PhilippinesMy beautiful wife is very irresponsible

Trust me I have thought about that too. It might be worse for me and my wife if they are here if they still decide not to work. Anybody have any great experiences when they brought their in-laws to the U.S.?

You do realize that it's pretty much a moot point as it would take like 20 years, right?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-08 15:45:00
PhilippinesMy beautiful wife is very irresponsible
QUOTE (JVKn'CVO @ Nov 17 2009, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have a young and beautiful wife - that comes with a price. Count your blessings and let it go


QUOTE (JVKn'CVO @ Nov 17 2009, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, sorry you didn't like my answer but I'm only saying the truth. From what I know of Jasman and Claudeth, Jasman has a very good wife and it's in his best interest to strive to make her happy, even if she'll leave the closet light on, not finish her plate or waste a bar of soap.


Now that second statement is a lot different from the first one...

"You have a Young & Beautiful Wife" and "Jasman has a very good wife" are not the same...

I would agree that when we truly love someone we learn to put-up with some things. One the other hand if she's throwing away more food than she's eating (which is how I would read the OP) and has an uncontrollable shopping habit whilst not contributing to the household then that is a bit too much.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-11-17 18:37:00
PhilippinesMy beautiful wife is very irresponsible
QUOTE (JVKn'CVO @ Nov 17 2009, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have a young and beautiful wife - that comes with a price. Count your blessings and let it go


That is the worst answer I've read in this thread...

I have a young an beautiful wife and I will never accept such behavior.

As my wife she is my partner in life which means we have common goals.

If I just wanted young & beautiful arm candy I could buy that and not have to deal with the hassles Jasmine is.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2009-11-17 14:52:00
PhilippinesInternational ATM fees through the roof!
The big problem with Xoom is the $9 transaction fee. You may as well just absorb the ATM fees.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-08 21:35:00
PhilippinesInternational ATM fees through the roof!
State Farm bank doesn't charge for using any ATM and they will also refund any ATM fees charged by the ATM Owner at the end of your monthly billing cycle.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-08 18:54:00
Philippinestip for chest x-ray...

I think your mad because you fell for the joke.

Nope, I'm not that petty.

Thanks for playing...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-07 16:33:00
Philippinestip for chest x-ray...

This was your contribution to the mis-information, The mucus in picture b is actually masking bone.
It dosnt make the xray look normal or passable, but mucous can mask scar tissue

Okay, sure, whatever... I'm the one who placed useless x-ray comparison pics in a thread asking how to trick the TB X-ray exam.

My point stands.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-07 15:43:00
Philippinestip for chest x-ray...

In case anyone dosn't know it already this was a joke :yes:
I just pulled it off of google images.

I doubt topics like this one are the proper place for a bit of joking.

There is already enough mis-information floating around in the Philippines regarding US Immigration, isn't there?

Besides, even if I knew of a foolproof way to hide evidence of TB from the medical screener why would I share that and possibly help a lot of people with active TB enter the US?

My step-mom had to endure the TB treatment when she immigrated from South Korea 30 years ago. It was for our safety. Why should it be any different today?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-07 12:25:00
Philippinestip for chest x-ray...

Posted Image chest xrays; before and after drinking 1/2 gallon of milk

If this is the same person then why are the bony structures not the same shapes?

If this is two different people then it demonstrates nothing.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-06 21:33:00
Philippinestip for chest x-ray...

Which means???

Mucous is many times less dense that scar tissue so it cannot mask scar tissue in x-rays. Does anyone really think the USCIS would rely on x-rays if it was that easy to fool them?

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-06 09:44:00
PhilippinesAny XOOM coupons lately?

Did you use the same card for your registration?

So far only once, we just alternate between a few debit cards!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-14 21:30:00
PhilippinesAny XOOM coupons lately?
We've just been creating new accounts & using LIBRE to get our first transaction for free!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-14 16:46:00
PhilippinesChildren at the Interview
Yes, our little guy was only 2 but his presence was required.

This is true of anyone applying for a Visa, they need to confirm that the Passport & the Visa application are indeed for the same person.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-15 13:34:00
PhilippinesMen Your Thoughts On Filipina

If my bass-fishing club saw me post a photo like that, I would get kicked out of the club! :lol:

Probably but only after a vast majority of the other members petitioned (or supported said petition) the advisory council of their desire to have you removed.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-16 13:01:00
PhilippinesMen Your Thoughts On Filipina

Posted Image

Apparently a King Deposed... Did they ever let you back in?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-16 11:00:00
PhilippinesMen Your Thoughts On Filipina

this has to be a joke?

Sadly, no it's just TCO...
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-15 09:08:00
PhilippinesMen Your Thoughts On Filipina
I married Anna because I thought it would be fun to be the target of disapproving stares as we walked the mall hand-in-hand, our body language conveying the subtle hints at our intimate relationship and the gawkers assuming that she is far short her 25 years of age yet shares carnal knowledge with a man who is obviously a few years past 30!

Of course if you believe any of that then I have a bridge you really should purchase from me...

I've repeated our story a few times on VJ so all I'll say here is that you can't see any of the reasons I married her in her photos. You have to get to know her to understand why we love each other so much.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-14 16:42:00
PhilippinesWife as Joint Owner of Credit card account
Yes, make sure you're not an just an Authorized but actually Joint Account Holder.

Also you can apply here for your own card, my wife got approved with no Credit History and no Job!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-18 21:34:00
Philippines10 year greencard?

Yes, you can divorce and still stay in USA. After 3 years, depending on what Visa you arrived in USA you can apply for Citizenship.

Nope, you are wrong on that... If the marriage terminates before 3 years then she'll have to wait 5 years from the date of her first Greencard issuance to apply for citizenship.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 08:17:00
PhilippinesQuestion about entering USA on K1-Visa

its actually only for filipinas leaving the Philippines

Um, yeah... Well really no that's wrong...

CFO is for an Filipino (male or female) leaving the Philippines. OFW are also required to go through the process although it's a bit different.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-21 14:38:00
PhilippinesQuestion about entering USA on K1-Visa
Does she have the CFO sticker?

You're aware of the Travel Tax (approx 1,600Php) that she'll have to pay unless it is included in her ticket purchase.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-18 15:24:00
Philippinesone it enough proof?

as much as he wanted come and visit but we all knew that it wasn't easy for them to get a time off from work. we had a lot of pictures together and with my family and we always talk on skype so i can use that also as a proof:)

Number of visits, length of relationship etc are all very consulate/country specific.

In the Philippines maintaining consistent communications despite the separation is the biggie.

While not a K-1 our case had a few things other countries would consider red flags:

  • We met online Oct 8/9 2008
  • First meeting in person was Jan 16 2009
  • We married on Jan 20 2009
  • I filed the I-130 On April 20 2009
Only 1 meeting in person and we got married right away!

We had no problems with the process, she landed in Chicago on Nov 25 2009!

During the whole time we maintained daily contact. She carried proof of this with her to her interview. they never even questioned it.

I have heard of the COs in Manila asking for proof of communication but unless there is something fishy about the documents presented they generally ask very few questions.

Edited by Bob 4 Anna, 23 March 2011 - 08:44 AM.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-23 08:41:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

While some people in here have offered some good advice, what many are forgetting is that I love my wife. After reading many of the responses, I get the impression that many of you view bringing a wife over from the Philippines is more a business arrangement than an act of love between the man & woman. If I didn't love my wife and simply viewed it as a business arrangement, I would have had her sent back to the Philippines well over a year ago.

What you're overlooking is the fact that manipulation of this scale is nothing short of an act of war.

Who declares war on someone they love?

She has declared war on you, what does that say?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-24 09:20:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

It took me a while, and people told me - there must be something wrong with you that you have this problem with manipulators in your life. Wow, were they right.

The problem was ME. I kept saying THEM THEM THEM. How can I change THEM. What can I do about THEM.

Well, the only thing you can change is yourself. You can't change them. It is counter-intuitive maybe that if you have a problem with a manipulator then there is something wrong with you.

Normal people avoid nasty people. That's why this is so simple to them. You dump her and get a decent woman. But no, you insist on living with Frankenstein.

Frankenstein is not going through a phase. Sure, she might stick with you. But she'll still be Frankenstein. If she leaves you she'll be Frankenstein with them too.

You have to give up this futile belief that she is going through a phase and that you can change her. That's what is wrong with you.

Yep to that, I had a friend who seemed to always be getting screwed over by her friends and I really didn't understand that as she seemed like such a nice person.

Then one day I realized that she was trying to work her way in between myself and my daughters, to convince us that our family relationship was broken and she could fix us as a family. Then I looked closely at her current husband whom I only just recently really gotten to know [as she had kept us at arms length by convincing me that he was horrible and I didn't want to know him].

Suddenly I was asking all of the wrong questions of her and now I was trying to screw her over!

It turned out that she was creating the chaos in her life and burning every friendship she ever had. This caused me to re-evaluate my friendships and I let a lot of people drift out of my life in the following year.

I'm an advocate of giving someone a chance, it's possible they just don't realize what they're doing. Surely there has to be a limit to that though and if it becomes clear that they are unwilling to accept that they are wronging you then why are you going to hang around and let it continue.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-12-13 14:06:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

Please hold on a sec Bob....
How bout this..What if..Gilles has been twisting the truth to garner good ideas on how to get control? .What if..Her desire to help her family is due to the dire situation their in...Gilles doesn't care....Gilles was managing his finances before she got here and now he wants a pay raise? Perhaps.. they made an arrangement/ understanding that she would get a job and take the responsibility of providing for her family on her own shoulders and not his.....etc...
There seems to be some compromises made on her part already but Gilles is not yet satisified. Gilles wants everything his way when it comes to the ....everything?

Just a thought...the more Gilles posts the more questions come up in my mind about his true intent.

That very well may be the case but we only have what info is presented to go on.

Also, if your potential scenario is in fact the truth then Divorce would be a welcome relief for her and disaster for Gilles has he failed to maintain control over her.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-16 17:12:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

She says if I don't agree to this plan, she'll go to "plan B", but won't tell me what that is.

Tell her that you're already at "Plan D - Divorce".

Seriously, you've given it every chance that you could and several that you shouldn't have.

Getting interested in her religion won't help, she doesn't follow it anyway.

Is she treating you like someone who loves & cares about you?

Tell her if she wants the house then she'll have to pay the mortgage otherwise she can opt for a cheaper apartment so she might still be able to afford to send money back home.

Don't invest money in her education, if she wants it then she can pay for it.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-16 12:37:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses
Quoting Bible Verses will not resolve these issues.

She won't listen to someone from outside the relationship except her family back home who are a part of the problem.

She won't listen to her husband.

She doesn't want to contribute to the marriage.

Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-11 08:16:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

Then what would you do if your SO handled money in an irresponsible manner as my SO does?

At this point it's more than just being irresponsible with money...

She's manipulating & being untruthful to you.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2010-11-09 16:15:00
PhilippinesWall Plugs in Philippines 110 or 220

If I was the recipient in Philippines (and I was there in PI to sign for it) and my wife shipped it to me via Fed X, Do you think they would waive customs and duty if I told them it was for personal use?

Nope, you'll still have to pay the import duty. Been there done that...

By the time you pay the import duty & shipping most of your savings will be eaten-up then add the fact that the Warranty on a US purchased device can't be serviced (as in get the item repaired or replaced) in the Philippines.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-25 11:51:00
Philippinesreason for failed k-1 interviews

What counts as fake documents? I mean copies of originals aren't fake are they? I'm just curious because I want to hang on to the original financial documents so that I can use them again if we pass the interview. Is that a bad idea?

Copies are not fakes. Fakes are forged or containing false information.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-01 07:55:00
Philippinesreason for failed k-1 interviews
Using a "Fixer" and having fake documents instead of spending the time to get the real documents (and any corrections that might be needed).

No matter how much document problems you have always spend the time & money to get all issues resolved legally and submit official authentic documents. Fixers might look cheaper and probably will be a lot quicker but what is the value of a passed interview vs a lifetime ban for material misrepresentation (which is what can happen if fake documents are presented at any time during the process)?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-31 08:50:00
PhilippinesWhy are all one-way flights Phil to SFO $1000?
High season for tourists to the Philippines?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-01 23:42:00
PhilippinesMailing a cell phone to the Phil

verizon rarely uses sim cards or gsm phones, but they do have some service plan that is atrocious.

Yer lass has a GSM phone, uses a sim card -
best thing to do is to get a SIM card from tmobile or verizon (the 2 carriers in the USA that USE sim cards and GSM phones)
then activate it when she leaves the airport in Manila.

AT&T has been using SIM cards ever since they converted to GSM like 6 - 7 years ago.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-01 23:44:00
PhilippinesMailing a cell phone to the Phil
I just sent an unactivated AT&T SIM to Anna a few weeks before her flight. While she was int he air I called AT&T and added a line for her, since I have the serial number of the SIM she had they were able to provision her line to that SIM. When she landed she had service using her iPhone.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-01 13:30:00
PhilippinesUS Embassy in Manila DNA

I would go ahead and have the child tested for DNA match for peace of mind. What would happen if you have prepared for those documents and waited for so long and when DNA test is actually required and there is no match?

I have peace of mind in regards to him being her child. Reasons why:
  • I trust my wife.
  • The birth certificate jives with the time frame of the child she thought was still born.
  • Carlo & Gabby look like twins.
  • The biological father's family stands to gain nothing and in fact risk losing Carlo after the process is done.
If the USEM would accept a DNA test from the same lab just ordered before they request it then we'd do it just to be ready for their request but they won't so the money would be wasted.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-08 16:29:00
PhilippinesUS Embassy in Manila DNA
Just to update everyone:

Yesterday we mailed the I-130 Petition for Gabby's big brother, Carlo!

Here's to hoping that we have a normal USCIS Petition process on this case.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-04-08 12:51:00
PhilippinesUS Embassy in Manila DNA

Have you thought about doing the DNA test for yourself, before filing any petitions with the USCIS.
If you believe that your father in law is capable of a still birth scheme, are you positive he's not masterminding immigration fraud now, instead?

In the best case, you would only need one set of tests with you being able to preview the results before sending it to the USCIS, (when requested.)


Just to clarify, when I say father I'm talking about the little boy's biological father. His family would gain nothing by us bringing the boy to the US. They are aware of the possibility of the Embassy requesting DNA.

Our original plan was to go ahead with the DNA testing but when we contacted the company used by the Embassy they suggested we wait for the interview as the Embassy won't accept results that we bring regardless of where we get the test done.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-25 08:03:00
PhilippinesUS Embassy in Manila DNA

Bob, I'm sure there is a totally separate procedure you'll have to go through in the Filipino Court system to "prove" parentage and refute the current birth certificate. I'd image the family courts in the Philippines will take at face-value the mother/father that are written on the birth certificate, and changing this would likely take some doing. Could you give us a thumb-nail version of that process?

Actually we just need to get the birth certificate corrected. In one place it lists my wife as having the last name of the father (which implies they were married) but everywhere else it lists her proper maiden name and the father even signed on the back to claim parentage of a child born out of wedlock.

We are fortunate that they didn't monkey around with the birth certificate too much.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 14:53:00
PhilippinesUS Embassy in Manila DNA
Wow is all I can say as we've researched this issue...

The DNA company has advised us to not send DNA results before the USEM requests it.

Anna has spent a lot of time on the phone with the father's Mom. Apparently the father told his family that Anna abandoned the baby! They as a family got together and fixed things so that they wouldn't have too much trouble raising him without Anna. Now the Mom (of the father) has discovered that the child is being mistreated so the family has thrown the father to the curb and her sisters are now caring for the child. She reached out to Anna in hopes that Anna has matured and wants her child.

The father's family has offered to provide affidavits to corroborate our story if we are asked for it along the way.

For the first time in his life the boy got to speak to his Mommy on the phone today. He is excited to come to America and live with his Mom & little brother!
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-21 15:52:00
PhilippinesUS Embassy in Manila DNA
We have a somewhat unique situation and are sure that the Embassy will want DNA results.

We are hoping that we might be able to provide the DNA results prior to or at the interview. If someone can point us in the right direction we'd be most grateful.

Since I don't like cryptic topic lacking any relevant details I'll share the cliff notes of our situation.

3 years before Gabby was born Anna had a pregnancy that ended with a stillbirth at 8 months.

Just this week we found out that was not the case. It turns out the father's family paid-off the delivery staff to fake the stillbirth!

The father's Mom & Aunt have reached out tot Anna and asked if she would be interested in claiming her first son as they feel the father & his wife are mistreating the poor little guy.

Of course neither of us hesitated and are now beginning to gather the paperwork needed to correct his birth certificate, get him to her Mom & file to bring him to the US.

Naturally the Embassy & probably USCIS are going to be extra critical of this because in the filing for Anna & Gabby we had indicate that Gabby was her only child (as we believed that at the time).

We plan to present both the original (false) birth certificate and the corrected one to USCIS with the original petition and are hoping the Mom & Aunt of the father will provide affidavits of what happened to support our claim.

Since the Philippines is considered a High Fraud Country (and I've heard of people faking documents attempting to bring cousins, nieces/nephews or even siblings to the US) we're trying to be as ready as possible and want to introduce DNA results as soon in the process as possible.

Any info would be appreciated.
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines2011-03-18 11:48:00