United KingdomHad my medical today, but.....

My form is exactly like you said above. I was wondering because I read through the medical thread and no-one else had raised this issue, so I thought it was maybe nothing to worry about.
Just wondering why she put I had to have the boosters in 8 weeks? If I don't have to have it, that would be great I hate needles :)
Does my son need the booster for his pneumoccal?

Thanks for your help :D

The need for boosters are the vaccines are not fully effective unless the booster is gotten after the required time. That is a medical issue, I'm not sure how USCIS sees it, but if you want the full effect of the vaccines, get the booster regardless.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-06-20 07:17:00
United KingdomHad my medical today, but.....
I got my wife's boosters from our personal clinic in the USA once she got here. We brought a record of all the boosters given with us, along with that sheet you have to the civil surgeon in the USA who transcribed and signed the forms. We then turned this in with the AOS papers.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-06-19 15:16:00
United KingdomTransition Issues
Glad to hear things are getting better. My wife, who's been here nine months now, still goes through the ups and downs. She really wants to make a visit back home, but it will take a bit more time until we can afford that. I've been working with her on understanding what triggers the homesickness feelings lately. I guess its not so surprising its usually fears. Fear of work security, fear of getting back to work level she had at home, fear of a failed marriage, fear of what's happening to her family back home and loosing closeness with them, fear of just about anything. I've also began explaining the toll her ups and downs takes on me to. I don't think she really understood how this is also hard on the other side, if the person really loves and cares for them. All those statements about wanting to be home starts to feel like rejection after a while. I know its not really rejection, but still both sides of this situation has feelings they can't help feeling. I felt she was ready to start hearing how the other side feels going through this. Because its not easy on the other side either, and there does come a time we need the support of our partner to.

This weekend we're going to take a drive to the North Shore of Lake Superior. I had hoped we'd go camping this weekend, it would be her first time, but the place I wanted to take her was fully booked. I'm trying to plan a surprise birthday party for her to, which is a few weeks from now. Its one step at a time, and eventually homesickness will hopefully be something that doesn't really come up any longer.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-06-14 07:01:00
United KingdomTransition Issues

I feel angry at my husband too. I know it's not his fault, but sometimes I can't help feeling like he's responsible for putting me in such a difficult situation. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be coping with all that, right? It sounds silly but that's the kind of feeling you can't suppress. This is just misdirected anger, don't feel guilty for it but try to vent it without throwing it to his face. When you feel more secure, it will go away.

If he doesn't understand this, send him here and us other husbands will have a discussion with him. Its his time to learn to be very supportive even when he's feeling pushed away. Its the least we can do for causing all those feelings :hehe: The hard thing is learning when to back off and when to hold on tight when you get in those moments. I can tell you its hard from the other side to. Coming home from work, tired and worn out, hoping to have your loving happy wife there, and instead finding an emotionally tormented bottle of conflicting rage facing you, and none of them are good emotions. But I have to say, in the end it is so worth it, and I wouldn't change a minute of it. Even those hard times have worked to bring us closer together and understand each other more.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-11 14:51:00
United KingdomTransition Issues

I think it should be, ha, ha. We could push for it to be added to the urban dictionary - definition = moving stuff around, flowers, soft furnishings, the sweet smell of roses, free of dust bunnies. :lol:

I hope your new wife continues to fill your house with things that make her feel at home :lol:

Thank you.

She does, dried fish, strange vegetables, fish with heads on, little angel statues, pork with the skin still on, orchids, little angel statues, vinegar that burns the tongue its so hot, huge bottles of soy sauce, rice cooker, little angel statues, cell phone chargers, noodles, 20 kilo bags of rice, did I mention little angel statues? lol
As to dust bunnies, they have fled the neighbors homes out of fear of her! My books are organized by author. My perpetually cluttered office is now so organized I can't find a thing.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-11 14:38:00
United KingdomTransition Issues


My husband wants to make me joint owner of the house. He is scheduling it as I type. I don't quite feel like I have deserved that title as yet, but it is a great feeling :D So, now when I want to girlie the place up I can feel legitimate about it. :P

Yay! Today is turning out to be a great day!

:star: Yay! La, la, la, la, la. Yay! :star:

Thanks everyone for all your input and lovely messages and support. I am going to think about how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful husband who loves me. :dance:

Congrats! He sounds like a very caring husband, even if he is a little too busy now. Maybe he guessed you needed this push to feel comfortable girlieing up the place? Is that even a real word?
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-11 12:53:00
United KingdomTransition Issues

I like what you said about how I feel about this place is a trap I place on my own mind. That's a great visual for me and a great metaphor. I have definitely fallen into that trap at times, but I have totally rearranged the main living areas. I feel sensitive to my husbands feelings, and although he has given me explicit permission to do whatever I like to make it feel like home, I feel concerned about making it not feel like his. I think it's a balance. It still looks like a guy lives here alone in some ways. We have gone out and replaced some things, but there is still plenty more to be done. I like it when we buy things together, because it makes it feel like 'our' things, and in time it will feel like our things in our home.

You sound like a wonderful husband being so thoughtful and wise.

I was eying up some houseplants the other day :lol: (maybe this weekend).

I had one messed up marriage, but I'm smart enough to learn from my mistakes :thumbs: Also her mother made me promise to take good care of her, and you don't want to piss off Mama :lol: BTW my wife takes very good care of me to. Its almost as if we're in competition of who can take better care of the other. I like it that way.

I think my wife likes when we get things together to. We really do a better job together on things, than either of us do separately. We both throw in ideas and always seem to come out with something both of can't believe we managed to do on our own. We both know that no way would it have been as good without each of us involved.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-11 10:45:00
United KingdomTransition Issues

I am going to ask my husband if we can get some flowers and some hanging baskets, so that I can put them together for the porch, and make this place look like a girl lives here :)

You haven't been putting any of your own touches on the place yet? Yes, definitely, positively, get some of your own personal touches on the place. Ask to repaint a room, go shopping for a picture to hang, or some photographs, plant flowers and vegetables if you like them. I had just bought a new home while we were waiting for the K-1 approval. I purposely did not decorate until she got here. She's also a devote Catholic, and having a shrine is a custom. I made sure there was a prime spot for that shrine to be set up. The first week she was here we went searching for the proper Mary statue to be on that shrine. Had to order it, as it wasn't a common one here, but we got it. That shrine is seen by anyone coming into the home. She hasn't asked for a lot of things to go up, thinking to her place back home she kept things simple. But she has definitely put her mark on the place. Pictures of our wedding we real important to her to, so they're up there now. Flowers, which she absolutely loves, so besides always having fresh cut flowers, we now have indoor flowering plants and quite a few outdoor flowers now that it has warmed up. Its taken her a while, but shes feeling more and more like this is our home, and not my house. Putting her own touches on it, is part of how she's gotten to feel that way. Heck try rearranging the furniture even. Anything to change your mind from the trap of thinking its his house and not your home together. Because it is a trap you put on yourself and only you can lift yourself out of it.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-11 10:16:00
United KingdomTransition Issues
Glad I could help from the point of view of someone who has watched someone go through what you're feeling. I'm rather empathic to my wife's feelings, so in a way I feel it with her. We got pretty darn close with a long relationship before she came here. You might have to do some searching to find a school that will accept you without a green card. Some schools require proof of legal status in the USA before they'll accept you. And they don't really understand the K-1 process to well, which I'm sure isn't news for you by now. Some will though, so keep searching if thats the path you're taking. I tried to get my wife to volunteer with our church, but part of her need to work comes from the point of view that it provides help for our family. Working for free just wasn't what was going to satisfy her emotional needs. Seeing her excitement with getting her first pay checks was actually pretty fun to watch.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-01 16:13:00
United KingdomTransition Issues
Sounds like my wife going stir crazy when she first got here. No I did not understand her feelings, I've never been through what she was going through. Part of it was us learning to be a team together rather than separate individuals. Part was missing home and all she gave up to be here. And a huge part was the isolation, and not being allowed to work. She had way too much time on her hands. And I was working a straight 40 hour week and able to run home for lunch every day. Still she was used to working her butt off, many hours every day with the business she built with her sister back in her home country. This being a housewife was in no way satisfying to her needs as a person. It took a lot of emotional turmoil on her part, it took a lot of consoling from me and accepting how she reacted at times is not who she is under normal conditions. Nothing about these huge changes in normal. They're extremely hard to handle for most people. Maybe this is partly from your trauma, but even without that it would be normal to have some of these feelings. All I can say is I've watched my wife and it does get better. She's working now, for two months now, and things are much better. Soon she'll have her license and her own car. And that will be another huge mile stone for us here. All I can say is vent when you need to, and keep your eye on the target. You said it yourself, you can make it here. Its not easy, you're in one of the hardest parts of it right now. But when you're coasting on the other side of this mountain you're climbing, its so going to be worth it.

Edited by Caryh, 01 May 2012 - 03:40 PM.

CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-01 15:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAppoinment for medical exam
Go here and select the city he is having his interview in. It should give you a pdf file with all the medical requirements, cost and location.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-30 13:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americamedical results not going to be available today!

My hubby went to the medical exam today!! It was $5000 pesos :angry: !! And worst of all the results will not be in till tomorrow after 10am!!! his appointment is at 8:15 :bonk: !!!! I am so scared!! He went to the consulate to let them know and the receptionist said it was okay to come back when the results are in!
Also I dont know if you remember my case but he was denied k-1 visa 8 yrs ago. For admiting drug use ! So today they made him sign a letter where it states that he acknowledges that info from the last time 8 years ago!!!!! He also has a letter from the rehab place he went to for 3 months to meetings!!

Can they see he is a diffrent person now......married, 2 healthy kids, has had the same job for 7 years !!! If anyone is reading this please pray for us!!:help:

Praying for you and your family. I'm sure you're going to be fine, K-1 and CR-1 are very different things.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-06-19 11:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisitor's visa for married couple/husband in Nigeria
Its not that common to be able to get a visitors visa after applying for an immigrant visa. The visitor needs to prove they have no intent to stay, while the CR-1 is saying they do intend to stay. It doesn't really matter where they're from with this part of the problem. Add in Nigeria is considered a high fraud country, and I'd be surprised if anyone says they've gotten visitors visa. Even those that already have visitor visas have been turned away at the border when its found out they're visiting a fiancée/fiancé or spouse.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-05-10 15:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAge 34 , marrying 51 ,

You've asked this before luckyef, and why ask it in the work visa section?


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-10-08 13:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No NVC news !
Took 30 days for our's to make it from California Service Center to the NVC. Turns out California was sitting on a bunch of them and being very slow to send. It was finally sent when we were able to get a service request put in for it. I think ours got there about a week faster than others waiting last summer. Sounds like they're sitting on them and delaying sending them again.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-04-13 11:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Medical exam and visa

Not going to the medical will get her denied. When she tells them she's pregnant, they'll avoid doing things that will harm the baby and she can still get the visa.


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-04-25 09:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)am I considered 'unemployed' if I only collect rent as income?

even if I have a tax transcript that lists all income?


If you have a tax transcript, then that should be all you need. I'm assuming your employee income was more than enough without the rental income in the earlier years.

If you're now collecting rental income as your supporting income, you likely have more than enough assets to cover the requirements to. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-01 07:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)am I considered 'unemployed' if I only collect rent as income?

thanks.  that makes sense. on the instructions, it says that self-employed needs to provide the schedule c/d/e of the tax return.  I have that for this year.


For my previous years, I was also 'regularly' employed, in addition to being a landlord.  since my day job makes more money, does that take precedence, or do I still need list myself as 'self-employed' and need to provide schedule c/d/e for previous years also?


Include all income from previous years.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-01 07:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

Let me put it this way --- if they are spending time to look over all off visa journey logs and the call logs to see who is calling and who is spending time talking to them, and deciding on that factor --- simply put - they DONT have the time. The amount of data they would have to crunch through on top of all the requests they get is not doable. I believe the errors and backlogs come from overworked and understaffed offices and to top it, we are talking about a bureaucratic process in a government establishment.


NVC is a private firm contracted to handle processing of approved petitions.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-28 11:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Question

I heard they also slow down your case if you complain in Visa Journey (end sarcasm font)


The call center people are not the ones handling the cases. And the last thing the people handling the cases want to do it reshuffle them around to make it take longer for those that have irritated the call center people.


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-28 10:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Tired of waiting on NVC

Thanks much... I just want this to be done and over with.


I understand that well enough, waiting was so hard when I was going through it. But this waiting period will seem like nothing once you're together though. Every drop of pain and frustration of this stage falls away moments after you're actually together. Looking back in time, waiting for my wife to get out of customs and immigration at the airport was the hardest stage of waiting for me, and it was only a few hours. Might have been easier if she wasn't darn near the last one on her flight to get out  :lol:

Edited by Caryh, 22 July 2014 - 11:28 AM.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-22 11:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Tired of waiting on NVC

No I don't think they'll expedite based on the whims of a 10 month old as interpreted by his mother. You're near the end now, but from what I've heard, the NVC has been swamped with an unusually high number of cases at this time. Its gonna take a bit longer than normal, but you'll get there.


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-07-22 09:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Police and passport clearance

She will need from both places. Anywhere that someone has lived for six continuous months or more requires a police clearance.


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-09-05 10:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived RFE for Photos
I got an RFE for things I know were included. I think some times things get lost or misplaced. Could be they did not meet the specs, wrong size, face percentage too much or too little, wrong back ground color. Make 100% sure they meet the designated specifications for USA passport photos and resend them.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-03-20 09:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy

Well you do need to turn in the documents to prove you are who everyone says you are. But again, I assume thats been handled.


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-02 10:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy

I'm 15. Thank you very much for the info.

I'm also concern if what are the possible questions the CO might asked me. Some said that there is nothing much questions and they just ask some basic questions because I'm a minor, is it true? Is there a chance the CO to deny my visa?


Yep very minor questions, like next to nothing. As long as the petitioner has the income, which should have already been determined, and you have no criminal issues (which I sure hope not at your age), you're not going to get a denial. The interview is more a formality than anything for you. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-02 10:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy

It appears she can as she's the parent of a minor. You are 17 or younger, correct?




1. If you are not a visa applicant or if you are a U.S. citizen, you will not be allowed within the visa interview area unless:

  • You are a parent accompanying a minor visa applicant (17 years old and below) or an adult with special needs or disability.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-02 09:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy

Oops just noticed it was a IR-2, not an IR-1. Yes its common to let the petitioner join in the interview at Manila. Are you a follow up petition by your parent? 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-02 09:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy

They can accompany you into the Philippine embassy, but if they'll be allowed in the interview is totally up to the CO. It is common to allow the USC into the interview in the Philippines, but on occasion they are not allowed.



CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-02 09:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTrying To Schedule Interview In Manila!!!!!!

Hop over to the regional Philippines forum to get advice. All you can do is keep trying. There were so many expedited visas after the typhoon, that the embassy is badly backed up and every interview slot fills very fast.


CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-23 10:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Manila..

78?  Holy cow!  That is suffocation temperature for me.  I like my heat on 68 and air cond on 72.


Anyway, back to the original question:  Candy wore black dress pants and a white dress shirt, and high heels.  I told her there would be a lot of standing but she said it was OK.  I don't know if the manner of dress made a difference but she did say that the COs were noticeably more courteous to her than to applicants in casual attire.


It is an interview.  Job interview.  Visa interview.  Dress is really the same.


Better get ready for keeping your place a bit warmer. There is the occasional Filipina that can adjust easily to that cool of temps, but it takes a while. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-06-02 11:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Manila..


I know, right?! Imagine just how I survived last winter here at the north east, I think I have already evolved.  :rofl:


My wife likes when I keep our home's temp above 80. I've gotten her used to 78 after almost three years. I think she thinks she's cold if her skin feels cool air. I'm hoping to eventually be able to keep our house at 76.

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-29 08:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Manila..


Also, if she gets cold easily, best to bring a cardigan or blazer, as the waiting area inside the US embassy can be somewhat cold.


Which is also known as any temperature that is 80 degrees or below for Filipinas  :lol:

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-29 07:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Manila..

Nice slacks, blouse and shoes are good. She doesn't need to go as far as truly dressing up in a dress unless she's comfortable that way. Think business casual. 

CaryhMalePhilippines2014-05-28 15:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAny idea how long it might take them to cash my check?
Took 5 days from them receiving the application until the check hit my bank. They don't waste any time taking the money.
CaryhMalePhilippines2011-12-20 15:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUSCIS contacted after became a US citizen
I'd guess this is fake to and someone is just trying to make you scared.
Email addresses are simple to fake. A number have of people have said this is not a valid email address based on the domain used. Actually it is a valid subdomain which can receive email, as the look up (posted below) for a valid mail server shows. If you want to know more about where it was sent from, we'd need to see the complete headers of the email. Also it is a good thing to at least split any valid email address posted in public. You could be setting up an innocent real person who's email address was forged for more spam.

; <<>> DiG 9.6-ESV-R4 <<>> -t MX
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 56254
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 4


CaryhMalePhilippines2012-03-16 11:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarriage certifcate lost
All our copies are certified copies with raised seal. They never give an actual original where I live. The license is signed by everyone, the person performing the marriage sends it in, then you go get certified copies.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-04-02 13:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhere is my visa number in my Certificate Naturalization?

Thank you. It says to put my visa status and number in the application for proof that I am able to work in here

Write USA Citizen where they ask the visa status.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-07-19 13:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhere is my visa number in my Certificate Naturalization?
USA Citizens don't have visas in the USA. USA Citizens also don't need to have passports as long as they stay in the USA. You will need your American passport to re-entry the USA should you leave the country. Welcome to citizenship my fellow American.
CaryhMalePhilippines2012-07-19 13:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport denial
Yes she can travel on the greencard and Phil passport, as long as it has at least 6 months on if for the return trip. Is your daughter's father's name on her birth certificate?

They need it notarize i think but ill see i will be going home on March maybe I could talk to him and bring him to us consulate in the Philippines,

but traveling with daughters Phil passport and greencard not a problem right?

CaryhMalePhilippines2012-11-19 12:55:00