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so my sister in law brought me ketchup chips from her trip to vancouver. :dance:

and i just finished licking out the entire bag of crumbs:blush:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-16 10:56:00
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I Know that I say sorry for everything, far too much according to my hubby. I say sorry if something goes wrong, if someone is late, If i get angry or upset, if i accidently bump someone, if i need to get around a person. However Maybe I am just a nice person. I also am the chick that lets everyone have the right away! :)

LOL my husband is gonna kill me if i apologize one more time for anything! lol :) he doesn't understand why i say i'm sorry so much :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-15 12:50:00
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haha it depends where in canada your from. some it's mm/dd/yy others it's dd/mm/yy especially in quebec where i grew up still screws with me LOL
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-10 08:42:00
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We bought a new front load washer and dryer yesterday. :) They get delivered on Sunday. No more laundromats! :dance:

They do not take Sears Canada cards at Sears US any longer. :hehe: Boo for no Sears points. lol. The funny thing is that they have a card called the "Sears Way" or something. It works the same as the Sears points so, really, you still get them. :lol:

I found that out too. it's because they are both offered by different banks, and you can get either visa or mastercard i think.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-08 14:18:00
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Welcome back Krikit! Oh thats a nice view!! I did not realize you had finally found a place, you must be so relieved!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-27 08:48:00
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oh em gee..

Sprai. you have got me drooling right now! amg those look sooo delicious..i must echo Steph about wanting the recipe lol. David keeps telling me i should try this "fluff" stuff..and i always look at him like hes crazy LOL.

now i have a reason to go buy some and check it out lol. :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-23 15:57:00
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I'm becoming such a good homemaker/housewife.

So far this summer I've frozen: yellow beans, turnips, corn, ground cherries, green beans, summer squash, zucchini, eggplant and watermelon. I've also made 2 different types of jam and sour cherry pie.

So far I've canned: homemade sauerkraut, pickled beets, salsa, pickled carrots and peaches. Today I'm canning pickles, marinated roasted red peppers and stewed tomatoes. :D

those are things that i want to start trying to do as well, however the startup costs for the bottles salt etc for pickling is a bit pricey :( and omg i would love some homeade jams and mom used to make those when i was a kid.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-18 07:51:00
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Watching after kids is a hard job. I can't see any sane person agreeing to do that for $4 an hour! Are people completely mad? When I was 12 I used to babysit my neighbors kids after school for more than that, and I was 12.

Speaking of babysitting, how do people here manage a career and babies at the same time? Here in CO you get a whole 8 weeks of maternity leave. Unpaid. How do you go back to work and leave a 2 month old baby? Who would you trust to watch a baby that young? You'd think there would be a demanding market for babysitters. I certainly wouldn't be dropping my newborn off at a daycare center.

my sentiment exactly.. thats why david and i already decided if we get pregnant, i'm staying home with the child til he/she is old enough for school. i have seen the food daycares give to kids, etc. and i want the child to learn the manners i teach him, i want to raise him, not let someone else raise my child.ya know?
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-17 09:00:00
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Thanks for the support :) So far i'm taking it slow, with emails etc back and forth. Good thing about facebook, we can share picture albums etc. Recently a few of us were talking about how we dont feel like we fit in and whatnot down here in the states, but now, i think this was the boost i needed to make me feel more at home here. :) I'll keep you posted on how things progress.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-07 10:36:00
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so it's official..i have family living in Florida, Connecticut and Vermont that i never met or knew about!!!!!

my cousin replied saying they heard lots about me from my dad, who separated from my mom when i was 6 or 7. now i saw my dad maybe a few times growing up, mom moved us around alot.

so thats the good news. the bad. my dads sister, my aunt who i manged to figure all this out from via her letter to my dad back in 1996, died june 23..just a few weeks ago. :( so now i have mixed feelings etc. I haven't even thought of what i want to do with all this new family information etc, i'm still trying to process it all. And without me even asking, my wonderful husband has already looked at how long it would take to travel to see this new family of mine..i am so happy, sad, feeling loved, feeling regret all at the same time, and yet..i can feel a bit of anticipation for my future, and the future events that may come out of all of this.

Edited by Kimbear, 06 August 2010 - 02:29 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-06 14:29:00
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Kathryn, how wonderful you found him!! I had tears in my eyes when i read how Smokey reacted and purred away to you!! That kitty sure sounds happy now, and he definately chose you as his owner. I"m glad he is ok and that you are not giving him back to that women who started all this to begin with!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-06 08:32:00
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so i finally decided to go through my box of papers from the last 10 years and organize it and file it away like it should be, and i come across and envelope from my dad, that i was given after he died back in 1999. In that envelope is a letter from an aunt i never met. born in Scotland who moved to florida and lived there back in the early 90's. The letter is dated dec 1996, and i do not know why, but i decided to do a search for her on facebook etc. To be honest, i dont even know if she knows my dad died 10 years ago, or if she is even alive still. Anyways, i found what might be her daughter, from connecticut, and i sent her a msg asking if she was related.

i also found a british passport from my father that expired in 1988 and was renewed in 1978. Now i was born in 1973. And now i'm wondering if my father was never a canadian citizen and was an immigrant his whole life, which would explain why he worked under the tables at bars etc. Also, it shows his place of birth being renton scotland instead of dumbarton, and now i find i have questions, and of course my mother cannot even give me any answers, not even about my granparents. In fact, my whole life i have kind of been wondering "who i am" so to speak.

I have no idea what prompted me to do this. i mean i had thought of doing it many many years ago but never bothered. it's not like i was close to my dad, he and my mom split up when i was 7. and all i remember of him is a very angry drunk who put my mom in the hospital on more than one occasion.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-05 13:21:00
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That should be nice and relaxing relaxing. Enjoy your weekend Marilyn.

kimbear, too bad you wont be able to work with David, but the new position for him must be nice along with the pay raise.

Indeed..however, due to the way his company works, he might not get the increase just yet, they usually only do things once a year in october which would kinda it is they "forgot" to give him his raise the last 2 years...and he's been there for 4 years now. they would have to go to the commander to get it approved for now..i'm hoping they can do this..since he just got married yada yada.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-05 10:19:00
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So this week David is being trained to replace the webmaster at his company, the guy leaves in 3 days....gave his 2weeks notice and went on vacation. How nice.....Needless to say David is stressed, he is a computer geek, most of it he can figure out etc, but procedures, policies, timelines, passwords, network access etc, is kinda hard to do in 3 days. not to mention IT took its sweet time getting all the software on his pc, and he has to have like 15 windows open!...

Now he kinda knew a little bit about this a few weeks ago, and was hoping i'd have my EAD by now so he could train me to do his old finance job. He gets a new title, new pay scale etc, which will be really nice for us. It just sucks that i wont be able to get in to his company and work with him, i kinda looked forward to it lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-04 13:40:00
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I guess my thing is that I am not a huge fan of Butter-cream frosting :dead:

there is real butter cream frosting, then there is that pure powdered icing sugar garbage that is in most store bought cakes. real butter cream is light fluffy and not too sweet. not that dries hard as rock and rot my tooth out stuff LOL :)

gotta say up in canada i did have good experiences with the costco cakes..those were yummy for the most part.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-30 17:52:00
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if anyone is in the Chicago area you do not want to go out today! they are saying it's going to be 108 with the humidity today. EEK we have had soo many days of +90 weather a/c electric bill is going to kill me when i get it LOL.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-23 08:06:00
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For those of you who don`t read the AOS forums, my AOS was approved yesterday!! Yipee! Took long enough.

Woot congrats..seriously that was what..almost 7 effing months?? jeez
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-22 10:53:00
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Yes it is! :D

I mean she was nice, and funny but she sure made me feel like I was doing all of her work and she was taking home the nice salary.

whats that saying?? hmmm what goes around comes around or whatever?? :P

Grats Nevada! I'm glad you're finally getting recognition for all the stuff you did anyway!

I agree with lgg, I'm very interested in the developments in this soap opera. (seriously, getting married to someone after 3 weeks and then complaining? ####### did she think was going to happen?)

ROFL..seriously..i could use some good entertainment :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-21 14:33:00
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Yea my boss was fired on Friday and I guess hard work pays off, I have pretty much been doing her job since I got there, all administrative tasks have been me. It's going to be a process though, they don't want to rile up other employees and I am to lay low for a bout of month and get some extra training from the CFO.

** ya.. life rules!

wait this the beatch that sat on her a$$ and did sweet fa and made you do all kinds of her work? LOL Congrats!!!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-21 11:13:00
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I found some really really good store bought bread that is hfcs free!!

it's called Aunt Millie. they had an italian style with sesame seeds on top, reminded me of that d'italiano bread i used to get in quebec. i compared it to the regular crappy bread we have and it's so much less sugar carbs etc. i really liked it.

i want to try out the english muffins to see how those are too. :)

oh and it was only .99 at meijer a loaf! :)

Edited by Kimbear, 20 July 2010 - 02:02 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-20 14:01:00
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I actually found what i call normal heinz ketchup at meijer lol. i'ts called simply heinz and is made with sugar. ahh how i miss my all dressed and ketchup chips..and ya the KD sucks down here..David doesn't call it KD he had no idea what kd was..and when i put ketchup on it..he almost barfed LOL.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-20 10:12:00
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He died a few hours ago. It was my birthday.

Awwww ((((((((((((((((krikit)))))))))))))))))))) I'm so so sorry for your loss.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-18 10:25:00
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Congrats on the new apartment Kim! I wish I had that closet space!! :)

aww ty guys..and ya know what? my husband has more clothes in that closet than i do..go figure :P

For those of you in cali with those earthquakes..i really really dunno how you all do it..i'd be freaked the heck i dont think i could live there whatsoever.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-08 08:24:00
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OMG krikit!..i would have gotten in a yelling fight with them lol. you better get compensation..or you can post here which place it was so we all know not to go there!! word of mouth does wonders for reputations i hear :lol:

i mean they have a review site or comment section? LOL
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-07 15:29:00
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It's a brand new 2010 Mazda 3 in Celestial Blue. It's the brightest most brilliant blue color I've ever seen! I actually looked for this car in this color for almost a year and couldn't find it until this weekend. We're already in love... :lol:

Huggles Ride

omg i LOVE that colour!! how awesome for you!!! LOL now i have the zoom zoom commercial stuck in my head! :lol:

Awwww... sweet post kimbear -- happy to hear that. It's nice, huh?

teehee just needs a few finishing touches with some pics etc. but here are a few i took this am of the ladies are going to love love love the bedroom closets :P


Edited by Kimbear, 07 July 2010 - 10:53 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-07 10:51:00
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I just want to say how nice it is to wake up in your first real home with just your husband and your pups, and have privacy, and be able to be yourself, and get sleep etc etc. :) I am finally feeling content and have nothing to ###### about..that is a first! lol
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-07 09:18:00
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Ohh GRATS Huggles!!!

So this weekend in the new apartment, we saw tons of fireworks from all the diff parks. However my dog lex had panic attacks, due to the noise bouncing off the buildings :( He ended up in mommy's lap a few times and on the couch hiding under a blanket. Poor thing. he does this with thunderstorms too now. And for once we had a solid week with NO RAIN..none nada zip whatsoever..omg thought i'd never see summer!! lol :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-06 08:31:00
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o.o i wanna see that video of sprai and igg!!

On a better note..David and i got the apartment and we moved yesterday! OMG im so sore and omg soo tired.

So like WTH are sicadas?? i thought i heard car alarms going off and david said welcome to chicago LOL....i do not wanna see what that bug looks like..and they had fireworks going for the 4th already..i took it in stride and said they were celebrating Canada day!

so like..can i not move for a few years? :lol: moved like 6 times in the last 1.5 more lol
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-02 14:36:00
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Happy Canada day to my fellow canucks!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-01 08:08:00
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yes lila we are and it is still costing over 100/month on tolls. we live near rockford right now and some of the tolls are 1.60..which is ridiculous if you ask me, and david works in des plaines. i'ts only70 miles at most..but with traffic..seems no one knows how to drive on a damn hiway here or merge..grr i miss ontario least they were in better condition too :(

Edited by Kimbear, 30 June 2010 - 08:49 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-30 08:49:00
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Sorry to hear that Kimbear! :(

The bank you went too, are they an FHA approved lender? I ask because we used a lending company that specializes in FHA loans and apparently they are easier to qualify for. There are some limitations to an FHA loan, but when we were house hunting we found that 95% of the sellers on the market said they would accept one. You can only put 5% down, and they want your mortgage payment to be about 30% of your gross income, among some other strange things, but it could possibly be a better option. FHA Home Loans

yes they are fha approved, in fact the letter we got says it's for an fha loan and that in order to even get 70k mortgage it would require over 4k to cover the closing costs along with downpayment etc. They said if we could come up with more down payment we'd get a bigger possible mortgage. Unfortuneately, living with his parents is not working out cheaper, with the 2hour drive to work (including wonderful chicago traffic) and the soo expensive gas, and the illinois tolls, we end up loosing money each month. For the price of that plus what we chip in for rent it would work out the same to us having and apartment in the NW subburbs. And David needs over 500$ repairs on the car from the tractor trailers tire that flew off and nailed him right before his exit on the highway :( /sigh.

I really wish i could work or do something. Right now David is contemplating picking up 2 more jobs...on top of his full time one..but As it is i never get to see him hardly.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-30 07:35:00
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Based on your advice Huggles, David contacted our bank..his credit score actually went up 5 points..and he was pre qualified for a 70k mortgage. unfortunately out here that means a forcloseure / roe far from work or a manaufactured, prefab trailer home...and well..after beign a fan of trailer park boys lol i dont know if we want that :P some of them do look nice like real homes have to pay soo much extra :( and condos are retarded, sigh..why did david have to live in greater chicagoland..:(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-29 09:31:00
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OMG ty so much i KNOW i'm normal!!! :lol: You have echoed everything i've been feeling for the last couple months. And truthfully, our k1 took so long we didn't want to wait another 6 months to save up money..wish we did in a way..

I've been so fucused on not being an inconvenience to them, that i don't focus on my marriage enough..i mean it's not like we lived together and got to know each others habits LD relationship for 2 years is quite a bit different. So this is very trying on both of us, and neither of us can be ourselves.

Awww Sh1te...David just told me the apartment wants a co -signor..they want him to make 3 times the amount of the's the only place that will take the dogs :( and his credit score is under 700 so getting a mortgage is out ...course trying to even get a house cheaper than 80 near is work is almost next to impossible too..blargh..

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-28 13:12:00
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:lol: seriously..we should start up a vj book or something :P

hopefully we'll be able to get back to "our usual selves", not being able to argue or stuff without others eavesdropping will be nice too..we can't be ourselves and we always have to watch how we act, what we say etc. i mean don't get me wrong, i'm very grateful to them for everything they have done for us. But yes..we definately need time alone with a romantic dinner etc..
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-28 10:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq with in laws since April, been two months..and they are already driving us we are moving again..probably this week. just waiting on an answer for an apartment. in the end it will cost us 150 more than living with them. i'm a bit worried as to how tight money will be david thinks we'll be fine.

at least i wont have to put up with the heat being on and the house at 75 degrees....and the deaf old people listening to tv til 1am while we have to get up at 5 am...among other annoying

i guess having a place of our own will be better than being cramped into a tiny bedroom, me david and the two dogs.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-28 09:27:00
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Grats Sam!! i'm sure that will help out lots so you guys can save up to move out of the in laws :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-27 21:13:00
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Ohhh that sounds fabulous Marilyn! That is my kind of vacation spot! lol :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-27 09:46:00
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well i don't have a wegman's or an ingle's anywhere here :( However my sister in law told me to check out Trader Joe's. I tried the gold medal flour we have here but it was kinda meh. I did a search online for flours, and found that some brands have a different gluten % in different states even though it's the same brand. Apparently some plants make it slightly different and it is not all universal. One of the ones tested was gold flour, but it was recomended overall.

Its just that some of the food here tastes not like it should and since i'm doing bupkiss atm i figured i'd make some homeade stuff and make myself feel better about being jobless, i mean there is only so much cleaning in a week i can do! lol :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-24 18:10:00
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so i go in to valley produce to get groceries, and OMG what do i find?? Real FIVE ROSES FLOUR MADE IN CANADA!!!!! /faint I was so happy i almost cried. cuz the flour here absolutely sucks ...

i tried to make eclairs for my father in laws bday and they were a flop..a complete and utter disaster..and i was so upset.. i love cooking..i have a kitchen aid mixer, kitchen aid pots and pans..i dont skimp on cookware. and i love baking cakes cookies breads. so when most of my recipes turn out like poop i get super upset. sigh only issue..the price it's like 8$ / bag..WTH!

And i really really miss crumpets..and no one has any idea what they are /cry.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-24 15:24:00
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Yeah that's my new US addiction. One of my friend in Canada would like some but they are harder to obtain and 10 times the price. Blame it on hubby for bringing me to the reptile expos.

I currently have my 3 cats, 16 turtles and 4 ball pythons. :hehe:

LOL wow this thread is already 3 pages long??

Wow, i think the most pets i had at one time was 3 iguanas, a yellow rat snake, 3 rabbits, 2 dogs and my cat...LOL in a 2 1/2...ya i'm nuts :P

heeh turtles are cute..but just like my iguanas there is the messy poops and the salmonella..i never knew til i owend reptiles you could get that.

Edited by Kimbear, 09 June 2010 - 08:50 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-09 08:46:00