PhilippinesBringing Wifes Child / Father Abandoned Him

One poster here stated that the father has signed the BC and asked for papers by the NVC. The problem will be on the US side...

In our case both Gabby & Carlo's birth certificates were signed by the father. When we submitted the DS-230 we included a note on the cover letter explaining the Philippine Family Code and a copy of the relevant section of the code (along with a url to the exact section on The Philippines official website) and we were never questioned about it.

To overcome the issue you just need to be a little pro-active and provide them with the information needed so they know how to proceed.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 25 October 2011 - 12:46 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-25 12:46:00
PhilippinesBringing Wifes Child / Father Abandoned Him

Has the father signed to birth certificate? I think there'd be less hassle if the father has not recognized the child

That's irrelevant under Philippine Family Code. the only thing that matter is if they were MARRIED AT THE TIME OF BIRTH...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-25 12:25:00
Philippinesk1 visa holders allowed to work?

I see the answers you are getting here and I will direct you to find the information. https://secure.ssa.g.../lnx/0110211530

I called the Social Security office and was told that with the K1 Visa my fiance will be able to check the box on the SSAN application card "Legal Alien Allowed to Work"


Don't take any advice you get here! Do your own research. I took advice from others and we have and RFE. No offense to anyone. This is an excellent forum for asking: What is your experience. Do your own research!!!

The problem is that a K-1 Visa holder isn't authorized to work without DHS Authorization (read EAD). You can apply for an EAD the day you land in the US and it is approvable BUT... EAD Application Processing takes from several weeks to a few months and if issued to a K-1 Holder prior to AOS Application it will have an expiration date that matches their I-94 expiration.

I see that the document you linked to is only about a year old but I'd also note that it is from SSA not USCIS. Here is a relevant section from the instructions for the EAD Application Instructions (see bottom left side of page 4):

6. Family-Based Nonimmigrant Categories

A. K-1 Nonimmigrant Fiance(e) of US Citizen or K-2 Dependent--(a)(6). File Form i-765 if you are filing with 90 days from the date of entry. This EAD cannot be renewed. Any EAD Application other than for a replacement must be based on your pending application for adjustment under ©(9)

Now if K-1 is authorized to work without EAD why would this even be there?

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 05 October 2011 - 02:01 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-05 14:00:00
PhilippinesApproved -- Kind of ;)
I don't understand how this question comes up so often....

As another poster stated there is only 1 ORIGINAL of any legal document, this includes Divorce Decrees, Birth Certificates etc. The Court Clerk will never release that document to you.

When USCIS (or anyone else) says they want an original not copy what they are asking for is a copy provided by the Court Clerk's office that has been endorsed as original by them. This is usually with an embossed seal but can be an ink stamped seal.

At some point in the process you will be asked for an "original" of almost every required document so don't waste time, just get the "originals" and be prepared when they ask for them.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-07 20:53:00
PhilippinesNaturalized thru CRBA, need to undergo medical exam prior to leaving for the US from the Philippines?
No, your daughter doesn't need a Visa therefore she doesn't need an immigrant medical exam.

BTW, the baby wasn't Naturalized through CRBA. Your child's US Citizenship is derived via birthright.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 17 October 2011 - 09:06 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-17 09:04:00
PhilippinesFiancee's aunt co-sponsoring my fiancee

Anyways, you are right that certain Embassys are more lenient than others, but I wouldn't put the case down yet. I think it's certainly doable. That's just me


Nobody's putting their case down. Read what has been posted her specifically about the Manila Embassy. The Affidavit of Support is on area where the Consulate has a lot of leeway. If they "have a funny feeling" about a case but can't deny it based on hard facts then they can look for weakness in the AOS. In this case the Beneficiaries family providing Co-Sponsorship does 2 very bad things for the OP:

1. Provides the CO an easy way to issue 221(g) for insufficient AOS.

2. Fits a pattern of past Immigration Fraud attempts involving US Based family paying for relatives to get Greencards.

So with one simple act the OP is creating doubt about the relationship AND giving the CO an easy way to prevent Visa issuance.

I have known several people from different SE Asian countries who have paid great deals of money ($30,000 - $60,000 each) just to get into the US Illegally and most of them would have happily paid more to do it in a manner that handed them a Greencard instead.

Please don't encourage someone else to enter into a potentially life changing situation without exercising all due caution.

Think like the CO in Manila will: Why wouldn't the Petitioner's family provide the support of Co-Sponsoring him? Maybe they don't even know he's planning to get married because he's doing it in return for payment from her family? Remember it's not up to the CO the prove their suspicions, it's up to the couple to overcome those suspicions. Coming for a VWP country you're process is a lot different.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-11 10:02:00
PhilippinesFiancee's aunt co-sponsoring my fiancee

Ya I mean we have a lot of evidence that it is a legitimate relationship. Phone calls, emails, chat logs, etc. Also, I am in college which is why I am having so much trouble with the finances.

Well being in college is a definite positive in regards to having a Co-Sponsor.

If I was in your situation I would seriously try to find a Co-Sponsor from my side of the family. The thing that the CO doesn't need to prove anything to deny a visa. The burden of proving things is on the applicant. If the CO thinks something is amiss then they will simply reject the Co-Sponsor and you're dead in the water.

I honestly wouldn't use her relative(s) for sponsorship if she's from any SE Asian country or China because these are countries where a lot of people go to great lengths to get to the US (sometimes illegally). It's not uncommon for families to pay healthy sums to get someone to the US (and via legal immigration paths are worth more money) because if daughter comes today then Mom & Dad can follow in a few years and eventually siblings can get here.

Don't think like a US Citizen who's doing things right. Think about from the perspective of the CO reviewing your case. If the Aunt is providing support as the Co-Sponsor it raises questions:

-> Why isn't your family providing the needed Co-Sponsorship?

-> What else might her family be providing to support her immigration to the US?

-> What else should they be looking for in your case file, are there any inconsistencies?

Of course I could be totally wrong and it never crosses the CO's mind. The thing is wouldn't you rather be extra cautious on something as important as this and try to avoid raising any red flags?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-10 22:14:00
PhilippinesFiancee's aunt co-sponsoring my fiancee

All that matters is that she passes the poverty guidelines

Not really, unless you have knowledge of the US Embassy in the Philippines I would suggest you slow you role on giving advice here.

COs have a lot of discretion in the area of the Affidavit of Support. They can choose to not accept a Co-Sponsor and Manila is notorious for being extremely picky on this subject.

Add to that the fact that The Philippines is a High Fraud Country for US Immigration.

If I was doing a K-1 in Manila and I wasn't either a college student or a recent college graduate (the 2 situations they are most accepting of Co-Sponsors) then I would do everything I can to get my income about the poverty line for a 2 person household.

I also wouldn't do anything that makes it possibly look like her family in the US is involved in the process. It's not unheard of for a Filipino family to do whatever it takes to get a relative to the US. I personally know of a young lady that married her Gay Uncle's "partner" just for immigration purposes (I really hope they are discovered at ROC).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-10 16:26:00
PhilippinesFiancee's aunt co-sponsoring my fiancee
Though I've never heard of this situation I'd be kind of worried that since the Philippines is a country known for fraud the USEM might think it's suspicious that a relative of hers in the US is co-sponsoring. It could raise questions as how how you came to know her and if the marriage is just to get her to the US.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-10 16:09:00
Wow, I was aware of the AmerAsian situation... I thought...

I knew there was a law in place to help with reunification after Vietnam but I had no idea it excluded Japanese and Filipino children.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-13 12:42:00
PhilippinesNeed Advice..

You should NEVER purchase tickets for the Flight to the US until after she has the actual Visa in hand. Even if she's approved at the interview there can be numerous delays in the issuance of the Visa. Even worse, she could get the dreaded 221(g) form which would delay Visa issuance by weeks or worse yet she could get AP and have to wait months for the Visa.

I'm going to repeat what others have said, your girl really needs to put on her big girl panties and figure it out. If she really is unable to get back & forth to Manila either by herself or with some assistance then can you imagine how difficult her adjustment here is going to be. I know, you're thinking "but she'll have me once she's here" and you're right but unless you're interdependently wealthy and don't need to work then you'll have other things to do and she'll have to learn a lot of the US stuff on her own.

The Visa process should be a joint effort between the petitioner & beneficiary, she really needs to pull her share of the load especially since you're going to be covering the entire cost of the process.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-16 22:41:00

Lots of them here! (The Philippines subforum)

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-09-26 14:48:00
Philippineswant to meet new friend

this is not a friendship or matchmaking site, you may visit this site

Wow, how rude an inappropriate!

Here in the Philippines sub-forum we don't mind people asking to find friends in their area.

We understand how difficult adjusting to life in a new country is and how important it is to find local friends who can understand what you're going through.

If you don't agree with that ideal then maybe you should just stay out of OUR sub-forum...

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-24 20:06:00
PhilippinesStatus Report of my case

While it's easy to be annoyed about these things we should remember that there are some cases that are rightfully derailed when they can't pass the additional scrutiny so in the end while it's inconvenient it is for the protection of the general good.

I realize this is the rationale offered, Bob4Anna, but I respectfully disagree.


I agree with most of what you said but we can't justify removing the Immigration Process by saying so many are here illegally already. Fix the illegal problem by enforcing the laws we have not opening the floodgates.

I do believe we need to have gatekeepers. I also believe that the process could be improved. I don't condone anyone being treated disrespectfully.

I'm a realist, we can't live in an ideal world so we have to each determine how much of our ideals we can compromise and find a way to live within those limits.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-02 16:27:00
PhilippinesStatus Report of my case

Yes, it was P2200.

We had to pay 2000Php for a Psych Evaluation on a deaf 2 year old because he didn't speak!

Stupid of course because there are no services available to help a Deaf Child develop communication there but 2 years later I don't really care because in the end they got here and he is now hearing a communicating!

While it's easy to be annoyed about these things we should remember that there are some cases that are rightfully derailed when they can't pass the additional scrutiny so in the end while it's inconvenient it is for the protection of the general good.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-25 16:14:00
PhilippinesStatus Report of my case

I guess they think I ran off to the PI to have sex. I suppose some people do that, but why marry the girl, if I am just doing that. It doesn't make since

No, they think she used sex to first get you interested and then to motivate you to get her to the US to be with you. That assumption makes sense (as does their line of questioning) if you look at it from their POV. They are just trying to sort out the situation to make sure they don't accidentally issue a Visa to someone who shouldn't get it. I would imagine the other woman who posed as her last year failed to get a Visa because she didn't pass close scrutiny. Be thankful of that because the process would likely be several times more difficult for her if they thought they'd already issued her a Visa!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-25 13:50:00
PhilippinesStatus Report of my case

At that time, all hell broke loose and they started accusing her of being someone else, asking about our sex life and intimidating her. According to them, someone with the same last name applied last year and was denied. The Filipino CO was convinced it was her and even said this other person was using my girl's passport photo. This was impossible! I think they even showed her a form with this other's name and my girl's picture that they had manufactured.

The embassy requested a female exam to prove my girl hasn't given birth to verify her identity. Apparently, they believe that the other person actually has kids.


There are a couple of possibilities here that don't include the Embassy targeting your girl unfairly...

First would be that someone did actually try to get a Visa using her information and falsified documents. I know you said they had a photo that was only recently produced but accidents/mistakes do happen so if you put that aside you know that what I've just said is quite possible. If that's the case then the Embassy is reacting appropriately and your anger should be directed at the fraudster not the Visa Unit at USEM.

The Second possibility (and less likely) would be that there is something you don't know and they've found it. Don't get upset, I'm not accusing her of anything. I'm just saying that there have been a few cases here in VJ where if it wasn't for the USEM being on their toes a Pinay Fraudster would have made it to the US. I remember the case of user formerly named "Eros The Plumber", apparently he didn't even know his girl's real name! She had all forged documents at the interview and even after she was telling him that she only used a "Fixer" to correct some documents but nothing was outright fraud. In the end it turned out that nothing she ever told him was reality!

I'm not trying to vilify your girl, just saying that we don't know the extent of fraud that they see in the USEM IV Unit so our second-guessing them is pointless. There is a good reason that The Philippine sis considered a High Fraud Country for Immigrant Visas (and I say that loving most of what I know abut The Philippines)...

If everything is on the up-and-up then I am confident that she'll get approved ad you'll be able to sit back and say "Remember when" someday whilst you two share a laugh...

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 25 October 2011 - 12:21 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-25 12:20:00
PhilippinesNEED Advice 2

Postal ID is NOT accepted in obtaining passport. NBI clearance and Cert true copy of BC are fine. She will need it on the embassy anyway. I don't know if she will need other forms of IDs in future though.

Yep, Postal ID is practically worthless anymore as it isn't trusted due to the fact that it is so easily forged nowadays.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-23 23:05:00
PhilippinesNeed Assistance

Wow there is alot of info here and a difficult process by the sounds of everything.

I don't know that I'd say either process is really difficult, just tedious really.

The difficulties generally are in the waiting and being separated whilst seeing everyone around us having their loved one in their daily life.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-02 19:24:00
PhilippinesNeed Assistance

Wait until her anulment is done and the file for K-1. K-1 is about 3 months faster

I don't know where you get "3 months faster", in truth the between Filing the Petition and POE the only real difference between CR-1 and K-1 is the NVC.

A K-1 will simply get an Embassy Case Number assigned and then be forwarded to the US Embassy where the interview will happen whereas a CR-1 Case will pay fees, submit interview documents and have your interview date assigned.

If you follow the information on VJ a CR/IR Case can move through the NVC in 3 - 4 weeks. So a lot of CR/IR Cases are getting to the Interview either at the same time or within a couple of weeks of K-1 Cases.

A huge plus for the CR-1 route is that POE triggers the issuance of the Greencard, there is no need to Adjust Status. In some states the beneficiary (immigrant) won't be able to get a drivers license or even state ID card until they have at least EAD (Work Authorization Card) and of course the K-1 Immigrant can't work until they receive the EAD which takes on average 3 months from application (not POE).

Then there is the fact that the K-1/AOS Process costs about $1,000 more in fees than the CR/IR Process.

In the end there really is not right answer to the question of which is best, it really depends on each couple's desires.

Don't forget thet her family will really want to attend her wedding...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-30 14:37:00
PhilippinesAnyone else Dec 9th AM Appt at USEM?
Anna would love to know if there will be any other VJers at the US Embassy in Manila in the early morning hours of December 9th. Our little guy, Carlo (Gabby's big brother) has his inter appointment scheduled for 6:30 AM that day!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-10 10:19:00
PhilippinesLove Doesn't Conquer All
When Anna arrived we both realized that there was a lot change that needed to be made on both sides for us to mesh our lives together.

Here it is 2 years later and we're still making adjustments, thankfully they are much smaller adjustments than in the beginning but we're happy with where we are now.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-01 21:31:00
PhilippinesDoes Petitioner Need To Bring Passport/Visa Photos To The Visa Interview?
The petitioner doesn't even need to be in the Philippines for the interview, why would they need to bring Passport/visa photos?

The answer is no.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-19 18:29:00
PhilippinesSending Package - Fed Ex What a rip off !
I'll have to remember the Johnny Air option if I need to send anything in the future.

I can say from past experience that DHL is the only shipping company that will work with you to prevent PH Customs from ripping you off.

When I sent my wife a used laptop they tried to charge us 12,000Php import fees. DHL intervened and got it reduced to less than 600Php!

The difference is that DHL has their own employees in the Philippines whereas FedEx, USPS etc all contract with local carriers.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-22 11:01:00
PhilippinesFriends reactions
When I told everyone about it there was no real uproar from my friends but by that time I'd already purged the idiots over other issues.

Some were concerned and they expressed it appropriately. Of course I understood that they were concerned because they cared about me as a friend and to be honest some of my local relationships concerned them also!

Now we're 3 years later and nobody even thinks about it.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-21 11:55:00
PhilippinesA question for a friend

how about on the affidavit of support part?

Nope, on effect.

Now if you have outstanding IRS Tax Liens that will have the effect of reducing your gross income by the amount of the Lien.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-24 19:26:00
PhilippinesA question for a friend
No it will have no effect on the immigration process.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-24 10:57:00
PhilippinesCathay Pacific Airlines SUCKS!

One reason why companies should just establish their OWN customer service rather than paying for services of call centers. A lot of their agents just read stuff found in use manuals and FAQ

No actually it's a big reason why companies should hire the right call center to handle their customer service.

My employer is the #1 Financial Services Customer Service Call Center in the US for Credit Union Loan process and Member Services. We're that way because we understand the Credit Union culture. We spend a lot of time & money properly training our Call Center employees and encourage them to listen and surpass the callers' expectations on every call.

Maybe this is a prime example of how outsourcing call centers to other countries is ruining customer service.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-25 21:35:00
PhilippinesCathay Pacific Airlines SUCKS!

Was your wife able to get the reference number or the name of the representative? I suspect that Cathay, like many companies are just using call centers. Someone needs to be fired.

At this point it simply isn't worth our time. Cathay loses a family of customers (they probably won't even notice our absence) and we'll always fly one of the dozen other airlines that operate one that route...

So I guess in essence some did get fired as we've fired Cathay as our airline!

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-25 16:20:00
PhilippinesCathay Pacific Airlines SUCKS!

I Have No idea about Cathay Pacific, BUT what i do know, is PAL seems to have More Balikbayan boxes than Luggage. I just stood and watched the boxes on the Carousel until my Luggage came from the Chute!

It was the same way when I flew Asiana Airlines to the Philippines...

I guess my point was that for something that is so obviously prevalent you'd expect the airline to have the information more readily available.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-25 16:09:00
PhilippinesCathay Pacific Airlines SUCKS!

Not sure what you mean...if the box is over the weight and dimensions listed, they will charge you. As you said the needed info is there? :unsure:
As long as you know the dimensions of your box.

Well it isn't immediately clear but it seems like it might cost an additional $150 to use a BB Box as your second piece of checked luggage which is simply too much. Of course if their customer service (before the flight) was worth a dime it would only take a 2 minute phone call to confirm this. Since the whole BB Box is most likely a common thing.

Now I just got off the phone as was told something that contradicts the website!

The Asian lady on the phone who doesn't know what a Balikbayan Box even is told me if the dimensions of the box are under 80 inches then it's a $100 charge if over that it's $600!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-25 13:30:00
PhilippinesCathay Pacific Airlines SUCKS!

I assume you are flying from the states:

Adults/Children First/ Business/ Economy class:
2 Pieces Maximum weight per bag:
First: 32kg (70lbs)
Business: 32kg (70lbs)
Economy: 23kg (50lbs)

Total dimensions of each piece must not exceed 158cm (62in)

Of course I can see this info on their website. The thing is that when you fly to the Philippines you always see people checking BB Boxes so we were thinking about doing the same thing but how can we do it if we can't get the needed info? I mean if it would just cost extra then be polite and tell us.

The whole smart-a$$ "we're not a restaurant" answer is inexcusable...

We can't comment on their in flight service but that doesn't matter much if the company's before flight service makes you hate the company as a whole.

Also, I've had no problem contacting them when I needed to. Are you calling them within normal business hours or not? (check their site)

Yes, I'm calling well within their normal business hours...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-25 11:53:00
PhilippinesCathay Pacific Airlines SUCKS!

I have flown to the Philippines three times with Cathay and never never experienced anything but awesome customer service and comfort. Even in my layover in Hong Kong. Even the coach-class food is perfect compared to PAL. At least their flight attendants are younger than 50!

Have you ever tried to get an answer from them on the phone?

My wife asked about the availability of plain rice as a mean option and the woman just replied "We're not a restaurant", how could that be considered awesome customer service?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-25 11:14:00
PhilippinesCathay Pacific Airlines SUCKS!
They have no concept of Customer Service. They seem to think they are the only airline who flies to the Philippines and we should be happy to use them despite how poorly they treat customers.

Just getting a hold of a person on the phone is like trying to find El Dorado then when you do get someone they act like they hate you personally!

I just want to know if they allow using a "Balikbayan box" for one of your pieces of checked luggage.

Honestly this single ticket we bought for Anna's trip next month is the only time we will ever use them even if we have to pay double!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-25 10:54:00
PhilippinesRing size ( engagement ring)
Google "pdf ring sizer", choose one and print it.

This will give you the info you need.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-25 10:30:00
Philippinescant get ID ?!
NBI issues Photo ID Cards, she should be able to get that easily.

Postal IDs are basically useless as they are easily forged (just a piece of paper & photo laminated) and not widely accepted anymore.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-28 12:42:00
PhilippinesThanksgiving is here again
This will be Anna's 3rd Thanksgiving in the US, she landed the day before Thanksgiving of 2009!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-11-23 11:07:00
Philippinesbest airlines to travel between phils. and US?

is it true what they say about more room in economy? what was your connecting airport? Seoul?

I'm 6'3 and was comfortable in economy class...

Connecting Airport as Inchon, Seoul Korea. It's a top notch international airport.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-12-03 23:18:00
Philippinesbest airlines to travel between phils. and US?

after some research, I saw that asiana airlines sounded pretty good. Have any of you traveled with this airline before?

I really enjoyed it when I flew with Asiana.

The staff was good, the plane was clean and I was comfortable...

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-12-03 15:55:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?

One of the red flags I forgot about in the last thread was the big fight over the eleven-dollar cab ride and the resentment over paying for other things. Not paying airfare. I didn't get a sense either one was enthusiastic. I'd have robbed the U.S. Mint to get my hands down, er, on my wife.


I really love how you give great insightful replies all the while playing with the stupid stereotypes that so many use to slap senseless labels on us. It's find of fun to be able to laugh at those stereotypes from time to time. My wife and I are always joking whenever we get weird looks in public, I'm 41 and she's 26 but we look more like 33 & 16...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-30 08:55:00