United KingdomMajor annoyance
I suppose they don't even realize it's the other way around too, Women petitioning for MEN from foreign countries. I'd like to see a MAN pop out a baby :lol: I suppose they don't understand the fact that you can truly LOVE someone who you can't see and touch day in and day out. Which is why I feel the people on this website are far stronger than any other individuals i've met before :D.
midicatFemaleEngland2007-02-01 13:06:00
United KingdomMajor annoyance
Hey everyone,

I know I haven't written on here in a while... but, I had a major annoyance yesterday that I just felt I needed to get off my chest and share with everyone. So, yesterday I was in my Business law class... and we were talking about contracts. The teacher decides to share that marriage is a type of contract, but not by today's standards, like the standards back in the day when dowrys were around. Well then some girl got on her high horse not knowing anything about immigrations and started talking about Mail order brides, asking what rights they had, if that was a contract, etc.

I suppose I wasn't really upset until about 1/2 the class joined in talking about things that they are so shaded as to know nothing about. (By the way where I live its a bunch of hicks that have never been out of the county let alone the country to know anything about the rest of the world). I know someone else on here wrote recently about mail order brides, and I wrote back saying we are all humans it doesn't really matter how you find the person you love... but these people, in this class, just went on and on about how bad they feel for the average American Joe who goes on these websites. How he has no hope of finding love and the girls (who are all from the phillipines in their words) are only coming over to get visas and pop out children so they can stay here. For one, i'd like to know how an average Joe could even afford it! :lol: Plane tickets to the phillipines are exxxpensive, I have an aunt from the phillipines... They go back every so often to see family. Oh yeah and of course she didn't marry my uncle just to pop out kids and get a green card.

I know my situation is different from some others, but it really upset me to hear people talk about this the way they did. For one, they have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to immigrations laws... Imbra now makes you write if you found your fiance/fiancee through a type of agency like a mail order bride. And of course they further scrutizine those people to see if it's a legit relationship. I will agree that sometimes there are unfortunate events where people get through that are marrying for the wrong reasons, but not everyone is like that! These people made it seem like all immigrants were only out to get US citizenship by popping out babies in the US after they get here so they can stay. The whole ordeal from these totally oblivious people really rubbed me the wrong way!

If you got this far in the reading, thanks for listening to me rant! :lol:
midicatFemaleEngland2007-02-01 12:53:00
United KingdomDriving in US

You can drive on a regular UK one -Just remember to bring the paperwork that goes with the photo licences as some Car Rental companies will refuse yo if you forget - From personal experiance

What paperwork are you referring to so I can let them know?
midicatFemaleEngland2007-01-15 12:37:00
United KingdomDriving in US
Hey all,

This question may have been asked before, but I couldn't find anything on it when I searched... I am wondering what you need if you are from the UK wishing to drive in the US on a visa waiver? Do you have to get an international drivers license or is the normal UK drivers permit allowed with a passport? I am asking for the sake of my fiance's family who will be coming over for the wedding and want to rent a car while they're here, for obvious reasons. I just want to make sure they don't get here and have an unpleasant surprise to find out they need an international drivers license or something.
midicatFemaleEngland2007-01-15 05:53:00
United KingdomNot a good night
Darn! I'm too young to drink in the US! That's a bit on the unfair side! I can't even get drunk to drown away my sorrows.

Oh well. I just keep telling myself *ONLY* 8 months to go until I see him again, but the good thing is.... it will be for GOOD and we will never be apart again! Thank god for that. At least I have something to look forward to.

Then I think about it more and get upset because I realize we've not been apart that long in about 3 years. *sigh*
midicatFemaleEngland2007-02-20 10:10:00
United KingdomPancake Day
Mmm. A day dedicated to Pancakes.
midicatFemaleEngland2007-02-20 10:06:00
United KingdomWedding Plans
Thank you all for your replies!

I hadn't really thought about it the way a few of you have mentioned. The courthouse thing is just because we have to do it, I suppose the real wedding later on can have more meaning. My parents have already told me if I wanted we could live here until the big wedding later on. So in essence if we did that, it wouldn't really feel like we were married anyway. lol. It would feel like the numerous other times he's come to stay for 3 months :). I think if we did that, we'd probably just do a courthouse thing with my parents or something and not really tell anyone about it. Most of the people probably wouldn't really know the difference. If we did that though, i'm so going to be celebrating both dates :o. I better at least get a dinner out on the courthouse date!! lol. I agree with the fact that after all we've been through we deserve our presents too!! haha.

I don't think we'll be eloping. My uncle had the great idea for us to go to gatlinburg, TN and get married in a cabin. lol. I don't think i'll be doing that either. I do want the big wedding, with the dress and the cake and all that. And obviously my fiance wants that too, and it is important that his family are able to come. Another bad thing about December is the fact that we'd have basically 1 date to get married... Dec 15th. We wouldn't even really get to pick the date! Because, the first week would be too close to Turkey day, 2nd weekend is his sisters birthday (i'm sure she'd want to be attending a wedding on her 16th birthday!), 4th weekend too close to Christmas. lol. Maybe we could have it the weekend before Spring break and go away to Myrtle Beach or Florida as our "honeymoon!" hehe. I wanted to go on a cruise, but that won't be happening unless we wait until after AOS. *Sigh* Why do they have to make it so hard on you? You try and do it all the "Right" way and they like penalize you!
midicatFemaleEngland2007-02-27 07:19:00
United KingdomWedding Plans
Hey everyone,

So recently theres been some discussion on wedding plans. Originally we had planned on getting married sometime around December, but after speaking to my parents about it they came up with the idea of having the big "real" wedding later on, and just having a court house thing in December. Main reason being because it's a bit hard for people to get away so close to the holidays to be able to come - and my Dad jokingly said our wedding gifts wouldn't be good either because no one would have money with Christmas shopping. lol.

Another thing to add to this is, my fiance's sister is getting married in October... the main reason we have to wait so long to get married because we probably could have nearly had the visa by now. We didn't want to risk him not being able to go to her wedding though!! Downfall being, he will most likely have to come over in October because with the dates right now we'll seriously be lucky if we can even hold it out until October for him to come. So, original plan was for me to go over there for his sister's wedding and he'd come back with me. He rather likes this idea my parents had though about having the big wedding on down the road. I know i've seen other people on here say similar. He wants to do this mainly because he's worried about his family having money to get over so close to his sisters wedding. Afraid she and her fiance won't have the money to come over and his parents won't have the money because they are helping his sister pay for their wedding.

I understand all that, but at the same time I keep thinking to myself the fact that if we have a court house wedding in December (because we'd have to get married or the visa would expire) and have the real thing later, will it actually have the same value? I don't want to celebrate my anniversary date from some random date we picked for the convience of everyone else - I want to celebrate it on the actual date we signed the papers and were legally married. My fiance is totally the opposite... he says he would want to celebrate it on the date we were married infront of all our friends and family, and the court house thing would just be a minor technicality. I just feel like if we wait to have the wedding it won't mean as much, feel a bit phoney. It'll just be an event to get all dressed up, take pictures, and get gifts from people that we should have already done months prior. If we go with this idea the big wedding will probably be in like March or April. The wedding will have nicer weather obviously (December in Ohio - blah). I just don't know though...

What would you do?

Ps. Sorry this is a bit long!!!
midicatFemaleEngland2007-02-24 15:19:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!
I am so happy for you guys :D. Major CONGRATS!!! :dance:

ps. What are tax transcripts? I was thinking you didn't need tax returns for UK embassy? :wacko:
midicatFemaleEngland2007-03-05 08:15:00
United KingdomPacket 4
Thanks guys. I think it's been close to 3 weeks since we sent off packet 3. Hopefully he'll get packet 4 sometime this week. We were hoping for an interview date around the same date as his medical so he doesn't have to go to London twice. He lives about 2.5 hrs away and doesn't drive, so it's a bit costly to get to London! haha.
midicatFemaleEngland2007-04-11 07:17:00
United KingdomPacket 4
Hey all,

I know there used to be a thread on here for people waiting on packet 4 but I couldn't find it. So I was just kind of wondering who else is playing the waiting game?

Anyone know how long average is taking to get back packet 4 for right now?

I'm so ready for all this to be done with :)
midicatFemaleEngland2007-04-10 10:19:00
United KingdomHot Plane Deals

££££££££££££££ I've missed them! I still caryy £2 in my purse to remind me of what good quality english money is :P
I saw my first 50 cent coin today, I have to say that was quite exiting!

Back to topic - I'm never sure if it's worth picking an airline and getting the frequent flyer miles going, or to just go for the cheapest (and usually most inconvenient). I'm guessing I will be flying to England and back to CA twice a year, what's that - like 24000 miles? You must get something good for that...

The last time I went to England it was on frequent flyer miles (my parents love me! haha) with AA and it cost 40,000 miles for a "Free" ticket after taxes and fees actually ended up being $75 (the ticket price was $550). I'm sure it's different amounts with different airlines though.
midicatFemaleEngland2007-02-02 00:17:00
United KingdomHot Plane Deals
I fly out of Cincinnati and unfortunately the only company that does direct to LGW or LHR is Delta. When I went over in Dec I had to fly to Dallas first!!! Totally out of the way! My fiance got lucky the last two times he came here. The first time, he had a connection in Atlanta that got cancelled and he got put on a direct (through delta). Then last time he had a connection in Newerk with Continental that got cancelled and they put him on the direct Delta flight! Why can't I get that lucky?

Anyway, normally you can find pretty decent deals from Cincy to London. I don't think i've ever paid over $500. Last time my fiance came here it was 281 pounds (in July) from LGW to Cleveland to Cincy.

I've seen Indy, IN and Louisville, KY run some good deals to LGW before too.
midicatFemaleEngland2007-02-01 13:02:00
United KingdomPanic mode...
Ahh! So... we've been sitting here waiting, and waiting and waiting for packet 4. I call the state department today - and they say they have no records of ever getting it back. 5 weeks of waiting, for nothing... Lovely.

So, can someone tell me how to contact the embassy and find out what I should do? I think all the forms were online anyway, so he can just get those again, was there anything that only came in that packet though? The girl at the state department told me i'd have to get in contact with the embassy and have them send out another packet 3? Rawr... Annoying because he has his medical on May 10th, and we were hoping he'd only have to go to London once. Stupid postal service, or embassy whoever lost it!! haha.

Should I contact the embassy to let them know - hey we did send it back.. because our NOA2 is now expired, and if they see we haven't made an effort to get anything to them, they might not have renewed it?
midicatFemaleEngland2007-04-24 09:05:00
United KingdomPacket 4
Quick question.... as I am noticing - I think we are behind on getting back packet 4. We sent packet 3 back like March 19th. Could someone please explain to me how to go about calling the state department? Or what should I do. We were kind of hoping for an interview around May 10th, which is looking like it won't happen!!
midicatFemaleEngland2007-04-23 20:39:00
United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!
Woohoo! Weather in Cincinnati isn't too nice today, overcast and blah. Hope she has a great flight and happy reunion. I'm major uber jealous...
midicatFemaleEngland2007-04-28 16:16:00
United KingdomFinally!
Thanks to everyone who replied, i'm sure it'll be fine :). We have a solid case - there's no reason why we shouldn't get approved :)
midicatFemaleEngland2007-05-04 07:18:00
United KingdomFinally!
After a week of waiting to hear back from the embassy we got an email yesterday.

Interview June 18th :D

Got to be some kind of luck, that's my mom's birthday! haha..

They also said that if our NOA2 has expired I will need to send an updated letter of intent to marry - notarized? Anyone else heard that. I figured i'd send one anyways, but notarized?
midicatFemaleEngland2007-05-03 06:43:00