PhilippinesQ: Ticket name Passport (Maiden) Name or New Married Name for Return visit to Philippines from U.S?

Regarding "New passport due to change in name" or "Renewal of Passport"...(specifically for the Philippines Consulate General in San Francisco as they have jurisdiction over Seattle, WA (ours), one has to make an appearance IN PERSON. As for ourselves, this wouldn't be feasible, economically or otherwise. Obviously I/we don't know which consulate has jurisdiction over your area, so check their website. My understanding is that this requirement applies to ALL consulates but I/we could be wrong.



You're correct that all consulates require a personal appearance now. I believe all the consulates have outreach programs to reach their far flung citizens in their respective area of responsibility. And I'm fairly sure I've heard of the San Fran consulate having those in Seattle, WA. As long as you keep tabs on where they're gonna be, there's usually not the need to travel quite so far.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-12 14:09:00
PhilippinesQ: Ticket name Passport (Maiden) Name or New Married Name for Return visit to Philippines from U.S?

 Some Phil consulates in the US (maybe all) and the DFA will actually let you keep the passport while your replacement/renewal is in process. Just tell them you are travelling soon. If you do choose this method, you will have to physically pickup (as opposed to having it mailed back) your passport as they need to cancel the old one during pickup time.

As for timeframes: From the US, it takes about 8 weeks to get a passport. If you happen to be in Manila, you can get one using 'rush processing' in about 7 working days. Also it's more than 2x the price to get it in the US compared to the Phils. HTH


We updated my wife's passport at an outreach program thru the Chicago consulate. They did not take away or invalidate her old passport, and we were not asked about travel plans, nor did we have any at the time. The new passport was mailed to us. She still has both yet, although I believe the one in her maiden name has now expired. Which consulate required pick up or giving up the old passport? This might be good information to share, as it may affect some people's plans. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-12 13:50:00
Philippinesfilipina wifes



Don't pay Harpa and me any attention. She is a friend from another forum, who likes to give me a hard time on occasion


Oh I figured as much, that's why I played along. But there really was such a web site. Raised a big stink back in the Philippines at the time and was on all the news programs. It was put up as a satire web site about the attitudes towards Filipinas all being perfect mail order brides by some people who hung out in the old forums years ago. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-08-06 14:10:00
Philippinesfilipina wifes

When they become "Americanized", do you get a new Filipino wife?


Well of course you do, because then they're CABA chicks and exempt. Heck there even used to be a web site that warned you they were about to expire and gave you a selection of new ones. They even customized them for you, Hair color - select black or black, height - select short or short, breast size - select small or smaller. Very accommodating to the western male, wonder why they're no longer out there?

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-08-06 12:59:00
Philippinesfilipina wifes

Here is a basic fact. people are people and women are women. Just because, you have a Filipina wife, is not going to change that,


There are going to be the good and the bad in all. I know lots and lots of Phil-Am couples, and Ex-Phil-AM couples. For every wonderful story I can give you one in which it did not work out and Vice-Versa.


I would sincerely urge anyone getting into a relationship with anyone, regardless of where they are from, to take of the rose colored glasses and really evaluate the situation.


I don't mean this to be negative or positive, but realistic. There are some really great Filipina women out there and some really selfish heartless manipulators. The same can be said of any group of humans from anywhere on the planet.


What?! You mean they're not all preprogrammed Stepford wives? Now I've got to go double check the ingredients list on the box she came in! 

Sarcasm aside, I cringe every time I see the "they're perfect wives" comment. They're people and as different as people from any country is. Culturally they may tend to hold to certain beliefs, values and customs, but that can be a double edged sword as well. Get to know the real person and not the hype before you discover you fell in love with an image rather than the person.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-08-06 11:49:00
PhilippinesWe now have MNL case number, what's next?

Don't wait, you have your Manila case number, so you can pay your interview fee and schedule your interview. Manila very rarely will contact the beneficiary with a packet, you're expected to download the instructions from the Manila embassy site. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-08-26 07:41:00
PhilippinesMy wife is being nuts again..

When my mother was in the hospital my wife was right by my side offering me her support. My wife got along well with my mother, who has now passed on.


I'm not sure if your wife got along with your mother, but I have seen this type of behavior with other Filipinos when they did not get along with the family member who is ill of passed one. In fact I once watched a family member spend the entire anniversary celebration at the cemetery, playing games and texting on their phone. This continued all the way through the prayers. No one seemed to bat an eyelash at this behavior, as they all knew the relationship between the two of them was not good. I found it rather shocking myself, as this was someone I respect. I have since seen the same behavior in other situations. Apparently its just ignored by others in the Philippines. 


I would have a talk with your wife though, as such behavior is not over looked or acceptable in the USA. But I'll also agree with the poster that it was not good to call your wife on it in front of other people. That is something best done when you're alone.


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-02 11:29:00
Philippinesphilippine passport name change.. slightly complicated..need help anyone

Thanks Caryh. I appreciate your quick response but is there any way i will know that my sent documents for Report of Marriage was received, or is it in what kind of status right now? Because the Report of Marriage was sent July 30 and it was received around August 2, after a few weeks that i have sent an inquiry thru email to Philippine embassy in New York i have received a response from the Consul General to call and follow up in these phone line and extentions 212-764-3722 ext 3825 or 3826 and look for Fe or Mark. So i did called this numbers and no one ever picks up instead asks you to always leave a message which i did several times but no body gives you a call back. I really want to get any status update or confirmation of my papers. 


I run into the same thing trying to contact people at the Chicago consulate. I found out the reason is these people are busy running around to different outreach programs. When they get back, they've a ton of paperwork to process, and are also prepping for the next trip. Unless you happen to catch them in the office, you probably won't hear back from them. They may not be good at returning calls or replying to emails, but they do seem to be good at getting the job done. I've yet to hear from anyone who didn't get their report of marriage abroad back. We even got an RFE on ours! As at the time the instructions at Chicago didn't list needing a copy of my divorce decree, and we got slightly delayed for that. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-19 09:58:00
Philippinesphilippine passport name change.. slightly complicated..need help anyone

In order to renew your passport in your married name, you will need a copy of the completed report of marriage abroad. You will not be allowed to use your married name in a new passport until this part is completed. Some of the consulates allowed you to do both the renewal and report of marriage at the same time in the past, but I've heard some are not longer allowing this. With you being in the middle of the report of marriage abroad process, I doubt they'll accept that. It doesn't matter if your husband was previously married in the Philippines, unless he was a Philippines citizen and still a citizen at the time of his divorce. You will need to make a personal appearance to renew your passport. If you do not live close to a consulate, check the consulate for your area for an outreach program closer to you. The report of marriage abroad takes a bit of time, as all the paperwork gets sent back to the Philippines, before the process can be finalized.





Edited by Caryh, 18 September 2014 - 01:49 PM.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-18 13:47:00
PhilippinesTo hire an Immigration attorney or not for filing AOS

... and to get back on track ... the BS.   The below is not fact, it is hearsay, rumor and plain old BS, those processing AOS should ignore this:


"They've changed the rules on the medical, it must be current, within 12 months, when they adjudicate your AOS. Its no longer the rule to be current when your apply to AOS."



CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-10 14:12:00
PhilippinesTo hire an Immigration attorney or not for filing AOS

The I-693 instructions give more information that clearly states the DS 3025 is enough for K-1's. Its the darn if completed correctly and all appropriate vaccinations are given that is the unclear part. Nowhere have I found where they clarify that, but I doubt many adjudicators know either.  

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-10 11:55:00
PhilippinesTo hire an Immigration attorney or not for filing AOS


Yes, I posted a link to the current instructions for the I-485 in my first post where I questioned your hearsay. 


And you may notice it states to submit a vaccination supplement only, not the I-693 as is also HEARSAY here on VJ.  Like said a lot of hearsay BS on VJ, I like the "Dragnet" attitude - "just the facts ma'am".  If one can not provide a link to a government website to substantiate their "hearsay" better to not post at all.


As long as the DS 3025 is filled out correctly and all appropriate vaccines were given. The problem there is a layman determining if the form was filled out correctly and did they give you all the required vaccines. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-10 10:20:00
PhilippinesTo hire an Immigration attorney or not for filing AOS


A link to facts is worthwhile.  Proposed "stuff" is just hearsay... until.  But until then there is not a 12 month limitation as you stated.

Of course there's a limitation on the medical validity. Although you're likely right its based on when you file, not when its adjudicated. Was trying to find the medical requirements in the field manual, but that part appears to be currently redacted.


Section 7 of the instructions discusses the medical and it needing to be within the past year or 12 months. 

If you are a K-1 Fiance(e) or K-2 dependent who had a medical examination within the past year as required for the nonimmigrant fiance(e) visa, you only need to submit a vaccination supplement, not the entire medical report. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-10 10:03:00
PhilippinesTo hire an Immigration attorney or not for filing AOS


For sure I would not use that as a source of advice... hearsay is just gossip.  I find a fair number on VJ use hearsay as fact to perpetuate BS.


They were actually quoting links to changes in the manual. And I am aware of some proposed immigration laws that would limit how long you have to file to AOS as a K-1. I think there's a push to stop the loop hole that allows people to wait as long as they want to file.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-10 09:00:00
PhilippinesTo hire an Immigration attorney or not for filing AOS



Where did you see that the medical has to be within a year of when adjudicated?   The instructions only state a medical within the past year.


A couple folks were having a big discussion about a month or so back on VJ. To tell the truth, it doesn't seem right to me, as you're not in control of how long they take to adjudicate the AOS. But the instructions don't give details other than within 12 months. To me that would still mean until filing. 

Edited by Caryh, 10 September 2014 - 08:57 AM.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-10 08:49:00
PhilippinesTo hire an Immigration attorney or not for filing AOS

Hey hi all thanks for encouragement.. I've got RFE cause the tax income of petitioner isn't enough so he had to find a job that will meet the poverty level. If we got married, will the pay slip be enough and letter of employment and that of ITR to send on filing AOS?

Also where do we get to find a civil surgeon? I checked the I-693 form and there really is a part of civil surgeon to fill up there. I have no issues with my medical exam though. Btw we are on Milwaukee Wisconsin

I noticed you NOA2 was last year. Your medical may be expiring. They've changed the rules on the medical, it must be current, within 12 months, when they adjudicate your AOS. Its no longer the rule to be current when your apply to AOS. 


link to find civil surgeons



BTW I'm a bit confused, first you were asking about needing a lawyer and now you're saying you have an RFE? 

Edited by Caryh, 09 September 2014 - 03:23 PM.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-09 15:22:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Any updates?


Op chose to support his friend and hope for the best. Don't expect more commentary until and if the melt down occurs.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-28 11:09:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Sounds like you never turn on the TV.


or look on the internet

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-15 10:25:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

If things take a significant turn, I'll let everyone know, but it may or may not be a while. In the mean time, let's all hope for the best. Thanks.


:thumbs:  I truly hope it works out for them. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-15 08:16:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Do you think until then she will be put up in a hotel?  The Four Seasons?


She'll probably be happy with one of those extended stay hotels with the free breakfasts, swimming pools, exercise rooms, etc...

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-11 14:39:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Today is sex day! woo!  right?


Not until after the wedding, and green card.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-11 14:29:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?



In Spades.   The supreme irony and hypocrisy is having bureaucrats less educated on the subject than the visa applicants themselves standing in the way of their immigration under the theory that applicants are too stupid to feed, clothe, and bathe themselves without mommy and daddy bureaucrat to do it for them.


Of course, if ONE person can't handle informing themselves then a couple hundred thousand who CAN should be forced to go through the seminar, right?   Look at this case in particular though for the greatest irony of all:   a scammer about to hose an Americano over big time is being lectured on how to "protect" herself.   She probably had to keep from bursting out laughing. 


Well maybe they taught her how to apply for VAWA? I've heard the program has been updated.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-09 15:27:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


My wife's CFO (from the PRISM days) went into what to do in case of DV pretty early on (disclaimer, it was CFO for Japan-bound emigrees so I don't know what they do in the US-bound seminar).


They just told my wife to go to her consulate if she had any trouble for anything. Makes a lot of sense when its a seven hour drive away and most Filipina don't drive. I don't recall if she went to St Mary's or Prism, but when I found out what they told her I gave her better instructions on what she should do. It was rather apparent they had a Manila centric view of the world, and every place is like living in Manila, and every person can just grab a jeepney to get anywhere in a reasonable time frame.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-09 07:27:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


Don't they cover that right off the bat in the first hour of CFO?


CFO cover's nothing that wasn't around before 1959.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-08 08:58:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

So who is going to come to this "big wedding" in Vegas? Unlikely her family will be able to attend as they are so poor. Why spend the money?


Why everyone he buys a ticket and a room for of course  :lol:

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-07 10:37:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

At this point in time you should just back off. You have been a good friend to him and now you need to leave it to him. You know as well as others he will have that "I told so" moment at which time he may wake up and understand how others tried to help. There isn't much more you can say or do. We all hope this works out for him but doubt still lingers.


agreed. He's done what he could. Time to sit back and wait until he needs to a friend to help him pick up the ruined pieces of his life. But in relationships, you never know what's going to work out in the long run. I've seen people I thought we perfect fall apart in short order and others that I never thought stood a chance hang tight.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-07 10:21:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

I've seen this same thing before on many occasions. Usually she'll milk out the can't get the visa or stamp or flight for as long as they can, getting as much money as possible before the scammed finally wakes up. Once the stamp has been obtained, be prepared for the sudden illness preventing flying and more money for medical bills and medicines before being able to leave. If the scammed still does wake up, this will go until the visa expires and they start the process again. BTW its likely the brother is actually the husband.



CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-01 11:31:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

She wants kids right away. He doesn't, in fear of what will happen. He bought a Cosco size box of condoms for her arrival. I told him to lock those up in the safe and to keep no pins in the house.


:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  OMG that is both very funny and so very sad at the same time. This is such a train wreck, its hard not to want to hear more about the story.



I'm taking week 16. She'll need a bit a time to formulate her VAWA evidence.


Edited by Caryh, 28 June 2014 - 01:12 PM.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-28 13:09:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

I find it hard to believe they would turn someone away for being only an hour early. What's the point of making an appointment if you have to be there so early?


She passed the CFO interview but needs to bring back a new Certificate of No Marriage on Friday to get her sticker. I'm not sure why they didn't accept her first one. Maybe it was too old since it's more than 6 months old. My friend hasn't talked to her yet and has only received her message about the request for a new certificate.


This will push her arrival out another week. Due to the new job my friend has, he only has Friday's off, so he doesn't want her to come on any other day.


Let me guess, he's suppose to send her the money to book the ticket to come to the USA? Oldest scam in the book when they have no intention of leaving, milk the final steps out by missing appointments, or claiming to be too far back in line to get in. Final big payoff comes with the airline ticket and expenses money. This girl may never be coming to the USA, but he might not be that lucky.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-24 07:55:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

:innocent:  .. I used to have 3 phones, exactly for that reason, Caryh. (Well.. One is a work phone. ) Carriers have good rates/ freebies when used with the same carrier. It is very common for Filipinos to have more than one phone for a multitude of reasons. I won't be surprised if the woman brings over more than one phone.


Yep, my wife just brought her cheap one, which wouldn't work here. I had a new iphone for her. She left her good Galaxy behind for her sister, which then went to her mother, when we sent one of our used iPhones over for the sister. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-09 14:46:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

ya - one for the husband, one for the boyfriends... it's nice when the money flows !



[but that's too snarky]




For my wife, she had one with two different carriers, as certain parts of town were not covered well by both carriers. I'm not even going to comment on why my SIL has more than one phone number, I think she's currently using three different ones?

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-09 14:28:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


Exactly! My grandmother who seemed to have a fear with technology and didn't want to touch anything that is touch-screen when I was still back home, now competes with everybody when I go online.  :lol:


I'm sure even without a phone, she will find ways if in case she really has evil plans. Or maybe she has multiple phones?! :D I do remember James mentioned that the woman has some relatives in the next state... Well ... 


my wife had two phones. Her sister has a couple to. That's what happens when Filipina hit the middle class over there, they get more cell phones  :rofl:

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-09 14:11:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

It's very expensive to maintain a Philippines phone number in US especially if one plans to respond through text and even with just simply answering a phone call. I truly hope James' friend realizes that and won't just say yes to that woman whenever she requests money for pre-paid load everytime.


On second thought to Darnell's idea, it might work. But without an access even to FB, she might cry VAWA on this too. :D


Facebook has been the recent godsend to my wife communicating with family. She can talk via it, with excellent clarity, and send messages via it. Even her near 70 year old mother uses it now.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-09 13:48:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


I was about to say that too, Caryh!  :lol: That must be the only basis she can find for domestic abuse!


The Philippines, the only country in the world where they make $150 a month yet run around with $600 cell phones.  :rofl:

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-09 13:10:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?


Darnell is suggesting   Pinoy Hell Hank 


Filipina without a cell phone constitutes VAWA  :lol:

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-09 12:12:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Update: She passed her interview on Monday. She will probably be here in less than two weeks. I wish them the best, and sincerely hope things work out. The odds are stacked, but since he is my friend, I'll do my best to support his relationship in hopes of success for his sake.

Good luck to him, I think he's seriously gonna need it.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-09 08:08:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

... never much that can be done to stop a train wreck once on the wrong track... best thing to do is stand back far enough to not get hit by debris... and of course bring a chair.


and  :pop:


I long ago learned you can't convince someone in love they're on the wrong track no matter what you say or do. Worst case you just make yourself the enemy. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-23 10:31:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Probably by another man, she'll tell the guy that it is his, then when the embassy asks for a DNA test, she will lie and say the kid is dead, like a recent VJ story.


The women getting pregnant while the husband is gone working and telling him its his even happens in all Filipino families. The entire family can sit and pretend like nothing is wrong, even if the baby is born full term, 6 months after the husband returns. The ability of Filipinos to communally believe in blatant lies when it helps to smooth things over in the clan knows little bounds. This habit makes women like this one, believe they can get away with lying forever. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-22 08:20:00
PhilippinesIs Friend's Fiancee Scamming Him? How to convince him?

Sorry your friend has gotten connected up with such an obvious scammer. There isn't much you can say or do to stop some people from destroying their lives when they get in this situation. Hope you're still there to help him pick up the pieces once she destroys his life.

Given her lack of not caring one bit about how her action affect him, her exit strategy is going to be very ugly and leave him totally screwed. I see domestic violence charges and marital rape charges in his future. The debt he can eventually work out, but the stigma is going to stick for a lifetime.


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-21 10:26:00
Philippinesim trying to schedule for my interview appointment online

Priority date is the date on the NOA1.

Case ID would be your MNL number that you received from the NVC. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-23 10:31:00