PhilippinesUS Embassy in Manila DNA
We have a somewhat unique situation and are sure that the Embassy will want DNA results.

We are hoping that we might be able to provide the DNA results prior to or at the interview. If someone can point us in the right direction we'd be most grateful.

Since I don't like cryptic topic lacking any relevant details I'll share the cliff notes of our situation.

3 years before Gabby was born Anna had a pregnancy that ended with a stillbirth at 8 months.

Just this week we found out that was not the case. It turns out the father's family paid-off the delivery staff to fake the stillbirth!

The father's Mom & Aunt have reached out tot Anna and asked if she would be interested in claiming her first son as they feel the father & his wife are mistreating the poor little guy.

Of course neither of us hesitated and are now beginning to gather the paperwork needed to correct his birth certificate, get him to her Mom & file to bring him to the US.

Naturally the Embassy & probably USCIS are going to be extra critical of this because in the filing for Anna & Gabby we had indicate that Gabby was her only child (as we believed that at the time).

We plan to present both the original (false) birth certificate and the corrected one to USCIS with the original petition and are hoping the Mom & Aunt of the father will provide affidavits of what happened to support our claim.

Since the Philippines is considered a High Fraud Country (and I've heard of people faking documents attempting to bring cousins, nieces/nephews or even siblings to the US) we're trying to be as ready as possible and want to introduce DNA results as soon in the process as possible.

Any info would be appreciated.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-18 11:48:00
PhilippinesNo vise fee

I bet you Air21 was better to deal with versus Delbros who was doing the delivery and the document verification handling before Air 21

That's kind of like saying you'd rather eat dog vomit than dog poop. I'll do neither thank you...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-15 14:43:00
PhilippinesNo vise fee

On December 1, 2010, when they switched from Air21 to 2Go. Now the delivery charge is included in the visa fee.

That's good to know. Personally I hate Air21 and was glad to hear they lost what was I'm sure a lucrative contract with the US Embassy.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-15 10:41:00
PhilippinesNo vise fee
When did they stop charging the applicant for delivery?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-15 10:31:00
Philippinesanyone try to use co-sponsor for k-1 visa?

Wrong Answer Bud

Maybe you should not spend so much time around uneducated people, your reading comprehension seems to be suffering.

I merely stated the USEM's "Track record" per experiences posted here. I never said it can't happen and even mentioned that they do seem to make exceptions. Further there was a letter posted which supports the current knowledge that as a rule they are against Co-Sponsors but have approved some.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-16 19:39:00
Philippinesanyone try to use co-sponsor for k-1 visa?


Please don't make silly comments on the Philippines Board regarding stuff you have no clue about.

Thank You......

I guess we could say the same to you. Actually the poster you chastised was correct. While there have been a few exceptions Manila has a track record of not allowing Co-sponsors unless the Petitioner is either currently in College or a recent graduate just starting their career.

Is it 100% that they won't accept someone's co-sponsor? Of course not.

@OP, if your adjusted gross income is above the Federal Poverty Guideline then you won't need a co-sponsor but it's always a good idea to have a backup plan if you're close. Also the pattern seems to favor Co-sponsors who are relatives (the closer the better).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-15 22:49:00
Philippines9 days ,enough?
You should be fine but for the K1/K2 you must be engaged. that doesn't mean a big party or ring or any of the just that one has asked and the other has agreed to get married.

I trust you've remained in contact since his return to the US? Bring proof of that on-going relationship since the in person meeting.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-10 21:51:00
PhilippinesVisiting the US using tourist visa after getting married
Just a warning here:

You must never lie to CBP, DOS or USCIS when dealing with them for any immigration purposes. If you lie it's misrepresentation and will cause you problems in the future. If you lie about a Material fact (something that would affect a decision about letting you in or issuing any benefit to you) then it's Material Misrepresentation and is punished with a lifetime entry ban that is difficult to overcome.

So at POE if they ask the purpose of your visit and you don't tell them it's to visit your husband you might get away with it but if they find out it will cause your immigrant visa to be denied. If they have any reason to suspect you're married to a USC they will ask you leading questions in an attempt to set you up for getting caught in a lie.

If you attempt to visit just be prepared with lots of ties to return home. You might want to get the I-130 filed before coming and bring the NOA-1 with you as part of your proof of intent to return to the PH after your visit. For the I-130 all you need is a "Certified True Copy" of your marriage contract from the local Civil Registry. The NSO copy will be presented later in the process (NVC).
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-15 20:40:00
Philippineswhat authorization needed from K2 parent

The PI is very different, the standard answer does not apply.

The difference is if the child was born out of wedlock.

In this situation the Annulment should specify if the mother has sole legal custody or not. If she does then that document is what's needed. If not then she will need written consent from the biological father.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-18 08:26:00
PhilippinesSoldier's wife and kids denied visa in Manila

Bob 4 anna , i would have to agree with you. hats off to the military! but why when its a problem for a service member its like theres a 4 alarm fire!

normal ppl experience this on a daily basis, but CNN is not knocking down their doors.

although its nice that there is some light shed on this problem also.

Because it's good news (in that it gets good ratings) to show:

1) A heroic member of the Armed Forces.

2) Any member of the Armed Forces being Awarded.

3) Any member of the Armed Forces getting "the shaft".

The reason for this is the sacrifices they make on a regular basis (even in peacetime) such as duty stations that are unaccompanied (meaning that their family must stay back) and accepting that they must move every 3 years until they leave the Service all in the name of our National Safety.

The only thing I don't agree with in this case is that the Jack-Wagon Capt in this story wants the Embassy in Manila to accept his word & outside DNA results when a reasonable person who knew anything about bars around military bases in Korea (and some other countries for that matter) would "have doubts about her commitment to exclusivity of the relationship.

My late Step-Mom was Korean, she married my Dad while he was stationed in Korea and they had a child before he returned to the US. She owned a bar located near a US military base and thus additional evidence from trusted sources was required for my little brother's CRBA.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 15:55:00
PhilippinesSoldier's wife and kids denied visa in Manila

And then there is Art Bell. Another good example of how not following rules and chain of command will get you even after your fiancee/wife has gotten a visa, but not yet a 10 year green card.

Links Please
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-20 12:08:00
PhilippinesSoldier's wife and kids denied visa in Manila
First let me say that I have the utmost respect for our military, I grew up in an Army family.

This guy is a disgrace because he thinks that the rules which apply to everyone else don't apply to him.

The genetic paternity of the twins is important for a CRBA so his evidence of Birth Certificates, Court Orders etc isn't the end-all say-all he wants it to be.

Is it reasonable for the CO to say they need DNA results to issue the CRBA? Yes it is.

Is it reasonable for him to expect USEM to accept his 3rd party DNA results? No it isn't. That would be like my wife taking a medical screening in her hometown and getting angry because the USEM wants something from SLMEC!

For them to say he has been "Fighting the US Government" to bring them here is so much Bull... It's a process and he needs to just shut-up and follow the requirements.

He's offended because the CO thinks his wife working in a Bar in Korea at the time they met is reason enough to suspect she might have had sex with someone else, is he really that ignorant?

He's a Capitan so it's assumed that he has an understanding of the chain of command and how to follow process and procedure yet he wants to be treated special.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-12-23 10:07:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

Hey, hey, hey, don't link me to Jr's profiles, ok? Hehehehe...I am a female and I'm already here in the US. I am trying to dig his posts though, so I can sleuth myself. I have been a member here since 2008, if I'm not mistaken of the year. But one thing is very definite, not involved with Jr...hehehe!

Opps, a little crossed wires here, JR's "Angel Identity" is AngelForever07.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-19 10:01:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking


What do I need to do next time so that when I ask a simple question for us to stay within limit of the question and not go off to a zoo?

For some reason, I can not *oppss* "can't" ask a simple question without you guys judging or humiliating me.

What I don't like is that some of you complain about TCO but some of you are worse than him in term of humiliating and judging.
Not to say TCO is a bad guy! I have no problem with him.

If you're asking seriously then I'll repeat my serious answer:

Stop being so cryptic and give the complete situation surrounding your question.

In this thread there is no reason you didn't just say something like, "So got her K-1 issued in Adu Dahbi but her son is in the Philippines. We're concerned that her K-1 will expire before we can get the K-2 case transferred to Manila and completed. What would happen if we just cancel her K-1 and start over again having her interview in Manila this time?"

You don't need to give every single detail but a 30,000ft view would be helpful.

I won't even ask how you can be Filipino and not have a problem with how TCO degrades all Pinays and Pinoys on a regular basis. Those of us you are comparing to him are nothing like him. We are simply pointing out the inconsistancies (or similarities) in your posting history.

We really are here trying to help others and sometimes that requires a level of honesty that can be hard to deal with for some folks. If you put negative information in the wind you shouldn't be surprised at a negative reaction.

BTW, maybe you should contact the Embassy that issued her K-1, explain the situation and see if they'd be willing to extend the validity of her K-1 if it's close to expiring and you still need more time to complete the K-2 process for the child. It may require she get a new physical as the visa's valitidy is usually not to exceed the validity of the medical

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 19 May 2011 - 08:46 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-19 08:41:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking
BTW, "In before the lock" won't matter as soon one of JR's personalities will request this thread deleted...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-18 23:17:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

After further review....Asawa ko and I believe that Angelforever07 is Junior's fiancee.... we think this coz Angelforever07's fluent use of Tagalog and Tag-txt speak ..

JR is a Filipino, just been in the US a long time...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-18 22:54:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

Wait a minute. Are you saying that devastedme is JR? The same devastedme that had the long thread about being called cheap? JR replied in that thread. This is too weird. :wacko:

On man, I just reviewed that thread, yes it's true JR has 3 accounts and uses the other 2 to defend his JR account!

This is amazingly crazy!

Just read the posts from all 3 accounts, they are written by the same person...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-18 17:59:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking


I noticed that Jr's split personalities also ignored your post... :secret:

Here are a couple of jrCYBILmejia's other personalities... :lol:

Split personality #1.... :bonk: :lol:

Split personality #2.... :bonk: :lol:


Yep, initially I thought these were 2 sides of the same coin (relationship), then after reading the posts I came to realize that they are the same side just once in drag!

I guess we now know what he means by "My 2 Cents"!!!!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-18 14:37:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

I used the word "the kid" because I rarely like given personal information.

Interesting how you IGNORED the rest of my post!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-18 13:26:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

btw,,,I'm sure you got some recent good news regarding the Fili forum being (temporarily) .hmmmm...cleaned up a bit..? ...and some words of...hmmm....wisdom delivered? I'm guessing you can decipher this cryptic message. :lol: I'm tightroping TOS here? :unsure:

Message understood and the answer is yes, enjoying the quiet around here.

PS. I love the kid !!! regardless.

I love both children my Anna had before I came into their lives but I don't refer to either of them as "the kid", they both have names.

Regardless, your questions were answered but you have failed to respond (as we've come to expect) to come valid points.
Why did you're question have to be so cryptic (again)? You cold have simply said my GF is in Abu Dahbi and "the kid" is still in the Philippines, will the K-2 case be able to get transfered & issued before the GF's Visa expires or should I cancel her K-1? See that would have eliminated all of the "off topic" chatter you wanted to avoid, instead YOU CHOSE to word it in such a way.

To claim you want to avoid subterfuge & drama while going out of your way to create it is deceptive, yes that's a fancy word for dishonest or lying.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-18 08:38:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

I guess nobody knows except the OP...but he did make a stick to the topic request. Perhaps he anticipated potentially unwanted feedback.

Based on the OP's previous threads (especially the ones he requested deleted) and his cryptic posting method he should expect speculation and side talk.

I am curious, can the bio-father cause a delay? Example, not married but the father was caring for the child while mom was away?

Only if the biological father has sought & received paternal rights in the Philippine Court System, otherwise the mother of a child born out of wedlock has complete & sole authority over the child. See links in my signature.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-17 16:13:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking
Actually, I se from looking at the list of the OP's topics (that were requested deleted yet) that they are waiting for the K-2 casefile to be transferred from Abu Dbahi to Manila.

Again, I just don't know why the OP had to ask in such a cryptic manner.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-17 14:39:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

mm.dd.yyyy - Waiting for her Kid's K2


Fiancee does not want to come to the US without her child. Junior agrees. The father of the child is not agreeable to let child go. To bring the child with her a court battle must be won. Court battle may take longer than 6 months. Fiancee visa expires 6 months from date of issue. Fiancee suggests cancel and reissue later. Junior says, I don't know if that is a possibility. Junior starts a thread and asks the question.

That is a very good hypothetical....

In that case he really should be asking for advice from others who have been in the same situation. If the mother was never married to the father then the bio-father has no say in the matter and several members here could advise him to such.

Instead the OP has a history of asking cryptic questions that put his Pinay in question and only slowly over time finally giving relevant info so Vjers can actually help him with the core issue.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-17 14:19:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

Moderators...At the request of the OP, please remove the posts below because they are all off-topic. Thank you.

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-17 11:41:00
Philippineshypothetically speaking

I know you & I haven't seen eye to eye on some issues here but I do think it might be helpful to others if you share what happened.

Especially if this end result is in anyway tied to some of your earlier posts that eluded to potential red flags (of even just gut feelings on your part) that were ignored/overlooked int he name of love.

All too often people let either their heart or loneliness (I'm not saying that one or the other applies here, just making a statement) overrule what that little voice in their brain is telling them.

I think you will find more support here than you expect even amongst those of us who seemed to be harsh on you previously.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-16 09:23:00
Philippinestourist for wedding?

I was just wondering if since we are already going the K1 route to get married if they are a little easier on letting the family coming to the wedding.

What about her papa, I thought at a certain age they give almost a hassle-free approval? or is that if they need something like medical??

If anything having family that is immigrating to the US actually works against filipinos as it now gives them resources & ties to the US that they didn't previously have. The COs must assume immigrant intent on Tourist Visas and it is up to the applicant to overcome that assumption. Now the deck is stacked even more against them.

Even with the father they will have to demonstrate tie to return to the Philippines. Look at it this way (because the CO will):

Now he has a daughter who will be able to live & work in the US shortly. She could support him in the US. What is compellign him to return the the Philippines, especially if his other daughter is in the process of immigrating also?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 09:00:00
Philippinespassport or no passport

I know each traveling US citizen needs a passport to travel outside of US. If you have an ex, you will need a signed permission by the other parent to take your child outside of US.

Good luck! how are you doing otherwise?

Actually, unless the child is 16 you will need the other parent's consent to get a passpost for the child and that serves as their consent for the child to travel internationally. Of course having a written, signed & notorized statement of consent is even safer for all involved.

US Passports can be applied for at most US Post Offices, no need to travel to the "Big City".
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 08:52:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship

Perhaps we could take this thread in a different direction.....

I understand that when my fiance gets here, she's going to have to deal with the homesickness and boredom. I know many of you have already been through that. Any advice?

Here are things that helped my wife:

1) Filipino TV Channels (she cancelled them after 6 months)

2) Found an Asian Resto (as she calls them) that she liked.

3) Taught her to drive so she could handle household business whil I'm working (some stated require GC or EAD though).

4) Got involved with my family more, she takes comfort in having extended family around (even mine).

5) Sent VOIP Phone to her Mom in PH so they could talk for hours daily without expense.

6) Made sure to plan a date night every week, Dinner & a Movie so she gets social time with just me.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 15:28:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship

And please don't treat like a gulf's ball even Tiger wants to hit me hard. :crying:

Just what is a gulf's ball?

Maybe you mean a GOLF BALL?

Why not answer the questions that are being asked?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 15:00:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship

JR favorite movie is Dumb and Dumber.

Autobiography maybe?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 12:48:00
Philippinescourt-less relationship

I think this is a game of cat and mouse. A grab for attention.

Probably because he's bored knowing that she doesn't really love him enough and even though he never moved out of Mommy's house he still finds himself homesick because the family doesn't provide the happiness and love he desires either?

Either you are not honest or not intelligent; make your choice, child.

Third option here:

Maybe he's not intelligent enough to be honest!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-05-23 12:35:00
PhilippinesWill I have to pay for medical again?


I am sorry that you have a problem with that, but that is the most comfortable way for me to address my step child in threads.

I hope this explains my situation.

Martin, just to be sure you understand:

First, I don't have a problem with any of it. I mentioned it only because I remember how hurt Anna was the first time she read a post of mine on VJ where I referred to Gabby as "her son" (especially since I usually refer to him as our son foregoing the step son thing). Of course after I explained that the lack of biological relationship between him & I was relevant to the thread she understood. I just wanted to put it out there for us step parents to consider, that's all.

Second, I was talking about your last 3 threads wherein you refer to her as "My wife's child/kid/daughter". Those phrases sound distant and are a departure from how you'd previously referred to the little girl.

Finally, your explain was much more than I'd expected and shows that you are a considerate man. It's a shame that your ex-wife has taken such an approach. I'm fortunate that my daughters from my first marriage (ages 13 & 16 when I married Anna) have embraced her as their Nanay. My ex has done some "saber rattling" but it's just background noise as my daughter have lived with me their whole lives.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-06-29 15:17:00
PhilippinesWill I have to pay for medical again?

my wife's child


First I want to apologize if my mentioning this in a public post offends you, I'm simply trying to bring something to your (and other step-parents') attention.

I've only quoted three words of your original post because I'm only going to address this one phrase that you've used consistently in multiple threads here. Reviewing your threads it seems that originally you did refer to the child as "my daughter" & "my step child". I wonder what has changed?

My wife also came with a little one but I've rarely referred to him as "her child/son" and then it was only to illustrate that I'm not his biological father because the situation being commented on would be different if I was.

I know it upsets Anna whenever we have to mention that Gabby is my step son and honestly I don't think of him as anything other than simply "my son".

So, all I'm really saying is that you should feel comfortable referring to the little girl as your "step child", "Step daughter" and even just your "daughter" but probably want to avoid referring to her as "my wife's child/daughter". The hurt feelings you save could be your wife's & step daughter's...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-06-29 14:29:00
Philippinessending package to the u,s. from philippines
Affordable is the killer there. We used DHL, it was quick, easy & reliable.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-06 21:32:00
Philippinespre-booking plane ticket one week after the interview

The return flight might be more expensive since they would be buying the tickets on short notice...but it would be worth it if they could fly to the States together.

Many times the ticket prices drop quite a bit in the days just before the flight as the airlines want to get as many seats on the plane as possible. Of course by doing this you do have fewer flights to choose from. When I bought the tickets for Anna & Gabby I my price for tickets the following day was about $200 cheaper than if I had purchased the same tickets just a week earlier.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-05-10 13:18:00
Philippinespre-booking plane ticket one week after the interview

Thanks for your input. This is the first time I have heard of anyone being denied a visa pick-up at the USEM. I wonder if anyone else had the same experience.

My wife requested pick-up and was denied. Her reason presented was that she wanted to get our deaf 2 year old son to the US to begin medical & therapy treatment as soon as possible.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-05-10 10:53:00
Philippinespre-booking plane ticket one week after the interview
Manila Embassy seems to be hit or miss on allowing Visa pick-up. I've seen a few members report success with the request but haven't noticed a discernible pattern.

In most cases you should probably have your Visa in hand by 1 week after the interview but there are reasons why the Embassy tells you specifically to not book your flight until after you actually have the Visa in hand. Even if they try to accommodate your schedule something silly, stupid or uncontrolled could happen that delays your Visa issuance.

My wife was on the plane 12 hours after she had her Visa in hand because I was able to buy her tickets for what was the following day on the calendar (Locally but not in Manila due to the time difference) that close to the flight using
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-05-10 08:51:00

I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL :lol:. I have a question, On my interview on monday I will only be bringing My NOA2 and the Appointment letter that they sent me through email

Don't forget to also bring Government Issued ID for example at least have your NBI Clearance with you but don't count on getting into the USEM with something like a Postal ID, it should be issued by the Philippine Government and have a photo of you.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-07 09:37:00
PhilippinesA big communication barrier
IMO, the bigger problem here is that they provided the funds to pay for internet in the PH so they could communicate and her family is so disrespectful as to have used the money otherwise and let the internet get shut-off.

Regarding ways to communicate with her family, there is no cheap option if they won't cooperate with you.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-12 10:51:00
PhilippinesA big communication barrier

I am not sure if VonageWorld includes where they live. But, I use it, it's $25 a month you can get on your cell or landline. If you get it on your cell, it has to be a iphone or blackberry.

No it doesn't include the Philippines.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-07-11 21:32:00