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-17 09:15:00
Philippines10 Reasons To Marry A Filpina

Slight tangent: things like sending money for a wedding dress, I will not get told how much to send.

Don't expect that to change when she gets here either. I've been trying with my wife for 8 months now, and I don't think I've made a hint of headway.
Her - "Can I ask a favor"
Me - "sure honey"
Her - "promise you won't get mad?"
Me - "sure honey"
Her - "No really promise"
Me - "sure honey. I won't get mad"
Her - "Are you really really sure you won't get mad?"
Me - sigh "Yes Honey! I won't get mad"
Her - "Are you positive you won't get mad"
Me - "Honey just ask! What gets me upset are these 20 minute productions before you ask"
Her - "Promise you'll say yes"
Me - "Will you please just ask me!"
Her - "Nothing"
Me - "Here we go again, the big production for nothing. You know every time you do this its never a big issue with me when you finally getting around to saying what you want"
Her - "Its nothing"

Usually about 30 minutes later she'll finally ask for something.
Her - "Can we send some money for a party for the twins? It's their 18th birthday and I'd like them to have a real party"
Me - "Sure honey, how much?"
Her - "Up to you"
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-16 15:06:00
PhilippinesCFO at PRISM in Manila No Better/Givin Fiancee a Hard Time
I'm not sure if you got a complete crazy or if something set them off. Maybe a little of both. How many times have you been divorced? How long have you known each other? They don't go this crazy on everyone so something had to have set them off. Maybe it was something that happened right before she got there to. Can't believe some of the stuff they're asking
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-22 19:49:00
PhilippinesOkay, who had the map of Manila?

I saw a couple of references to the "eligibility" letter as recently as a month or two ago here on VJ. One poster said they received the snail mail from the Embassy after they had already completed their interview. The other poster said they received the letter after they were already in the U.S.! Some people never receive it probably due to the notorious inefficiency of the Philippines Postal Service.

I'm thinking that the Embassy still sends them out because not everyone is hooked up to an immigration website like VJ where people know not to wait for it and they schedule their interview appointment long before the letter arrives.

The eligibility letter is still on the Embassy's website, and it was updated last month to reflect the new visa fee.

Maybe the Embassy is confusing the eligibility letter with the appointment letter they used to email/snail mail to the visa applicant.

My wife never received the letter, but always got her mail unless it looked like a card from the USA. After all cards from the USA always have money in them :rofl:
That does make sense about the appointment letter confusion. If you do it online you don't need the letter because you're supposed to print it out.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-24 15:05:00
PhilippinesOkay, who had the map of Manila?

However, don't wait around to receive the Embassy's snail mail because, as some have found out, it may never arrive.

Does anyone actually get an initial letter from the embassy any longer? My wife called the embassy because the online appointment letter dropped part of her passport number in one part, had it on the bar code though. While verifying her appointment letter would be ok, she asked about getting the letter and the person said they didn't send them any longer. Not sure if it was a real answer or an excuse though.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-24 13:39:00
PhilippinesMy Philippina's Driving Lessons.

LOL...yuh... that's the funniest topic I've seen so far....XD

I can't wait....lots of state land driving to start...the funniest thing is my fiance doesn't want to learn....she wants to ride a motorcycle...IN MICHIGAN!
emmm... for a few months at best..

We'll keep you posted.

Thanks for keeping it light...

She'll change her mind when she feels the temperature there. :rofl:
My wife just had her driving test this week. She passed with flying colors. The instructor even said she was pretty good. And the way she said it you could tell it was the highest compliment she ever gives.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-24 21:30:00
PhilippinesMy Philippina's Driving Lessons.

My way of thinking too. I didn't have any issue with my wife. As a matter of fact, it is kind of fun teaching her how to drive. The way she asks me questions about rules and things like that. So far she is doing great. We already scheduled her driven test :)
It is a away to get to know each other in another level. Since both need to be in the same peaceful and relax state of mind.

I really don't why some people make a big deal out of it. I just don't get it.

There were things the driving instructor told my wife, that I had told her before to. Thing is, she listened to the driving instructor :rofl: . Could be the instructor has a better way of saying it. He told her stop means stop all the time. I told her if she didn't come to a complete stop at stop signs, she wouldn't pass the test or eventually get a ticket. Some how, Stop Means Stop, worked better, as she now comes to a complete stop all the time. The rolling stop was a habit she picked in driving in the Philippines. Other things I told her she got down very well, and she surprised the instructor. Like which direction to turn the wheels when you park on a hill. I hired an instructor for multiple reasons, a big one is he's up on what they're checking for on the test. Been too many years since I took it. He gave her very good instructions on how to parallel park. I just do it, he's used to teaching people how. His instructions are very simple and she parallel parks with ease now. Also I have a big full size SUV, which keeps her foot in the air while her foot's on the gas. The driving school has Honda Civics, a newer model of the car she drove back home. What a better way to learn the rules of the road here than driving something that is much closer to what you used to drive? He also noticed bad habits in her driving that I had failed to notice and has her correcting them. Maybe I road with her too much in the Philippines. And another big one. The driving school schedules the appointment for you. They have appointments set up just waiting for someone to use. Those slots are months sooner than I could get if I called in for an appointment for her. All in all I expect she'll be a better driver and licensed sooner than if I had done all the instruction.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-09 15:12:00
PhilippinesMy Philippina's Driving Lessons.

My husband taught me to drive with the help of his friends. I learnt during winter season and have to be very attentive because road ia freakin' slippery and yes, have to follow my husband's instruction even though sometimes it drove me nuts. I failed in my first attempt of my driving test because my husband forgot to teach me how to park downhill, we concentrated in parallel parking but they never asked me to do parallel parking.

For my experience, better to learn in sedan type of car than SUV. Hehehe, seems SUV made for taller people. I have to put pillow on my back whenever I drove our SUV because I can't to lower the seat any further to reach the pedal. And also I always feel its too big for the road and I have to be cautious driving it, not to drive on lines. Or maybe its just me, got used to coupe, smaller car.

My wife needs a pillow to get her feet on the floor to lol. She has learned to handle our SUV though, which is a big accomplishment in my view. But it will still be a lot easier for her to drive something smaller for the test. We're probably going to buy her a Ford Focus for her first car here. Thanks for the pointer on the downhill parking. There's uphill parking to that they may bring up. But I'm expecting the instructor to be up on those details. She brought up last night concentrating on what she needs to get through the test. That will probably leave me to do the freeway training though. Its not my favorite option, but I understand her point. Saturday is her first driving school day, I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes for her.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-03 07:14:00
PhilippinesMy Philippina's Driving Lessons.

We try to make the agreement every time before we go that she will swallow her pride and be a team player. The biggest danger is copping the attitude of "he's telling me what to do..." I'm glad she agrees on that. A wife doesn't cop that attitude with a paid instructor.

That is exactly why I'm getting a paid instructor at this point. I've given what instruction I can on the differences in driving between the Philippines and here. Also I have a big SUV, which is way to big for her, her heal doesn't even touch the floor with her foot on the gas. I'm surprised she's done as well as she has on suburban roads under such conditions. I can't imagine her passing the driving test in it. The driving school has Honda Civics, a car sized much better for her. And they'll take her to the driving test in the same vehicle she'll learn parallel parking in. If I had a smaller car to teach her in I'd probably be tempted to do it, but considering a spouse will also learn better from a possessional instructor, it was an easy choice for me.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-02 09:15:00
PhilippinesMy Philippina's Driving Lessons.

My wife was the opposite ... I had to tell her to speed up all the time. I feel sorry for those who are stuck behind her.

I spent $500 on driving lessons for her. Well worth it - I got way too frustrated trying to teach her myself. :wacko:

That is my wife on the freeway! I kept telling her to speed up and she kept going for the brake pedal. I tried explaining that you rarely need the brake on the freeway, but every lane change and every car going by her and she's pushing on the brake pedal. She drove in the Philippines, but it was always on low speed city roads. She's gotten pretty good on regular roads, but I'm nervous about getting her back on the freeway and don't want my reactions to freak her out and scare her from freeway driving. So this Saturday she has her first behind the wheel driving class. I'm going to tell them to focus on freeway driving, parallel parking, and review the things she needs to pass the test. I'm pretty sure they'll see she's competent on all driving except the freeway and parallel parking.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-01 11:55:00
PhilippinesMy Philippina's Driving Lessons.
My wife drove in the Philippines, so teaching her driving in America has been a bit easier. I've had to unteach her a few bad habits though. But since my SUV was really too big for her to drive properly, she can't rest her heal while foot is on the gas, I've set her up with behind the wheel. They'll be teaching her parallel parking and how to handle the freeways better. They'll also take her in their smaller vehicle to her behind the wheel test. I'm guessing that will be less stress on our relationship. :dance:
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-04-30 14:10:00
PhilippinesMy Philippina's Driving Lessons.

My ex got a flat on the freeway and pulled into the emergency lane in the middle of the freeway to change the tire. A cop stopped and told her she couldn''t change the tire there.
She argued with him for a minute and then gave in.
He told her he'd follow her with his lights on so she wouldn't get hit while she made it off the highway. Then he was giving her directions over his loudspeaker to the nearest place
where she could get someone to change the tire for her. She didn't understand something he said so she slammed on the brakes. He plowed right into her. Nobody got hurt
but the city picked up the bill for that little accident. I hope that cop learned his lesson :lol:

No arguing with a Filipina, you'll loose one way or the other :rofl:
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-04-30 13:45:00
PhilippinesJessica can win!

And didn't Jessica get voted back into the competition due to the judges rather than the audience anyway? Clearly, the judges thought she should have a chance, but it seems that the American audience had made its minds up before she got this far.

It appeared to me to be highly staged in order to boost ratings and votes. The next week they had record votes, so it appears to have gotten what fans have hung around more active. As to improving ratings, they're dropping fast for American Idol. Its hard to guess how many seasons they have left. Jessica is getting an album produced, she's doing fine without winning the title. If someone writes some good songs for her, she could easily have a decent career with her talent. But if all she does is sing other people's songs, she won't be around too long.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-25 11:48:00
PhilippinesJessica can win!

I wanted Jessica to win and I think she should have but I also really liked the other guy's singing. I'm kinda surprised he won though - it didn't seem like the American Idol audience would be his demographic. I think Steven Tyler was pretty surprised as well. It was clear he thought it should have been Jessica...she really should have won.

Why didn't you think he would win? He's another White Guy With Guitar like the previous 4 winners. Its what the program's fans want and have wanted to five season now.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-24 13:32:00
PhilippinesHow to Marry...

If you choose to go the divorce in the US route, you'll be committed to the AOS within the US totally because if your fiancee returns to the PHL then she will need an annulment. As noted before, a foreign divorce between two Filipino citizens will not be recognized by the Philippines and the Dept of State is bound by regulation to recognize the law of the place where the marriage occurred. So if she married in the Philippines, then no visa will be issuable until it is annulled. There is nothing wrong with the divorce in US and AOS in the US approach, just know that is she is not allowed to AOS then you'll likely need to shell out for an annulment in the Philippines as well.

The Philippines is the only place in the world she will be considered married if she divorces in the USA. It only becomes an issue for them if she attempts to return the Philippines. Filipinos regularly divorce and remarry outside the Philippines, even to each other. That marriage is just not officially recognized by the Philippine government, while the rest of the world recognizes it.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-25 07:01:00