PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Sep 29 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
170 IQ, and forgetting little things such as armed guards at entrance to every store..........

Do a little research:

The "Genius" brain

The genius brain tends to have one or more talents that are exceptionally large. These are usually real differences -- the people will actually be born with genetic instructions to develop some areas of the brain an extra amount.

The "absent-minded professor." There is often a price to pay for being a genius. There is only so much room inside the skull for cortex, even with it folded a lot. There is a tendency for geniuses to be very strong in some talents yet noticeably weak in others. If one pie slice is extra big, then other pie slices may get sacrificed, as shown in the diagram above.

Stories about Albert Einstein being absent-minded make the rest of us normal people feel a little less intimidated. Ironically, he was a genius in math talents, but was famous for his forgetfullness about time and schedules. Appropriately, he invented the theory of relativity where time was no longer very important.

Norbert Weiner, who invented the field of cybernetics, was the prototype of the absent-minded genius. Once, Weiner forgot he?d driven to a conference, took the bus home, and then reported his car stolen when he didn?t see it in his driveway.

A hero of aviation, Dr. Theodore Von Karman is the model absent-minded professor. After he returns from a long trip, dozens of hats that he has lost dribble back by mail. During the war he was followed around by a special functionary whose duty it was to pick up secret documents that Von Karman left in taxis or hotel lobbies. He is never conscious of traffic: he crosses the most dangerous highway as if it were a country lane. His driving is as famous as his absentmindedness. A friend once suggested that he get three smashed fenders fixed. "Not yet," said Von Karman. He was waiting until he smashed the fourth.

Where the "absent-mindedness" will show up depends upon which other talents were sacrificed to make room for the super talent. Many times it may not be anything noticeable, such as a great musician who might be weak in navigating his way around a supermarket (because most of the spatial area was devoted to musical perception rather than visual perception). However, the "Yes" creative area of the brain is often large at the expense of the lower "No" or inhibition center, producing a genius who acts "funny" or uninhibited.
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Sep 29 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As a side note. Anyone with a true IQ of 170 would not feel the need to brag about it to a group of strangers on a web forum.

I never "bragged" about anything, you implied that I lacked the intelligence to complete even the most basic of education to which I responded with my intelligence as measured at that time (which was over 20 years ago) and a list of my professional accomplishments since.

Through this entire exchange I have not resorted to personal attacks on you even once.

You on the other hand are demonstrating that you will reply with hatred & malice to every post in make in this thread.

WE DON'T SHARE THE SAME OPINIONS, I think everyone here gets that. Enough said...

Now I kindly request that if you feel the need to continue your personal diatribe against me please find a more suitable platform as this is not the proper place for it.

On a side-side note: I never professed to put too much stock in the results of a test contrived to measure the intelligence of a person (the IQ thing). I think the GED percentile results are more indicative of my abilities {at that time} despite the fact that most people who tested for the GED in that particular year were 5+ years older than myself. I believe my accomplishments as an adult speak to my intelligence, resourcefulness and other abilities.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 29 September 2009 - 04:58 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 16:56:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (hara/eric @ Sep 29 2009, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
theft happens there too, everywhere and in all forms. my family has gone through at least a dozen house workers in my lifetime, due to stealing.. , as the likelihood that a security guard delivering a couple shotgun rounds into your chest is enough of a deterrent. did it ever make you wonder why there's a security guard posted at practically every business establishment (ie your local "McDO," 7-eleven)??? or why they're allowed to carry firearms?? makes me wonder what it would be like without that kind of security measure in place.
anyhow, the bottom line = money talks... anywhere you go, but even moreso in the philippines. if you got it, you're golden. lastly, in reference to the main point of the thread, do i think that filipinos in general are different, somehow devoid of some of the bad sides of human nature?? ..................... absolutely not. just my 2cents.


I had almost forgot about the shotguns protecting KFC, at least they were nice enough to hold the door open. I'll admit it was quite shocking at first but after a week it just felt normal. The bars everywhere got my attention also, jagged glass actually embedded into the fence/wall/barrier tops around the houses. My wife simply said, "It's different here, hard but in ways that most Americans will probably not understand."

You're correct that the two pics are not exactly a fair representation of two opposing sides.

Probably the greatest thing about America is that here you do have a chance to overcome the circumstances of your birth. Born poor can work hard and make a life for them self etc.

Probably the worst thing about America is that there is such a belief {both here and abroad} that simply being here entitles a person to a better life.

In the US there is a safety net {regardless of what it's named this week} that many other countries simply don't have.

If nothing else comes away from this thread maybe it will serve to highlight how easy it is to be looking through the fence and only see the good in our neighbor's situation.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 15:47:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (sunandmoon @ Sep 29 2009, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you could have made your point without the insults... wink.gif

Actually I doubt that as the insults were his main point.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 14:12:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Sep 29 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bob hate to break this to you, but your inability to finish the simplest most rudimentary form of education does speak volumes about you. It shows you have no foresight in your life. You have cheated yourself and family of a better life, and future.

Again George putting words in my mouth I didn't say and then passing judgement on me based on them is ignorance at its best.

You don't know the circumstances of my childhood and teen years, they were rough to say the least and I was able to get my GED the same year I would have graduated High School scoring in the top 1% of the country.

I was on my own supporting myself before my 17th birthday. I had nobody to guide me through my teen years. What I did have was a stellar IQ, 170 at 16 years of age.

When I was finally at a point in my life where I could stop at look at higher education I had a wife and infant daughter. Sure I had difficulties holding down 3 jobs and being the primary care giver for my daughter while attending college classes so guess what got dropped? I didn't want to spend less time tending to my daughter and my wife didn't want to support my educational efforts by either putting more effort into caring for our daughter {while I tried to do school work} or earn more money so I could drop one of my jobs and thus have the time for my daughter & school.

Ironically, once I divorced the first wife and simply accepted that I was alone in raising my daughters (now 14 & 17) things got a little easier. Regrets, sure I have some. Unhappy with where I am today, not in the least bit.

I have cheated nobody. Did you even read my posts? My title is presently "Enterprise Architect", do you know what that is? In my department there is only 1 person above me and he is the Vice-President of Technology. As a result of my hard work my daughters have never gone to bed hungry or gone without a need and have in fact had many of their wants provided.

I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. I'm neither Republican or Democrat but I have never missed voting in an election. The last good President we had was Ronald Reagan and before him I'd say FDR then Lincoln.

My OPINIONS about how much or how little the government should do are not "Blind Political Views", they are my personal opinions developed over many years as someone who is a "Self Made Man". I have witnessed a system of Social Welfare that punishes anyone who actually looks for a job by reducing their aid instantly and drastically while rewarding those who refuse to lift a finger to help them self by mandating annual increases in their benefits.

I respect the way Eastern Cultures embrace their elderly as well as their young. I wish Western Culture valued the family more than it does. How sad is it that today most of American depends on the Federal or State Governments to raise our children and care for our elderly. How did people get by 100 years ago when... oh wait... that was when they actually did it them self.

Of course there is abuse in every system and no matter how glossy things are on the surface there is always rot on the underbelly.

So Mr George, you can pass judgement all you want and try to hurl personal insults based in your own preconceived notions, they change nothing. I will gracefully bow out of this as I have nothing to prove to you and I refuse to hurl insults for the sake of sport.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 29 September 2009 - 02:09 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 14:07:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (CountryBoy @ Sep 28 2009, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In the US there are alot of people that feel that they are entitled to something simply because they are Americans (more than likely the ones in the original post) they vote for the party that they feel is most likely to give the handouts, they settle for what the government gives them, etc. etc.. Other Americans use their God given abilities (along with the free trade system, ingenuity, and drive) to do something that betters their lives. This opportunity is also afforded to the Americans in your picture but they more than likely find a way to blame someone else for their predicament (education, environment, unemployment, etc.) Regardless their excuse, the opportunity is there ..

The real difference between your two pictures in my opinion is this .. the people in the U.S. have the opportunity to make something of themselves and choose not to, the people in the Philippines would probably do something to better their lives but a corrupt government, overpopulation, poor economy, and resources keep them from doing so. I would like to think that there are lots of folks out there that wouldn't loot and steal in this same situation.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 11:16:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Sep 28 2009, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man up and take pride that you can with your very limited education. Can still get a job, and support yourself.

I really enjoy how you're trying to talk down to me and my "very limited education". In my field I excel and it's a very technical field, in fact I'm the valued senior resource that my college educated co-workers rely on when they're stuck. I learned by doing, built my own "real life lab" in my house and tinkered into the wee hours of the night to learn what books and lectures will never teach you. Sadly the days of Thomas Edison and his likes are lost to us. Anything less than College is considered "Very Limited Education" by Elitists when in fact I've put real world solutions in place that shouldn't work by-the-books where my College Educated Colleagues failed!

The Government didn't give me anything, I worked hard to accomplish what I have. I'm very proud of that.

You seem to think that I don't appreciate living where I can have the opportunity to prove my worth despite the fact that I have said nothing to that end.

When my mom died this summer, homeless and poor {by her choice she lived the life she wanted}, my brother & I shouldered the expenses. We could have left her in the hospital morgue for the county to cremate and put in a mass pauper's grave but that wouldn't have been right.

I will never agree to people looking to the government when they should have family to help out first.

Government assistance should always be the last resort IN MY OPINION. Go to family, your church etc first. Then with whatever help you can get, right yourself and push through the difficulties.

When my daughters were younger my income was much less than today as I hadn't yet proven myself in my field. They never knew what we didn't have until they got much older and by that time we were able to get it.

You think I should thank the government for the results of my hard work?

For the record, I'm proud to be an American but I'm sad to admit that we don't have the Golden Mecca so many seem to think we do.

Mom {okay my wife's Mom} gave-up her own education to take care of and provide for her siblings, by our standards she is dirt poor living on a small pension and profits from a humble lending business. Instead of looking at what she doesn't have she's grateful for what she does have. Maybe that's the difference right there. Here we look over the fence and comment "Wow, my neighbor's lawn is so green" but in the PH so many don't bother looking over the fence but instead are grateful that they have a yard regardless of how healthy the grass is.

FWIW, while I was in the PH I did encounter:

-> Corrupt store manager when buying the AirCon for my wife & son.
-> Street children not begging but insisting that I must give them something to the point that I was followed into a store and the kid placed them self between me & the items I was looking at.
-> Trike Drivers who charged us 10P each instead of 8P just because I was Kano.
-> Shop Keepers who asked 300P for the same item that was 150P before I approached as my wife was considering her purchases.

My whole problem and point of my comments was not that the PH is better or America Sucks but rather:

The US Government has gotten to the point that too many people here think they have a right to be given hand-outs without needed to ever do anything to get off the government dole. This has weakened us as a country.

In response to the great depression 80 yrs the government created jobs and built massive dams, roadways and other public works. The poor got money, food & housing but they worked for it and were proud.

Today the poor sit around doing nothing but watch TV and the government give them money, food & housing. Sadly they're proud of it...

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-28 16:26:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (cEzYcHiC @ Sep 28 2009, 03:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The guys above look like they're robbing the store. Are they? unsure.gif

Yep, they sure are. Of course some will defend them saying it was only looting for food {notice the one woman with like 7 pairs of shoes and the guys with 20 shirts}...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-28 15:58:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Sep 28 2009, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pretty positive the point is that people are people. There are good, and bad. The simple fact you want to become like a developing nation shows your ignorance. I am sorry have to say that, but it is just the way it is.

Just because you see the pleasant side of the Philippines does not mean there is not an underside to it. You are seeing what you want to see. Yeah the mayor is pleasant to you. You are bringing money to his town. He would love to have many more just like you. Of course he is not going to have someone gunned down in front of you. It does happen though.

I am a little amazed that anyone can go to a developing nation, and go wow I want to live just like that. With your background then most likely at best you are middle class in the USA. There is no middle class there to speak of. You have a two class system. Top 15% and dirt poor. The Philippines is a wonderful place if you have money, and are foreign. The fact you could not tell that you were being treated different, and was only seeing the good side speaks volumes about you.

I never said that I don't believe there is a downside to the PH situation. I do understand that it is either all or nothing in the PH. I never said I want to live just like that.

I simply said that the US government with all of it's entitlement programs is going overboard and it's retarded that so many here think the government owes them a good life just because they were born here.

Socialized Healthcare is stupid...

Socialized Welfare is stupid...

Socialized Parenting is stupid...

Social Security as a retirement supplement is okay, as your only Retirement Plans it's stupid.

The Government should do as little as possible in our daily lives. Do I believe that if someone is too lazy to try to support them self they deserve to starve? Hell Yes!

I've worked some pretty crappy jobs in my life to support my family and I'd do it all again if I had to. I owe my success to me, didn't sit around on my backside waiting for hand-outs.

When my grandmother was sick her family took care of her, not the government. She worked well into her sixties and earned the meager Social Security she received.

These are my opinions based on my life experience.

I hear all the time about how corrupt the PH Government is, meh... I live in Illinois, remember a New York Politician came here to become a Chicago Democratic {no corruption in the Chicago Democratic Machine} State Senator and move past go directly into the White House! Yeah I'm so proud of the Not Corrupt Illinois Government, where being governor gives you an 80% chance of conviction!

Overlooking the Bovine Excrement that lies not only under but all around our fine example of how to govern a nation is ignorant.

Putting words in my mouth I didn't say and then passing judgement on me based on them is ignorance at its best.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 28 September 2009 - 03:34 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-28 15:32:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (gfredx @ Sep 28 2009, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh and their self reliance is because if they do nothing. Then they will starve to death. There are no social programs for the poor and sick. Given the options they will hang on to those abroad dearly, and in the end given the chance will abuse them just like an american would. People are people. The sooner you realize that. The better off you will be. There are good and bad everyplace.

Learn to appreciate your home country. Positive your fiancée will.

Wow, you really don't like for anyone to disagree with your views do you.

Learn to appreciate my home country? Where did you get that I don't?

Entitlement programs will be the downfall of our free society. What is Socialization? That is when the people are content to let the government do everything for them.

Welfare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, what a load of #######. All you have to do to qualify for them is be too lazy to try to provide for yourself. I've watched family members of mine abuse the system for years.

I've also watched the same government that rewards them for their sloth try to convince me that because of problems I had when I was a teen that I will always be a bad guy who can never be trusted. Despite that I have succeeded, I have a secure job {even in this economic climate} where I have worked for 13 years and make a good salary {despite having no college degree & only a GED}. I was raising my 2 daughters as a single father after my divorce 10 years ago without the benefit of a government hand-out.

If you want to own a house or drive a nice car then get off your a$$ and do something about it. I appreciate that my wife isn't like my ex-wife {who would rather sit around waiting for someone to do it for her}.

BTW, the mayor of Paniqui is a kind man {though his secretary looks like a night club bouncer} and is very popular with the town, never heard anyone call him Iron Fisted. There were some people who tried to take advantage while I was visiting and despite my wife's protests I didn't make a fuss about it as the amounts we small and we just joked about the "Kano Tax" when it happened.

Family should help family, I tried many times but I refused to become a personal welfare system for them so they were asked to move along. Unlike the government, I expect if you are living on my dime and eating my food that you are more productive during the day than watching my TV and surfing my Internet while I work.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 28 September 2009 - 01:29 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-28 13:27:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (jsnearline @ Sep 28 2009, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My wife talked to her family again this morning and learned that their house had been looted... please don't preach about how Filipinos are so much better than Americans when it comes to bad behavior after a disaster. They might be more self-reliant that we are

I only claimed that they are more self-reliant. Apparently some Filipinos extend this to include such skills as knowing who in the family {or neighborhood} has "Rich American" Family so they can ask for money, stay for days in their AirCon room or even take clothed off their lines as it dries.

I would agree that with some there is a dark side to the self-reliance as it can go as far as being anything goes to satisfy my wants & needs regardless of who I have to step on in the process but that's no worse that it gets here with some people. I've had american family steal from me while I was putting a roof over their heads!

I'll sit back and admire the level of self-reliance and hope the US government will stop going down the path of becoming Socialist, providing eerything for the citizens in return for blind loyalty.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-28 10:45:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
The difference isn't that we have a reliable Government in the US...

The difference is that too many people in the US are raised believing that they are entitled to have the government do everything for them.

Who in the US should be living in a city on the coast that is below sea-level and kept dry with damns but doesn't have flood insurance or bother to get out of the city when a Cat 5 Hurricane is coming?

Here the "victims" will sit around waiting for the Government to rescue them.

In the Philippines they are raised witht he understanding that you have to fend for yourself.

It really is that simple.

My Wife is more resourceful at 24 than my ex-wife is at 37!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-27 19:54:00
PhilippinesQuestion about after marrage in the USA
QUOTE (getosled @ Oct 1 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe I should have explained better, she has already been approved for K1 and will be here this month. So we will be together from this month until I have to report to Germany, and I definetely want her to go with me to Germany.

Only US Citizens get US Passports.

She will use her Greencard and PH Passport for re-entry to the US. Not sure about her requirements to enter Germany.

I would recommend you utilize the resources that the military makes available to you contact the JAG office and speak to a lawyer.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-01 12:04:00
QUOTE (Ginalisa @ Sep 29 2009, 10:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I only have letters from his lawyer about his check stubs he receive every month.
Is that enough already? and i also have his payment summary from the labor and industries department.

That should do it. To be sure maybe add a few bank statements that show the deposits to match the Lawyer's letter and the Payment Summary.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 23:15:00
QUOTE (Ginalisa @ Sep 29 2009, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello, thank you for the reply..
his pension exceeds the poverty guideline and he's not filing income tax because his company where he used to work put him in a permanent medical retirement. so he didn't have the IRS..

That's income so he should have documents for it.

I'm not sure about "Medical Retirement", sounds like Disability Benefits. If there is a "Settlement Statement" or Check Stubs these should prove his income.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 22:30:00
Does he file Income Taxes?

If he does then you will need the 1040 (his tax return) and the documents he files with the tax return to declare his income.

If he doesn't file Income Taxes then his income doesn't exceed the Poverty Level which means he needs to have enough Assets to qualify.

Documents to prove assets would be things like bank statements, deeds our other ownership documents.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 22:16:00
PhilippinesTyphoon in Philippines - Round 2
As of right now the rain hasn't come to Paniqui yet...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-01 20:44:00
PhilippinesTyphoon in Philippines - Round 2
QUOTE (Kevin-n-Merlaine @ Oct 1 2009, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hear ya Bob and sorry your stuck worrying too sad.gif My wife's in Tacloban and the map this morning looks like it's raining and blowing pretty hard there this evening. I'm thankful that she's where she is instead of facing the ocean there. Samar and the harbor give some protection from the brunt of storms but the rain is the biggest worry I think. I'm sure most of the power is out by now but hopefully she got a full charge on the cell phone before it went. I'll say a little prayer for yours along with mine smile.gif

Thanks Kevin, I'm holding everyone in the storm's path in my hopes, thoughts & prayers...

I've done all I can for my wife & family there, they have enough extra in the bank to cover any emergency needs.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-01 08:51:00
PhilippinesTyphoon in Philippines - Round 2
A few more links:


Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-01 07:15:00
PhilippinesTyphoon in Philippines - Round 2
Here we go again...

Typhoon Pepeng is on it's way....

My wife, son and all of her family is in Paniqui, Tarlac. I hate that all I can do is set back and wait for it to pass.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-01 07:01:00
Philippineswho do you choose?
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Oct 2 2009, 05:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That post is nothing compared to the post last year, it was locked after a few days.

A Filipinia posted on here that her fiance wants her to call him Master and Lord, and he also wants her to take nude pics of her sister and send them to him, He said it will be there little secret. Sadly the confused and in my opinion "desperate" girl was on the Philippines Forum section asking for advice.

You mean this one: http://www.visajourn...howtopic=200213

Wow, that's messed-up...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-02 08:32:00
Philippineswho do you choose?
Honestly, I choose the faithful wife (which I have).

If you truly love your husband/wife then regardless of how they look in anyone else's eyes they will be the Hottest person on the planet to you...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-01 20:49:00
PhilippinesCongratulations Miss,Your Medical Passed!...

I would wish you luck for the interview but I doubt you need it. Just walk in there with your head held high (full of confidence) and your heart on your sleeve (for all to see the love you & Chuck share overflowing).

You're only 3 steps away:

1. Pass Interview,
2. CFO Seminar,
3. Long Flight Home to Chuck in the US!

Enjoy it...

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-30 08:01:00
PhilippinesFYI on Cenomar
QUOTE (Pinay Wife @ Oct 2 2009, 11:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bob 4 Anna @ Oct 2 2009, 08:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, if the CEMAR is the Certificate of Marriage the what the heck is the NSO Document I have that actually bears the title of "Certificate of Marriage" and is the same document my wife & I signed in front of the Mayor of Paniqui in Mom's living room?

The document signed in front of the mayor is your Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate/Certificate of Marriage. CEMAR/CENOMAR is a document issued by the NSO to interested parties certifying the existence or non-existence of a record of marriage.

I know they all sound the same... star_smile.gif

Is the "Advisory of Marriages" needed if you already have the Official NSO copy of your Certificate of Marriage?

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 02 October 2009 - 01:24 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-02 13:20:00
PhilippinesFYI on Cenomar
So, if the CEMAR is the Certificate of Marriage the what the heck is the NSO Document I have that actually bears the title of "Certificate of Marriage" and is the same document my wife & I signed in front of the Mayor of Paniqui in Mom's living room?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-02 10:41:00
PhilippinesFYI on Cenomar

Why would they ask you for a Cenomar? That's something which is required for K-1 Visa applicants as they nave to be able to get married in order to make good on the whole "Get married within 90 days of entry".
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-01 20:57:00
PhilippinesVisa Opened in Error - How to fix ???
QUOTE (Dakine @ Oct 4 2009, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seems like they only let American citizens store their phones.

It's a little thing called "Security". US Embassies are prime targets for terrorism and nowadays it wouldn't be too difficult to make a small bomb inside a gutted-out cell phone. Granted a bomb that small wouldn't take out a very large section of the Embassy but it would be a victory nonetheless for any organization who wants to show that they can hit the US when they want.

With how easy it is for someone to fake documents in the PH (and many other parts of the world) it makes sense that only US Citizens can have their electronics held by Embassy Security and non-citizens aren't allowed at all.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-05 08:46:00
PhilippinesFlipping the clock is DIFFICULT!
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Oct 4 2009, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have always heard the weather suxs big times in Illinois, especially Chicago.

Hey the weather isn't that bad here, besides we have a saying: "If you don't liek the weather just wait 5 minutes {it'll change}"...

FWIW, the wife & I are looking forward to my having to "assist" her with the adjustment devil.gif
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-05 09:16:00
PhilippinesThank you finally OVER !!!!!!

First my sympathy to you for what you've experienced. I can't imagine how I 'd react in the same situation.

Next I want to say that your last post was spot-on.

It's easy to forget how different things are in the PH. When it seems like the legal path is not available but using a "fixer" to provide passable documents will get you where you want to be it isn't that difficult to be tempted to take that route.

One of the things I like about the IR-1/CR-1 Route is that just to marry her in the PH she will need to produce those documents and you should see them. Unfortunately how many Kanos know what they are supposed to look like?

When my wife started providing her documents they all looked alien to me {even though they're all in English}.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-28 15:45:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (Shiela-Todd @ Sep 24 2009, 12:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Really? even I am cover with my husband medical insurance there?? after we get married he applied me for medical insurance to his company.. and i have already medical card now..


You're just fine. If you have doubts then your husband can confirm everything through the HR department at his employer.

Honestly I don't understand everyone here saying how you can't do this and you can't do that.

It's BS, look into it for yourself.


MYTH: Pinay can't get Medical Insurance quickly.

TRUTH: Once Married Pinay can be covered by husband's Medical Insurance immediately, it's a "qualifying event" that allows for immediate addition to the coverage. Fiancee can't be added until they are married. You don't need SSN or even Greencard, my wife is still in the PH and will be covered effective Oct 1, 2009.

MYTH: Pinay can't be added to US Bank Accounts.

TRUTH: Yes, you will need one additional form (W-8BEN) just explain the situation to your Bank. My Credit Union added Anna before we were even married and they issued her a ATM/Debt card.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-24 10:09:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (Shiela-Todd @ Sep 23 2009, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ohh so it means that is NOA2? our papers is still at NVC now.. I don't have any letter here from NVC that i will go for medical, that is why I will go for ADVANCE MEDICAL..

so all i need to present is

NVC case NUMBER right??

Yes, that is all you need. If they tell you that you need more (like USEM Appointment Letter) then insist to speak to someone else.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-23 20:59:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (Shiela-Todd @ Sep 23 2009, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ohh.. ... I talk to her earlier.. She told me she is in window 3 now.. She is there around 530am.. the her # 99.5
i am afraid.. I have already a ticket now..

Can u sent to me an example of approval letter? please

thank u..

It's the NOA2...

The first person at US Counter was stupid or lazy or both.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-23 20:37:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (LÜvtechwifey @ Sep 23 2009, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Guard or the lady at the US counter is just prolly being an a$$. Approval letter and notice are just the same. she has to tell her that it is an email copy. I told the lady at the U.S Counter that it is an email copy of the appointment letter, and she noted it on my PDS.


She insisted to speak with someone else (more experienced) and they accepted her!

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-23 20:09:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (LÜvtechwifey @ Sep 23 2009, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did she show her approval notice?

She says yes, but they wanted an approval letter. I have sent her your number, I would send you her's if she tells me which phone she is carrying.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-23 19:53:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
Anna is there right now and she says they refused her at the US Counter because she doesn't have an appointment at the USEM for Interview yet.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-23 19:35:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (Shiela-Todd @ Sep 21 2009, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

soo far soo good huh?? well.. I will go FOR ADVANCE MEDICAL on OCT 5, 2009. hehehe...
I think after i pay the IV BILL then sent to the NVC.. so what next?? wait for ?? medical ryt??

what next after u finish the IV bill and sent the package??

Then all that is left is to wait for your interview appointment at USEM & getting your PINK Slip!!!!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-21 21:20:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (Shiela-Todd @ Sep 21 2009, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I Sent choice of agent tru email only to NVC --- do i need to wait there reply before we pay the 400$ right??

Yes, after they accept your DS-3032 NVC will generate the IV Fee Bill ($400).

After the IV Fee is PAID, NVC will send further instructions, and you'll be able to download the DS-230 Barcode coversheet (the same way you did the AOS Barcode Coversheet).

Once you have the DS-230 Barcode Coversheet you can mail in your DS-230 Packet.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-21 19:15:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (LÜvtechwifey @ Sep 21 2009, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope I made myself clear.

Thank you, as you didn't quote or mention anyone I wasn't sure who you were referring to.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-21 19:07:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (LÜvtechwifey @ Sep 21 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Think before saying anything. good.gif


I don't understand your reply. If you are advising against going early for the SLMEC please provide your reasoning for this as those who are in support of Early Medicals have already done.
Seriously, has anyone experienced problems or additional delays becuae they did their medical early?

With IR-1/CR-1 who are waiting for NVC to "Case Complete" like us (All fees paid, All Documents submitted & marked as Received, AOS marked as Accepted, just waiting on DS-230 Acceptance) we will receive the Interview Appointment from NVC so if Medical is already complete where is the harm? Can you show someone who had to wait more than 6 months from this point for interview?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-21 12:04:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
Apparently you are not paying attention. You can have the Top Medical Doctor in PH give you clear results and it doesn't matter even if you to an early Sputum Test, SLMEC will do their own X-rays and is they decide require a Sputum Test.

For this reason go as early as you can, if you pass at SLMEC then the results are good for 6 months.

If SLMEC makes you do a Sputnum Test then you've reduced the delay by a month or more. After getting a clear Sputum Result SLMEC will give you a new appointment and your Medical Results will still be valid.

The 10,500Php isn't wasted even if you have to do Sputum, nowhere does it say you have to pay second Medical Fee after Sputum.

Following your advice they would pay for test that will have exactly no impact on the SLMEC Exam and have a false sense of security that they will pass the X-Ray.

When the Guard asks for the Appointment Letter present him with 2 things: Copy of NOA2 from USCIS and any Letter you received from NVC (for example the instructions from DS-3032 or better yet copy of IV Fee Receipt) which shows your MNL Case Number.

Ladies, do your Medical as early as you can then while waiting for NVC to complete and USEM Interview you already know the results and aren't worrying needlessly about the Medical Exam.

QUOTE (.MythaG- @ Sep 21 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ksi po i know guard gonna ask u if u have the appointment letter beside if u want to know that u need to take sputum exam try to take a medical in other hospital than u pay 10500 pesos. diba?

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-21 10:42:00
Philippinesquestion: ADVANCE MEDICAL St.luke
QUOTE (.MythaG- @ Sep 20 2009, 10:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sis dont take medical if u dont have yet appointment letter okey?


The medical is good for 6 months, she's already at NVC... What's the downside of going now?

Way I see it, go sooner if you get the Sputum then you're not delayed as long since you went early.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-20 17:41:00