PhilippinesWhy are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?
Have you noticed how every time this question (or one similar to it) has been asked in the past it degrades quickly into a childish and insulting flame-war that does not good for anyone?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-20 09:53:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar in Cebu
QUOTE (JANETandLYLE @ Oct 22 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
legal capacity to marry her? I am not sure what I need to give her as here in United States I am unaware of any document that says I am legally single. Maybe someone can tell me what she needs from me to fill this. Thanks

I've heard them ask for CENOMAR for PH Citizen and Final Divorce Decree for any previous marriages for the USC.

Have your Fiancée call CFO and explain the situation, they will kindly tell her exactly what they expect her to bring.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-10-22 21:31:00
PhilippinesHouse number changed...will it create a problem?
You'll download all of the forms you need for NVC & Embassy stages anyway, why wait until they arrive in the mail (if they ever do)...

Regarding the mail delivery I guess that depends on where she lives. In the Provence where the mailman knows the neighborhood & its residents I would say not a problem. In a large metro area it might cause deliver issues.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-24 14:49:00
Philippinessample of a Parental advice letter
The local Civil Registrar should have a form letter for her parents to sign. It's the same place where you will apply for the license.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-18 08:43:00
Philippinesinterview on sept. 2
You MUST correct this issue. If they discover any intentional misrepresentation then you can be banned for life without the possibility of getting a waiver.

The DS-230 isn't signed yet so you can correct it. In fact they should ask you to review it to make sure it's correct before you sign it.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-23 10:35:00
Philippinesinterview on sept. 2
Well the DS-230 isn't completed until she signs it at the Embassy.

I would:

Bring a corrected on with her and explain that since the child won't be coming to the US she mistakenly marked "NO" for children.


BEFORE signing the DS-230 inform them that she mistakenly marked "NO" for children as her child will not be coming to the US and ask them to allow her to correct the DS-230.

Until she actually signs the document she isn't swearing to it's contents so she should be okay.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-23 09:20:00
Philippines24 Filipinos in Mississippi victimized by recruiters

and sent to one of the supermax prisons here in the U.S. so they will know how to be preyed upon.

It would be better if they were tried, convicted and imprisoned in the Philippines. Unfortunately even the worst prisons in the US are luxury accommodations for free compared to how many live in the PH...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-26 10:12:00
PhilippinesWhy was her answer considered a 'gaffe'?

i would've figured that she would've used her experience about being stripped of the Bb. Pilipinas title earlier this year and then explaining what she learned from it (which is don't lie)....would've probably gotten her better results.

I would have to agree with this statement.

On a side note, can someone explain to me why a Philipina would misrepresent their birthplace a Qatar instead of in the Philippines? The few Philipinos I do know are all proud of their heritage and birthplaces..
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-24 11:19:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

It comes from the link that Atencio provided. However, google is your friend, and you can find other studies which point to millions of American citizens who have no photo ID and aren't looking for handouts.

If you look hard enough you can find [inaccurate] studies to support any "fact". BTW, the bolded part of this quote makes no sense:

Without Gov't Issued ID they:

1) Can't get the entitlement programs so of course they wouldn't even be counted as looking for them.

2) Can't work legally.

So you tell me how are they getting by? Looks like they fall into that all elusive group of people who choose to live outside of what we consider polite society. Until her passing last year my Mom was one of the exceptions in that group, she maintained Gov't Photo ID until her last day and even had a PO Box until just a few years ago. She preferred to not be a part of our society but did just enough to get us to support her lifestyle. Then there's guys like Ted Kaczynski who are out there also.

And, by the way, keep your eyes on your own flabby white backside!

Okay, his comment was out of line but let's stay above that. We've been having a decent conversation/debate here so please everyone no name-calling.

Even if your conjectures were fact, are you going to write off the millions of others?

Are you implying that I misstated something?

I am in fact comfortable with "writing off" anyone who feels no need to maintain minimal ID in this day & age. That act makes it clear that they don't care to participate in mainstream society so I have no problem with letting them go on their way and have no pity for them when they can't access services and such because of their choices. Heck, it's not like they even care what I think. They can enjoy their freedom and I don't have to worry about them.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-22 13:42:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

That wasn't the issue, was it. ;)

I guess I should have been more specific, I've always connected the required to provide ID to the cops having reasonable suspicion that the John/Jane Doe may be involved in an illegal activity.

For me that is the protection against unreasonable harassment from the police.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-21 05:34:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

The police have to have a reasonable suspicion, before making a stop, not just selecting a group of people (profiling).

Vagrancy laws have come under constitutional attack, since being poor is not a crime under the Constitution. The statutory language was often held to be vague and overbroad, in violation of the due process requirements of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A vagrancy law might be declared too vague if the definition of a vagrant is not detailed enough. Police had too much discretion to arrest people based upon appearance and suspicious characteristics. The fear was that the laws would be misused to make arbitrary arrests to harass unpopular groups or silence opposing political views. U.S. vagrancy laws generally punish the status of being poor and unemployed and not some overt act. In 1983, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down as too vague a loitering statute which punished people for failure to show credible identification upon police request.


This was further narrowed under Hiibel:

Stop and identify statutes often combine elements of traditional vagrancy laws with provisions intended to regulate police behavior in the course of investigatory stops. The statutes vary from State to State, but all permit an officer to ask or require a suspect to disclose his identity. A few States model their statutes on the Uniform Arrest Act, a model code that permits an officer to stop a person reasonably suspected of committing a crime and “demand of him his name, address, business abroad and whither he is going.”

SCOTUS: Hiibel

Neither of these applies to situations where the cops have reasonable suspicion to stop, question and possibly detain someone.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 21:00:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Just adding a reference

And here's why I wouldn't trust that reference:

The vast majority of those 7% are from groups that are statistically inclined to either be easily confused (senior citizens) or less educated and thus more easily confused (low income minorities). Add to that the leading nature of the questions, using examples like Divers License (many seniors no longer drive and many low income don't own cars) and military ID (issued by DOD of Federal Gov't, not many senior citizens or "low income" persons active in the armed forces) could be interpreted to not include State issued ID Cards. I know from experience (thanks Mom) that Low income persons need to have State Issued ID to receive means tested benefits.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 14:48:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Hasn't been true since the SCOTUS decided that US Citizens cannot be required to carry identification. There was a case in San Diego, I believe, where a jogger was charged with vagrancy for not having any identification on him. That was found to be unconstitutional.

have a link or two? I would like to see how it's unconstitutional for the police to require ID if they make contact based on reasonable suspicion of something. How can they clear you if they don't know who you are?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 14:34:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Food for thought: it is estimated that more than 20 million American citizens do not have government-issued photo ID.

Where does this come from? My late mother and her husband were (by their own choice) members of the homeless masses. They both had State Issued ID. You need it to get food stamps, free cell phones and all of the other hand-out they qualified for simply because they didn't want (yes there were several attempts to give them a hand-up and they refused) to be productive members of society but they had no problem spending OUR tax money.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 13:46:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

1. It's a false argument because the issue isn't about having to show ID, but to prove ones citizenship based on mere suspicion.

It's not even an argument, just a statement really that we are used to presenting ID on a regular basis already. Read the first line "My Statement was that the DL/State ID card that my wife (LPR) and I presently carry at all times already" and then I made 2 statements, both of which are true.

2. That is not entirely accurate. But for the sake of argument, if that were accurate, then why would you ever have to show additional documentation verifying your legal status, which SB1070 gives local law enforcement the authority to do? Secondly, you are required to show a valid DL during a routine traffic stop. You are not required by law to provide identification to a law officer every time you are asked. They can detain you on reasonable suspicion that a crime was committed, but not providing ID is not a crime. Even if you are pulled over and didn't have your DL with you, it's a misdemeanor.

Actually in some states it is a misdemeanor and you can be detained until they are able to make a positive ID. But again you are trying to redirect my statement. My DL/State ID required me to prove my legal presence. Is there an endorsement on it that says "USC" no but by completing to process to get it I have proven that I am here legally.

I don't want to have to prove my citizenship to law enforcement on a routine basis. That is harassment. I've done nothing wrong and asking me to prove my legal status without probable cause violates my constitutional rights and privileges. Citizens should be free to go about their own business without being harassed by cops. You may be willing to give up your constitutional rights over this issue, but don't count me in or most Americans.

This is a false argument on your part. First, the law requires the contact to be for some reason other than suspicion of illegal presence. Second if you are having this type of contact with the police on a routine basis then you have bigger issues that proving your lawful presence. Citizen are free to go about their business without being harassed by the cops unless they are routinely speeding, jaywalking, driving with lights out, physically assaulting others or in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Besides probable cause is covered by the requirement of reasonable suspicion of illegal status
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 13:43:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

For domestic flights, you only need to show a state ID or DL, just like in a routine traffic stop. Hotels, the same thing. In fact, I challenge you to find any other time where citizens are selectively required to prove their legal status based on mere suspicion.

Why do I need to prove that? My statement was that the DL/State ID card that my wife (LPR) and I presently carry at all times already:

1) Is routinely asked for.

2) Proves our current legal presence in the US.

As for LE Officers acting based on suspicion, they already do that. If they see a someone acting suspicious they stop and talk to them, ask for ID and inquire as to what they're doing. It's common in neighborhoods that have a high rate of drugs & prostitution. This just expands that to require them to confirm the legal status if they have reason to suspect the subject isn't here legally.

Seriously, if the whole "Driving while brown" issue is your biggest concern they why not advocate expanding it to requiring them to determine legal status of everyone they make contact with and have cause to confirm ID? Then all of us white guys (and gals) will be subject to it also!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 11:43:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Bob, I was assuming you were following the previous posts because in post #171 (just 6 posts back), I explained the difference between asking for a driver's license from a motorist when they are stopped and asking them for proof of citizenship.

Personally I believe that our IDs should easily identify that we are legally present in the US, see my previous post here.

I know a lot of people will compare this the the Nazis restricting travel through personal identification papers but it's already happening here. Try to board a plane without ID. Try to check-in to a hotel without ID.

The "safeguard" against racial profiling in this law is the the LE Officer can't just stop someone and ask for proof of legal presence, they need a valid reason for contact. Of course there will always be people who abuse the system but they will be the minority. The upside of this is that if (I lived in AZ and) know the house next to me is full of illegals then I can call the cops on them when they're partying too loud at 11pm and when the cops come they can ask of proof of legal presence when they roll-up on a house of 25 non-related people.

Not a perfect solution but I'm in favor of anything that puts USC & LPR rights & protection above the entitlements the illegals seem to believe they have here.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 11:02:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Your citizenship status has nothing to do with whether you can legally drive here or not. Citizens shouldn't have to prove they are here in the U.S. legally every time they are stopped. That's unnecessary harassment that serves no other purpose but to provide peace of mind to people with irrational fear about the impact of illegal immigration on their lives. Never mind that it's also unconstitutional.

Every time you are stopped you are required to prove your identity. If you can't then the police can detain you until they can determine who you are.

In the State of Illinois you can't get a Drivers License or State issued ID card without presenting a verifiable SSN Card.

My Drivers License proves I'm in the US Legally.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 09:10:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070
If the price of a little security is that I have to produce ID if stopped in AZ then I'm fine with that.

If my "Mexican" looking Pinay wife has to present her Greencard (which the law requires she carry on her at all times anyway) then we're both fine with that.

New Federal Law: States can only issue ID (including Drivers License) to someone who has proven their legal status here and if their status has an expiration date then the State issued ID must expire on or before that date. Now it's as simple as showing State ID or DL!

Now for Welfare, Medicaid, WIC, Public School Enrollment etc parents & children must present State issued ID, no more passports or "Mexican Abroad Consulate ID" Cards (If there is another country that spits in our face like that then include their "Government Endorsement of Illegal Immigration to the US" card on this list.

Finally, severe penalties to any Business, Employee of said Business who actually did the hiring and Owner of said Business that knowlingy hires illegals or fails to properly verify their eligibility to work in the US.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 08:25:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

When someone is living in a one room shack, with a dirt floor, and all he hears is how the streets in America are paved with gold, he will have the incentive to come to the promised land.

And when the employers stop hiring them they will return home empty handed and that myth will end...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-17 15:47:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Difference in material objects, and jobs. Lets say the usa goes into a huge depression and you have no work, but lets say they have work in canada but make it extremely difficult for people to get in. Would you cross over and work to support your family even if it were against the law? Of course

No one here can say they would let their family starve without doing what it takes to support them.

No I would not...

I have worked ####### jobs to make ends meet in my early twenties to support my wife an children. I'm resourceful and would find a way.

The difference is irrelevant, either situation is someone feeling they have a right to something that they don't and feeling justified breaking laws to take it.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 16 July 2010 - 11:44 PM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-16 23:41:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Its not that easy to come to the usa the legal way, thats the problem. More people would be legal if they could afford it , and the process was not so convoluted. Mexico is poor, people leave there to come here to make money to give their families better lives.


Buying a new car is too expensive, more people would buy a new car if they could afford it. I guess the answer is that everyone should just steal a new car because they deserve the best car someone else can afford.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-16 20:30:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

The border will never be 100% secure

I'm a realist, I don't think the border can ever be 100% secure but I also believe the the Federal Gov't is failing woefully in really trying to stem the flow of illegals into the country.

Make it so costly for an employer to hire illegals that it would mean they lose their business if they get caught.

Require proper verification (E-Verify) of all new employees.

Require the illegal's home gov't to cover the cost of returning them or impose sanctions if they refuse. This would help motivate the other gov'ts to keep their nationals within their own borders.

Never again issue Immigration Amnesty.

Fix the "Anchor Baby" problem by requiring Jus Sol to Jus Sanguinis (right of blood), the people it was meant to protect are all gone by a few generations now.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-15 16:54:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070
I'd love to see a Lawsuit by all 50 states against the Federal Government for failing to even attempt to secure our borders thus subjecting the State Governments to the financial burden of providing free services to all of the illegal immigrants.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-15 14:23:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070
If you don't want to stop the illegal immigrants from getting in the at least stop giving them the house once they climb through the window.

ALL means tested benefits should require proof of legal presence.

ALL public schools should require proof of legal presence.

ALL employers should be required to E-Verify EVERY employee or face fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars per incident.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-11 10:49:00
If you use the search function you'll find this discussed in great length here in the PH Regional Forum.

The consensus is that if the Petitioner is currently a college student or a recent graduate then a Co-Sponsor is not a problem as they recognize that the petitioner should have better earning potential in the near future.

There have been cases that didn't meet this approved with a co-sponsor but these are few & far in between.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-27 09:44:00
PhilippinesI may want to divorce my Husband and go back to the PI

Sad truth is, the family back home still believes this, no matter how much my wive tells them it is not true. :(

Yep (with the exception of her Mom & brother)...

Mom just recently got a lot of work done on the house and everyone assumes we paid for it. The truth of the matter is that brother-in-law paid for the whole thing. When people ask about it Mom tells them that it was a joint expense shared by the family! I feel for the BIL as he should get full credit for his good deed...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-08-20 14:35:00
PhilippinesManila CFO Sticker - registration requirements
You'll get more and better info if you have your question moved to the Philippine regional forum
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-01 21:45:00
PhilippinesCanadian mom needs advice about immigrating to the US.
If you were not married to the boys father then there is no need for a consent letter from his biological father. Since you will be dealing with the Embassy in Canada they won't be up on Philippine Family Code so follow the links in my signature to get the relevant sections. Print it out and include it with his DS-230 packet at the NVC Stage.

Just to be safe also bring a printed copy (highlight the relevant sections) with you on the day of your interview.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-01 08:24:00
Your child can't become a US Citizen from your very recent naturalization. You didn't meet the requirements at their time of birth.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-07 13:14:00
It's the same form filled out slightly differently (i.e. with the child as the intended immigrant).

Leave section 9 blank on both forms.

On your wife's include the child(ren) in section 21 (Dependant Children), on the Child's include your wife in section 21.

Each AOS Packet will include the exact same evidence. If you have originals submit them with the wife's and include copies with the child(ren)'s..
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-07 12:43:00
At her interview the IO told my wife that all he needed was to confirm our marriage was listed on her CEMAR! Luckily we spent the money so she had it in her packet of evidence that she carried into the USEM.

Get your US Marriage registered with NSO and get the CEMAR, you never know if they'll ask for it but I'd rather have it and not be asked then encounter a delay if they do want it.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-07 14:09:00
PhilippinesVery confused
You can divorce him in the US but Philippine Gov't won't recognize the divorce if you are the petitioner. Now if you get your husband to be the petitioner then you just need to file in the Philippines for Recognition of Foreign Divorce. If he won't then you'll have to go through the annulment process in the Philippines.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-08 08:44:00
PhilippinesMarriage Certificate
I can confirm that the Civil Registry's copy is sufficient for I-130 petition. We had several "Certified True Copies" made before I returned and used one of them.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-13 09:14:00
Philippinesapply SSN

yeah he will plan to include our son on tax refund filing the problem is our son dont have SSN yet.. speaking of ITIN we done that already even if im still here in philippines.

i read some vj member here that they had already done to applied for SSN on their child even if still here in phils in US EMBASSY IN MANILA......that is why i asking here and now i am confusing waaaaaa...that we can't apply for my son ssn until we get in US.why others they already did it to US embassy manila.

With the birth certificate he can apply for your son's SSN (as long as he's the biological father) at his local SSA office but he'll need an original birth certificate and probably something to prove the child is a US Citizen (like copies of US Passport ID Page).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-15 08:49:00
Philippinesapply SSN
You can't apply for a US SSN until after you are in the US. If your husband needs to include you in his tax filing then he will include the application for an ITIN for you with his tax forms.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-15 07:27:00
Per this link (USCIS: Who Can Be Adopted)

According to the INA, a child must meet the following two conditions in order to be considered an orphan:

1. The child must have no parents; or

2. The child has a sole or surviving parent who is unable to care for the child and has, in writing, irrevocably released the child for emigration and adoption.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 15 September 2010 - 09:06 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-15 09:06:00
Where it becomes a problem is that The US prohibits Adoption for the purpose of Immigration while it allows Immigration for the purpose of Adoption.

Here is the difference:

You want to Adopt a child in the Philippines. In order to adopt them they will have to immigrate to the US at some point: Immigration is to support the Adoption, perfectly legal.


You want to bring your niece to the US but can't petition her directly so you decided to Adopt her to create a Petition-able Relationship: This is Adoption for the purpose of Immigration and is consider Immigration Fraud as it's aim is to circumvent US Immigration Laws. If the child is an Orphan then there are provisions to allow it but with either of the parents still alive it smacks of Immigration Fraud as you are trying to bring an otherwise ineligible close relative into the US.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-15 08:58:00
PhilippinesCan some one translate this from tagalog

For some reason I am accepting something with our relation and I have no idea what the something is.. It is as if some one is selling a car with a bad transmission but you ignore that fact and still buy the car thinking that it will run without replacing the transmission.

I hope you realize the gravity of this statement.

Basically you're saying that you've agreed to go through with a relationship that you have a gut feeling is already broken and won't work.

Why would you do that to yourself?

My wife & I love each other to no ends but honestly if I had that kind of lingering doubt we never would have made it this far. I hope you're not counting on things just getting easier/better once she gets here because that's when the hard work begins. You'll have to learn to live together on a full time basis and you'll get to see the flaws in each other. It takes a lot of adjustment on both sides to make it through that stage of the relationship.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-03 08:04:00
Philippinesmarried my phillippine girl friend
Not true...

It is illegal to plan to enter the US on a non-immigrant Visa with immigrant intent. If there was no immigrant intent at POE then it is legal to file for Adjustment of Status without her returning to the Philippines.

If she hid anything such as the true purpose of her visit at POE then she's on shaky ground. Otherwise just file AOS but she can't leave the US until she gets either AP or her Greencard.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-09-23 16:51:00