CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Yeah that's my new US addiction. One of my friend in Canada would like some but they are harder to obtain and 10 times the price. Blame it on hubby for bringing me to the reptile expos.

I currently have my 3 cats, 16 turtles and 4 ball pythons. :hehe:

LOL wow this thread is already 3 pages long??

Wow, i think the most pets i had at one time was 3 iguanas, a yellow rat snake, 3 rabbits, 2 dogs and my cat...LOL in a 2 1/2...ya i'm nuts :P

heeh turtles are cute..but just like my iguanas there is the messy poops and the salmonella..i never knew til i owend reptiles you could get that.

Edited by Kimbear, 09 June 2010 - 08:50 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-09 08:46:00
CanadaK1 Visa visit question.

When applying for the K1, can she file the form from the US and then come to canada for the remainder of the time until we get the NOA 2 if she can come to canada with a visitor visa?

Not if she wishes to meet the requirements for your financial sponsorship on the i-134 and i-864.

I suggest you read the guides. Filing for a fiance or spousal visa is not a simple thing to be taken lightly. aside from the basic who what when how forms, there are many other forms you need to fill out. Medicals that need to be done. trips to the consulate along with various other visa fees. the process can take anywhere from 6 months to a year or more. your U.S. citizen fiance must be able to sponsor you for your entire us life as a green card holder, until your death or you become a U.S. citizen. Now what that means is that you will never ever become a public charge / burden. you can't ask for money get welfare etc etc. she has to support you your entire time there. There is a way around this though, she can get a co sponsor who meets the minimum family income required, that will be responsible for you while your in the U.S.A. (all this info and more are in the guides section)

Now you both can go back and forth and visit each other yes. However its up to the border guards on each side to let you in. you both need proof of ties. technically Canadians and Americans do not need visitor visa's like other countries. We are just allowed to visit total for no more than 18o or 183 days total in a Calendar year. However i dont know how you would have proof of ties, (bank job school lease etc) if you are both gone that long in one shot to each others home country.And if you get refused, and end up in secondary processing at the border as i did in Montreal, you may or may not be treated liek a criminal. My fiance and I were interogated, fingerprinted and photographed on my birthday right before christmas for about 4-5 hours. It was humiliating and extremely scary. All because i had no proof of ties. I went back 2 weeks later with that info and was again refused entry, and told i'd be banned if i tried to cross the border again. I did not take that lightly and our visa process was done separately and took almost 16 months.

Edited by Kimbear, 11 June 2012 - 07:38 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-11 07:34:00
CanadaK1 Visa visit question.
perhaps if a mod could move this to canada forum it might get more replies tailored to the out of status canada student visa question, that needs to be answered before they can move on with any k1 cr1 process questions.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-07 16:37:00
CanadaK1 Visa visit question.

So like, mini vacations, stuff like that.

Well, I'm in the states now visiting my family, but will be returning on Sunday. We were planning on moving stateside on the 23rd of June, but that might not happen now. My student visa expires in 2013, but since I dropped out, I figured it was void. Or am I wrong? We currently don't have a place to move into in MTL for July, and we have 2 dogs, and because of that, we can't move in with his parents. We were going to take them with us to the US.

So do I take the dogs, move to the US (where I'm from), while he waits in MTL for immigration. Or, if my visa is still valid, find a place to live asap and wait it out together in Canada?

This might be your only way now. As soon as you dropped out of school your jeopardized your legal status in Canada. I'm not sure but youd have to check on the website about how long until you have to leave Canada now. DCF or Direct consular filing would have been an option if your status was still legal. i know technically us/ canada can be in each others country for 180 days, so possibly technically you could leave and come back and stay for a while but eventually youll have to leave again.

As much as i myself would have loved to stay in Chicago in 2008 and get married it was impossible. We tried to cross the border twice, with our two dogs, and both times i was denied entry into the usa. i had no schooling my lease expired and i was not woring thus i had no proof of ties to canada to show i'd go back home after visiting the usa. that was when i found VJ and realized just moving to usa and getting married was illegal. (never mind the las vegas wedding ppl who do it all the time. dont get me started on that rant! lol. )

Can they do DCF or is that not allowed on student visas? :unsure:

she dropped out thus her student visa is invalidated and her status has changed so i dont think this would be an option.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-07 16:27:00
we had a thread..but then i moved..and the hawks failed..and i lost interest cuz i was too busy painting lol and everyone else stopped posting..sooo yeah..:P
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-12 08:40:00
CanadaHow have you changed?
i've been in chicago for 2 years now. my accent is all sorts of messed up. little scottish french canadian girl here with a semi chicago accent...yeah..i get made fun of. you can still tell occasionally i'm from canada. i do say eh alot still, and use ** as punctuation lol. or i swear in french still :) i still say garbage zed washroom as well. the frenchie in me says dupage the wrong way or i say elgin the wrong way and get criticized for it. i actually remind myself to keep my u's in words. i can barely write in french anymore. lol Mephys made fun of me for that on her facebook.

growing up in montreal then living in windsor and hawkesbury is way diff then here. granted we have like 4 times the amount of people in chicago, but i can't say i remember every month 30 people being shot on any given day like the south side of chicago. its kinda scary. but im not near those parts or downtown. in fact i still have not seen the sites yet. i think i'm too scared of the public transport going to downtown etc. People are not as freindly either. i've become a tad bit of a hermit. if somethign happens outside David tells me to stay in and not get involved, or open the door. Luckily i have my two dogs with me still.

I've definitely become even more impatient and quicker to anger then i used to be. maybe its because everything seems so rush rush here. or its because i'm 38 now shrug.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-01 13:51:00
CanadaWhere are the Canaliens?
rofl..ok so i thought i knew google maps but forgot how to use em! Lol finally figured this darn thing out tongue.gif i feel like the noobiest geek EVAR! smile.gif
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-12-07 14:14:00
CanadaThe Walmart

I'm sorry to bring up an old-ish thread, but this had me laughing SO hard!!!
I use "the" in front of highways all the time "I take the 427 to the 401, to the 400" (Also, if you're visiting Toronto, don't ever refer to those as "four hundred twenty seven" ... it's four-twenty-seven)

But I don't think I use it in front of stores... "the walmart" just sounds weird to me, unless i'm referring to a specific one : "the walmart on st. clair" LOL.

As for "eh" ... I use it ALL the time, and I get made fun of BIGTIME for it :)

OMG SO TRUE!!! lol. the four hundred and one highway.....i'm sorry what??? LOL its just FOUR OH ONE! :) its like saying i'm going to buy a two husband was like ####### is a two four..i'm like...a case of beer..ya know..twenty four bottles??? ROFL.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-28 15:04:00
CanadaThe Walmart

I always say 'the' in front of highways, and my husband thinks it is weird. When he visited Canada the first time, we went to Toronto and I was talking about the rout we were taking. "We take THE 400 to THE 401 going east" etc.

I also say it in front of places the way you do Thea. If there is more than one. "We are going to THE Tim Hortons" "Wanna go to THE McDonalds?". I never noticed it until my husband pointed it many years ago! My family and friends in Canada say it too.

See i'm liek this took. i always say i got this at THE walmart or The whatever store it is. I do the same with highways..county roads. you take THE husband will lookit me funny too and be like..Kim..its just THE...course i jsut screw up my face at him and re say it again teh way I want to lol.
I grew up in Montreal, but my dad was born and raised in Scotland, and my Mother is from Nova Scotia with Scottish descent as well. Not sure if its from them eh?
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-28 15:01:00
CanadaNew Embassy Rules
Technically speakign those rules are for NON us citizens i believe. Since it's a AMERICAN consulate, they won't refuse entrance to American Citizens.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-28 14:55:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare

Hahaha. How ignorant.

I <3 that.."yoink" Going up on FB :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-29 14:12:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare

Quite a difference from Northern VA outside DC - the rich folks here believe they 'carry' the rest of the state in it's poor patheticness. There will be no seceding if they have any say.

This stuff makes better news than the 1995 Quebec referendum talk !

Oh jeez do not bring that up lol its why i left Quebec for Ontario! Freakign Referendums...UGH.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-29 14:09:00
CanadaFYI for those living in NY and PA
just choose you will be out of country for 5 years from todays also says living abroad is considered a trip. I just did it..technically its a good thing to have /do if there is an emergency and your Canadian Family needs to get ahold of you. I shoulda did this when imoved here. oh well hind sight is 20/20 eh?
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-29 14:59:00
CanadaNew Bridge in Windsor Ontario
There is if you live there..and I did live there.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-29 17:37:00
CanadaNew Bridge in Windsor Ontario

Seriously? Living in Windsor is not a picnic when your near abandoned houses due to the Ambassador Bridge. Sueing the guy who built it / owns it (the Ambassador Bridge) hasn't even helped the city and it was deteriorating last i saw. There is also the Tunnel to use. I dont see the point of having another crossing that will just screw that area up even more.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-29 14:54:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

QUOTE (Kimbear @ Mar 9 2010, 01:30 PM) ok i admit it..after a month of no wow....i've been reading up on cata more and more..and the worgens..and well.. lol i can feel the tug of it callign me back..but i'm trying very hard to restrain myself Posted Image EQ2 is fun and all..and the graphics are way better than eq1..but..its frustrating how there is not info anywhere like there is for wow. you got wowhead, mmo and all those sites..tons of guides etc..but for's not there.
Info for EQ2:



Official EQ2 Forums


I have a modified UI that has built in links to these sites for each quest. So when the quest pops up, I can choose which search engine to use and it loads directly to the page that has the detailed information for that quest. are a lifesaver!! lol

my shadowknight is now lvl 20! woot. dark elf of course :P soo much fun! i'm still getting use to everyting and of course with the new expansion all the aa and stats got changed.gee thanks..just when i was getting used to it LOL
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-15 17:58:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
LOL the loremaster is not that hard. i have a friend who did it took a few months..and you have time.. Beta has not even been announced yet.

I started off wow as alliance. a nelf warrior named shadowveil. then we switched servers my RL friends and we went horde. Made my undead rogue, Darkmistress, then i made a tauren druid, Kittiara now kittypaws due to realm xfer, i have a hunter named Melenith, and i had a palladin named Consuella.

However, i much prefer the alliance areas, yes i'm a true girl in that sense lol. they are so much prettier :P Although tbh..i hate hate the king..omg i wanna punch his arrogant face lol...wtb thrall faction change please :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-10 11:59:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
:blush: well we cancelled wow cuz we were physically together in february and were not playign it for the eq..well it was 2 months free..lulz. but ya..the wow itch is starting to really bug me lately :P

amg..i keep reading blue posts about mastery and stuff..and omg...gimme beta now plzkthzbai! i did beta test for wratth..was so nice and fun..
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-09 13:54:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
ok i admit it..after a month of no wow....i've been reading up on cata more and more..and the worgens..and well.. lol i can feel the tug of it callign me back..but i'm trying very hard to restrain myself :P EQ2 is fun and all..and the graphics are way better than eq1..but..its frustrating how there is not info anywhere like there is for wow. you got wowhead, mmo and all those sites..tons of guides etc..but for's not there.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-09 13:30:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

i'll take it :P i maen..if you dont want it lol. my lappy is 3 years old..and starting to die..i could def use a new one <grin>
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-05 12:11:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Anyone know anything about feral druid tanking? Lost tank in my raidgroup and need to gear up a new tank. He's got rather shoddy gear atm, but that can be fixed. My question is, what trinkets should a feral druid be rocking to tank ICC? Is stacking Stamina a bad idea? Currently, he's got some dodge and other mitigation stat trinkets and mostly agility stat gear. Just looking for any pointers as to where I should run this guy (instance wise) to get him sorted out.

kittipaws fizzcrank is my 80 tauren druid tank and b4 i quit i tanked everything from bc to icc. is fun:) however i'm not a mana sponge..i tend to go for agi over stam. although dpending on the fights in icc i switch gear.

like big magic fight ya go stam..cuz avoidance does jack. more melee use your agi gear.

bascially its stupid easy. mangle maul swipe rinse and repeat. i macro maul to every atk and have it glyphed. and i never lose agro. i get so bored i jump around and stuff though lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-04 13:17:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
ok so thanks to you guys j/k i went and check all my old guild forusm for the first time in a month. and omg drama llama came to town 3 times..just wow.

thank you for reminding me why i quit the game lulz. :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-02 13:27:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

LoL, it's not an article, it's just a comic :blush:

Well, I found out one of the pitfalls older guilds (not age). I knew most of the people for years and had pugged with them and had alts in the guild. They are all friends and that is what determines raid groups, not performance, ugh. So i'm stuck in a 2nd group. I thought I didn't really care about content, but as it turns out, I really do. :blush: So, I guess it's back to my testing out new realms.

haha been there done that :P and once ig ot into a guild to see new content i was like great! but icc is BORING lulz. i have more fun doing bg's..go figure
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-02-26 10:50:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
the minute gearscore became part of wow i think thats when my issue with the game started. just like you pointed out it's about the player not the gear. and seeing ppl say 5k plus gear score blah retarded. like my buddy who plays a fury warrior..he is always no 1 on dps..his gear score? like 4k...ppl dont get it. it's not about's about yoru reactions timing rotations and knowing ####### your doing. /end rant.

like i knew i was a better tank but they wouldn't even give me the time of day cuz i was in 232 and 245 toc gear and didn't have 60k hp....bah wasn't worth my time anymore lol..and to be honest..OMG i'm soo stress free for the most part :P

a wow break was definately in order for me. glad i did it.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-02-18 15:54:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Well not all of us are kim! Then again a lot of the people in our guild know each other outside the game, so maybe that has some effect, not sure. Plus we are very careful who we invite, no one acts like a jerk for long - because we remove them from the guild if they do (we have had a couple).

Ok this is really weird. We have a couple in our guild, her name is Kim, his name is Dave and he has character ADD - in fact it sounded like you were describing them :lol:

There was one thing that happened a couple of weeks ago that I might have predicted - but didn't. This guy who we have been in 2 guilds with over a couple of years just disappears. All this characters gone, from our guild and from the server :huh:

So I email him and say, wow, I thought you would at least have said something.

He writes back that he did email me and my Husband (we never received any email), that he has decided to quit the game completely as he has other stuff to do and he needs to just stop playing. Now, that's fine, but the weird thing is, he left without giving anyone his stuff or gold or anything - not like him at all. Basically no one believes him, which is kind of sad.

Ya i know not everyone is like that..unfortuneately you do see it alot. Finding the right guild is soemthing that takes time. There will always be one persont hat you hate or whatnot but that is what /ignore is for. :lol:

o.O i'd like to say that was us lol but it's probably not :P

i quit..but i didn't give anyting to anyone. shrug i was broke anyway after paying for david's epic mount!! man he owes me so much in game money i'm going to have to make him work it off in real life. :rofl:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-02-13 16:59:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Nintendodogs? I had to look that up :blush:

Kimbear - I see a lot of burnout from people who have been playing wow since day 1. As to your question about how things are when you move down to the u.s., no, it's not always like that. You've got to remember that you're not going to be able to work for an extended period of time. WoW is one of the best time vaccuums out there. I remember in the month before Mel's interview last March, I kept saying that we were probably going to quit wow to spend more time with each other. But as it turns out, we are broke, and wow is cheap entertainment, except when you have a wife who faction changes all her toons and every other month wants to change their names or race :lol: (Just kidding sweetheart, if you're reading this).

I was doing my realm research last night, while sitting out a raid, and my wife joins in. I don't think she thought I was serious about changing realms before. So while I'm doin my reading about each realm, she was going to each realm and seeing if her favorite names are available. :lol:She's not going to transfer any toons, probably because she has like 8 lvl 80 toons. I really am undecided about what to do. I'm leaning towards a more laidback, lower progression realm. But I'm going to have to do my homework first. I'm not going to transfer and end up joining a guild that wipes on Saurfang regular mode. That would just piss me off. One funny thing I noticed last night, most west coast realms seem to be heavily slanted alliance. Some realms were like 70-80% alliance.

Hmm ya the not workign thing is gonna drive me nuts sort of..thing is we will be with davids parents who are retiring in May so i'm pretty sure they will find stuff for me to do LOL. easier to pay 15 / month for Wow then go to a bar move restaruant etc. Ugh i'm already feeling bad about not being able to work and stuff and i haven't even moved yet!

Oh your wife has Character ADD too? :P So does David. i mean i have 4 80 chars..he has like 5 and a bunch of alts he plays as well and on diff servers too. i swear..he plays one for 2 hours..gets bored swaps to another one. same reason why we cant quest together..he gets bored of the quests and wanders off :) And if its not Wow hes playing its Eq or EQ2 or majoj game ADD and i bug him about it all the time :)

I've switched servers..umm 5 or 6 times i think? 2 of which were free xfers off my old full crappy pvp realm. Was originally on Burning Blade. along the way i did research..warcraft to see pop balances, logged on realm forums to read posts see the general attitude. even created lvl 1 alts to talk and stuff. In the end i decided on Exodar, had a guild that invited me..and said to make an lowbie hang out on vent etc. to get a feel for the place. And i loved it. xfered both my rogue and druid over and stayed 6 months, also it was a pve server..omg what a diff..i could lvl in peace and not get ganked every 2 mins!! Had to quit wow for a while due to family stuff.

Came back felt out of place cuz they had progressed so far etc. so i went back to my original realm where my RL friends / coworkers were. lo and behold..thats when and where i met David. 6 months later, we xfered off, due to realm stability issues and ppl in his RL that were being jerks, this time we went to kaelthas, a lower pop realm and truth be told we had fun, did some progression and just relaxed..until we became officers and the guild fell apart and we got blamed for i'm sorry but i'm not gonna log in 24hrs a day to deal with game stuff..i do have a by bye Kael and drama and i finally went back home to my old guild who had moved to a new realm also. this is where i currently am on Fizzcrank.

once you start server hopping becomes easier. course now i realize these are all ppl i dont know so i dont get attached as much as i used to. i learned the hard way that ppl are one way in game and another in Rl...alot of them use the anonymity to act like jerks and be very outspoken..and of coure they know it bugs me so they do it on purpose and i bite the bait every time. lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-02-12 10:45:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
so like i feel bad lol. i xfered servers to go back to my fav guild and do icc progression, and well since i've been down in chicago with David, both of us can't be bothered to even log in half the time :(

truth be told..for me its only cuz for some reason i'm not allowed to tank anything..they always want me kitty dps..and well blah..i dont like dps. i LOVE tanking on my's what i'm best at and what i love doing. i kept askign if they wanted me to change spec blah blah..they are like nah..stay tank..we may need you..umm ok but ya know..dps is gimped if all have is tank gear..regardless of spec..i'm st ill missing a few k of dps there ppl../sigh

i dunno, its' like now that i'm with david (well for this month anyway before i go back for interview etc) i would rather just snuggle up and watch some supernatural etc. lol. is this what happens when you meet on wow get engaged go through the stress and hell of a k1 visa? Feel like i'm becomming boring lol. well we take the puppies out for walks now, and cuddle with them too!

maybe i'm just bored of wow as we have been playing so many years. shrug. he gave me an eq2 trial, and well i like my dark elf shadowknight :P it's all fun and new and interesting. a real nice change from wiping for 5 hours on icc raids lol.

ah well c'est la vie eh?
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-02-10 09:56:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
we tried aion for a bit..had a guild that used to do eq rejoin to do aion..and well..the game and the server died. lol no one logs in nothing anymore. and got boring. i mean ti's all pretty and stuff but..shrug.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-01-13 16:24:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
well so far only rot down for us. although we get the first wing cleared in less than 2 hours now.

so i have a wow vent.

fiance xfered servers to join my guild. i dont mind i mean i miss doing wow stuff with him on these two chars.. now i'm not sure what the arrangement was for him to join, he came on his enhance /resto shammy. and today he logs in late due to the xfere and only gets into icc for attempts on fester.

now my issue..he seems upset that he only got in there at that poinit, and doesn't want to do 10's as his other chars on other server are dedicated to helping friends run heroics etc etc so he cant join my 10man raid on wed. and he wont raid on weekends. i paid for the server xfer and now i kinda feel crappy like he doesn't wanna play with me and only came to raid 2 days a week on a 25 when my guild has 3 10mans going each week and over 30 ppl wanting in on ICC.

so i'm kinda sitting here going ####### did he xfer :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-01-13 00:08:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

So we went in to ICC last night and got the first boss down - yes, just one :lol:

It took us quite a while, as it always does when we are learning something new - but i'm sure it will be easier next time. We tried the second boss a couple of times and decided that was enough for the night.

amg i hate you....

went in at 6:30 got out at midnight..over 30 wipes and we got him down to 8%....put it this way..last pull ..precious was up for the 3rd time..i went through 5 flasks and way too much money on repairs. my group are troopers though to have stuck with it that long.. we just had a few bad things happen like 2 big oozes etc. and by that time..i was soooo tired and my hands were cramping up...
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-01-10 16:52:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
AMG i hate hate hate the new wing of ICC....

how the hell is my bear tank suposed to live through over 65k dmg??? in one shot??? amg...wtb discipline priest with guild suxxors sometimes :P even the stupid mini trash is annoying just like gluth from naxx..two of his kids seems like. stupid decimate..

wtb inicreased ranks of nature resist and shadow resist..
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-01-08 16:55:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
QUOTE (jcg303 @ Dec 17 2009, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i just downloaded a trial version of the original world of warcraft to check it out and see what all the hype is about.

anyone have some good advice on how to start out? what to do first? where to go? which character to choose? etc.


Although a pally can be boring at the low lvls (omg they hit sooo slow) you are more durable and you can heal yourself.

Personally i'm a fan of the druid. i have 3. you can be a caster, you can be a healer, or you can be a bear /tank or kitty/rogue. either way the class is very versatile and you can do all things at the lower lvls. you get some fun tricks along the way too.

it really depends on your play stylel, and if you have patience or not. Me i hate casters, too squishy, takes too long to get a spell off and i die soo much lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-12-17 11:58:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
Whee lagtastic! Finally got in just now.UGH!

but at least i got my core hound pup..tongue.gif no way i'm playing
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-12-08 20:09:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I have decided to reroll alliance on a completely noob server..tongue.gif so refreshing to see ppl who dont know ####### they are doing or where anything is smile.gif

I had a spaz moment on vent prior to this decision, and as an officer i proceeded to give my other officers and gm ####### for not giving a damn about our guild which was falling apart. ya i did it...i caused drama..but guess what? it got some of them lazy tards off their butts.

think i scare a few ppl on vent too lol. And so ends my career in that guild. 3 80 toons, one of them the MT for the guild..and i'm done with wow..or end game anyway.

so i'm a go back to my wheee little lowbie Nelf and have fun or try and remember what fun used to be like smile.gif
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-12-08 11:13:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
QUOTE (trailmix @ Aug 24 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CBR @ Aug 12 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Couple question for anyone:
Is there a trick to ToC in that phase where the shadow of a random boss shows up? Our healer is always getting silenced and I (tank) am sure I have aggro on the shadow. Can I do anything about it?

Just saw this today. Bit odd, no one I know has had the silencing problem - yes fearing, no silencing.

Maybe the healer is standing too close?

if i recall you have to still have someone on the confessor interupting her heals as well but not attacking her as she can reflect your abilities back at you. Maybe that is what's happening? other than that the fights are generally simple.
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-08-25 08:47:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
so we did a naxx farm run for badges last night..and gothik was side had all the ghosts as well as the live adds..ya too funny we wiped twice.after dead side said we were killing stuff too fast etc..and the ghosts came back at us from them.

so..we regrouped..the entire raid stayed on live side..and we decimated evrything..LOL so many was freaking hilarious and sooo much fun smile.gif

gothik still ported to dead side..we were able to atk him through the gate..soon as he came back to live side..bada bing bada boom..dead lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-08-09 11:03:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
LOL that is exactly what happend to us..i wonder if they just decided to fix that..and now it's like a hard way having that many bombs is normal..i mean c' was streaming like 50 freaking adds....and flame ..we left one tower up..he still had twice the hps he should have and more buffs then he should have..we said screw it knocked out the last tower and just killed him like that.
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-08-05 08:44:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
so we did ulduar 25 tonight..all the bosses were bugged out lol. only managed to down flame. gotta love patch day!
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-08-04 21:29:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
QUOTE (Mephys @ Jun 30 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Missa @ Jun 30 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
holy ####### there are so many of you! i'm so glad!! the person doing the interview at the consulate won't look at me like i'm crazy now ! lol i had no idea so many people met on wow.

I'm marrying my guild master !

do you guys plan to quit wow once you're actually together and married?

Met in WoW in Dec 2004, played to be together "online'' while we were waiting for my when I moved here I didnt play for several months because we needed to set up our computers, but we still play everyday ! lol

It's also cheaper for us than going out wink.gif

much cheaper lol and safer tongue.gif no drinking and driving nada. it's the only reason i still play - to keep in touch with him and remember what brought us toghether in the first place smile.gif WoW will always have a spot in my heart.
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-06-30 17:15:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
its the time of year. my gm just left..our tops dps just left. others quit for the summer, and now we went form having 30 ppl or more online to just 3..blargh.
so david quit the guidl and joined a hardcore one that is the oldest horde he's been doing ulduar each night..and now i can't stand logging on cuz i'm tired of all the whining and crying.

oh oh oh..did you hear? will be able to switch faction horde to alliance and vice versa...might fix recruting issues and imbalance on some servers. we'll have to see.
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-06-30 12:27:00