PhilippinesLooking for a good investigator
I agree with Enigma but if you really want solid proof it sounds like your friend might be in a position to provide some.

All I've ever heard about PI in the PH is that you're a waste of money.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-20 10:30:00
PhilippinesK1 visa soon to be 18
The requirement for the petition is that both the petitioner & beneficiary must be free to marry WHEN THE PETITION IS FILED.

You need to wait until she's of legal age.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-12-27 16:02:00
Philippinespaper towels , porcupines and apologies
For a while after she arrived Anna seemed to lump Paper Towels, Napkins in the "Similar Enough" to exchange category and sometimes in discussions (making shopping lists etc) Toilet Paper could get confused and included into that group.

It seems we have way too many "Paper Products" here in the US.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-20 12:51:00
Philippinesacquiring a marrige license in the Philippines
FWIW, we were able to submit a Certified True Copy of the Civil Registry's version of our Marriage Contract (Certificate) with the I-130 Petition.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-21 21:00:00
Philippinesacquiring a marrige license in the Philippines
Moved from " Direct Consular Filing (DCF) General Discussion" as the question is very country specific<li style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 7px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline !important; ">
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-19 22:06:00
PhilippinesInterview Results...

*I meant Visa

Just don't buy the ticket until she has the Visa in hand...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-20 10:34:00

We got a check and it was made out to both of us, which is totally worthless because my wife isn't on my account and no one would cash a check sight unseen by one of the parties. I had a power of attorney and everything. Still have the check for last year unused.

Have you tried depositing it into an ATM?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-17 09:35:00
Philippinesneed answer
If you don't disclose them as household members on your Affidavit of Support then you (and your Fiancee by knowingly submitting fraudulent documents) will be guilty of Material Misrepresentation which carries a lifetime entry ban for her.

Why would you even consider risking that?

If you can't meet the income guidelines for your family size then you need to secure a co-sponsor.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-24 06:55:00
PhilippinesFraud wife being removed from US

After living in the Philippines for 4 years, i've found that understanding anything but absolutes is not very common. To point out that it IS possible for a citizen of the Philippines to be able to remarry is a good first step. Sorry if this offended you.

I wasn't offended, just needed to shore-up the missing bits as I've found that especially within Filipinos you need to be very specific. FWIW, that's not derogatory but a fact because the more vauge the information to more open it is to rehashing which seems to be very common with Filipinos and immigration to the US.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 25 January 2012 - 06:00 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-25 17:58:00
PhilippinesFraud wife being removed from US

This doesn't affect the OPs situation, but hopefully will correct some misinformation in this thread.

The Philippines does recognize divorce if it is done in a country that allows divorce, by the other partner.

An example for clarification. I marry a Philippine citizen in the Philippines and then we move to the U.S. We decide to divorce and I am the one to initiate the divorce. My ex-wife can then remarry freely in the Philippines because the Philippines does recognize the divorce as long as: 1. she is not the one who initiated it, and 2. it was done in a country where divorce is legal (all but about 3, i think).

If the Filipino initiated the divorce, then it is not recognized, even if it is valid in the other country. The person would have to go the annulment route.

Your wording only serves to further muddy the waters.

If the divorce is filed by the member of the marriage WHO IS NOT A FILIPINO CITIZEN then the Filipino can file for judicial recognition of the divorce and once again be free to marry.

A marriage between 2 Filipino Citizens that has been either executed in the Philippines or Reported to NSO must be Annulled for either party to be free to marry in the Philippines.

This information has been provided in several posts in this thread already.

Your use of the term "other partner" is ambiguous as it could mean that the OP's wife's first husband is now free to marry because he didn't initiate the divorce but "the other partner did" and that is incorrect.

Additionally you failed to mention the requirement of filing for Judicial Recognition of the divorce in the Philippines. Your wording kind of implies that it's automatically recognized if the divorce meets the criteria but it isn't automatic.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-25 16:42:00
PhilippinesFraud wife being removed from US

So, when she returns to the Philippines, who is she married to, according to US law? What a quandary....

Irrelevant, once she's back in the Philippines she's a Filipino Citizen in the Philippines so US Law doesn't affect her.

Thanks. I think I will try ot contact the Attorney General.

State Attorney General has nothing to do with international law. If is federal treaties that govern if the US recognizes foreign anything...

You would think that, right? Nope..according to every lawyer that I have spoken to, according to US law, she is legally married to me as long as she stays in the US. But the question of the day is, when she goes back on Philippine soil, what marriage is valid, according to US law.

Her leaving the US doesn't invalidate your marriage to her. In fact it's only in the Philippines that she's not recognized as your wife!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-24 21:22:00
PhilippinesFraud wife being removed from US

That is not correct.

But if I read it correctly she never divorced he first husband, anywhere.

As I understood it she didn't divorce the first husband until AFTER she was in the US so the first marriage was invalid. She did get a US divorce from the first husband and the second husband before she married #3 (the OP).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-24 21:17:00
PhilippinesFraud wife being removed from US

We have a hearing on 1 Feb to determine custody. Before we knew of her immigration removal, I was going to be awarded 100% Physical and 50% Legal custody. Now that she is ordered removed, I am sure to recieve 100% physical and 100% legal custody, but I havent been able to contact the court yet. I have already discussed with my son that he is not allowed to go on a plane with either one of us so if she brings him to the airport without getting permission from me, he is to tell someone immediately before getting on the plane.

Does your son have a Philippine Passport? The court could order his passports held in neutral custody until she's removed. I know you can have his US Passport flagged so he wouldn't be able to board a plane using it but I don't know about the Philippine Passport.

I can't give you any other answer regarding how she can be legally married to 2 different people other than what's already been said. The Philippines would NEVER recognize either of her US marriages because she didn't get annulment prior to either. The US recognizes the Philippine marriage and both US divorces. The Philippines will never recognize a divorce initiated by a Philippine Citizen or between two Philippine Citizens.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-01-24 16:41:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship

But I wonder, more than you, why it is that this topic is bring up controversial?

It is one guy opinion but maybe a valid theory?

FWIW, if you're going to nitpick other's spelling you might want to learn better grammar, "topic is bring up controversial", for someone who has been in the US for over 30 years you sure do have a slow learning curve.

Ironically, it's not the topic that controversial but rather it's your feeble attempts to prove yourself intellectually superior to everyone else on VJ.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 12:32:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship


You are throwing stones at me and not reading correctly. Again, I said my opinion. We all have that true or false?

You seriously need to learn both how to read and write because you are trying to IMPOSE your opinions on us and replying that OUR opinions are wrong simply because your's are right.

If you want to share your opinion feel free to do that but understand that for every one person who agrees with you there are one thousand who have differing opinions.

BTW, the definition of words is not a matter of opinion. Perfect example is the word BOREDOM, here is a definition that I like:

Boredom is a condition characterized by perception of one's environment as dull, tedious, and lacking in stimulation. This can result from leisure and a lack of aesthetic interests. Labor, however, and even art may be alienated and passive, or immersed in tedium. There is an inherent anxiety in boredom; people will expend considerable effort to prevent or remedy it, yet in many circumstances, it is accepted as suffering to be endured. Common passive ways to escape boredom are to sleep or to think creative thoughts (daydream). Typical active solutions consist in an intentional activity of some sort, often something new, as familiarity and repetition lead to the tedious.

Nowhere does it say as a result of not being in love with their partner. In fact until you came along I'd never heard of anyone saying that boredom is caused by being married to someone you don't truely, deeply love. I'e know peopl ein loveless marriages who would never be considered bored as they constantly occupied themselves with some rather intersting activities (just never included their emotioanlly absent spouse).

The universe and life in it may simply be to complex for your JR, but that it your problem not ours...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 12:22:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship
I would like to ask my fellow readers a question that is very on topic as JR is offering his limited supply worldly experience here for our consumption and has even placed a value on it...

He says it's worth 2 cents (US pennies), I countered with 2 Mexican Pesos.

What would you place the value of his advice at?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 12:14:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship

I hope you did not say that. Read carefully what you sad. So you mean all those people has nothing to stimulate, no happiness to offer to each other, no interesting to do?

Boys and girls it is much worse.

JR learn to read...

Boredom has nothing to do with love or happiness, as I said and you have failed to understand:

You can be perfectly happy and completely bored at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive states of existance except for the most simple of minds....

I also think you should put a more realistic value on your posts (like maybe 2 mexican pesos).

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 23 May 2011 - 12:10 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 12:09:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship

Every normal person will feel that when you're in a strange place.

mmmm.....please I hope you did not say that
I hope she does not feel like a stranger in her own house (my house will be her house)

Having worked/ lived outside the Philippines won't make living in the US without getting homesick or bored, atleast for the first few months.

mmmm.....please i hope you did not say that

I thought the reason for "THEM" to come here is to experience another level of happiness to be with the one they "LOVE".


I really find it amusing that you are telling a filipina who has experienced the adjustment that they are wrong and you are right...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 12:06:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship

I STAND by my *OPINION + REASONING* when love is very strong..the thing people call bored home-sick is non-existence. Yes love can be giving but when some one is in love? all those excuses disappear.
Boys & Girls I am giving you free lecture about the whole situation. Learn and analyze as much as you can while I supplies last.

Seriously JR, how old are you? You claim to have been in the US for a few decades (or am I confusing you with one of your sock-puppet accounts) but you write like a first grader...

Being bored has nothing to do with how happy you are, who you're with, if you feel loved or even how intelligent you are.

Being bored simply means that you don't have anything stimulating you intelectually at the moment. Sometimes boredom is the perfect state to be in. I love lazy boring afternoons laying on the couch cuddling my wife as the kids play in the yard.

Additonally, Love for a spouse can't replace the feeling of loss when a person moves around the world away from all of their family. Only a mentally ill person would think that they can replace a whole extended family in someone else's heart.

I find it ironic how you are attempting to project your ouw self doubts onto the rest of us, it's actually rather childish and you're not good at it either.

I watched my wife go through the difficulties of adjusting to life here with me, not once was I so insecure as to think it meant that I wasn't enough or she didn't love me. Nope, instead I understood that it meant she loves her family very much as was used to seeing them all several times a week. I would have worried more if she had no problems adjusting.

Stand by your OPINION all you want but stop trying to force us to accept it as fact and live by it. At the end of the day OPINIONS ARE LIKE BUNGHOLES, EVERYONE HAS THEIR ONE AND VERY FEW WANT TO LOOK AT YOURS!

I would also suggest that you stop trying to lecture those who have walked ahead of you on this path and maybe start listening to us regarding what to expect when your "girl" and her "kid" arrive in the US because you're in for a rude awakening young man...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 11:55:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship
Interesting how JR is posting a whole lot in this trash thread and yet he's barely replying to anyone. Even when he bothers to reply it's just meaningless mumbo-jumbo...

To be on topic here are my thoughts on this subject (if this thread really has one):

Anyone who moves to the other side of the planet is going to get homesick. They've left everything they know behind and are now cut-off from their family. Filipinos are so much more connected to their family as a whole that the effect has to be multiplied.

Is it understandable that she'll get bored? Of course it is, when she arrives on a K-1 she can't work and many states won't even let her begin learning to drive until she had either EAD or Greencard in hand so while you're at work she's sitting home all day. What, you expect washing your underwear and cleaning your house will keep her occupied, seriously?

Even in the best relationship where all fo the feelings are really there both parties need to work to keep it fresh, if you're not willing to put the work in then don't burden her with your life.

As for jr becoming the resient trouble maker, I seriously doubt it. He's just stumbling throught his own incomplete self-doubts and half truths, no harm to the rest of us.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 08:35:00
PhilippinesInter-Cultural Marriages and effect on Children

Bob, I am looking for inter-cultural marriage effect on children. Sorry for not being specific.

I'd like to ask the mods to please edit the title. Thanks.

Click on the report button for your first post and in the message as the Mods to edit the thread title, telling them the new title you want. That is the quickest way to get Mod attention & action on your thread.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 12:12:00
PhilippinesInter-Cultural Marriages and effect on Children
You are looking specifically for "Inter-What" Relationships/Marriages?

Inter-Racial, Inter-Cultural, Inter-Class/Cast...

There are a lot of ways to read your request. FWIW, Inter-Racial & Inter-Cultural are not the same thing even though they often times exist side-by-side.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 11:41:00
PhilippinesW-8BEN form
The W8-BEN for for an foreign Beneficiary of US held assets such as a bank account.

It allows him to add you to his account without you having a SSN.

For him to list you on his tax forms you will need to apply for an ITIN (Individual Tax Payer Identification Number) which is like a SSN for someone who can't work. This will require the submission of Form W-7 with his tax return.

If you're in the US. married before the end of 2011 and have a SSN issued before he files his 2011 taxes then you won't need an ITIN. Of course if you're not married before the end of 2011 he can't cliam you on his 2011 taxes.

I did two W8-BENs for my wife even before we were married so that she was a signor on my accounts and was issued her own Debit Cards.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 27 May 2011 - 03:22 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-27 15:20:00
PhilippinesIs wife employed or unemployed?
Chances are they won't even look at the chat logs...

If the issue is questioned she should just answer honestly that she doesn't really consider it as being employed since she is trying to help her family establish themselves to be self-sufficient after she leaves.

I doubt it will be an issue.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-29 12:27:00
PhilippinesFilipina wife issues....advice please...

Then get back to PI

Follow my Guidelines for meeting woman in Philippines:

Your guidelines are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine hatch!

My wife's immediate family is dirt poor as her Mom sacrificed everything to provide for her siblings and refused to depend on an unfaithful husband as she scratched & clawed to provide for her children.

My wife wasn't able to finish her college education because the educational funding program her mother paid into for years collapsed during her 3rd year of school.

My wife was 24 when I met her but the only way age was even a factor is that I was worried about probleme arising from too large a difference. I could never marry someone who is the same age as my oldest daughter.

I have no problem with meeting someone the internet, I'd done it before with girls in the US and honestly when I found Anna I wasn't looking for a wife, just a dive buddy for my planned dive trip to the Philippines.

I've said it many times before and I'll say it again and again, Don't marry someone because they fit some stupid list, marry them because their soul touches yours.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 20 January 2011 - 10:41 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-01-20 10:40:00
PhilippinesFilipina wife issues....advice please...

UGH. seriously??? situations like this make me sooooo annoyed!!! i am sorry you had to go thru that. You are not an ATM machine. You need to say NO, and she needs to GROW UP and be MATURE and also understand her husband's situation. I wish you luck!!!

Wait a minute....

While I agree that it's shameful for her family think it's okay to treat him like that and even more so for his wife to go along with it you can't just absolve him of any responsibility in the situation.

My wife & I talked about continuing financial obligations before we even got married.

Many Pinays who marry Kanos (or other foreigners) are leaving their family for the first time in their lives and therefore are not very mature in life experiences beyond Mom & Dad's walls. Even the ones who have gone overseas as OFWs still have limited financial experiences as the OFW model is to send most of your earnings home.

If he is being used as an ATM then surely he willingly handed over the Card & PIN for access.

This is a problem that he & his wife need to address together in a manner they can both live with. If he dictates a solution to her it will never work.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-01-20 10:06:00
PhilippinesFilipina wife issues....advice please...
One of the problems here is that you set a pretty big expectation from the beginning that they would have their hands in your pockets.

Does your wife know how the household money flows? I mean how much comes in (and how often) and how much flows out?

To most Filipinos my monthly salary looks like I'm rich because they don't understand what the roof our family lives under costs and how much simple utilities are here and the list goes on...

You need to educate your wife and then come to an agreement on how much you as a family can afford to send to her family (and under what terms you will do it).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-01-18 15:04:00
PhilippinesBringing 2 China Made Tablets to U.S. is this ok?

Define pirated electronics, like what, fake iphones , ipods, and ipads? Doesnt matter, they sell them in the usa

"They" sell illegal drugs in the US also, do you want to try to go through CBP carrying any?

Bottom line that CBP is required to act on the counterfeit items if they become aware of them just like a cop is required to act on illegal activities if they become aware of them.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-31 15:59:00
PhilippinesBringing 2 China Made Tablets to U.S. is this ok?

You could try bringing them. Anyway, you could be redundant by flying twice to the US coz you were ordered to return the first time due to your "made in china" tablets. :bonk:

You won't be turned back. CBP is required to confiscate all counterfeit items they are aware of and the travelers could be charged criminally for attempting to bring them into the country bu they would still be admitted just sans the electronics.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-29 10:12:00
PhilippinesBringing 2 China Made Tablets to U.S. is this ok?

I wonder if they check to see if they have pirated software installed. That may be interesting when you try to upgrade.

I brought back a couple pirated PS2 games I bought in Manila. They looked real, indistinguishable from the real items. Even had the correct regional coding. They wouldn't play on a PS2, although I could read the files on my PC.

Those PS/2 Copies usually need a modified System (software or hardware)...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-27 18:07:00
PhilippinesBringing 2 China Made Tablets to U.S. is this ok?
It really depends on what you mean by knock-offs....

If they are just lesser quality (and price) that look similar but are not fakes of actual name brands then you're ok.

If they are fake iPads or SamsungTabs (or something like that) then technically they are illegal in the US and if CBP detects them they will confiscate them...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-27 07:28:00
Philippinesfamily question
Not to mention that 19 & 21 years of age aren't exactly minors!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-01 16:05:00
Philippinesfamily question
First there is no derivative status for Immediate Relative Immigrant Visas so the parents children (the petitioner's siblings) never could just be added to the parents' case(s).

Second the petitioner would have to petition for the siblings or the parents could do it once they become US Citizens but both preference classes have wait times for Visa Numbers to be available in the 10 plus years range.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-01 14:48:00
PhilippinesIs this a horrible idea?

You answered the question without asking. She is in the Philippines already. Learn to ask questions before jumping to wrong conclusions.

Wow, seriously!?!? Even after all the thread-drama you create over and over I still take the time to give you a good answer and you have to reply with an dismissive insult?

Maybe you should (I'll repeat my previous advice from a few of your earlier train0wreck threads because it bears repeating) LEARN TO GIVE ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION when you're asking for advice.

Don't you wonder why the first few replies in this thread had to be removed?

How about why I'm the only one who has bothered to give you any helpful advice?

Maybe it's your posting style:

The way to come off as concealing information and then if someone gives you advice that isn't exactly what you want to her you insult them...

Don't worry JR, you'll never have to correct my assumptions again as I'll be keeping them (and my advice) to myself when you're involved from hereafter.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-01 10:25:00
PhilippinesIs this a horrible idea?

My fiancee has 1 month with her VISA. I know she has 5 more months to go. We are not 100% if she should comes now or wait a bit longer to see if she can get the k2 for her son before her 6 months is up.

Any help will be greatly appreciated it.

Honestly, nobody can really answer this question for you because put simply it's a judgement call.

Have you succeeded in transferring the K-2 case to the US Embassy in Manila yet? You can expect the process to take 2 - 3 months from the time Manila receives the case.

Since she's not even in the Philippines why would you want her to wait? If your plan is for her to return to the Philippines for the son's interview then you could just have her come to the US now, AOS immediately and apply for Advance Parole so she can fly to the Philippines for the child's interview.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-01 00:26:00
PhilippinesWhile waiting for your step/daughter/son

I just feel bad for them. They are coming from such a far country and leaving behind their love ones. I want their staying as pleasantly as possible. I would not like them to be bored, homesick, nor depressed.

They don't need you to feel bad for them, they need you to help them with the adjustment as it will be difficult.

Honestly, until you accept the fact that despite your best efforts they will feel scared, lonely & homesick all you're going to do is make the situation worse. It is nothing that you can fix and your efforts to fix will cause problems. All you can do is be supportive & understanding, don't take it personally when they are expressing sadness or being homesick.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-06 15:00:00
PhilippinesWhile waiting for your step/daughter/son

Your points are well taken but I also hope that you understand my anger. Those comments are too lowlife and too GROSS for my taste and education/personality level.

Do I understand anger, yes but it's misplaced.

Can you see how you're doing the exact same thing that you're so angry because you think others are doing to you?

You jump to the conclusion that they are accusing you of being a pedophile and therefore you're accusing them of being sick & twisted or being pedophiles themselves because "only such a person could even thing like that".

The sad & honest truth is that every parent needs to be able to spot signs of a Paedophile's Grooming and influence on a child's behaviors or warning signs in the behavior of an adult with such tenacities.

BTW (and I know this is stretching into Off Topic but I feel it is worth stating not just for the OP but others as well). I have known Pedophiles in my adult life, some who had acted on their situation in the past and some who never did. I will never defend someone for taking actions to harm another especially a child but we shouldn't put all Pedophiles in the same basket with those who do victimize children and more than we should say all Filipinos or Nigerians are SCAMMERS or all Caucasian Americans are Racist. I have more respect for a the man who told me "I may never have an intimate relationship because I don't know that I will ever be as attracted to another adult as much as I have been to some children" then I do for most people in my life. It is a condition that can be managed and those who choose to manage it deserve our respect & help as their friends. These words are coming from a man who has seen all sides of Child Sex Abuse in much more detail than I hope anyone else on the forum ever has to.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-06 12:53:00
PhilippinesWhile waiting for your step/daughter/son

I'll give you a bit of advice from a long time father (my oldest is now 19) and a step-father (for 2 1/2 years now):

I understand wanting to get the little guy everything but you do need to be careful as you're setting up a situation with extremely high expectations between yourself and the child. The child could take you generosity as an opportunity to get what they want from you via emotional blackmail. Furnish are room them, sure that's basic needs but most of the other stuff is over the top. You could have accomplished the level of generosity by spreading it out using birthdays, Christmas and other Holidays.

My little guy landed in the US with a fully furnished room (some new & some gently used items) and over the first year we gradually expanded his clothing & toy inventory. It also gave us a chance to bond during the shopping for him process (not to mention the time spent with the wifie for the benefit of our little guys which helped to build that relationship also).

If you really want him to know you love him, then don't worry so much about the material things and focus on giving him the attention, structure and support he will need as he acclimates to his new world.

Finally I'll address the "nasty, pervert comments" that have offended you so much. I understand that English isn't your first language but you have claimed to have been int he US for over 30 years so I would expect you'd have a better command & understanding of US English. You choice of words was poor and did indeed imply that you have more interest in and excitement for the child than his mother. I understand you're saying that's not the case but you need to think carefully on how you word things. As this in an internet forum we can't hear the nuances of your voice or read the expression on you face as we read your words so we have to take them at face value.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-06 12:25:00
PhilippinesCulture, misunderstanding, or just plain used?
From reading the OP it sounds like she was blindsided and devastated by the sudden & drastic change of plans. I know he probably said that he asked her opinion but I'd bet he really emphasized his new plan (even if not intending to) so she felt pressured to agree.

My wife has done that and I've learned to read her well enough to know when she's just being agreeable versus giving me her opinion on the options.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-07 09:19:00
PhilippinesVisa Approval in Phil with out of Country Divorce but no Phil Annulment

Sorry but I will not share that due to concerns of hurting some people who were very kind to us. Just know other people took a legal risk to help us.

Ah ha, so what you're saying is that you didn't find a legal way to obtain the CFO Certificate & Passport Sticker for her which only left "Other" options as is often the case in the Philippines. A little bit of crying and a lot of Pesos can go a long way towards solving interesting problems.

FWIW, I was just asking in an attempt to get that tidbit of info into the thread early so that it wouldn't become 12 pages of others asking.

It does create an interesting Catch-22 doesn't it?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-02-18 14:58:00