PhilippinesDelta airlines?

A little over two years ago Delta required the purchaser to go to an airport to confirm the credit card and the ticket purchase. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-11-15 11:46:00
PhilippinesAnyone Denied CFO and Had to Go Back?

After waiting for 19 days, my fiancé went back for her appointment.  Her mother had to come from Mindanao to Manila even though we had a notarized letter of Parents' Consent to Marry signed by her father and mother.


The counselor grilled and hammered them individually and together for 2 hours about our age difference and my previous marriages.  The counselor was extra hard on the mother and kept asking questions about being with an old man who had been married several times before.  The counselor also kept telling stories about how bad foreigners were.


My fiancé said that her mother almost cried during this, but both my fiancé and her mother were firm on us being together.  So, after 2 hours, my fiancé got her certificate and sticker.


We just want to wish those going to the CFO good luck.  Like most things in the Philippines, what is the most important is who will be the counselor.  This counselor my fiancé had was very hard on age difference, past marriages, and foreigners in general.


Good news they cracked that hard case counselor. I pity others that need to face this woman. But standing strong is the only way to get through the CFO when you get a counselor like this.

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-11-19 09:55:00
Philippinescan't believe!

The best lip balm is Bert's Bees.  A little more expensive then your run of the mill brand lip balm, but you will feel the difference right away. I brought a few sticks with me for my fiancée to try and she swears by it. Won't use anything else but Bert's.  Bert's has a whole line of products for skin care and moisturizers.


Bert's is headquarters here in Durham North Carolina. Their offices are in an old tobacco warehouse located across the street from one of the best looking "AAA" baseball fields (Durham Bulls). 




My wife swears by the Burts Bees lip balm to. Its the only thing that keeps her lips in good shape here. As to lotion, she swears by the Nivea brand. She's tried just about every body lotion out there, except maybe Burts Bees lotion, but I've never noticed that lotion on the shelves here. 


Fixing your link

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-11-25 08:24:00
PhilippinesFor those who got married already.. I need your advice
Luckily, there is a wedding chapel where we live in the Minnesota so we could set up a real wedding on short notice. We had about 40 people, mostly my friends and family, but a few Filipina that wife met once she got here, and made a video tape of the wedding for her family back home. Her family's internet connection is so poor, skyping doesn't normally work so well and takes a lot of restarting, plus there was no internet at the chapel, so we could not include them that way. We do plan to have our Catholic wedding in the Philippines with her family. We were married by a minister, but her family really wants to see us married in the Catholic church, so we're saving that occasion to spend with them when we return to visit the Philippines. It will probably be close to the same size, as she doesn't have a large family that lives close.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-25 10:40:00
PhilippinesSurvey about wedding bands
My wife has and wears 3 rings. One was her Philippines engagement ring. Money was tight at the time, and I was honestly worried about someone robbing her and possibly taking her finger off to get the ring. She did travel in some not so nice parts of her city. When she showed up in the USA, I gave her a solitaire diamond engagement ring. She was thrilled, but said I shouldn't have. Although I think inside she's very happy having it. We also have matching wedding bands. Simple identical gold rings, except ring size, with engravings on the inside to each other. She takes her's off only to clean, and I keep mine on 24/7. They are worn on the left hand, although there seems to be a lot of variation on which hand wedding rings should be worn on in the Philippines. Some choose the left and others chose the right hand. In her family, its usually the right hand, but since we're in the USA, I said we should use the left. The filipinas we know around here pretty much keep their rings on all the time unless they're doing some type of dirty work.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-25 15:19:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario

Also as far as I know, IF the USC is the one who applies for a divorce, the Ph citizen is allowed to remarry right?

Yes, but to remarry in the Philippines or have a remarriage elsewhere recognized in the Philippines, there is a court process to go through where they verify the divorce was properly done by the laws in the location it took place. Then that finding from the court must be turned into the NSO.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-17 08:16:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario

Well I was about to say... I thought they just passed a law allowing divorces in Philippines.. but I guess it's still in the works (pending). Anyone heard any news on this? (not that I really care)



There have been politicians saying they want divorce legal in the Philippines for a long time, and have introduced bills many times to. Its not likely to get much traction, and even if it does, it runs counter to their constitution in the opinion of many there. "Article XV Section 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the State." My wife, a Philippines Citizen, who is normally pretty liberal in her political views, thinks there is no need for divorce when they already have annulment available. And calls the Gabriela party is crazy to even bring it up.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-16 08:42:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
BTW its the Philippine Citizen that cannot get their divorce recognized in the Philippines unless the non-Filipino spouse files for the divorce. The rest of the world recognizes it. The Philippines may not allow divorce in their country, but they do have a process to have a foreign issued divorce recognized as long as the Filipino was the respondent and not the petitioner. There are some lawmakers in the Philippines that are trying to pass a law that will allow divorce in their country. Its certainly not a given they will pass a law like that any time soon. As my Philippine Citizen wife says, we allow annulment now, why do we need a divorce law? And she usually supports the more liberal parties in her country.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-15 12:28:00
PhilippinesMailing to the Philippines
I've tried that, it will still take a couple of weeks, then they'll likely hit her up for a customary bride since they know its immigration documents.

But seriously, since originals are not required, scan and email it. She can print it out there. OR wait until you have an entire batch of originals that she needs and fedex them all together.

What about using USPS Express Mail ( Flat Rate ), as per their site, it takes 3-5 business days.

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-29 16:05:00
PhilippinesWife Hair loss

Update on the hair situation.

We didn't do anything diffrent and now after 4 months, her hair is hardly falling. However she does have a lot less hair than before.

Glad to hear its no longer falling out. Is she upset with how thick it is now? My wife was pretty worried for a while when her's started coming out a bit faster than normal. I've noticed no real difference in how thick it is though, so I think she had a shorter period of loosing hair than your wife did.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-04 09:41:00
PhilippinesWife Hair loss
My wife has had this issue. I think getting her to takes vitamins solved the problem. She thinks its the change in shampoo. She washes her hair daily, and would probably take a bolo after me if I suggested she didn't :rofl: Seriously though her diet has probably had a great change, plus she's suddenly dealing with colder and drier air at this time of year. My wife now takes a vitamin for skin, hair and nails, plus a daily multi-vitamin. She actually used to take vitamins for skin hair and nails back in the Philippines. When she came here she stopped when what she brought ran out. Its been a long process finding all the lotions, hair products, and what not for my wife in the USA. We pretty much have it down now, and she's probably healthier with shinier hair now than when she was there. It just took many trips to the drug store and many experiments with products that didn't work well for her.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-12-21 12:38:00
Philippinesmoney problems in paradise...

I was replying to sandranj, kind of off topic I know.

As far as emergencies go, we've had our share but nothing major. We were also sending a small amount monthly for the first couple years until her Dad finally found work. We've also bought 2 pedicabs, a well, and a CR. A lot of that money came from my wife's job when she was working. We send a lot less since Kyle was born.

She sent about P15,000 this Christmas I think.

Our only emergencies have been small in the past year. Bought momma new teeth when she had them pulled because of the pain. Its good seeing momma smile again. Restocked momma's sari sari when my brother in-law and his wife slowly kept getting things and not paying for it, when he was back from his seaman's job and ran out of money. It wasn't much, but it lets momma keep her dignity by supporting herself. Momma doesn't like it when other people support her. And sent $100 US when that same brother in-law was stuck broke in Manila while he was waiting to go back to work.

For Christmas we spent at least P15,000 on the gifts we sent. It was the second balikbayan box of the year. Plus there were a number of small Express Mail boxes with shirts and such over the year, for birthdays and what not. It shocks me how much my wife can stuff into one of them. We definitely send more in gifts each year than we do for emergencies.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-12-21 09:10:00
PhilippinesIS it possible?

anyway, i just want to ask, what is the meaning of OP? =) forgive me.. i don't have idea about it... =)

OP is short for Original Poster, or you in this case because you made the first post and created this topic.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-08 08:48:00
PhilippinesIS it possible?
I wish you the best of luck in your parents getting the tourist visa. We didn't even bother to try with my wife's mother, no way was she getting a visa. No job (just a small sari sari store and making rooster leashes), no assets (she lives in a house her daughter bought and pays for her to live in). But I understand your the view of your fiancé to. When my wife was approved, I couldn't wait for her to get here any longer than we had to. Her sister, who she shared a home and business with, was trying to get her to reschedule and come later. I'm pretty sure my wife wanted to be here as soon as possible to, but was torn as she is very close with her family and we'd been apart for over a year. She didn't ask me for a delay, she just told her sister and family that I wanted her to leave as soon as possible. Had she asked for a delay, I'm not sure what I would have said, but any delay at that point would have made me sad. We'd been apart a long time, and I had told her to prepare to leave. We even had her resign her job so she could have more time to visit everyone and be ready to go. Although since its a loan business ran out of their home, I'm not sure how much of it she really stopped doing :rofl:
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-07 11:56:00

She will also need it for her CFO Seminar.

When my wife got her's, there was essentially two copies on the single sheet of paper. One for turning in, the other is marked personal copy. She used the personal copy at the CFO. That personal copy also just came in handy for a new job she got. They required a background check, including the NBI. By giving a copy of the NBI, it supposedly made verifying it easier. Or at least that's what I was told. She was so paranoid then entire two weeks the background check was going on. She thought for sure the company would get tired of waiting and hire someone else. When she finally started, she was surprised to see they already had her name on her cubicle. In any case, save that personal copy, it may come in handy when you get to the USA.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-11 08:29:00

What company asked for an NBI?

It was a financial firm, where she has access to lots of records and accounts. They were doing a complete background check, including criminal records for where you lived for the last 10 years. She lived in the Philippines during that time period, so the NBI was needed. As I said, they still verified my wife's copy, but the firm that does the background check for them, said the verification was faster than obtaining a new NBI. They also required a drug screening.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-05 10:32:00
My wife came on a K1 and recently had need of a copy of her NBI for work. But having the copy, it sped up the process of a background check for a job she just got. Although they did verify it, so the process was a bit longer than a local getting the same job. But I was told the process would have been even longer had she not kept a copy of her NBI. So there still might be a need for it in the civilian world once she gets to the USA.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-04 15:03:00
PhilippinesLocal Groups
If people would fill out their profile with both their current state and the country they have an immigrant from, it would be easy to find in the advanced member search. But it appears few enter that information on their profile.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-13 14:11:00
As to tooth extractions, find a real dentist and see if the tooth can be saved by filling the cavity. There are tons of people in the Philippines who put up a sign and start cleaning and pulling teeth because they are not really dentists. I had my wife search out and go to a real dentist, who fixed her teeth instead of pulling them. She had already gotten one pulled without telling me, which is a shame. She had been going to what she thought was a dentist, and she wanted to pull even more. She was pretty surprised when I redirected her to a real dentist and she found out what should really be done. She had been under the impression, that the only think to do with toothache was to pull the tooth.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-18 10:21:00
PhilippinesWhite guy in Zambo

This post of my question of wheather Zamboanga is safe to travel, has some very intersesting and way off comments. Some replies state I shouldn't carry a gun when I NEVER said such things in my post that I would carry a gun. READ MY POST BEFORE REPLYING! Other replies stated that I should not show up in Zambo and have an attititude that I can take care of myself as that will get my loved ones hurt. As I stated, I'm not looking for trouble but can care for myself and loved ones just like here in the USA. I simply said "I can take care of myself if no guns involved". If I am approached in a city in the USA by a thug, I will assess the situation and take appropriate measures. Yes it seems that Zambo is not the City for me to visit, but don't degrade me for being a Man that will stand up and fight when confronted and his girl and children are there and say that's not right and I'm just asking for trouble for my loved ones. I'm not looking for trouble in any City. If the poster that said I should NOT be strong and fight for my self and loved ones then that is the lay down theory of acceptance that someone else is more powerful than you. Never works, never turns out good.

Thank you to all of the other VJ posters that actualy read my post and your replies that have answered my question. Yes, Zambo is not safe. Such a beautiful City, I hope someday I can visit.

Things could be getting better in and around Zamboanga City. It will depend how well the latest peace accord plays out. In the past, when the major rebel group makes peace, a certain portion of them are not happy and form a new rebel group. This has already happened this time, even though the peace plan has yet to be fully implemented. Now if they can get that splinter group to shrink or better yet, dissolve rather growing this time. They may be able to bring more effort to shutting down outright criminal terrorist kidnap for ransom groups like the Abu Sayyaf, which operates around that area and neighboring islands. While the area isn't exactly as safe as some parts of the Philippines, there are probably a lot worse places you could easily find yourself in right in Manila. Many people, even Filipinos are afraid of the entire island of Mindanao, but much of it is really pretty safe. I'd go with the advice of your girlfriend. If she feels the area her family lives isn't safe for you, then stay away. If she says it is, then you'll be safe. Believe me, she's not going to want you put at risk when you come to visit. Now if she's just afraid of your comfort, thats a totally different matter, and you really should go and experience how life is for her and her family.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-28 14:39:00
PhilippinesWhite guy in Zambo

But where do you see this being illegal? Everything I read makes me believe it makes sense. Philippines have no constitutional right to carry or own a gun, which is why only US citizens can have it here in the US. There you have to prove why you need one. So it would make sense that a foreigner could own a gun also if they can prove a reason. I'm working on finding out for sure, all the sites I've seen are split half say you can and half say you can't... but I don't see any specifics. And this cop and customs agent were just shooting the ###### with me, I told them foreigners can't own guns in the US and they said anyone that can afford it can in Philippines.

Any Filipino can own up to two guns. One hand gun and one long gun. They must register them and keep them at home. Although about a third of the guns in the Philippines are not registered. To carry a gun, you must get a permit. During election times all carrying of guns is banned except for guards. All guns must be taped during election periods to show that they have not been fired during the election period. If you are not a Philippines citizen, you are not allowed to have or carry a gun unless you're a diplomat. This doesn't mean you can't get one, its easy to get a gun there if you want one. But getting caught will get you in a world of trouble you don't want to deal with.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-25 16:03:00
Philippines2GO Will Not Deliver The Visa!!!

Yes, she HAS TOO!! Miss another day at work, ride 8 hours on a bus.... And to think you pay to have it DELIVERED to her house.... HAHAHA!!! What a Joke!!!

Welcome to the Philippines! Where service comes with a smile, even if its not the service you asked for.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-01 09:17:00
PhilippinesHELP! Super BS for the CFO Certificate for marriage in PI!

Why do I have the feeling that your wife will care? :whistle:


As to the program they teach, it could really be improved upon. At least from what my wife told me they told her.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-05 14:27:00
PhilippinesHELP! Super BS for the CFO Certificate for marriage in PI!

hi. May I ask which agency looked for the CFO certificate? is she applying for a passport for the first time? or is she just renewing her old passport to add her married name? because if its just a simple renewal, she doesnt need the CFO certificate. The CFO is only required when you are about to leave the PI already like when your CR1 Visa was already approved. No spouse or fiance is allowed to leave the country without taking the CFO seminar. They put a sticker/stamp on your visa once you finished the seminar. Best way to take it, is when the embassy already returned her passport with her visa. So she doesnt need to go back to where she attended the CFO to have her visa stamped. Again. CFO isnt required for applying for a passport. Her Birth certificate, marriage contract and a valid i.d will do. It's also better if she applies for the passport directly to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)

You now need the CFO if you're married to a foreigner and applying for or renewing a passport. I'm not sure why, maybe they thought some were sneaking out without going through the CFO, or its assumed you will be leaving because you're getting a passport.
"As Filipinos going abroad as fiancé(e)s, spouses or other partners of foreign nationals, you are required to attend the CFO's guidance and counseling session in order to secure the Guidance and Counseling Certificate (GCC) and the CFO sticker. You need this certificate to renew or apply for a new passport at the Department of Foreign Affairs (per Department of Foreign Affairs Order Nos. 11-97 Implementing Rules and Regulations for Republic Act 8239, "Philippine Passport Act" and 28-94). "
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-01 09:15:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

My fiancé was definitely in the minority at St. Luke's, not many men getting k1 visas. I can imagine how he will feel at the CFO seminar.

What right does the Philippine govt have to get involved in our relationship!?! I mean, it took some time to teach him the right way. He knows to say "yes ma'am, may I have another?" But what about after the seminar... Is he going to stand up to me now? Men should know their place... Working like slaves so I can go shopping or to the salon... And have my dinner ready when I get home... Or... Well there are consequences... If this messes with our balance of power in the relationship.., I might just have to write a wordy message to both the Philippine government and my senator... Women have come too far to go back 40 years...

Lol!!! I think it's dumb he has to go,,, but... It is what it is...

Don't worry, they'll just tell him to go to the embassy if he needs help and show him videos of how you'll beat him. He already knows one, and you just need to keep him too far from his local consulate for to find for the other :rofl:
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-07 09:03:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

What are you going to do in the next few years when her passport expires and she cannot get it renewed because you decided to leave the country illegally instead of spending 400 pesos and a couple of hours to do it right? Think about what your doing and then do it the right way

There is no requirement to have a CFO sticker to renew your passport at Philippines consulates. If there was, how would people renew it a second time? Plenty of Filipinos have left on vacation and ended up staying where they are. Leaving on vacation and intending to work, is a very common. I agree with you the intent of the CFO is good, although in practice it is a bit lacking.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-06 08:19:00
PhilippinesCFO Counseling Requirement has no legal basis

Others have "talked" about this also, but with the visa in the passport already you have to ask yourself - will the customs agents at NAIA be dumb enough to let you pass without the CFO sticker?

A friend of my wife's has been turned away at NAIA going on vacation to a few countries now. In every case she was actually trying to go work without a work visa in those countries. How much harder will it be when they see that K-1 or CR-1 visa to the USA?

Quick edit: I should add she's not that bright, and easily gets caught in lies, which she's a bit known for doing.

Edited by Caryh, 05 March 2013 - 03:45 PM.

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-05 15:43:00
PhilippinesFed ex fees

Thank you!!:-)

Make sure DHL will deliver in your area. Since they've gone to independent contractors to deliver packages in the USA, some areas just do not get served. I had that issue in one location I lived. They claimed to have attempted delivery, but no attempt was ever made. This happened numerous times. I had to have anything coming DHL sent to my office. Don't ask DHL if they deliver there, ask your neighbors, or be prepared with a tracking number and an alternate delivery location.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-08 15:05:00
PhilippinesFed ex fees

I sent my papers via Priority USPS to MNL. It was cheaper but arrived late and I was nervous... Won't do that again. He was charged Customs Fees even though they were only documents... I'm not surprised...

Happened to my wife also. Customary bribe when they realize there's immigration documents inside. She was charged 5000P :angry: All further document shipments went via fedex. They got there much faster even though fedex is expensive, it was much cheaper than getting a $125 bribe tacked on by the postal workers.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-07 08:49:00
PhilippinesFed ex fees
What are you sending? There are customs fees on many things. Balikbayan boxes are supposed to be free from custom fees, but are very slow to get there and technically there's some things you're not supposed to send in them. Our last box we sent took about 90 days, but much depends on where its going. Balikbayan boxes are stored until they fill a container, then put aboard a ship.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-06 10:41:00
PhilippinesStatutory Rape and Money Extortion
Paying to get free after a crime is the Filipino way. The government even raises money to free OCWs in other countries facing the death penalty. Her family either gets over it and drops the case or your brother inlaw pays what they demand. Right or wrong has little to do with the legal system there. Being adult and being alone in a hotel room with someone under 18 who is not family is a crime to. You don't even have to have sex, that intent is assumed. Different country, different laws, different solutions. Good luck to you brother inlaw
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-07 19:49:00
Philippinesam filipino citizen b4 . married a usc..
For a K-1, The USC need only be free to marry by the laws of the USA. Your divorce meets that. The foreign national must be free to marry by their countries laws, and the laws in the USA where the marriage will occur. So getting a K-1 shouldn't be an issue.

The CFO could be an issue. They may require your CENOMAR which will show you as married. They may or may not accept your USA divorce. If your spouse was a Philippines citizen at the time as you were, your divorce cannot be legally recognized. If you filed for divorce as a Philippine citizen it cannot be legally recognized there. They may just view you as a divorced American, divorce decree is enough, they may require that you get the divorce recognized in the Philippines first because you were a citizen of there when the divorce occurred. The CFO will want to know about your previous marriages before that CFO certificate and stamp is issued to her. What they will do about is anyone's guess, as the CFO has been know to pull pretty weird stunts at times.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-10 13:15:00
Philippinesam filipino citizen b4 . married a usc..
As far as USA law, you can get a K-1. You cannot get married in the Philippines unless you dropped your Philippines citizenship. Even then it might be a grey area. Where you may have a problem is with the CFO. They may demand your CENOMAR and then deny the stamp. If your USC spouse filed for the divorce while still a Philippines citizen, you can petition the courts to recognize the USA divorce. Then get your CEMAR annotated. You really haven't given enough information for us to know, and it sounds like you might be in one of grey areas of Philippines marriage law.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-10 09:11:00
Philippinesmarriage still existing in NSO

Nagpakasal kami ng asawa ko na USC sa pinas..pero sa amerika nag divorce kami... yung record namin sa NSO ay still existing..ngayon ako ay isa ng USC...gusto kong mag file ng fiancee visa upang makuha ko ang aking mapapangasawa.....ngayon ang tanung ko....kapag ba nag file ako ng fiancee o K1 ..hindi ba maapektuhan ang aking petition, dahil ang marriage ko sa dating asawa ko na divorced na kami ngayon pero yung kasal sa pinas at record ay nasa NSO pa

you can file a k-1 and your USA divorce is all that matters for you, the USC. The Philippine citizen must be legal to get married there and in the USA.

If you want to clear up your NSO status or file your new marriage in the Philippines, then you'll need to hire a lawyer in the Philippines to get your American divorce recognized there. But you don't need this to get the K-1 in your current case.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-11 21:21:00
Philippinescalling PHILIPPINES FROM USA... what to use
Magic jack is only going to work if they have decent and continuously on internet. They didn't where my wife lived and where her family still lives. I found our best option was a long distance card she got through Globe. For 100P she could call me for 40 minutes. Now that she's here, we use myblack011 to call there. For $5 we get 40 minutes there. Its a pinless system where your phone number is registered, we have both our phones set up on one plan. I periodically throw $20 on it and she calls when she wants to. I've never really looked into getting the logs from the myblack011, but I believe it you can get them from online. With her calling me using the Globe cards, I used the incoming call records on my cell phone.

Edited by Caryh, 08 June 2012 - 06:36 AM.

CaryhMalePhilippines2012-06-08 06:33:00
PhilippinesSending balikbayan box to US

The wife didn't have that much to begin with. Everything fit into the gym bag I left with her, plus a cardboard box her father tied together with string. She left behind her law books, for the next relative that would go to law school, and her bedside lamp, the only thing she really owned, besides a few clothes. She still had room for some comfort foods that lasted a few weeks after she arrived in the U.S.

My wife didn't have a lot either. But enough two bags that went a bit over weight. She gave a lot of things away. She also has a large collection of angels she wanted to bring. Those were the breakables the shipping companies refused to accept and she was afraid to pack with her bags. Mostly she brought clothes, including her wedding dress and a barong she had made for me. Real pineapple fiber to. *scratch* *scratch* I told her she didn't need to bring any clothes, she could run naked in the house and we'd buy her something for when we occasionally went out. For some reason she didn't go for that though :rofl: In reality I said only bring her nicest new things, because most of the year she wouldn't be wearing it here in Minnesota. Well she brought everything she had, including some that were immediately used as rags by her :wow:
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-20 12:56:00
PhilippinesSending balikbayan box to US
When my wife was coming to the USA, we gave up on trying to find a reasonable price to ship things from Davao to Minnesota. Everyone she checked with, gave some huge price and refused to carry some the items she wanted to bring. Decided it was actually cheaper to pay for the extra weight on the flight. As it turns out, many of the things we paid extra to get here has already been shipped back in balikbayan boxes to her family in Davao City :rofl:
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-20 11:18:00
PhilippinesSomeone suddenly is a bit cocky

ya, the OP married a foreigner on the prior marriage, went through AOS and some other stuff,
so the Vice Consul is gonna look a bit harder at his lass during the interview.

That's ok, also - only I am sad that he won't be able to prep her for this.

Oh, multiple immigrations, yep a harder look but still shouldn't be too bad. Philippines isn't the worst place to go through that. There are guys serially marrying out of that country and even with the new laws, seem to continue to do so.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-21 09:56:00
PhilippinesSomeone suddenly is a bit cocky

Highly unlikely. The CO at the embassy will be more interested in how well your fiancee knows you and about your life. You already provided a divorce decree at the petition stage to USCIS so that isn't something the CO will ask about.

And I've never heard about asking what race the divorced partner was before. They may ask the beneficiary knows about the previous marriage and why they divorced, but the who and when doesn't seem to matter.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-21 09:21:00
PhilippinesSomeone suddenly is a bit cocky

I'm only concerned with my divorce coming so close to filing for the K1 and I told her she should be prepared for some questions about that.

I was separated for many years, but not divorced until right before our K-1 filing. My divorce was final about a month before we filed. It was never questioned. The interview at the embassy is more about her, and her relationship with you, its not really about you except do you meet the money requirements. My wife was shaking in her shoes about the interview. As it was they didn't ask her any questions, just made friendly chat while he glanced over the papers. We were pretty heavily front loaded. Three binders worth of evidence, another binder of photos, and not one thing was asked from her except the required forms. :rofl:
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-03-20 14:54:00