K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam question
Yes its true the vaccines are needed to adjust status and can be done in the USA. They are included with medical exam, so most choose to get them during the exam. My wife arrived with many boosters required yet, but she got most done during her medical. The boosters she got in the USA, after we got married and she was on my insurance plan. One issue about not getting all the vaccines completed during the medical, is some civil surgeons will require a complete medical again when you get to the USA. This can be pretty expensive in some locations.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-07-12 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedited Action on K1

Hi everyone:

I am really stressed out with the waiting and want to aply for exoedited action . Are there any good reasons to advance? Any one done it and succeeded? Its not financial, or US Goverment interest, its not illness etc. Its just that the wait is giving me emotional stress. Can i say i am emotionally distressed as reason for expedited action? I REALLY LOVE my sweet heart and the wait is eating me up.

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.

You can never tell what they will decide. But I'll agree most going through this process are emotionally distressed, so I doubt they'll find your cause very compelling with out a doctor's statement. Plus you need proof of a valid reason, not just a claim of a valid reason to get an expedite.

Expedite Criteria

All expedite requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and are granted at the discretion of the Director. The burden is on the applicant or petitioner to demonstrate that one or more of the expedite criteria have been met. The criteria are as follows:

Severe financial loss to company or individual
Extreme emergent situation
Humanitarian situation
Nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the cultural and social interests of the United States
Department of Defense or National Interest Situation (Note: Request must come from official United States Government entity and state that delay will be detrimental to our Government)
USCIS error
Compelling interest of USCIS

Note: Discretionary expedite requests for petitions and applications that have Premium Processing Service available will not be considered for expedite processing. The only exception is when the petitioner is a not-for-profit organization designated by the Internal Revenue Service. For information regarding premium processing, please refer to the premium processing webpage.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-07-18 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo-Sponsor Question - Need some other opinions
You might or might not get a co-sponsor accepted on a K-1 in Manila. Many have gotten K-1's with a co-sponsor there, but many have also been rejected because they needed a co-sponsor. Getting married and going CR-1 gets around this problem and accepting the co-sponsor is required with the CR-1. If you're going to live there for a while, and your mother is willing to co-sponsor, then go the CR-1 route and she'll be able to work right away on entry. The AOS has been really slow lately so you get to avoid that problem to. I generally say never give up a job until you have something lined up, but with the plans you have of moving to another state, I'd say go for it. Its a wonderful chance to get to know her country, culture and family better. It will help you in the long run in understanding where her view points come from. You're young by the sounds of it, give it a chance and I'll bet its an experience you'll never regret. But do change you plans away from the K-1 to the CR-1. Its not that much longer and the benefits in your case jump an notch higher.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-07-23 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPeople make up your mind before bringing someone here!!

I am a newbie to this site, but not to the situation. I have comments about this history, and also questions.
I know from personal experience that the people do this for all types of reasons, as I went through this process before.
I was married to a woman from England for 7 years; she came in on a K-1. Turns out, she was really only after a better lifestyle and things did not work in the long run. I regret it but gave it my best shot - I think 7 years shows that. I have been divorced for three years now.
Believe it or not - sometimes I do not! - I am preparing to go through this process again!
I met a wonderful lady from Canada through an online dating service. This was not my plan, but she searched me out.

Which sub-form would be best to post questions about a second filing? Would like to know if there are others here that have done this more than once. No questions about my sanity please - I have asked those of myself!
We plan to go the CR-1 route - seems to make much more sense.

There's nothing special about having gone through this once ten years before and filing a CR-1.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-06-05 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPeople make up your mind before bringing someone here!!

The visa isnt granted to make wedding plans. That can be done from anywhere. The immigrant knows little of planning weddings in the USA anyway & would probably prefer to marry in their own country. Settle in a bit? In many cultures its a huge break in tradition to settle in before a person marrys. The immigrant is at times thrown into a unique situation where I would think a " test drive " would help.
I personaly know a few women that came here only to decide they made a mistake. They had no plans to marry as far as I know. Keep in mind the visa is granted to people that may have met only once in their lives. A test drive is exactly what may be the best way to find out of the couple is compatable in a real life situation.
This is a difficult subject so you may need a nap as if you tire easily.

If it is a test drive, then why are both the petitioner and beneficiary required to write and sign letters saying they intend to marry within 90 days? I'd love to hear of someone at their interview say they're just coming to try out the relationship for 90 days and get married if it feels right. Yes the K-1 visa does give them 90 days to get married, and if things turn out bad to return home and not marry. But that is not the intent, and there is no way someone would ever get the visa if they stated they have doubts about if they would marry the person within 90 days. In fact, I believe that would be considered a material lie during the interview with the freshly signed letters of intent sitting in the file, and possibly grounds for a permanent ban.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-06-05 08:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPeople make up your mind before bringing someone here!!
I've seen plenty that goes both ways, so I wouldn't blame it on just the USC. I've seen those coming in on the K-1 then bail on the petitioner. Could be they deserved to be bailed out on in some cases, but I'm sure not all. And some that will come, stay just long enough to get the green card then they're gone. I wish there was a sure fire test to make sure people will work together, and their intentions are honest. Unfortunately people are people and this is going to happen. But why don't people wait long enough in their relationships to be sure before getting into this?
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-06-04 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof or Relationship & Meeting - Validity of GR Divorce Decree

The magazine is certainly irrefutable evidence that they have met in person within the past two years.

The other things mentioned can go towards proving a bona fide relationship, but the magazine will solely qualify the meeting in person requirement.

I had an RFE for the same reason. They specifically stated in the RFE that photographs are secondary supportive evidence only and without primary evidence, such as passport stamps or dated boarding passes, we would get denied.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-10-03 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvance Parole for K1 holder
You file for the AP and EAD with your AOS application. There is no fee to add the AP and EAD when filed with the AOS. But it will take about three months to get the EAD/AP combo card once you've filed for them.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-10-11 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Denied

Really, this is all just idle speculation.

You've got a guy here who didn't even care enough about what he was supposed to do to keep a copy of the request. And we have his story of what he thought the request was. Then, he shows us his answer to what he thought they wanted (it was sort of a condescending response too - I think - not really written in a way to get what you want). Then he's PO'd that he didn't get the approval he wanted.

It's like he said/she said (only worse) because we are only getting one side of the story!!

This is exactly what I was thinking. And if they wanted is what he thinks they wanted, he failed to give that to them, so of course theres a denial. You get one shot at an RFE, you give them what they want or get denied. I had an RFE also, and called USCIS customer service for advice because I thought they had all they needed and I provided all I thought was required. The Customer Service agent said to send everything you sent before, maybe they lost or over looked it, plus send even more evidence. I followed that advice and we had our NOA2 within a few days of my response getting to them. I could have said I sent that already, but I be we would have gotten a denial then. You can't win an argument with USCIS, because all they have to do is issue you a denial letter and you've lost even if you were in the right. It sucks but its just the way the system works.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-10-16 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress on i129-f
I moved while waiting for the K-1 to be approved for my wife. It was very simple to update the address online.
Your bigger worry is the lack of a job. You need to show enough income to qualify to bring her here and that means current income. You have none, so you'll be denied without a co-sponsor. I'm not sure how welcoming they are of co-sponsors in Korea, but in some countries its hard to use one, because its totally up the the embassy's discretion on accepting a co-sponsor for a K-1 visa.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-10-22 13:05:00
Failure to meet the exact requirements will force USCIS to deny the petition. Only an error on their end will allow the petition to get approved at this point. And since they've already flagged the issue that there is no evidence of meeting in the two years prior to filing, don't expect them to make such an error.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-10-30 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPaper size of I-129F packet
When I photocopied those pages I just shrunk them down to 8.5 x 11 paper size and all was good. Some of the forms they needed original signatures on though, I just sent in with the larger paper size.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-12-18 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about RFE - HELP!
They say one thing, but sometimes ask for another. I provided 3 years worth since some people have had more than one year requested in Manila, at least as rumor goes. When they asked her for the tax returns, she gave them all three years. I believe she also gave them the copies of the W2's I sent. She had originals to, but she only had originals show and copies to give. She may have been good with one year, but she was worried about not having something, so I sent her anything she wanted, which was a ton of stuff that she mainly didn't need. At one point my wife said, if you don't mind if we're delayed because I'm missing something, and that kicked me into the mode of making sure she had anything that was even rumored to be needed. I think she was disappointed about not needing things, as she spent so much time organizing everything and dragging it along. But she was happy with how easy the interview went.

3 years? The manila embassy has instructions on their website and it just says "most recent tax statement"...did you just provide more than what they asked or did they actually require 3 years?

Back to the topic...did you use your credit card while there? If so, maybe you can go online and print transactions made there?

CaryhMalePhilippines2012-12-17 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about RFE - HELP!
All the images I had were digital. I went to the drug store to print them and was able to add a date to them. The files were all date stamped electronically on the date they were took, so I just made a list of those dates and added them to the photos before printing. IT was a bit of work at the drug store, but I included them. It seems strange they are asking for more photos, when photos are secondary evidence, not primary.

As to the passport stamps, this is primary evidence. Did you include the identification page of the passport with it? I know some have stated including every page of the passport, but I just included the identification page and the pages showing my entry into the country. And what it proves is being in the country at the same time. Personally I would have thought pictures prove more, but I think they're trying to prove you met in the 2 years prior to filing. I included boarding passes also, but without the year on them, supposedly they were worthless that way. But I also included the itineraries showing us traveling together to. Again supposedly not valid evidence per the list, but again its a piece of evidence building the proof. Also hotel receipts showing both our names as a guests in one room.

When we had an RFE, I called up the disinformation line and asked what they were looking for. I got a very helpful second tier person, imagine that :rofl: , because I was very confused as it seemed I had already given every thing they were asking for. Her answer to me was to include everything I sent before plus as much more as I could come up showing we had been together in the time frame. You never know what got overlooked or possibly even lost in handling. I also wrote a letter describing in detail every bit of information I sent and what it showed. It must have worked, because a week after I returned the RFE we had the NOA2. When my now wife went to her interview, they asked for nothing from her except the 3 years tax statements.

I know you're probably stressing out, but take a few deep breaths and then start working on your response. Gather every tiny shred of evidence and begin organizing it. Make a cover letter, explaining the order of information returned and a description of the evidence. Give them a copy of every page of the passport, and tell them what page the relevant stamps are on. Make it so easy a kinder-gardener can follow it. Don't make them work to find the answers, make it clear on the cover letter exactly where the evidence they want is. Use highlighters on the page with the stamped dates in the passport. Paste the dated pictures on sheets of paper describing exactly what was happening on that date. Write out a timeline of the events of your relationship, so it makes sense to them should they want to dig into it that far.

You're freaking out now, but when you start working on it in an organized manner, you'll start feeling better and feel your confidence come back.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-12-17 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy is ignoring my affidavit of support, any suggestions?
I believe you need to file your taxes regardless of if you have taxable income. This is part of what is screwing you up. For your father's affidavit of support, he also needs to supply his taxes and proof of income. I hope some more knowledgeable people than I come forth and give you a few more ideas on how to get the requirements met. Bureaucrats can be a real pain in sticking to their rules, having the tax form even if there is no taxable income for 2011 may be your biggest trouble now. I'd say file late and send a copy of that to, as well as getting a new affidavit of support form from your father with his proof of income. You should look into the Thailand specific forum here and see if co-sponsors are accepted at that embassy. My wife is from the Philippines, where its hit or miss with co-sponsors. Works for some and others get them rejected.

Thanks for the reply Cary,

The only asset I listed for myself was my savings account, so all of that is cash. For my college benefits I provided a bank statement showing that I received the payments for two consecutive months as well as a letter from the Veteran's Administration confirming my eligibility.

As for my father, we just had him list his income and supported it with a signed letter from his employer. By the way, my fiancée actually works for the embassy, so I admit that I thought our case would be easier than this. I guess I was wrong :bonk:

CaryhMalePhilippines2012-12-21 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy is ignoring my affidavit of support, any suggestions?
Embassies are not required to accept co-sponsors for a K-1 visa. Its up to their discretion. I don't know how the embassy in Thailand feels about co-sponsors, some are more accepting than others. Embassies are required to accept co-sponsors for CR-1 visas. My advice would be don't quit school, get married and reapply if things don't work out with the K-1.

Using assets can be tricky business, what you see as assets may not be acceptable, or how you presented the proof of them may not be acceptable. You should really give more information on what assets you're using, and how you presented proof. Also what form and evidence did you provide from your father's affidavit of support?
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-12-21 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormat of Birth Certificate
A copy of your passport's identity page will prove you're a citizen and can file a K-1 visa. USCIS doesn't like the birth certificates my state issues today, so it was my only option to. They actually sent an RFE demanding a long birth certificate, which my state no longer issues.

It appears you're going through the Nigerian embassy, you should follow the regional forum for the issues you're going to face. Its not an easy embassy to get a K-1 approved.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-14 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSt. Lukes Vaccination Sheet marked incomplete
The civil surgeon we went to looked over the ST Lukes sheet and advised us what vaccines she should get. We then brought the record from our clinic of getting the vaccines and the St Lukes sheet and he filled out and sealed the I-693, and gave us a copy just in case they loose it. Guy must have been pretty familiar with USCIS :lol: I know some get through without the civil surgeons report, but we didn't want any delay in getting her green card. USCIS is slow enough as it is.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-15 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE IN NEED OF HELP
We sent the letters but got an RFE for them. Its not impossible that USCIS lost the letters. Our RFE was a lot more vague though, as they just copied and pasted the part of the instructions asking that the letter intents are required with the petition.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-16 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance not coming with me on my interview date

Thank you so much for all your replies.You are all appreciated.BTW,it has been over 6 months and we haven't yet receive our NOA2.Is it ok if I call USCIS or probably send them an email?What could be the e mail address?I wonder if I can bring a scrapbook for our pictures during my interview?

Make sure its not too thick and bendable. My wife brought scrap books she put together just for the interview, but they need to be slide through a security check in slot which required them to bend slightly.

You can have your fiance call them, they'll just say wait or if its over the current processing times, put in a service request which rarely accomplishes anything. If you are over the processing time, its better for your fiance to contact his congressional rep or senator to find out why its going over.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-25 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance not coming with me on my interview date
Most go through the interview alone for the same reason you two are choosing that way. It won't have a negative affect, but with marginal cases, the fiancé being there is a help. So don't worry about going through the interview alone, you'll have plenty of company of others going through it alone.

The embassy will not care about your current work situation.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-01-14 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmalaysia or philippines?

Just wondering guys, my soon to be wife is from the Philippines, but lives in Malaysia. Will I be taking out of Malaysia or her country looking at uscis point of view? Second, if it is fact I will be taking her from the country of Malaysia, is it quicker than say some other countries???

You can only petition her through Malaysia if she is a resident there. If she came on a tourist visa, or has done nothing to establish her residency there, then you'll have to petition her through the Philippines. Its not uncommon for Filipinos to go to other countries on tourist visas and start working. Usually doing so does not give them residency status in the country, but no one has chased them down to send them back home. You're probably going to want to ask her a few questions on her legal status in Malaysia, and query others going through the process from there. The USA side is all the same, but each country has particulars on the process and the time frame.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-04 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPDOS
Yes, you need your CFO stamp in your passport or they won't let you leave.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-08 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't Lose your NOA2! Make copies!

Yeah, I have no idea. I handed it over at my POE and it was never seen again! Had to pay $300 to redo the entire thing. USCIS was less than helpful.

I've heard of people getting Senators and Congress people involved to get them to look for the lost medical. Its worked, but the time spent was pretty long if I recall correctly. I think my wife would have been pretty upset with me for delaying her green card if they lost our medical and I spent months trying to force them to find it. The stupid thing about it is, they won't give you a visa unless you have had the medical, so they know you must of had gone through it. I would guess they just assume you lost it and never gave it to them when you entered the country.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-13 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't Lose your NOA2! Make copies!

Can never be too careful. The one thing I wasn't able to make a copy of (my medical exam - couldn't open it) is the one thing that got lost and I had to pay to have it re-done. Not fun.

:o that truly sucks. I've always wondered why you were not allowed to open it.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-13 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't Lose your NOA2! Make copies!

I scan everything I send to and receive from USCIS. Then I email it to my hotmail account and put it in a special folder. I should really consider emailing it all to my wife, too, in case something happens to me or in case hotmail is hacked.

I scan everything we send or receive, then email it from my work account (copy 1), to my gmail account (copy 2), and my wife's yahoo account (copy 3).
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-13 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa

Yes but I thought I read somewhere where there is an exception of having an extreme hardship. We just couldn't afford to travel. If I wrote a letter would they EVEN consider it?

Your definition of extreme hardship and their's are going to be vastly different. Not being able to afford it is not what they consider hardship, in fact it's more likely to tell them you can't afford to support your spouse to be, and they will likely need government support. Also before you get into this whole process, look into the specific requirements and biases of the embassy your fiancé will need to go through. I'm not sure if you were planning to have a co-sponsor, but some embassies do not allow them with a K-1, or only rarely accept co-sponsors. (I bring this up because you mentioned not being able to afford a trip). Accepting co-sponsors is not required of the embassy for a K-1 visa. The CR-1 or marriage visa requires the embassy to accept a co-sponsor. There are regional topic areas on the VJ forum where you can find more information on the embassy and procedures of the country your fiance is from.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-21 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa

Greetings to all,

I am new to visa journey. This month I will be sending the first package for the K1 Visa. Me and my fiance have been engaged for 3 years now. My first question is how do I send the package? Do I put it in a box or a large manila folder? There is a lot of info that I have to send. My second question is we haven't seen each other since September 2010 will that be a problem. Neither one of us could afford the trips but we are now in a better financial situation. I am truly overwhelmed by all of this paperwork but I am ever ready to be with the man that I love. Please give any advise. Thanks

Not having been together in person in the two years previous to filing will get you denied. They check this requirement closely and expect proof. You will be wasting your time and money sending the petition in if you don't meet the requirements. They are required by law to deny you, and there is zero flexibility in all the requirements.
As to what to send it in, I just put it in a manila envelope.
CaryhMalePhilippines2013-02-20 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date

Yes we applied for a EAD and an AP all at once... thank you so much..........


We did an early walk in for biometrics, as it's allowed at our office. My wife had her EAD/AP card about two weeks later. If you can convince your husband to enjoy this time of not working, it would be a good thing. I know I couldn't convince my wife of that, and now she wishes she had enjoyed it more. But she's a hard working person who has worked since she was in elementary school, so the idea of not working and not making money just drives her crazy. Even now that she's in a temp to hire position, she's deathly afraid they might not hire her at the end of it, while on the other side of the spectrum she complains we work too hard in the USA. BTW when she's working she's doing over double the quota and well over what the regular employees do each day. Yet she's the one complaining about Americans working too hard??? laughing.gif

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-05-01 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date

I'm assuming you applied to adjust status. If you also applied for the EAD and AP at that time, he should get that shortly after the biometrics. Typical time to get the EAD/AP when applying to adjust status is two to three months. If you only applied to adjust status (green card) you're probably in for a long wait. Stop into the Adjusting Status on a family based visa forum to see what the usual wait is running now. For my wife it was 8 months, we applied back in 2011 though and I've no idea how long they're taking lately.


CaryhMalePhilippines2013-05-01 07:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiancee wants to get married in her country the next day after we get approved K-1

Once again, thank everyone. I have everything I need to convince her and she agrees with u guys. We will just wait.
And catholic are not Christian, because Christians don't pray to any saints except for Jesus and Catholics pray to like 10+ saints; at least, that is how I see it smile.png


The catholic church is the church founded by Peter who Jesus gave the authority to found the church. Have they strayed from what Jesus taught would be a good question. But to judge and say they are not christian, I think that authority belongs only to god and not a break away religion. Although I think this would be better discussed in the Politics and Religion section. BTW I'm catholic and I do not pray to saints, unless you're one who considers Jesus a saint.

Glad your fiancee is reasonable and not risking her immigration status. Congrats on your approval and up coming wedding.

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-05-04 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease i need help DNA test (merged)

If your daughter is the child of a US citizen and its proven and recorded, she can get her US passport and come to the USA. USA citizens do not need a visa to come to the USA. This isn't really related to you getting a visa on a K-1. You still need to meet all the qualifications any other K-1 applicant has to meet. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-05-02 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOver 6 months later they want more evidence? WTF

We had an RFE for the exact same thing, best we could guess was it was over looked or lost. Our original and replacement ones were basically identical. We sent one from both of us in, since they didn't specify who's they felt was missing, they just quoted the need for them from the instruction page. So we sent in new originals from both of us.


CaryhMalePhilippines2013-05-20 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Affidavit of Support


I will also point you to the comment that I gave jenafid...I am not being evasive but I do not need to be a politician and put all my business on the internet like I have seen a lot of people do. Only enough to get a person who may be going through the same thing/ or has gone through the same thing to be and to receive support and encouragement. God will supply all of my needs even a co-sponsor. BTW, if you are curious of our relationship please read our story! God be with ye as well



I will point out to you, when you want specific answers to questions, you need to give specific information. As it is, you want to keep your situation private, I understand that, many people do. But then don't go asking questions of what your chances are when you're giving next to no information. The best you can do is search for what others have gone through and their stories, the ones willing to share their information and come up with your own guess. Even from non-high fraud countries getting a co-sponsor accepted can be a guessing game. There is zero requirement that the state department accept a co-sponsor for a K-1 visa. Some embassies accept no co-sponsors, some accept pretty much all co-sponsors, and some its 50/50. It is totally up to the CO at the embassy. If he thinks something doesn't look right and there is the need for a co-sponsor, they just don't accept the co-sponsor, and its a easy denial to justify. All embassies are required to accept co-sponsors for spousal visas, CR-1 and IR-1. If you want to remove one possible denial reason, don't go the K-1 route. The K-1 is more expensive and they don't have to accept your co-sponsor. With a CR-1 or IR-1 your spouse will receive a green card upon entry. 


BTW stating three different types of government distribution programs for income in order to hide the one you're on, is being evasive. 


Here's a link for reviews of K-1's at the Kenya embassy. This will hopefully give you some idea of what hurdles you'll be facing.

http://www.visajourn...5&topic=K1 Visa

I'd also recommend again you follow the Sub-Saharan regional forum for more on what you'll be facing.

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-05-21 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Affidavit of Support

I appreciate all the responses. But again I am very aware of the need to meet. Where have I said that it was not going to happen? What I said was God will provide and man cannot stop it! I don't know about all those on here but I know what my God can do I have seen him work impossibilities in my life for the last three years. I put no faith in man. The king's heart [is] in the hand of the LORD, [as] the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. Prov. 21:1 So with that being said I was just really wanting to know if there was a person that could be sensitive and may have gone through a similar experience. God will supply all my needs even financial amd the hour of our meeting




Sorry, they won't allow God to be your co-sponsor.no0pb.gif


OK to be serious, you're looking to deal with a high fraud country, where every relationship is highly under suspicion. You don't say if you're on welfare, SSI, or disability, but each is going to raise different red flags. The ability to support the immigrant, and your intentions on bring someone in as your spouse. I'm not sure if you're the man or the woman either, but the question of if you're bringing in a spouse to support you, or be caretaker for you is another red flag that may be popping up. If you've a large age gap, particularly a woman that is older, another red flag. Red flags are not good things, these are all things that need to be overcome with better evidence of a real relationship, and real future earning potential. Best way to show a real relationship is with a lot of time in each other's physical presence.  Something thats going to be hard if you have a limited income. 


My advice is to go to the lower forums, find which one has more information on the embassy in Kenya and read, read, read. You've only given your red flags so far, even there been evasive on your situation, so no one can even begin to guess what your chances are. Even with knowing all that, and if you got numerous opinions from people who have immigrated through that embassy, much will depend on how well your intended spouse portrays him/her self during the interview. If they're timid, afraid or evasive, even the best case can get shot down. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-05-21 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE: Request for Evidence

Sounds like you have an RFE for different things, not just one.


Did you include the copies of the passport entry and exit stamps together with biographic page of the passport? I was advised to include all previous evidence sent, plus to add more by a helpful second tier rep. Did you include the dates and locations on the photographs? I sent more pictures, they source was digital, so I went and had the date of taking printed on the front of everyone while editing them at the drug store. Then on the back wrote who was in them and where it was taken. Boarding passes, itineraries, anything showing the two of you together with a date stamp in the time period in question, or show you in her country and her in ours, if thats the case.


I also got a request for the history of our relationship, I gave a brief description of how and when we met, how it progressed, and about all the trips I had made and seen her in her country. Still it took two pages, we'd know each other a long time. This will help paint the picture so they understand the evidence you're sending. I actually had two trips in the two previous years, this helped tie that in to.


The letters of intent to marry must be originals, and signed by both, not copies. Redo and sign one from both of you. Some adjudicators get rather picky about them, others seem to not even notice when they're missing. Also sign in a different color ink than they are printed in. You can follow the samples in the guid to make sure you hit the important points. 


Once you've gathered everything you sent before plus more, create your cover letter for the evidence, spell out exactly everything you're sending and what part of the RFE it is for. The reason for resending everything you did before, is because you have no idea if they lost or overlooked the evidence already submitted. Could be it ended up as a jumbled pile after scanning or got stuffed in someone else's file. Its kind of a mystery how they're handling things. But dump every little thing helping to prove the meeting in the previous two years. After I was done with our RFE, they didn't ask any questions of my wife or for any evidence, they just had a chat as he looked at everything already sent, because as the interviewer put it at the beginning its clear we were a real couple and met all the qualifications. 


CaryhMalePhilippines2013-05-22 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter K1 marriage, how long for work or school?


How many times did I say I agreed with you about the practicalities of doing what I suggested? Do you really have to repeat yourself? It must be been several! I have also told you in my last reply that I acknowledge that I should have worded my original statement better, didn't I? To say someone has 'selective reading skills' is to insult and question their capacity to read in a normal way, regardless of whether it is 'selective' or just 'reading skills'. You attack the person and not the ball, or as us educated people might call it, an ad hominem attack. I don't like to call into question anyone's abilities, skills or capacities, especially when I don't know them. If you have a problem with what I say then point it out, don't insult me or question my abilities instead because it's offensive and says more about you than it does the person you direct it at. 


Well I think we've both said enough on this topic, I agreed with you in principle already. I have more to be doing with my time that having school yard quarrels about what you can and cannot do with a K1 visa because it certainly won't help me get mine and it would help anyone else here either. 



CaryhMalePhilippines2013-07-02 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 w Co Sponsor

My mother wants to help as being a co sponsor . She is retired and has a yearly income from SS of $8,882 . Has about 15,000 in the bank as savings and checking . Has a home with a mortgage house vale perhaps $125-150,000 . The embassy is Manila and I want to also bring the I-860 as well (not sure if that is the correct number) as back up since they rarely accept co sponsors . Since the house is under a mortgage is still something to use ? With all of that will she be accepted as a co sponsor at least on paper .


I make little over 15,000 and have 7,000 in my savings .



She also sells on Amazon with cookware and sold 45,000 worth of items . Can get a 1099 from amazon to show those earnings . Owns a cookware company that operates from home . With retail certificate and tax ID .


What matters is income, and she apparently doesn't have it, and neither do you. They're not going to want to include the house, as then where would she live? As to her selling on Amazon, if she's making income, she needs to be filing taxes on it. It doesn't matter what the gross accounts are, it matters what the net income is. If her retired income is being reported as $8,882, then she can't help as a cosponsor, as she is well under the poverty rate on her own. Filing to sponsor as self employed also has a bit greater complexity than as an employed person. gives the income requirements, $19,387 for two people, that's you and your fiancee and/or your mother and your fiancee.


Read part 7 of the I-864 instructions on assets, and how your can use them and how much to need to make up for income.

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-08-05 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied for marriage in Philippines

What i said was IF the marriage was in the Pilippines. or cant you read.



I read perfectly fine, which is why I and many others could give the OP valid information. 

Below is what you told the op. 

#1 If you filed for your ex and it has been less that 10yrs you will be denied. i the marriage was in the Philippines then you have a bigger issue as they only grant divorces for 4 reasons and you get an annulment not a divorce good luck 


Number 1 you told the op he would be denied because its less than 10 years.

Number 2 you told the op, a USC, he must get an annulment in the Philippines. 

Neither is correct, but yet you cling to this idea you are not giving incorrect and harmful advice to people. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-11-05 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied for marriage in Philippines

you obviously not paying attention to what im say. # 1 I said IF the person seeking the divorce is Philipino. good luck, they DO NOT grant divorce only Annulments and for only about four reasons so your spouse could try to kill you and thats not grounds. #2 Do your homework check with USCIS. He said he filed for his Ex. What i said was if it has been less than 10 yrs since he filed for his EX not since he divorced her then he will be denied. unless that law has change it was instituted due to fraud.


You apparently have a reading comprehension issue on this thread. No one is seeking a divorce, the USC has already gotten a divorce in the USA from a Filipina he married in the Philippines. His current Filipina fiancee is concerned USCIS will reject a K-1 petition because he once married in the Philippines. That simply is not true, its not what the Philippine Family Code says or how the Philippine legal system looks at it, and its not how USCIS or the Manila embassy looks at it. The 10 year thing you apparently pulled out of your butt, because nowhere in Philippines law or USA law is there some magical 10 year clause on what ever you seem to think is correct. You've never said what it is, instead say because of 10 years they will be rejected.


Quit giving advice on things you know absolutely nothing about. You are hurting real people's lives with these totally made up rules which even you can't define but some how think you know. If your reading comprehension was is as poor reading the laws, as it is with understanding the situation of the OP, its no wonder you're giving totally incorrect advice. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2013-11-05 08:22:00