Philippinesmarried my phillippine girl friend
Not true...

It is illegal to plan to enter the US on a non-immigrant Visa with immigrant intent. If there was no immigrant intent at POE then it is legal to file for Adjustment of Status without her returning to the Philippines.

If she hid anything such as the true purpose of her visit at POE then she's on shaky ground. Otherwise just file AOS but she can't leave the US until she gets either AP or her Greencard.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-23 16:51:00
PhilippinesSpawn from another thread

You obviously don't trust her (for many reasons)...

If you don't trust her then any "love" you may think you feel is a lie...

Love requires trust, Lust requires nothing...

Nobody here can help you, you're like a bug circling the bug zapper. Eventually you're gonna touch the light and get zapped and you'll only have yourself to blame in the end because you can clearly see all of the signs.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-26 18:40:00
PhilippinesHow Much Money Needs to be on Deposit
It's not going to be that easy. If your friend is a young single female then she will need more than money on deposit in the Philippines.

I have an uncle (my wife's actually) who is an established businessman and head of the local rice co-op who wanted to come to the US for a Rotary function as he was the local chapter president at the time. Despite having 500,000 Php in the bank, an established business, family ties and owning a few properties they denied him because the money was only recently deposited (within the last 6 months). The USEM looks at the totality of the situation for Visas. Honestly you're better off going there to visit her, you'll need to meet her family anyway...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-27 09:02:00
Philippineswhen 2 year green card expires
Get him off your lease, change the locks, file for divorce and move on with your life.

His Greencard status is his problem now. Be sure to report the divorce & his last known address to USCIS so they can take appropriate action.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-27 16:56:00
Philippineswhen 2 year green card expires
Actually the decision is not yours at all.

During your short marriage did you co-mingle funds? Anything showing cohabitation and pooled finances would support "marriage entered in good faith".

You are aware that the Affidavit of Support you signed will still me in effect, right?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-27 09:40:00
Philippines21 weeks pregnant
If the prenatal vitamins give your problems (nausea etc) you can get Flintstones chew-able (yeah kids vitamins). Just take 2 of them instead, you'll get the same bnefits but no side-effects.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-29 16:56:00
PhilippinesWHEN CAN YOU APPLY N400
Technically 2 years 9 months is incorrect as some months have 31 days and the application window is 90 prior to the anniversary.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-30 13:54:00
PhilippinesCan anyone in the Philippines (in Manila) do me a favor??
Can't you contact the Civil Registry of the city where you were born and see if they can endorse your birth record with NSO?

That might even be easier for one of your relatives to do for you.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-30 12:02:00
PhilippinesBack from the Philippines
I'll never forget my trip to the Philippines in Jan of 2009... We stayed the night at a "Sex Hotel" (because it was pretty cheap and secure) in Manila and headed for the provinces the following afternoon.

We had a deal with a LP Taxi driver to get us to Paniqui (in Tarlac) which was a 4 hr drive! About 1/2 way between Tarlac City & Paniqui he started complaining that he was almost out of LP and would need more than the agreed upon amount to complete the trip. Anna told him "No, just drop us at the next bus stop".

At the bus stop one of the Trike drivers overhear Anna arguing with the Taxi driver as we unloaded my 2 50lb suitcases (one contained $4,000 worth of Dive Gear), laptop case & carry-on bag. He offered to get us both to her Mom's house for what Anna said was a fair price so we loaded everything onto his trike; 2 50lb cases tied to the top of side car with twine, laptop & carry-on plus Anna's stuff in the side car with her, I sat sideways on the seat behind the driver!

That was the scariest thing I've ever done (and I've dived a known Bull Shark feeding site at 100 ft depth). I still don't know how I didn't die on that ride but it was an interesting introduction to Trikes in the Philippines..

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 28 September 2010 - 12:10 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-28 12:10:00
PhilippinesCenomar disaster

the CFO's requirement for you to get a sticker is your visa on your passport, not a cenomar

The website doesn't list a Cenomar specifically, it just says something "other documents as required by the counselor" but how many K-1s have you seen here that listed Cenomar as one of the documents required by CFO? Most if not all of them...

Do you really want to take the chance on being that one in however-many who doesn't get asked for it for whatever reason?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-20 13:59:00
PhilippinesCenomar disaster
I'll say this one more time...

Even if she passes the Embassy Interview she still needs to be able to leave the Philippines and for that she needs the CFO Sticker in her passport.

CFO will ask for her Cenomar as they do for all K-1 Visa holders. If she can't produce a Cenomar showing she is free to marry then she won't get the sticker.

No CFO Sticker means she won't be allowed to leave the country.

So, in short, what will happen at the Embassy is irrelevant as she won't be able to get on a plane to the US without that CFO sticker which she can't get without a Cenomar showing she's free to marry in the Philippines.

Ironically this wouldn't be a problem if she was currently in another country as an OFW an planned to fly direct to the US without going to the Philippines.

Now we have filed the Petiton, but got an order from court today of summons for the ex husband through the foreign service at our expense (typical) Now how do we do this since no contact in 18 years no idea where he is.

Send it to his last known address, that's really all you can do. If he fails to respond then he fails to respond and things will move forward.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-19 08:32:00
PhilippinesCenomar disaster

This couple just pass the interview and CEMAR Annotated with Recognition of Foreign Divorce (not needed for K1 Visa Process). I asked my lawyer too and he said it is not necessary unless you want to get married here in Philippines and want to clear my marriage record in NSO. I hope this can help!

And how will they get past the CFO? Answer is that they won't if NSO says they are still married.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-31 21:08:00
PhilippinesCenomar disaster

Listen to the other VJ members on this. No cenomar likely means no visa. If the US Embassy started issuing fiancee visas to girls in your situation then it would cause a huge diplomatic uproar with the government of the Philippines.

Even if you did manage to get a visa, come to the US, and get married, you could be prosecuted for bigamy if you ever return to the Philippines.

Actually Jim, USEM in Manila will issue a K-1 Visa to a Filipina who is divorced without it being recognized in the Philippines since the US recognizes the divorce and she is free to marry once in the US.

She'll have problems leaving the PH though as the CFO won't issue her a departure stamp because the don't recognize the divorce. There were 2 cases like this in that last year on VJ, 1 bribed someone at the CFO (a bit risky if you don't know them personally and illegal) the other I don't remember hearing that she was able to get out!

A spousal Visa wouldn't fly as USEM is checking CERMAR (Certification of Marriage) which would show both marriages.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-30 14:01:00
PhilippinesCenomar disaster

Hello! I am new in VJ forum. I just want to tell you that you don't need to get petition for recognition for divorce. I am divorced to from my foreign ex husband and He filed a divorced in US year 1998. I asked a lawyer regarding on getting petition for recognition on my divorced and he told me it won't necessary if I am getting married in other country and not here in Philippines.

Are you not returning to the Philippines after your marriage?

If you will be going through the Visa process in the PH then you will need to do it otherwise you'll have problems leaving PH as CFO won't accept the new marriage since your first marriage is still valid in the PH!

I'll never understand why some people don't bother to do things the right way and then will cry foul when it catches-up with them?

Just be aware that not having your divorce recognized BEFORE entering a second marriage can cause you problems if you return to the PH...

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 30 August 2010 - 09:15 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-30 09:13:00
PhilippinesCan a Cenomar Expire, if received shortly before marriage?
At Anna's interview the I/O told her "Everything looks good, I'll approve you pending verification of your Cemar with the NSO". Luckily Anna had already secured a very recent copy of the Cemar and was approved on the spot...

I don't think they're asking too much, it's just another way to confirm that the rest of the submitted documentation is valid and unaltered.

FWIW, not only did Anna have a NSO Authenticated copy of our Marriage Contract/Certificate but our file contained at least 2 copies of it and one original already.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 21 October 2010 - 10:24 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-21 10:23:00
PhilippinesCan a Cenomar Expire, if received shortly before marriage?
Technically, she no longer has a Cenomar (Certificate of No Marriage) as she is married. When she requests the Cenomar she will be issued a Cemar (Certificate of Marriage) which will list the dates(s) of all of her registered marriages.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-21 09:48:00
PhilippinesStatus Change Question

However, when I went to SSN office to apply for SSN they declained our application since I already married and the officer said that since we got married k-1Visa is no longer valid or applicable..If I apply before I got married they will process my application as my 1-94 still a long way to be expired.

That employee is an idiot, you should have requested to speak to a supervisor.

Once you enter the K-1 Visa becomes "invalid" as it is a single use Visa. The I-94 is what governs your legal status.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-22 15:04:00
PhilippinesStatus Change Question

But they're married so much about married K1 applicants having a hard time getting a SSN after they are married. SSA usually tells them they either need the EAD or the green card na to apply for an SSN.

That's not because they're married that they can't get a SSN, it's because they waited too long and don't have the required (I think it's 14 days) validity remaining on their I-94...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-21 15:38:00
PhilippinesStatus Change Question
Not to mention, once her I-94 expires and there's no AOS filed then she begins to accumulate overstay (illegal presence) and if something happens where she needs to fly home she can't (even with AP once she's 180 days overstay) without incurring a re-entry ban.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-21 08:31:00

Immigrant visa. Is there anyway that they can make it here without the CFO sticker? I'm sad we just found out about this.

No, Philippine Customs won't let them pass without the CFO sticker in their passports...

My wife said that the US Embassy was telling all intending immigrants of the CFO requirement at their interviews last November. Also doesn't the USEM Website page regarding immigrant visas mention the CFO requirement?

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 08 October 2010 - 11:47 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-08 11:45:00
Philippinescalling it quits

Wow, that's a large phone bill! But...

She is still FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) and things are a lot different there.

In the PH cell phones are cheap, even international texting is amazingly cheap.

Has she ever been responsible for paying household bills? Does she know how your money flows (how much in, how much out and to where) each month?

You can't expect her to just pick this all up, she depends on you to teach her about it.

Until you can trust her it's okay to not give her access to the money.

You'll need to find ways for her to keep in tough with her family. For us we got her Mom a Net Talk device and cover the cost of her internet connection. Instead of texting back & forth Anna YMs or FB Chats with her family back home. Of course she's on the phone with her Mom almost daily & talks to her brother quite often also.

If you really love her then don't think of it as her problem, it's your (as in the couple's) problem. Together you need to figure out to address the issues you both have. You need to share your expectations with each other and address the differences.

Overcoming these issues will make your relationship stronger.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-24 17:51:00
PhilippinesUnlimited calls to Philippines, our experience so far

Right now I'm happy because we are saving a lot of money and my wife has regular contact with family.

That's the important part regardless of what solution we each found (Pinay Tawag, Vonage, Net Talk, MagicJack, Skype, YM, FB).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-26 12:16:00
PhilippinesUnlimited calls to Philippines, our experience so far
We currently use Net Talk both as our home phone in the US and in the Philippines for Mom. We got our units while they were still offering lifetime service for a one time $100 payment, new service now costs $100 per year. Of course Mom's internet costs us $20 per month (that includes her regular PH Home Phone service & DSL Internet).

Rarely do we have any problems with the service. We added the Net Talk number to our AT&T A-List so calls to/from our cell phones are unlimited.

We almost went with the Pinay Tawag but after waiting for over 3 weeks we just cancelled the order and went elsewhere.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-26 11:10:00
PhilippinesCFO registration
If you don't register with CFO and return to the Philippines before becoming a US Citizen (if you choose that route) then you may have problems leaving the Philippines using your Philippine Passport with a US Immigrant Visa (K-1 or IR/CR-1) and no CFO certificate/endorsement.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-03 22:36:00
PhilippinesOur Little Guy had surgery today...
Today we realized our goal and saw the results of our efforts over the past 11 months.

Our son Gabby received his first Cochlear Implant! He will return home from the hospital tomorrow and should be activated before Thanksgiving!

It's been a long hard road but Anna & I got it done... We're already looking ahead to getting his right ear implanted early next year.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-02 21:36:00
Philippinesblue slip with MNL-IV-22 letter?

yes in MNL-IV-22 they ask of my petitioner's current sustained income. then in the lowest part they marked to pass it on window 17-20. I want to know if anyone here who got blue slip after interview also got MNL-IV-22
letter together with blue slip. thank you.

Have him get an employment letter from his HR department if you're concerned that you don't have enough pay stubs.

The employment letter should state the following:

How long he has been employed with the company.
Current Position (job title).
Current Income (Annual Gross).
That he is a "Full-time Regular" employee.

They just want to know that he's not on the verge of losing his job or something and that he CURRENTLY and for the foreseeable future will make enough.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-26 11:03:00
PhilippinesMy wife finally is here!!!
Regarding your daughter, St Lukes should have informed the US Embassy of her results so they will know to extend the validity of the I-130 Petition for her. You can always call them to confirm they know what's going on.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-10-31 13:06:00
If you are loved by a Pinay you will know it without a doubt...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-05 12:25:00
PhilippinesLearning my fiancee 's culture

Me asking Q:"You don't have money to go to movie"?

Then she says "yes"

J, she answered your question properly. You asked "You don't have money for the movie" and she replied "Yes" which is in agreement with your statement.

Now had you asked "Do you have money for the movie" then "No" would have been the appropriate reply.

You need to understand that where English isn't their first language they will take your grammar literally. For you & I the two questions are the same but technically they aren't and she did answer it correctly. I've encountered this with my wife.

As her husband you should help her to understand this and also be understanding of it when you ask her things.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-10 08:16:00
PhilippinesTourist Visa but CR1 approval can come anytime soon.
It won't happen, you have a US Citizen husband and could bypass the CR-1 by AOS if you are allowed in and you're from a High Fraud country.

Since you're in the process how can you prove strong ties to return to the Philippines.

BTW, since you're asking this I assume you didn't have a good reason to request for Expedite?

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 08 November 2010 - 09:18 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-08 21:17:00
PhilippinesMarriage seminar
It's basically consent from her parents, not counseling. The local registrar will have the form for her parents to sign (if it's needed). Some places don't require it if they're over 21.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-09 11:47:00
PhilippinesFraudulent Marriages

Well, it's not a perfect or complete poll. There are several things listed that I think most will find at least one attribute that applies to them.

Okay fair but in how many of these recent threads is money one of the issues? I don't think you can get good results when a common theme is excluded.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-16 17:20:00
PhilippinesFraudulent Marriages

I personally don't think those are automatic disqualifications for having trust in the relationship. It really depends on the situation.

Yeah but the question isn't what destroyed trust, it's what built it...

Maybe add something about How they handled money in relation to the USC?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-16 15:57:00
PhilippinesFraudulent Marriages
I want to answer your poll but I can't because under "What were the things during your long distance courtship that built your trust in your relationship?" you don't have "She/He never asked me for Money." and "She/He only told me about an financial problems they were facing AFTER they had resolved it without my help."
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-16 15:29:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

Agreed--I did take the cell phone away initially, but returned it after an 8 hour shift, and let her know I was not going to cut her off from talking/texting with her family.

Also, probably my final update: one-way flight on JAL departing Tuesday 11/23 booked. Our Visa Journey is now over, so therefore my participation is over also. I have deep wounds to attend to and let heal.

Well take the time to take care of yourself.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-22 17:11:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

How was it a red flag, ummmmmmm only in it being the first step in the VAWA "unwritten" handbook as a way to stay in this country!!!!

But sure, let him go ahead and slap her around like she expected, then he won't have to pay for her flight home, she will be able to stay right here and he won't have a cheating problem on his hands anymore.

Ok, your context is turned around a little bit. Generally Red Flags are indicators of Fraud. Things like lack of physical intimacy and such, you know not behaving as you wold expect in a true relationship.

Her expecting to get slapped when he is angry really doesn't indicate that she's trying to set him up for VAWA especially since she didn't set-up the situation to provoke him to get physically violent with her.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-19 16:02:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

This was a red flag for me.

How was expecting to get slapped around upon his discovery of her deceit a Red Flag?

In some countries is't quite common for the police to turn a blind eye to spouse/child abuse or even spousal rape. Heck in some countries it isn't even illegal.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-18 17:03:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

dude...if you're willing to fool yourself by making excuses like what you've been saying on your posts....then you do deserve what you're getting from your wife/gf/significant other that is taking a dump on your head and crapping all over you.

On the positive side of things, when he comes here crying about how he was fooled/scammed or whatever word he chooses to use we can simply point him to these recent threads and not waste our efforts repeating things to him for the 5 millionth time!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-18 14:44:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

@bob: that is bcoz she loves u, she is a good woman and decent, no bad intention, that she is still adjusting that is understandable...

but wife of the OP has a problem with attitude, even she is well educated and she has no difference with other pinay who offer flesh on cam or not, dont know how to value a good and healthy relationship... dont know how to value a good and responsible man... OP is correct, its not his loss but her... i cant advice the OP to forgive and forget right now... but yeah forgiving and forget is right... but a normal people takes time to heal and on the right time then for sure he can forgive and forget what his wife did to him....
but not to continue the relationship with her... and give her the proper punishment that she truly deserve so she will learn her lesson....

Yep, I agree 100% with you. Saddened can't punish her for her deeds and shouldn't look at it like that, revenge for for sad weak people. What he needs to do is take care of himself which in cases like this usually means to separate from the person using/hurting him.

She creates her own punishment by losing something good in her life.

BTW, whilst I embrace forgiveness I am a firm believer in never forgetting lest you lose the lesson.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-17 17:41:00
PhilippinesNeed help!
QUOTE (*boricua.esposa* @ Dec 14 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my two kids will be having their interview later. 7am. i wonder if they'd ask CENOMAR from me. their biological father's name didnt appear on their BC's and I was never married to him. Pls help...thanks

Your question doesn't relate to the OP's issue and would get better attention either in a new thread or one of the existing threads dealing with children from previous relationships.

My wife was told they needed to see her CEMAR to confirm that she wasn't married to her son's biological father. Luckily we had already ordered the document and she produced it on the spot narrowly avoiding the white slip and converting directly to a PINK slip!

FWIW, Gabby's bio-father did sign the back side of his birth certificate.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-14 14:12:00