United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (rkl57 @ Oct 31 2008, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Oct 31 2008, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've never been there myself, but I've heard that Mesa Verde National Park is really amazing's not far from Durango. Basically, hundreds of years ago (as in before Europeans started settling over here) Natives built a city...literally into a cliff. It's been abandoned for a few hundred years but you can go there and walk around in the abandoned city.

I've been to Mesa Verde! The Pueblo cliff dwellings are very cool:

The tour was excellent.

How interesting! Though I admit I imagined them being much larger. With the people in the pictures I finally have an idea of scale.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-31 14:09:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 31 2008, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seriously - we would - I said I wanted to really but Jeremy can only take five days off of work and as we are driving there and back it's a bit of a jaunt... neither of us have been to Colorado but it is somewhere we are both considering moving to so we wanted to see it firsthand!! It's going to be a lot of driving though:

* Leave Saturday (15th) in time to drop kitties off at 4.30pm and make our way to Vegas.
* Leave Vegas early and head to Grand Junction
* Head from Grand Junction to Colorado Springs via Denver
* Go from Colorado Springs back west to Montrose then south to Durango (might have the directions off as I am trying to remember!)
* Leave Durango and head to Flagstaff via Albuquerque
* Drive from Flagstaff to PS hopefully in time to pick the kitties up!!

So it is going to be... interesting! I said to Jeremy it would be nice for just an extra night so if we found somewhere we really liked then we could explore a bit more but I think he just wants to drive as much as he can and make up the time that way unsure.gif

BUT!!! I'll be able to stop off in a few hotels and have a bath EVERY night!! I also need new clothes as none of my old ones fit me anymore cray5ol.gif There is no way I am going to Colorado in November wearing a sundress laughing.gif

Wow that is a lot of driving! I would reccomend if did only one thing, do the Pike's Peak Cog Railway in Colorado Springs. It is a bit expensive, but of all the things I've done out in CO I think this attraction is well worth the price of admission. You take this alpine train up to the top of Pike's Peak and it goes through some of the most gorgeous scenery I've ever encountered. At the top there is a cafe/giftshop that sells hot cocoa and donuts and there is snow up there even in August. It's beautiful, leisurely, and very romantic good.gif

Also the drive from Grand Junction to Denver is one of the most beautiful drives I've ever been on.

I've never been there myself, but I've heard that Mesa Verde National Park is really amazing's not far from Durango. Basically, hundreds of years ago (as in before Europeans started settling over here) Natives built a city...literally into a cliff. It's been abandoned for a few hundred years but you can go there and walk around in the abandoned city.

I know that you have a very limited amount of time, but honestly if you get a chance in the future to go back there (if you don't end up moving there) take about 10 days to really savor the area. And give me advance notice and I might join you too. I might have to drag you and Jeremy along on a white water rafting trip!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-31 12:55:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 31 2008, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow - things are looking up on the job front!! Hopefully soon I will have my EAD then the complaints will start alllll over again laughing.gif

Am cleaning a day early so I can put up Hallowe'en decs biggrin.gif Carved our pumpkins last night - well I did, Jeremy picked a really fiddly design that he has to finish when he gets back from work today! Then tomorrow I just have to do the baking biggrin.gif Going to roast pumpkin seeds today as well biggrin.gif

Oh! And we're going on a road trip to Colorado in a couple of weeks' time - it's only for five nights so there is going to be some hard driving but we wanted to get the trip in before I got a job because it's unlikely I'll get any sensible amount of paid leave rolleyes.gif

Really? I'm jealous...I <3 Colorado. You should drive the extra 5 hours and go see Debz in GI.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-31 10:24:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Oct 30 2008, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh Ginger I keep meaning to say, that the guy that made the Americana here in Glendale is thinking about running for mayor of LA, or at least that's what was on the front of the LA weekly last week. I personally find the Americana pretty inhospitable. I don't know, there's just something too... gleaming about it. Like I'm not supposed to be there, lol.

LOL....yes here at GGP we aren't particular fans of the Americana.

I keep hoping they will send me out to Cali for "work" but I doubt that that will happen in the current economic enviroment.

Congrats on the interview...Nicky had one on Tuesday at #######'s Sporting Goods (though I told him if he got the job that he couldn't tell people he worked for #######), today is Whole Foods, and he has one on Monday at Macy's.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-31 10:11:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (weedebz @ Oct 28 2008, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got a job interview on Monday for a kennel and animal care assistant at a vet hospital. Put in application 2 hrs ago and they just called and said come in monday 8am for a working interview, wear old clothes. They do on the job interview as they can't tell how you interact with animals just by talking to you.

Congrats! Does the vet work with livestock/equine medicine as well, or are they a pet-only place?

I swear if I didn't live in places where I couldn't have pets I'd be like Dr. Doolittle. I'd have everything except for birds, since I think they are evil and will peck out your eyeballs at their first chance. I would really like an iguana but Nicky is dead set against such things mad.gif

QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Oct 29 2008, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, after nearly 3 hours in the dentist's chair, I have a temporary crown. Although the dentist was very gentle and I barely felt a thing, it was hardly my idea of a day well spent. And I have to go back in 2 weeks for the permanent crown. Grrrr! mad.gif

Aww man that blows! Did you at least get a lollipop?

I hold a general grudge against British dentistry in regards to how Nicky has been treated up in Northumberland.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-30 15:35:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Oct 27 2008, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My life is not only boring but also depressing. I spend most days pretending to look for jobs, but really yelling at cable news. My family have gone up to San Fran till tomorrow, it's nice to have a bit of peace, and still nice that they'll be here for a few days before they leave on thursday.

Still no job, union stuff still being a pain, lots of dead ends. I'm about to start from the beginning again, and start bothering people that have said they would look out for something for me, but I haven't heard from since. You know, I'm not sure this whole freelance thing is for me. I hate job hunting. And I think I'm getting worse at it.

Sorry for the depressing post. I really never forsaw that I'd be coming up to November, and still in this position.

Don't beat yourself up. It's just bad timing with the economic downturn. I don't think Nicky expected the same either.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-27 14:25:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (rkl57 @ Oct 27 2008, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My life has been so boring too - the highlight of my weekend was reorganizing all the cupboards in my kitchen and cleaning out my closet. However, as boring as that sounds, it feels pretty good to have finally done it.

What a coincidence...I spent last night reorganizing my cupboards. Did find my lint picker though!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-27 12:41:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (illumine @ Oct 25 2008, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Oct 24 2008, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just finished that started with the financial crisis and ended up with golden showers. Only in VJ...

Well, good for the pinay who thinks "barefoot and preggers" is just the life for her. I mean, it is America and she can do whatever she wants. I personally think it is totally insane and if I were to do the same I would feel stifled and would probably resort to drinking copious amounts of alcohol and anti-depressants to deal with life. But if she likes it...good for her. As long as someone isn't telling me I should live my life that way everyone is entitled to whatever makes them happy.

Was a great way to pass the time while my bread was in the oven!

What a cesspool VJ has turned into.

Watching people hate on another culture is fun? And more disgustingly, the actual thread was allowed for so long.

I don't think "fun" was an adjective I used here Dev. I think I spelled it out pretty clear that if staying home barefoot and pregnant was her choice was just fine...and she never once did advocate that to others.

And please don't try patronizing me again...especially here. If you want to take it elsewhere I'm more than happy to discuss this further in Off Topic.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-26 09:48:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Just finished that started with the financial crisis and ended up with golden showers. Only in VJ...

Well, good for the pinay who thinks "barefoot and preggers" is just the life for her. I mean, it is America and she can do whatever she wants. I personally think it is totally insane and if I were to do the same I would feel stifled and would probably resort to drinking copious amounts of alcohol and anti-depressants to deal with life. But if she likes it...good for her. As long as someone isn't telling me I should live my life that way everyone is entitled to whatever makes them happy.

Was a great way to pass the time while my bread was in the oven!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-25 00:12:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 24 2008, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ummm.... yeah I think that is a great idea... I mean what else do bored housewives have to do all day!? laughing.gif

I need to make "Ghost Ginger" sometime this week... just wondering where to put her biggrin.gif

As close to the booze as possible :-p
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-24 22:44:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Oct 22 2008, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all. Having been a real life catholic school girl, in a uniform designed to be as unsexy as possible I find the 'sexy catholic school girl' thing a little hilarious.

I really was excited to see my family. Now I just want them to leave my apartment alone. They keep filling the fridge to breaking point and generally driving me nuts. My parents are ultra sqeamish, they came home and I was watching True Blood, and I did not enjoy a minute of it once they were watching too. Oh man. I love'um, but god, I prefer when we have a little space, and I can watch some TV with boobs in it.

Oooo I LOVE True Blood. I have a total crush on Bill Compton. Nicky just sits quietly on the couch with his iPod while I watch the show....maybe suggest the same to your famiglia good.gif

QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Oct 22 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We had a dress code, not a uniform. No T-shirts (dressy short-sleeve shirts okay for girls only), no athletic gear during classtime, no jeans except on the weekend and definitely not on Academic Saturdays (yes, we had Academic Saturdays every other week), boys had to wear collared shirts, no ripped clothing, no hats in the classroom, no "provocative" necklines or hemlines for girls. Every Monday dinner, boys had to wear a blazer and nice trousers with a collared shirt, and girls had to wear a dress, nice shirt and skirt or a trousersuit. Yeah, it sucked.

Did you go to a boarding school? My best friend did for a while...but got kicked out after she stole the school van and drove around town looking for guys in it. Too bad they didn't have a "school corevette" to steal.

Hmmm...going over to see the new controversial thread. Should I bring up vibrators?
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-24 15:28:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Cheesy 80's Photo

Sorry that link didn't come through in my post.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-21 15:20:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Oct 21 2008, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Oct 21 2008, 04:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is a photo in there so awful Nicky can attest to me losing it completely for several minutes. There is a couple standing in front of a fireplace mantle that has a framed photo above the framed photo there is a badly done photoshop of the same couple looking down on themselves standing in front of the fireplace. I know people sometimes do that to be "ironical" but I get the feeling that that wasn't done in irony.

I've seen that one too. At first I assumed that it HAD to be a joke, no-one would do that seriously... but I think I may be wrong. wacko.gif

Oh yeah...I don't think it is a joke at all.

I'd really like to do something all 70's-ish with some of Nicky and I's have him sitting nicely in a carpeted platform with a beige marbled backdrop of the Sears Portrait studio...and have a vaporous image of my face looking down on him from the upper right hand corner. Sort of like this:

ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-21 15:13:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 20 2008, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have any of you guys ever checked out the pics in the gallery here? Sorry, but some of them are freakin' hilarious. I could spend hours perusing and laughing. laughing.gif

QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Oct 20 2008, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Julez, it is one of my vices. Actually, when tucsonchick, Poiteen and I were over at Aly's in August we spent some time perusing and being highly judgemental. It's always good for a giggle or a "no FECKING way!". tongue.gif

There is a photo in there so awful Nicky can attest to me losing it completely for several minutes. There is a couple standing in front of a fireplace mantle that has a framed photo above the framed photo there is a badly done photoshop of the same couple looking down on themselves standing in front of the fireplace. I know people sometimes do that to be "ironical" but I get the feeling that that wasn't done in irony.

Good news...Nicky has a true interview on Halloween at Whole Foods! I dearly hope that it pans out...mainly because of the discount I would vicariously get through Nicky :-p
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-21 15:05:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Oct 19 2008, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aly -- I'll be there for Hallowe'en! Just need to figure out a costume now...

Maven, you could always go as me for Halloween. Aly has a red wig and a long as you carry a bottle of booze with you at all times that should actually be the best halloween costume of me ever!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-21 15:00:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Wow it's dead around here...where did everyone go???
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-19 09:13:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (NickyMcMillan @ Oct 17 2008, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks guys! Yeah I have heard good things about whole foods. If they are as half as good as M&S were to work for, then I'd be happy. Need to get the job first though. smile.gif

Just made myself some lovely fritters with lots of crisp on the side. Who needs chip shops?! laughing.gif

How did you make fritters? I hope you didn't use my good steamer/cooker pot!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-17 16:06:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Good news...Nicky has a screening at a Whole Foods store next week. Hopefully working for M&S Simply Foods will help him get the position!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-17 12:31:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 16 2008, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll make sure to hang a sheet in a corner, draw some eyes on it and label it "Ginger" in your honour laughing.gif

Well the sheet would be roughly of the same coloring as I have...if you add a red wig it should be a spitting image of me LOL!!!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-17 11:36:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Nicky and I have been wondering what to do with his family (mom, stepdad, uncle and aunt) when they come over next September. We're thinking we might roadtrip with them to mom said she'd have a BBQ and we can show them the more "rural" side of the US...typical midwestern life.

I wish I could go to your halloween party Aly. I will be there in spirt....hahaha on the bad pun.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-16 14:57:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Laura+Tom @ Oct 14 2008, 03:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I made my Christmas cake. Got a good receipe from the BBC food site. Now I just have to douse it in brandy every week till Christmas. At that rate one slice will get you drunk.

World Market is putting out their X-mas stuff...and they had mini and full sized Walker's X-mas cakes on sale. They are a bit pricey, but Nicky got a mini one and seemed relatively impressed with it.

I personally will stick with pumpkin pie. I find x-mas cakes too rich for my taste.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-14 10:13:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Your story about Hugo tugged at my heartstrings and brought a tear to my eye. Recently I lost my family dog, Molly and the little idiosyncrisies and personalities our pets had reminded me of my old girl.

Molly was a black toy poodle, who never had her tail clipped and was viscious to every human being on earth except to my immediate family. She was typical of a small dog...often very hyper and high strung. I never saw a moment where her tail wasn't wagging so fast like that of a hummingbird's wings. In the rare moments she would sit still she would crawl into my lap and suckle on the crook of my arm...I guess regressing to a puppy like state was comforting to her.

Molly thought of herself as being a viscious beast and would growl and snarl at every neighborhood child who rode by on their bicycle or get near our fence. Taking her to get groomed was a wholely different venture. She had attacked groomers with her small razor sharp teeth, and it got to the point where we would have to take her to the vet, have her put under and have the vet's assistant groom her. We hated doing that, but being a poodle meant she had to be groomed a good 3-4 times a year minimum. Generally, we would laugh at her acting like a wolf when she was merely a pup, but we knew all the same that if anyone tried to hurt anyone in our family she would give her little life to protect us. She was just a rare animal that was 100% loyal and devoted to those she loved.

She was also a talented acrobat. Molly could raise up on her hind legs and walk and twirl around like a circus performer. Of course a potato chip...her favorite treat...would be necessary to get her to perform, but her talent was unmistakeable.

And love...she had it. A heart of gold. After I had long moved out on my own and would come home to visit she would always greet me with a thousand kisses to my face and a puddle of pee at my feet. I like to say that you know someone loves you when they wet themselves every time they see you come home. My shoes were a small price to pay for such love.

When my grandfather passed away we took in his 13 year old schnauzer named Pepper. She was old, frail and losing her hearing and eyesight. Since Molly was so devoted to us we worried about being upset about having a new dog around...but instead of possesiveness Molly became the companion and protector of Pepper. Like Anne Sullivan to Helen Keller, Molly would lead Pepper around the house and yard on their frolics. When a kid would run by our house, she would lead Pepper to the side of the yard so they could together bark and terrorize the neighbor kid. When Pepper was cold due to weight loss, Molly would cuddle up against her to keep her warm. She would take her out to smell the grass, lead her over to be pet by one of the family members, and keep her company as she slowly passed away.

After Pepper passed away Molly was never quite the same. We thought about getting another dog but Molly was starting to get old too, and we thought a puppy would be too much for her to handle. My mother noticed her tail didn't wag as fast as it used to, and she didn't relish barking at the neighbor kids running by the house anymore.

One morning a few months ago when my dad took her out of her kennel in the morning she wouldn't leave. After taking her to the doctor he prescribed an antibiotic for a minor infection...but otherwise she would be ok. So my dad gave her the medication and that night put her to sleep in her kennel. The next morning my dad went downstairs and found she had passed away in her sleep. It was unexpected, but at the same time it didn't surprise us that a broken heart had ultimately been her demise.

Molly's short life taught me much more now than I realized at the time. She helped me understand what unconditional love is. She brought light to what loyalty is. Finally, she showed me what devotion to another person or pet is.

I truly believe the world would be a better place if more people had the same qualities that Molly had shown in her life as a dog. May she rest in peace.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-13 14:30:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Oct 7 2008, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
those things look super yummy. I've had a bit of a baking addiction recently. It's great to have a proper oven again, I didn't have one for sooo long. And I gave myself a joining the union present - a kitchenaid mixer. Omg I love it. it's just a plain white one, the cheapest of all of them, the lovely coloured ones are wayy more expensive for no reason.

So far this week I've made cornbread muffins, 2 loaves of bread, banana bread, oh yeah, and I got a slow cooker and made some pulled pork. God, I need a job.

I've been doing lots of baking too...I guess the fall weather here brings it out of me.

Yesterday I made 3 dozen cupcakes...1/2 chocolate and 1/2 yellow cake, all with fudge frosting. I got a can of the Duncan Heinz cake decorating stuff but I'm not very good at it...the ones I did make look like #######. Oh well, no one gives a shiz when they taste good.

Also made a few loaves soda bread (two white, one whole wheat), a shepard's pie and likely something else for my par-tay tomorrow.

QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 9 2008, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats, Robin, on your NOA1!!

I am happy to report that the sale of my former resince will be closed today at 1:30 PM! Wooohooo!! I'll only own one house!!!!! kicking.gif

Yay...congrats on getting rid of one of the homes. Please keep the other...I think I know a lot of people who will be living in refridgerator boxes soon.

QUOTE (Gareth @ Oct 9 2008, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 9 2008, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gareth @ Oct 9 2008, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Robin! Congrats to Julez!! And have a great vacation, Charles!!

I haven't been on here for a week and I feel like I missed a lot. It has been a weird week in the Gareth's Girl Household....I interviewed for at UC Davis in their Geology Dept and got offered the job right away which was super fantastic and totally awesome. However I have now been dealing with the prats at my current job. I gave them two weeks and they got upset and wanted me to give them till November 3rd. I can deal with the comments and attitude, but the owner's son and brother-in-law are tettering pretty close to the line of sexual harrassment which everybody seems to think is ok (I guess they figure I don't count as an employee since it is my last two weeks so they can be gross and ghetto all they want). I am so done with them now and am almost ready to make today my last day....that or punch one of them in the face. Whatever....I am excited about my new position at UC Davis....I have been trying forever to get on there and now I am. Yeah!

Congrats on your new job!!! It sounds like you really need a change of scenery. I'd hate to work with/for jerks like that. Good luck getting through the next few weeks.

Thanks! I hope I don't lose my temper. They are totally morons and I don't really think understand the serious legal trouble they can get into for some of the comments and behavior they are allowing. Idiots.

If you lose your temper...what do you have to lose at this point? It's good not to burn bridges, but when it comes to someone being unappropriate towards you I think it's ok to burn that one.

Otherwise, I've just emereged from a cocoon of work. It's been insane here and I was put in charge by one of the execs to do some projects very important to the company...which is cool. Hard part is I was basically given very little instruction as to how to go about this and present it...I got some vague guidelines and have had to fill in the blanks. I really hope it comes out as she wants...the cool thing is she seems to think I can handle the job but I don't want to epically fail y'know?
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-09 16:24:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 7 2008, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh and Ginger, so obvious, but someone else suggested a Canadian classic - beer! laughing.gif

LMAO...well that will never be a problem! Though I honestly will pass on the Molson...I don't mind LaBlatt though.

Maybe I could do just a "beers of the world" theme. We have a fancy schmancy beer shop down the street and they carry beer from about every corner of the globe.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-07 15:01:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Those look delicious. I think those are going to be given a go...

Good thing I have a bunch of people coming to help me eat all this stuff.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-07 14:02:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 7 2008, 12:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Oct 7 2008, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 7 2008, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oooh Indian snack food is yummy biggrin.gif And that is a great cake - you should give it a go anyway - I mean, how hard can it be? And if it looks ####### at least you will still get to eat it biggrin.gif

LOL...but look at how perfectly coiffed Tom's hair, eyebrows and 'stache are on that cake? I would fail as a human being if I didn't get it right tongue.gif

QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 7 2008, 11:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Oct 7 2008, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's quite a crowd...the group ranges from Americans to Brits to Canadians to Indians so I wanted to have a bit of something everyone could enjoy.

Go with a "Foods from around the world" theme and pick a treat from each of the countries you are entertaining.

What would I do for Canada eh?

Poutine? Timbits? (lol - do you guys have Tim Horton's in Chi-town?) I'll check with my Canadian friends in the Canada forum & get back to you!

Haha I did think about Tim Hortons...unfortunatly Dunkin Donuts rules the city. I thought maybe doing something with Canadian Bacon...
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-07 12:59:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 7 2008, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oooh Indian snack food is yummy biggrin.gif And that is a great cake - you should give it a go anyway - I mean, how hard can it be? And if it looks ####### at least you will still get to eat it biggrin.gif

LOL...but look at how perfectly coiffed Tom's hair, eyebrows and 'stache are on that cake? I would fail as a human being if I didn't get it right tongue.gif

QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 7 2008, 11:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Oct 7 2008, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's quite a crowd...the group ranges from Americans to Brits to Canadians to Indians so I wanted to have a bit of something everyone could enjoy.

Go with a "Foods from around the world" theme and pick a treat from each of the countries you are entertaining.

What would I do for Canada eh?
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-07 11:18:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 7 2008, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Definitely not - an eclectic mix is always good!! How about deviled eggs? I am planning on making some for my hallowe'en party. Truffles could be good as well - easy to make and really yummy biggrin.gif Do you have a theme for the party? Sometimes I find that helps biggrin.gif Otherwise check out some of the things on smile.gif

Really the theme...well there isn't much of one. honestly, I wanted a party only to drink a lot and to give me an excuse to make this cake:

Yes, it is a Tom Selleck cake. However, I think if I might try to do it the cake would be an epic fail as my icing artistry skills are at the novice level. Instead I'm going to bake cupcakes and draw a 'stache on them and fill it in with brown sprinkles.

It's quite a crowd...the group ranges from Americans to Brits to Canadians to Indians so I wanted to have a bit of something everyone could enjoy.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-07 10:20:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
How's everyone's week going? I am having a party Friday night and I'm trying to think of things to serve. It was demanded that I make my awesome guacamole, and I'm making cupcakes. I was trying to think of a few other things too. At Gaelic Imports a few weeks ago I had these mini pasties that were amazing...however what do you guys think? Would it be a weird mix to have mini pasties, guacamole, and cupcakes?
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-07 09:39:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Oct 3 2008, 11:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (illumine @ Oct 3 2008, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Oct 3 2008, 12:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you guys have to help me again, I want to send the guys in the NY office a present for helping me with the letter. It needs to be something I can order and have sent to them from here. The main problem is these guys have company credit cards, and get to go to lots of nice places on business, I don't think any old bottle of wine for example would do...
So any suggestions?

A handwritten thank you note, no lie! I do it for every interview I've ever gone on & one employer admitted it was a rare treat & helped me get the job.

I might do that, it's a great idea, but i've know these guys for a good while now, and they've helped me out so much, I think it needs a little something extra.

QUOTE (rkl57 @ Oct 3 2008, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think a bottle of wine is perfect. it''s not like you can have too many of them!

Gift certificates to spas always go down a treat in this office

I get worried about sending wine, since I know almost nothing about it, and these guys like to think at least that they do. It's a minefield. And these particular dudes might not appreciate the spa treatment!!! I'll keep thinking! Though if anyone knows any specialist food websites that I could send them goodies from, that would be appreciated.

QUOTE (illumine @ Oct 3 2008, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey ladies - this is a super cool site which just launched for BC awareness month:

For every virtual flower donated, General Mills donates $1 to the Susan G. Komen foundation - up to $25K. Please support these amazing ladies & donate! Warning: You will get teary.

Save the ta-tas!

I was watching the morning news shows (light entertainment with weather info) the other day while working out, and every channel had breast cancer stories on. I was blubbering on the treadmill. Thankfully I had the place to myself laughing.gif

Maybe restaurant gift certificates?

You can never go wrong with chocolate!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-04 07:21:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Oct 3 2008, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm here! In CT and it is cold, yay! I'm wearing tights and a sweater. Well, I'm also wearing a skirt for modesty's sake, but you know what I mean.

I do like the change of season...I just hate winter with a passion. I would be totally ok with 3 seasons a year. I did some fall/winter shopping at H&M earlier this week and I'm stoked to be able to finally wear my new cardigans and tops.

QUOTE (Poiteen @ Oct 3 2008, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been (drumroll please) getting in to the union!!! I have 2 more things to do, but it looks like I'm in!! The letter from my last employer has done the trick!!

Can't wait to get my union card, and start working towards their amazing health plan. It takes about 6 months to kick in once you start working, but it's a really great plan from what I understand (I know nothing about how health insurance works).

Congrats on the union! I bet it feels good to finally be able to get work! I know Nicky has been so much happier since getting the EAD.

It's been a tough week here. My company is having some problems, all of it directly related to the issues on Wall Street. Yesterday we watched our stock plummet to under $10 a share, so everything was a bit up in the air. We got some reassuring news today though, and it looks like my job will be ok.'s scary out there.

But tonight is the American Girl Place at Water Tower grand opening gala, in which I get to work the door. It should be pretty fun!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-03 13:40:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Where did everyone go? This thread has been quiet for a while!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-03 09:55:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (*julez* @ Oct 1 2008, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MUST post your story of how when you met Nicky and set his face on fire in the following thread:


LMAO...always a good story. At the last Chicago Brit meetup I think I repeated that story about 10 times...everytime some new people would join us I was made to tell the story again LOL.

I think I'll go dig up the thread I posted it on as I'm too lazy to type it out again LOL.

Speaking of good things with Nicky...he finally got his EAD in the mail yesterday! It's like the floodgates have opened...he came down on the train with me this morning to go get his state ID, then he is going to the social security office to get his new card that doesn't say "not authorized for employment" typed on it. Then he has an appointment with Bank of America to tell them to #### off. And then he's going to apply for some jobs. biggrin.gif

Oh, and almost as great Depeche Mode is announcing their tour dates next Monday kicking.gif
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-02 09:28:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Oct 1 2008, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
once I accidentally parked in the americana instead of the galleria, and I couldn't believe that place, it was the blingiest shopping centre I've ever seen. I got out of there quick smart, and back to the galleria.

The way the properties are is very weird...Americana almost sits in GG's lap. Huge lawsuit, we lost and well the company was hardly happy about it! But yeah Mario Lopez was telling me that it is pretty cool over there...however the average Joe can't really afford to shop there.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-01 15:36:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Oct 1 2008, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Oct 1 2008, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ace in my space! The presentation I put together on one of our malls in New Mexico for the company execs was a success...apparently I put together nice visuals kicking.gif

Went and got some winter clothes for work from H&M yesterday. A new sweater and shirt to go underneath, a new button down shirt with a vest/waistcoat to go over it, a pair of skinny legged black pants, and a 60's-ish blue shirt and a black and white striped boat neck shirt.

Maven, I told my contact at Glendale Galleria you thought the place was "bitchin'" lol. He started laughing and asked if you were sure it was GG or if you meant the Americana across the street.

Congrats, ginger! And I know your visuals are nice -- I remember that sparkly blingy vision you put together just the other week.

Yep, it was the GG -- it is HUGE. I didn't have a lot of time to wander around but I can envision another trip in the near future to ascertain its continuing bitchin-ness.

My contact at Glendale is... *drumroll*

Mario Lopez LMAO!!! The poor guy's honest to god name.

Yes I do have a certain "creative" flair....especially with blingees good.gif

Attached Files

ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-01 14:47:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Ace in my space! The presentation I put together on one of our malls in New Mexico for the company execs was a success...apparently I put together nice visuals kicking.gif

Went and got some winter clothes for work from H&M yesterday. A new sweater and shirt to go underneath, a new button down shirt with a vest/waistcoat to go over it, a pair of skinny legged black pants, and a 60's-ish blue shirt and a black and white striped boat neck shirt.

Maven, I told my contact at Glendale Galleria you thought the place was "bitchin'" lol. He started laughing and asked if you were sure it was GG or if you meant the Americana across the street.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-01 11:25:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I've thought about calling my grandma and asking her how to survive a depression. I imagine she would tell me to make clothes out of flour sacks and to start making chicory coffee!
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-30 09:56:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Sep 28 2008, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
babbles -- the video for Cemetry Gates is here.

Went to World Market yesterday and made the boy happy by returning with some Bounty bars and a packet of Paxo sage and onion stuffing. Also threw down waaaay too much money at Sephora at the totally b!tchin' Glendale Galleria.

Feeling a bit blue today -- I'm off to Connecticut on Thursday for 2 weeks, but I alas will be alone. B is staying here in Burbank, and I will be running around like a maniac. I have visits to New York City, Long Island, Portland Maine, and then another NYC trip all in the space of about 12 days, plus two events to attend with some mega-captains of industry. So I have to find and wear work clothes for the first time in nearly four months (I've been in flip-flops almost every day since the end of June, god knows what heels are going to feel like), locate autumn attire and try not to feel too horrible about leaving my husband behind for nearly a fortnight.

The video was great but I was dissapointed the dog did not have a cigar in it's mouth.

Btw...thanks for the compliment! I'll tell the property manager his center is bitchin'! good.gif

QUOTE (NickyMcMillan @ Sep 29 2008, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rkl57 @ Sep 29 2008, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Was Ginger made to eat haggis?

She tried a wee bit. I think she liked it better than she let on. I know Ginger definitely enjoyed her fish n chips. biggrin.gif

Liked it better than I let on LOL? It isn't the most horrible thing I've ever ate, but I don't fancy trying it again. Growing up my dad would make us kids liverwurst sandwiches, which make my stomach turn to this day. I could definitly taste the liver in the haggis... blink.gif
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-29 13:47:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
One of the local gyms has a "try one class for free" and I'm thinking of doing it. But I am leery of those types of set-ups because I'm afraid someone will try to pressure me into a membership.
ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-26 14:47:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I like this depiction with Christ's intestines coming out of his body


Gee, and here I thought FREEDOM begins with "FREE"

But honestly, most of the bible ones are very lame! The gangsta shiz is much cooler

ginger1981FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-26 13:28:00