K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

No, have not been able to online yet. Still waiting on my paper copy in the mail.

I would guess you'll get your hardcopy on Friday or Saturday.
We got our e-mail notification early on a Tuesday morning and got hardcopy on Saturday.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-26 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Updated a few people's posted NOA1 dates on the group timeline.
Quite happy with how the separate VSC/CSC pages are working.

Still irritated that we can't check our online status.
Has /anyone/ at CSC been able to yet?

I think I picked out a really pretty middle-ages looking wedding dress, and Kata even agreed that he would wear a kilt for the wedding! :rofl: Only problem is, his surname doesn't have an official tartan, so we need to ask his family what they tend to use.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-26 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Hey u all, we new on VJ and we also january filers.

Good luck to everybody!

You mention in your timeline when your hardcopy was received.
But your actual NOA1 date is the notice date on the hardcopy.
What date was that?
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

PS... With so much time on the work computer :whistle: if anyone is interested I posted the story of how we met on the About Me section on my profile.
The story also explains why we have matching cockroach tattoos ;)

That's actually a really sweet story.

Ours is much more simple, and complex, I guess. We met online through a text-based game. For those who have no idea what I mean, it's basically like writing fiction, except you each write for your own character. We were just really good friends for a long time until my marriage started breaking down. He actually tried to help me save my marriage, which is kind of funny looking back on it now. When the ex and I decided to finally call it quits, he was there for me through everything and it just kind of went from there. I found out later that he'd been in love with me since 2006 (when my ex and I had started dating). He even showed me a blog entry he made lamenting how there was this amazing girl far away that he really wished he could fight for, but that he wasn't even sure she felt the same way he did. Stuff like that. It was really heartwarmingly sweet.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Okay guys.
If you had the group googledoc bookmarked, please update it to this one instead.
I added individual CSC/VSC tabs in the spreadsheet.

Don't update the CSC/VSC pages, please! They are generated from the main page with everyone. So if you make a change there, it goes across to the other pages as well.

Edited by TwoCats, 25 January 2011 - 03:56 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

We set our date for October and my wedding dress has been ordered! :blush: I couldn't wait to go dress shopping :P However, it very soon became a chore. Trying on 50 dresses is a workout i tell ya! haha.
My bridesmaids and myself even picked out there dresses too. We'll order those in March or April.

P.s. Are any of you suppose to be working right now?? I see like 7 people on this page. I don't know about you but i'm struggling more and more with keeping my focus on work. Even though my boss is so awesome I'm having troubles keeping focused. Somehow knowing that I'm done, and that Canada wont be my home much longer, sure does force me to have to MAKE myself work! :whistle:

Due to my diet, and the expectation that I'll loose 20-30lbs before my wedding, I can't really order a dress right now.
I've bookmarked a couple of sites, though.

And yes, I am at work.
I'm kind of a private person, so actually most of my office doesn't even know I'm divorced, much less engaged. :whistle:
Luckily as long as I get my work done my boss doesn't care.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
I agree.
We're just getting started, so keeping a positive attitude is the key to making it through the journey.
I've been thinking about dresses myself. My last wedding I just wore a women's suit (yeah, lame, I know).
I'm hoping to actually get some sort of dress this time.
I'm thinking of trying to get something from the renaissance faire they have up in Wisconsin.
I doubt I'll be able to get Kata into a kilt, though. Scottish as he is, he's not into wearing skirts. :whistle:
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Added JayH and Donna & Jeff to the list!
Welcome everyone.

I sent out messages to some of the people who already had NOA1s who weren't part of the group, inviting them to join us. So we may see some people trickling in through that.

I'm actually feeling a little encouraged about California. The number of petitions they seem to be churning out is really pretty good right now, so I'm hopeful that their times will get shorter as we go along in the wait. They even approved a September person yesterday! So they're moving up in months.

As for Vermont, alas... I really pray that they start approving faster for all of those waiting.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!


Jennifer & I are January filers.

I know it's been passed to Vermont & we've had an email about that, but that's all we know.

We're still very new to all this so we're trying to get our heads around the complexities!! :unsure:

Do let us know how to be involved with this forum as we're keen to contribute to this community & share experiences with those in the same position.

Best wishes,

Paul + Jennifer (& Cha-Cha the dog)

Welcome to the January filers!
Is the 20th the date you got the e-mail?
If so, you might want to wait until you get your NOA1 hardcopy or you can access the online system.
That will give you your actual NOA1 date.

It's a little confusing, but we're all in the same boat and more than willing to lend a hand with questions.
Adding you to our list as we speak.
You can find the list of everyone in this thread using the link in my signature.
It's publically updatable, so you can edit your own journey.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Welcome to January 2011 Filers!!! I think were the best group cause we have wonderful folks who support one another! Most of all we have TwoCats!! Thanks Twocats for all of your efforts! I know we all appreciate it!


Trust me, it's theraputic to me to have /something/ to do while waiting.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

I dont know if im a december or january filer since we sent our packet in December and received the NOA 1 notification through email January 4 and NOA 1 hard copy date is January 3. :wacko:

ANyways! Hope to join both this thread.

Good Luck everyone and hope to get all our approvals in time! :dance:

Yep, that makes you a January filer.
It's based on your NOA1 Notice date.
So welcome to the January Filers!

We sent our packet Jan 13, 2011 until now no check cashed yet..Huhhuhu! :( :crying: what take them so long..We are now worry, but we are sure with the address and it was delivered smoothly. :( :( :(

California is being a little slow getting out NOA1 e-mails and hardcopies right now.
Which I've jokingly said is the trade-off for faster processing time.

Sent our package two days ago, but sadly it is only going priority so it'll be a few more days before it arrives. Sent to Dallas lockbox.

Added you to our list!

As we get closer to the end of the week, those who are filing after Thursday of this week will probably end up being February filers.
They might sneak into our group by NOA1, but we're coming down to the end of our month soon!

Signed it - sealed it - shipped it!

We received our NOA1 at 3am Monday morning Texas time via E-mail. USCIS have packed us of to the dreaded VSC!

Nevertheless! Can't wait for this process to get a move on so I can be with my Princess!

Hey guys. Welcome!
The e-mail isn't your actual NOA1 date.
If you can look up your case online, you should see a date they received it. That's your NOA1.
If not, then it will be the Notice Date on your hardcopy.
It should be a few days earlier. So let us know when you get that!


I think I have the entire list updated.
Lots of posts to catch up with for 6am in the morning.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 07:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

OK, this is just the picky developer in me, but where was the open tag for your rant? :-)

I'm a coder, too.
And my open tag was ignored in favor of random nonsense and silliness.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-24 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I guess i would like NOA2 by August really at the latest. That gives it 7 months. Surely ill get it before then?!

Ideally, I'd love to be able to get a Halloween wedding, but I don't think that'll be possible with the courthouse. But I'd really like to get him here by November. We've got big local events we'd love to go to that he had to miss out on last year.

At the very latest, I'd really want him here before February.

I have family members who are getting married then, and I they don't care for me much as it is without adding to the problem by imposing our wedding date too close to theirs. Yes, they are that petty. I was told a year ago I was going to be a bridesmaid for their wedding, and now I'm apparently not because I've pissed off the bride-to-be who used to live with me (for free mind you, when she had no place else to go) by asking if I could cook dinner instead of waiting two hours for her to get home and cook every night, and refusing to let her dictate who could visit my house (aka my fiance'). </endrant>
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-24 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
The longest we've gone so far is 4-5 months without seeing each other. Right now, looking at 6+ months is a very scary thing. I really want to get out there to visit him during the waiting period, but there is this huge project I'm involved with at work and between the development and testing phases, we may not be anywhere near done until the end of May, early June. And since I'm kind of the go-to, must-be-here- person for the whole project, I'm stuck.

So I'm trying to put in extra effort to get this project moving so that I can be ahead of schedule and hopefully be able to have a week's time where I could squeeze in a vacation somewhere.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-24 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Ahh Mondays.
Welcome to another week in the wait!

I'll only start worrying about the online access at CSC if someone /after/ us starts being able to. At that point, I might get a little bit irked.

Things have been a little harder for me this past weekend. My SO's landlord is a <insert expletive for donkey here> and told him the place he lives had good internet. Apparently one of the superiors in the company that rents his flat informed him that he was never supposed to claim it had working internet, and it hasn't for over a year. The landlord also agreed to let him out of his contract due to the issues with being lied to about the internet, and the superior said he had no ability to promise that either. Bleh. :angry: So we've been going all weekend only able to talk on Skype via his phone, which disconnects randomly. We weren't really able to do anything together we would normally do so it ended up being /boring/.

When we started this process, the two of us decided to go on a diet together (since we both could stand to lose some weight). So far, since submitting the packet, I've lost 13lbs. He's lost a few kgs but not sure exactly how much (he only started counting last week). Might be a long wait for us, but at least we're doing something to better ourselves, I guess. :blush:
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-24 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Added myself to the list :)

(hopefully correctly)

Looks like you did just fine!
Glad to see others figuring out the list.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-23 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Hey there,

We finally received our hardcopy NOA1 :D but when I tried to update your spreadsheet I was sent to a sign in page from google. I went to the speadsheet and pressed the edit button below but am not able to edit that sheet without signing in first. Of course I dont have account with google so either I can make one or is there some other way of just editing without having account?


Sorry about that, guys!
It seems that Googledocs lies! Evil google.
Anyways, the issue should be fixed. I tested it myself this time.
You should be able to get in and edit even if you don't have google.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-23 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Added our two newest January filers to the list.
Just a reminder to everyone, you can check our 'group' timeline using the links in my signature.
You can also edit it whenever you want to add information like NOA1s, touches, etc.

I wish California would get off their butts and start putting applications in the online system.
I guess that's the trade off... VSC is taking longer in general, but California is lagging on inputting things.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-23 14:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

sooooo, im new do i do this? :D i do not know how to make timelines..but we filed 1/03/2011.. already got our NOA1 hardcopy 1/13/2011..notice date on it was 1/06/2011.. waiting for NOA2 now, hoping it will come super soon..i wish anyway :D hello to all!!

Click on the link from the menu bar titled "Immigration Timelines".
Then, under Timeline Functions, click on Edit / Add my Timeline.

From there, you should be able to add your information.
I'm adding you to our January filers list, but you really want to have the VJ timeline filled out, too.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-23 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Hi! Thanks for the quick reply! I hope i get it back in the mail this week. One more question, did you guys sent a personal check? Coz i sent a cashier's check the first time and i don't know if it really matters what kind of check. I just don't want any mistakes anymore :no:

We sent ours as a personal check.
It was actually the 'starter' checks that I got when I opened the account.
I worried a bit about using them, but it went through fine.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-22 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Added MelandDavid to our list of January filers, welcome!
Tentetively leaving off Marc&Ner just incase they don't get their case back in time to join January.

Let me know if I missed anyone.

Does anyone know where a link is to a breakdown in fees for the entire K1, interview, AOS process? I know some info should be floating around, I just can find it. Thanks for the help.

I-129F Fee: $340
Vaccinations: Varies
Medical Fee: Varies (in the UK it's 200gbp)
Police Certificate Cost: Varies
Other required documents: Varies
Visa Fee: $350
Marriage License Cost: Varies
Wedding Cost: Varies
I-485 AOS: $1070
I-751 ROC: $590

I think this covers most things.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-22 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

thanks so much! I thought for some reason that was possible with the receipt number, but I guess all you can check for is NOA1 and NOA2. I don't know if we even have our NOA1 hardcopy yet as my fiancé's been on travel for work ever since early January and might not be flying back home until the end of newt week.. But since they take so long to send the hardcopies I should fine right? And have the correct NOA1 date taken from the uscis website with the receipt number? Thanks again - you are such a HUGE help :thumbs: (L)

You need to sign up for an account.
It doesn't cost anything to do, so you might as well. Then add your case number to your profile, and you'll get to see that data.
As long as you have the receipt date from the online status, you're fine.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-21 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Filed at the start of January, NOA1 date of 1/13/11. Here's hoping we all get some good news in the near future!

Welcome to the January Filers!
I went ahead and added you to our tracking sheet.
You can see the link in my signature.

You can access it at any time and update it with any new dates you get as you go through the process.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-21 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
I went ahead and updated the note on our google-doc spreadsheet to better explain where to find 'Touch' information. Hopefully this will keep it clear for others joining in later.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-21 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Hey guys!

This might be stupid question, but Im wondering how you know that your petition has been "touched"? is there something specific on the USCIS website if someone's fiddled our paperwork? I keep manically checking our petition reference number on the website to see if anything's changed and I should STOP.... thanks! -Eve (F)

When you log in (using an account) and you've got your case number showing, there is a date to the right of your case number that says 'Last Updated (mm/dd/yyyy)'. It will show you the last date that your case was accessed (ie. your last 'touch' date). It will change when your case has been 'Touched'.

:lol: So true. I cling to the smallest things and darn it, I wanna obsessively check our case status :P I'll wait for the hardcopy and if it's still not accessible, THEN I'll start worrying.

It's been almost a week since we got our hardcopy NOA1 from CSC and still no online status access. If someone else from CSC gets access to theirs, though, then I'll start worrying over that. Until then, I'll just wait and assume I'm not the only CSCer checking multiple times a day to see if we're in the online system yet.

Edited by TwoCats, 21 January 2011 - 09:07 AM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-21 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Thats a great idea....although I'm not to good with all the computer stuff. So it may take me a while to figure out how to do things on here or any where else. :blink: :lol:
If computers were people I would do just fine. haha Thats why I love my job and it only requires minimal computer work. :D

Would you mind explaining some questions I might have in the future on how to navigate through this site? I think I have done alright but still figuring it out day by day.

Oh...we were sent to CSC also. I'm not liking the fact that we can't check on our status either. :( Wish CSC would do the same as VSC. Then we could see when we have been touched too. Its already going to be a long wait but not knowing anything or having anyway to check just sucks!!! Oh well, I'll keep hoping for fast results. :yes:

Thanks for all your hard work on this.

I don't mind answering questions on it.
Basically it works like any other spreadsheet.

You should be able to just use the edit button without logging in or anything, and just enter dates in the right columns.
The calculated fields are already set up, so once you enter dates, it should recalculate them.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-21 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

ima do that right know i got to get used to this site emm well i did but at the last minute i dropped the packet at the post office everything fell out :( and i tried looking for it but it wasnt there this passport pics were found but im not sure it went with the packet??? i sent it priority mail but nothing...

If you didn't submit that form, then you just have to wait for the hard copy NOA1. Keep checking your mailbox.
The worst that could happen is you missed something and they will send your packet back with an explanation of what needs to be fixed. You'd just have to fix the error and send it back out. So, one way or the other, just watch your mail-box.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

im so nervous we havent recieved anything yet :( from CSC no NOA1 not even an email goodness this proccess just started and im already getting really nervous...

You might want to put your timeline in your signature instead of each post.
Go under settings (upper right under your name) -> profile -> change signature.

And don't worry too much just yet. California does seem to be taking longer to mail out NOA1s and to send texts/emails.
Did you fill out the form to get a text/e-mail notification of acceptance?
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Can we hire you to work at the processing know how to get things done!!!

I'm a computer programmer. Stuff like this is 'fun' for me. :blush:

Let me know if you need help with the "countdown to NOA2" equation for excel <3

I ended up doing a count-up rather than a count-down.
Although if people would rather have 5months-(days they've been waiting) instead of seeing the days they've been waiting, I'm fine with that, too. I'll wait to see what some of the others think when they get around to logging in.

P.S. Those of you from Vermont who have your online status access might want to update your last 'Touched' date.

Edited by TwoCats, 20 January 2011 - 12:29 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I like it! When people are added or as a reminder every once in a while a post with the link, but I think it helps keep the forum cleaner and provide a summary to everyone that they can bookmark. My only suggestion would be perhaps down the road when we all get closer to NOA2, to add country and interview date and such data points, but there is PLENTY of time for that.

Went ahead and made the changes you suggested.
Amusing part is, the more changes, the more it starts looking like the timeline page.
Then again, this is just really for our little January support group.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Hey guys.
I was fiddling around with some other ways of keeping track of our user list and making it more friendly for everyone to update. What I came up with is using a shared googledocument that anyone who has access to the link can edit. (I'll moderate it for now so that no one screws with our data too much).

I'd love to embed the page into a message, but that functionality doesn't seem possible and probably for very good reasons (security wise). So it would have to stay as an outside link if we decide to go to this format instead of in-message.

Take a look at it and see if you'd rather have this, or just the in-message list we're using now.
Give me some feedback!


P.S. As an alternative, I could download this every now and again and upload it as an image for viewing in-thread if that's what people would like.

Edited by TwoCats, 20 January 2011 - 10:35 AM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Just fixing a few issues with the last time I posted the list.
Added a few people's service centers who had them in either their timeline or their profile.
Remember to update to the right service center when you know what it is on your timeline!! :thumbs:

@rebelliousheart : Glad you got your e-mail notification. Bet that takes a lot of the stress out of your wait for now.

As for us, I'm still wondering why it is taking so long for California to put cases in the online system.
Vermont seems to do it in a fairly timely manner, while Cali is lagging behind on it. Bleeeh.


INSTRUCTIONS: Click 'Reply' on the most recent version of this list. Make sure you are using the Rich Text Editor. Remove the QUOTE tags from the top and bottom of the list. Always use Courier New as the font with size [2].

NOA1 Date = Notice Date on your hardcopy NOA1, or date the online system claims it was received.
Last Touched = The most recent date shown when viewing your online status.

I-129F: January 2011 Applicants
UserName.............Sent.....CSC/VSC....NOA1.....Last Touched.....RFE........RFE Reply....NOA2..



Reiny and Carlos...01/05/11.....CSC....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Diana and Chris....01/10/11.....VSC....01/12/11.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Jen and Mario......01/10/11.....CSC....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Frank y Janeth.....01/11/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Mike & Allen.......01/12/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--

James and Oksana...01/15/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--

JP & Antje - Rejected. Waiting on re-file.

Edited by TwoCats, 20 January 2011 - 08:57 AM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Does anyone know... If they cashed the cheque, provided a Receipt Number and said they are sending the Receipt Notice (Form I-797), does that mean they will not be rejecting the forms but may be sending a request for more informtion if needed or do they still have to look over the forms and then if there is an error on them will send the whole thing back?

So I don't keep bugging everyone, is there a step by step that answers questions like that? Thx.

It means they accepted and are processing your packet.
So you should be fine for now.
You might still get an RFE at some point, but your packet wasn't rejected.

Since you're at Vermont, you should be able to access your case status online and see your NOA1 date.
Others have been able to.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Added JustJanis to the filers list.
Updated my NOA1 to the correct date.
Shortened the instructions together into a paragraph and added a note about NOA1s since I was incorrect earlier.


INSTRUCTIONS: Click 'Reply' on the most recent version of this list. Make sure you are using the Rich Text Editor. Remove the QUOTE tags from the top and bottom of the list. Always use Courier New as the font with size [2].

NOA1 Date = Notice Date on your hardcopy NOA1, or date the online system claims it was received.
Last Touched = The most recent date shown when viewing your online status.

I-129F: January 2011 Applicants
UserName.............Sent.....CSC/VSC....NOA1.....Last Touched.....RFE........RFE Reply....NOA2..



Reiny and Carlos...01/05/11.....CSC....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Diana and Chris....01/10/11.....VSC....01/12/11.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Jen and Mario......01/10/11.....CSC....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Frank y Janeth.....01/11/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Mike & Allen.......01/12/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--

James and Oksana...01/15/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--

JP & Antje - Rejected. Waiting on re-file.

Edited by TwoCats, 19 January 2011 - 03:16 PM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
I apologize if my statement came off as offensive to you. It was not meant to be.
I simply used 'as far as I'm aware' as meaning I wasn't certain and I was open to being corrected if that was not the case. I had done some research before making that statement, but I acknowledge my mistake.

Moving on now...
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
@Mari & Kadir: First, you do not have to be rude about it.
If you do a search about receipt vs. notice date, you'll see plenty of people have said to use the receipt date.
I found three threads saying to use the receipt date myself searching just now.

However, I did not see that link on the timelines that DiZZyLoX posted. Thank you.
I will update my NOA1 date to the one listed as Notice Date when I get home.

I was not aware that this had changed since I first filed a few years ago.
And apparently a number of other people aren't aware as well.

Edited by TwoCats, 19 January 2011 - 11:24 AM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

The Date on the official US I-797 notice (NOA1) will say "Date of Notice" on the upper right hand corner. That's the date you're in the USCIS system. Our text message/ email messge was few days AFTER our official date on the document. See our timeline on profile.

This is wrong, as far as I'm aware.
The 'Notice Date' is just the date the notice was generated.
The 'Receipt Date' is the date that they received the application and is your priority date in the system.

Your timeline here on VJ should be based on the 'Receipt Date' (thus the little note after the date saying 'receipt').
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I'm so scared we will get our petition back right now as I abbreviated for "State or Province" in Part B, Question 15 :( If this whole process is pushed back, worst case scenario into February, our plans for our wedding are pretty much shot. Oh boy...sorry, just needed to vent. *sigh*

I really hope that's not the case for you guys.
Mostly, all you can do is wait and see.
It looks like it's taking about two weeks for them to send the packet back.

What you can do is just know what your mistake was, and be ready to fix it and turn it back around in the mail as soon as you get a hold of it.
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Welcome to E&R4ever and Dave_Yevheniya!
Think I have our full list up to date now.


2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove the "Quote Coding" at the top and bottom of the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size [2]

I-129F: January 2011 Applicants
UserName.............Sent.....CSC/VSC....NOA1.....Last Touched.....RFE........RFE Reply....NOA2..

JP & Antje.........01/03/11.....CSC....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--


Reiny and Carlos...01/05/11.....CSC....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Diana and Chris....01/10/11.....VSC....01/12/11.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Jen and Mario......01/10/11.....CSC....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Frank y Janeth.....01/11/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--
Mike & Allen.......01/12/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--

James and Oksana...01/15/11.....---....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--.....--/--/--...--/--/--

Edited by TwoCats, 19 January 2011 - 10:21 AM.

TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Most of the VSC filers were able to check their online status, mine included. I received the e-notification yesterday and was able to log in as well to the USCIS site by just entering your receipt number. You will have an actual date there, that being your NOA1 date. If CSC takes tooooo long to update the site you will have to wait for the hard copy of your NOA1.


Yeah. As far as I can tell (fiddling with case statuses and entering numbers below ours) CSC hasn't added any cases since January 4th to the online system. On the positive side, it keeps me from obsessively checking it. On the negative side, I can't obsessively check it. :whistle:
TwoCatsFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-19 09:25:00