PhilippinesUSEM- December 2009 Interviews!
QUOTE (philmae83 @ Nov 13 2009, 10:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks bob...i am planning to call USEM to re schedule my interview to an earlier date too.. was asking your wife about how she did it...wish me luck to get the first week of December interview... whistling.gif

Yeah, we're happy Anna was able to get her's moved up 5 days. She'll be leaving for Manila in a few hours as her interview is tomorrow. If things go well then she will stay in Manila until their flight which will be the first available one I can book once she has Visas in hand.

Good Luck to you, I hope things will work out how ever is best for you.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-11-16 20:33:00
PhilippinesUSEM- December 2009 Interviews!
QUOTE (Nenita's Hubby @ Nov 13 2009, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm on Skype with my wife as I write this. We'll call NVC tonight to see if they'll let us reschedule with them. If not, we'll wait until the Embassy gets the file and change the date with them.

You'll have to wait until the US Embassy has your case file on hand and logged into their system, then you can call their call center to reschedule the interview.

NVC won't change the interview and the Embassy requires they have your file before they will.

QUOTE (philmae83 @ Nov 13 2009, 05:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
got december 10, 2009 at 6:30AM kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif ....anybody have same schedule?

Congrats, I told you it was coming...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-11-13 21:18:00
Philippinesk1 visa help i have some questions
FWIW, the CR/IR generally only takes about 1 month longer than the K Visas do.

Save the money of flying her to "another country", go to the PH and marry her there with her family in attendance.

File for CR-1 and use the co-sponsor(s).

If you read enough on VJ you'll see that generally the K Visas are looked at harder by the USEM.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-18 11:29:00
PhilippinesBringing a baby/minor immediately with you in the US
Even if the Bio-father is listed on the BC there is no problem. Once you get to the NVC submit copies of the info contained in the link in my signature. It is the PH laws regarding bio-fathers of children born out of wedlock having NO PARENTAL RIGHTS WHATSOEVER unless they have gone to court to seek them.

In our case my wife's 2 yr old son's bio-father did sign the back of the BC and he carries the father's family name. We included the print-outs and there were never any questions.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-18 09:35:00
Philippinesco sponsorship is not ok
QUOTE (john_and_marlene @ Dec 18 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bob 4 Anna @ Dec 18 2009, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A good example is "My USC (soon to be) Hubby is in his senior year of college with good job prospects upon graduation". If they don't see potential for the USC SO to increase their income in the current economy then the co-sponsor may as well not exist.

I would say that your situation is not a good example. You have filed for CR1. In this case, the consulate makes no financial determination. You are either financially qualified or not based on the I-864. Cosponsors are allowed in this case regardless of other circumstances. Signing the I-864(a) is legally binding on the sponsor and cosponsor and no other subjective evaluation is done.

You mis-understood my reply. I was posing an EXAMPLE not my real-life situation. I'm the USC and have exceeded the 125% requirement for most of my adult life. I was simply stating how the excerpt posted by Sage_1 doesn't support their instance that Co-sponsors are readily accepted by USEM in Manila but in fact is worded in a way that discourages it by warning that you will need additional conditions to overcome the income requirement and I then stated an example of a case where a co-sponsor is more likely to help as the income shortfall is perceived to be temporary not ongoing like the aforementioned McDonalds Deep Fryer Operator.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-18 11:15:00
Philippinesco sponsorship is not ok
QUOTE (The_Sage1 @ Dec 18 2009, 09:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"While our immigration law does not disallow joint sponsorships for K nonimmigrant visa
applicants, the mere submission of an I-134 Affidavit of Support from joint sponsors is not
sufficient to establish that the alien is not likely to become a public charge.

See? They don't allow or disallow co-sponsorship - it's a grey area.

Read the way it's worded. It says that a co-sponsor DOES NOT overcome the presumption that the alien will not become a public charge.

That means you will need something in addition to a co-sponsor!

A good example is "My USC (soon to be) Hubby is in his senior year of college with good job prospects upon graduation". If they don't see potential for the USC SO to increase their income in the current economy then the co-sponsor may as well not exist.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-18 10:48:00
PhilippinesWhy did you choose K Visa or IR/CR Visa?
I'll never ask a question that I won't first answer myself so here goes:

My decision had nothing to do with the difference in processing times even though we were aware of it and didn't think 1 month was that big of a difference (especially with the added benefits of not having to AOS and getting SSN immediately with IR/CR).

My decision was entirely about my wife. She had been hurt really bad in a couple of previous relationships. I understood that the gesture of marrying her in the PH under PH laws would give her additional comfort regarding my commitment to being with her. I also knew that being already married as we waited for the slow government gears to turn would reassure her that I really was here to stay.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-18 11:43:00
PhilippinesVSC Processing Times (Wedding Question)
When you look at your timeline did you notice this: "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between February 5, 2010 and February 12, 2010*. "

This system makes this estimate based on current processing times from other VJ Members who have gone before you in the process.

It's no promise but it is indicating that NOA2 for K-1s are currently taking about 2 months on average. This can change but when you consider that my case was 7 months & 5 days from NOA1 to Wife's POE on a CR-1 I would say you shouldn't start worrying too much until say April comes around if you don't have the NOA2 yet.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-18 17:36:00
PhilippinesInterracial Marriage Challenges
QUOTE (chinese_mutt @ Dec 21 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True true... haha. You'll never really fully appreciate the difference unless you've finally landed and start building your life here.

I honestly still feel awkward going out to eat... man they ask you all these questions:
1. How do you want your steak cooked?
2. What sides do you want?
3. White or brown gravy?
4. Soup or salad?
5 What kind of soup or salad?
6. Do you want the dressing on the side?

Sheeessshhh!! okay that's just eating out.

There's tons more... tons and tons more that I have to get used to here... like you can't spank your kids.

My wife was shocked at how clean everywhere seems to be and the fact that the garbage men actually take the garbage when we put it to the curb!

Another one was leaving mail in the mail box to send it. She asked how to mail a letter and I said just put the needed postage on it, deposit it in the mailbox and raise the flag. She couldn't believe it at first.

How about Cell Phone usage here & there, could it be more different?

I doubt I'll forget how uncomfortable she was the first time we bought a GALLON of laundry detergent together!

I know some of these don't sound like the "Racial/Cultural" differences as intended by the OP but they are the kind of things you'll have to deal with.

I once joked at the cash register how the grocery bill is higher since she arrived and she got so embarrassed that I though she'd murder me in my sleep that night but the comment wasn't anything to pay attention to here.

Here's my favorite one: In the Philippines there is such a loose concept of "being on time". For a 2pm appointment I tell her to be ready at 1pm and I'll pick her up by 1:30pm but when I arrive at 1:30 she still needs to get dressed an once even hopped in the shower when she should have been headed out the door already!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-21 15:17:00
PhilippinesInterracial Marriage Challenges
I thought that the cultural (I prefer this term as the issues stem from where she was raised not her ethnicity) divide between US & PH was too small to be concerned about . . .


she landed in the US!

A lot of it I was aware of from having been married to her for almost 10 months and our on-going daily communications beyond that time.

Don't dismiss the differences or they will become problems.

I have no regrets, this first month together in the US has had some very rough spots but we've worked through them and I believe it is making the relationship stronger.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-21 14:48:00
PhilippinesAnnulment and Child Custody
Check the link in my signature, it may be helpful.

Sole Custody is different from the father's Parental Rights being terminated (in the US at least). If the court order stated that the father's parental rights are terminated then she will not need his approval otherwise I think she will.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 21 December 2009 - 03:06 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-21 15:06:00
PhilippinesSTOP Listening to the advice/opinions of people
The biggest difference between PH advice & US advice is that most USC think that once you're married then your foreign spouse can just hop on a plane and come home with you. At least in the PH they understand that the Visa process exists!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-18 11:45:00
PhilippinesSTOP Listening to the advice/opinions of people
Lately I seem to be reading more and more posts where someone is upset because something didn't go the way their family and friends told them it will.

Whenever I hear a Filipino say "That's what I know" I just want to ask them how they obtained such first-hand knowledge of a process they never experienced.

There seem to be a lot of myths about Visas to the US:

--> My young, unemployed GF/Fiancée who has no money can easily get a tourist (visitors) visa to the US.

--> Everyone gets approved for K-1 Visas, they are easier & cheaper than CR/IR Visas. K Visas are also quicker.

--> If you're having trouble getting the documents you need there's always a fixer to do it for you and the Embassy will never know if the documents are "sketchy".

--> The Visa process is a breeze, just fill-up some papers, pay a little money and wait a few months.

--> Jobs are easy to come by in the US so it doesn't matter if my Fiancé/Husband doesn't meet the income guidelines.

Here are the truths:

--> My elderly mother-in-law who has all of her family (except my wife) in the PH, owns a house and has money in the bank might get a visitors Visa but my Wife didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting one.

--> From reading the interview experiences on VJ I'd say that K-1 beneficiaries are asked a lot more questions compared to CR\IR beneficiaries. The K fees may be less to get you to the US but Adjusting Status is a large lump sum that more than covers any savings you see going the K route. CR/IR Visa may take an additional month but you are issued a greencard (production ordered) upon entry and can apply for SSN and work immediately whereas K Visas require additional documents and several months of waiting.

--> The USEM in Manila is aware of the fixers and probably don't really trust NSO documents until they've confirmed them. I've heard rumors that they're connected to NSO computer systems and I wouldn't doubt it. Using a fixer is fraud, get caught and it's a lifetime entry ban!

--> Sure on paper the process isn't difficult, that's why we don't need lawyers or Visa services. What you can't account for on paper is the human factor though. Spending months apart, waiting for a stupid piece of paper from a faceless government agency will wear on your nerves. You'll find yourself wishing that there was some way to find-out exactly where your case is and why you haven't heard from them yet. Even the best of relationships are tried by the process.

--> And finally, we really are in a Recession over here. Yes there are jobs but with double digit unemployment there are a lot of people competing for those jobs. Do you really think employers are going to pick a fresh off the boat immigrant with little or no practical job experience to an over qualified citizen who is willing to work well below their former pay grade? If your USC SO can't afford to support both of you then you will have financial problems. It makes a lot of sense that the USEM is looking harder at co-sponsors. A college student with their parents co-sponsoring will have a better chance than a High School grad (or drop-out) working the deep fryer at McDonalds. Why? Well because the college student has a better chance to earn a real salary in a few years whereas the McDonalds Fry Cook is more likely to still be working the fryer!

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-18 10:30:00
PhilippinesTo all Vj Friends Merry Christmas
To all of those spending their first Holiday Season with the whole family under one roof (like Anna and I) a very Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year to you.

And for everyone who will be separated {physically} this season, may this be your last one apart.

Of course we can't forget the old-timers who are one their second or more Christmas together... To you I offer thanks for staying on VJ and helping the next wave of VJers as we navigated the our Journey to be together.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-24 13:43:00
PhilippinesWhat an Idiot
Sounds like this idiot got caught beating a Filipino woman and is now stuck with sour grapes.

If he read VJ he would know that VAWA filings require evidence of abuse.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-23 12:11:00
PhilippinesWhat do you do to pass the time while waiting without going crazy?
It's now been 7 1/2 months since I held her in my arms...

We're both having "moments of insanity"...

Since the local diving season opened mid April I've logged 60 dives, diving roughly 3 out of 4 weekends!

I find that the preparation, actual diving and everything that comes after the dive serves as a good distraction. It has also helped me further my goal of getting certified as a Master Scuba Diver Trainer as I've advanced to Rescue Diver Certification and earned 5 Speciality Certifications, working on #6, #s 7 & 8 are planned for this winter {Ice Diver} and next spring {Solo Diver}.

My wife is also a Certified Diver so this is an activity we'll enjoy together after she gets here.

So, please both PH wifes & fiancees and USC husbands & fiances, tell me how do you distract yourself from the wait part of "Hurry up and Wait"?

PS: Any FilAm couples who dive (especially if your within 6 hr drive of Chicago suburbs) contact us, we're always looking for dive buddies and it would be nice to have a dive group who've been through the who VISA Journey...

Attached Files

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-14 10:03:00
PhilippinesShould I be concerned?
I think those who are calling her a scammer are really jumping to conclusions and that is unfair.

I agree (as I already posted) that there is something not right here but....

Maybe she is just not used to having miney of any amount and doesn't know how to handle having money.

I would never assume that she is malicious, instead assume that she has found herself in a new situation and having trouble adjusting.

If you set a monthly limit and then together the two of you figure a budget that allows for all of her basic needs to be met and has some left over there shouldn't be a problem.

Now if she resists that then there are bigger issues.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-16 08:26:00
PhilippinesShould I be concerned?
My wife is always agruing with me about money....

She says I send too much and she gets upset when there's unexpected expenses.

She has figured-out a monthly budget which includes money for telephone & DSL (1,000Php), Electric (2,500Php which is high because I had AirCon installed there), Groceries (8,000Php which includes diapers & milk for the little guy). She lives with her Mom so there is no rent and Mom also covers some of the groceries) then there is the misc expenses like LOD for her cell phone and trike fare to get around.

I have to insist that she treats herself on occassion and even then she argues about it and insists that she is okay without.

She get frustrated when people around her come to her asking for money because they assume she's rich simply for having an American husband.

My wife has always insisted on telling me what her budget is and even wants to send me coies of the receipts.

Communications is key to building a solid relationship. If she isn't communicating with you now wy would you expect that to ever change?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-16 06:48:00
PhilippinesWonder what to do next...
Slow down a bit....

If you have sent her 3 million e-mails then each one is worth less.

If persue her but also allow her the space & time to persue you...

One of the hardest things for me to learn was to slow down and let it progress naturally.

The routine is good advice. Even though my wife is asleep most of my day I know that I'll get a ym when she wakes and she knows there will ba a ym waiting for her from me.

Be careful if it seems like you're trying too hard then you can lose her.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-04 21:50:00
PhilippinesIs it too early for her to start getting together her stuff?

Gotta agree with jom here...

My wife started gathering everything even before I filed the I-130! We had 5 NSO Originals of everything, she sent me 2 and kept 3 for herself. Then she got Passports for herself & son all over 1 month before I submitted the original petition.

She made several checklists and got a folder to gather all of the required documents for the NVC & USEM phases of our journey. Your document requirements will be different than ours but this kind of organization works well for you when the time comes to present documentation. Additionally it will be good busy work for her while your visit is fresh in her memories and she is missing you most.

QUOTE (jom @ Sep 21 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have a very efficient fiancee who thinks ahead of time smile.gif good.gif

It is never too early to start getting things ready. If any problem arises with her documents at least she can address it now rather than panick when the interview is already near.

Goodluck on the journey.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-21 12:12:00
PhilippinesLooking for Philippine spices in usa?
Is Magic Sarap MSG or is it something else? I ask because my wife is worried about being able to get Magic Sarap here and to be honest I don't want it used at home if it is MSG.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-22 14:19:00
PhilippinesSeptember at NVC
QUOTE (philmae83 @ Sep 22 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah he will use US bank to pay...but sending Papers to NVC from philippines is not allowed? he will just be here for 8 days and be back to US....just want to continue the process while he is still here..can you give me link about not allowing? thanks

I would like to see that in writing also...

Sure I sent the AOS (I-864) Packet from the US as I'm here but Anna sent the DS-230 Packets from the PH and they have received then just fine. Ironically it cost just about the same (we used LBC who just re-ships via UPS).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-22 11:13:00
PhilippinesSeptember at NVC
Here is our NVC TimeLine:

Aug 18 - Wife's Case Received by NVC.
Aug 27 - Son's Case Received by NVC.
Aug 31 - I-864 (AOS) Fee BILLED
. . . . . . I-864 (AOS) Fee PAID
Sep 01 - I-864 (AOS) Coversheets Received
. . . . . . DS-3032 Forms Submitted (via e-mail)
Sep 02 - I-864 (AOS) Packets Submitted (via UPS)
Sep 03 - I-864 (AOS) Packets Delivered to NVC (UPS Tracking Confirms)
Sep 05 - NVC Notes New Mail Received on both cases.
Sep 09 - DS-3032 ACCEPTED for Wife
. . . . . . IV Fee BILLED for Wife
. . . . . . IV Fee PAID for Wife
Sep 11 - DS-3232 ACCEPTED for Son
. . . . . . IV Fee BILLED for Son
. . . . . . IV Fee PAID for Son
Sep 12 - DS-230 Packets Submitted (via LBC/UPS)
Sep 14 - I-864 (AOS) Packets ACCEPTED
Sep 15 - DS-230 Packets Delivers to NVC (UPS Tracking Confirms)

We're getting so close!!!!

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 17 September 2009 - 10:15 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-17 10:14:00
PhilippinesSeptember at NVC
QUOTE (Lady AA @ Sep 10 2009, 07:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You also put the bar code at ds3032 before you scan?

The DS-3032 that they send you will have the barcode already.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-10 08:50:00
PhilippinesSeptember at NVC
QUOTE (philmae83 @ Sep 9 2009, 09:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi Bob (your name must be Robert), you got the same nickname as my the way thank you..i see that your wife is in Philippines too..hoping you can give me more information about this journey

Yes, my name is Robert but I never use that as it's just too formal sounding.

I'm not sure how much info I can give as we're just a few weeks ahead of you in the process...

As you can see from our timelines it was 8 days for my wife & 7 days for our son to show as case received by NVC and have a case number.

Also note that it was 13 days to get the AOS Fee Bill & DS-3032 for my wife via US Mail but only 4 days for our son via e-mail. The difference baing that I had called NVC the day he had a case number there and gave them our e-mail addresses BEFORE THEY GENERATED his AOS Fee Bill & DS-3032 so they were able to e-mail it all to us instead of print & mail it.

Now it has taken 8 days for them to accept her DS-3032 via e-mail and we are expecting our son's to be accepted ether today or tomorrow as they were e-mailed close together. Note that when e-mailing the DS-3032 the short note included in the outdated shortcuts doesn't work anymore. You must fill-out and sign the DS-3032 that is sent to you and then scan it and attach it to the e-mail then follow the provided instructions (put NVC Case number in subject line, Petitioner's name & birthdate and Beneficearies name & birthdate in the message body with note stating that your DS-3032 is attached).

When I sent the AOS (I-864) Packets to NVC I sent the package UPS Next Day Air. NVC's system showed "Mail Received on the case" 2 days after UPS showed it was delivered.

Once they have received the DS-3032, NVC will generate the IV Fee Bill.

The best shortcuts (in my opinion) are:

1. Call NVC starting at 5 days after NOA2 Date to get NVC Case Number.
2. Once you have NVC Case Number, speak to an NVC Operator and give them both party's e-mail addresses.
3. Use Express delivery services (not US Post Office) for return of Document Packages (AOS I-864 & DS-230).
4. Have the documents (AOS I-864 & DS-230 Packages) ready to that when the coversheets are generated you can send them right away.

I've read on VJ that members have been able to get the SLMEC Medical Exams by just showing a copy of thier NOA2. I'm going to suggest to my wife, Anna, that she & our son try that before the end of the month as it would cut some time off the wait for her interview.

The wait times now are so much shorter but really more agonizing because we're so close that we can actually imagine the day she will land in Chicago. She has days where I think she'll go crazy from the wait but this is how the US Gov't works: Hurry up and wait...

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 10 September 2009 - 06:40 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-10 06:36:00
PhilippinesSeptember at NVC
QUOTE (philmae83 @ Sep 9 2009, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
can we call NVC before getting the hardcopy of our NOA2? just got approval email from CRIS yesterday...please enlighten me

Yes, just use the USCIS Receipt Number in the IVR or when talking to an operator.

I would suggest you call until you get your NVC Case Number and then give them both of your e-mail addresses so you can get all communications via e-mail.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-09 21:18:00
PhilippinesSeptember at NVC
My Wife's (CR1) NVC Timeline:

2009-08-18 - Received by NVC
2009-08-31 - I-864 (AOS) Fee Billed
. . . . . . . . . . . I-864 Fee Paid online
. . . . . . . . . . . I-864 Fee Shows PAID
. . . . . . . . . . . I-864 & DS-3032 Packet Received (US Mail)
2009-09-01 - DS-3032 Sent e-mail
2009-09-02 - I-864 Packet Sent UPS Next Day Air
2009-09-04 - Mail Received for the case (I-864 Packet)
2009-09-09 - DS-3032 Accepted at NVC
. . . . . . . . . . . IV Fee Billed
. . . . . . . . . . . IV Fee Paid online

Our Son's (CR2) NVC Timeline:

2009-08-27 - Received by NVC
2009-08-31 - I-864 (AOS) Fee Billed
. . . . . . . . . . . I-864 Fee Shows PAID
2009-09-01 - I-864 & DS-3032 Packet Received (e-mail)
. . . . . . . . . . . DS-3032 Sent e-mail
2009-09-02 - I-864 Packet Sent UPS Next Day Air
2009-09-04 - Mail Received for the case (I-864 Packet)

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-09 20:53:00
PhilippinesPhilippine Satellite Internet Providers?
QUOTE (john_and_marlene @ Sep 25 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are 2 companies that provide 2-way VSAT internet that covers the Philippines--both are expensive.

Please define expensive. I have found that my Wife thinks her DSL is expensive at 300Php monthly (heck we pay the whole phone bill which includes the DSL and it is only 1,000PHP/$20 per month)...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-25 12:40:00
Philippinesfather cannot be found..thats why no legal of consent
For what it's worth...

Our Son's case is complete at NVC even though his biological father is listed on the birth certificate and we never even tried to contact him for consent to immigrate.

We provided the info I posted earlier in this thread and a copy of Anna's Solo Parent ID Card along with a letter from Anna explaining that he abandoned them shortly after Gabby was born.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-26 07:58:00
Philippinesfather cannot be found..thats why no legal of consent
There are a couple of good threads here about similar issues.

You have not said if you were ever married to the child's father. My wife was not and actually was issued a "Solo Parent" ID. The Phil Law is on our side even though Gabby's bio-dad is listed on his birth certificate.

Here is the info we have included with our DS-230 for Gabby:

The link below may help you with NVC. When you write the NVC, inform them that under Philippine law, a mother has sole authority over her illegitimate child and then refer them to the link. In addition, you may also print the link below to support your letter but make sure you highlight the words that pertains to your authority as mother. This is law that was amended and passed by Congress and signed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines.


SECTION 1. Article 176 of Executive Order No. 209, otherwise known as the Family Code of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Article 176. Illegitimate children shall use the surname and shall be under the parental authority of their mother, and shall be entitled to support in conformity with this Code. However, illegitimate children may use the surname of their father if their filiation has been expressly recognized by the father through the record of birth appearing in the civil register, or when an admission in a public document or private handwritten instrument is made by the father. Provided, the father has the right to institute an action before the regular courts to prove non-filiation during his lifetime. The legitime of each illegitimate child shall consist of one-half of the legitime of a legitimate child."

Our Dept. of Social Welfare & Development is also clear on the authority of the mother over her illegitimate children. You may also want to refer the NVC to the DSWD website.


Illegitimate children are under the custody of the mother. If they will be traveling with the mother, they are not required to secure a travel clearance from the DSWD. If they are traveling with person other than the mother, they must secure a travel clearance.

I think maybe we should include a letter from you explaining that Gabby’s bio-dad abandoned both of you and that under Phil Law You do have sole custody. Then include prints of the above documents, use a highlighter to mark the relevant sections. Further include the Solo Parent stuff as supporting evidence of the adandonment.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-24 09:27:00
PhilippinesMedical Examination Passed

Thank you for yesterday. (oh that sounds dirty doesn't it?) Just knowing that you were near helped me keep Anna calm as she was dealing with the people at SLMEC.

She completed her Day 1 and Friday will do Gabby's Day 1. He needs the TB Skin test which they don't do on Thursdays because of the 2 - 3 day incubation period. On Monday they will both return for Day 2.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-24 09:39:00
PhilippinesInterview failed....Manila Embassy...
QUOTE (ErosandSally @ Sep 24 2009, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the X is on the following;



I'm putting aside everything else but believe me I understand many of your issues as I was divorced for almost 10 years prior to marrying Anna and I've been raising my 2 daughters (not 14 & 17) alone since even before that divorce.

You need to think how did she fail to demonstrate Your "Bona fide" Relationship?

What evidence did she have to present?

- Proof that you had met in person with the last 24 months.

- Proof of ongoing communications such as chat logs, e-mails & letters/cards posted to her.

- Proof of any ongoing financial support from you to her.

- Proof of your engagement such as engagement ring, receipt for the purchase of the engagement ring, engagement party pictures, notice of engagement sent to family & friends.

- Affidavit of knowledge of your relationship from people in both your lives.

- Recent Letter of Intent to Marry.

I could understand how a CO would see her lack of English Communications Skills as a sign that in 3 years you guys haven't built a real relationship as communications really is key to a solid relationship. How good is your Tagalog? How do you communicate if you don't have a common language to speak in?

Do not jump to the conclusion that she has spent 3 years scamming you, they can get here much quicker on a scam relationship and if she was just looking for a quick plane ticket she would have jumped ship at the first sign of trouble.

When my wife gets frustrated, stressed or angry with me she shuts of all communications and I hate that too. I think it's a female thing more than anything else as I've had previous girlfriends do the same thing (both Asian & American).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-24 11:49:00
PhilippinesInterview failed....Manila Embassy...
I hear the frustration and hurt in your post explaining what happened, please us some restraint so that it doesn't come out as anger towards her.

Remember she is just as hurt and probably even more so as she now feels she has failed you.

Search the forums here, I've glanced across threads about failed interviews and they seem to agree the thing to do is prevent the USEM from returning the petition to the US.

Find a way to get them to review the file and submit BOTH the corrected and incorrect Police Certificates along with copies of any correspondance with Baharain regarding the problem.

If you really love her then you will not give-up on the process and you will not be angry at her for a small mistake.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-23 08:34:00
PhilippinesWARNING about Shipping to the US via LBC Express....
We needed to send NVC a corrected DS-230 for my wife as her address history only went back to when she was 17.

We used LBC as she was going to be busy with SLMEC Monday and DHL is closed on the weekends (in Tarlac).

Just so you understand how LBC Express sips to the US:

They accept your package locally in the Ph and transport it to Manila.

In Manila they re-ship you package via UPS.

The only tracking number you will ever get form them is the LBC number, they aren't even intelligent enough to keep internal records that allow the employees to look-up the UPS tracking number for a package.

To get your UPS Tracking info you will have to call UPS (800) 782-7892 and speak to an agent. Give them the LBC Tracking number and tell them it's the "Reference Number" for the shipment.

All of this I don't have a problem with.

Here's the problem I have with LBC Express:

They believe they can (and should) change the Shipping Address as the person shipping obviously isn't smart enough to know where they actually want the package to arrive.

In our case, the NVC Barcoded Cover Sheet was quite specific that we shoudl ship the updated documents to:

National VISA Center
Attn. DR
31 Rochester Ave
Suite 100
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2909

Where did LBS decide to ship it:

National VISA Center
32 Rochester Ave
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2901

The receipt my wife has lists the correct destination but the UPS shipment doesn't.

I would hope that because of the Barcoded Cover Sheet the documents will get to the right place but still this is a company that I will never deal with again.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-28 10:38:00
PhilippinesFaxed Copies of the AOS components
As you are CR-1/IR-1 {same as us} then you've already submitted originals to NVC, correct?

I scanned every packet of documents submitted to USCIS and NVC and converted them to PDFs which I e-mailed to Anna. She has printed them and will carry them with her into the interview just in case they have misplaced something.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 09:03:00
PhilippinesLooking for Tourist Visa info
A Tourist Visa is a completely different creature.

I believe you can apply directly at the USEM Consular & Visa Services: http://manila.usemba...v/wwwh3024.html

The I-130 is a USCIS (US Citizen & Immigration Services) Form and the B2 Tourist Visa requires no interaction with US Citizen nor is it an Immigrant Visa.

FWIW, having a US Citizen and US LPR relative might actually work against her in this case. She will have to show that she has significant ties to the Philippines, why she wants to visit the US and that she'll have financial resources to provide for her needs during the visit. As you will most likely host & support her that will cover the financial resources but it can also be seen as a good reason for her to not return prior to the expiration of her Visa.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 11:25:00
If she's young, single, doesn't have a high paying job or large bank account, most of her family lives in the US and doesn't own a lot of property in the PH then he chances of getting Tourist Visa are practically non-existent.

In order to get a Student Visa she will need to apply for and be accepted at a college here and meet some other requirements such as demonstrate how she will pay for school. If she comes on a Student Visa and never attends college that would be Visa Fraud and will get her banned.

It's much easier for you to visit her there.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-30 13:12:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Sep 29 2009, 11:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am tired of this subject. It saddens me that people in a rich country has such issues helping poor people. Whatever though. Maybe you all are right. There is a huge difference between the USA and the Philippines. In the USA it is all about their self. Letting their mother be homeless. Not having any natural affection for the less fortunate. Not once met a selfish Filipino. America is the epitome of selfishness......

Are you just trying trolling looking to stir things up?

Intelligent conversation can be had without resorting to personal insults & attacks.

You seem to take things way out of context intentionally.

Re: my mother being homeless, you do understand that there are some people who simply choose to live that way don't you? I tried several times to put a roof over my mother's head bringing her into my own home and each time it ended the same way. Once she started getting to what we would consider stable (been working a job for a few months, had some money, etc) she would just disappear. You can't force someone to live a life they don't want. After she died, my brother and I even tried to help her husband of 3 years (whom we barely knew) with the exact same results.

I do believe in helping those less fortunate than ourselves. I recognize the difference between a hand-out and a hand-up. If the social welfare programs rewarded efforts to become self-sufficent then they would be more effective.

If you have not once met a selfish Filipino then I should introduce you to Ate Mila:

For several months we paid her to help Mom around the house. Mom & my wife would always feed her, her son & a couple of her grandkids. She was allowed to wash their clothes at the house using our water & soap, always given left-overs from lunch (actually often times extra was cooked for just this purpose) to ensure they had enough for dinner. WHen I sent Toys for our son I included toys for her granddaughter who was allowed to accompany her, the list goes on. Basically they were treated like members of the family.

How did she show her appreciation for this? By stealing from my wife & son! She stole chocolates from the fridge. She stole clothes from the laundry line. She stole toys from our son (who's only 2 years old).

Currently Mom is letting a family live in the extra room of the house in return for some assistance around the house. The mother also works for one of Mom's sisters preparing food. Again my wife's things have started to disappear.

Does this mean that all Filipinos can't be trusted? I don't think so. There is good and bad everywhere.
QUOTE (Col. 'Bat' Guano @ Sep 30 2009, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right Wing Nut Alert!

Huh? Col BG, as I've stated before I'm neither Republican or Democrat. I simply don't believe the Government, Federal or State, should provide everything. Provide a safety net maybe but only if it's done properly.

No system is perfect of course but that's neither here nor there. The only reason the Government programs came into the discussion is because my opinion is that Filipinos (in general) have to be more resilient than your average American as a result of this difference.

Do I have my doubts about Obama? Sure I do. Honestly I've had my doubts about every President since I became aware of the whole political scene. I believe it is our duty as citizens to not blindly trust the Government and question everything.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-30 09:49:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (hara/eric @ Sep 29 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i agree with you to an extent.. yes, there is opportunity in the US, given you have the work ethic. but how often does it happen? what percent of all the poor in the US actually move up a class in their lifetime?? yeah, we know Oprah's story, and see NBA players, or actors do it.. but i personally think it's rare.. if born poor, you will most likely die poor... i am assuming that you're implying the philippines lack a similar 'chance' or opportunity

I didn't mean to imply anything, I was simply commenting about America in that one.

I would agree that going from poor to rich is uncommon but going from poor to middle class isn't uncommon in America.

QUOTE (hara/eric @ Sep 29 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
not to sidetrack, but i wanted to also mention that i believe that work ethic does not hold the same value to the average person here compared to the PI.

I can't comment on that as my personal experiences in the PH is limited

QUOTE (hara/eric @ Sep 29 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lastly, punctuality. being on time for things just doesn't mean as much in the philippines as it does here. some of you may have already noticed this from your own experiences, and to my fellow pinays reading this, you know what i am talking about. ;p.. my 2cents.

Okay, I did notice that when I was there. The wife told me that we would go to the Municipal Hall at 8am the next morning. I was up at 6 ready by 7 and she slept. At 9ish she rolled out of bed and we actually made it there around 11am. She said we're okay as long as we get there before lunch!

It will be interesting to see how well she adjusted to the expected punctuality here.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 21:05:00
PhilippinesThis flood shows the differences between poor filipinos and poor americans
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Sep 29 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
170 IQ, and forgetting little things such as armed guards at entrance to every store..........

Do a little research:

The "Genius" brain

The genius brain tends to have one or more talents that are exceptionally large. These are usually real differences -- the people will actually be born with genetic instructions to develop some areas of the brain an extra amount.

The "absent-minded professor." There is often a price to pay for being a genius. There is only so much room inside the skull for cortex, even with it folded a lot. There is a tendency for geniuses to be very strong in some talents yet noticeably weak in others. If one pie slice is extra big, then other pie slices may get sacrificed, as shown in the diagram above.

Stories about Albert Einstein being absent-minded make the rest of us normal people feel a little less intimidated. Ironically, he was a genius in math talents, but was famous for his forgetfullness about time and schedules. Appropriately, he invented the theory of relativity where time was no longer very important.

Norbert Weiner, who invented the field of cybernetics, was the prototype of the absent-minded genius. Once, Weiner forgot he?d driven to a conference, took the bus home, and then reported his car stolen when he didn?t see it in his driveway.

A hero of aviation, Dr. Theodore Von Karman is the model absent-minded professor. After he returns from a long trip, dozens of hats that he has lost dribble back by mail. During the war he was followed around by a special functionary whose duty it was to pick up secret documents that Von Karman left in taxis or hotel lobbies. He is never conscious of traffic: he crosses the most dangerous highway as if it were a country lane. His driving is as famous as his absentmindedness. A friend once suggested that he get three smashed fenders fixed. "Not yet," said Von Karman. He was waiting until he smashed the fourth.

Where the "absent-mindedness" will show up depends upon which other talents were sacrificed to make room for the super talent. Many times it may not be anything noticeable, such as a great musician who might be weak in navigating his way around a supermarket (because most of the spatial area was devoted to musical perception rather than visual perception). However, the "Yes" creative area of the brain is often large at the expense of the lower "No" or inhibition center, producing a genius who acts "funny" or uninhibited.
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Sep 29 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As a side note. Anyone with a true IQ of 170 would not feel the need to brag about it to a group of strangers on a web forum.

I never "bragged" about anything, you implied that I lacked the intelligence to complete even the most basic of education to which I responded with my intelligence as measured at that time (which was over 20 years ago) and a list of my professional accomplishments since.

Through this entire exchange I have not resorted to personal attacks on you even once.

You on the other hand are demonstrating that you will reply with hatred & malice to every post in make in this thread.

WE DON'T SHARE THE SAME OPINIONS, I think everyone here gets that. Enough said...

Now I kindly request that if you feel the need to continue your personal diatribe against me please find a more suitable platform as this is not the proper place for it.

On a side-side note: I never professed to put too much stock in the results of a test contrived to measure the intelligence of a person (the IQ thing). I think the GED percentile results are more indicative of my abilities {at that time} despite the fact that most people who tested for the GED in that particular year were 5+ years older than myself. I believe my accomplishments as an adult speak to my intelligence, resourcefulness and other abilities.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 29 September 2009 - 04:58 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-09-29 16:56:00