VietnamMy Vietnamese girlfriend and me need help

If I marry a person, regardless of their nationality, then the US government should HAVE to allow us to live together. Fraud is going to happen no matter what and just like gun control, these ridiculous hoops do nothing to solve the problem since the people who have illegal intent will find a way and the people who marry legitimately are the only ones who really suffer for it. Did it occur to anyone that all the fraud is a result of unreasonable difficulty entering the USA, or not being able to return after you leave? If people could enter and leave with little restriction, and could do so LEGALLY, then why would anyone bother committing fraud? As for the girls who take advantage of men to escape VN or for money...well...that's really most women. Plenty of American women do the same thing, but you can get married in Vegas within a few mins. What happens between the man and the woman, whether the marriage is a sham or not, is really none of the government's business nor should they be meddling in peoples' personal affairs like that. If two consenting adults decided to get married for WHATEVER reason, as long as there is some document that shows they are legally married that should be the extent of it, along with reasonable criminal background checks and medical tests.

The way the process is now, it's flawed and highly unconstitutional. Since it is conducted by the US, and I am a US Citizen, there are solid grounds for taking action against these screwed up policies. It's just a matter of enough people being motivated to take a concerted effort.

Just saying the fraud will happen either way doesn't prove that we should remove immigration controls. Why should it be difficult to immigrate to the US? How about to preserve our way of life? If anyone could come here by filing a paper and paying a small fee then what would happen to the US Job Market?

By your lowered standards someone could open a "Green card marriage" business legally.

Bottom line is you aren't applying for anything at the Embassy and won't even be allowed to attend the interview.

Where in the constitution do you have any of these "rights" of immigration?

Perhaps I should further "objectify" my girl by advertising her in my sig as if she is a prize I won at the state fair...

Oh wait...I see you beat me to it.

Being proud of my WIFE and linking to her profile is nothing like you referring to "your girl" like she's a blow-up doll who doesn't even deserve a name or respect.

Good luck with your petition since you seem to know everything about the process and how to get it done with the least possible amount of evidence & resources. Ironically it seems that "Know it all even though I've never done it before"s like you seem to be the ones who come back crying about how horrible the interview went.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-26 20:40:00
VietnamMy Vietnamese girlfriend and me need help

Actually, being that the US Embassy is a US government institution, it does owe me a level of service and quality as describe in the laws related to my case. They do not have a right to trample MY rights as a US Citizen due to their misguided notions of fraud. There is action that people can take within the USA to compel the Embassy to do what it is supposed to do...also, in the USA any law on the books can be challenged in court if there is merit, and if you've been following the headlines, immigration is certainly a hot issue at this time.

The US really has no reason to make it difficult for people to legally enter the country. The process to get a US Visa for any country should be a matter of doing a criminal background check and possibly some kind of medical exam - that is all. The whole guilty until proven innocent thing is entirely unconstitutional, and therefore, something that can and should be challenged in federal court...again...that is another topic.

My point is if you are a US Citizen you never have to accept what is given to you. If you feel your rights have been violated or have not been fulfilled by the current system you do have a way to bring about change.

Ah, but what you are forgetting is that you are not applying for anything at the Embassy Stage of the process.

Initially you will apply for the ability to sponsor her immigration to the US but after that it's all her.

There is no "right" to any immigration benefit for either you or her. It is a privilege that must be earned.

As for making it difficult to immigrate, there are numerous reasons not the least of which is to protect US Citizens (including you).

BTW, is she a "Girl" or a "Woman"? You say to have this special connection but talk about her like an objectified child. My wife was never anything less than I am in words or deeds and I never referred to her as anything less than my Asawa, partner and soul-mate.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 26 July 2010 - 04:50 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-26 16:48:00
VietnamCriminal record on I-129f and I-130

When do you stop giving them chances?

I thought I made it clear, you get a second chance...

If your negative behavior was a mistake or something that you want to address and correct then you won't need a third fourth or fifth...

If people would stop looking at incarceration as warehousing inmates and remember that it's called The Department of Corrections then maybe we'd be better off.

I believe in support for recovery on any first offense followed by harsh punishment if there is a second offense.

I have an adult felony conviction from when I was 16. I'm 40 now and have never re-offended. I spent years working to correct what was wrong within myself and to be honest if I hadn't got arrested at 16 I wouldn't be a very good person today as the arrest was the catalyst for recovery.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 30 September 2010 - 09:11 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-30 09:11:00
VietnamCriminal record on I-129f and I-130

Sad but true. Just because people are married doesn't mean the petitioner isn't a loser/abuser or child molester :bonk:

Just because a person may have criminal charges/convictions in their past doesn't automatically make them any of the negative things you said. Regardless of the crime people should always be given a second chance. Now a third fourth or fifth chance is pushing it.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-30 08:38:00
VietnamCriminal record juvenile

I have a felony conviction from when I was 16 and a misdemeanor as an adult about 14 years later. It has been 10 years since the later charge, I included nothing about either and was processed within normal time without RFE.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-30 14:20:00
VietnamIs a previous visa denial a problem?

Denied tourist/student visas have no impact on family visas.

What is true in England doesn't always apply in other countries, especially when you're talking about a high fraud embassy...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-01-31 13:05:00
Vietnamvietnam will pull the plug on all internet service providers

It's a good thing IMO if it's supposed to stop this.

Posted Image

Do they really still play Super Nintendo in VN? Can those things even connect to the internet?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-02-23 15:21:00
Vietnamflirting= harmless?
I flirt each and every day this this hot young pinay...

Of course I don't work with her, I value my job too much to risk it for nothing.

FWIW, I live with the target of my attention... She's my wife!

That's how you flirt and get away with it...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-20 09:26:00
Vietnamrequest for evidence
No timeline, No profile info...

What are you applying for?

Financials aren't required until the Affidavit of Support which is the NVC or Embassy.

Required Evidence for Petitions is really just a little bit.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-24 23:40:00
VietnamOrange County authorities cracking down on Vietnamese cafes

After all, if noone is willing to make this type of decision, who would be the waitresses at those Cafe shops right?

Are you saying that every woman working in those cafes are prisoners/sex slaves?

If that's the case then legalize them, make then VN versions of US Strip Clubs, and regulate them. If there are no willing Waitresses/Hostesses then they won't be around for long.

I'm sure there are some places that operate like that but I'm just as sure there are enough women willingly working in them that this wouldn't be a problem.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-26 13:19:00
VietnamOrange County authorities cracking down on Vietnamese cafes

Using your logic, if a lady showing up in your church (assuming you're a Pastor there) saying "Hey, it's my first amendment right and I prefer not to wear any clothing", would you agree?

You can't compare what goes on behind closed doors in one specific environment (i.e. where kids aren't allowed) to what happens in Church. That's like saying because it isn't appropriate to wear a thong & pasties to the grocery store it shouldn't be allowed in Strip Clubs either.

Back to the issue a woman can choose to "display" her body if she wants to. Perfectly OK and acceptable. We're talking about "indecent activities" here in those coffee shops, ie. inappropriate touching, sometimes sexual activities.

Again this brings the issue of what makes it indecent? If I touch my wife or girlfriend in the same ways and it's consentual then is it indecent? Is it indecent because money changes hands (directly or indirectly)?

Why don't those Vnese girls go work at Hooters if they really enjoy displaying their "assets"? Because they know they want to commit in illegal activities not permitted at Hooters.

Remove the concept of the indecent/illegal activities, make it wearing shorty shorts & skin tight t-shirt with no physical contact allowed VS some degree of nudity & physical contact of varying degrees allowed. Now ask the quest why would the second be preferred over the first, 2 possible answers: 1) The second pays more. 2) The girl doesn't have a hang-up over nudity & disconnected (NSA) sexual contact.

It all goes back to there being a big moral hang-up about nudity & paid sexual services.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 26 May 2011 - 12:34 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-26 12:33:00
VietnamOrange County authorities cracking down on Vietnamese cafes

Their response? "Do I care? As long as they're not my wife, daughter, not my prob!"
I guess it's the same feeling for prostitution as well.

The issue isn't nudity or even prostitution, it's that somewhere sex & nudity were deemed to be immoral outside of certian situations.

I don't like the thought of either of my daugthers having sex, has nothing to do with getting paid for it or not. It's something that will happen and that's that.

There are a lot of other things I don't like the thought of my daughters or wife doing, only difference is the absence of moral judgement. Here are a few examples:

Changing diapers/bathing another adult, this is required for any CNA.

Working in dangerous conditions, I would prefer they don't.

Dirty work, shoveling manure for example but then someone has to do it for me to get the fertilizer that makes my lawn so green.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-25 13:09:00
VietnamOrange County authorities cracking down on Vietnamese cafes

Porn is legal, but prostitution is not and that has lead to serious crimes being committed that no one wants to talk about.

So to fix that, you always have a video camera on hand to record the "deed" and then you've simply paid her for being in your self produced & directed Porn production!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-25 09:57:00
VietnamAccident 2 weeks ago. (Should I Repair or Sale my Honda CRV-EX 2010)

so, if the OP cashed out with the bank, the bank lien on the title is released, then the title is given to the insurance company.
so then, 'selling' the vehicle to a 3rd party, by the OP, just isn't in the cards, right?

No, the OP's insurance didn't total the car. They gave him the money to repair the car so he retains title.

The catch is that if he claims damage again to the same car then his insurance company has the right to demand proof of the current damage having been properly repaired.

Presently the OP has clear title on a car that can't be driven until it has been repaired extensively.

If he sells the car to a 3rd party he's fine.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-12-28 12:38:00
VietnamAccident 2 weeks ago. (Should I Repair or Sale my Honda CRV-EX 2010)

SCAM ?????

I don't know WTH you are talking about???

First = If I am planning to SCAM the insurance company. Why Am I go on here to ask for advice, instead going to the lawyer in (Orange County California)

Don't be so touchy...

I read that reply as more of a comment on the whole "You cause the damage to your car and then sue the insurance company for diminished value" idea as being a scam (wither it's legal or not)

I have to say that I'd agree with it, I mean where is taking personal responsibility aside from having to live with the insurance rate increase which will be even larger as you add to the Dollar amount they have to pay as a result fo your or your wife's driving.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-12-14 18:37:00
VietnamAccident 2 weeks ago. (Should I Repair or Sale my Honda CRV-EX 2010)

I don't see this as scamming the insurance company. Unless, his wife intentionally hit another car, or he is claiming more damages than the accident caused, which doesn't seem to be the case here. The insurance has an obligation to pay for the fair market value to repair the car. If the op decides not to fix it, the insurance company isn't out any money since they would have paid it to repair the car anyways.

I kind of agree that the whole claim for diminished value of the vehicle when you're at fault is a scam on the insurance company.

If someone else hit you then sure claim diminished value to their insurance but seriously why not take responsibility for your own actions.

BTW, OP did you ever pay the Police fee from the other thread?

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-12-14 12:11:00
VietnamAccident 2 weeks ago. (Should I Repair or Sale my Honda CRV-EX 2010)
No offense to the OP but I'm just glad his wife lives in California otherwise I'd be worried that the next car she hits would be mine (driven by my wife or I)...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-12-13 14:23:00
VietnamAccident 2 weeks ago. (Should I Repair or Sale my Honda CRV-EX 2010)

Here's that post from you:

Time to re-evaluate her "risk" for adding her to your car insurance policy!

Oh wow!

I guess the OP regrets changing his mind about the wife driving his CRV!

So this is the second time in less than a year that his wife has hit another car (in the other thread she only hit the pole after RUNNING A RED LIGHT to HIT ANOTHER CAR)! I don't want to know what his insurance rates are now...

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 12 December 2011 - 12:14 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-12-12 12:14:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend

I'm getting a situational awareness, four corners, trees and forest, from people who know about international marriages and Vietnam women and culture, etc etc. It has been invaluable, better, I think, than if I had been able to hire some sort of marital-fiance Vietnam visa counselor, if one even existed, which now that I think about it, Harvard probably offers studies in that. I'm also struck by the generosity and outpouring of love from a bunch of people who don't even know me but are willing to extend a helping hand....I'm amazed and touched. Especially when I was expecting to get thrown out of here for asking such a stupid question!

And I'm hoping the OP stands for Original Poster?

Yes OP stands for either Original Poster (you) or Original Post (that started this thread)...

VJ is a great place not just for the immigration stuff but for the other things that go with and around it.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-07-18 14:51:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend

After reading all the advices I am somewhat in shock. How can anyone give advice on something like that? No one has full picture. Only OP does. OP, no one can give you advice. You have to follow your heart and common sense. I just don't think this is a question for the forum.. I don't think you can ask people advice on the net on a serious matter like that. If you do you may fall into the trap of following someone's advice that is based on incomplete information. If I was you I would rather talk to my friends. Close friends that you can completely disclose all the details to.
I apologize if my advice may not seem helpful on the first place, but iut may be most helpful overall, once you think about it..

I guess we can all give advice the same you yourself can!

Actually if you read through most of the advice it has been quite good, not specific to this one person but rather general to what are norms in VN and some "food for thought". I would agree that the "Run for the Hills" & "Dump her now" comments aren't very helpful but the stuff that has given the OP presence of situation and clarity that we generally don't have when we are the monkey in the middle has been spot on in provoking him to look clearly at the situation he's looking at.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-07-18 12:57:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend

to all the people suggesting a sit down don't realize how vicious and manipulative vietnamese girls are. they will tell you they love you with tears in their eyes and turn around 5 minutees later and file a restraining order/domestic violence and drop you so fast and laugh in your face about it.

You think this is limited to VN Girls? Seriously every culture has "girls" (when would you call them women) who can and will do that...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-07-18 11:41:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend

Everyone else here is absolutely correct, and I would give the same advice. But she has not asked me for money, and what you say is just what I've been thinking, and it's what has kept me hanging on, hoping that she will tell me the truth and that she genuinely wants to change her life. Then again, leopards do not change their spots. For her to open up her past to me would be extremely painful for her, and perhaps too much for me to bear. Her whole family must know the truth about her life. So, has she changed and really loves me, or not? Boy, was I ever naive!

What did she say to you about the guy she spoke to on your cell phone?

I think when looking for the answer you need to look at her current behavior:

If she has turned away from the "past" then why is there any contact?

Why does she still have a stash of men's clothing at her home?

I can understand that it may be painful (for both of you) for her to open-up about her past but she can be truthful without giving you all of the details. Trust is a two way street. Before we got married, Anna & I shared the skeletons in our closets with each other (granted neither had something like this but we each had things that we were less than proud of).

Anyone can change if they really want to. The question is has or will she change BEFORE you make a commitment (marriage) and not as a condition of such commitment?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-07-18 11:39:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend

Can I just offer that you might try a heart to heart instead of dropping her like everyone has suggested? Unless she's asked for money from YOU (and it sounds like she doesn't need to) , it might simply be that she WAS a "paid girlfriend" in the past and is embarrassed by it, and is afraid to tell you about it because she thinks you'll want nothing more to do with her.

I was thinking the same thing until the OP's follow-up post were he mentioned that she had sent a recent photo that the OP had taken of her to another man and there were written exchanges including words like "Miss you" & "Love" and the man provided a phone number when he called and the call was returned within 30 minutes!

Sounds like she's still active.

BTW, a history of prostitution (which this looks like) makes her inadmissible so it's a closed book unless he wants to live in VN with her.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-07-18 09:46:00
Vietnamwell things change in a year....

If you are still under two years you can refuse to do the paperwork to remove conditions or go to the interview and state that she left you and she will not be issued a 10 year visa. They have to follow up with you to make sure the marraige is still valid. This is why there is a two year temp visa. If a marriage is not legit by either party, it will not last for the whole two years in most cases. What people do not realize that they still need the petitioner to get their ten year visa

Well all mail with have to come to your house. You do not have to give her anything if you choose not to. No SS number or green card.

Let's correct a few things here:

You are confusing Visa with Greencard first off.

Second, the immigrant spouse can easily Remove Conditions after divorce by proving they entered the marriage in good faith, this generally requires proof of financial co-mingling (Joint Accounts) and co-habitation (living at the same address for a period of time). If the US Citizen Spouse thinks they can foil the ROC by remaining married they are wrong, the Immigrant can always file for divorce and still ROC.

Now once the Immigrant is Divorced (while still on a Conditional Greencard) if the ex-spouse informs USCIS then they may notify the Immigrant that they have 30 days to either file for ROC or leave the country before they would be put in removal proceedings.

In this case where the Immigrant Wife appears to have fled directly to her Sister's after arriving I would imagine ROC would be difficult if the US Citizen Husband filed for divorce NOW she would need to prove "Good Faith" but lacks the evidence.

That leaves her to claim she left him due to abuse in which case she would need to prove abuse.

If the OP is worried about a possible abuse claim then he needs to heed this advice:

NEVER EVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be alone with this woman again. If she approaches you take out you phone and tell her you're calling the cops, then enter a business or public place with people around and wait for the police to arrive. If she physically assaults you DO NOT STRIKE BACK EVEN IN DEFENSE. Go to the men's bathroom of the business where you are waiting and lock yourself in a stall until the police arrive.

Finally, to repeat what another VJer said, the OP can't legally keep her Greencard and SSN Card (in fact there have been cases where it was determined abusive to use threat of immigrant status to control someone). The best he can do is return them by marking "No At This Address, RETURN TO SENDER" and putting them back in the mailbox.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 20 March 2012 - 02:03 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2012-03-20 09:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHELP!!! 2 DUI + 1 Domestic Violence applying for CR-1
I believe that the Court Records are only required for:

K1, so they can confirm that the beneficiary is aware of the petitioner's past criminal record


Cases where the Adam Walsh Act comes into play.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-02-25 14:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUS Citizens Criminal convictions - chances of K1 visa for fiance?
Actually, the I-130 for CR-1 Visa doesn't ask about the petitioner's criminal history unless they've changed that since last year.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-03-11 09:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA vs. IMBRA

Yes, he will submit the evidence for AWA, can those evidence be used for the criminal history check box as well? I guess my question is, can he use that evidence and written statement for both the AWA and that check box?

There will be an overlap, both require the court records, but USCIS doesn't split your file up so you don't need to send 2 copies of the court records.

You should include a cover letter with the petition that lists everything in the packet, you can highlight the AWA Evidence and note that it also covers the requirement for IMBRA Disclosure.

FWIW, I would also include a letter from your Fiancée indicating that she is aware of your past, your treatment/recovery efforts since and stands beside you in support of your continued recovery as you build a new life together.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-21 17:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA vs. IMBRA

He didn't meet her through IMB. So on the form I-129F, he can check the boxes and explain it on the letter. Would that letter be considered for AWA as well? it's the same conviction so to speak.

There is no waiver for AWA or IMBRA Disclosure requirements.

He will need to check the boxes and provide the required court records.

Then he needs to get ready for the AWA part which should mean a NOID (Notice Of Intent to Deny) where they ask for proof of rehabilitation. For this proof see the threads here where AWA Filers have been approved. You might be able to head-off the NOID if you provide this AWA Proof of Rehabilitation with the original petition.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-21 15:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA vs. IMBRA
IMBRA Waiver only applies if you used the services of an International Marriage Broker.

The part of IMBRA that applies to you would be the full disclosure of your criminal record. At the K-1 Interview they will review it with your intended and ask them if they were aware of each charge.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-19 13:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsS.O paper transfer from CSC to Vermont

As for the Polygraph I am confused to what they need that for, I am not denying my offense.

A recent polygraph will confirm that you have not committed any new offenses...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-04-21 15:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA- "International Marriage Broker Act"
Or just marry her in the PH and IMBRA doesn't apply!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-20 16:24:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA
If you're going the CR-1/CR-2 Visa route then you only file an I-130 for each intending immigrant (her and the child).

If you go the CR Visa Route then they will be issued Greencards shortly after POE to the US. See this guide.

Sounds like your thinking about K-3 Visa but that's effectively dead now. In the long run the CR Visa is cheaper and results in quicker Greencard issuance for both of them.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-30 22:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA
Most dating websites actually don't fall under IMBRA so you really don't have anything to worry about. If the site is one where you paid to be introduced to Foreign women and the women get free membership then yes it probably falls under IMBRA.

The criminal record disclosure is for all I-129f petitioners. If she knows about your convictions then you're fine. One way to get the criminal history disclosure out of the petition & interview process is to Marry her in the Philippines and file an I-130 for her as your wife. You still need to disclose you convictions to her but there is no requirement to submit court records during the immigration process.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-30 19:21:00
IMBRA Special TopicsK1 and IMBRA question

Thank you, Bob. I did find that thread during my research and it has been bookmarked. I even PM Shane, but didn't hear anything from him. Basically, I just wanted to know if he has some sort of cover letter or something that goes with those documents since AWA has no waiver for that.

The important thing to get for that thread is the evidence of rehabilitation. To overcome AWA you will need very strong evidence, seems like recent polygraph and decades of history without reoffense are at the top of the list. Any records showing Sex Offender Treatment and successful completion of sentence (jail and/or probation) are also needed. A letter from your SO stating clearly that they know what the charges were and are aware for your path to recovery should also be included.

For the cover letter, there really shouldn't be to much difference from a standard petition cover letter which lists all evidence attached except to maybe state that since this petition falls under the AWA you have included additional evidence and list specifically what that evidence is.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-08-04 10:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsK1 and IMBRA question
Read this thread, there is a lot of good information in it.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-08-04 08:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAny help me please? My case has been denied due to adam walsh act

This week my fiance has received the police report that says he is out of sex offender website. Is it helpful for our case later?

No, being removed from the SO Registry has no impact on falling under the Adam Walsh Act.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-08-23 16:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAny help me please? My case has been denied due to adam walsh act

many posts removed - 3 members thread banned. this is the first and only warning - do not judge the op, her fiance, or hijack this thread. either provide useful answers or don't answer at all.

Thank you Charles...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-22 15:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAny help me please? My case has been denied due to adam walsh act

There was a case here in florida a few years back. there was a man who was in jail for molesting and killing a little girl. After time in prison he had parole. At his parole he stated that he had found god and was no longer a threat to anyone...within a few months of being out..He sexually abuse a little girl then buried her alive......Yes maybe..and i use that word sparingly ..there are people who can curve their activity.....but most cases sexual predators will do again. I know people want to give hope...but fact is I would never allow my daughter around a man that was accused of any sexual wrong doing~

If you have children....and someone sexually or abused them maybe even killing them would you think one mistake was forgivable?

Yeah, one example shows you how everyone will behave...

I personally know more than a dozen convicted sex offenders who have gone over 20 years without re-offense. I even know one man who was 16 when he was convicted of molesting an 8 year old cousin almost 30 years ago. He never hid it. In his divorce he got custody of his 2 daughters (both very young) and spent 10 years raising them as a single parent before re-marrying.

If someone wants to change they can change anything, it just takes a true desire to make the change. I'm proud to call this man my friend...

People are so in the dark about sex crimes that they really shouldn't even speak until they do a little research (from all angles of the issues).

Why is it that over 90% of convictions are First Time Offenders.

Why are there people on the SO Registry for Public Urination, Skinny Dipping, Unlawful Restraint (no sexual aspect to the incident), 17/18 year old sexual encounter with 16/17 year old boy/girlfriend?

I'm not Christian but I'll remind all of you of something from the bible, "Judge not lest ye be judged".

With the SO witch hunt it's a scary thing to be alone with even your own minor children these days. Vindictive ex-wives & girlfriends have used false claims to gain the upper hand in divorce & custody cases. The laws are written so that even if you card all of your sexual partners and one of them falsely identified as of legal age but was in fact 17 your life can be ruined as there is no defense once the "victim's" age has been proven. The only way to be sure you're never accused is to just die at birth.

Do any of you really think you're helping the OP here by berating a man she knows and personally cares about when you have no knowledge whatsoever of him or his situation?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-06-22 14:28:00
IMBRA Special Topicsgot denied after 3 yrs and 8 months of waiting..

By defination child molesters are NOT having consentual sex. They are raping someone that doesn't have the legal capacity to say yes. They may know how to utter the word and even undress but legally they are not able to consent to sex, to vote, to drink and frequently are too young to drive a car.

And exactly what are you adding to this conversation?

Don't ignore inconvenient facts. It's a fact that the US has failed on EVERY FRONT to do anything real or effective protecting children (or anyone) from sex offenses.

The SOR (Sex Offender Registry) is worthless because it contains people convicted of Peeing in an alley behind a bar, skinny dipping, walking from their own bathroom to their own bedroom naked after a shower whilst a neighbor kid was peeking into their window, 18 year old having sex with 16/17 year old girlfriend, unlawful restraint (Yes in Illinois Unlawful restraint conviction gets you on the registry).

The Registry and current laws have parents looking at the stranger down the street but "Stranger Danger" is in fact the lowest level of threat to our kids despite the fact that those are the cases that get all of the press. 90% of Child Sex Offenses are committed by relatives or close trusted family friends.

If the Registry was working then please enlighten me as to why over 90% of Sex Crime arrests are of people who have no previous sex crime record?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-10-10 09:20:00
IMBRA Special Topicsgot denied after 3 yrs and 8 months of waiting..

Thanks for your reply Bob 4 Anna..but who will ever win with the government? Even the Arizona governor lost in the case re proof of someone staying in Arizona legally. This will be my last post on this thread..sorry to the OP and visa journey administrator for using this thread.

If nobody will press the fight then there will never be a victory.

I would fight to be with my wife all the way to the Supreme Court.

I would contact every organisation I could find including ACLU, and regional Legal Rights Agencies for assistance in the fight.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-06 10:02:00