USCIS Service CentersVSC !-129F August filiers?

Just wondering if there are any other people who filed to VSC in August that still haven't received their NOA2? We had our NOA1 on 26th August but still no word. I've been waiting very patiently for some time now and am wondering if there's anyone else out there in the same boat? My patience is starting to wear thin!

You can find the answer to your question by checking the Immigration Timeline link that is at the top of the page.
Then click on Processing Status: Igor's List

From there, select Vermont from the dropdown to get this listing.
Scroll down, and you can see everyone still waiting.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-17 16:33:00
USCIS Service CentersWill Centers Operate During Government Shutdown

It would appear as though the federal government is headed toward a path of shutdown. I know we pay fees for our petitions and some suggest it is fully funded by these fees, but does anyone know for sure if the service centers will remain working on petitions should the federal government shutdown?

Quoted from this article:

"Hundreds of thousands of visa and passport applications went unprocessed as some passport agencies shut down while others operated with minimal staff."

Referring to what happened the last time the government shut down.
Not very specific, but... not exactly hope insipiring.

Edited by TwoCats, 21 February 2011 - 03:52 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-21 15:51:00
USCIS Service CentersCalled USCIS for a consulate change request...
I'm starting to wonder about the 'disinformation line'.
A person in the January filers group mentioned calling regarding some extra information and being told they should get an NOA within 35 days.

Both what they were told, and what you were told, strikes me as someone on the phone just making up numbers.
Then again, I guess if these were /real/ I'd be quite surprised.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-08 09:07:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

In a word, no! I had the (pardon the expression) older swedish(?) female Doctor see me and she just did a quick "DC" down below and that was it.

I (the U.S. Fiancee) thought it was quite a weird thing, myself.
It made me a bit uncomfortable hearing about.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-09 14:25:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Copied here from Kata's experiences:

Had the medical today - getting there from nearby Surrey was easy. Had a little troublef inding the building, since the address doesn't point out that the '4' is referring to a room number within a bigger building, so I was looking for a building with a '4' on it. Handed over the paperwork, filled out another form, waited for a bit. They have water int he room - but it's warm.

Immunizations - turns out they didn't have the MMR when I was getting my first vaccinations so I had to get an MMR even though my GP thought I was up to date ( I actually had 1x MMR, 1x Measles). Oww needles. Oww money, too.

XRay - They have you stand in the most odd position to do this, arms by waist, shoulders rolled back to thrust your chest forward against the plate - oh, and as if doing all that at once isn't confusing enough, hold this heavy leather thing with only your thumbs.

Examination - They ask you a lot more questions than I was expecting, and so many of them are completely unrelated to the immigration requirements. I got dietary advice, fitness advise, an eye exam, heart and lung exam, and even a physical check for testicular cancer. (Has anyone else had the doctor offer this?) There was also a height and weight check and a blood test. The doctor made conversation about where I was going and made a few polite inquires about my fiancee, too.

All in all, it was a pleasant enough experience. The staff is all quite friendly and eager to help.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-08 09:40:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Do you have some pre-existing psychological condition that is making you think they might need that information from you?
If so, you could have the doctor who treated you in the past write up your treatment, and current status.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-18 13:45:00
United KingdomPOE - Dublin?
My fiance' had been mentioning about using Dublin as a POE. It's good to know for the future.
Thanks for the info.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-14 14:10:00
United KingdomLondon Interview Dates
In the previous years, there's been a 'The YYYY United Kingdom Interview Thread'.
Perhaps one of the people waiting on interviews in this year could start up the 2011 version of this thread? That way some of us waiting the long wait for interview-time ourselves can read your stories and share your successes?

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-21 09:24:00
United KingdomMedical Exam
As far as I'm aware, there's no internal exam. Some people have reported the doctors taking a quick 'peek' down below just to verify that you are the gender you say you are. They take a chest x-ray, a blood sample, and do your vitals like blood pressure, etc. They are generally only worried about communicable diseases or certain mental health conditions.

If there is a mental health issue, or any other kind of health condition, best get documentation from the doctor about the condition. In mental health, it might be a good idea to get a letter detailing treatments, current status, and a note that they are not a threat to themselves or others. For other health conditions, just some documentation from the GP about it.

Basically, if you answer 'yes' to anything on this sheet:
http://photos.state....etter.pdf<br />
Then you should have documentation to explain it. (The instructions tell you this, too!)

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-24 11:10:00
United KingdomAnyone else have issues receiving packet 3?

This was the problem. They said there was nothing in their system stating my package 3 was due to be sent or anything..very strange.. no I havent called DOS.. what and where is that..

Thanks for your help.

Try this link for instructions.

Also, copied/edited from another thread:

1. NOA2 Approved and sent to US Petitioner's address.
2. Call DOS after NOA2 to find out LND case number.
3. Make and attend a medical appointment.
4. Call DOS weekly until they notify you that "packet 3" has been sent.
5. Send in "packet 3" forms.
6. Call DOS again to find out if interview has been scheduled.

Edited by TwoCats, 08 February 2011 - 10:07 AM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-08 10:04:00
United Kingdomany UK/US threads?
I'm not so sure about the spouse visas, but I know of at least two other couples besides myself doing the K-1 that just started the process. Kata (my fiance') just went back to the UK on Monday, so it's a bit lonely looking down that long pipe towards getting a visa. Trying to stay hopeful, though!
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-06 12:43:00
United KingdomTo cut or not to cut...
My father is a first-generation American (Naturalized), and has said during a discussion once about it that he isn't cut. I discussed this once with my parents, not because I was looking for their opinion, but because my family doesn't have any taboo subjects when it comes to dinner discussions. Trust me, it makes for a lot of odd conversations. Anyways, I get the impression that my mother insisted on my brother being circumcised, but I don't know for sure. When we talked about it, she raised the issue of two people she knew having to get it done as adults. It's a fair guess that the amount of adult complications needing one done is probably close to the amount of complications for infants getting it done.

I've experienced both 'worlds' so to speak throughout my dating years, and really I don't see that big of a difference. No guy who was uncut that I've talked to amongst my friends has ever had an issue growing up with being 'different'. Most guys just don't look that closely at another dude's #######. I decided early on that it's an unnecessary surgery, so if I ever have boys, I won't be getting it done.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-10 08:06:00
United KingdomI-134 Questions.

Hey Everyone,

Sorry if this has been asked or covered somewhere else in the forum. I just wanted to ask about the signature portion at the bottom of the I-134, when you highlight over the small "typable" section it says "Enter Relationship" I wasn't sure what I need to put there. Its the line right after the part about the SS act and the Food Stamp act. Also, one last inquiry. For my co-sponsor, in the section where my fiance's information goes it asks "Relationship to Sponsor" Do I keep this as "Fiance" because I'm the sponsor and it isn't asking about the Co-sponsors relationship? Or is it intended for the co-sponsor's relationship? :help:

Thanks so much to anyone with this small information.

I'm not sure about co-sponsors, but I think that blank line that says Enter Relationship is erroneous.
The example forms here on VJ don't even have that line.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-18 15:47:00
United KingdomCant find my Vaccination Records
(I'm the UK partner) I had this exact same problem. A Scot who's moved to England, and had been given the runaround by people while trying to just find out if I had the TDAP and MMR jabs up to date.
I first asked my doc, who passed me to the nurse, who passed me to the receptionist, who passed me to the reception manager, who passed me to some immunisation office for England, who passed me to two different offices in Scotland, one of which was a dead number, and the other was a wrong number (A dentist :D )
Eventually, I went in and spoke to a different doctor, and explained the wild goose chase I had been sent on - he said he'd pull my physical records and three days later, I got a phone call telling me that I could pick up a copy as soon as I could come in.

Speak to your doc and explain the problem, then ask them to get your physical records sent, and it should have what you need (hopefully).

You do not need MMR to have been administered in the last 10 years, but you do need the TDAP in the last 10 years. Neither is hazardous to get even if you are well immunised already.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-28 14:05:00
United KingdomPacket 3

Not a specific answer, but this might help.

It's something I put together for UK K1s.

Bookmarking that.
Thank you!
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-02 17:01:00
United Kingdomi-864 for K-1 visa


I was wondering what the deal is with the Affidavit of Support. My finace and I have a bit of a strange
situation where he (the US citizen) is a student and so he doesn't meet the income requirements.
However I (the fiance - UK citizen) have $ in savings. I am intending to continue in my career in the US once I arrive and therefore I will probably be the breadwinner. On the instructions it states:

If certain conditions are met, the intending immigrant's income can help you meet the income requirement. If the intending immigrant is your spouse, his or her income can be included if it will continue from the same source after he or she obtains lawful permanent resident status.

I'm not sure quite how I can 'prove' that my income will continue from the same source as when I arrive I wont be working at first? I'm hoping that if I can show I have
approx. three times as much as what it typically required for the minimum annual salary in savings this will be sufficient??

Anyways we are nowhere near me even being in the US, but I just want to know up front if this is going to be a problem for us. Any advice would be much appreciated!!!

I think the problem you have is the I-864 is what you need at AOS.
You need the I-134 for the K-1. Since at the time of the K-1, you won't be spouses, I don't /think/ you can use your own income to sponsor. Your US fiance would need to get a co-sponsor if they don't meet the requirements for the I-134.

(not 100% sure)

Edited by TwoCats, 10 March 2011 - 01:53 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-10 13:52:00
United KingdomMedical

Hi got Noa2 so very happy left phone in wrong room so didn't get phone call in middle of night from my darling what I would like to know from Brits is what do I need to take to medical like do I need to have a lettle from my doctor saying of any illness and do I pay fees for interview at Embassy before or at the interview thanks for any help

Make sure you update your timeline, it still doesn't show your NOA2.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-11 09:00:00
United KingdomUK vaccinations require
UK Vaccination Requirements: http://photos.state....accinechart.pdf

Yes, MMR and Td/Tdap are the ones you should get done before. They are the major ones required in the UK.
Not sure how much they cost, you'd have to ask your GP.

Check out this as well: http://photos.state....ical_letter.pdf
There is a sheet at the end you have to fill out.
You are supposed to provide details for anything you mark as 'yes'.

Edited by TwoCats, 28 March 2011 - 03:19 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-28 15:19:00
United Kingdomgetting a cheap flight?
1. You may want to search for round-trip flights, even if you plan on going one-way. Sometimes they are cheaper. Just make sure you cancel the return flight once you get into the U.S.
2. Decide if you want a direct flight or can deal with stops. That makes a difference in cost.
3. Go directly to the airline websites, don't use general search sites. They usually have fees built in and don't give you all the available options.

Some rates I found:
American right now is $829.10 for a round-trip with a layover in Chicago. (Over $1150 for a one-way)
United has a $828.50 flight also round-trip with a Chicago layover.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-30 10:45:00
United KingdomBrits in Indiana/Illinois
We'll be living around Chicago, as of later this year (hopefully).
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-08 09:44:00
United KingdomVaccinations - 10 year validity?
You should be able to get the TDaP booster on the NHS if it's 10 years since your last one - UK guidelines state that you can have it every 10 years until you've had 5 shots, at which point you are immune.
This should be free, just ask for an appointment.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-23 18:37:00
United KingdomVaccinations - 10 year validity?
Having just been to this medical - I can say you require a TDaP in the last 10 years - and you need to have had 2*MMR - I got caught here as I'd had a measles shot, and 1*MMR, so had to get the extra MMR at the medical. (£35 charge)
You also need to have had chicken pox - they'll accept an oral history on this, but do tell the truth, adult chicken pox is bad stuff.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-23 06:42:00
United KingdomI-94 form
If you can't track it down, you may have to look into this:
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-18 10:21:00
United KingdomUSC attending the interview
Just wondering if you managed to get an earlier appointment, HelloJulie, since anything to cut some waiting time off when we get to that stage would be great :D
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-08 18:19:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

I called DOS yesterday and the guy I spoke to said the interview has not been scheduled yet, thought everything has been logged in ok. I wonder how long this will take. Anyone in the same shoes? I might have to call them

In the same boat, ourselves.
Everything logged in, just waiting...
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-16 15:51:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
Supposedly our packet 3 was checked in yesterday.
I'm going to have Kata call and double check that again today, though.

The woman he talked to yesterday was apparently a bit snide to him about the whole thing.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-16 08:54:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
So. Packet 3 sent in on June 1st.
Medical was June 7th.
They said the results should be at the embassy by Friday.

Waiting on an interview date...
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-08 13:19:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
We just sent in our packet 3 today.
Kata has his medical on Tuesday.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-01 14:07:00
United KingdomRidiculous objectification of our SOs thread
On the topic of accents. My best friend and I once asked my fiance' just to read us words from the dictionary, because that way we could both swoon to random things said in a sexy Scottish accent. And sometimes I con him into saying random things like 'ach aye lass' and snicker inwardly when he mutters things like '#######' 'bollux' or 'balls' rather than swearing. Oh, and his accent gets thicker when he's drunk, which is just an extra incentive to buy him plenty of booze (although he insists all American bear is 'piss').

Alas, I think he has darker skin than me. Mine has been bleached white by the radiating glow of a computer monitor.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-09 10:50:00
United KingdomWhat is your interview date @ London Embassy?
Got our interview date.
July 21st.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-17 15:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 requirements - financial proof

Hi all,
i am new to the site and am hoping that i can get some seemingly rare advice on whether my K1 visa application will go through. i will try to explain my situation and concerns as best as possible.
My Fiance is a US citizen, and i am a UK citizen. We met over a year ago and have been visiting each other numerous times for the last 14 months. however, my fiance only filed her divorce about 4 months ago. she was not with her husband, however the divorce didn't go through until then. so the first question is should we state that we were just friends up until that point? or will they not be concerned about this detail?

This is a similar situation to mine, actually. My current fiance' and I were actually together while my ex-husband and I were separated. I think this is a perfectly normal thing to happen.

What I did was explain when the separation/breakdown of my previous marriage happened as part of the 'Have you met in the past two years' question. Then went ahead and used the visits/meetings during that timeframe that were before the divorce. I don't think you should have a problem. Just be honest!

also, we are concerned about the proving of salary part / financial proof part of the K1. i have a degree in engineering and a very well paid job here in the UK, and she has been working at a coffee shop as a manager for 7 years. the questions are, how much does she need to prove she earns to 'support' just me and her in america? i think this is ridiculous because with my experience i will be able to get a job over there to support us both, but after reading things on here, it seems important for the US citizen to be financially stable.
also, she has medical bills and some other debts in her name currently. will this cause problems with the application?

also i am just looking for any advice or cautions people might have with doing this and getting it approved.

Thanks a lot guys.

You can find the poverty guidelines here:
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-11 10:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK ACPO Certifiacte
You are correct - it is the ACPO certificate (see below).
Here is the site for getting a UK police certificate: http://www.acpo.poli...ertificates.asp
It is good for one year, but usually you want to get it when you have your NOA2.
I'm not sure how long it takes to get to you.

Edited by TwoCats, 13 January 2011 - 02:33 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-13 14:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionusing savings for affidavit of support?
I haven't been able to find any documentation of using assets for the I-134. Perhaps someone else might be able to find that information. However, I was able to find this in the instructions for the I-864, which you will need to adjust status once you are married.

This is from the I-864 instructions:

"In order to qualify based on the value of your assets, the total value of your assets must equal at least five times the difference between your total household income and the current poverty guidelines for your household size. However, if you are a U.S. citizen and you are sponsoring your spouse or minor child, the total value of your assets must only be equal to at least three times the difference. If the intending immigrant is an alien orphan who will be adopted in the United States after the alien orphan acquires permanent residence, and who will, as a result, acquire citizenship under section 320 of the Act, the total value of your assets need only equal the difference."


"Only assets that can be converted into cash within one year and without considerable hardship or financial loss to the owner may be included. The owner of the asset must include a description of the asset, proof of ownership, and the basis for the owner's claim of its net cash value."
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-24 16:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk1 approval today :)

Got my approval for my k1 visa in london yaaaaay thanks for all the help
Everyone has gave us along the way :) ill put a review up later on

When you get a chance, could you write up a review of your experiences?
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-16 11:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interview time

where did you hear this 2 week interview idea from?im pretty much at the point of getting ours booked.....would be good if it was true?

1. Go to the Immigration Timeline link.
2. Click on View K-1 Visas [ Advanced View ]
3. Select country filter: United Kingdom
4. Sort by 'Packet 4 Received'.

Note the difference between that date and interview date.
Also noted comment:
"they didn't give us 1 month notice - they have us 1 week notice for the interview date!"
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-18 14:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interview time

I was just wondering what everyones experience of sending the readiness form and the time before they got an interview date?

I just sent pack 3 back and am gathering the information ready to send the readiness form and just wondering if its worth sending the readiness form before I have all the paperwork?

Since someday in the far distant future, my beloved and I might get an interview in London, I'd been looking at what the turn-around times were for the interview dates. I'd be a bit careful. Some people have gotten /really/ short amounts of notice recently out of London, sometimes less than two weeks. You might be better off waiting until you have what you need before sending it off, just incase.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-18 14:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Exam in K1 Visa
What? :blink:


Apparently someone else suggested this in another thread.
Although it seems a bit of a strange suggestion.

The x-ray is a test for TB, as far as I'm aware.
If you have TB, there's nothing that drinking any combination of liquids is going to do to help you.
If you don't, then you should be fine.

There really isn't any need for any specialized drink.
And I doubt it has any effect.

Edited by TwoCats, 23 February 2011 - 09:22 AM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-23 09:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccination Records for UK medical
The two major vaccinations you need is the Td/Tdap, and the MMR (for your age group).
See requirements here: http://photos.state....accinechart.pdf

I believe that vaccinations aren't strictly required at the time of the K-1 visa, but you need them for the AOS.
If you do not get them now, you will HAVE to get them in the U.S.

Many people in the UK get them done by their GP to save them money.
You can also get them done /at / the medical, but they are quite expensive.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-23 15:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioni-134 questions

I thought it was, for 2 people (him and myself) earnings of 19k a year or 3 times that in savings/assets? Is there any information anywhere I could look at? I looked at the instructions that go with the form but I didn't find them very helpful.


Ahh, okay, that's where your number is from.
It's $18,387 for a household of two.

If he can't meet that amount with his income, then it is that amount ($18,387 - <his income>) multiplied by three (3) to get the amount you need in savings to cover the rest. I do not believe that for a K-1 you can actually use the beneficiaries assets/earnings, but I'm not 100% sure.

Is there anyone who could co-sponsor if you still don't meet the requirements?
I don't think a retirement account matters.
It has to be income/assets that can easily be turned into cash.

Edited by TwoCats, 24 March 2011 - 01:35 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-24 13:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioni-134 questions

My USC finance is self employed, doesn't have enough income yet and is unsure whether he has enough in savings for the i-134 form. However, I have savings in my country, which when combined with his savings would put us over the required $60k mark. Can we use my savings (which are in my sole name) to qualify or must it all be in his name in the US? Also, he does have a retirement account, could he use that as evidence of savings?
Thank you.

$60k mark? (Huh? $60k would be like, a household size of 11)
How big is your household size?

How much does he make, and how much does he have in savings?

Edited by TwoCats, 24 March 2011 - 01:00 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-24 12:59:00